#eodum oc
goronska · 10 months
Eodum x Setia agaaaaain >:3
I am so damn thrilled, because I received a finished comm today from the one and only @emmettverse (previously @emmettnet) with my fav pairing of Eotia <3 My little blorbos, so perfect yet again. I love the expressions, the coloring, the love shining through this work and I literally hugged the screen with my cheek when I saw it. My pwetty boiz... *holds gently*
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This has been commissioned as an illustration of a very pivot moment in the RP Eodum and Setia originally come from and thrive. The scene in question under the cut: TW: slightly NSFW (nakedness mentioned), intimate whump, gore ideation, manipulation.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
(Sorry for the pronoun slip!) When the table is cleaned with the exception of a cheese toast that went cold long time ago, Eodum sits at the table, and soon there is a ruffle in his black hair. And a rat pops out its head, as if it lived there all the time. It kinda does... The demi-god places it on the table and it runs past Mittens to take a few bites of the toast, then gets intrigued by the little creature and comes back to sniff at it. At first it gets Mittens a bit scared, because compared to it, rat is now the size of a lion. Its nose is ticklish against Mittens skin as it tries to comprehend this little companion. Finally, sniffing a part of its shirt that got dirty with strawberry juice it suddenly takes a bite of it and Mitten loses half of his shirt in the animal's little mouth. "Oh damn! Look what you did!" Eodum is visibly annoyed again, but at the rat. He quickly shoves it into one of its pockets and just barks at Mittens "Take all of your clothes off. I'll see if I can find anything else."
Mitten is terrified of the rat. It's glad when at first it scurries past it, but when it comes back- it holds entirely still as the thing sniffs its greyish shirt, one long enough to cover everything down to just above its knee. It's more like a dress, really. It tries not to tremble as the rat's nose brushes against parts of its body that are quite sensitive and maybe even a little ticklish.
And then it takes a bite.
"Oh, no! No! Please!" Mitten actually tries to take the cloth back, to no avail. Eodum takes it away quicker than Mitten could get out a full, coherent plea. It tries to cover itself with the tatters, weeping again. "Sir, please! Mitten needs that, please! It's the only clothing that can grow and shrink with Mitten! Please don't let the rat eat it!" It's frantic in its begging, ignoring even Eodum's order in its desperation.
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spacerocketbunny · 5 years
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On twitter @batbandage organized a secret “design an OC” trade! The person I designed this character for is Dune5and! He asked for a goofy and or/ misunderstood silent type with mythological creature themes, so this is what I came up with! His name is Eodum and he’s based off of the Korean Bulgae (or “fire Dog”) myth! Since the myth is all about the appearance of an eclipse, I centred his whole theme around that. I pretty much never delve into any mythology when it comes to design so this was a fun challenge!  
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553butterfly553 · 6 years
Hunting Down A Man - Sesshomaru x OC Epilogue
Four years have passed since Rin and Kohaku and Safaia and Eodum have gotten together. Major changes have taken place for Sesshomaru and his little group. The first major change was that Sesshomaru and the others have set up and created their own little village. It is located near where Kagome's village is, so they can constantly visit each other whenever they wanted. It was mainly for the benefit of the little humans they have in their group and due to everyone finally settling down. Rin and Kohaku got married within these four years. They also had two children, a boy, and a girl. Both of them were already being raised to be little demon-slayers. Inuyasha and Kagome have gotten mated along with being married and have two children. Both of them were girls who had little dog ears. Sango and Miroku have had another child, even though they already had many. Safaia and Eodum eventually fully got together and got married and mated. They ended up with one child, a little girl with god ears. Sesshomaru and Kirai also got married and mated together. They ended up with triplets on their first time getting pregnant. The children were two girls and one boy. All three of them had dog ears, much to Sesshomaru's dismay, even though he adores his children regardless. With all of the little children running around, Jaken now hates his life even more, but honestly, he wouldn't change a thing. Ah-Un fills his time by playing with the children. Everyone finally got the happy endings that they all wanted and hopefully, it would all last.
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butterflynotes-a · 7 years
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: Saeran Choi x MC Originally Posted: January 15th 2018
Saeran - Mul (Water) MC/Myeong-Eun - Bul (Fire) Jumin - Jigu (Earth) Saeyoung - Gong-gi (Air) Jihyun - Sigag (TIme) Rika - Eodum (Darkness) Yoosung - Yeonghon (Soul) Jaehee - Mogjae (Wood) Zen - Geumsog (Metal) Unnamed OC - Aejeong (Love)
Bich - Light, term of endearment. Haeyong Omul - “Oceanic Filth”, insult.
