#my fav whumper
goronska · 10 months
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justbreakonme · 4 months
The hotel was a little chilly and had that odd old-carpet smell, but it was safe, for now. Caretaker helped get Whumpee washed up and into bed, and they were just about to climb into bed as well when the phone rang.
Both of them froze.
Caretaker picked it up, knuckles white.
Whumpers voice crackled through the phone.
“You can’t prove I did anything to him.”
Caretaker’s grip on the phone tightened and they glanced at the triple latched hotel door.
“You can’t prove anything, there’s no fingerprints or photos, just my word against his, and alibis are cheap.”
“Oh… you think that I care about putting you in jail?” the laughter in Caretaker’s voice was almost genuine, “No no, I’m going to hunt you down. I’m going to beat you to death with my bare hands. Then, I’m going to smile in my mugshot, knowing that no amount of money or powerful connections can buy your way out of hell where you belong.”
Caretaker hung up the phone with a snap, and looked back at Whumpee.
“I’m sorry-“
“Thank you.”
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loonybun · 23 days
Meeting Aisling (CYOA) 2
sorry i am a VERY slow writer and work on bursts of inspiration and writing sprints so this took FOREVER to write. anyways here it is.
contains: more fae shenanigans, implied magical manipulation, exhaustion, fae carewhumper, invasion of personal space, abduction, The Horrors (fun stuff because my canon doesn’t 100% follow traditional folklore as i like to add things in), just creepy vibes but i’m sure everything will be fine and he’s actually 100% harmless. most definitely!!!
“A photographer?”
He lights up and grabs onto your hands. Almost immediately, he lets go, but the fuzzy sensation dwells on your palm. The strange man continues on.
“That’s not something you hear everyday! I don’t know a ton about photography, but I may have seen some of your… Your picture-things! I never caught your name, actually. Would you mind giving that to me really quick?”
You can’t place why, but words send a shudder down your spine. Somewhere deep in your mind an alarm rings.
He’s still a stranger. You don’t give out your name to strangers. That’s just common sense. Sure, he seems friendly enough, but better safe than sorry. Instead, you give him the handle you use for your photography. That’s probably the main reason he was asking, anyway.
He’s obviously disappointed, but you decide to ignore the guilt. There’s an awkward silence before he speaks up again.
“—Well, follow me. Let’s get you somewhere safer, okay? You can call me Ai, by the way, but not like the ones you see with. Weird little nickname, but it’s what most people call me anyways. Unless we want to be formal with each other, but that doesn’t really seem necessary.”
His enthusiasm returns, and before you know it you’re practically chasing him through the dark forest. It’s hard to catch up with the way he deftly darts from tree to tree. You can hear him laugh as you fail to match his pace, and the sound echoes through the forest like the chimes of crystal bells, bouncing off of the trees.
Eventually, you manage to run up to him. He’d stopped to wait for you, and now he was sitting in the grass, grinning up at you strangely. The exhaustion overwhelms any urge to find the source of your anxiety. You’re still trying to catch your breath, and you soon find yourself down beside him. Ai pats the top of your head, patiently waiting for you to regain your strength.
“…The grass here seems so much softer. You don’t know why, do you? That’s okay. We’ll find out soon.” He murmurs, combing through your hair with nimble fingers. “Do you have your camera? You should take a picture-thing. This is a nice little spot. You probably won’t be able to find it again.”
You hadn’t even noticed, too concentrated on the soothing tones in his voice. You’d nearly fallen asleep right there. Oh god, you just cuddled up to a complete stranger. After a moment, you pull your thoughts together and focus on the area around you.
There’s still no signs of the campsites, but the area he’s brought you to feels safe all the same. Moonbeams stream in through gaps in the canopy above. The white light pours onto the plants around, casting them all into an ethereal state. You take your camera out of your bag and turn it on, eagerly looking at the screen—
But something’s wrong. Pink ebbs into the edges of the screen, and the middle keeps splitting into bars. You point the camera around in an effort to reset it. Ai curiously watches you struggle, that same odd smile still placed on his lips. For a moment, the camera pans over to him— or what should have been him. The bars on the screen seem to multiply and crack, barely obscuring something unfathomable and buglike. You look at the terrifyingly beautiful entity on the screen, then back to him. You hadn’t noticed his teeth before. They really shouldn’t be that sharp, should they?
