#enjoy this while I crop the other 30 fucking videos in my camera roll that I screen recorded
sexynetra · 8 months
I forgot how annoying cropping videos for tumblr is but have you guys seen this
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sirowsky · 4 years
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group. (Slow burn)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language.
Link to Masterlist
Comment: Another day of side-effects where my head really hasn’t been in the game. But a little fun stuff to pass the time has managed to crop up. 
So sorry for the tease ending... I blame the headaches.
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Chapter 27
  The Chef, Greg, had personally brought you extra leftovers during the five weeks you were living in the cell, training and learning about your abilities. He knew about your abnormal energy-consumption, and had become concerned when you never ordered more than a double portion of food, no matter how exhausted you were.   So, he’d come to give you the leftovers one evening, and you’d explained that it felt like you’d be stealing from others that might need it, if you ordered six or even eight portions.   After that, he’d begun saving all the leftovers every day, and bringing you that for the extra portions you otherwise wouldn’t have ordered.
  “I may have to make Greg my Best Man.”
  “He’d probably decline. He’s nice, but he does have standards.”
  “He doesn’t know you, Cujo.”
  “Okay, seriously, what is up with that?”
  “It’s just an accurate description.”
  “I am not a fucking dog.”
  “Yes, you are. It’s just that, ordinarily, you’re a puppy. You just have that lovable puppy-face, with the eyes and the grin that can melt the coldest of hearts. And then, you bare your teeth and growl, and you look fucking terrifying.”
  “I do?”
  “Um – yes. Unequivocally – yes. It’s amazing.”
  “Wait… you like my Cujo-quality?”
  “I like that you have that side, when you need it. I like that it comes out almost exclusively to protect the things you love. And I have to admit that I like the fact that even the remotest possibility that William actually had tried something, elicited that kind of a response from you.”
  “I was a little shocked at how strongly I reacted to that. Just the thought… I would’ve killed him, if he had. Not because you… belong to me. But because you were weak and unable to stop anyone that might have tried. Thank god William’s even more of a puppy than I am.”
  “Will is more of a Greyhound.”
  “Yeah, you know – sleek, effective, streamlined.”
  “Okay, let’s just drop the whole dog-topic already.”
  “And, just for the record – of course I belong to you. Ass-hat.”
  He practically beamed at you.
  “Ditto. Mama bear.”
  You’d been talking while walking back from lunch, and when you got back to your office, Anita was there. Just standing in the middle of the room, with her signature scowl in full effect.
  “Hi, mom. Wow, you’re actually in the office, it must be serious.”
  “Fifty noise-complaints in the last hour – is serious.”
  You both stopped smiling, and threw a nervous glance at one another, but she just huffed and turned to you.
  “Have you had yourself checked out by medical, yet?”
  “No… why would I…?”
  “Because human beings don’t possess the biological imperative to breed, to the point where their libidos take control of their bodies.”
  You had actually checked both your offices for cameras and microphones a good while back, and found nothing. And there weren’t any fucking flowers in your office!
  “How the hell do you know that? Seriously… How?”
  She just rolled her eyes.
  “Get your ass down to medical. Now.”
  “Excuse me?”
  “Whatever it is, I feel fine now, which means they probably wouldn’t be able to detect anything abnormal, so I’m gonna finish my work for the day, and then I’ll go to medical.”
  You walked over to your desk as you spoke, and as you sat down, you remembered something.
  “And by the way, where you in charge of selecting my substitute while I was gone?”
  “Yes. Petra wasn’t ideal.”
  “You don’t say. If I’m ever gone for an extended period of time again, no one sets foot in my fucking office. Got it?”
  “Did you just try and give me an order, loco?”
  “I’m not trying anything. I’m telling you. No one.”
  She threw you a kinda skewed smile and then turned around to leave. But as she crossed the threshold she stopped and looked back at you with pure steel in her eyes.
  “4pm. If you’re not at medical by then, I’ll drag you there by your ear.”
  “Try it. Please.”
  She left and you sighed and looked at Marcus, who had sat down on the couch again, one arm draped over the backrest while he’d watched you take on Máma.
  “Are you absolutely sure you feel fine? Because I’m all kinds of hot and bothered right now.”
  “50 noise-complaints, Marcus. That’s half the damned building.”
  “And like I said: fuck ‘em.”
  “Please go away so I can think.”
  “Only if you promise to call me the moment you feel any amount of craving. I’m serious.”
  “You think I want to feel like that again? Of course I’ll call, and you’d better pick up. I don’t care if HQ’s on fire.”
  “You have my word, famb.”
  “You know, your list of nicknames is getting a bit ridiculously long.”
  “Oh, I haven’t even started on the real one’s yet.”
  “Real ones?”
  “Prometida, esposa, amada, mi corazón…”
  “Okay, okay, have as many as you like, jeez.”
  “Which one’s your favourite?”
  “You already know.”
  He got up from the sofa and came over to kiss you before he left. His lips lingered long after the kiss ended.
  He was intoxicating. You put a hand up on his chest and pushed him away gently.
  “Get out of here, gorgeous. Mama’s got work to do.”
  “Oh, that’s mean. You know how I love it when you talk all husky like that.”
  “I’ll call you if I need you.”
  He walked away looking disappointed, but also kind of expectant, like he was looking forward to getting you back later. You smiled and shook your head after the door closed behind him.
  You did get a lot of work done after that, and even if you were still miles behind from catching up to where you’d been 7 weeks ago, it still felt good to have gotten back on track. Especially on what had been possibly the weirdest day of your life. Which was saying something.   Your libido stayed calm and behaved for the rest of the workday, but you did see Anita’s point in getting yourself checked over, and so you were planning on going to the med-bay.   But at 3:30 you were working on your computer, looking up rare metals for an upcoming build, and you sort of stumbled over a site for wedding-rings.   You were just gonna take a quick peak, scrolling through the various options, and getting progressively more worked up as you saw the price-tags.   You were just about to leave the page and go back to work, when an ad in the corner popped up.
  You clicked.
  “If you thought I was kidding about the ear, you were sorely mistaken.”
  You startled at the sound of her voice, and a puff of energy escaped you, sending papers flying everywhere.
  “Thanks a lot, Anita. Why don’t you give me a heart-attack while you’re at it?”
  “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s not my fault you were so engrossed in that screen you didn’t notice me. What were you looking at, anyway?”
  Had half an hour already passed? You just clicked on that ad a second ago… And why was she looking at you like that?
  “Just research.”
  “Mhm. Let’s go.”
  “Alright, just let me get these papers off the floor.”
  As expected, since the event seemed to have passed, the medical exam didn’t reveal anything, and Anita seemed unnecessarily peeved about that.
  “What are you so upset about? What exactly did you think they’d find?”
  “Nothing. Never mind.”
  “Never mind, my ass. You all but dragged me to this exam, and now you’re disappointed. So, spill. What’s the deal?”
  “I just hoped that maybe… you increased enthusiasm was…”
  “Alright, most women experience increased sensitivity when they’re pregnant. I just wanted to be sure.”
  You sort of half froze midway through pulling your pants back on, and your hands involuntarily went to your abdomen.
  “Oh… I never even considered…”
  “I’m sorry, niña. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
  “No, I’m not upset. God, I don’t even know what I am.”
  You finished dressing and sat down on a chair, letting your head fall into your hands.
  “Eight months ago, I was just a designer, going on a fucking vacation. Now, I don’t even know what the hell I am anymore, much less what to do. Every time I think I’m starting to get a handle on things, something else happens and I’m lost again.”
  She tapped your leg with her cane, ushering you to look at her.
  “What you are, is my son’s fiancé. My granddaughter’s adoptive mother. You’re smart, highly capable and stubborn, kind and caring, but abrasive when the situation requires it. You’re everything you need to be. And that’s all you ever really need to know about yourself.”
  You drew a deep breath.
  “Do you think he made the right choice? With me?”
  “Yes. Yes, I do.”
  “Thank you.”
  You called Marcus to let him know how the exam had gone, and he was just about to pick up Missy, so since you had your own car you told him you’d race him home.   But you decided to stop by Amanda’s house on the way. You wanted to talk to both of them, but her place was closer.
  When you walked in at home, Missy was in the living room playing a video-game with Noodles, A Capella and Wild Card. It had been a while since she’d had any friends over, and you smiled when you saw how much fun she was having.
  “Hey, Alma! Wanna see me crush these guys for the second time?”
  “Any day of the week, angel, but I gotta talk to your dad right now.”
  “Okay, suit yourself!”
  You laughed and walked into the kitchen to find him opening pizza-boxes and distributing slices onto plates.
  “Hey, sweetheart, sorry, this wasn’t planned, they just spontaneously asked if they could come over as I was picking her up.”
  “Honey, why are you explaining yourself?”
  “I don’t know… it’s just, with the weird day you’ve had and how you seemed a little down after the exam, I thought that maybe you weren’t quite in the mood for a house full of teenagers.”
  “No matter how I feel, Missy’s entitled to enjoy herself with her friends. I would never wanna deprive her of that.”
  “No, I know. I just worry about you.”
  “Yeah, I do too, sometimes. But that’s usually when I remember I have you, and it all feels better.”
  He smiled and asked you to help him carry out the food to the living room, and once you’d done that, you sat down at the dinner table to eat yourselves.
  “So… I may have googled wedding-dresses today.”
  He beamed.
  “Really? Did you manage to narrow down any preferences? Don’t give me any specifics, by the way.”
  “I did, I think. Or, at least, I found a lot of stuff I didn’t like, so I guess that helps. I don’t know, I feel like I need to see them, touch them, to actually get a sense of what I like.”
  He beamed even more.
  “I really like the sound of this. I’m sure Amaire would come with you if you asked.”
  “Yeah, I kind of already asked them to, this weekend.”
  He was fucking radiating joy at that point. He got up and took your hand, leading you to the bedroom and closing the door behind you.   Then he reached into his pocket and fished something out. His smile turned just a hint of insecure, as he held up the ring he’d chosen for you.   It was gold-plated steel, with a single row of small diamonds sunk into the centre of the band all the way around. A sturdy and solid piece that wouldn’t break or lose its shape.   While you admired it, he started trying to explain his choice.
  “I know you’re not much of a jewellery-girl, so I figured we’d skip the whole engagement ring plus wedding-band. You can wear it right away if you want and then just take it off before the ceremony, or you can wait and put it on then, either way is fine with me. That is, if you like it? If you don’t, we’ll take it back and you can pick something else. It just felt right as soon as I saw it. You’re not the frail silver band type of person, and I know you’d only get annoyed with a big rock getting in the way and getting caught in stuff. You work with your hands and so I figured something sturdy but elegant. I have a matching one just without the diamonds. Please say something before I pass out from oxygen-depravation…”
  “I love it.”
  “Yeah. Really.”
  You both beamed.
  “Can I put it on you?”
  “You better.”
  He slipped it on your finger and it fit perfectly. And for the first time it really sunk in that you were gonna marry this man. The love of your life.   It felt like a really long time until the kids went home and Missy went to bed, with her headphones on.
  “I totally forgot, we need to go bed-shopping, honey.”
  “I don’t know, a mattress on the floor might be preferable until we know the extent of your ‘heat-situation’.”
  “Mm. Good point. Although, breaking in a new bed is always fun.”
  “Stop talking and get undressed. I’ve been waiting for this all night.”