The flames burn within the hearts of humanity, guiding their decisions with passion and anger. Two sides of a coin - the want to do something and the vexation caused by the way others do as they wish. The candle lights up the room, yet it is dim, not quite bright enough to burst through the shadows around it. A finger moves to the miniscule blaze, which licks at it, curling around the finger as if the person who is there can control it. In this world, some have the ability to change everything.
Myeong-Eun was one of those people.
There is a sound within the room, the door creaks open and then slams shut. She closes her eyes momentarily, concentrating on what she wants to do - something unknown by the other party who had entered. The flame flickers from it’s small, dim state and then fills the room, bright and ferocious. She is ready to attack when she looks at him, his gold orbs filled with sadness at her action. The hostility in her expression fades, the fire spreading to various other candles as the flames dissipate. Her sharp blue orbs gaze at him, her expression unreasonable.
“Why are you here, Mul?” She questions, raising an eyebrow. Her eyes filled with contempt, which wounded the other - she could tell, even if she was faking such a feeling, she wouldn’t allow this to end as it always had, as it always would. She would not love him this time, not like she had so many times before. Mul as she had named him, sighed softly, his lips curling downwards into a frown. She knows she has hurt him at this point, but she would not love him, she would not feel sympathy or empathy towards the mess that he is.
She refuses to indulge him with care.
“I’m here for you, Bul.” His words are hesitant, spoken timidly as he steps towards her, reaching out a hand for her to take. “Jigu and Gong-gi miss you- I.. I miss you. You left without a word and then..” Tears threatened to spill over, but he did his best to maintain his calmness - she could tell and it made her feel so much worse, but she couldn’t hurt him again. “I don’t want to lose you!” She forces a laugh at those words, bitter and cold. She never did use to be like that, he knows that. Once, she had been filled with passion and joy, with kindness. Her smile used to be warm.
Now, ‘Mul’ can see her nature, the way she has changed.
“And what of Sigag? Does he miss me?” She snaps at him, glowering at ‘Mul’ as he seems to shrink down and shake ever-so-slightly. She knows she should not treat him with such cruelty, not after his experiences, but she does not understand how else she could push the pathetic man away. She did not dare love him again, not after spending so long trying to save him from herself.
“... I’m not sure. He’s been spending a lot of time with Eodum..” He trails off, flinching as she steps towards him, fire in hand. Her hand moves close to his cheek, almost burning him but not quite. The heat is unbearable, however. “.. But- But… Yeonghon, Mogjae and Geumsog miss you!” He seems so terrified, attempting to back away only to hit the wall. She has never seen so much fear from the male. It breaks her heart. She reminds herself, if only for a moment, that she doesn't love him. She will not love him. She cannot love him. “Bich! Please- Please…”
She loves him.
“Go back to where you came from, haeyang omul!” She regrets those moments the second they have left her volatile mouth towards him. She covers her ears as he begins to sob, falling to his knees. She knows he is not strong - she was the strong one, she was meant to be the kind one. She cannot listen to this any longer. She kneels down, reaching her hand out. He moves his own hand towards hers, slowly - his confusion is painfully obvious and she hates how she has injured his emotions to make him so doubtful, so distrusting.
She wishes she knew why she had changed since she left him. “Bich… Don’t leave me.” He whispers, softly. Their fingers touch. Everything fades to black. He is gone, his touch is gone. She, too, is gone for now.
She awakens, Sigag by her side. She looks at him, questioningly. Slowly, he nods and she cries. The droplets of her sadness run down her cheeks, leaving streaks and puffy eyes. Sigag’s arms wrap around her and holds her gently, sighing softly. “I’m sorry, Bul, but… You know the two of you cannot survive together…. I’ll give you another chance, to prevent this… This will be your last.”
Time turns back and she laughs. She laughs out of pain, out of suffering. This time, she will make sure that Mul is not the one who dies. This time, he is the one to discover her in the early hours of the morning. Mul is the one who lets out an ear-piercing scream, falling to her side, trying to make her awaken. However, he knows it is futile through the foggy despair in his mind, because he is not burning as he touches her face. No, he is surviving.
