dry-soliloquies · 3 years
of anniversaries
I took a time off today.
It’s only the second leave I filed and there’s only three months left for 2021. I did it to celebrate my first anniversary at work, as a working adult, the first work year I have in my entire life.
And I did it by having a simple celebration with my dad. It’s kind of funny, in some ways. Usually it would be my mom who goes out with me. Or I do the mini celebrations alone. But my dad and I are the only ones fully vaccinated yet. And I was shocked, too, that he agreed to accompany me when I asked.
We went to SM MOA. Ate at Ippudo (their salmon is really amazing!). I bought stuff for him at Uniqlo (it’s only October but he has Christmas clothes already!). Ate froyo at Llaolao. Then, finally, after a long time, I bought a physical book once a again. It’s a poetry book by Wilder called Nocturnal.
The celebration wasn’t grand. It wasn’t really ideal as well given the situation my country is still in.
But, I really need to get away even just for a moment. From work responsibilities. Even from myself.
I realized, this time, it wasn’t really a celebration. It was an escape.
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spes-elpis · 3 years
went to wine country with my friends! the first time i’ve ever been there and i had a great and fun time! we celebrated three of our birthdays and went to two or three wine places and ate good southern food after. we had wines slushies and got pretty swirly. it was fun and we all had a pretty good time too! our two guy friends loved the birthday gift and cards we got them. and then at the end of the night my friend (who ask me to be a sister today!) gave me my bday present and card then gave me a Bridesmaid gift to ask me to be one of her bridesmaids! what she wrote was so nice and meant so much to me.        “I looked through a tremendous number of bridesmaid proposal cards and felt many of them feel silly for what I'm looking for so i figured I’d write out a note with it. I am so tremendously appreciative to have you in my life and so thankful for the friendship we have. I'm always excited to get your calls, it always adds an air of levity to my day. Never afraid to speak your mind and stand up for what is right, your candid personality is so charming. you are so kind and sweet-an absolute gem to have as a friend. so now with attempt number two of the wedding. i would love nothing more than to have you stand by my side. literally could not imagine it happening without such an integral individual by my side. here’s to hoping the covid stuff goes away soon! But i figured i should ask now in case things don’t lock down again...Will you be my Bridesmaid?”
it made me tear up cause i haven't heard anything nice like that about me since my dad passed away. i haven't heard such positive things about me in so long i started to think i’m not that way at all. and that she hand written and created the little gift box and card made me feel so special. i hope so dearly that we stay friends and become closer throughout our futures. it almost feels like shes filling the fried void that Summer left. i don't have many friends if any, but i hope Sara stays in my life.
damn i better start losing weight....
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frankiescolorpics · 4 years
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Anne Geddes -
This "Heartfelt” series features newborn baby portraits with a nature theme. 
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meem-didi · 4 years
SOKO Kenya - A people first company
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A great example of an ethical approach in the fashion industry is SoKo-Kenya, where they put people, communities, and life at the heart of everything they do. The fashion manufacturer built the business module based on their belief in equality and quality of life for all, they are linking their product quality to the improvement of the quality of life for their employees and customers alike.  
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The brand has a sense of culture and aims to build and improve the social, environmental, and economic skills of local populations. By investing in their team's skills, designing price structures that adequately compensate their workforce so that they and their families can grow and thrive, and collaborating with partners to deliver education and skills to the broader community through their Community Trust and Kujuwa Project.
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ASOS MADE IN KENYA is the newest limited edition unisex range produced in collaboration with SOKO Kenya. Yet, how precisely SOKO Kenya is branded to the ASOS audience is a critical issue. SOKO Kenya is presented as a "charitable project apparel workshop" and is included as part of the ASOS ECO Edit. Often African products are positioned as feel-good, philanthropic non-profits focusing on delivering job security and skill development. Many companies, like SOKO Kenya, definitely accomplish these honorable objectives (and making ASOS look good in the process), in some cases, though, the market underestimates the integrity of driving a bold, profit-driven enterprise that can create much more employment and have much greater long-term effects. Profitable companies will generate sustainable wealth and contribute to the formalization of the local fashion industry as an essential foundation.
