ceaselxss · 2 months
✦ You choose!
I'll do a couple that I didn't get to do
@reapersxfolly Mae is an amazing writer and an amazing artist and I'm biased perhaps because I very clearly love Tseng but they've always had such a good grasp on him and its so validating to have similar thoughts and then also very thought provoking to have ones that differ Mae's writing, their pose, is always something I've admired. They write so well and in tones that suit who they're writing And their OC work is so compelling that even if they've not been on Ashe as much lately, and even if Ashe is going to have more SOLDIER focus now, she will always be canon to me
@shinrasfirst Min is integral to my Tseng; their Rufus, their Rude, their Zack all have such an influence. Min is one of the people from the very begining of his lifespan that made him stick They care so much about their characters, down to all these little details. I love their Rufus so much, and their Rude has left a lot of impact and very heavily influence how I see Rude. Chefs kiss They float around now and make me excited every time i see their url pop up in my notes
@endweapon As I've said, I love Dirge and i love anyone who loves Dirge. Count has the difficult task of writing a character who has a mainline game based around him as the antagonist but he is only actually in the mobile game as himself. And yet with some of the most limited and conflicting information a character can have, they've got one of the most complex muses that I follow here. Their mastery over Weiss is a subconscious reason I don't write mine much anymore; I'm so satisfied with seeing theirs around that i dont feel much of a need (and i mean this entirely positively, its a weird thing to phrase)
@speedchasing Moogle comes and goes but every time I see them come back I get so excited. I love their Roche so much. He is so alive; they've taken a new edition who's biggest point is comic relief and they've written so much brilliance into him. I care so much for their flashy bastard. No matter how canon might treat Roche, Moogle's is more real and more canon to me
@ivory-paragon James is brilliant. I most admire their Ru from a distance but I love him; he's so detailed and complex. Their writing is really wonderful and you have to respect such a long commitment to a character
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exturk · 1 month
WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? | accepting
@endweapon asked: " what do you mean ? " (hi!)
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Arms   folded   over   her   chest   and   head   canted   to   the   side.       "What   do   I   mean?   Hmmm    .....            don't   think   I   need   to   elaborate   further."        she   didn't   trust   this   man,           especially   with   his   prying   questions.        
"If   you're   so   curious    ...   search   for   answers   yourself.
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lunaetis · 19 days
@endweapon asked :
[ trace ] sender traces one of receiver’s scars ( eden's stellaron scar y/n )
nonverbal  meme  prompts. || accepting
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─「エデン」─  EDEN hated the feeling of being exposed. the feeling of vulnerability, of being forced to reveal a part of her she would fight tooth and nail to keep hidden from sight. the trailblazer used to be quite open about herself, about what she was, about the truth behind her existence. she held no shame or need to keep a secret, however, things changed as time passed. as the JOURNEY went on, the more she knew, the less she shared.
                perhaps, the STELLARON had taken such a liking to the living weapon stood before her, as eden found her memory fragmented whenever he was presented. the cancer of all worlds pushed her consciousness aside, took over the body that was created to be its vessel and commanded it as if it was theirs. it's old, the seed of destruction, it's always so loud when he was here.
                this time was no different. it should've been no different if it weren't for a part of her being exposed against her will.
                eden saw everything even when her body wasn't under her influence, she witnessed everything through her locked up mind only to forget the moment she regained control. the AWARENESS never lasted longer than a few seconds. it was like waking up from a dream, however, this time, it wasn't the same. was it a fight ? she knew the stellaron was provoking him. the pain of the wounds and injuries was familiar.
                until she could feel it, the way the BLADE cut through her clothes, and her breath caught in her lungs, golden hues WIDENED and she screamed — her. not the stellaron. not the cancer of all worlds. not the corrupted self. her. eden. golden hues were blown wide, pupils dilated.
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                " NO — " but it was too late. the attack landed and her skin was exposed. there it was, the proof of her existence. the LARGE SCAR that stretched from the middle of her chest throbbed wildly. the gold swirling and curling at the tearing marred her what was once flawless skin. this ... was her. this was what she was, what she was created for. everything that was the trailblazer was reduced to this very mark.
                the cold steel didn't harm her skin, yet, being exposed like this rendered eden completely silent, and the hold of the STELLARON slipped away. light returned to those aureate orbs, and instead of the sharp tip of the blade, she felt the gloved clad digits tracing along what looked like a crack in space and time, filled to the brim with liquid gold. life ? weapon ? both ?
                it pulsed, silently, lethally. her head throbbed, once, twice, and there was a ringing. it echoed dully within the mind of the TRAILBLAZER, pupils quivering uncontrollably, and ...