Authors’ Note: I love criticism, don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
@blueeyesatnight​​ @farfromjustordinary​ @allmyspideys​ @hrk-fic-recs​ @strawberryperegrine @lucrezia-thoughts​ @computeringturtle @sarahjkl82-blog
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vsquadgoals · 5 years
4am Cuddles
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Y/n is from Chicago and had recently moved to LA which took months of convincing from her best friends, Natalie, David and Ilya. She decided it was finally time to make the move and David was letting her move in with him and Natalie since they have an extra room, it was all perfect. Y/n is a dance teacher and has recently been blowing up online for her dancing videos which is what made her finally make the move. She has been in LA for 2 or so weeks now and she was finally meeting the rest of David and Natalie’s friends who they’ve told her so much about, she’s been busy filming and looking for a studio to teach at which is why she hasn’t met them already. The whole group was going to be coming over today, so she was in her room getting ready, she put on a white spaghetti strap crop top and green high waisted cargo pants. She was brushing her hair when Natalie knocked on her door. “Come in.” She called putting some products into her hair.  
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“Hey, everyone’s pretty much here.” Natalie said leaning against the door frame. “Okay I’m almost ready, how do I look?” She asks smiling. “As beautiful as ever, now come on.” She grabs her hand dragging her out to the living room where a couple people were already sitting around talking. “Guys this is our hometown friend Y/n, Y/n this is everyone.” Natalie says beaming with excitement, she introduces her to everyone, and they sit on the lovesac together.  
“So, y/n, how long have you known David and Natalie for?” Heath asks putting his arm around Mariah. “I met them when we were in... I think 7th grade.” She answers looking at David for clarification and he nodded in agreement. They all sit and chat for a while before someone else thinks of a question to ask her. “Y/n do you have a boyfriend back in Chicago?” Zane asks causing David to smack his arm. Y/n giggles and shakes her head at David. “It’s fine Dave. No, I actually only date girls.” She says nonchalantly and everyone’s caught off guard. She smirks and shrugs her shoulders “Alright guys don’t act like you’ve never seen a lesbian before.” Natalie teases from her spot cuddled up next to y/n. They all joked around for hours filming different bits for David and everyone’s vlogs, Mariah talked about dancing and filmed a few tik toks together and of course Zane got into a few. A few people stayed inside chatting and some people were sitting outside by the fire pit David has in the back yard.  
Y/n is sitting outside next to the fire watching the sunset in the backyard. “I’ll never get tired of this.” She says filming it to post on her story. Carly and Erin nod smiling. “It’s amazing! We’ve seen it a million times and we’re still obsessed with this view! David did good with this house that’s for sure!” Carly replies, y/n turns toward the girls and smiles. “So, you guys have a channel together?” She asks pulling her knees to her chest getting more comfortable. “Yeah we moved out here and got an apartment together and we actually started vlogging before David, but his vlogs just took off way faster.” Erin explains, “We do vlogs, sit down videos and sometimes we’ll do a Starbucks tasting video with David.” Carly says giggling. “I saw one of those! So funny.” Y/n says excited giggling a little. “Really? Well thanks. I thought you would only watch David’s videos.” Erin says smiling happily, “I usually do but I’ve seen your videos and some of Jason’s, but I also had met him a bunch before I moved out here.” She explains, she was so happy that she was clicking with the group, it was making her feel more content with her choice to move out here.  
It’s about 1:30 when everyone finally leaves and it’s just David, Nat and Y/n again.  They clean up anything that was left around from their friends and they all head into their own rooms to get some sleep. Y/n was editing a couple videos she filmed today so she was up for another hour before finally changing into just a long t shirt and falling asleep in her warm comforter. It felt like Y/n only had her eyes closed for two second when she felt someone nudging her awake. “Y/n/n....” Natalie whispered. Y/n’s eyes opened slowly, and she stretched looking up at her friend. “Nat? Is everything okay? What time is it?” she asks sleepily, Natalie bit her lip. “Everything is fine, its 4AM. I wanted to know if I could come cuddle with you?” She asks nervously, Y/n blinks her eyes a few more times before she realizes what Natalie said. “You come into my room and wake me up at 4AM to cuddle?” She asks shaking her head and giggling. Natalie frowns and shakes her head embarrassed. “You’re right this was stupid, sorry.” Y/n grabs her hand before she can leave, she moves over and lifts her blankets making room for Natalie. “Come on, you don’t have to ask.” Natalie happily climbs into the bed pressing her ass against y/n who wraps her arm around Natalie’s waist pulling her closer and burying her face into her hair. “Go to sleep Nat.” She whispers into her hair before they both fall back asleep.  
Natalie wakes up before Y/n, she has her face buried in her chest when she first wakes up, Natalie smiles looking up at her. Natalie has always had a crush on y/n since she was younger, but she never said anything, Natalie always thought of herself as straight, Y/n is the only girl she’s ever had any feelings for. Once Y/n agreed to move out here finally and David and Natalie talked about Y/n living with them she’s been reminded of that old crush she had that never faded and now since they live together it was getting stronger and she was having a hard time hiding it. Natalie snuggles closer to Y/n and her arms tighten around her waist kissing her head in her sleep. Y/n’s hands run up and down Natalie’s back slowly while she sleeps, Natalie bites her lip enjoying her friend’s hands on her way more then she probably should be.  
Y/n sighs softly her eyes slowly fluttering open, she looks down at Natalie who looked up at her when she felt her start to wake up. “Good morning sleeping beauty.” Natalie whispers, it took all of herself control not to lean up and kiss y/n right on her lips. Y/n smiles at her friend, she pulls her hands away from Natalie’s waist to rub the sleep from her eyes, a whine leaves Natalie’s lips before she can stop it when she lets her go. She looks at Natalie confused. “You okay Nat?” she asks propping herself up on her elbows. Natalie’s cheeks turn bright red from embarrassment, she clears her throat and shakes her head. “Uh... yeah sorry I was just comfy.” She mumbles trying to cover it up, Y/n smiles and nods. “I know me too but I have to edit some videos.” Natalie nods and takes the hint climbing out of her bed and heading to her room to get ready for the day.
This happens almost every night, Natalie sneaks into Y/n’s room between 2 and 4 am and crawls into her bed cuddling against her. At first y/n didn’t think anything of it but she had done it almost every night this week. Tonight, the group was at David’s again and everyone was dancing and drinking, Y/n was nursing her 3rd mixed drink that Zane had made for her. David was filming everyone as always and Y/n and Corinna were dancing together, Corinna was grinding against Y/n and one of her hands was gripping Corinna’s hip and the other was holding her drink. David was filming them and Y/n winked at the camera before sipping her drink, David laughs and shakes his head. “Yes! That was perfect, Y/n!” Her and Corinna giggle “She’s a natural David.” Corinna teases looking over her shoulder at Y/n who rolls her eyes at her smirking. David had sent Natalie to go grab more alcohol from the store since they were running low. When Natalie gets back Y/n is sitting in the kitchen on one of the bar stools talking to Mariah about some video ideas she has, and Corinna is standing in between Y/n’s legs leaning back against her lap. Y/n wraps her arms around Corinna’s waist “I think we should do one teaching David and Heath tik tok dances! Those are really blowing up lately.” She says to Mariah who nods excitedly “YES! That’s perfect!”  
Natalie walks into the kitchen with the bags and notices Corinna and y/n she sets the bags on the counter ignoring the girls her heart is breaking the longer Y/n holds Corinna against her like she holds Natalie at night. “Hey Nattie.” Y/n says smiling at her, her smile drops immediately when Natalie barely waves at them before setting the bottles of liquor on the bar in the hallway. “Bubbah! You gotta come see this!” Heath calls Mariah away from the two girls. “Sorry guys, Y/n we’ll talk more about this later.” Y/n smiles and nods at her as she walks toward her boyfriend.  
Corinna turns around and wraps her arms around Y/n’s neck, she smiles putting her hands on Corinna’s lower back smirking up at her. “So, what in the world has gotten into you?” Y/n asks her raising her brow. Y/n has known Corinna since she was a junior in high school and she has never shown any type of interest in her, not that she was complaining, Corinna’s drop-dead gorgeous. Corinna shrugs biting her lip. “I don’t know, you just look so fucking good, also a little liquid courage too I’m sure.” Corinna admits. Y/n shakes her head and cups Corinna’s cheek, “How about when you’re nice and sober we’ll revisit this.” She kisses her forehead and stands walking away.  
Y/n sits next to Natalie on the lovesac and puts her hand on her leg. “What’s up Nat? Why are you over here all alone?” She asks concerned, Natalie sighs and looks at Y/n. “What happened to Corinna?” She asks ignoring her question, Y/n wrinkles her nose, “Corinna’s had a little too much to drink, I’m not getting into that. Why don’t we go to my room and talk?” Y/n stood and helped Natalie stand from the giant beanbag following her into the bedroom. Y/n sits on her bed and pulls Natalie in between her legs her hands on her waist. “Please tell me what’s wrong...” She begs frowning up at her, Natalie sighs and runs her fingers through her own hair. “I’m jealous.” She admits throwing her hands in the air. Y/n eyes go wide but Natalie continues before she can respond. “And I don’t know why because we’re friends and you don’t even know that I have these feelings for you so why would you not go after another girl or flirt with someone in front of me.” Natalie continues to rant, and Y/n is in shock, Natalie has feelings for her? And is jealous that she’s flirting with someone? Y/n grabs Natalie’s face and kisses her roughly, Natalie wraps her arms around Y/n’s neck and whines when she pulls away from the kiss. “Why did you do that?” She whispers breathless, Y/n smirks and looks into her eyes biting her lip. “I needed to shut you up so I could tell you that I have feelings for you too.” Y/n replies, Natalie’s eyes go ride and she squeals throwing herself on top of Y/n kissing her.  
A/n: please let me know what you think! xoxo
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blouisparadise · 7 years
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Upon request, here is a list of bottom Louis fic recs where Harry and Louis are already in a relationship. There are a lot of good ones for this list, so this is only part one of the list - part two is here.
Happy reading!
1) Precious Little Diamond (I’ll Give It All To You) | Explicit | 2044 words
Alpha!Harry/omega!Louis PWP written for this textpost: Established relationship H/L with alpha!Harry just popping his knot in omega!louis and it’s his favourite part; just laying down and cuddling as they mate but louis just wriggles around in his lap until he can grab his xbox controller and starts playing video games with Harry still inside him and Harry’s like “??!?????!???!!!???” And louis’ like “oh shush it takes forever” and scores a goal on the game
2) Tie You Up and Make Me Scream | Explicit | 2166 words
AU where Harry teases Louis and it becomes a game until they cant handle it anymore and escape to have tent sex while the rest of the boys are in the other tents.
3) True North | Explicit | 2575 words
Note: This fic is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
Altered-canon non-au set between November 2012 and January 7th, 2013.
4) What’s Yours Is Mine (What’s Mine Is Ours) | Mature | 2982 words
Prompt: Something about Louis always waiting until the last minute to pack his bag for tour so one time Harry does it for him and then they’re thousands of miles away by the time Louis figures out Harry hasn’t actually packed anything useful. Whether it’s because Harry is just genuinely useless at packing for other people or because he wants Louis to be forced to wear his clothes is up in the air. Also Louis refusing to wear Harry’s clothes out of pure spite until Harry makes it up to him.
5) Double Dog Dare Ya | Explicit | 3411 words
The one where the boys play some truth or dare and Harry has a one track mind.
6) A Touch Of Your Love | Explicit | 3856 words
Harry’s physical training has been intense. He wakes up before the sun to run. He spends long hours in the gym boxing and lifting weights.
