#aaahh im sorry this is late!
strykingshot · 2 months
"If you hold back, you'll die." It's not a threat or warning- a promise, rather. Weiss had seen countless experiments in his life struggle between their remaining humanity and the one taken from them, and as it was here, the indecisive didn't last. Most who failed still roamed the tunnels as spirits, unable to rest. Damned to suffer, even after escaping from Shinra to the other side. "Your comrades might be your enemies tomorrow. That's the kind of place this is. But sometimes, killing them is the only way to ensure others live. You better keep that in mind if you plan on surviving."
Kat spat out a mouthful of blood, wincing as one of her torn wings began to reform while the various cuts and broken bones slowly began to mend and scar. By the time she stood up her feathers were beginning to regrow and cover her scarred skin.
"I know! I just," she let out a frustrated sigh, gripping her hair and tugging out a few feathers that intermingled with her hair. "I just can't turn off my emotions. Everywhere I look I just see people whose lives have been fucked because assholes in power want loyal minions that'll jump at the snap of a finger. How am I supposed to cut down someone that probably isn't even in control of themselves?"
Even after the years of painful experiments and torture under Hojo's "care", the only time she attacked to kill was when she went berserk. Even when training she still hesitates even though she knows someone like Weiss could brush off her abilities that would cut a regular human to ribbons.
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wrylu · 1 month
smooches my citeazens on the forehead, this is how i see you all by the way
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tiny createaure
actual proper sketches below the cut
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tooru-avispa007 · 2 months
GUYS. ITS ALMOST 5 A.M. I HAVE 6% BATTERY ON MY PHONE, (i dont even know if im writing english well) AND I JUST FOUND THIS ON PINTEREST
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veliamore · 1 year
Teru meeting his s/o parents but s/o’s dad is overprotective. (But he eventually ends up liking Teru) drink water and take your time! :D💛
i love Teru prompts sm
meeting your parents
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; teru :
you and Teru had been dating for 3 months now , you've met Kou and Tiara , even his dad ; but oddly , when Teru started to talk about meeting your parents , you always tried to change subject , why ? It was time to ask that.
You were at the Minamotos house , it was late , so Kou and Tiara were already in bed ; you two on the couch , cuddling , Teru on top of you , head on your chest " [ name ] , why is that when i ask you about your parents , you always change subject , don't you trust me ? " you knew that Teru would ask that , sooner or later , though you were embarrassed to tell him the reason " its not that i don't trust you .. i don't really trust my father you know .. " " is he a bad person ? " he asked raising his head to look at you " no no , he's not ! He's just a little .. overprotective ... ? But if you really want to meet them , then i can't stop you " your boyfriend smiled and laid his head on you again " then the next week we'll pay a visit ! "
The week arrived and , not gonna lie , you were scared about what your dad could say to Teru ; he had never been really friendly to all the male people you brought at home , friends or boyfriends it didn't mattered. The door bell ringed , that meant that Teru was here ; you went to open the door , finding your boyfriend well dressed in front of you. " Can i come in ? " he asked " mhm !! My parents are in the living room , before starting to eat , they want to talk to you " you two headed towards the living room , finding your parents seated on the couch waiting for you. Your mother noticed you two first and began to scream with sparkles in her eyes " aaahh !! [ name ] is he really your boyfriend !!?? He really is handsome like you said ; you're lucky [ name ] , men like this are rare to find !! " while you were all red , Teru said " sorry to contradict you miss , but im the one who's lucky to have found your daughter / son " he said with one of his charming smiles " i see you have your ways with words huh " your father talked " ignore that man , he's always like this with new people , anyways nice to meet you Teru , my name is [ mother name ] and he is [ father name ] , we are happy to have you in our family ! " " we ? I never said anything about this .. " it would be a looong day with your father talking like that.