“Is something wrong?” His voice still sounds so sweet. It makes you feel woozy. Sick. That thing wasn’t human. Where were you? The woods hadn’t even began to thin out. Had he taken you further in?
You shake your head, but you must have taken too long to respond. Once again, he’s by your side, a hand on your shoulder and the other positioned in front of the lens. He’s not smiling anymore.
Ai’s hold on your shoulder becomes firm, uncomfortable and tight.
“…—I didn’t… I didn’t know it did that. Huh. Well— I’ve dragged this out long enough. I was hoping you’d get a few last photos of your world though… Just as a keepsake. Oh well, Maybe it’s for the best.”
A surge of panic shoots through your body. You immediately push him away, stumbling back in the process. You need to get away. Fast. Whatever he meant couldn’t be anything good. Did he want to kill you? Why did he wait?
He’s picked up on your panic.
“Woah, woah! Hey! I don’t want to hurt you. It’s not like that, okay? I just— I need you to come with me. It’ll be an adventure! Humans still like adventuring, right?” The thing’s slowly getting closer to you. You don’t wait to hear whatever he says next. All you can do now is run. Keep running until you find some way out of this place.
Despite your exhaustion, you keep moving, weaving between the trees and taking as many turns as possible. Anything to get him off of your trail. You can hear him behind you. It doesn’t seem like he’s running, though. There aren’t any footsteps.
WHAM. A branch collides with your forehead, and you immediately fall back onto the ground. You need to get up. You need to get up now.
It’s already too late.
He scoops you up effortlessly, ignoring your desperate flailing.
“Oh, ouch... That looked like it hurt. Hopefully it’ll only leave a small bruise. Anyways, I feel like I’m leaving a really bad first impression. You wouldn’t mind giving me a do-over once we get home, right? I mean— I feel like it was going well! Up until you got all freaked out. Not your fault, but next time maybe don’t run off like that.”
He doesn’t look human anymore. You’re looking into the slit pupils of some otherworldly being. It hurts to think too hard about it. It hurts to think at all.
He carries you back over to the spot you two had been before, taking you a bit further. Dread fills your stomach as he steps into the center of a ring of mushrooms and the world begins to melt around you. You can hear him whispering some reassurances to you, but you can’t process what he’s saying. Your eyelids feel so heavy. You don’t resist when he kisses your forehead, causing you to drift away entirely.
Sleep takes you under. It’s a relief. Nothing hurts anymore.
Your eyelids slowly open, glazing over your new surroundings. Sunlight streams in through a hole in the ceiling, as well as a window that has been thoroughly wrapped in vines. The bedroom is luxurious, but definitely not in any traditional sense.
There’s a large tree in the very center of the room. It’s a grandiose thing with slim leaves and dramatic pink flowers. It looks well taken care of. Still, it’s a weird decoration to have in the middle of a bedroom.
The man— or whatever it was— that brought you here is nowhere to be seen. That’s probably for the best. It gives you more time to find a way out of this place.
You notice the door parallel to the bed and immediately make your way over to it. Locked. You’re not sure what else you expected.
So that settles it. You’ve been taken hostage by some weird magical creature for god knows why and you have no way of knowing where you are. At least he hadn’t restrained you. You could still escape. Things weren’t over yet.
taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added!!): @whumpy-wyrms @inkwell-and-dagger @lordcatwich @kawaii-cakes
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paingoes · 23 days
Crash Out
Nimrod III
the gang goes on a bender
(Content: (ex) royal whumpee, whumper turned whumpee, sadistic whumper, immortal whumper, drugs, dissociation, amnesia, blood, guns, threat of dismemberment, actual dismemberment, psychological torture, addiction mention, fainting)
“Do you have painkillers?” Lorelai picked at the bandages on her arm. Paris looked at her through the side of his eyes.
“…Obviously I have painkillers.”
He didn’t like them much. He didn’t like anything that felt like it was slowing him down, not before and especially not now. Still, he had a bit of everything stashed away in the compartments.