Louis usually likes working out with Harry when they’re on tour, and even now he enjoys going on a run or boxing a bit with Harry. But Harry hasn’t seemed to stop moving since he accepted the role in Dunkirk. And it’s not that Louis always needs to be the center of Harry’s attention, but he very much wants to be.
7) It’s Your Soul That I’m Caught In Yet You Don’t Hear Me Call Your Name | Explicit | 4433 words
The one in which Harry goes out for a run in the early morning rain without telling Louis and Louis wakes up alone, cold and needy.
8) Hook’s Intention | Explicit | 5156 words
Harry hadn’t realized what, exactly, being the Captain Hook to Louis’ Peter Pan would entail.
9) But I Want You | Explicit | 5200 words
After their successful night at the VMAs, Harry can't keep his hands off Louis for long.
10) A Gentleman’s Arrangement | Explicit | 5205 words
Harry has been in the countryside, Louis has been trapped in town awaiting the London season, and three months apart is far, far too long.
11) ‘Cause Lately I’ve Been Waking Up Alone | Explicit | 5667 words
“Ow ow ow ow,” Harry continues cursing, hopping back and forth on the balls of his toes and trying uselessly to cradle his dick.  Louis’s eyes fall to the sink, where he can see a torn-open package and what looks like a sheet of instructions.
“Clone-a-Willy?” he reads out loud, not sure he’s reading right.
...or, Harry gives Louis a very special sex toy for an early birthday present, and Louis uses it on Skype when Harry's in LA.
12) Power Inside | Explicit | 5861 words
Louis wrinkles his nose and pokes Harry again. “You want a baby,” he repeats.
Again, Harry frowns. “Uh, yeah, Lou, I want a baby. So do you.”
Where is this even going. Harry honestly has no clue.
Abruptly, Louis stops frowning and practically throws himself off of Harry, splaying himself out on his side of the bed, arms spread wide. “Okay. Let’s make a baby, then.”
Can eyebrows get permanently attached to a hairline? Harry has a feeling he’s going to find out. “You do realize - ” he starts.
“Yes, Harry, I realize,” Louis says, stroking his fingers over the inside of his own thigh, ruking his shorts up. “You gonna shut up about it and give me a baby or am I gonna have to go out and find someone else to fulfill my deepest desires?”
He’s a nutjob. He’s a complete nutjob. Harry’s in love with a complete nutjob.
13) We’ll Stumble Through Heaven | Explicit | 6504 words
Louis likes to be a good boy for his alpha.
14) You Drive Me Wild (You Know You Do) | Explicit | 6632 words
Their management informs them that they have an interview right before the ARIAs, and it isn't until he's in a suit, seated on a couch between Liam and Zayn, that he gets the idea.
The interviewer, Angus, smiles at them, right before the cameras roll on, and a metaphorical light bulb goes off inside Louis' head. He's perfect. Well, not as perfect as Harry, but enough. He's attractive, attractive enough to drive Harry crazy, and he doesn't even think of the consequences of his actions, just decides right then. It's all Harry's fault anyway. Louis should be allowed to have a little fun.
15) I’m Broken, Do You Hear Me? | Explicit | 6957 words
Louis starts acting weird and distant around Harry, and it takes Harry a little while to put together what's wrong. When he finally does, he's determined to help Louis see just how much he loves every piece of him.
16) Back Where I Belong | Explicit | 7217 words
Harry’s trying to have a conversation with Nick, who he hasn’t seen in nearly three months, but the way Nick’s eyes keep darting over his shoulder every few seconds is quite distracting.
It’s ironic, because at least a quarter of the reason that he’s even talking to Nick in the first place is because he needs a distraction. He’s all too aware of exactly what’s going on behind his back.
Nick is the one who finally brings it up. “Do you think he’s doing it to spite you?”
“He’s definitely doing it to spite me,” Harry answers tightly, resisting the urge to crane his neck around so he can see. He clutches his drink a little tighter, trying to keep his tenuous control over his own movements.
17) Call Me Shallow But I’m Only Getting Deeper | Explicit | 7367 words
The one where Louis is a brat so Harry spanks him with a riding crop.
18) Rated R | Explicit | 7635 words
Louis gifts Harry with a surprise sex tape, and it accidentally makes its way into Harry's family Christmas party. Ridiculousness ensues.
19) Under the Vanilla Sky | Explicit | 8006 words
Who the hell wears a hat like that on a yacht?  That's one of the things Louis thinks when he sees Harry from across the deck of the most expensive, ridiculous boat he's ever been on.  He also thinks he'd like to get closer.  Just to see what's under those aviators.  Just to verify that, yes, in fact, those white swim trunks might be a little see-through when wet.  Just to see if someone could really be that hot in real life.  On a yacht.  In the Caribbean sea just off the coast of St. Barts.  
Here's what really happened on that yacht.
20) Love To Make Him Moan | Explicit | 8106 words
Note: This fic is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
They fuck like they're sex starved, when they're really, really not.
21) Give It Up To Me | Explicit | 8134 words
"You're going to end up making me come with all the boys in our lounge," he finished, his tone softening the longer he spoke.
"And?" Harry murmured, placing his palm over the crevice of Louis' arse, keeping the plug nice and tight inside of him. "What if I wanted you to?"
22) Love Me in Between the Future and the Past | Explicit | 10991 words
Set during the 2013 VMAs.
Harry's scared of history repeating itself.
23) Read You For Some Kind Of Poem | Mature | 11969 words |  Sequel
He likes to imagine that he’s always aware of Harry’s eyes on him, but the spark that flashes across his body at how often Harry licks his lips while looking at his throat doesn’t feel like something he’s explicitly and consciously acknowledged before, but it feels familiar. Usual. Right.
24) In A World Apart | Explicit | 11973 words
During their off time in LA, Harry is reminded just how much he loves Louis.
25) End Of The World Tonight | Explicit | 12069 words
“You remember when you told me that you wanted to live with me for the rest of your life?” Louis asks. His voice trembles a bit, exposing exactly how much he hates what he’s about to do. How much he wishes that he wasn’t about to do it.
“I remember,” Harry says. His expression is a little lost, like he thinks that they’re about to have a fight and he’s not sure what they’re supposed to be fighting about. Louis closes his eyes because he has to, has to take a second to regain his courage. He can’t keep doing this. He can’t keep suffering, can’t keep killing himself trying to hide this. He’s ready. He’s been ready for a long time.
26) Know You Got That Thing (That I Like) | Explicit | 15798 words
In all the ways he thought about their reunion going, watching Louis finger himself open was not on the list.
27) 210 Days | Explicit | 16341 words
Harry is in the army and Louis is back in New York. Together, they get through Harry's six month leave by sending a series of letters back and forth. They've done it before, and they can do it again.
28) Temporary Tattoos, Hotel Hearts, Horizon Homes | Explicit | 17965 words
Note: This fic is locked and can be read by AO3 users only.
Louis is just 18 and ends up in 2015 for one day at Harry’s request, one day to make sure his spirit is strong and hopeful enough to take him to the X Factor and end him up where he’s supposed to be. Aka, the one where Harry makes sure Louis knows how amazing he is.
29) Can’t Fool Me | Explicit | 30162 words
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
30) Drowning In Your Eyes | Explicit | 45140 words
The Pirates of the Caribbean inspired au where Harry is a fierce pirate who holds the heart of a beautiful merman.
31) Such Good Luck | Explicit | 66205 words
Louis smiles at Harry’s words, leaning into his touch. “Tell me again.”
Smiling, Harry takes Louis into his arms. Pressing gentle kisses to his face, Harry murmurs, “In six months’ time, I will have my twenty-fifth birthday.  On that day, my portion of the inheritance will become legally mine. And I plan that very day to announce to my family that I have found love.” Harry chuckles as he runs his lips lightly along Louis’ cheekbone. “That, in fact, I found love when I was twenty-one years old, and that I have loved and been loved every day since.”
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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Chapter 31: I’ll post whatever I want
Hey everyone! I’m so sorry I couldn’t upload last Thrusday, there’s too much goin on right now but here it is!! Chapter 31!
Read chapter 30
-          I missed your lip biting thing – Josh said to Anastasia while walking through a Venice square, on the way to the restaurant where a big lunch was going to be held.
-          I missed your guitarist fingers – Anastasia said back to him, a little bit flushed.
-          Are you blushing? – Josh asked laughing.
-          No, I’m not. It’s the heat – Anastasia lied. It was actually very hot outside in that city and Anastasia had to choose a light outfit, a grey flower-printed crop top with a low cleavage, a pair of baby blue jeans, grey oxfords on her feet and a grey, wide-brim fedora.
-          You look amazing, by the way – Josh said to her once again – Well, you always do. Even when dressing so sensual you have such a taste…
-          Thank you – Anastasia said – Are you adulating me because I gave you the best sex of your life last night? – Josh laughed.
-          The Anastasia I know is back. I’m adulating you because you’ve given me the best sex of my life in general – This was getting weird for Anastasia.
-          Josh… - She didn’t know if she should ask about his girlfriend. She actually didn’t want neither if it was going to break the spell. It was obvious they were together but she wanted to know if this was just a one night stand or something more. At the same time she didn’t want it to be something more, she couldn’t go through that again – Never mind.
-          No, tell me.
-          Don’t worry, we are already here – She said looking at the whole travel crew sitting at a large table in the restaurant’s balcony.
They made their way there and Anastasia had a glimpse of the place, it was beautiful. You could see the ocean from the balcony and the boats riding in the back. She chose a chair next to Barbara and in front of Mandy, while Josh sat a little bit away, next to Flea. She felt Barb and Mandy’s keen eyes, so she smiled at them with a funny grin. She then could see Mandy moving her lips to her forming the words “Fuck you”, Anastasia laughed.
Lunch was amazing, everybody there got along so well. They all had crazy conversation topics, they talked about life on tour and making music, they even talked about the old times when Anthony and Barbara were a mess, way before Anastasia moved to LA, then Anthony mentioned when An moved and everything changed for Barbara, but in a good sense and how Barbara took her to almost every concert she could. An was feeling good, so well. Better than the last months. She even stopped thinking about Josh’s girlfriend; suddenly she wasn’t worried about it anymore. She was enjoying that moment, right there without any obstacles.
After lunch everybody was up for a walk, they needed it because they all ate so much pasta. They visited the magnificent Piazza San Marco, then went to the Basilica, walked through small streets and visited some local stores and then everybody wanted to do some boat rides on the Grand Canal. But Josh had some other plans.
 -          What do you say if we skip the boat ride and go for gelato? – He asked to Anastasia almost whispering in her ear.
-          You know I’m always down for gelato – She answered smiling.
 She excused herself to the group saying she was feeling a little bit sick for a boat ride, and they both walked away from them. Then they arrived to a place called Boutique del Gelato, which was pretty famous in the city.
 -          The people at the hotel recommend it – Josh told Anastasia – And I know how much you love it, so I wanted to bring you here.
-          I want lemon and pistachio – Anastasia ordered.
-          What? That’s the weirdest mix ever! – Josh laughed.
-          Oh, I’m sure you are going to ask for something basic like chocolate and vanilla – Anastasia mocked him.
-          No… I’m going to order chocolate and… strawberry – Josh laughed and Anastasia joined him – I’m joking, I want hazelnut and Stracciatella.
-          Uh! Fancy! – Anastasia said.
-          The occasion warrants it, after all I'm with one of the fanciest people I know – He said.
-          Ok. Stop it, Josh – Anastasia said rolling her eyes.
-          And I’ll pay for it – Josh warned her – It’s your birthday weekend.
-          That makes me feel guilty – Anastasia said – I don’t like people paying for my stuff.