The lunch went really well overall , expect for your father remarks , though Teru was really good at not dropping his smile in front of him. Instead you were really exhausted of your father behaviour ; you know he loves you and he wants to protect you , but your not a child anymore !! That's why you suddenly had enough and complained to him " I don't care if you can keep your smile in front of me for this long , you will never be enough for my child , and this is my final answer. " you got up , frustrated " why do you always have to do this with everyone !? Why can't i choose the boy i want to be with , im not a kid anymore and you have to learn it dad , i don't care anymore about what you think , just stop insulting my boyfriend to scare him away !! " everyone was shocked , especially your dad ; you felt you were starting to cry , so you went to your room and closed the door " look at what have you done [ father name ] ! " your mother said while following you ; there was this embarrassing silence between Teru and your father , Teru tried to talk but your father did first " I guess they are right , they are not a kid anymore. Im sorry for treating you this was Teru , you are a really good guy ; i guess i just wanted to be the only male person who my girl / boy could count on a little more ; im thankful to welcome you in our family , Teru Minamoto. " he smiled at your father and bowed down , thanking him.
When you and your mother returned , your father apologized and told everything he told Teru before ; you were really happy to know that Teru could be finally a part of your family , with both the consent of your mother and father.
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scintillyyy · 29 days
omg it wouldn't let me reply to you under the poll but i wanted to say aaahh yes that moment is adorable so im still glad i copped out by picking tuna sandwhich LMAO but bruce being his paranoid self in batman 468 is so special to me and i wanted to shout-out that one. because it's SUCH a bruce thing to do when he's worried about someone he cares for. not telling them the truth and covering with a different concern. is it deeply unhealthy? certainly, but its like… one of the ways he shows love. i want to study him under a microscope. i miss early 90s bruce so much. (and i love that tim immediately goes "yeah thats bogus" and is not easily fooled even by his heroes lol. i love their dynamic to bits.)
ahhh, i always do forget i like to leave replies on somewhat restricted. but yea!! the laundry & tuna fish sandwich happen around the same time period where alfred has left bruce because he's done with bruce's shit & bruce is trying and failing to run a household by himself. and tim is trying in all his 14 year old glory to help him with the chores that dick had recently taught him how to do <3 and they #fail together. it's very precious, but also. it would sweep the poll.
listen king snake is legit leaving bruce dead bodies dressed up in replicas of tim's robin costume!! anyone would be concerned. but bruce knows tim & knows that if he told tim that king snake is after tim, tim would insist on helping. and he's definitely not wrong, lmao. so being stern about tim's grades it is, though! (but tim also knows bruce so he knows bruce is lying to his face ♡)
and late 80s/early 90s bruce come back to me...my dysfunctional but caring drama king...one of my favorite appearances of his being in batman #475 when vicki vale decides she can't be with bruce anymore because he's a pansy & starts dating/falls in love with her super handsome new work partner who is an absolute stud instead. bruce is only...a little distraught about this turn of events.
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(vicki my beloved...only woman to realize her worth & move onto greener pastures than stick around with bruce....i'm sorry those reborn writers/morrison my beloathed did that to u sweetie...)
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cloudy-zephyr · 2 years
Hi hi! I was wondering if I could please request a Caregiver! Kirishima with a Little! Reader and the reader is having a bit of a rough day? If not, that‘s completely fine!
Have an amazing day!! <3
Aah yes of course!!! Thank you so much for the request aaahh it makes me so happy that everyone is enjoying my work!!! I hope you enjoy :D
Have the loveliest of days yourself rosy!!! <3
Pro hero! Caregiver! Kiri + little! Reader (gender neutral) a little self indulgent with the job I gave reader haha,, customer service is no joke guys 😭 it's hard out here
Possible cws: harassment, slight panic attack, usage of papa for kirishima
It hasn't been, the best day. You woke up late and were late for work, and everything has been just annoying you. Finally, you get a break and get to text Kirishima.
Red riot !!!: hey cutie!!! Wanna have a movie night?