She is gone.
Mul is quick to go to Sigag, trembling violently. “Please- Please let me save her!” He cannot lose Bul. He loves her, he needs her. He would pay any price. “I’ll do anything, Sigag! Just… Let me… Let me save her!” Gold eyes meet blue orbs, Sigag’s are soft but sad. “You will have to give up your memories, your emotions... All that you ever were…” He whispers, softly, placing a hand on Mul’s head. The younger of the two nods, sniffing. “Anything for her.”
In the next world, Mul did not exist. Gong-gi does not have a brother, Bul falls for someone else, someone she can love - and if Mul could see, he would be so broken, yet happy to know he wasn’t holding her back any longer. Bul falls for Jigu, she loves him, yet she feels like someone she once cared deeply for has disappeared. Bul takes away Jigu from Sigag, who had loved the other for so long. In this world, Mul does not exist. No one realises what is truly missing.
Sigag mourns for Mul each day, regretting the decision.
Mul paid with his existence to save her, to stop her ever meeting him - for that was what had ruined her, what had killed her, he had been sure. Bul had never been devoted enough to do that, simply giving up parts of her old personality to become a new person. She gave up part of herself, Mul gave up all of himself.
Aejeong wishes she had never chosen their fates to end this way.
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goronska · 1 year
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We're having Mother's Day in a week here, so what better way to celebrate than to commision my fav mother x son relationship?! This Ubisi x Eodum (with a perfect touch of You Bitch Shit bff rat <3) chibi drama was drawn by the one and only @panidanya. You should keep your eyes peeled for when she opens more slots for comms. Having identical eyes, but never seeing eye to eye - what a tragedy, right? I'm looking forward for the arc in the RP where Eodum grows closer not only to Life as a found mom (he has issues), but also to his human mother, Merahtua... Ah, I love y'all, lil' OCs.
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goronska · 1 year
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Long time no see, huh? Today I come to you to showcase a comission @mmaurysiek created for me. Mau-chan has been really vibing well with my blorbos, so I asked if they could paint my fav pairing - Eotia (Eodum x Setia). The brainstorming was extremely fun, picking the color palette and commenting on each stage of the project - ridiculously smooth. The result is simply stunning, I cried a little (/gen). After a few references which I normally create in picrew / by AI / through rather Anime-like or cartoon style comissions, this feels like it has real life substance, between a monochromatic photo and a statue. Those two came from different worlds and backgrounds, have different attachment styles and only circumstances and desperation put them together, binding them forever. Eodum has never experienced love before, Setia never allowed himself to love fully. Yet this impending disaster hold them in check mate and hold them very well. They are in balance, back to back against the rest of the world. Once again, thank you @mmaurysiek for putting so much care into doing justice to those two, with love and care for their proud parent (That's me! Me!). Mau-chan still has their comissions opened, so grab the slots while you can!
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goronska · 10 months
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goronska · 11 months
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I love, when playing Dreamlight Valley, create avatars inspired somehow by my OCs. So this one is inspired by Merah.
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This one by Setia.
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This one was inspired by James Rudkowski (OC of RudaSosna)
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This is basically my Opal travelling to teach kids.
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And this by my cute little whumper Eodum. The update roadmap for DV after Early Access shows the ability of online multiplaying. Hope to see you there.
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goronska · 1 year
Walk Out On Me [Eodum x Setia]
After two months in Alleine's Temple, Setia started to grow restless. "Eodum…" he started impatiently, resting his cheek on the demi-gods chest in the morning. "When are we moving on from here? It's been so long… that's the biggest diasphora we can create here, we need to make our way back to the capital city…" "Isn't this enough for you, Setty?" Eodum played with his long blond hair as he spoke. "We have shelter here, we can heal people, we have each other, my damn mom stopped trying to kill us…" "Healing is not everything people want from higher beings, Eodum. They pray for wealth, strength, love, and most importantly" there was a grimace of insistance on Setia's face "for freedom. That was our deal. And the new queen is not making quick enough movements with the papers you gave her."
For a moment, it seemed the deity completely ignored those words, still just swirling a lock of hair around his finger. But after a while of silence, his impatience surfaced. "Why do we have to meddle with the slavery system? It's enough for me that you are a free man walking. What difference does it make to you anymore? Even that stinky Adam walks free, and that big guy Shadow!" "They ALL have to walk free, you hear me?!"