-          You are impossible – He said rolling his eyes but with a smile on his face.
 They ate their gelatos while walking around. Watching the city, avoiding the places with bad smell and just enjoying each other’s company. It was like the old days, even before they were a couple. She felt so good at that moment; she forgot everything he did, even if that was possible. It was the same old Josh, the one she met at Eric’s birthday party all those years ago.
At one moment she got lost with the view, the Venice canals opening to the ocean and then she heard a camera click at her back. She turned around fast and Josh was holding his phone and laughing.
 -          What are you doing? – She asked very confused.
-          Taking a picture – He said smiling like a dumbass.
-          Of me? – She asked again.
-          Well, you were on the way – He answered – But look, it’s beautiful – He showed her the photo and indeed it was a gorgeous picture. It showed her from the back looking at the horizon – Come here, let’s take a picture together.
-          Oh… that’s weird – She said smiling.
 Josh got close to her and they took a selfie with the Venetian landscape in the back.
 -          Look at you taking selfies! – Anastasia said mocking him.
-          Stop – He laughed – Gonna post this – Anastasia’s heart stopped.
-          Where? – She asked – Where are you gonna post it?
-          On Facebook, it’s the only social media I use – He said using his phone and she thought it was time to bring it up.
-          Josh, don’t! You have a girlfriend! – She had to say it. His face changed from happiness to confusion.
-          First of all, I don’t have a girlfriend – He said and that shocked Anastasia – Second, I’ll post it wherever I want to – She was about to ask “What about Lauren?” but she decided not take it further.
 The flight back served as a thinking session for Anastasia. Josh denied Lauren without hesitation, and he was acting so friendly the whole weekend, he apologized for everything he did and he looked honest doing so. They even had sex, the wine had a lot to do over there, but the next morning there wasn’t a drop of shame or regret in that hotel room. It all felt so natural, like if they were longtime friends that liked each other. Surprisingly she wasn’t even confused, she had peace in her heart, she was happy, of course… and just like that Anastasia had her hopes up again.
 -          You need to tell me everything – Mandy took a seat in front of her at Anastasia’s booth on the plane, luckily this time Josh was far from them.
-          What can I tell you? – Anastasia smiled at her friend – We had dinner and then went back to his room, we had sex, we ate gelato and then he denied the fact that he has a girlfriend.
-          What?! – Mandy couldn’t scream because the plane was so quiet – Anastasia, did you sleep with him?
-          You didn’t realize that I didn’t sleep in our room?
-          No. I was drunk and there were two bedrooms, I thought you were inside. I can’t believe this… And he denied her?
-          He said she wasn’t his girlfriend.
-          Oh my God, An! – Mandy said – I don’t want to see you suffer, please, please, please, stay strong. You don’t deserve this, you deserve a man for you alone, a man that only loves you.
-          Don’t worry about it.
-          I’ll be here in the end, as usual. That’s my mission in this planet – Mandy said checking her phone and suddenly she had a surprised expression on her face – Look!
 Mandy handled Anastasia the phone and An saw the photos Josh published on Facebook, first the one where she was alone, and then the selfie he took of them. He wrote “I wish all my trips around the world were like this” on the description box. Both friends shared a glance.
 -          He doesn’t have her as a friend on Facebook – Mandy said – I stalked him – She said before Anastasia could ask – Look, there’s more!
 A video from An’s birthday party of  her singing No Scrubs with Kelly was there too, he captioned it “Two girls who won’t take no scrubs”, a bunch of his friends left comments like “I want your life” and “I can’t believe you hang out with someone as hot as Anastasia Truman”, that one made her feel good.
 -          Why is he posting all this? – Anastasia asked.
-          No idea – Mandy said.
-          He didn’t even do this when we were a couple.
-          It’s weird indeed – Mandy said – Aw, An! Be careful, please!
-          How was your weekend? – Anastasia changed the subject violently.
-          It was amazing! – Mandy answered with light in her eyes – I had so much fun with all the food and everyone. Josh stole you, but anyway.
-          People noticed? – Anastasia was ashamed now.
-          Oh yeah. Anthony didn’t stop making jokes about it – Mandy said – I’m going to sleep a little bit, try to do the same.
-          You know I don’t sleep on planes – Anastasia said.
-          TRY! – Mandy screamed ignoring the rest of the people that were actually sleeping.
 Anastasia was confused now; this wasn’t a normal attitude on Josh. She got up from her seat and tried to look out for Josh. She saw him at her right, he was awake and she could see the reflective light on his face from his notebook. She walked towards him, he took his headphones off and smiled at her, then moved to make some room so she could sit next to him.
 -          Don’t you think those Facebook posts are going to get you in trouble? – Anastasia asked.
-          I already told you that no – Josh answered rolling his eyes – They are great pictures and the world should see them.
-          And that video.
-          That video was hilarious – He said laughing – If it is such a big deal for you I’ll take them down.
-          No! It’s fine… for real – She said – Don’t worry. It’s just that you used to be so private.
-          I still am – He answered – And I know who I have on my Facebook page just like you know who follows you on your Instagram. You used to post pictures of me and of us, and I never had a problem with it. By the way, I noticed you never deleted them.
-          Why would I? It was a great moment in my life. I’m not a teenager, Josh…
 He just smiled and didn’t say anything back to that.
Back at her seat, she couldn’t help but to think about it. He wasn’t hiding her and she wasn’t sure if they were going to repeat what happened that weekend but right now she was happy, for real this time, for the first time in months, she was happy. Deep inside she knew it was a fake happiness but she didn’t mind it. All of her life she had to deal with anxiety and now she was ready to be better. Yes, Josh hurt her but also, she still had feelings for him and she could tell he still had feelings for her too. The way he made love to her the night before was filled with desire and passion. It didn’t feel like a stranger or a one night stand at all, it was two people in love giving themselves to each other.
Tour was about to start again and the future never looked so bright before her eyes.
Read chapter 32
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dehvastation · 7 years
Assholes Unite
Qhuinn: [After I sent Dehv the text, I let myself into the cabin. I began to peel off my clothes on the way to the bathroom dropping them as I went with the intention of cleaning up when I was done. Sure, I didn’t know when he’d get back to me and I had just showered before my meeting, but I needed to do something to keep myself busy. My mind was a million miles a minute and well, there was no such thing as being too clean. Especially when I was so used to being covered in blood, sweat, and grime constantly. And considering how our last few meetings had started, maybe this time I could make a decent enough first impression. I snorted to myself and rolled my eyes at my own stupidity. It was far too late for that. He likely already had a oh so very lovely impression of me. I turned on the water and stepped under the scaling spray to wash my nerves away. I mean, obviously he was okay with my presence or he’d not have agreed to meet up again so I could prove to him another world existed. Unless he was just doing it to get a laugh, but even still…it gave me an excuse to be near him. Maybe I’d grow on him…..like a fucking barnacle the way my luck usually ran. I tried to push him from my mind because I couldn’t function properly with all the stupid thoughts in my head and grabbed the soap to start scrubbing away at my skin. I focused on the task of making soap turn to bubbles and skin turn to red, appreciating the varying colors since I was still getting used to that shit when I heard my phone go off. I nearly tripped over the lip of the tub as I lept out, skidding on the tile and bouncing off the walls as I scrambled to the phone. I was a grade a fucking idiot, but at least I could admit it to myself as I lunged for my jeans and my buzzing phone. I finally unraveled it form the clothing and grumbled when I saw that instead of the message I wanted, it was a message from Wraith, ‘Got some news, stop by when you can ~ W’. I furrowed my brows as I pushed back to my feet and dripped my way to the bathroom to dry off. With Wraith that news could be any number of things, but I hoped it meant he found something of use about one of the two things I actually had him looking into for me. The news of the male who caused my death or news of who was behind Dehv’s attacks. I knew if it was the former, Wraith would be right by my side on that one. Well, I suppose if Dehv blew me off, I could still make a productive evening out of it at least. Toweling off, I walked to my room and tugged on another pair of black buttonfly’s, a black tee, a pair of black socks and my boots. I had just grabbed my jacket from the closet when my phone started to go off again. Fucking patience, Wraith, damn. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the pile of clothes. Picking them all up before I grabbed my phone, a grin forming on my face as I saw who the messages was from]
Dehv: ~ I kept up smiling as I listened to Dr Holt continue to tell me what he was looking for, while also explain what he really didn’t want. I already had a few ideas, but the more he talked, the more I realised that perhaps we were not anywhere close to thinking on the same lines. The current place he lived in seemed like it hadn’t been updated since it was built. Which was probably longer than even I’d been alive. Not that I could say that, as I still looked a good 30 years younger than the male on the other side of the video chat. I made notes to look like I was taking on board everything, filtering through what he was saying so I could put down what I knew was a complete no go area, and what things I might be able to tweak and show him how good it could look. He was a hard person to please. I’d done up his office years ago, and he’d apparently forgotten all the things I’d spoken to him about at the time. I felt my eyes glance at the clock a couple of times though the hour. But thankfully I got enough information to keep throwing down something to send him, “Ok, Sir. I’ll get some ideas and samples put together so I can send them through to you. And we’ll catch up again next week. I’ll send you an email covering what we’ve spoken about and agreed upon with times for you to choose for our next meeting. You know the drill, it’s not the first time we’ve done this. Enjoy your evening.” I smiled as widely as I could to a human and clicked off the camera. I exhaled slowly and then reached for my phone. It had been on silent while I was in the meeting, but I had seen it light up while I was talking. I clicked through the notifications but instantly stopped when I saw the message from Qhuinn. I smiled at his wording and then found myself snorting. How to reply to that? I tapped on the bottom of the message and quickly typed out a response, “Hey, I do have time. Just finished with a client. I’ll demat over to the park where I met you before. Least we both know where that is. I’ve got a few notes to write up and then I’ll leave. Should be about half an hour. D.” I read the message over two or three times before pressing send and quickly placing the phone face down so I don’t check it again. Getting the notes I’d scribbled written in something a little more legable before I pushed away from my desk. I clicked shut the laptop and then stuffed my phone in my pocket. Figuring what I was wearing was more than fine, but I wanted to grab another layer, it wasn’t exactly warm out there, and I had no idea what Qhuinn had planned for us. If it was a lot of standing around and watching, I was not about to ruin that by freezing my ass off. Though it did then give me an excuse to tell him he was taking me for a coffee to warm back up again. I found myself grinning as I made my way upstairs to grab another jumper, checking everything was locked up and the alarm set before I did. Once I was happy I wasn’t going to burn the place down while I was away, I took a slow breath and sent my molecules towards the park, knowing I could easily hide among all the trees with it being as dark as it was. ~
Qhuinn: [I shot a text back to Dehv to tell him I would meet him there and grinned like an idiot as I tucked my phone in my pocket. Who knew that park would become our regular meeting place. I mean, three times now, that made it regular, right? Even if one was by total accident and the other was a safe middle ground after he broke my nose and I bloodied him up. This time, I could only hope neither of us would be shedding any blood. Wrath would likely have my ass nailed to a spike if I got one of his trainees killed. I stopped and snorts, my trainee too now. Hopefully he’d be mine in more than one way if I had anything to do with it. I made quick work of the pile of clothes, tossing them in the hamper and then giving the place a quick once over. Not that I was planning on company or anything, but it couldn’t hurt to be prepared, plus, I was getting over that whole slob phase of mine. After that was all done, I checked the time and burned all of two minutes and figured that was long enough, dammit. I walked out and locked the door behind me, walking about half a block just to calm my nerves before I sent my molecules to the park. I materialized on the opposite side we normally met at and glanced around to try to see if I had beat him or not. When I thought I saw movement near the tree line, my smile grew as I started in that direction. I made it about ten steps before my phone went off again and I let out a low growl as I paused and pulled it from my pocket. I shot a quick text back to Wraith and told him I’d be by shortly. I guess our first stop had been decided for me. Besides, the hospital would be a nice, easy way to ease him into the world I was trying to show him. Now if the stars aligned, the trip below would be productive too, though I should know better than to even tempt the fates with that on. I tucked the phone back away and continued my way across the park. I was not going to let the prospect of the information waiting or anything else distract me from my goals. As I got closer to the tree line, I could almost feel eyes watching me. Even though my hand fell to the ever present handle at my side, I wasn’t worried. I tipped my head and grinned wide] Dehv, you here or am I talking to the trees like a lunatic? Not that it would be the first time.