Pumpkin 🍼: yes!! I'll let you know when I'm done :)
You smile down at your phone, only an hour left.
"Well at least things can't get worse," (spoiler, they can and will if you jinx yourself,, like that)
As if the gods themselves heard that and decided to make it a challenge for you, there's a customer at the counter who seems to already have an attitude.
"Hi how can I help you?" You smile politely, but it fades when the customer starts yelling at you.
Your breathing picks up, and you look to your coworkers for help. Eventually your manager comes up and deals with them, but you're still shaken and you're allowed to go home early. As you grab your things to leave, still crying from the encounter you pull out your phone.
Pumpkin 🍼: im heading home
Red riot!!!: early? Is everything okay?
Pumpkin 🍼: someonenwas mean 2 me
You wipe your eyes and leave through the back door, feeling a fuzzy sensation grow on you.
Red riot!!!: aww,, im sorry baby :(( need me to pick you up?
Pumpkin: yes please papa :( wanna go home
Red riot!!!!: okay, little one papas on his way
Feeling incredibly little, you know its not best to walk home or use public transport in this state. About 5 minutes or so, Kiri pulls up in his car and gets out.
You run up to him and he gives you the biggest hug, "aww let's go home kiddo."
You nod and get buckled in his car and he takes you back home to your shared apartment. As soon as you're inside he carries you to your room and helps you change.
"What jammies do you want, love? We have polar bears or puppies??" he smiles and holds up two pajama sets for you to choose from.
After choosing, he helps you dress and get comfy in the bed.
"Papa?" you ask shyly, "can I has my blankie, an' sippie?"
He smiles, "of course my baby can!!"
Kiri leaves the room and he's gone for a while, you start to whine and cry a little bit. Regressing down to your youngest age is hard, all you can do is cry out for your papa.
"Hey shhh shh,, im here. Papas right here, okay pebble? I'm not leaving," he holds you tight and gets his own pajamas on, then crawls into the bed also.
"Look, I got you some mac and cheese and strawberry applesauce! Oohh, the macaroni is shaped like puppy paws how silly is that," he looks at you and scrunches his nose as you giggle.
Once a movie is picked out he feeds you the small meal and gives you your sippy cup of your favorite juice/milk. You start to doze off, and curl into his chest and he holds you.
"Love you, papa" you mumble sleepily and pat his chest and hold on tight.
"And papa loves you, my sweet little baby," he kisses your head and covers the both of you up, the only light coming from the TV as you drift to sleep.
And thats my first ask!! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy!!! Tbh this is my favorite stuff to write for,, its so comforting and I hope you guys think so too!!
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artfleureia · 1 month
Hello Fleureia,
I absolutely love your art and your art style. I want to make a personal book bind for my self. Is it ok if i use your art for the cover page? Its only for my own personal bookshelf.
Thank you!
so sorry for the late reply (aaahh i forget to check!) i know it’s been a while since your ask but that’s totally fine if you do end up using my art. im flattered, thanks 4 asking! xoxo
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satansssgayassistant · 4 months
also would love some fic recs if u have any
Aaahh i didnt see this one im so sorry T^T
But yes ofc I do, i have mostly jegulus ones bc idk lol but I’ll give you 3 of my favorite (imo) underrated ones :)
This one is a kinky, smutty rosetarkillerchaser on the beach https://archiveofourown.org/works/45744598?view_adult=true
This one is a jegulus one that I adored when I read it, Regulus is great here plus there is slutty fuckboy james which is one of my favorite things
Rosekiller cannibals!!
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id-amia · 2 years
Ok so I fell in love with your Mizuki bubble bath headcanons so could I request baking with them? As fluffy as you want to make it, and you can choose whether it's headcanons or a one shot! Don't worry about rushing this, I'd much rather it take a while and be high quality (and for you not to be stressed) than for it to be rushed and sub-par :))))
Also! Sorry that this ask is getting long but I just wanted to say I'm in love with the way you write, so thank you for publishing your work!