“I want them,” Lorelai said softly.
“Is it that bad?” There was some small worry in his voice. Johanna had nicked him too, in many different places, but it hadn’t felt like much at the time and it didn’t feel like much after. He guessed his own pain tolerance was a bit skewed. Still, he didn’t like the thought of her messing with them. “Take the aspirin first. Let me know how you feel after.”
She shrugged, pulling the pack out from the first aid kit. She chewed down on the chalky tablets so they’d absorb faster. Her phone went off. He noticed that it was a different phone from the one she had when they had first left — or at least a different case. This one had irregular pearls all over the back of it. She read off the notification.
“I want to go to Xcelcia’s Fair. We’re gonna fly over it tonight,” she hummed in a weary voice.
“I think you should go the fuck to sleep.” 
“When did we get to the mall?” He blinked. She looked up at him in surprise, wearing different clothing than she had been the moment previous.
“Two hours ago?” she guessed. He could tell it was a guess.
“Did we sleep yet?” he asked.
“You blacked out? No. I don’t know. Were you blacked out that entire time?” Lorelai laughed a little. It did nothing to conceal the concern evident on her face.
“Why are we in a mall?” It was eerie. They had been living like vampires, only ever among the living in the dead of night. The bright sun coming in through the skylight gave everything an unreal quality.
“I needed new sneakers. And you said you wanted to come.”
“I don’t think I would say that.”
“I swore you did.”
Her eyes were bloodshot. He was starting to get freaked out. They carried on throughout the mall anyway, the sneakers having not yet been acquired. He sipped idly at the blue razz slushie that was already in his hand — he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have got that, either. Just carrying it made him feel like a dickhead. It tasted decent, though. The sugar helped. Water probably would’ve been better.
“Oh what the fuck.” He squinted as the aura hit him again. 
He looked up to see Johanna walking by on one of the upper balconies. As if she could sense his eyes on her, she spun around on her heel to look. Her initial reaction was instantaneous, so easy to miss, but it was surprise. Or at least the mockery of it. She hadn’t even been hunting. Just bad fucking luck.
“Your Highness!” She broke into a grin, yelling loud enough for everyone in a two block radius to hear. “We can’t keep meeting like this!”
Johanna leapt down from the balcony, the whole story. She did an — admittedly beautiful — tuck and roll to avoid absorbing the fall’s shock. Why bother? Even if she had broken her ankles, they’d heal in two seconds.  
Lorelai bolted just as soon as she’d heard the voice. He realized she didn’t have the gun on her, remembered he didn’t have his sword. Johanna had the damn sword; he’d left it in her chest. He took off too, not knowing where they were going. Lorelai seemed a little more there than he was. She might at least remember where the ship had been parked. 
Something exploded loudly. He dropped via trained reflex, tugging Lorelai down with him. It’d been the right call. Large pieces of shrapnel flew right over their heads. 
“What the hell?” Lorelai whined, stretching out the syllables, “Was that for us?”
Johanna limped forward, carrying the smell of smoke. A piece of pipe hung out of her shoulder. Her glistening blood coated her shirt.
“That one was for me, actually.” The smile she wore then was not the same one it had been a few moments ago.
Lorelai scrambled back to her feet, taking off again. Paris’s own curiosity slowed him. He looked in the direction of the explosion, the same direction Johanna had come from, but it was clear she hadn’t caused it. A few people circled behind her, prowling. They had guns. What the fuck kind of mall was this? They seemed to know her pretty well. She shot him a last look, seething, smirking. Saved by the bell. She turned to face them instead.
He knew if they shot her and missed, it’d go straight into him instead. That was just the kind of day he was having. He hurried himself out of their sightline. Another explosion went off. 
My name is Johanna, she had said so proudly the first time they met. Was he actually supposed to know what that meant? Someone with a lot of explosives did. He made it outside. Lorelai honked the ship’s horn, beckoning him over. He crawled into the passenger’s seat.
“What even was that? Right?” Lorelai wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like her.”
“I literally don’t know what the fuck is going on right now?” he said.
