meduso-kaj-maro · 2 months
『⚝』 31072024 『⚝』
I will watch Deadpool and Wolverine and I will like it.
...Preferably alone. I don't want anyone familiar towards me hear me yell and fanboy about the fight scenes and potential homoeroticism.
I'd rather be a one-off madman from someone's passing memory.
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 8 months
Chris Redfield for the character ask game?
My first impression I think I was indifferent about him because I didn't know much him apart from the boulder meme when I was first getting into Resident Evil. The first ever RE game I played was RE2R so I really didn't know anything about the series or it's characters ^^'
My impression now LOVE THE GUY. But his story/history is way more tragic than I realised, I just hope he gets some kind of closure or happy ending after everything he's been though.
Favourite thing about that character That he's a caring and protective person, even to his arch nemesis, Wesker. When Wesker betrayed him, shot Eniro and Rebecca, openly mocked him when Wesker had a gun in his hand and yet STILL wanted to save him when the tyrant attack. He takes the death of friends, team members and innocent people (and maybe even Wesker) personally, he cares about EVERYONE.
Least favourite thing I don't know if I even have anything I don't like about him as a character. The only thing I don't like that's associated with him in the fandom is the whole 'bloodline' meme about him, it's kinda annoying. B/
Favourite line/scene "Why does it always feel like I'm trapped inside a horror movie?" (he says it in RE5 and in DBD, but in DBD he says 'monster' instead of 'horror' ;D) My favourite scenes are the fight with Arias and with the zombies in Vendetta.
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Favourite interaction that character has with another The moment on the jet when he and Wesker are aiming their guns at each other (well any interaction with Wesker is a favourite ^^')
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A character that I wish that character would interact with more Wesker and Leon 😶💦
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character Honestly can't think of anybody that reminds me of him
A headcanon about that character Part of him regrets killing Wesker/part of him died when Wesker did, his death hit him harder than he wants to admit. Also he made graves for both Wesker and Piers in a location only he knows. He visits them whenever he can.
A song that reminds of that character 'Unknown Soldier' by Breaking Benjamin
An unpopular opinion about that character I don't think I have one...
Favourite picture
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Anything of Chris smiling is a favourite because after all the pain, loss and hardship he's been through, he can still have a smile on his face.
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klbmsw · 1 year
No budget, just wasting their time trying to make sure Biden doesn't have one either....VOTE THEM OUT
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Affordable electric car shootout! Is the MG4 or the Kia Niro EV the one to choose? / Electrifying
There are electric two cars that never fail to turn up the heat when we feature them on electrifying.com or our social channels. The MG4 and Kia Niro EV (formerly known as the eNiro) are, understandably, hot news at the moment because both offer an affordable but feature-packed entry point into electric car ownership. But which is the better car?(..)
MG4 Long Range £28,495 SE Long Range, £31,495 Trophy 201bhp, 184lb ft of torque Rear wheel drive, 1-spd 7.9 seconds 0-62mph, 99mph top speed 61.7kWh battery (useable), 280 miles range WLTP, 125kw DC, 7.4kw AC, 34 min fast DC (155 miles added), 68min 50kW 10hours on home wallbox, Weight: 1,785kg, Boot: 363-litres (1,177 seats folded).
Kia Niro EV 4 Starts at £36,245 (£42,645 if test car is ‘4’ grade) 201bhp, 188lb ft of torque Front wheel drive, 1-spd 7.8 seconds 0-62mph, 103mph top speed 64.8kWh battery (useable), 285 miles range WLTP 80kw DC, 11kw AC, 45 min fast DC, 64min 50kW 10hr 30 on home wallbox, Weight: 1,739kg, Boot: 475-litres (1,392)(..)
P.S. The MG4 should rather be compared to the ID.3, Renault Megane E-Tech, and etc...Also, there's no need to pay an extra £7,750 just for a brand badge and slightly different plastics that almost all car manufacturers get from the same suppliers. A much more important criterion is the battery technology used in the electric car and the cost of its production. In this case, my favorite is the MG4. The electric hatchback can do practically the same job as the Kia Niro EV, only at a much lower price... 