Baked Sweets, Sugary Love
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“Somehow, my emotions kept making a fuss.”
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Mizuki x reader baking together
characters: Akiyama Mizuki
note: thanks for requesting!! im actually terrible at baking but i love baked goods! it ended up way too long and is kinda late but i hope it’s alright! thank you for appreciating my writing omg aaahh i really love writing like this so i hope you can keep supporting me!!
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Butter... sugar... eggs... flour... ah, was Mizuki supposed to bring the icing ingredients?
You put all the ingredients you have on the counter and checked your Nightcord chat logs.
Amia: That’s the recipe and the list of ingredients Amia: Since it’s at your house you can prepare the ingredients!! Amia: We can divide the price after [You]: Sure thing Amia: Nice :D Amia: Oh actually I can bring the icing stuff and the cutters Amia: I have a few ideas in mind hehe~
“What are they planning, I wonder?”
~~~(this break is brought to you by miku)~~~
Ding dong!
“I’ll get it!”
You open the door to be greeted by a long-awaited cheerful smile.
“Yahoo~” Mizuki beams at you.
You smile back, “You’re awfully cheery today.”
“Ahaha, I mean I’ve been preparing a whole lot for today, you know!” Mizuki leaves their shoes at the entrance and you lead them to the kitchen.
“Should we get started? Ah, but you came a long way so you can rest first. We can get started whenever.” You tell them.
Mizuki shakes their head, “Thanks, but I’m good! I want to make them right away so we can eat them soon!”
“Hehe, sure then.”
You show them to the kitchen and bring out the things you need.
You look around, “Right, we need aprons.”
“No need, no need!” Mizuki brings out 2 cute pink aprons with little frills and ribbons and hands you one.
“These are so cute! Did you make them?” You put it on and adjust it.
“Ahaha, I sure did! Thanks! I worked really hard on them so I’m really really glad you liked them.” They smile.
After a few more compliments and pictures with the aprons you finally get to work.
“Do you think we need a bigger bowl?” you ask.
Mizuki checks the ingredients, “I guess it depends on how many we’re making. I think 20 or so would be enough? So... yeah, I think this big bowl is okay.”
They take out the flour and pour it in. “Is this enough? It says 2 and a fourth cups.”
“Maybe we should have measured first before pouring...” You giggle a little.
“Yeah, probably.” Mizuki chuckles guiltily. They measure the baking powder and salt and pour them as well.
“You wanna mix? I’ll measure the other ingredients while you do!” Mizuki asks. You nod and start whisking the bowl.
As you whisk your bowl you see Mizuki measuring and putting in ingredients into bowls. Sometimes you hear them go “Ah, it’s too much!” or “Whoops, it spilled a little!” which made you smile without realizing.
“So that’s it I think- Ah! Hey, it’s spilling out everywhere!” Mizuki looks to you and runs over.
You look down and realize that you’ve been mixing to hard and it flew everywhere without noticing.
“Ah, sorry. I guess I got distracted,” you apologize as they dust off the flour on your apron.
“Haha, what are you getting distracted for?” Mizuki cleans up the table for you and walks up to grab the hand mixer.
You blush a little as you realize how much you’ve been staring at Mizuki. “It’s nothing...”
Mizuki smirks but decides not to tease you.
They get a bowl with butter and sugar in it, “The next step is to cream the butter by mixing butter and sugar.”
“So we mix with the hand mixer?”
“Yeah, I think so! Do you know how to use it?”
“Me neither! Let’s just try whatever!”
They turn on the mixer and let out a little yelp.
“It’s going everywhere!” you yell.
Mizuki tries to steady the mixer in the bowl.
“Ahaha! There’s butter on your face!” Mizuki laughs as you wipe your face begrudgingly.