Dehv: ~ I appeared behind a huge crop of trees and gave the place a quick look around to ensure no one had seen me. As expected the place was deserted now it was dark, and the place held an eerie feel still. The lights filtering through the edges of the park on two sides where there were houses and street lights. The rest was dark, I’d imagine it would be pitch black to anyone who wasn’t blessed with supernaturally good eyesight. I gave the place one more sweep before moving a little closer to the park. I smiled when I saw that Qhuinn had already made it to the park and was probably waiting for me. I leaned my shoulder against a tree, ensuring that I wasn’t obvious, while still being able to see. My gut told me I could trust the male, and I really wanted to. Something drew me to him, but I couldn’t figure out what. It was something I wasn’t used to feeling around people. Though my gut was rarely wrong, I had very few people around me who I could say that I trusted entirely. In some cases because they were human and weren’t allowed to know any more about me than the normal day to day things. In other cases because I didn’t know them well enough. Frankie was my closest friend and I’d picked up other along the way. But none I saw regularly. Humans had become my constant, which had been interesting over the years as I’d tried to change identity through various creative methods. I watched as Qhuinn approached, certain he was alone from the way he was checking out the crowded bunch of trees I was currently hiding in. I knew he’d seen me demat in, since I’d probably stuck out if you were looking specifically for me. I didn’t keep him waiting when he spoke, instead grinning and stepping through a few of the denser trunks until I could look the male in the eye, “I should have left you talking a little longer. Seen what happened if you thought you were talking to the trees. Hippy.” I winked and then moved clear of the small wooded area and scanned the open expanse of field. “So, you’ve got me here. I’m armed, lightly trained and curious beyond belief. You’ve already given my brain far more to think about than I ever wanted. What with me meeting you when you were a hell of a lot more curvy than you are now. Though I have a feeling, you’re still as deadly. Tell me what I’m doing here and what you want from me so I’m prepared in advance in case I have to actually use some of that training I’ve worked hard to improve at.” I tipped my head back to the male and met his gaze, fingers running through my hair as I showed my nerves. While I wasn’t scared to fight, I wasn’t sure what I was going to come up against. I knew Qhuinn could hold his own, I just hoped I could hold mine too. I did not want to get either one of us injured because I did something stupid. ~
Qhuinn: [My grin widened as I saw the movement in the trees before he came into view. That grin he wore settled the slight knot of apprehension that had been bubbling in my stomach. Not that I expected him to bail…ok, maybe a little, but I had a feeling if he said he would show up somewhere, he actually would do just that. I snorted out a laugh and shrugged a shoulder] You caught me, I’m all kinds of peace and love and all that other shit.
[I winked right back as I moved to stand in front of the male who captured a good portion of my attention. Groaning as he brought up the curves I’d had when we first met, I wrinkled my nose and shook my head] Can we just forget about that whole curve factor? It certainly wasn’t my best look, even if I did kick ass in that form as much as I do in this one. I’m glad you came armed though, not that I’m expecting trouble. It just happens to find me more often than not. Besides, I’m fairly certain Wrath would kill me if I managed to get one of our trainees fucked up before I even started working.
[I still couldn’t believe Wrath had agreed to the proposition. Taking Dehv tonight would hopefully give a little credibility to what I’d told him, not that that was the reason I wanted Dehv to be here. Nope, I wanted him to know what was out there, I wanted to try to help him if I could at the same time though.I wished I could sooth the nerves that caused him to run his fingers through that hair…hair I sure as hell wouldn’t mind running my ….I coughed and averted my gaze as I tried to get back onto track. ] Initially, I was going to start with taking you down below, but I need to hit the hospital first. Wraith, well, you’ll meet him, he’s got some information I asked him to find. You’ll meet some demons, including the three who run the place,  and then if you want more, we can keep going. Anytime you wanna bail, just say the word. You can’t demat in the hospital or in the wards around it, just like you can’t demat in and out of hell, so we’ll take the gate to both places.
[I watched him carefully to see if he was still on board or if he thought this whole thing was a joke. I tipped my head to the gate we’d used before and waited. I hoped he’d say yes. I didn’t think he’d say no. He was curious. He was an intellectual, something I wasn’t, but I understood curiosity and what I promised fit under curious and more.]:
Dehv: ~ I looked between the male and the…….portal or whatever it was called. I’d seen it in action, and I was more than happy to go in there again. I trusted the male beside me, even if it was some kind of freaky shit he was leading me into. I found I blurted out random things rather than seeming to marry them up with a logical thought process “Our trainees? You’re helping out with that programme now? Demons and one is called Wraith? Which is kind of like Wrath, though I have a feeling they’re nothing alike. Ok. I can do this. It’s not like I’m human and having to come to terms with the weird and whatever. To them, I’m like a demon is to me. Magic shit, less ok with. Harry Potter should probably stay as fairytales. Probably. Ok.” I nodded, basically convincing myself rather than the male still patiently waiting by my side. I didn’t really have many questions, I mean, what was I going to ask? Hospitals were needed for all kinds of things, the fact I couldn’t demat would have worried me, had it seemed to bother Qhuinn. However, he seemed perfectly at ease with that, and it had to mean that it was mostly a good thing. I’d have to properly watch how he worked the gates so I could actually get out if I needed to, even if he couldn’t for some reason, I needed to know I was able to. I turned fully to face Qhuinn and lifted my gaze to meet his, “Will you teach me the gates first? Make sure I can use them and understand them on my own. I know you’ll be with me every step of the way, but should one of these brothers need to keep you for some reason…….” I shrugged a shoulder and then smiled as I dropped my gaze. I figured he’d get it, or at least understand my want and need to have some kind of control over my own movements. I could fight, not as well as him, but I was still able to hold my own. So I knew that was fine, and I could demat anywhere you wanted me to, I’d been properly practicing, and not just the shorter distances to places I knew. But I didn’t have that advantage it would seem once I stepped through that shimmering gateway, and that left me feeling more on edge that I wanted. I smiled anyway and then tipped my head towards the gate, “If that’s ok with you, I’m game to learn and meet anyone you want me to. I’m pretty good with people, I think. So anything I should know going in, what not to say or whatever, give me the heads up and I’ll try to remember it all.” With another nod I started towards the gate. Assuming Qhuinn would fall in line behind me. Not sure if I had to wait for it to come to us or not, I slowed to an almost standstill a few inches from the disturbance that it would seem only those who weren’t human could see. ~
Qhuinn: [I flashed a sheepish grin at the male. It wasn’t that it was a big secret, Wrath never told me that I couldn’t say anything to any one. Besides it was going to get out soon enough and it felt right that Dehv was the first one I told. I gave a slight nod] Yeah, that’s what my meeting with Wrath was about. I’m gonna be helping out with training and on patrol. Wraith is more like us than some of them. He’s part vampire which is like really rare for them. Caused him a shit ton of problems too, but he’s cool.
[I grinned wider as his nervousness showed in the way he was trying to reason out this whole thing. It definitely made me feel better. It showed that even though it was stranger than all hell, he trusted me enough to believe things were possible. I knew the issue of not being able to dematerialize might raise his nerves. It had me at first too. I smiled when Dehv came to stand in front of me so our goes locked] The hospital is protected, making it unappealing to humans and shit so there’s a huge ward around it. Inside they have a spell that keeps violence to nonexistent levels, unless someone really wants to feel like their head is splitting open. But they keep it so you can’t just materialize on the grounds to protect everyone. Once you get about fifty feet or so past the entrance, then the ward ends and you can dematerialize again. I’ll show you how to work the gate though, it’ll be good for you to know how to use it for whatever reason. If you’re ready?
[I picked up my pace to walk along side Dehv, watching the shimmer grow brighter as we approached. Now that I knew what to look for I could spot them everywhere and it always amazed me how others just walked right past them, sometimes sidestepping as though they knew something unnatural was there.] The staff at the hospital are great, I think you’ll have no issues with them as long as you don’t attack or anything like that.
[I stepped into the gate with purpose and held out my hand to Dehv, guiding him inside with me. I was slower this time as I showed him how to zoom in and out of the map, pointing to Caldwell and the gate we were in, the landmarks and the particular glyph to look for, then as I moved it around to the hospital we were going to. When the gate opened, I pulled him with me out to the parking lot of UGH, facing the emergency entrance.]
Dehv:~ I walked into the space after I was sure it was safe. Qhuinn wouldn’t have gone in there had there been a problem. It amused me that although this appeared to be nothing more than a lift to and from places, you didn’t have to wait on one arriving. It was just there. I focused on what he was saying, edging in close to watch the various maps and symbols elluminate and change. The maps were zoomed in on, places tapped and various places marked for the male to tap as he got closer to where he wanted to go. I was glad that I’d paid attention this time, as I was pretty sure I’d have never picked this up had he gone at normal pace. Thankfully Qhuinn had pressed each button with purpose, but also explained what he was doing as he did each thing. It wasn’t until I stepped out of the gate that I was able to speak without feeling like I might lose what I’d learnt. Not that I wanted to speak once I saw the place looming in front of me. It looked pretty much like a bog standard hospital, or at least a human one. Ours looked less like that, as we were more likely to run behind the scenes. But being in a place humans couldn’t see, that made building a structure like this, with the ability to park the emergency vehicles close by without issue, easy. I still looked around gawking at the place. I could see some of the demons that were using the place as they moved in and out of the sliding doors. I had to blink a few times, unconsciously moving a little closer to Qhuinn to gage his reaction. It was apparently nothing I needed to worry about, since he was as relaxed as he’d been when we’d stepped out the gate. I was used to humans, lessers and vampires. The Omega had been all kinds of fucked up looking, but then, I’d expected that, and never really thought I’d SEE him. Despite fighting towards trying to ensure he was no more. But this, there was all kinds of different things moving around, conversing in languages I’d never heard. And as much as they fascinated me, they also confused the shit out of me. I tipped my head slightly and whispered to Qhuinn, “These are all demons? Every single one of them?” I blinked and then started forward, moving slowly to ensure Qhuinn would stay at my side. I didn’t make eye contact with anyone, merely taking in everything as I’d been trained to do. My journey taking me to the sliding doors and inside. Shocked, despite the knowledge it was a fully functioning hospital, to see all kinds of demons and others running around, barking orders and trying to save lives or diagnose the injured. It wasn’t a place I felt comfortable, having always hated these kind of places. But I understood their importance, and really wanted to know more about this world. “Ok, show me more.” ~
Qhuinn: [Yeah, I couldn’t stop my dumb ass from grinning as Dehv stepped closer, even if it was just because of what he was seeing. That had to mean he at least trusted me enough to keep him safe here and that was fucking awesome. I glanced around the lot at the various species and shook my head as I gave a wave to a few that recognized me] Not all. That dude that was by the ambulance. That’s Con. He’s a dhampire. Part vamp, part wolf. The guy walking towards us in the all black uni, that’s Shade, he’s one of the brothers who run the place, also part wolf thanks to his mate. That chick wandering around with the light, that’s Idess, daughter of Azagoth, part angel..no wait, former angel? I can’t remember. Anyway, you’ll see a few different types wandering the halls. Few shifters and such too. But they can’t hurt you, not without getting taken down by the protective spell the brothers put in place.