But he was fighting her again. He’d just taken something, he didn’t remember what. It made him faster, made him hit harder, made him fucking terrified with such a deep sense of foreboding he was sure he was about to die. Not that Jo would let him. That obviously wasn’t what she wanted.
He knew he was kind of losing it. If he’d ever snapped like this in the field, he’d have already been pinned down and sedated. He wasn’t sure if that had ever happened or not — it seemed plausible, though when the thought entered his head there was no specific memory he could attach it too. He could not attach anything at all to Johanna. She wasn’t a girl. She wasn’t even a person. She was blight. She twisted all about him like she was made of air and smoke. He had trouble holding her at all. 
He had the sword again. She’d brought it back to him. She had meant to threaten him with it, but he’d managed to wrestle it out of her hands. In an act of manic desperation, he cut straight through the bone of her arm, severing the limb. He did not think much of it at the time. It was simply a thing you could do to a body, among many other things you could do to a body. Maybe he’d just been curious. Nothing else seemed to work.
Again. He didn’t know how much time had passed, but he knew he’d fucked this one up severely. Johanna’s freshly grown hand was curled up in a fist in his hair. The other twirled the knife. He recognized, distantly, that it was a collector’s item. He’d had one just like it. One of her knees was planted on his elbow, the other on his chest, one boot planted firmly on the wrist of his opposite arm. She gave the knife a little toss in the air, catching it deftly, taking her time. She placed the knife’s edge right by the skin of his shoulder and did not wait a second before slicing it open. He writhed. It didn’t do any good.
“Stop,” he said, “stop stop stop stop stop s”
It cut in half an inch below the surface. He could tell she had hit muscle. His arm twitched involuntarily even as it was held in place.
“top stop stop stop stop stop stop stop st”
Johanna laughed. She pulled the knife out before it could reach bone. He had never seen blood gush that way before. He thought it only did that in horror movies. She winked at him. Just kidding. She went back to spinning the blade between her fingers. It moved like she had it on a string.
“Did you even feel that?” She asked. “You didn’t, did you? Oh, I’ve got to try it again when you’re sober. That’s not fair.”
He blinked. Back in the passenger seat. His arm was bandaged around the shoulder. Lorelai was covered in blood. None of it was her own.
“Thanks,” Paris said numbly, filling in the blanks.
“Don’t mention it.”
He looked out the window and into the vastness of space. He still couldn’t figure out what time it was. He reached into his pocket and was relieved to find his vape was still there. It was the only constant in his life.
“I think we should blow up her ship,” he suggested.
“I don’t know. Don’t you know any bomb recipes? I thought you were a radical.”
“Not off the top of my head. Don’t you?”
“I should, right? Like, I swear I learned them at some point. I think I have legitimate fucking brain damage. I’m not even kidding.”
“No, I think that’s true. You’ve been hitting your head a lot.”
“I meant from the alcoholism, but yeah. Probably both.”
“Oh.” She frowned. 
It was the first time he’d ever called it that. He thought it was a bit unfair to scapegoat alcohol specifically, considering all the other shit he was putting into his body. But that was simply what came to mind first. He hit the vape.
“I’m going to pass out,” he informed her.
“You’ve been meaning to do that. You know-“
He did not hear the end of the sentence.
@catnykit @snakebites-and-ink @vivulapom @scoundrelwithboba @whatwhump
@pumpkin-spice-whump @deluxewhump @fuckass1000 @fuckcapitalismasshole @defire
@micechomper @writereleaserepeat @aloafofbreadwithanxiety
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ccieatchildren · 1 year
Whumpay 23 Day 20: Enemy-to-Caretaker/ Hero
Villain looked down to the person crumpled on floor in front of her door. They were clutching their arm to their chest, breathing hard, lying in a steadily increasing pool of their own blood. 
When she first saw Hero’s face, she had wanted to slam the door into their face, but the fear and pain in their eyes made her reconsider. At the last banquet, Supervillain had been bragging about managing to capture Hero, boasting that he would turn them into his newest playtoy. The thought had originally made her squirm, but she had pushed the feeling down then, telling herself she shouldn’t care about her old enemy, if anything she should be overjoyed, but now, looking at the pitiful body in front of her, Villain felt like she should’ve said something, no matter how much further down she was than Supervillain on the food chain. 