                ... a single tear slipped from her eye. exposed. vulnerable. empty. empty. empty.
                don't look at it. don't look at me.
                don't look at me ... or else you'd realize i'm nothing but a pawn.
                a living weapon. that's all i am.
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gcldfanged · 1 month
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♫ One of these things is NOT like the others~ ♫
"Tseng, you're going to break something..."
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nazorneku · 4 months
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WEISS ( @endweapon ) INQUIRED OF VINCENT: The situation is tense and weapons are pointed; the party looks into the muzzle of the gun the mysterious man from the coffin keeps primed at them. Only Weiss' gaze is drawn to elsewhere, metallic blues with their hazel touch rest on the lid of the coffin on the ground. The three-headed hound of hell adorning it stood out, perhaps a warning they should've heeded before disrupting this stranger's 'slumber'. In spite of the threat, Weiss steps forward with no weapon drawn, shifting a sharpened set of eyes on their armed new friend (enemy?). "You had us think they buried a man alive, so being the bleeding hearts they are, they checked up on you. That's all. You're not who we're here for. There's bigger nightmares around than the one you were having."
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Forcibly awakened anew, he found self surrounded by unfamiliar people, an inspecting gaze still slightly veiled with somnolence trailed over intruders dressed casually, which indicated at apparent lack of allegiance to ShinRa; the first conclusion of outlaws or scavengers nudged itself logically and instantaneously the gloved hand pointed a gun at the others. As an ex-Turk, Vincent was proficient at interpreting other people expressions, especially displayed so vividly, and the apprehension and wariness were etched into the countenance of almost every one of them, save for one man, who opted to step forward and initiate a conversation. The mixture of thoughts and emotions was comprehensible, as a man slumbering in a coffin was not frequent to stumble upon, and the secret he harbored 'bout own identity would alienate him even further.
The gunman would disregard the attempt to coerce him to socialize, if not for just one word that tightly gripped his mind upon escaping the other man's mouth. Nightmares. For the majority the concept of immortality was beyond their grasp; to be frank, he did not revel in own state, deeming it as a curse and retribution for past sins. When the silver-haired extended a gesture of mediation, those words of consolation hit the impenetrable wall of solid indifference. "What do you know 'bout my nightmares?" Albeit curt was his response, there was no inherent enmity towards the other, but immense distaste towards self for various reasons and any empathy tended to be disregarded. ‘We all should pay for our sins.’
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The uneasiness between the two was almost palpable, yet the man clad in crimson did not concern self with such triviality, as their conversation compelled to reminisce 'bout days and weeks cloaked in fog with fleeting frames of abrupt and vague memories; nevertheless, one fact remained distinct and comprehensible, spoken with a cold tone, leaking apparent disdain towards the man that once inhabited it. "This mansion was abandoned for many years, you will find no one here." To the exclusion of ghosts of the past, which haunted not the empty and dilapidated building, but the mind of the only living being that still dwelled within. Although could that man still be alive? He once died amidst those halls.
And the circumstances of his survival endangered those around, if it would come to pass for Chaos to quell his will and claim the reins, bringing forth the ultimate destruction of the very life itself. Carmine eyes narrowed at the thought and a scarcely audible exhalation escaped through slightly parted lips, the clawed hand entered the field of his vision, observed by an absorbed and distant glance, the presence of another entity within the gunman would not be disclosed to anyone and events of the past would remain within the walls of that old manor, as knowledge of that 'weapon' would bring only destruction and death, in despite of overwhelming potency the beast possessed. There was no guarantee it would aid once let off the leash...
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sepheroth · 9 months
🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s) 💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point 💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person ✨ ― i love the way you write 🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar (late)
𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑺𝒀𝑴𝑩𝑶𝑳𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺. Somehow it never fails to surprise me how much many folks are liking what they see on my end. I think some of the things I don't expect or ever see coming the most is people liking my headcanons and admiring me. I'm very thankful nonetheless, don't get me wrong. I'll admit that it excites me too. It's a lil unexpected because I pree much assumed this whole time you were a blog at a higher tier than me. so in other words, i'm grateful. omg. thank you so much.(◕‿◕)♡
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meteodrives · 9 months
a day so clear & bright was meant to be peaceful. the air was fresh  ( ... compared to what she had grown accompanied to in midgar )  & she felt refreshed from the day prior. there was no predispositional cause for her sour mood. yet, among groups, conflict was always something to be anticipated & prepared for. it came about regardless of how close they were. words of a plan that didn't sit well with her graced her ears. they didn't intend to upset her, nor did she expect them to walk on eggshells around her feelings. the unpleasantness lingered, pitting in her stomach. in times like these, she missed the sanctuary to be found in seventh heaven. walking away, with the excuse of needing to prepare for the later bar crowd, had never been seen as an issue before. it kept the stillness between their differing opinions in calm waters. there was no doing so now, stuck to bear the weight of a dim anger that stemmed from disagreement. she had long since tuned out, attention fixated on the space beyond. it was only when the certainty of a conversation's end neared that the decision was made to escape. time alone would do some semblance of good. her feet positioned themselves to take off, body turned away with ease. 
