Engirl, engirlflux, engirlfluid and engirlfluidflux flags
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Engirl | Engirlfluid Engirlflux | Engirlfluidflux - 馃挋馃挌
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themogaidragon 3 years
not a request , but are there any terms
for when you switch over to demigirl to demigender / nb to just nb / nb woman ??-
Demigirlby, demiwomanby, demigalby or demiwomenby: partially nonbinary/enby partially gal/girl/woman; demigirl demienby or partially girlby/womanby/womenby. See also demixirl.
Gxrl: a gender where a female and an agender identity are experienced simultaneously or with variation. Gxrls might also identify as bigender, genderqueer, genderfluid, demigirl, demiagender, girlflux or agenderflux.
Xirl: a gender in which one identifies as a non-binary girl. This can take many different forms depending on the person. It can refer to someone who identifies in some way as a non-binary girl, non-binary girl-adjacent, or is in some way related to femininity. It can also refer to someone who identifies with some part of womanhood/girlhood but who wants a more non-binary or neutral sounding word because they aren鈥檛 entirely a girl or don鈥檛 want to be associated with the typical ideas brought up by the word "girl".
Female-aligned nonbinary person: Gender alignment is terminology used by some nonbinary people to describe their experience of gender. For instance, a genderless person may identify as female-aligned because they have experiences in common with women, or a demiboy may identify as male-aligned because they are partly a boy, or a maverique may identify as unaligned because they have no ties to manhood or womanhood.
Girl-proximal nonbinary person: women (cis and trans, just to affirm that) and trans folks who are not necessarily women (or are not 100% women as some demigirls may ID, or are not always women as some genderfluid folks may ID, etc etc) but who experience a connection to girlhood, but not girlness.
Here are some examples:
a connection to femininity
a connection to women, despite actual gender identity
a sense of belonging in women鈥檚 spaces
a feminine or femme gender presentation
experience with misogyny
being assigned female at birth and holding that significant to one鈥檚 identity
holding female-assigned experiences significant to you and your life (ex: girl scouts, attending an all-girl school)
and, of course, identifying partially or sometimes or always as a woman - this is not required for girlhood, but often accompanies it.
Girby: polygender/gendervast of nonbinary and woman; a female-aligned (lunarian) nonbinary woman; a multigirl who has abinary gender(s), e.g. a maverique gurl, a gxrl (agender girl) or a neufemale (neutrois female).
Galbyflux, wifenbyflux, femalenbyflux, engirlflux, engalflux or girlbyflux (womenbyflux): When one feels mostly or all girlby/womenby/galby most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of femalenby/wifenby identity.
Gxrlby. gxrlenby, femxlenby, or womxnby: enby gxrl/wxmxn/fxmxle; a gender that is both girlby/womanby/womenby/femalenby (nonbinary/abinary girl/woman/female) and agender/no gender.
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Girlbyflux Pride Flag
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Galbyflux, wifenbyflux, femalenbyflux, engirlflux, engalflux or girlbyflux (womenbyflux): When one feels mostly or all girlby/womenby/galby most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of femalenby/wifenby identity.
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