mundanes-blog · 3 months
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Entry10 I madecpancakes yesterday they were ok too much baking powder exam day after tomm and my screentime for today was 9h something
Kill me rn. Also i like conan gray’s music now id like to get the camel bottle at some point of time cause its awesome and heck i cant afford a hydroflask tbh .
Fuck i need to get my head down strap in the study the shitt outta medicine tomm
Otherwise im forsure doomed
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entmootatderndingle · 3 years
O’ why O’ why did Luminae, Throw herself away? Into Starlight Lake she dipped, And there did she remain, Never to return, one San Arlus Day. The sky saddened and broke over, The ashen plains. For the love that was lost? To end insufferable pain? We will never know, some say. Look to her tidings in the falling rain, May it bless you on San Arlus Day. O’ why O’ why did Luminae, Throw herself away? Tears from above, Washed away the remains, Of the great battle, To free the chained, And cleansed the land, Of the Blood King’s reign. For five hundred years fell the rain, Refilling the rivers and the lakes. From the drenched earth, a miracle came. The forests returned to Ameros again. O’ why O’ why did Luminae, Throw herself away? To be reunited with her, Beloved Arlus, some say. The Prima house diminished, When Luminae vanished, And the first kingdom ended On one San Arlus Day. A horse returned, Without a rider. The people mourned, Without their mother. O’ why O’ why did Luminae, Throw herself away? She became one with, The waters, some say. Up from the lake, An island raised. On it, a city was laid, The city of Luminae. Green are its gardens, And pink are the sands. Blessed are its harvests, The fruit of Luminae. O’ why O’ why did Luminae, Throw herself away? She never left for her presence, Guides the city of her name. Peace surrounds those, That live on the lake. Beautiful is their song, And hearty is their laughter. For they bear the gift of, The love of Luminae. Make you a pilgrimage to Luminae, And bathe in its waters on San Arlus Day.
“Luminae of Starlight Lake” from Song of the West.
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spes-elpis · 3 years
everyone’s been nostalgic lately. i am no exception. ive been listening to this youtubers videos and it puts me back to that time when i was a child hopeful that magic was real and there was a possibility i could go to Narnia or be Posiedon’s daughter or go on an adventure to save the world. imagination and ideas were so plentiful back then. the hope was real and now i seem to have left it in the past. growing up to survive in the “real world”. having adult issues and sobering situations. growing up an only child, with my dad encouraging my imagination i had the whole world at my feet. the wonders of new discoveries and comforts of new friends was so, so so much more different than today. i always thought id travel the world and experience new places and cultures. i thought id backpack it or live and travel out of my car to go on adventures of a lifetime. i had hoped to meet someone on my travels and eventually have a nice house with friends to invite over and children to raise and have adventures with. i guess when you're smaller and everything is new in such a big world, you're more susceptible to hope for a fantastic life and future full of wonder. sometimes i feel remnants of that feeling, but its become far and few between now. “adulting” and living in the “real” world has put a damper on things. when before my world was full of colors so bright and beautiful is now faded and dull with a hint of sunlight every so often. id definitely say that as much as ive tried to not let this world shrink my heart and child hopes, ive lost. my heart tore so many times that ive got a “chip on my shoulder”. one is especially trust. you cant trust anyone. NOBODY. to trust is to confirm hurt and betrayal. i slowly started to learn that theres really only one person you can trust: yourself. of course i learned too late that my father was one i could trust. after he died i realized i took him for granted. i thought our time together would be so much longer that it was. thankfully he left me with my one and only best friend and fiance. the only other person i can trust. and even then somewhere inside me, i expect him to betray that trust. even with that he has helped me heal. the broken heart i had, is now only scars and bits of my childhood hope has come back. i just hope that i can get closer to my childhood hope again. this time with a companion to accompany me on our adventures.
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ecilaelddilnarrator · 3 years
In the beginning, Marylton had been a pretty average town, with average houses and average people.
Jon could still remember the hustle and bustle of the 9/5 life and the dreariness of knowing there was nothing more out there.
Cars, tv, diamond rings, running the rat race, just trying to make a living.
But then Wonderland came.
It came like an explosion, a sudden rending and upending of all they knew.
The most average people ran.
But many got stuck and a few chose to stay.
Nowadays, the giant toadstools and humming flowers were a part of everyday life. Most people still grumbled. But Jon could never get enough. Wonderland was more his home than anything had ever been.
And he was determined not to loose it.
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frankiescolorpics · 4 years
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Alex Benetel -
“Disney in Isolation” is a series of modern portraits of Disney characters in isolated areas with objects relating to their characters.
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meem-didi · 4 years
Fashion & Society
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Photo by : Devin Doyle -- Powerful documentation of Black history in Kerby Jean-Raymond’s spring 2019 Pyer Moss show at Weeksville in Brooklyn.