“P-please…” Two doe eyes bored up at her, “I ne- I can’t-… I’m sor-”
She quickly shushed them, bending down to drag them into her meager home, holding them close. She may not be as powerful as Supervillain, but another glance down to the brutally beaten Hero confirmed her feelings, she would kill him.
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whumpshaped · 10 months
maybe this is a tip you already know but if not i think this might be worth a try! i used to struggle with falling asleep a lot (nowadays less thankfully) and one method that has helped me very often is kind of meditative i guess? idk if it has a name but i’ll just describe it
i basically start with my toes and work my way up to my head in small steps, (mentally) telling each body part that it’s getting heavy and tired. i try to keep a slow pace and to emphasise the sleepy adjectives and it helps me calm down and to keep my thoughts in order and not think about 1000 things at once. some days it works better than others but even if i’m still awake by the time i reach my head (which i usually don’t) i just repeat the whole thing again.
plus just laying down with your eyes closed helps your body rest too, even if you are not sleeping. that thought helps me not get too frustrated if i have a bad day/ night and can’t seem to fall asleep.
yeah i know this one well :) damn i forget what its called too. smth body. body centred meditation? or just body meditation? body awareness? idk i did it a lot for a bunch of stuff. idk. yknow what tho? i think it mightve been the amount of tea i drank. thats likely it.
but on the flip side my to do list is coming along nicely! i cleaned the whole apartment and did laundry and ironed clothes and changed bedsheets and towels! i passed the exam so thats cool. worked out. im gonna like, take a shower and do that drawing thing thats been in my head, then im gonna pack for the trip, make lunchies... then when thats all done i'll come back to the sleeping thing maybe but honestly its like noon maybe i should just go along w it for today and go to sleep at a normal time
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greatgigintheskiess · 2 years
Guys, help. My g/t brain is all over the place that it's not healthy anymore.
Basically yesterday both @gt-jar and I were invited to a sleepover at our friend's house. And when he turned on his Wii U and we played Wii U Party, there was this one mini game called 'Pool Party' where your tiny Mii is running on a pool table, trying to escape the pool balls and prevent to get hit by them.
So that got me and @gt-jar grinning like a Chesire cat and we both were like: ,,Woow! That's g/t! And tiny whump!"
Our friend was confused. And I was instantly thinking of a beautiful prompt... :D
In this scenario, the whumper (a giant) is playing pool with a few friends and also brings their tiny whumpee along to spice up the game a bit. The goal is pretty much the same, only with the additon of whoever hits the tiny most with a pool ball gets a higher score.
So every player is aming for them, trying to hurt them with many balls as possible. And by the end of the game the tiny is heavily injured, having broken bones and bleeding but to their misery, the players are up for another round and the torture continues.
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montammil · 2 years
What's your favourite piece of astronomy trivia?
What's Marshmallow's fave? Also what happened to the telescope after That Day? Did Lawrence chuck it or is it still around for balcony/window astronomy nights? Nothing like gazing up at the night sky to make one feel FEELS of any kind- sad, lonely, peaceful, grateful, thoughtful, insignificant, free, powerless ok I'll stop now I promise :3
I love astronomy trivia!! Here's some astronomy facts:
Uranus has 27 moons
A season on Uranus lasts about 20 years
Saturn is the only planet that could float in water (under the right circumstances)
The Milky Way is 105,700 light-years wide
The Milky Way smells like rum and tastes like raspberries (my ultimate favorite fact)
Marshmallow's fave (I love calling him that lol), is likely anything related to the moon or stars, like how footprints don't disappear on the moon due to no wind, or how there's about 200 billion trillion stars in the universe.
And Lawrence still has the telescope, actually! He only will let Marshall use it when he's been extra good, but as time goes on, there'll be a lot more nights outside looking at the stars.
Marshall finds it comforting, but sometimes just staring up at the sky makes his mind wander.
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
Ok, my characterization is seriously lacking but :) THIS PIECE IS GETTING GREAT
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Umm... hi! ?