“Alright, alright. The butter is creamed so let’s move on!” You give a sarcastic smile which Mizuki laughs at.
“Haha, so next is... vanilla and egg! We need to mix them with the butter.” Mizuki starts up the mixer again.
“And I shall be staying away,” You joke as you step back.
After a messy battle with the ingredients, Mizuki grins and turns off the mixer.
“And done! Now let’s put in the stuff in the other bowl.”
You go to and pour the contents of the other bowl and Mizuki turns on the mixer again.
“It’s slower now so it should be fine?” Mizuki smiles and hums.
Once the dough is mixed well, Mizuki brings out a rolling pin and a tray with parchment paper.
“Alright! So we need to flatten the dough now,”  Mizuki hands you the pin. “Do you wanna try?”
“Sure thing,” you take the dough out of the bowl and start rolling the pin back and forth. Once it’s evenly flattened, you both put it in the freezer to chill.
“I’ll go ahead and preheat the oven,” you say as Mizuki nods.
You have a few light conversations while waiting. When the oven is finished preheating, you head over and bring in the tray. Mizuki brings out the cutters they brought.
“Here we are! I picked out a lot of cute ones!” Mizuki smiles.
“These are so cute!” You pick out some to look at.
“Uh huh! These heart ones are really cute, but this little cat one is cute too! I also bought this one that looks like Miku! It’s adorable isn’t it?” Mizuki gushes about each cutter happily.
“Maybe we should try all of them? They’re all too cute! I can’t really decide which to use,” you suggest.
Mizuki smiles, “Alright then! Let’s use them all.”
You both take turns cutting the dough and soon you have more than 20 cookies.
“Let’s put them in! I can’t wait to eat them!” Mizuki get’s the tray excitedly.
“Ah, careful. Here, wear these gloves,” you hand your old baking gloves to them and they put the cookies into the oven.
“It takes around 12 minutes, so it won’t be that long,” Mizuki turns to their bag. “In the meantime...”
Mizuki takes out a bunch of piping bags and nozzle tips from their bag. “Tadah! These are all the stuff I bought for the icing! This one is a plain circular one, but this one can make a star shape! And there’s this one which apparently can make rose petals, and this one can make leaves!” They say as they lay them out.
You smile as you look at some of the nozzle tips. “Let’s also begin making the icing then!”
You both suggest and bicker about the colors of icing to make and end up making a whole pastel-like rainbow collection of them. Along the way you take out and cool the baked cookies as well.
“Ooh! We’re almost done, I’m so excited!” Mizuki jumps around.
You start putting in all the icing in bags and pick out some nozzles.
Once the cookies are chilled, you cut small holes in the bags and insert the nozzles.
Mizuki takes a Miku cookie and looks at the icing bags, “Do you think we should go with green or blue for Miku?”
“Of course blue! It’s Miku’s signature color after all,” you reply.
“Eh?” They exclaim. “But isn’t green also really good on her?”
“I guess, it is based on personal interpretation after all.”
Mizuki smiles, “Let’s just use both! We have 6 Mikus, so we can have 3 green ones and 3 blue ones!”
You laugh a little as you begin icing the cookies. Mizuki tried making a rose with the petal nozzle, but it kept melting. You made little stars on a heart and carefully drew whiskers and a face on a cat one.
After they’re all done, you put them in the fridge one last time.
“Let’s leave some for our friends! I think Kanade and Mafuyu would love the Miku ones. Ena would like this cat one!” Mizuki suggests. You nod and smile sweetly.
“Ah, this heart cookie is reserved though! It’s for someone very special!” Mizuki points at a pink and white heart cookie with little flowers.
You giggle, “You’re gonna say it’s me and be all cheesy aren’t you?”
Mizuki laughs, “Ehh, you’re ruining the moment! It’s not cheesy it’s romantic!”
You both laugh together until the cookies are done cooling.
They tasted amazing. Eating food made together had been so fun.
Maybe you’re the cheesy one.