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Reference list
Givens, D. (2020). ASOS Unveils Its Made In Kenya Collection Collaboration With Soko Kenya. [online] Black Enterprise. Available at: https://www.blackenterprise.com/asos-unveils-its-made-in-kenya-collection-collaboration-with-soko-kenya/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Partners, K. (2017). PROTOCHIC. [online] PROTOCHIC. Available at: https://www.protochic.com/stories/2017/3/17/kenyan-manufacturer-soko-kenya-partners-with-british-retailer-asos [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
SOKO Kenya (2020). SOKO Kenya. [online] Soko-kenya.com. Available at: https://www.soko-kenya.com/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].‌
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a-witch-s-scrapbook · 5 years
Color Theory in Fall
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The image I chose is a painting by Leonid Afremov named Autumn Colors. It is an image that I think shows a good balance and has two different types of color harmony within it. The first, and most visually recognizable, is analogous harmony, showing a balance between similar colors. In the image, shades of warm colors (red, orange, yellow), as well as reddish browns mix to create a stunning visual of autumn leaves on trees. It can also be seen on some of the path. The other type of harmony, is triadic harmony, showing colors on either side of one color’s complementary pair. Alongside the warm oranges and reds, there is a large amount of cyans and greens, and some purple/purple-blacks. These two harmonies provide both a stunning contrast, and balance that makes the image’s theme of autumn one of warmth and cool at the same time. The image heavily focuses on its use of warm colors, making the leaves of the trees the main focus, eve to the point where the two people in the background are almost unnoticeable. It captures your eyes. This makes the image as a whole a little unbalanced, but think of the Mona Lisa, and what your eyes always focus to.
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wheretheunseenlies · 5 years
191105 Poem Diary // Entry 14
Dark cold night
You were wandering through the moonlight
Shivers beneath your coat
Warm hugs from your arm-fold
The daylight seemed a little dim
Wishing for a rain so the rainbow could peek
Coloring you from within
Feeling alive even just for a heartbeat
Rowing without direction
Befriending the blowing wind
Hoping for the right destination
Ending the killing frustration
A little distant
A little too far
I counted for miles
Each step forward
Was five steps backward
Could I be the rain?
So I can wash away those tears
Or maybe the wind
That will hug your flaws
Perhaps I could be the sun
To help brighten up your day
But being the moon was my choice
To stay with you along the dark path you take
note: this was my work for our creative output on oral communications. lol.
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denlergoldbergwise · 7 years
New System
Sarah and I keep finding music all over the 3 rooms near the auditorium and are getting more and more frustrated because we thought we were done filing music weeks ago. I was thinking of a way to prevent this and I think I came up with a rough draft of an Idea.
I was thinking maybe we could get folders for everyone in the choir and write their name on it, and give out all the music by putting them in the folders. The folders could always stay in the classroom in an organized filing cabinet. This way, nobody would ever forget their folder for a concert, nobody would lose music, nobody can STEAL music, and collecting music after a concert is much easier and we can know who doesn’t have their music. This would definitely create more work for the teacher and it is still not fully planned out but I could see myself using a system like this when I become a Music Teacher. 
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I did this for the art contest… I hope its not late for me to submit this
no no you are not late! Thank you ^^
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vndrea-xo · 4 years
I really hate when people try to analyze me. Often times they are wrong and just project what they have been through onto you. Then they’ll say “I’m good at reading people” ...bull shìt.
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universe-blues-blog · 6 years
what am i
supposed to do
with all the plans we made
that you left behind?
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jcinktinder · 6 years
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oscar isaac as gemma chan’s ex convict of a boyfriend
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Thought catalog first LSD trip
entry 1: feels fucking amazing, lost in the thoughts of cosmos of life playing in the line of ecstasy of spirituality and science oh the beauty between the threads that hold them together. slight tense in my back, though. regardless the contentment with the cynical bastard I am is euphoria on levels I have never experienced, the highest high.
entry 2: may you feel the wonder of all those who came before you and never the fear. the love for my mind grows as I put the laws of the universe together calculate myself without prior knowledge how the great scientific feats may have been accomplished. as newtons ideas are pinnacle to science and wonder may god grant me the intellect, passion, and perseverance to have notions, ideas which propagate into the future with the same tenacity and power but I crave no fame.
entry 3: the highest high just got higher. at this point, I’m surprised I can type, to be honest. lets fucking do this.
entry 4: I have come to loath indifference what is a person who can not engage any emotions or feelings. Even my enemies are better, they engage feelings, be it of hatred. once i engage your emotions the balls are in my court, the wheel in my hands I can stir this relationship into what ever I need it to be, to its demise, a trusted friendship or to the bedroom it is all an art where every emotion engaged, every deception read and every move made must all be done with mathematical precision or else its back to square one. But at that point, you might as well give up because nobody's worth that much energy if you still pursue you better be darn sure they’re worth it (or she could have you by the balls there buddy).