[I flashed a grin as Shade came over and gave me a hug, “Good to have you back, Brother. Wraith said you’d be stopping by. This the guy?” He flashed a smile at Dehv. “I’m Shade, you the guy who broke my brother’s nose?” I groaned and muttered under my breath that I was going to kill Wraith before I cleared my throat] Dehv, meet Shade…he’s on his way to anywhere but here, right Shade?
[He started to say more but Con shouted out for him to get his ass moving because they had a call. He let out a low laugh and grinned wide, “Fine, I’ll leave it to Runa to get the details when you come for family dinner now that you’re back to you. Nice to meet you, Dehv.” He looked at his watch, “Wraith should be in the cafeteria, Serena’s suppose to be bringing Stewie in for his checkup in a bit” I groaned and nodded before uttering a thanks to the demon.] Chat ya later man, I’ll call you later, I’m sure the dinner will be interesting.
[With that, I found myself grabbing for Dehv’s hand before I caught myself, but damned if Shade didn’t miss it. His eyes darted down and he grinned wide before turning and waving a middle finger over his shoulder at me as he ran quickly to the ambulance, not leaving much room for any sort of talking.. I shook my head and turned to Dehv with an apologetic look.] Sorry, I should have warned you it wasn’t really demons you needed to be worried about, just the idiots in charge. They…when I was booted from the manse, they kinda took me under their wings so to speak. Just ignore most of what any of them tell you….please!
[ Once we were alone, I led Dehv passed the main entrance as quickly as I could, I was hopeful we could make it to the cafeteria with out too many problems. The waiting room was filled with usual suspects, grouchy demons and growly were glaring at each other when they weren’t grumbling at the nursing staff who studiously ignored it all while they took care of admitting the most necessary patients first, which would keep them busy and better still, keep them from noticing us.]
Dehv: ~ I continued to look around the place, expecting to be lead to another area of the hospital when Qhuinn’s attention was pulled to a male. I tipped my head in greeting and looked to Qhuinn for some understanding of whether this was a friend or not. The smile on his face and the way he seemed relaxed, or as relaxed as he ever appeared to be, gave me the answer I needed. The hug confirmed that, and I found myself relaxing a fraction, until the male spoke. Shade. The name made me smile, though it’s not like I had room to comment with the name I’d been given. I couldn’t help the huge smile as I held out my hand to shake his, nodding without remorse at the memory of breaking Qhuinn’s nose. “He deserved it. Who sneaks up on someone when they’re mid way through a run?” I shrugged a shoulder, though I was still grinning at the male. I continued to listen to the exchange between the males, allowing my attention to then move away to others so they could finish up their conversation in some kind of private state. Not that it really was. The demons that Qhuinn had pointed out on the way in were starting to move between the carpark and the main entrance. Some I’d never have known were anything but human, or perhaps vampire. But there were some, they were obviously not creatures that could be out in the human world. Perhaps on halloween if they were to pretend they were trick or treating. But otherwise they really were proof that we were outside of reality. As if the glowing lift hadn’t been enough of a give away. It was mind blowing to think that Wrath knew of this, or at least knew of its existence, even if he wasn’t aware of the extent. As soon as Shade disappeared, I turned my attention back to Qhuinn, blinking slowly as I tried to take everything in. The gentle please had me laughing, and I nodded, “I can ignore whatever they happen to tell me about you. Or, pretend I’m not listening to use at a later date to bribe you with.” I winked and then moved along with Qhuinn, my attention bouncing like a ping pong ball between each room we passed. I kept up with the male happily, stepping in closer than was strictly necessary more than once. I told myself it was because I was uncertain as to what might come at us while we were here. A protection spell would only keep so much at bay, surely? The place got slightly less frantic as we moved through the halls. Calming and moving into routine rather than urgent. It wasn’t like human hospitals, or even the odd vamp hospital I’d been in. While there’d been a lot of screaming demons in the main entrance, the further we wound into the place, the more those here wanted to be here. Or at least they could see a benefit. Which was nice. Once we’d made it into the canteen, I reached for Qhuinn’s hand and pulled him to a stop, waiting until he was facing me before speaking, “So that was Shade, he looked out for you. And we’re here to see, another owner. His brother? You mentioned his name. I’m sorry, it’s a lot to take in. Where will he be? And should I be expecting a fight after I broke your nose?” I asked seriously, though I was sure I could hold my own, it was far better to be prepared than to go in and get blind sided. ~
Qhuinn: [I huffed at Dehv’s quick response to Shade. He was right and it wasn’t the first time I’d snuck up on someone and got a fist to the face over it. What I realized though was how he’d fit right in with the brothers and their good natured ribbing. That thought both thrilled and freaked me out all at once. Now to just get him to see me as more than a glorified tour guide in the world of weird. My grin widened as Dehv walked close to me, I liked feeling his heat alongside me and just feeling him close. It did that stupid thing to my insides that made me happy. Dammit. I laughed and shook my head] You’ll find out likely won’t have to bribe me for much, Dehv.
[I shrugged a shoulder and grinned. It was true and I knew it too. I’d likely do just about anything if he needed or wanted me to. I nodded and waved to a few of the nurses and doctors as we passed, but they were busy which meant they didn’t stop to chat, which was perfect. I didn’t want Dehv to have to endure any of the stories they’d be oh so willing to share. Or have them making sure I was taking care of myself. When he took my hand, I turned to face him with slightly wider eyes than I intended. My brows pinched until I realized he needed a little reassurance that he was indeed safe. I kept his hand in mine and brushed my thumb along his as my smile came easily] The three who run the place are Shade, who you just met, Wraith, who we will meet next, and Eidolon who I’d like to avoid seeing tonight if possible. Shade and Wraith might give you shit for breaking my nose but that’s about it. E…well, he’s more serious than the others and if anything he’d likely say I deserved it and then make me get another damn exam since he’s still worried about me after everything.
[I shook my head and laughed soft at his concern of a fight.] No one can hurt you in these walls, at all. If they try, they’ll be on their ass in horrible pain. But even without that, none of the brothers would try to fight you over that. I peeked in the cafeteria and nodded to the blond behemoth with his back to us and headphones covering his ears.] That’s Wraith. He’s got some information for me that I’m hoping will help me take care of some outstanding business. I promise, you’ll be safe.
[I kept his hand in mine as I led him to the cafeteria. As we got closer, I saw Wraith’s shoulders shift so I knew he was aware of my presence but that didn’t stop him from jumping when I poked him in the side. “Fucker. What the hell took you so…” He stopped when he turned and saw us standing there, his brow shooting up as he looked between Dehv and me with a question in his eyes. I gave him a slight nod and his grin grew. He pushed me away and turned his attention to the male beside me. “I’m Wraith and you must be Dehvastation? Have a seat, some of what I found concerns you as well.” I walked to the other side of the table and took a seat across from Wraith.] You found information for both problems? Did you find..did you find him?
[Wraith didn’t take his eyes off Dehv as he slid us each a manilla folder filled with printouts]
Dehv: ~ I kept pace with Qhuinn as we kept walking. It was nice that Shade hadn’t been weird with him bringing someone with him. Though I guessed maybe they were used to him turning up with randoms now and again. I had to assume that Wrath and possibly other brothers had been down here with him. Though why that thought had my stomach knotting up wasn’t something I was willing to explore while I was still trying to take in all this shit. My hand was still curled around his, and while that would normally make me incredibly uncomfortable while I was in a totally unfamiliar place, I felt calm. And that also scared the shit out of me. I found myself having to shake my head to ensure I was focused on what else was happening. Especially as I tried to keep track of the brothers and who I might meet. Shade hadn’t seemed too bad, happy to joke around, while still looking like he could happily match me in a fight. Seemed like the brothers went in some order, oldest being the most serious and straight laced, and then the youngest being the one everyone had to watch out for. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time I’d seen that in a family tree. The thought made me smile slightly. I could imagine which one Qhuinn got on best with as well, just from the conversations we’d had and how quickly he seemed to get into trouble, no matter where he was. I was sort of glad about whatever protection shit this place had. Because it would hopefully keep us both safe from the bad luck charm him, and recently myself, had stamped on our foreheads. “Ok, three brothers. I’ll meet two today, the younger two of the three. But if I were to meet E, he’s more serious. I can deal with that.” I nodded and followed on as we moved into a canteen. There was a few people dotted around, but Qhuinn obviously spotted Wraith across the room. The change of his stance and the way he sped up just slightly told me that he was in a hurry to catch up with the male. I watched closely as the two seemed to communicate between themselves. The nod at our hands not being lost on me, and still I didn’t move to pull away. I was ready to defend myself if I needed to, but the grin that came instantly allowed me to relax. I was about to offer up my other hand to shake when the male named me. That had me on edge slightly, especially with information that I might be interested in and involved me. That had my frown hitting my head fast. “I am Dehvastation, feel free to call me Dehv. What information have you been looking into? And why would it have anything to do with me?” I looked between the two, questions swimming across my face as I refused to sit. While I was sure that Qhuinn wasn’t out to hurt me, Wraith either, I was still a little hesitant. I stood for a minute while I glanced at the two before me and then looked around the place. After a few minutes I nodded and slowly lowered into a chair, “Ok, I trust Qhuinn, so I’ll trust you. Sorry I’m on edge, had a few issues in recent months. Now my brain has caught up with my mouth, I’m guessing that is what you’re going to talk to us about? Or I hope anyway.” I nodded and then settled both hands on the top of the table, my entire focus landing on the demon, vampire, male in front of me. ~
Qhuinn [I could sense Dehv’s nervousness, not that I blamed him. Not all that long ago he only knew of humans and vampires roaming the streets, now I had him balls deep in a hospital filled with creatures of all species. He was still taking it better than I expected. Which was good, especially as other than Tohr, he was the only one I’ve brought with me here to meet the brothers. This was almost like meeting the parents, not that I told him that, but I’m sure he could sense the protectiveness in the eyes of both Shade and Wraith. At Dehv’s question, Wraith glared at me and cocked his brow, “Dude….” I shook my head and looked at Dehv] I asked Wraith to poke around to see if he had information on the attacks against you. That’s what he does best, procure information and find shit.
[turning my attention back to Wraith and the folders, I gave him the same stink eye right back] Nice avoidance, did you find him or not? What did you find out for Dehv? More importantly, how much is this going to cost me?
[Wraith grinned wide at me and shook his head, “You shoulda told him before you got here, numbnuts. Based on what you told me about how you…oh never mind” Wraith grinned wickedly and I shot him my best glare because I knew damn well where his train of thought was going. I never shoulda told him that shit. Then again, the asshole could pull it right from my damn brain without a thought. “I’m kidding. But yeah, I got some good information, as for the cost, the wife wants to go see some Broadway bullshit and we both know how well I do with that, soooooooo, you’re gonna take her in my place.” I groaned and gave a slow nod in agreement before waving my hand for him to go on. “So, according to my sources, the demon’s been slinking around in South America. He’s got another family in his sights so the quicker we can get him out of the picture, the better. Eidolon’s already spoken to the Judicia and you have full reign on how this is handled. All E wants is a token to know it’s done. I, on the other hand, want to be there to watch, so you better keep me in the loop.” He turned to Dehv and flipped open the folders, “Now, I dunno who any of these people are, vampires tend to steer clear of me, other than this asshole.” He pointed to me and grinned, “But here’s some names and bank accounts that we were able to track down. I think it goes deeper, but again, I don’t know who the parties are. This is a start and if you’d like I can keep digging, or you can take this and run with it how you want to handle it.” He turned back to me and raised a brow, “You know anything about the big explosion outside your little city? I know things tend to go to shit around you and I’m just wondering if the influx of patients we had was your doing.” I snorted and shook my head] I’ve been good, dammit. The only fights I’ve even gotten into where with this one.