I've been lurking around here for almost a year aand I've finally built up the courage to make my own blog?? Idek? oh wow never expected that tbh I'm surprised of myself
Name: My name is Em, Ems or Wrath, pick your poison lol
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: Umm old enough but also young??
About me: Ummm- I'm in multiple fandoms (like A TON), average whump enjoyer (maybe a bit more than that but shh), I like writing (duh), I do fencing?? (Whumpy sport??? I mean I get to stab people with swords-), I've got adhd and way too much free time! Chronically online. Book & fanfic addict
Whump: I've always enjoyed whump since I was a little kid but I was always veery much embarassed because I thought it was wrong ("Oh yes let's play doctor but you're actually an evil psycho who wants to do experiments on me" "..........." "WHAT THE-"). Then I found that there's people like me in here! Love me some whumper friends.
Lady whump
Used as a bait
Pet whump
Lab rat whump
Magic whump
Betrayal whump
MAGIC!! Eg. Supernatural whumpees/whumpers etc.
Probably a ton more but those are the most important ones?
Blogs: So, my fav blogs are @painsandconfusion @whumpninja @whumblr @whump-is-love-whump-is-life @whumpshaped @whumperofworlds @jump-in-the-whump @jordanstrophe aand many other ones though--
Might make a post about my whumpees/whumpers/caretakers and WIPS later?
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ennead-of-whump · 1 year
i think my fav whump trope is the caretaker who learned to be so gentle from their own experience as a whumpee. nobody has any idea how much violence it took for caretaker to become so gentle, but they would sacrifice everything if it meant giving whumpee the love + care they never got themself when they escaped their whumper
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one of my fav whump tropes is whumpees being reduced to like a pet for whumper. so like eg caretaker coming to rescue them but finding whumpees on whumpers side like being carressed by whumper. and whumpee is like in a way decorated with a leash. (to make it even better they were tortured to unwavering obedience for whumper, so much that it seems like affection)
anon????? you read my mind. this right here has always been one of my most favorites of all time! not to mention how well it fits my own blorbos. like… more than half of the fan art about them are basically this prompt.
knowing me, of course, whumpee and whumper had to originally be archenemies before one of them captured and tamed the other 😮‍💨🫠🔥
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aceofwhump · 23 days
Hi ace ☺️!!!!! My fav trope is forced to watch/listen (especially if they are in the same room and whumper does nothing to the caretaker but keep asking them to reveal their secrets if they want it to stop 😏) but I cant find nearly enough of this trope
So if you know any media with this trope in it can you share ?🥰
(Also it has nothing to do with the ask but whenever I think of people outside of tumblr I imagine them with their pfp so your face is aaron in my mind sk3kdkdk 😅)
Mmmm yes that is a very good trope and yes it's also hard to find. Sometimes it pops up in fanfiction but off hand I can't think of any (I read so many it's hard to remember sometimes and I haven't updated my masterlist in a little while with tropes). Let me see what I got to rec.
My immediate thought was Chicago P.D. 3x01 when the team watches via video while Jay Halstead is beaten and tortured.
Hawaii Five-0 10x22 Steve is forced to watch a beaten and bloodied Danny through a video sent to him.
There's also this scene in Red Notice where the Rock and Ryan Reynolds are tied up and The Rock's character is tortured.
In Iron Man 3 Tony is forced to watch as Pepper is injected with Extremis
The Following 2x07 has a scene where Mike Weston is forced to watch
Stargate Atlantis 3x07 John is tortured and a video of it is shown to the team.
Stargate SG-1 5x07 Danny is forced to watch Jack be tortured
Legends of Tomorrow 1x05 Mike and Ray are tortured in front of Stein.
Arrow 1x18 Roy is tortured in front of the others via video.
Killjoys 1x05 D'Avin is tortured and Johnny watches the video
Graceland 1x08 Mike Warren is forced to watch and participate in torturing someone.