   𝚆𝙴𝙸𝚂𝚂   :      (  grab ,   sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving .  )
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          his grip was strong, but not enough to hurt her. it held a gentle urgency that could have froze time. her wrist was of no concern to her, eyes flitting from it to meet his. weiss had been standing beside her, a fair distance left between them. he seemed to be about as interested in what was being said as she was. that was even more alarming than whatever turmoil stirred in her head & heart alike. all bitterness & dejection dispelled, now faced with the task of ensuring he was alright.   ❛  huh ?  ❜   a slip of the tongue, questioning his actions with a look that matched.   ❛  weiss ,  what’s with you ?  are you feeling okay ?  ❜ 
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*      ◞      @endweapon            |​            prompted !
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sevnthhart-a · 1 year
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there was a ringing in her ear — something that prevented her from fully hearing anything that might've been said. was his mouth moving?  ...  was he even moving? her stomach dropped at the very thought, but she wasn't nearly close enough to verify. footsteps brought her dangerously close.   ❛  uh  ...  ❜   her voice was strained & sounded smaller than she'd like.
           ❛  are you  ...  alright ?  ❜   perhaps not, but it was more of a question to see if he was alive.             /   ➵   @endweapon ♡'d !
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ceaselxss · 1 month
@endweapon replied to your post “"The Tsviets are out for my blood again because...”:
The Turks are putting their disgusting fingers on others again and think they get off scrot-free. Typical
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"Oh don't worry, I wouldn't touch any of you without my gloves."
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strfe · 11 months
[ blue lagoon ]  how do they typically react when faced with something they fear?[ sidecar ]  what type of person are they most likely drawn to?[ negroni ]  what is one piece of advice they would give others?
gently holds these questions at u with a gun (as weiss would do)
🐝 cocktail quiz / @endweapon
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[ blue lagoon ]  how do they typically react when faced with something they fear?
although he'd like to be able to say well, his fears are so closely tied to traumatic events in his life that he more often than not freezes up and finds himself unable to think or act. on the flip side, dependent on what sort of fear he's confronted with, cloud has an equally unhelpful ( or helpful, dependent on the scenario ) knee-jerk reaction to lash out & attack the source. for example: if he was to find himself in a situation where, for whatever reason, he knew he was going to be posessed / made to enact actions that weren't his own, he would freeze up and for a moment become hollow, trembling and sick but unable to find the right words or actions to rationally help the situation. if sephiroth was in front of him, he would also freeze up, but this time enact violence shortly thereafter. there isn't a whole lot that scares him outside of deeply psychological things after all that he's witnessed. the prospect of hurting those he cares about, becoming what he hates most, losing himself in some way (again) or being a failure are all some of the worst fears he still wrestles with in some way. lesser triggers shake his nerves and just elicit the natural human response to anxiety and stress; agitation, trembling, sweating, etc.
[ sidecar ]  what type of person are they most likely drawn to?
another kind of person cloud finds himself gravitating towards are those who are genuinely kind. although they might not all be as fond of him, reserved and blunt as he is, those with a good heart can often recognize that he himself has a good one when it counts. it might sound obvious, but he's often sceptical of others & expects the worst of them. at the very least, he tries to be, to keep a semblance of distance. usually if somebody is truly good-natured, regardless of their demeanour, it's something he can just tell. maybe some part of him craves the attention he was so often denied in his youth and he wasn't certain how to ask for as time passed, and these people provide a warmth he's almost envious or guilty to witness. he kicks himself for saying or doing things that might come across as shitty, for lack of a better term, to these people, and tries to make it up to them in small ways of his own.
[ negroni ]  what is one piece of advice they would give others?
don't peek in keyholes at the honeybee inn.