[I nudged Dehv’s shoulders and flashed a wide grin at Wraith] Tell Serena to send me the details and all that.
[I watched Dehv after as he went through the papers before him, hoping he wasn’t too mad at me digging around. I just didn’t want to see him being attacked for no damn reason. I told him that I would do anything I could to help him and I meant it.] Dehv…are you okay with this?
Dehv: ~ I found my lips quirking when Wraith chastised Qhuinn. It made me smile to think that they both mothered the other. Or that’s how it seemed listening to them talk. It didn’t stop the tension that sat on me like a ton of bricks when I found out that there was something Qhuinn had asked Wraith to look into. Though when Qhuinn acknowledged that he should have probably told me before bringing me here, it made me smile. I was glad he could agree to that one, and I found myself nodding in agreement. Though I didn’t want to speak just yet, listening to what was going on around me rather than interject. I had no idea what Qhuinn had wanted Wraith to look into, but it sounded serious. And if I was happy with whatever had been found out for me, I might just see if we could both look into both, or perhaps I could help at any rate. I was so focused on the male in front of me that I almost missed the payment for this particular amount of information. It sounded like a really good night, but I could tell from the fact Wraith was palming it off, and Qhuinn’s groan that neither one would have chosen to go. I almost volunteered, until I realised it would be a good way to punish Qhuinn, without being mean. Which appealed to me. I’d be sure to mention it next time I was alone with him, since I was sure he’d find it amusing. When Wraith turned to me, I blinked a few times and then frowned. Taking my time to listen to every word and then started to look through the paperwork that he’d found. I couldn’t figure it out. It didn’t make sense that someone in my life would want to do to me what they’d done. Sure, as part of the Brotherhood trainee programme, I was sure I’d get my fair share of lesser attention. But the incident with the Omega was completely separate to anything I’d experienced with the lost evenings, or the random druggings and tattoos. I didn’t really know what it all meant, or what to expect. I sieved through piece after piece of paper work, noting that some of the names and faces I recognised. Either from those we’d taken down in the park, or names that rang a bell from various places I’d lived through my life. It made no sense, and the lack of any kind of pattern was starting to make my brain hurt. I tipped my head to Qhuinn first, “Thank you for looking into this for me. I’d have liked to know before I got here, but I can understand why you didn’t. So again, thank you.” I nodded and smiled before turning my attention to Wraith, “I’m hesitant to ask if you’d continue looking into this for me. If you’re making Qhuinn go out with your wife, I’d hate to think what you’d ask of someone you didn’t know and trust.” I smiled at the male so he could tell that I was teasing, confident that Qhuinn wouldn't be this close with someone who couldn’t take a joke, “Regardless, if that would be ok with Qhuinn, I’d very much like you to keep digging. I’ll also do some digging into the faces and names I recognise and then I can get back to you. Either via Qhuinn or directly to you.” I smiled between the two males, then I waited, wanting to give them a minute to decide. ~
Qhuinn:  [I didn’t take my eyes away from Dehv as he went through the file, even though I could feel Wraith trying to get my attention. I needed to make sure he was okay before I did any thing else. Especially when I saw that frown on his face. Dammit. Good job Qhuinn, you fucked up again. I didn’t even bother going through my own file as I watched him go through each piece of paper and I was pretty sure I forgot to breath until he tipped his head towards me and actually thanked me. That smile filled my lungs with much needed air and I offered my own relieved smile back at him] Thanks for not being too mad, I really did have the best of intentions.
[I shut up again as he turned his attention to Wraith and I saw the wheels spinning in the hybrid’s brain. I was soooooo gonna pay. He grinned wide at Dehv, “Don’t worry about it. Consider this your freebie as Q’s picking up the tab on it.” I groaned but my smile gave away my willingness to do what it took to help him get some damn answers. Wraith grinned wider, “I think babysi…”] Hell no. I will do anything else, but I am not watching Stewie. Nope. Not unless you want the kid swearing like a sailor and piercings happening.
[Wraith shook his head, “And Serena will have your balls for a door knocker if you do. I’m kidding, I love ya, Q, but you’re no spawn sitter.” At least we could agree on that. I loved Stewie but from a distance, like me making faces across the room. He turned his attention back to Dehv and nodded, “I’ll keep looking then, anything you come across just shoot me a text or pop in, or give it to dumbass over there. It’s a bunch of shit what you’re going through and because you’re important to Q, you’re important to me.” He tapped my folder and waited until my eyes met his, “Remember, when you find him, I wanna see him suffer. What he did to us, what he did to you…we’re not letting him get away with it.” Wraith’s eyes damn near glowed with the fury he felt towards the male in question and I knew my own fire was reflected in my eyes when I nodded back] I’ll make sure all of you are witnesses. He didn’t just fuck me over. He got us to us all and for that he needs to pay. After this, I’m taking Dehv to Sheol-gra, but when I’m back we can talk payment for this, beyond the date with your wife. I may be back in the Brotherhood program, but I will always have your back.
[Wraith grinned and held out his fist for me to bump, “Damn right you will, as we have yours…both of yours.” It made me feel good that he included Dehv in that, but at the same time, I hoped it didn’t freak him out considering…well considering he had no idea how important he was to me already. Fuck. And here Wraith is just chattering on. I looked at Dehv and bit the corner of my lip before speaking] Are you freaking out yet? Or you still wanna head below?
Dehv: ~  I looked between the two, enjoying the way they were so relaxed with each other. It really enforced the fact I could trust them both. I’d had experience, albeit in the human word, of people being friends while obviously not trusting each other. It was obvious, even if they tried to play it off as nerves. I found myself laughing when Wraith suggested that Qhuinn might want to babysit. It was about the same reaction I’d have had. While I’d happily spend time with friends kids, I wasn’t up for being left alone with them. I had no idea what I was doing, so was paranoid that I’d end up doing something wrong. It just wasn’t worth the anxiety. I wondered what the hell he had in store for Qhuinn in payment for continuing to look through things for me. I tugged out a card with my number on it and contact details, sliding it over to the male with a nod of acknowledgement before speaking, “Thank you for continuing to look into this for me. I hope whatever you decide to give Qhuinn as payment doesn’t come back to bite you in the ass, or haunt me.” I grinned widely and threw a wink to both males. I was happy that I had someone else who might be able to help. While I would have happily confided in Phury or Zsadist, I didn’t want them to have to deal with anything else on top of what they already had going on. It was easier to just keep away and train when needed. Do what they needed of me in order to keep others safe.
I tried not to listen in when Qhuinn and Wraith started talking about the other information, but it was hard to tune out something that passionate. Whoever they were talking about, it was someone who had screwed them both over. And I couldn’t blame them for that kind of resentment. I wanted to ask about it .But instead stayed silent, knowing I could speak with Qhuinn about why he was so pissed off. I didn’t want him to have to convince Wraith that I was trustworthy. I knew that he’d need me to prove myself. While Qhuinn’s word went a long way, he’s never trust anyone he didn’t know. Understandably.
When Qhuinn turned to speak with me I nodded along with him, “I trust you and will happily get all the help I can get from people who are able to get into place I’d never even think of. Hell, I didn’t know about half of this until today. While you’ve told me, seeing and hearing are two totally different things.” I smiled and thanked Wraith yet again for his help to now and for any future help. Shaking his hand and ensuring he was happy with the business card I’d given him. Letting him know to message or call anytime he wanted. I’d answer pretty much any time that wasn’t training at the Brotherhood’s centre or mid fight once I was on rotation. He snorted at me, but nodded his head. Then I stood and turned to face Qhuinn, “I’m not sure how much of the night we have left. But if we have time, take me now. I’m really fucking intrigued. If we don’t have time, we can pick up where we left off tomorrow night? Decision is yours.” ~
Qhuinn: [Wraith flashed Dehv a wide grin. “Don’t you worry about Q’s payments.” He shook his head and then after he took Dehv’s card and gave him one of his own before pushing back from the table, “You kids have fun and try not to cause too much trouble down there, Q. I have plans for the night that don’t involved rescuing your ass.” He snorted as I flipped him off and shook my head, mumbling about him being an ass. I stood with Dehv and grinned. His offer of ‘take me now’ went an entirely different direction in my head and it took every ounce of will power I possessed not to do just that. There would be time for that once he got used to me. I was going to do this right, dammit. I flashed a grin as I stood in front of him] We got all night, down there time works a bit skewed but without sunlight, that’s bound to happen.
[I chewed my lip and simply stared for a moment as I picked up my folder. And then decided since he was trusting me to help him, I wanted to show that I trusted him as well. I held up the folder as I watched him] Remember when I told you of the circumstances that led to me going through what I did?  The guy who betrayed me and the brothers, and ultimately led to me being killed? Wraith and I have been looking for him. I know you’re busy with the Brotherhood and your business, but….if you’re up for a trip one day, maybe you might wanna come with me? The more eyes we have looking, the better chance I’d have catching the asshole. I know I’m asking a lot and you don’t have to answer, but maybe think on it?
[I folded up the folder and tucked it into one of my pockets and then lifted my eyes back to his.] We’ll go grab the gate and stop below first. Then we can watch the time for the sun so I can make sure you get home safely when all’s said and done, yeah?
[I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I slid my arm behind him and settled my hand on the small of his back as I turned him towards the exit of the cafeteria, retracting our steps towards the exit and the waiting gate all while praying we didn’t run into E.]