entry 5: alright so our youtube spree started from LSD videos and much later ended at Lil Wayne's 6 foot 7 foot and by far that music video takes it all it shouldn’t be humanely possible to speak that fast and lets be honest even if you can its not like you can exchange any information at that pace and at that point its just rhythmic noises rather than words.
entry 6: the tensioning in my back could be my nervous system being stimulated because this tensioning feeling has a very weird deja vu feeling to it. most definitely its my nervous system every time I indulge in theories of space and time, our existence and belief system it gets tenser and tenser an almost orgasmic feeling if I am honest.
entry 7: I THINK I JUST SAW $#$#$#. THAT GOT WEIRD FAST. hi, im a collection of a billion, billion, billion atoms named $#$#$#.
entry 8: how do I satisfy myself for knowledge for the both beauty of the human mind and cognitions and the ideas of stars and galaxies, bodies of heaven so to speak. life and its wonders truly a mystic seducer. no kind of knowledge is insignificant there's is beauty in everything with mathematical precision. if you wish to indulge in astronomy or psychology do it through your own passion don’t let the arbitrary ideas of majors and minors hold you back. read, read, read, you can hold the knowledge of the universe and its inner workings, the laws that govern everything in motion and not, learn about the human mind how it thinks process and stores data more efficiently than anything we have created and at the same time try to understand what created it, the beauty in that paradox is something I can not put into words. break through the walls of heaven.
entry 9: knowledge what an unquenchable thirst. its beauty in the vastness no matter how deep I indulge in the secrets of the universe and its laws. the human mind and its complexity between every line is a plethora of information and i only wish to learn. to make a difference, propagate ideas through ages just as the great thinkers philosophers and scientist did before me. I am more.
entry 10: what sort of a man would it make me if I never made a difference in someone's life. I wish to be part of the hands which helps push boundaries of human capability.
entry11: being everything I can be is what I strive for it is what ignited the kindle so let this passion not go to waste don’t let this hunger and love for knowledge ever subside. when you feel the flame getting dimmer ignite it through what ever means necessary because that is our life blood and we persevere for are willing to die to keep our flame ever glowing.
entry12: nobody in their right mind would want this much cognition. a pleasure indulged only when in need but never in excess.
entry13: only pleasure that ever indulge in without limit is pushing boundaries of human knowability.
entry14: conceal your thought do not always speak your mind, knowing whats behind feelings and emotions is not a luxury everyone should have.
entry:15 stuck in a loop of being dispensable to this world but living for myself at the same time how do I satisfy my selfish self and give back to this world something as impactful as theologians and thinkers did
entry:16 human iris what a fucking amazing thing with all its intricacies and colors end into a center of deep dark nothingness but a whole world lives behind it. even the collective efforts of van Gogh and Leonardo da vinci would have proved futile to create what nature has perfected over eons.
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lightsbct · 4 years
CTEC708 - Studio: PitchedIn BLOG INDEX
Trash to Treasure prototype 1 Trash to Treasure prototype 2 Miro Board PitchedIn XD video
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crinnough · 4 years
You will find mature movie stars on a consistent basis go to a settle treatment and a second can easily join up most of the real webcam and also mail him or her signals. These jerkmate websites gives you exist cameras equally for persons, and the ones might enjoy various fervent clips in the take up residence web camera web page. Women and men find many different video clips varieties relating to the jerkmate as well as youth, Wok cookware, golden-haired, and more often. Lots of the customers will give numerous directions at the pornstars specialists with ease look at anything you want.
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schuemom-blog · 4 years
Found in today's arena, everyone loves to successfully growing some hardwood together with herbal to their gardens or alternatively home to provide a put gives an attractive appeal to your. You will find categories of a bouquet of flowers and plants and flowers available that many people really like, such as, rose bush, lily, sunflower, and a lot more.
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augustothecreator · 7 years
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Playing catch up! #inktober #inktober2017 #filthy#filth#jamesmcavoy #whitegelpen #moleskin #graceful #barrysanders #lions#detroit #fat#superman#bling#player#pimp #mysterious #chameleon #lizard#animals #illustration #art #entry14 #entry15 #entry16 #entry17
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