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serpentide · 1 year
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﹙ -`♡´-   ﹚   › @endweapon has bought a ticket for the circus :
❛ i'm just a smidge immortal. ❜
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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀Ï𝐕𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 [ ... ] she had believed in the good hearts and good intentions of all those who had approached her with open arms and jovial façades but not yet had she learnt her lesson from past mistakes. he speaks of immortality as if he was merely commenting on how thunderous and unpleasant the weather had been in the past few days: she is a moth to the flame, lured in by the promise of warmth and pushed forward by the desire to know how it feels, to turn into dust. head cants to one side in pensive demeanor, a single hand raises for no other purpose than to settle her otherwise fleeting gaze onto the minuscule snake tightly coiled around her middle finger ( she does not wish to be seen by him, she does not wish to give him any further influence 'pon her capricious whims ) .
and thus, the ophidian jester nonchalantly saunters closer to him, as if this would be enough to materially and substantially prove either the falsity or the truth inlaid in his words ; her gaze is sharp and biting in its uncanny colors, monochrome hues rimmed by ichorous red almost attempt at peeling each external layer off in pursuance of catching a glimpse of what has been deftly hidden beneath. there is a mischievous simper 'pon cherry - kissed tiers now, but it is a beauteous expressionism barren of warmth ▬▬ she is the snake that approaches a delectable prey, not the maiden who dreams of happy endings with chivalrous knights. ❝ i heard countless people claim the same right before they withered and wilted right before my eyes, their body eaten by the venom of my snakes. ❞ such was the fate that awaited all those who foolishly believed to have subdued the beast within. ❝ so why would you be any different from them ? are you truly special ? ❞
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strykingshot · 29 days
"If you hold back, you'll die." It's not a threat or warning- a promise, rather. Weiss had seen countless experiments in his life struggle between their remaining humanity and the one taken from them, and as it was here, the indecisive didn't last. Most who failed still roamed the tunnels as spirits, unable to rest. Damned to suffer, even after escaping from Shinra to the other side. "Your comrades might be your enemies tomorrow. That's the kind of place this is. But sometimes, killing them is the only way to ensure others live. You better keep that in mind if you plan on surviving."
Kat spat out a mouthful of blood, wincing as one of her torn wings began to reform while the various cuts and broken bones slowly began to mend and scar. By the time she stood up her feathers were beginning to regrow and cover her scarred skin.
"I know! I just," she let out a frustrated sigh, gripping her hair and tugging out a few feathers that intermingled with her hair. "I just can't turn off my emotions. Everywhere I look I just see people whose lives have been fucked because assholes in power want loyal minions that'll jump at the snap of a finger. How am I supposed to cut down someone that probably isn't even in control of themselves?"
Even after the years of painful experiments and torture under Hojo's "care", the only time she attacked to kill was when she went berserk. Even when training she still hesitates even though she knows someone like Weiss could brush off her abilities that would cut a regular human to ribbons.
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azure-steel · 1 month
"Welcome back, Cloud. How was your outing with the girls?" There the silverheaded SOLDIER is, leaning over the railing of the hotel's balcony. Seeing the blonde get dragged off by either Aerith or Tifa- and this time even both at once- turned out to be a frequent event on these travels. Normally he'd join Barret's side of keeping the distractions to a minimum but... how could he say no to a sight this amusing when both made off with their pack chocobo in Costa Del Sol? Weiss made no attempt to hide the crooked grin on his face. "I'm starting to think I get what they see in you..." Something like 'feeling sorry for a small animal you accidentally kicked but the reaction is so amusing you cannot help yourself laughing over how oblivious it is to what just happened'...? Yeah. That checked out. (avalanche au bc i thought it'd be funny)
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Unprompted Asks - ALWAYS ACCEPTING @endweapon
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Were it not humiliating enough to come to terms that he was off little to no use to anyone other than a bag carrier, but to have it pointed out to him by the one member he liked the least was just the cherry on this proverbial part-baked cake. Weiss, it would seem, took great pleasure in compounding problems as opposed to solving them.
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Cloud does little more in that moment than throw an aggravated glare towards the man glowering down at him from his high tower. And with each finger occupied by a bag full of stuff he didn't even buy he couldn't deny the accusation, the kind of which felt like a hard slug in the gut. Occasions like this were getting a touch too frequent for his liking, but far be it from him to have the ability to refuse either of them. Man... he must look pathetic from all the way up there on the balcony. Were the boot on the other foot, Cloud would probably laugh at himself too.