Dehv: ~ I blinked as I was taken off guard at the honestly after Wraith left. I hadn’t expected it, and wasn’t going to ask right away. The folders were on the table, but i hadn’t expected Qhuinn to actively talk about anything but the information in the folder I was currently holding. I opened my mouth to speak, but the action of his hand settling on my back stole my breath. Holding hands had been weird, but more comforting than I’d openly wanted to admit. But this was a step further. He was well in my personal space, and it was a move that you usually used on those you were familiar with, far more familiar than the two of us were at the current moment. And yet, I didn’t complain, I couldn’t. I liked it and happily moved toward the door, keeping in step with the male as we moved through the hospital. I could tell he seemed a little on edge, and I wondered if it was because I’d moved closer as we walked, or whether it was because we still had one of the three brothers to meet. I didn’t ask, instead slowing as we neared the exit, wanting to voice what was currently bouncing around in the confines of my brain. I gave the place a quick scan before noting a curtained area that basically housed supplies from the looks of it. Three walls, a curtain and two rows of shelving. It was currently empty of anyone who could interrupt us. I grabbed Qhuinn’s wrist and pulled him past the curtain without warning and turned him so we were facing each other, “Ok, so the dude who basically lead to you being killed, he’s who you’re checking up on. Wraith is pissed with him because of it hurting you, and so is helping you, despite making you pay for the privilege.” I chuckled at that, because so far the ‘repayments’ were bullshit and just involved Qhuinn spending time with what appeared to be his family. “But you now have more leads, and would like my help in finding whoever did this and, what, bringing him forward to be held accountable, or is this a shoot first, ask questions later kind of deal?” I needed to know the answer, not that it would mean I gave a different answer, but I still needed to know what I was getting myself into. I breathed slowly as I awaited the answer on that one, wanting to stay quiet until Qhuinn had opened up, but finding I really had no ability to, “Also, you’ve held my hand and touched me like we’re far better acquainted than we are. Which I am not complaining about. But I, I guess I’m confused. I broke your nose when we first met, properly. And you had to admit we didn’t get off to the most conventional start. But I don’t mind the, um, familiarity I guess you could call it. Since I don’t know if you’re aware you’re doing it.” I tried for a smile. Very unused to addressing anything like this, as it rarely happened to me. Instead I found my gaze flicking around the room, my guard up as I waited on a denial or an apology. But I wanted to get things out in the open before we went another place where I needed to know that we had each other's backs. No point going in with doubts, then regretting that if one of us got hurt. ~
Qhuinn: [I should have moved my hand from Dehv’s back, I knew that. I had no business touching him like I did, but I found the more I was around him, the less control I had over myself. I heard the hitch in his breath but then instead of pulling away, he stepped closer and well that just sent that hope in me flying higher. Even if he only got closer because, let’s face it, the place was a bit creepy when you were first exploring it, I’d take it. When he stopped suddenly, I thought he saw something, and I guess he did as he yanked me into a small storage area. I let out a noise of surprise but quickly composed myself as he turned me to face him. I tried to read his expression and didn’t see malice or anything, just a curiosity, which was fueled by the words that came next.] Wraith is pissed because he hurt us all. He pretended to be related to them to get close, used me to get closer to them. Wraith wants him to suffer and I’m paying because he’s giving me the privilege of killing the asshole. They all want a piece of him for it. But I’m the one who died, the one who was punished. I would like your help, if you’re willing…
[ I was so focused on the first volley of questions, I nearly missed the rest. My stomach dropped and I involuntarily took a step back until I hit the shelving unit. It took a moment for al the words to filter through my self-hate monitor in my skull and to really catch what he was saying. I lifted my head and watched him carefully. Confusion was definitely rolling off of him. And I’d already decided I was going to be honest with him, no matter what he asked. I took a small step closer, my heart beat picking up as I did.] You’ve held my hand too. I’m not normally a touchy kind of person, like at all. After what happened, I didn’t trust people close to me. Even with breaking my nose, I can’t seem to stay away from you. I trust you, but I’m drawn to you.
[I stepped closer still, closing in on his personal space as my voice dropped lower. I should have stopped myself but I knew right now it was now or never. He’d either run or punch me or both.] That night we had dinner and you dragged me to the hallway, it took all I had to keep my hands off you. I can still taste you, you know. From that night at the club when I wasn’t quite myself. I sometimes wonder if it’s all in my head. No one could taste that could, have that kind of impact on me. No matter what the future is supposed to hold.
[I knew I was pushing it. But my brain and body were not on the same page. Not at all. I grabbed the back of his head and pressed my lips to his firmly, my tongue teasing along the soft skin as I savored his taste. I broke the kiss after a moment and lifted my head only slightly so I could gauge his reaction. I was prepared for a fight, for a flight, or anything in between]
Dehv: ~ I listened to what he said about the person he was searching for. It sounded like he’d done a number on Wraith, on all of the brothers. To think that they had a relative, and then to find out that they’d been lied to. That had to hurt. Family got closer to you than most, or rather, those you called family, blood related or not. I’d seen how both Shade and Wraith had spoken to not only Qhuinn, but me as well. Because Qhuinn was with me, trusted me, they had too. Just off his recommendation. Sure, we weren’t going to be sending Christmas cards to each other, yet. But they trusted me enough to know that I had Qhuinn’s back and would have theirs. Though I really hoped that wasn’t tested any time soon. I nodded my head to show I’d been listening. I saw his eyes sort of go vacant as I watched. I frowned and was about to answer his request, as well as check he was ok when he started talking again. I ran my tongue my bottom lip as I listened to him talking. The words making me warm, the thrill of knowing that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. I couldn’t figure out why I had believed him, or why I was so quick to trust him. But I was drawn to him, no matter how much I tried to focus on anything, everything else. I inhaled sharply when I saw him move, that link feeling stronger the closer he got to me. Like the pulse of electricity between us was sending the heat flooding through me. I held his gaze, fingers itching to pull him closer, but I didn’t want to push, needed to see if what he was feeling matched my desire. I didn’t have to wait long, I could see the war happening in his head, the hesitancy while he decided, planned out the options and noted whether I was likely to punch him again. It was a fair consideration. And anyone but him, I’d have punched them long before this. The fact we were both practically the same height saved need for either of us to do more than get closer, and the minute his lips pressed to mine, I was fucking glad. I exhaled the breath I’d not been aware I’d been holding and unclenched my hands. Before I managed to do more, Qhuinn broke the kiss and met my gaze. Moving just far enough away for us to focus on each other. I huffed out a breath and flicked my eyes to the side to ensure we were still alone, and that it didn’t appear anyone was going to bother us for a few more minutes. Once I was sure I had a few minutes, I lifted my hands and curled my fingers into the hem of his shirt. Gripping it and his hips as I pulled him back in close, my grin splitting my lips until we were barely half an inch apart, “Yeah, I’ll help you. You know I will if that’s what you need. And I wasn’t accusing you of anything, just wondering if you and I were on the same page. It seems we are. I think?” I stopped talking as I questioned his feelings, knowing there was no need, but wanting to just to be polite. I didn’t break eye contact, but I did tip my head as I closed the distance again, savouring the way he felt against me. Not wanting to push any further than a kiss, despite the need that sparked each and every nerve. I wanted to see where this went, but that didn’t have to be rushed. Though, having him this close, the feel of his lips moving against mine, that was something that would likely have me losing track of time quite willingly. ~
Qhuinn: [I was pretty certain my heart stopped in my chest as I waited for his reaction, everything stopped actually for me. His taste lingered on my lips and my tongue, and it was a taste I could easily get addicted to. I didn’t move my hand from his head as I stood there, not willing to break that connection just yet. That little huff of his was my first indication that I wasn’t going to get hit, which was a damn good thing. I wasn’t sure how that whole haven spell would react to a moment like that and I’d feel kinda shitty if he hit me and then suffered twice. My lips curved when his hands came out to grab my shirt and my hip and I swore I felt sizzles of electricity racing along my skin. His breath brushed my lips when he told me he would help. And while I wanted his help, that wasn’t what I needed. What I needed was him. But he’d know that soon enough] Yeah, I need that, want that and I think we are…hope we are.
[I’d have said more but when I saw that slight tip of his head, my fingers tightened in his hair as I stepped flush against him. I was so fucking thankful I could see the way his eyes darkened slightly, how his lashes went from the dark to light, fanning those blue eyes. I never appreciated having the gift of color vision more than I did in this moment. The drone of the hospital outside the curtain we were behind faded to oblivion as I captured his lips for a slow kiss. My tongue teased his lips before I deepened the kiss, damn near growling against his lips. I brought my other hand up and settled it on his hip as I pressed closer to him. I needed to feel him, to remind myself this was real and not another dream. I didn’t know how much time passed and didn’t really care either. I would have happily kissed him until we were both breathless with need, but he deserved better than a quickie in the closet. All I needed to know now was that it wasn’t the end. I knew it was just the beginning. But for now I needed to get him out of this closet, there was a smell that seemed to grow stronger the longer we were here. Who knew what it was, but the last thing I wanted was him passing out from fumes or something. I grazed my fang over his bottom lip as I broke the kiss, breathing heavily, but I kept him close, brushing my lips over his with each word] Ready to head below before our hiding space gets discovered?
Dehv: ~ I grinned at Qhuinn, at how he was looking at me. It made me flush slightly, and that had nothing to do with how breathless his kisses made me. I’d managed to avoid getting emotionally involved with anyone unless it was purely platonic. Yet, for some reason I could already feel that I was probably in far deeper than even I’d admit to myself. I groaned softly into the kiss, my hold on him tightening as he moves in closer. Sliding both hands under his shirt to slide over warm skin, amazed at how easy it was for me to do that without hesitation. I normally thought a million miles a minute about what I should or shouldn’t do. I wasn’t one for one night stands, but I wasn’t against them. And I’d had my fair share, though they were mostly with humans. Since they were my natural circle of friends. Until I had met Frankie and her group. Though we didn’t necessarily get involved with each other, was likely it awkward. There was some exceptions, of course. But nothing that felt like this, certainly not so fast. I inhaled deeply as I found myself leaning into the kiss, reveling in how it felt to get close to Qhuinn. I could feel my entire body react, my heartbeat seeming to triple in pace as I tasted and explored. Thrilled beyond words that the feelings, and reactions seemed to be mirrored. Both of us at ease enough to just react rather than worrying about what the other might think. Gone was the hesitancy in either one of us that came from the thought that one or other was likely to suddenly lash out. When Qhuinn broke the kiss, I managed a breathless laugh before leaning back enough to meet his gaze, my skin tingling from the contact alone. “Yeah, I’d hate to scandalise anyone when they’re trying to save a life. Though I am sure they’ve seen worse.” I nodded, hoping the amusement, and probably clear need, was clear in my expression. I tried for a steadying breath before stepping back slightly, my teeth grazing my bottom lip to try and fend off the huge ass grin that wouldn’t leave my face. While I didn’t mind being happy, I wasn’t exactly sure it was appropriate in the midst of all the chaos currently going on outside of our little hidden bubble. I wasn’t getting anywhere with the grin, so instead I slid my hand back around Qhuinn’s waist, tugging him forward with me as I made my way back out in the main emergency waiting area and started back on our path towards the door. I knew where the gate was now, but there was no way I’d know where we were going from there, “Lead the way. I’m not sure what to expect where we’re going, anything I should know before we arrive?” ~
Qhuinn: [I growled soft at the touch of Dehv’s hands on my bare skin and I knew damn well if we didn’t move I was never going to let him go. Then again, I really couldn’t see that as a problem. I couldn’t stop myself leaning in to give him another small kiss. My smile grew wider as I watched him try to fight the grin on his face. I helped put that grin there and damned if that didn’t make me feel good.] Oh, they’ve definitely seen worse, in fact, I’m hoping to avoid the seeing worse myself. Sex demons often go for the closest dark space and no one wants to see that.
[I snickered and then watched all too carefully as his teeth grazed his bottom lip and damn if that didn’t make me want to say forget what we had planned and drag him right back to my damn cabin. Fuck. Especially when he kept his arm around me and tugged me with him, not that I put up much of a struggle. I mean it’s not like it was a huge hardship to be pressed against him. I slid my hand from his hair down his back as we walked through the hospital to the gate. I gave a nod to the receptionist on our way out, ignoring that grin she wore. The one that told me she was running to spread the word the moment we cleared the building. Fuck it, the brothers already knew how I felt about him. I was just lucky they didn’t embarrass me already when they actually met him today. I shook that thought out and as we approached the gate, I flashed Dehv a grin] Well, it’ll be a lot like those we saw in there, expect more of them, slightly stinkier, some a little grosser. My goal is to keep us to one of the safer areas of Sheol-gra, just show you around and maybe see if we can learn anything while we’re there.
[I led him into the gate and then I slid my hand from Dehv’s back, lacing my fingers with his as I guided him to the controls. With each press of the map, I explained what was happening. I’d showed him when we game here and when we went out to eat, but now I wanted to teach him how it worked so he’d be in control when it opened in Sheol-gra] #AssholesUnite
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