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aquagustd · 2 years
AAAHH WTF YOONGI FOUND OUT AGDJDJ im REALLY curious tho like what is up with yoongi nowadays im so scared of whats to happen ugh this push and pull between oc and jungkook is not good for my heart 😭😭
yoongi just…really has a lot of explaining to do too 🫣 if he starts questioning oc she can throw her own questions back at him too since he’s been so shady lately.
ahh 😭 i’m so sorry bb. i promise it’ll all be over soon 🥹
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pitbullwithaship · 5 months
Okeydoke, I feel like we're getting incredibly close to heartbreak at this point, I am definitely prepared yep. I'll definitely be okay and will not cry at all, cool. Okay. Prepared.
Great opening there
Yep life can be boring
I love him and her and both of them
Dorever does not exist!! Don't jinx it!!
Ooh playground
Ahh Jackie kissed him aaahhh lol
Okay so. Return of dead people never good
Okey. Ghost. Kinda creepy ghost too.
Levers. Torchwood. I know enough to know that that's a bad omen
That's about what I'd expect if benevolent ghosts came around, yep
Poor Jackie
The Sphere tm
Tres odd
Aww we get peoples
Gareth? Heyo?
Okay scary creepy
Oh dear oh dear oh dearie me
Ghostbusters aaahhh I love him so much
Oof oh dear sorry they're late indeed oh dearie me the beep beeps
Now is not the time for guilt tripping Jackie save it for after
I love him so much he's adorable
3D glasses I love him
Suspicious beep beeps
I too love having the moral high ground
Those people are a bit weird why must they clap so much
Okey Rose time for investigation
Okay so they are not nice at all knew I never liked them
Fixated on Alonso
Hoarders of knowledge, tsk tsk
Oh dear creepy beeps beeps are doing creepy things
I love him
Void Ship *creepy angelic choir*
Goes the wrong way, immediently walks back I love him
Ah yes time for more mind control
In Disguise
Sleuthing time
Scarily sterile there
Bad beep beeps
Kisses the psychic paper I love Rose so much
Ooh bad things
I'm sorry
Oh dear oh dear oh dearie me
Oh dear ghosts
The sounds of aggressive marching!!!!
Oh dear that's a lot of cybermen
Sorry emotions omg
Omg okay
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skyenthusiast · 2 years
Somehow Ole looks like a sheep(with his curly, fluffy hair and all) and Carras looks like a wolf-dog protecting Ole from wildlife. While Ole is just chilling on the grass field lol.
this is like a super late answer im very sorry. im so bad at answering asks 😩
but yesss. OLE IS A VERY ADORABLE SHEEP 🥺 aaahh I just LOVE THIS HC. but god knows carras actually the one hunting him, he's just very possessive over his own prey, no one else can touch ole :)))))
thanks for this dose (or a bowl) of casserole. (sorry ignore that)
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2percentmilkman · 4 years
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lilflowerkiddo · 4 years
is it bad that i hear my brother talking to his friends while he's playing video games and each time i hear his voice i start wanting to cry because of the look he gave me a few days ago that made me feel like i am a complete disappointment to my entire family and that i should actually die because i'll never make anyone truly happy and im only good at making people smile for like 2 minutes at most and i have no reason to stay alive because i am so incredibly stupid and selfish and im really good at hurting the people i care about and i am 100% sure that i have already been the happiest i will ever be in my entire life and i have nothing left to look forward to
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xxaqua-marinexx · 6 years
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ashjkiadaaaa this is part one of looong awaited art trade with the lovely, ever patient @ballpointbasic !!
She requested some ice skater!Odin and also some Royal!Odin so there will be a part two with that ahhhh I also threw in some flaming arrow ‘cause yes?? pls  
Also please go follow her! Her traditional art is so nice and wholesome!! 
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kur-apikaa · 5 years
Pokemon really blessed us when they gave us N huh
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