From the moment individuals are born, the political context of clothing is intuitively recognized. Since, basically, any human society is a dressed society. What one wears, how one wears it, and where one wears it represents expressions of degrees of individual freedom and influence. Fashion expression spans the entire spectrum of politics, from rebellion to conformity. Simply placed, a dress style that challenges — or is viewed as challenging, or poses a challenge to the status quo — has unexpectedly gained political relevance.
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Trickle-up theory: how digital culture is changing the way fashion trends develop
While this cyclical fashion game is one of the oldest distribution theories, it may no longer be the most influential. The trickle-down from the catwalks to the high streets might still be there, but the trickle-up habits have certainly been substituted. A lot of fashion designers are not only looking for inspiration in landscapes, abstract images, all sorts of things they used to look at, they're going to the street; they're seeing what the youngsters are wearing in the cool, fashionable places. The Internet and the globalization of fashion have created a much better-informed audience, requiring that designers and mass-market stores to step up their game. When individuals acquire an agency through connectivity and social media, it appears like the cool  youngsters' don't need to get to the top of the ladder to be noticed or heard. Instead, people may build sense and learn from whoever they are.
This is a key shift in dynamics for many brands, their fastest-growing channels are now their online stores, so it's crucial that they retain an active presence in social media, and digital space is now a key location for brands to exhibit collections, build identities and forge partnerships with consumers.
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Reference list
Boari, C. (2015). THE FASHION INFLUENCE IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. [online] Available at: http://www.modadocumenta.com.br/anais/anais/5-Moda-Documenta-2015/07-Sessao-Tematica-Moda-e-Sociedade-percursos-diversos/Carolina-Boari_ModaDocumenta2015_influencia-na-moda_BILINGUE.pdf.
Nithyaprakash Venkatasamy (2015). Fashion trends and their impact on the society. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282571020_Fashion_trends_and_their_impact_on_the_society [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Singer, M. (2020). Power Dressing: Charting the Influence of Politics on Fashion. [online] Vogue. Available at: https://www.vogue.com/article/charting-the-influence-of-politics-on-fashion [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Wo, D.X.H., Schminke, M. and Ambrose, M.L. (2018). Trickle-Down, Trickle-Out, Trickle-Up, Trickle-In, and Trickle-Around Effects: An Integrative Perspective on Indirect Social Influence Phenomena. Journal of Management, [online] 45(6), pp.2263–2292. Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0149206318812951 [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Wong, G. (2013). TRENDS-SPRING-SUMMER-2013-TEE - tongue in chic. [online] tongue in chic. Available at: https://www.tonguechic.com/archives/trendspotting-springsummer-2013-statement-graphic-tees/attachment/trends-spring-summer-2013-tee/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
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forgotten-huntress · 7 years
Entry 10.
Nobody ever told me that a tower could attack a city! Although, it is true, this one was a Carapaceon. A huge, really huge Carapaceon. I am still impressed. It was so big, that the earth would shake at each of its footsteps!
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I brought my strongest hammer, and hit its legs as hard as I could. I wanted to make it fall, to see what its head was like, as I couldn't see it when it was up there in the mist.
Or perhaps was I just curious whether there'd be an earthquake should that Monster fall.
Either way, it paid off. I managed to deal considerable damage to its enormous head, enough to kill the beast before it completely destroyed the town I was in charge of.
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PS: this certainly sounds silly, but I’ve just realized that the gigantic shell on Shen Gaoren's back was a Dragon skull... 
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dry-soliloquies · 4 years
Five Sundays
I graduated college without joining any organization, which was something that I kind of regretted because it was something that I could talk about during job interviews. It could be helpful as an insight to my future employers about my interpersonal relationships and work ethic. Hence, when I got out of it, I decided to start joining one as a small step, with an encouragement from my thesismate and friend, Ed.
He recommended a lot of organizations since he is affiliated with many. But later on, I decided that I want to join or be a part of something that I am truly passionate about. Not just because I want to add more lines on my resumé. So, I did my own research and was led to Youth For Mental Health Coalition, Inc., also known as Y4MH.
It is an organization founded in 2016, and is composed of students and youth advocates promoting mental health, a cause that is close to my heart, a cause I could relate to, and one that I think everyone needs. And luckily, I was accepted without a hitch.
After a few months of becoming a member, I recently participated in an activity called Project Hilom. It was a program with the goal of forming support groups within its members due to the pandemic and quarantine. I was very hesitant at first because it was a new experience for me, but I was very glad that I took the courage and met the amazing people pictured below.
I spent five Sundays having Zoom meetings with them at 7:30 to 9:00 P.M.
The first meeting was kind of shy, awkward, and uncertain. But was also open, honest, and raw. I remember thinking after the first meeting, “Wow, una pa lang pero parang ang lalim na nung nabuksan sa akin”. And it was only because of one simple question of, “Kumusta ka?”.