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jubaer01 · 5 months
VIETNAMESE Official Urgent Electronic Visa - eVisa Vietnam
Online Vietnam Visa - Rapida kaj Rapida Vjetnama Elektronika Vizo Interreta, Oficiala Registaro Vjetnama Turisma kaj Komerca Vizo
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Address : 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008, United States
Phone: +1 202-495-2266
Website : https://www.vietnam-e-visa.org/eo/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Ria Holden  Vanessa
Description :Registaro de Vjetnamio enkondukis la plej simplan, plej rapidan kaj facilan metodon por peti Vjetnaman Vizon Interrete en ĉi tiu retejo. Vi nun povas plenigi la Vjetnaman Vizon Interretan Aplikformularon el la lukso de via hejmo sen viziti Vjetnaman Ambasadon. Plenigu la formularon post kelkaj minutoj, alŝutu vian vizaĝan foton kaj pasportan paĝon kaj pagu interrete. Post kelkaj tagoj vi ricevos vjetnaman eVizon retpoŝte. Vi povas viziti la flughavenon aŭ marhavenon tuj sen iri al Vjetnama Ambasado. Ankaŭ, estas sur fizika aŭ papera stampo postulata sur via pasporto. Ĉi tiu elektronika procezo ankaŭ konata kiel eVisa aŭ Elektronika Vizo por Vjetnamio estas havebla al 80 landoj. Se vi estas de unu el ĉi tiuj bonŝancaj landoj, vi povas preterlasi la atendovicon por kandidatiĝi en Interreta Portalo por Vjetnama Vizo. Vi povas preni la foton de via poŝtelefono kaj retpoŝti nin se vi ne povas alŝuti. Vi devos porti originalan pasporton al la flughaveno por ke la enmigradoficiroj en la flughaveno povu stampi vian pasportpaĝon por eniro en Vjetnamion. Ankaŭ via pasporto devas esti valida dum 180 tagoj en la dato de via eniro en Vjetnamion. La sekvaj landoj estas elekteblaj por Vjetnama Reta Vizo alinome eVisa Vjetnamio, Belgio, Nederlando, Barato, Nauro, Portugalio, Kroatio, Rusio, Hispanio, Salomonoj, Kataro, Germanio, Liĥtenŝtejno, Argentino, Pollando, Grekio, Aŭstralio, Brunejo, Usono , Danio, Rumanio, Brazilo, Malto, Bulgario, Finnlando, Islando, Azerbajĝano, Filipinoj, Sankta Lucio, Irlando, Meksiko, Peruo, Slovakio, Venezuelo, Norvegio, Kartvelio, Mongolio, Estonio, Slovenio, Litovio, Kolombio, Papuo-Nov-Gvineo, Serbio, Kazaĥio, Urugvajo, Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj, Svedio, Koreio, Armenio, Fiĝioj, Montenegro, Svislando, Andoro, Kubo, Latvio, Kamboĝo, Monako, Kanado, Nov-Zelando, Italio, Francio, Luksemburgio, Marŝala Insularo, Vanuatuo, Kipro, Makedonio, Hungario, Ĉeĥio, Japanio, San-Marino, Bosnio kaj Hercegovino, Moldavio, Belorusio, Unuiĝinta Reĝlando, Panamo, Aŭstrio, Montserrat, Mikronezio, Ĉilio.  Government of Vietnam has introduced the simplest, quickest and easy method to apply for Vietnam Visa Online on this website. You can now fill out the Vietnam Visa Online Application Form from the luxury of your home without visiting Vietnam Embassy. Fill the form in couple of minutes, upload your face photograph and passport page and make payment online. After a few days you will receive vietnamse eVisa by email. You can visit the airport or seaport straight away without going to vietnamse Embassy. Also, there is on physical or paper stamp required on your passport. This electronic process also known as eVisa or Electronic Visa for Vietnam is available to 80 countries. If you are from one of these lucky countries, you can skip the queue to apply on Online Portal for Vietnam Visa. You can take the photo from your mobile phone and email us if you cannot upload. You will need to carry original passport to the airport so that the immigration officers at the airport can stamp your passport page for entry into Vietnam. Also, your passport must be valid for 180 days on the date of your entry into Vietnam. The following countries are eligible for Vietnam Online Visa aka eVisa Vietnam, Belgium, Netherlands, India, Nauru, Portugal, Croatia, Russia, Spain, Solomon Islands, Qatar, Germany, Liechtenstein, Argentina, Poland, Greece, Australia, Brunei, United States, Denmark, Romania, Brazil, Malta, Bulgaria, Finland, Iceland, Azerbaijan, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Slovakia, Venezuela, Norway, Georgia, Mongolia, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, Kazakhstan, Uruguay, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Korea, Armenia, Fiji, Montenegro, Switzerland, Andorra, Cuba, Latvia, Cambodia, Monaco, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Macedonia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Japan, San Marino, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Belarus, United Kingdom, Panama, Austria, Montserrat, Micronesia, Chile.