Quick movement of Setia jumping out of bed and shouting at him took Eodum by surprise. It was unlike his lover to lose his cool like that, being on the more cunning, cold and calculated side. Making a man like him moan was all the reward the demi-god wanted from his cult. Well, this and his control over legions of adorable rodents.
"You want to be a saviour of masses? FINE! But when you are dealing with fractured bones, don't bother to think about me!" Setia snapped. He felt his body burning, yearning to touch just a patch of the purple skin in front of him, but not really knowing if he wanted to caress or to puncture it. "There's more to fix in the world than a few feverish kids! MORE!"
"Are you… leaving?" quickly the surprise of Eodum made his face not shocked, but darker, red eyes burning with lack of acceptance. The man in front of him may not wear a collar anymore, but is HIS TOY. With a snap of a finger he can return Setia's brain to the blind dependance he pushed him into before, rendering him unable to walk and nursing him back to health much more slowly than it was called for. However, he seemed to all but forget how to even shape fingers for a snapping motion.
"I am, yes" a disgusted, foresakining stare burned into Eodum's brain for a while, making a smoldering, growing hole where the logical thinking used to reside. It consumed him, locking his jaw in stupor, sinking his nails into the flesh within a clenched fist. And soon, when the tall priest was heading straight towards the city buildings, it consumed him in its madness.
The pain in his shins, long gone, has hit with double the power as Setia's muscles have been working hard. Stretched across the sidewalk, he soon started to crawl, ready to call "Fire!" or "HELP!" in no particular direction, but one of those damn magical mice ran up to his face and squeaked. "Master Eodum will be with you shortly, sir!"
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goronska · 1 year
Eodum x Setia drabble
Disclaimer: This little piece is one of the early Eodum's learning session on how to heal, experimenting on his volunteer, later lover, Setia. With warm hugs to @mmaurysiek and @whumpshaped CW: consensual torture, stabbing, blood, restrained movement, sinister carewhumper , intentional injury
"Stop writhing so much!"
Easy for him to say. So far Eodum had tested breaking his bones and spraining his joints, that required a grip or a throw, not patiently waiting. Even burns were easier, because he could make it sudden. But stabs? Setia tried, but whenever he saw a sharp blade coming close to his body, even suddenly, he instictively moved away.
"S-Sorry…" "I'll have to tie for this one, I cannot let you turn a stab wound into a laceration!"
Eodum was impatient. He knew Setia was good with pain by now and would only let out small grunts through his gritting teeth. That made the whole process easier. Wound, wound, wound, heal. Wound, wound, wound, heal. Only this way he could become a more powerful deity, only when he mastered that skill. And Setia offered himself as a sacrifice on his altar.
"If it's neccessary…" "Definitely it will be quicker."
Setia was reluctant, but allowed himself to be roped to the tree, bark rough against his back. With eyes closed, fist tightened, he took the first dagger stab to his arm with but a whimper. The warmth of blood quickly spreading on his sleeve.
"Those wounds work different" observed Eodum. "You have to reverse them along with the blood loss, which usually doesn't happen in burns and fractures… More factors to control."
And then he stabbed his thigh. This time, the blonde man groaned.
"Ssssh, Set, shhh… one more and the pain will be gone. I can do this, don't worry."
Only when demigod's hand landed in a mocking gesture of care on his cheek, Setia realized the amount of cold sweat on his body, almost evaporating with the pressure of Eodum's fingertips. He was worse, he felt worse, so he could take all of this for the other. He would be able to abolish the whole slavery system in Vermillion, if he takes it like a man.
Then, the knife rapidly slipped in between his ribs, and for a split second he couldn't believe Eodum would do something like this so carelessly. That the demigod wants to get rid of him, like a broken toy, as such a wound is impossible to heal. It raptures everything inside. His scream was interrupted by a spasmatic cough, blood filling his mouth and spilling onto the grass below.
"Setia?.." the worried red eyes scanned his pale face. "Nghh…" was the only sound Setia managed to squeeze out before he coughed up more blood and fell into darkness.
Grass tickled his cheek when Setia regained consciousness. His body felt so light, but he quickly understood why when he dragged his gaze up from the ground. Eodum, half-kneeled, held his legs in the air, leaving subtle kisses across the cut on his thigh, closing the wound which in turn was sucking up the bloody mess. Nothing hurt, all was a bliss, the other's lips so hot.