He just... wanted to feel useful, though in this instance, considering neither Aerith nor Tifa had really given him the time of day at all - unless it was to drop off another load from their shopping spree - it was kind of hard not to believe that he'd been taken advantage of this time.
A moment of sullen reflection then, a bitterness towards his friends sweeping over his good sense that he would very quickly shake off, before waddling towards the broken patioed flat of the Seaside Inn and unceremoniously dropping the bags in a heap right there. If the girls thought he was traipsing all that lot up to their rooms after today, then they had another thing coming...
Hands on hips, Cloud peers back up at Weiss still gloating over Cloud's own - albeit selfsustained - wounded pride and the brief notion of hurling insults right back at him did cross his mind. Though for the lecture he would receive after for abusing a fellow member of this ragtag group hardly seemed worth it right now. Being yelled at for attempting to defend himself (or at least in the sense that he perceived said outbursts) was getting rather tedious.
Maybe now was a good time as any to actually start building some bridges instead of burning them.
"You know, if you wanna show me up some more, there's a shooting gallery down on the front if you fancy your chances, yeah?" Maybe a lame attempt at poking fun at himself but at least he tried right?
"I heard your skills with firearms far surpasses mine."
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gcldfanged · 1 month
"Turks are usually the second-fastest to die down here." Said in a lackadaisical tone, but a fact. The first? Researchers who didn't take enough precautions. Many of the prisoners and experiments here wouldn't lay down their grudges against those responsible for their misery that easily. "You won't find many others here. But who knows? Maybe you'll recognize some former friends that survived." Whether they'd still be human or twisted into monstrosities in mind or body- that was another question entirely.
"You were right. The sooner I forget who I was before, the better," he admits, having managed to survive by the skin of his teeth. It was like being a teenager all over again, being at the absolute bottom of the proverbial food chain. Having to watch his back at all times, barely getting any sleep, solely living in the moment.
Just another little feeder fish amidst a tank filled with sharks.
His rifle is a comforting presence, he'd always been good with them. The familiar shapes smooth beneath his palm and fingers, maybe it wasn't that great of a weapon in comparison to others but it had gotten him this far. He barely slept at all and when he did, he was plagued with strange visions.
"Have any of the prisoners tried teaming up against the Restrictors?"
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nazorneku · 3 months
*shoots at* "Bullet for my Valentine is what they say today, isn't it? Hahahaha!"
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Another year was welcomed with an exhausted sigh from the gunman, when that particular date on the calendar approached, compelling people to scurry around on their search for the ultimate gifts. Ironically, the person in possession of similar to the holiday name was bereft of any appropriate inclination and opted to both disregard the commotion and withdraw further from the attention of the others, lest someone anew would furnish self with an idea to pester him with that nonsense as it chanced prior.
And yet, despite his valiant attempts to distance self and disappear, there was one specific individual, fixated on seeking him out, as if his back was marked by an invisible target, drawing the leader of the Tsviets in. The other's approach set Vincent in a state of alert, accustomed to Weiss' pattern of conduct after numerous months of collaboration, hence he anticipated the attack, which was accompanied by a cacophonous laughter. Almost effortlessly with trained ease the man clad in crimson dodged the bullet so audaciously fired at him, with a precise and swift motion glowed hand slid down and released Cerberus, a unique triple-barreled and triple-cylindered revolver, from the confinements of the holster. No hesitation and no reprieve was afforded to the other man, when three bullets were sent towards the other man in response to his one.
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Judged asinine, the remark begat no reaction from the raven-haired, yet if the other appeared so eager to receive the bullet from Valentine later in one month, he would gladly oblige and spare the tumultuous waiting to shoot the man at that very instant.
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sepheroth · 4 months
“So, what are your resolutions?” (happy new year!!)
new year’s / new year’s eve starters
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"Erm..." Sephiroth pondered the question before he really answered him. The fellow silverette made a small face. Not one that was intentionally supposed to be funny. He turned from his glass in hand in which he'd been swirling the wine around in. He's careful to not spill it. A slight thoughtful frown had become a lopsided smirk. He didn't really believe in this whole....'New year, New me' nonsense. It was cute if you were someone like Zack and you believed in it, and then he wouldn't squash the belief for someone else due to his own personal beliefs. Coming around to the thought as soon as it entered his head he laughed and shook his head but he remained neutral with Weiss. He didn't understand why people followed such frivolous trends, which is why he felt flippant he tried not to squint at his own mental image so swallowing back his further urge to laugh and he'd manage. He manged to loll his head toward him, kept a firm hold over the neck of his wine glass. "I never manage to keep up my end of it. If I ever start."
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