Keywords :Akiru Vjetnaman turisman vizon, Vjetnaman komercan vizon, Vjetnaman vizon interrete, Vjetnaman vizon-aplikaĵon, Evisa Vjetnamion, Vjetnaman Evison, Urĝan Vjetnaman vizon, prioritatan Vjetnaman turisman vizon, Rapidtrakan Vjetnaman vizon, Komercan vizon por Vjetnamio, Vjetnaman vizon por Vjetnamaj civitanoj, por finlandaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por Unuiĝinta Reĝlando-civitanoj, vietnama vizo por monakaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por kanadaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por venezuelaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por novzelandaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por nauru-civitanoj, vietnama vizo por montenegro-civitanoj por mongoliaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por armeniaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por meksikaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por portugalaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por kazaĥaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por ĉiliaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por usonaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por moldavaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por moldavaj civitanoj, marŝalaj insuloj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por irlandaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por nederlandaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por norvegiaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por bulgariaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por kubaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por civitanoj, vietnama vizo por li. por aŭstriaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por hindaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por ĉeĥrespublikaj civitanoj, vietnama vizo por panamaj civitanoj.  Get vietnam tourist visa, vietnam business visa, vietnam visa online, vietnam visa application, evisa vietnam, vietnam evisa, urgent vietnam visa, priority vietnam tourist visa, fast track vietnam visa, business visa for vietnam,  vietnam visa for korea citizens,  vietnam visa for finland citizens,  vietnam visa for united kingdom citizens,  vietnam visa for monaco citizens,  vietnam visa for canada citizens,  vietnam visa for venezuela citizens,  vietnam visa for new zealand citizens,  vietnam visa for nauru citizens,  vietnam visa for montenegro citizens,  vietnam visa for mongolia citizens,  vietnam visa for armenia citizens,  vietnam visa for mexico citizens,  vietnam visa for portugal citizens,  vietnam visa for kazakhstan citizens,  vietnam visa for chile citizens,  vietnam visa for united states citizens,  vietnam visa for moldova citizens,  vietnam visa for marshall islands citizens,  vietnam visa for ireland citizens,  vietnam visa for netherlands citizens,  vietnam visa for united arab emirates citizens,  vietnam visa for norway citizens,  vietnam visa for bulgaria citizens,  vietnam visa for cuba citizens,  vietnam visa for liechtenstein citizens,  vietnam visa for austria citizens,  vietnam visa for india citizens,  vietnam visa for czech republic citizens,  vietnam visa for panama citizens.
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lalcentaur · 7 months
A Week With A Kia eNiro
Kia eNiro can travel up to 270 miles from a full charge
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ginuki-mga2023mi5015 · 8 months
Level Blocking/White Boxing
White boxing is an eniroment that is a simple and clean test version of your game, It is used at the start of the game process in order to test out the game iqucikly and smoothly
Once the game has wbeen white boxed that is when prototyping and testing can start on thee game , the feedback from the experience can be used to further improve the game without the risk of an overload.
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ws-datab2 · 10 months
它们有助于验证您的企业的存在和合法性。 确保您在Yelp 或 TripAdvisor 等顶级目录以及 Eniro 和Hitta.se等本地目录中准确一致地列出。 保持您的“Google 我的商家”帐户处于最新状态是另一个重要的考虑因素。当潜在客户在斯德哥尔摩搜索与您类似的企业时,这些措施可以提高您的知名度。
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ws-datab778 · 10 months
它们有助于验证您的企业的存在和合法性。 确保您在Yelp 或 TripAdvisor 等顶级目录以及 Eniro 和Hitta.se等本地目录中准确一致地列出。 保持您的“Google 我的商家”帐户处于最新状态是另一个重要的考虑因素。当潜在客户在斯德哥尔摩搜索与您类似的企业时,这些措施可以提高您的知名度。
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ws-datab501 · 10 months
它们有助于验证您的企业的存在和合法性。 确保您在Yelp 或 TripAdvisor 等顶级目录以及 Eniro 和Hitta.se等本地目录中准确一致地列出。 保持您的“Google 我的商家”帐户处于最新状态是另一个重要的考虑因素。当潜在客户在斯德哥尔摩搜索与您类似的企业时,这些措施可以提高您的知名度。
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meduso-kaj-maro · 11 hours
『⚝』 20092024 『⚝』
Well... Turns out the calendar changed in Azur Lane, so the planned Oath Date for Shimakaze won't sync with the date I've had Manaka as my girl.