"Can we do some other type of wounds, next time I'm here?" Setia asked, all limp, turning his look to the sky getting dressed all in reds and golds. "Yeah, sure. I will be ready in 10 minutes."
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goronska · 1 year
Setia: I'm no longer a slave, Eodum! Eodum: Not in Vermillion, yes. But in my gaze, you are enslaved.
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goronska · 1 year
😎 pls x
😎 Pick one thing about your OC and describe it in detail. (their smile, their eyes, the way they walk, their voice, etc.)
Hmmm, let me go with Eodum, anon. A lot of how he looks like is influenced by the people connected to him. Both him and one of his mothers (Ubisi) have completely red eyeballs with no iris. They also have similar smirks, but they laugh differently. Ubisi is a scoff-laugh of "heh" type, while Eodum laughs loudly and unapologetically, even abrasive, because there was nobody to tell him that might be offending someone with it. A lot of people take it as a mean laughter. The purple color of his skin is partially because that is my favorite color, but also, because the red hues of Ubisi, mixed with the "blue blood" of Merahtua would result in a purple shade. His hair also shows his growth as a person - the first he appeared he had a mess of puffy black curls, in which literally, a rat got their nest later. The more he was around people, especially Setia, the longer and more polished his hairstyles became. To keep them from running everywhere, he rn often wears them in a low ponytail or weaves them into hudreds of tiny braids.
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goronska · 2 years
My OCs - Eodum (the Demi-God of Time)
The biggest whumper in my OC set, yet for all the good reasons… Illustrated by picrew.
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EODUM the Demi-God of Time [age mentally a teen, but exists for around 30 years, he/him, sexuality unknown but seems to have a thing for men, mostly found in the realm of Inbetween]
Eodum is a hurt child of two mothers, out of which one was divine and the other royal. His beginnings can be traced to the time where queen Merahtua, after giving birth to Merah, bargained with goddess Ubisi to not get her daughter Traced. The price was simple, but high - no more children for the queen. And to make sure it is so, Ubisi literally tore out her womb (regardless of later healing, this was the most painful and humiliating experiences in Merahtua's life).
The womb in question got used by Ubisi to, as always, satisfy her curiosity. The experiment in question was: Can I create life? The answer is basically no. Only Life can create Life from scratch in this canon, but Ubisi matched part of her DNA with the one from the queen and by some sort of godly parthenogenesis created Eodum, who grew in a bodypart suspended somewhere in the Inbetween.
Emerging from that cocoon was practically an independant little boy with purple skin, a mess of black hair, Ubisi's strange, magnetic eyes and horns. And this is where the Red Goddess lost interest in the experiment and left Eodum on his own.
Eodum's main power is controlling the time and its various aspects. But if he wants something spectacular, of bigger scale, he would lose all his power for several days. He can also regulate his size a bit, appearing as small as 160 cm to almost 5 m if he wants to be more intimidating. Yet, his emotional developement is very… stalled. He still acts like a little brat and only recently came into interactions with more people.
It started more or less 2 years ago, when Setia discovered the way to reach Inbetween and met the demi-god for the first time and they came up with a plan, involving, among other things, finishing the rule of the mother who left him behind (Setia is still not fully aware, Eodum is half-sibling of Merah). Main goal: be nothing like her. So instead of being rather fair, but vengeful and sinister, he wants to become benevolent and use his power to mostly reverse any harm done.
He quickly realizes that he cannot control his power well enough for such purposes yet, as he badly disfigures a few trees in the Inbetween. Setia offers himself up for practice, because they both realize, if Eodum actually saw how the damage had happened, he could reverse it with less problems. Honing of Eodums skills quickly escalates - from easy bruising and a prickle to a finger to draw blood, into full-blown torture sessions Setia agrees to suffer through for the sake of future gains. We are talking fractured bones, 3rd degree burns and worse. The man is then healed and promptly sent to bed back in the palace to rest. Never has the world witnessed a stranger dynamic.
Upon Eodum fast forwarding king Garura to his death (the boy doesn't care about political stuff nor death), he is discovered back by Ubisi and Life and the two beings have a huge fight over motherhood, ending in Ubisi sending him off to Merah and Sydney to look after him. As his power is drained by the Garura ordeal and other stuff, he is… grounded in Ireland for around two weeks.
