mrneglesworth · 3 years
God has bigger plans and I know this path of our mental facilities is so high of importance. I see that with the vulnerability created by sharing our own stories, we open the door for another to step through and receive healing through the washing of exposing our pain instead of hiding it within us.
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mrneglesworth · 4 years
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(Change Me)-
God don’t change my circumstances, change me to handle my circumstances. 
At 32 years old I have come to accept I kinda suck at certain things. I can do the right thing most of the time, I think. If it affects someone else I am more likely to do what I should. When it comes to myself, I am less responsible. I recognize moments in my life where I have a decision to make and for whatever reason, some I know and am aware of and some I am not, I don’t  choose what will help me towards my goals, and towards being a better person. 
So this is how I see it. I like to refer to God as the Creator. It’s just what I feel most comfortable with and what makes sense to me. God can be a symbol like a bridge that you cross to go to the “good” side. Whatever makes sense in your brain is fine by me, I just see this world from a perspective where I feel most content and life makes most sense to me through the eyes of God.
In my human form, I need God and the guidance His story gives. If for nothing else than a symbol, Jesus provides all I need to get me through in life. It won't necessarily be in a way where everything is just plopped right in front of your lap, but sometimes that is just what He does. And that is just from the symbol, what He does in the story, The example He provides, that is where I draw my courage, humility, and knowledge from. I can’t look at myself and say, “Ok Chase, What should we do here?” Sometimes I can answer that question correctly, but more times than not I need the direction and foresight from another source of wisdom. And I will always look to God as I understand Him for this wisdom first. 
God may very well be a black woman or an elf or opossum, but , all I know is that  if the concept of what Jesus is and did, how Jesus is the Creator, that He humbled Himself to not just human form, but to be a servant to show true humility, to show what being Christ like is all about, It’s these things that help me through the dark moments in life that my human brain doesn’t understand. It helps me do the right thing when otherwise I wouldn’t have, and I’m perfectly content with that. 
What’s my point? I need help. I can’t do life on my own. Reliance upon the love and knowledge of God are where I draw my strength from. No darkness is too dark, no enemy too strong, no fear too paralyzing  for the power of Jesus. And this is just how it most makes sense to me. I don’t dictate the universe or mine or your thoughts and feelings. I just have to be able to go to sleep at the end of each day and my eyes are open enough to the world to need to wonder and search. Maybe someday the Creator will be revealed to us all and everything will make sense. But until then, my mind searches for the words to explain my reality and I find them within the story of Christ. #WWJD
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