I'm still deciding whether to buy the Premium UI on Azur Lane or I'd throw it on Purenista instead. As much as I'd like to support Purenista for its groundbreaking gameplay compared to other dress-up gacha slop, the game feels unsustainable compared to Azur Lane. At least Azur Lane makes me happy despite draining my phone's battery and storage~
Musashi's skin is on fire. I can get to enjoy Nikke's "gameplay" AND Azur Lane at the same time.
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I'm already exhausted with Tumblr.
The search feature feels so lacklustre and there's no Safe Search at ALL.
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The reason I'm just keeping the mobile app is to simply vent and treat this little blog as a digital diary.
So sick and tired of seeing NSFW pictures and fanfiction while trying to search for something as innocuous as "cake" and "plushie", and seeing these filth while browsing for study/reference tags.
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wsdatab2 · 10 months
它们有助于验证您的企业的存在和合法性。 确保您在Yelp 或 TripAdvisor 等顶级目录以及 Eniro 和Hitta.se等本地目录中准确一致地列出。 保持您的“Google 我的商家”帐户处于最新状态是另一个重要的考虑因素。当潜在客户在斯德哥尔摩搜索与您类似的企业时,这些措施可以提高您的知名度。
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bygglovsritning · 2 years
Få ett beviljat bygglov med fackmannamässiga bygglovsritningar från Bygglovservice
För att få bygga nytt eller bygga om, så måste man presentera för kommunen hur man har tänkt att byggnaden skall se ut och vart den skall vara placerad. Detta gör vi på bygglovservice genom att visa kommunen en fackmannamässigt utförda bygglovsritning. Kräver byggnadens karaktär, eller kommunen fler dokument, så fixar vi dessa naturligtvis med. På kort tid tar vi fram de dokument som behövs för att du ska få så stor chans som möjligt till ett beviljat bygglov. Vår arbetsmetod är utarbetad med kunden i fokus, därför att vi vill att det ska vara enkelt för dig att få bygglov i Sverige, dessutom har vi ritningar till rätt pris. Resultatet av detta är nöjda kunder. Snabbt, enkelt, Bygglovservice.
Bygglovservice Terminalvägen 14, 861 36 Timrå, Sverige +46 10 146 84 99
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MG4, Polestar 2, Cupra Born, ID3 and more - You Won't Believe Which EV I Chose in the End!
In this video, join me on my journey to find my next electric vehicle (EV). I share my impressions and experience with some of the hottest EVs on the market, including the MG4, Polestar 2, Cupra Born, Kia Eniro, and ID3. I even give my thoughts on Tesla Model 3. You won't believe which car I chose in the end - it was a surprise even to me.
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jubaer01 · 5 months
TURKEY Turkish Electronic Visa System Online
Government of Turkey eVisa - Oficiala Turka Registaro Elektronika Vizo Interreta, Rapida kaj Rapida Interreta procezo
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Address : 3505 International Pl NW, Washington, DC 20008, United States
Phone: +1 202-495-2266
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/eo/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Albert Deniz  Dilara
Description :Tiuj vizitantoj, kiuj estas el unu el la kvindek 50 landoj, nun rajtas peti turkan vizon tute en la reto uzante sian telefonon aŭ komputilon. La Turkia viza peto povas esti sendita de poŝtelefono, komputilo aŭ aliaj elektronikaj aparatoj. Necesas nur kelkaj momentoj por fini la retan elektronikan por turka eVisa. Kun subtenata e-Vizo, eksterlandanoj povas plani viziti la Respublikon de Turkio dum ĝis 30 aŭ 90 tagoj por la distraj vojaĝoj aŭ komerca vizito. La tempodaŭro dependas de via nacieco sur la pasporto, ĝi povas esti 30 tagoj aŭ 90 tagoj. Kandidatoj tute NE devas viziti turkan registaran oficejon aŭ ambasadon iam ajn. Ankaŭ, ne necesas sendi la dokumentojn kaj pasporton per kuriero aŭ poŝto. La aplikaĵo estas 100 procentoj en la reto. Vi ricevos elektronikan aprobitan vizon retpoŝte, kiun vi povas presi kaj kunporti al la flughaveno dum vojaĝado. Ĉiuj elekteblaj pasportposedantoj devas peti eVizon por eniri Turkion, inkluzive de neplenaĝuloj. Gardistoj aŭ gepatroj povas fini la vizon en la nomo de infano. Pritraktaj Tempoj de Turkio-e-Visa, La aplikaĵo de Turka-e-Visa nur postulos kelkajn momentojn por fini. Kandidatoj povas fini la elektronikan strukturon de la hejmo aŭ oficejo en 2-3 minutoj. Via pasporto devas esti valida dum 6 monatoj en la momento de eniro en la Respublikon de Turkio. La sekvaj landoj rajtas kandidatiĝi por Turka Vizo, Bahamoj, Kanado, Grenado, Barbado, Bermuda, Sankta Vincento, Meksiko, Kipro, Dominiko, Dominika Respubliko, Antigvo kaj Barbudo, Aŭstralio, Sankta Lucio, Sudafriko, Honkongo-BN (O), Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj, Kuvajto, Maldivoj, Usono, Fiĝioj, Jamajko, Haitio, Omano, Barejno, Surinamo, Ĉinio, Maŭricio, Orienta Timoro, Armenio kaj Saud-Arabio. Those