Shocked he will have no slaves like Setia at his disposal to practice, he domesticates a rat from The Silver Arrow and is seen often just exploding the rat into pieces and then reverting it back again with his sheer power, like an instastory boomerang video. The rat gets also a name, which is famously You Bitch Shit (because Eodum finds it hilarius that if you say it quick enough it almost sounds like Ubisi), starts having a nest in his mess of a hair and goes with him everywhere, docile and curious.
Actually, the visit becomes a blessing. That's the first time the demi-god experiences love, especially from Merah, and gets taught the extent of his abilities by Aoibhin, the local druid lady from the woods. And also its limits - he is heartbroken finding a dead hedgehog in the forest which he cannot bring back (he later has the idea to make hedgehogs and rat his holy animals, masssanger between him and people). This and interfering with what other gods did.
Humbled, he gets back to Inbetween and Vermillion only to discover Setia is now forced to become the next King, caring more about Adam than Eodum, but also Eodum's first Temple being erected on the ruins of Ubisi's Temple in Allaine, a small city far from the capital. He makes sure to perform his first public miracle and one night promptly fast forwards the building to complition, much to awe of his soon growing number of believers.
The battle for his believers has just begun. But will the rebels of Vermillion honestly back him up when his Key Hour comes? And does he really know any other way of showing his affection than hurting the beings he love beyond recognition and then patching them up again?
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goronska · 2 years
My OCs: Ubisi the Red Goddess
Honestly, one of my personal favorites. Illustrations are both picrew and AI generated images.
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UBISI The Red Goddess [age unknown, she/her, sexuality unknown, mostly found in the realm of Inbetween]
Not much is known about Ubisi's past, but her cult is the most prevailing one in Vermillion (with some small enclaves of Islam and Christianity sprinkled here and there).
She is a bit of a shapeshifter, especially when it comes to size, but she usually presents herself as a woman double or triple the size of an avarage human, with short wavy hair, red skin, proportionally shaped and strong. She also has horns going to the back of her head and some battle scars she wears proudly.
She is considered the one to represent the strength in femininity, so she is often connected with fire and blood or emotionas like battle drive and bodily pleasures.
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She doesn't meddle with earthly stuff too much, unless it's someone she Traced before. Tracing is a phenomenon in which Ubisi is physically present and takes a liking or curious attention to a mortal she deems amusing - through physical touch, usually of a fingertip, the person has a reddish Trace burnt onto their skin, serving as a signal amplifier between them and The Red Goddess. Yet, she is not interested in politics, wealth or sins. A lot of things are permitted within this cult as long as you understand how to ask Ubisi for things and what can you get in return.
Ubisi is deadly bored most of the time, so she's always hungry for things that either spark her interest (elaborate dancing rituals in the temples, anyone?) or give her power (like extreme emotions of pain, desire, anger, love, joy or sadness). As she is not an all-powerful goddess, she is the mistress of trade. Offer her something, get something she thinks is of equal value. She also needs people to actually believe in her, not just practice the rituals to exhibit any power at all. Transfering between this realm and her home also consumes a lot of power for her, so she needs something to make it easier. such as a zurda, a mirror with frames put on fire / drenched in milk / blood, or a person that has been Traced, using the Trace as a portal (this leaves the poor human "pistachio'd" as my co-players called it - there's only a burnt, dry shell left behind, with a crach where the Trace used to be. She used that technique 3 times in the past 50 years, killing 2 High Priestesses and 1 believer).
She barely ever kills her believers, but enjoys inflicting pain to her favourite ones when she is jealous, needs energy or their behavior is unsatisfactory. Apart from being able to hurt some through their Trace, she is also knowns to sporadically send Red Sickness, which results with dizziness, fever, rapidly developing patches of red skin and at final stage scarring and weird spores emerging from them, effectively killing the person. If the person manages to repent and fix their behavior in time, they are usually spared, she does it purely for the show.
She also enjoys having a good opponent, so if someone wants to outsmart her (like Setia), beat her up (like Sydney) or just obliterate her (like Life that one time) - she will gladly pick up the gauntlet and diss the oponent with irony and sarcasm to rub in their lack of chances. This is always where it is interesting for her, and she also adores infusing the Vermillion soldiers with bravery and strength to see a show. The only being she really lost to so far is Life, who herself is a much more powerful goddess, and absolutely tossed her around by the head like a ragdoll. Which earned Life a top respected and admired position in Ubisi's soul and heart.
