#ensemble stars tatsumi kazehaya
My Darling Dolls AU: Dolls, Gods and Tatsumi Kazehaya
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Your second doll is Tatsumi. A doll you saw inside a church. It was point out by a odd ball neighbor of yours who always seem to be in the water.
Your walking in your neighborhood with Mayoi safely hidden in your (somewhat see through inside bag but tinted outside)bag pack.
Your about to go to the crossing when you saw someone in the fountain in the neighborhood park. You walk closer to the location and saw a familiar person. Kanata.
His a somewhat friend slash acquaintance of yours since he only been out of his place rarely since they are over protective of him, he said it's because he is a god (or so proclaim to be) everyone who worship him, don't want him to be harm, dirtied or rip apart (the last part was weird statement but you cannot ask why it's added thru).
You can count the times you and him talk. It is kinda weird someone like him who seems to be well off in status would chat with you, but he said You have just forgotten about how you two become friends in the first place because of an accident you cannot remember happening to your life.
He is odd but you cannot judge him as you play with dolls since long ago, which makes you both odd. What a perfect friendship.
"Hi~ hi MC-chan~ wanna puka puka with me?" He softly and slowly called out to you as he open his eyes to look at you as he float in the water, with his cloths on.
"Ahm... I don't know your out so I don't bring extra cloths." You scratch your head apologetically yet you already remove you shoes and socks. You look at your watch and see you still have extra time to spare to run back to your place to change.
"But sure~~ hehe." You put your bag fixing where you at and start to float with Kanata in the water. The feeling of water in your skin felt like your in space. You don't need to worry about the water being clean or dirty as Kanata cult would have made sure every water source around thr neighborhood block would be clean enough for their 'god'.
While mindlessly floating, you hear Kanata seating up as the water splash around you.
"Nee, neeeh~ does mc-chan still love dolls?" Kanata ask as he stare at you with a soft smile on his face.
"Hmm." You nodded your head as you look at the direction of your bag. "I love dolls. Like mayoi~~ I really really like mayoi~~" You said proudly.
"Ah... If that certain toy hear your words, it would so heart broken, ...This made me want to record it and made it listen to it in a reply... just to see it's broken hearted face... "
You heard Kanata mumble something odd again. You wonder if Kanata have a sadistic tendency in that soft and puka puka personality of his.
"Why did you ask btw?" You change the topic as you don't want to dig deeper at his odd sentence.
"Hmm, you see. A follower talks about a doll in a church.... It have a similar outfit like your own... " He draw a location using a water in the side of the fountain. You stared at it, then to the ocean boy.
"...woah! I'm actually looking for a lead for a similar doll! Thank you very much Kanata! Love you very much! Hehehe!" Your an honest and open minded child who would tell what you felt to the people. You hug Kanata before you went out of the fountain.
Through at that time when you hug him, it felt weird because it remind you of the feeling how it felt hugging mayoi in his human form. It's not that they felt non human it's just the aura or presence. Or whatnot.
You can't explain it but maybe that's your mind telling you that they aren't normal.
You grab your bag and waved good bye to Kanata, your going back home to change and go to the location he told you about. Not even looking back, you don't notice Kanata disappear and a doll similar to him seat there, flopping back to the water, looking back to the starry sky with it's doll eyes.
"Ah... That's a surprise... MC chan never fail to surprise me... I wonder... If I should help her again... Ah... Maybe next time... I could ask her that.... " Kanata is a one of the original darling doll but he don't have an owner, he does have playmate but they aren't his owner.
He is a doll that is use to be the symbol of god, as well he have a label that made him different from other dolls.
Maybe Because of the praises and worship of all his cult follower. He have gain enough love and care to be human without an owner, maybe he gain too much he gain some odd ability like granting wishes. He too have a duty for his fellow darling dolls that held responsible for as long as he could remember.
Kanata felt someone picking him up, he stared at the green eyes of the new comer.
"Ah... Your late. MC-chan left already." He mumble with a soft smile that seems to mock the other.
"Ah. So mama is late it seem. Well I was busy with idol business, gotta be the best solo idol in the world after all...~" Madara mumble smiling fakely as he put Kanata on his pocket. He turn to leave the place to go to a certain cult to return Kanata back as ordered by his so called parent.
"... puka puka..." Kanata mumble as he thought about the past. He have no interest to chat more to the toy.
There's many way for darling Dolls to gain human form. But the only important way is to gain love. Be it be from owners to people who idolize and worship you. Being an idol is another way to stay human. Because being in the idol industry means there's fans that would continue to support and love you.
Yet sometimes Kanata mumble if it's better if he have a owner like you, or at least be someone like Madara who share special connection with you.
You manage to get to the location and saw the said doll, on its knee praying to the holy. Mayoi is quick to point at it when no one is looking.
"Tatsumi...!" He called out to the doll from a far. The doll don't hear him through as it's focus on its prayers.
No one seems to give care about it. But your quick to ask the person in charge of the church if the doll have an owner.
The priest look at you oddly and wave you off. Your free to take away that satanic possess item he said.
Mayoi who's in your hands is shaken when he heard those words being describe meant for the praying doll. You can't say anything because the priest is about to start his Sunday prayer.
Your quick to grab the doll who seems to went limp the moment his been hold. But your softly hold him to your arms with Mayoi beside him.
"could it be... " The praying doll mumble as he stare at the fellow doll beside him but he cannot ask questions as they are in a public place. But looking at the side view of a familiar batch/unit mate. He is certain it is mayoi.
It took almost haft an hour to come back home and went to that church. But you did good job for today, as you close the door behind you and went to your bed.
You place the two in the bed and inspection the new doll for any minor problem with his body, you saw something wrong with his leg, it's somehow stick even through it's only have few thread connecting it together.