visitors who are from one of the fifty 50 countries are now eligible to apply for a Turkish visa totally on the web using their phone or pc. The Turkey visa application form can be submitted from a cell phone, PC, or other electronic gadgets. All that's needed is a couple of moments to finish the online electronic for for Turkish eVisa. With a supported e-Visa, foreigners can plan visit the Repubic of Turkiye for up to 30 or 90 days for the recreational trips or business visit. The time span relies upon your nationality on othe passport, it may be 30 days or 90 days. Applicants are NOT at all required to visit a Turkish government office or embassy anytime. Also, there is no need to courier the documents and passport by courier or mail. The application is 100 percent on the web. You will get an electronic endorsed visa by email, which you can print out and carry with yourself to the airport while travelling. All eligible passport holders need to apply for an eVisa to enter Turkey, including minors. Guardians or parents can finish the visa application on behalf of a kid. Turkey e-Visa Handling Times, The Turkey e-Visa application will just require a couple of moments to finish. Candidates can finish the electronic structure from the home or office in 2-3 minutes. Your passport must be valid for 6 months at the time of entry into the Repubic of Turkey. The following countries are eligible to apply for a Turkish Visa, Bahamas, Canada, Grenada, Barbados, Bermuda, Saint Vincent, Mexico, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Hong Kong-BN(O), United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Maldives, United States, Fiji, Jamaica, Haiti, Oman, Bahrain, Suriname, China, Mauritius, East Timor, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
Keywords :Reta Turkia vizo, Reta vizo por Turkio, Reta evisa Turkio, Turkia evisa, Turkia vizo interrete, Turkia vizo-aplikaĵo, Turkia vizo-interreta aplikaĵo, Turkia vizo-interreta aplikaĵo, Turkia vizo-apliko interrete, Turkia vizo-apliko interrete, evisa Turkio, Turkia evisa, Turkia komerca vizo, Turkia medicina vizo, Turkia turisma vizo, Turkia vizo, Turkia vizo, Turkia vizo interrete, Turkia vizo interrete, vizo al Turkio, vizo por Turkio, Turkio evisa, evisa Turkio, Turkia komerca vizo, Turkia turisma vizo, Turkio medicina vizo. Turkio Vizo por Kamboĝaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Jemenaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Kabo-Verdaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Pakistanaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Afganaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Libiaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Vanuatuaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Civitanoj de Palestino , Turkio Vizo por Nepalaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Ekvatora Gvineo Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Bangladeŝaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Tajvanaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Filipinaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Baraj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Senegalaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Irako por Srilankaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Salomonoj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Egiptaj Civitanoj , Turkio Vizo por Vjetnamiaj Civitanoj  Online Turkey visa, Online visa for Turkey, Online evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa,Turkey visa online, Turkey visa application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visaapplication online, Turkey visa application online, evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey businessvisa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa online, Turkeyvisa online, visa to Turkey, visa for Turkey, Turkey evisa, evisa Turkey, Turkey business visa,Turkey tourist visa, Turkey medical visa. Turkey Visa for Cambodia Citizens , Turkey Visa for Yemen Citizens , Turkey Visa for Cape Verde Citizens , Turkey Visa for Pakistan Citizens , Turkey Visa for Afghanistan Citizens , Turkey Visa for Libya Citizens , Turkey Visa for Vanuatu Citizens , Turkey Visa for Palestine Citizens , Turkey Visa for Nepal Citizens , Turkey Visa for Equatorial Guinea Citizens , Turkey Visa for Bangladesh Citizens , Turkey Visa for Taiwan Citizens , Turkey Visa for Philippines Citizens , Turkey Visa for India Citizens , Turkey Visa for Senegal Citizens , Turkey Visa for Iraq Citizens , Turkey Visa for Sri Lanka Citizens , Turkey Visa for Solomon Islands Citizens , Turkey Visa for Egypt Citizens , Turkey Visa for Vietnam Citizens
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lalcentaur · 7 months
Kia e-Niro winter range test
Kia eNiro winter test in 🇳🇴
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