After queen Marehtua sacrificed her uterus to the Goddess, she came up with tens of uses for it, and finally created a demi-god boy later called Eodum. After she deemed the experiment of creating life successful, she completely lost interest in him, so although he survived he really has social issues.
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Some rules in her cult:
Only women can be priestesses and acolytes in her Temples. The High Priestess is the top position, mostly for life, picked by the priestesses among themselves. Current one is Agat. Her predecessor, Miko, served as a portal through the Trace on her face (ouch).
Most of the rituals involve symbols like zurdas, milk, blood, fire. Apart from Cleansing which can be performed one-on-one like a catholic confession or purification in shinto, most of them involve groups, moving in theatrical, sometimes bordering erotic manner.
Believers of Ubisi usually have their personal zurda, which is decorative oval stand, with a red-and-white stone on top. The stone is supposed to be the symbol of triumphant womanhood with the two life-giving liquids: milk and blood (also the menstrual blood), and the oval stand upon which it rests - the cycle of nature, including ovulation, day and night, seasons, life and death. Some anthropologists and tourists claim it really is a simplified shape of a vagina, but both priestesses and Ubisi deny this. Zurda should be displayed at one's window (like Menoras are in winter by the Jewish community) and taken to the temples. If you go abroad, it should also be packed, to remind you about your link to your community at home. Sometimes it is buried in the ground, with the stone protruding above, to perform certain prayers and rituals.
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Males are deemed worse forms of being both in Vermillion as such, and in the cult, hence out of the whole population of slaves/servants (who are est. to be 5-7% in Vermillion), around 90% is male.
Sex is strongly advised in this religion, provided it is consensual and safe. Marriages, however, are monogamic and living in bigger groups is frowned upon. Ubisi doesn't care for the genders of people involved, and if they want to open their relationship, it's fine even in wedlock, but only in bed, not in everyday life.
Ubisi never stated this explicitely, but she doesn't care about type of addiction. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are permitted, but banned by law for people under the age of 16 in Vermillion, with the total ban on synthetic drugs for everyone.
Ubisi likes things like hot baths, and esthetically pleasing items. Her temples are often surrounded by well-kept gardens and have stained class domes or fragments of the ceiling.
The education on her is provided at first by parents and then in discussion groups with the local acolytes and priestesses at the temple grounds. They take form of room-wide debates where teens can add any challenging question about the doctrine. As all topics are treates seriously, and teens are treated as partners in this discussion, most young people enjoy those meetings and form many friendships there or organize additional activities after, like watching films, practicing sports, doing artistic stuff, or just playing online games together.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Eodum is annoyed that his "cat hypothesis" didn't test positive. "Stop whining!" he orders, irritated "Nobody's stays hurt for long on my watch" He picks Mitten up again, puts it back on the table and shoves a big straberry in his hands. "Here, bite on this. I saw how it happened, so I can..." he puts a hand on its leg and there is a loud "crunch!". The wave of pain goes through Mitten sharp and only barely made better by biting on the sweet juicy fruit. But the leg... the leg is good and clean as new. "So I am Eodum, the demi-god of time, you can call me Sir, little creature. Just don't cry, your whines are so high pitched it makes my ears hurt. Be right back." And then he goes to brings more dirty plates out, leaving Mittens in disbelief on the table again. With bad feeling in his chest.
(please me mindful of mitten's it/its pronouns)
Mitten tries its very best to be good, and to be quiet, but the sudden reversing of its injury makes it shriek. It shoves more of the fruit in its mouth, desperate to gag itself before it could annoy him further.
Eodum. A demi-god. Demi-god of time. He sounds very important, and Mitten is keen on pleasing him. It wishes it was less of a crybaby, so it wouldn't hurt its very important new owner's ears.
It sets the monched on strawberry aside once it's over, panting and trying to calm down. Sir... It's allowed to call him Sir. It won't need to remember his name, then. It can just repeat his title in its head as long as it takes for it to stick.
After a little rest, Mitten shakily picks up the strawberry again, burying its face in the flavourful flesh of it once more. It doesn't dare change its size again.
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