#entrodder legacy au
mroseisweird · 3 years
Akrolite Worldbuilding
Entrodder Legacy AU
Akrolian is the planet, Akrol is the native species, Akrolian is in reference to the planet (someone raised on the planet, or a product from there), Akrolite is the sect of Force-users.
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mroseisweird · 3 years
Character Profiles
Entrodder Legacy AU
Kyszeine Entrodder - She/her/hers, heterosexual (?).
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mroseisweird · 3 years
Entrodder Legacy AU
Spans all nine movies plus Rogue One. Delves into alternate views of the Force, Han Solo is reluctantly Force-sensitive and accidentally becomes a vital part of the Entrodder freedom trail.
Character Profiles
Akrolite Worldbuilding
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mroseisweird · 3 years
AO3, Wattpad
The Winters Are Coming ‘Verse - Originally just giving Bruce Wayne a best friend so he had a support system and room to be a better person, but then evolved into melding the Young Justice cartoon and the comics with the addition of Gotham collecting metahumans (which Bruce can’t do anything about because they’re friends with his kids).
The Winters Are Coming - Focused a lot on world building, because I sincerely believe that had Bruce Wayne had adult friends who forced him into therapy when he started his vigilante career he would have been more well adjusted. Spans from the introduction of Bruce Wayne and Zaira Winters onward.
Twist of Fate - Rewriting the Young Justice cartoon in my universe, but the Light is defeated at the end of Season Two because I said so.
@herowatch-official - Role-play blog. Herowatch’s official Tumblr.
@calendar-man-stan - Role-play blog. Random Gothamite’s Tumblr.
Harry Potter
The Wave of a Wand ‘Verse - How inter-house friendships demonstrate that the power of friendship is actually a thing.
Us Curious Creatures - Marauders Era. Basically I made a group of penpals that ran away from me and now Sirius has another family and Remus has a girlfriend. Setting up a fix-it.
The Wave of a Wand - Golden Trio Era. Focused on inter-house friendships because it’s poor writing to say all Slytherins are evil. A fix-it.
Star Wars
Entrodder ‘Verse - Introducing the Akrolite, a sect of Force users separate from the Jedi. Themes of slave rebellion. 
Entrodder Legacy AU - Spans all nine movies plus Rogue One. Delves into alternate views of the Force, Han Solo is reluctantly Force-sensitive and accidentally becomes a vital part of the Entrodder freedom trail.
Let's Save Ani AU - Spans the Prequel and Original Trilogy and The Clone Wars. Anakin doesn’t fall to the dark side, but everything still goes to shit. The Entrodder siblings started a slave rebellion and learned from the Akrolite much less formally. Strong themes of slave revolutions. A semi fix-it?
OT Padawan Time Warp - Spans The Clone Wars. The padawans from the Original Trilogy get thrown back in time to The Clone Wars, are faced with young versions of their parents, and proceed to cause breakdowns while trying to assassinate Palpatine and free the Vode.
Sentinel ‘Verse - Investigating the Unifying Force and how it could change the course of the galaxy - and how it could save the Mandalorians.
Sentinel Saves the Day AU - Spans pre-The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, and the Prequel Trilogy. Obi-Wan has visions and a best friend who isn’t putting up with everyone’s bs. Jaster Mereel and the True Mandalorians live, and that changes very little actually, but just enough. A fix-it.
Anakin Dyad AU - Basically just Sentinel Saves the Day, but if Lykita and Anakin had a Dyad. A fix-it speed run.
Sith Kid ‘Verse - There’s a new Sith on the field and it’s a kid. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon have a problem with this.
Sith Kid AU - Spans The Clone Wars. You know those fics where it's like, “Anakin was taken from slavery by Palpatine and raised a Sith”? Basically that but with another character. Codywan adopts local feral Sith child and it saves the universe. A fix-it.
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