The succeeding meetings just got better as we did face reveals, games, the usual kwentuhan, kamustahan, advising, sharing, and goofing around.
I literally went from being reserved around them to the one throwing jokes and being more vulnerable about my real life problems and situations that some of my friends were not even aware of. I did not know if it was just the magic of being strangers because I cannot call them that now. I already knew them, their stories, their struggles, and least of all, now friends with them on Facebook. We even promised to still check with each other or have our inboxes open if we wanted to share something, which I hope will truly happen. I do not want it to end in just that—words without actions. Because I hope that we still get in touch with each other even after the project ended.
But I have high hopes with these people, even only after meeting them five times and not even in person. I know in my heart that I will be friends with them for long, even if we do not constantly talk with each other. They are those kind of friends. And I am really glad that this project made me take a step out of my comfort zone, helped me meet new people, and pushed me to change for the better.
Thank you Y4MH and Project Hilom.
And thank you my new friends, Jas, Alyssa, and Carl.  ♡
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vndrea-xo · 4 years
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Lowkey fighting the urge to fall back into depression. I know and I have to believe these moments (feelings) won’t always be like this.
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a-witch-s-scrapbook · 5 years
Still Death
The image I chose was that of a bird, most likely a crane or swan, almost frozen in stone on the bed of a lake. The lake in question is Lake Natron in Tanzania. It’s infamous for its unique water, “The alkaline water in Lake Natron has a pH as high as 10.5 and is so caustic it can burn the skin and eyes of animals that aren't adapted to it.” This means that any animal not native to the lake, can quickly die in a process similar to chemical erosion. The photographer found dead bodies of birds and other creatures along the shores and chose to place them once again in the water, to create a visually stunning photo of life in its death. The image was so stark to me. No color, no text, just the use of shadowing, and a simple subject and background. The bird, clearly shows the alkalized feathers and bones peeking through the outside ‘crust’ of sorts. The beak curves down, the body a stoic reminder of death, even in its pose full of life. The lake isn’t a death spell, and houses a thriving ecosystem for lots of plants and creatures. That makes this image all the more grim and phantasmal at the same time. As if frozen in time, a statue of life, even when dead.
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gayawrites · 5 years
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My Favorite Vacation
When I hear the word “vacation,” I would always think about the time my high school friends and I went to Nepal for some volunteer work. It was a 9-day trip back when we were in our junior year.
We spent the first two days and the last day of our trip in the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, where we explored the city and the famous temple, Swayambhunath. I found it most intriguing to see how people from Nepal are ethnically and racially diverse. It consists of many different tribes but somehow they manage to co-exist peacefully. On top of that, I also liked the colorful prayer flags hung at almost every corner of the city.
After exploring the city, we spent most of our days hiking from villages to villages, where we witnessed the beauty of the Himalayas and Mount Everest from a far distance. Although the Nepalese nature was unlike something I have seen before, the heartwarming people in Chisapani, a village we spent most of our time in, were just as exquisite. We helped them build a safe shelter for them to hide during an earthquake. Even though they were unable to speak English and my friends and I were not able to speak their language, they still managed to make us feel welcome in their home by trying their best to communicate with us through physical movements. Their smiles and laughter also made the days go by faster and the heavy work we had to do easier and more fun to do.
The whole trip was not only about seeing Nepal’s beautiful nature but it was also an opportunity for me to view the world from a different perspective. I learned to be more appreciative of my surroundings from just a simple smile coming from a Nepalese woman who helped me carry rocks from one end of the construction site to the other end.
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augustothecreator · 7 years
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It’s my #gigantic #irongiant #zigbrushpen #micron #illustration #inktober #inktober2017 #micron005 #entry10 #art #ink #animation #innerkid
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wheretheunseenlies · 5 years
181231 Poem Diary // Entry 10
So I think I can start over again?
New year, new life and probably chances
I hope I can claim this year to be mine
I’m praying for success and a heart full of contentment
And a life that the Lord will lead me to
Praying for a grateful heart and less tears of pain
I hope I could be genuinely happy this time
May Your will be done
12:02 am
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thehollytree-blog · 8 years
entry #10
why is it that when the trees decide they cannot possibly live any longer in this world and lose their leaves it is considered beautiful yet my own personal self destruction is not i just want to bloom in the spring
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dailydiaryentries · 7 years
Met up with Radish so she could pass me stuff. Went to park and talked about BSD hcs. She went home without passing me the stuff. We both forgot. Whoops.
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denlergoldbergwise · 8 years
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Here you can see the degree to which our wise project was trashed. Most of this is gone now that the musical is over but there are things in new places that we dont want and still need to find which is a bit frustrating.
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