"I'll go get some equipment." You mumble as you left to get the said items. The moment you left mayoi move to look at tatsumi. "hi... It's been a while. " He mumble. Tatsumi is surprised yet he smiled" so it's really you, mayoi-san!"
The two chatted by the time you come back they have told what seems to be summary of what they have miss out of each other life in those past years.
"hihi! I'm mc. I'm going to fix your leg if you don't mind. " You said cheerfully as you seat on the side of the bed, looking at the rolls bad limb.
"Oh! I am tatsumi" he is quick to bow down his head and introduce himself to you. "...but .. You really shouldn't bother about it. I cannot even feel it..."
MC: but I insist.
You says as you softly grab the doll legs and apologize for being rude and pain. As you began to fix his limb. Tatsumi stared at you in wonders. He thought he just saw an angel that was sent by god, for his long waited wish.
Mayoi stared at you with a wide proud smile" mc is really a nice person... Ah... It makes me wonder how much luck I give up to have them as my owner..."
Tatsumi who seems still question all the events that happen suddenly mumble"... Are you an angel?" He ask you which made you pause.
MC:lol me an angel? You should say demon lol. Cause I lie and did some bad things. I mean not murder or bad crimes. I could say I'm not pure and holy as an angel. I just love dolls. Ùwú also I'm done. Now it looks like it's new.
Tatsumi: ah... thank you very much... But could I ask you why you taken me home?
MC: ooh. I want to find you because you are mayoi dear friend right? You can stay with me if you want. The house is big enough for more people or dolls after all. Ehehe.
Tatsumi: ah. But I don't want to be problem...
MC: huh... You won't be. Welcome to your new home tatsumi!
You hug him and hug mayoi who felt left out through he won't openly admit that fact and would be down for the whole time in the sideline, but since your with him for years, you know quiet a lot about him. You felt warm when you hug them, somehow it felt safe and warm.
Tatsumi as your doll would always felt like he don't belong and felt daze when he stare at you and mayoi in his human form preparing the dinner. He too is in his human form that he never thought would be in again.
Your a soft hearted child who easily like things or people when they gain your soft spot and care deeply to people or things. Love to offer for a hopeless darling doll like him, who thought would have his days be ended with him endlessly praying and hoping for a day, like this would happen.
But he soon open up to you to be himself that he never thought would appear again. One of the things he did when he start to be open up to you two, He would encourage you and mayoi to pray every time through but won't force it, it's just a habbit he have.
Maybe because his a doll label as the 'priest' or something of opposite of mayoi, who is the phantom. The other two doll is too, label with things that would make them stood up yet the two says you learn them once you see the last two yourself. When you ask what kind of dolls are the other two.
It seems that, Your always seems to have a bad dream about an accident or an event. The elder alkaloid dolls you have always hears you moaning in pain and calling out for someone crying in agony. The only way to calm you down is when you hear a lullaby, knowing that fact, mayoi and tatsumi would sing to you either it be raining or sunny. As long your fast asleep with a wonderful dream, as it's one of the simple things they could do to repay you for taking them in and loving them.
You did sometimes sees tatsumi doll body become large when mayoi is mumbling things you can't hear clearly. Tatsumi would nag mayoi for his unholy thoughts like a sermons of a priest.
He really do have kin sense when someone did some unholy things. Through he won't pray much to your business as a respect you and mayoi is much worse than you in some aspects.
Tatsumi would willingly volunteer to assist you if your out shopping, since mayoi cannot stand the crowds he would be left in the house to take care of the house work.
Through sometimes you would drag mayoi out when you want to buy some cloths for those two or look for more clue for the other two dolls.
At those times, somehow Tatsumi gain attention not just because his a good looking man with short light green hair and purple eyes. It seems his someone once famous from before yet no one have guts to come close to you two as you went shopping in wet market.
You wonder what he does before and ask him. He said he once an idol. One of the things that he discovered that would help him be human, yet an accident have happened. He failed and he failed his dear friend he wish to continue singing with.
He did add the fact he don't have an 'owner' but people who proclaimed as 'family'--he said people would take darling doll home to be a family as sometimes they base on dead people image and characteristics or maybe they cannot have a child. The family of his is someone who handle the church.
That's why he act like a priest yet he cannot find LOVE from his so called family, he discovered what's idol is all about. He wanted to share love to people and be loved back. His plan work till it failed. He wish he could sing for people again one day, but having you as an owner still outweigh such hopeless hope.
You left and wonder about future plan after you heard about tatsumi confession of his past and dreams.
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A/N: Love. There's many different form of LOVE. So keep that in mind.
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shirokuart · 2 months
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What if
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lucknights · 5 months
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that girl's a killer
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umigatos · 3 months
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undying holy love
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enstarsrefs · 21 days
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idk if anyone has noticed this but i realized that tatsumi positions himself differently from other characters when standing. he seems to put more weight on his left side which sorta shifts his whole body in that direction. which makes sense because of his injury! i just wasnt expecting to see it. himeru included for comparison since he has a similar height and was also who i had on hand while putting refs together lmao
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suudbe · 2 months
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Drew this directly after black out seesaw mv came out
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starryrock · 10 months
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ALKALOID dynamic.
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crystallimbs · 6 months
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"I want to hide under his shadow and be embraced by his tenderness"
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neptunesailing · 7 months
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this is the piece i did for the @alkakureizine! :]
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mdkm444 · 11 months
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tatsumayo thing
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mayonaizs · 1 month
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shirokuart · 20 days
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lucknights · 9 months
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umigatos · 10 months
dump of art reqs from ccat # 1
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sparkvamp · 2 months
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stupid papa.
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mamadarama · 7 months
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445 - i am not tagging everyone bc of the first one lol
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