Falling Skies 5x05 has a great listening scene
Avengers Infinity War Loki watches as Thor gets tortured
Teen Wolf 3x04 Derek is tortured by the Alpha pack while his sister Cora has to watch
A Discovery of Witches 3x06 Matthew is tortured in front of Diana
Hudson & Rex 3x09 when Charlie is buried alive and the team is shown him via live video
Sense8 2x11 (finale) when Wolfgang is captured and tortured
NCIS 3x08 when Tony gets beaten in front of Ziva and NCIS 7x01
9-1-1 5x17 when Chim is tortured in front of Hen
Also, to your last point, that's so funny and I honestly do the same thing and I'm honored to be seen as just Aaron Tveit running this blog lol.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
fav kinds of whump + comfort perchance?👉👈 (looking for inspo hehehehehe)
Okay so you probably know my all-time favorite already, because it’s panic attacks, and I put them in everything.
“Always add a pinch of panic attacks, it’s like garlic!” - The Whump Caretaker
Panic attacks are great for three reasons:
Something usually causes them (not always, you can have a character who just has panic disorder, but usually). Which means you end up thinking about what would push a character to their breaking point.
Differently people respond differently to panic, so there’s a huge range of possibilities for symptoms. And those symptoms include a lot of my favorites: self-defensive rage, crying, dissociation, shivering, hyperventilation, shock, and passing out.
And finally (this is where the comfort comes in) even though panic attacks are very physical, they can be resolved through purely emotional means. It’s like real life healing magic - the presence of a loved one just being there and breathing with them can pull them out of it. That’s such an opportunity for bonding!! Even if they’re alone, they can focus on things that matter to them or self-sooth or just find their inner strength and pull through, which is so beautiful. You once mentioned a fic about Vincent dissociating alone and my brain immediately started buzzing about this idea.
But okay, that’s just my top favorite. What are some other great kinds of hurt/comfort?
Consent focused hurt/comfort. Whumpee feels completely backed into a corner in some way. Their wishes are not being respected, maybe even for their own good. We expect Caretaker to force them into doing something they don’t want to do, but surprise! Caretaker doesn’t, because whumpee’s will is more important to Caretaker than anything else. This can look like backing off and giving someone space when they don’t want to be touched, helping them escape forced institutionalization, letting them cope in the way they choose even if it’s not totally healthy, etc. It creates a lot of grey areas and tension too, because Caretaker is forced to hold back.
Humiliation and Praise. One character has either been publicly humiliated or is at risk of that. The other hides them from the public eye, or explains to them why the things people are saying don’t matter at all. The caretaker showers them in praise until they feel better and rages against anyone who would judge them. This seems like it’s purely mental, but it can be even more impactful when it’s combined with physical elements. Like maybe they’ve been branded or tattooed against their will, or physically punished in front of a crowd, or maybe the humiliating thing was physical weakness - passing out in the middle of a meeting from exhaustion was something I included in a previous fic, for example.
Unexpected Rescue. Whumpee has lost all hope of rescue - either they think this is just the way life is, or they think there’s something wrong with them that makes a normal life impossible, or (if they’re actually imprisoned) they think they’ll just never be rescued because it’s been so long. Maybe Caretaker even pretends to be allied with Whumper in order to get close enough to help, so whumpee expects things to get even worse for them. But instead, surprise! They’re taken out of that whole environment and given a safe place to recover, or they’re introduced to a new way of life or a concept that allows them to live differently, without so much pain.
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of-wounds-and-woes · 2 years
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The Little Mermaid trailer is here! And they included my fav. scene!
Every whumper was thinking of this when they announced the remake of The Little Mermaid, don’t lie!
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
hi i love your blog so much!! i just read your merry may of june day 21 i think, the charismatic one with the henchmen Dante and Gavin and it was so so so good. would you ever consider making it a series? it literally hits all of my fav whump tropes. no worries if you’re not interested. congrats on your degree by the way!!!
Partners in Crime
Read part one here
@dreamingonmyown this is for you! I'm glad you enjoyed the first part - I don't know if this will become a series, and I'm not really happy with this part but I have just stared at it for too long so maybe I just hate editing it. Whumpee is Casper now, and Monroe is Whumper. Monroe went through like six names changes so if there's a weird name it is probably Monroe :)
Casper peeled himself off the ground, his limbs exhausted as if he had just donated every drop of his blood. Even if he did donate all his blood, Monroe would still expect him to show up to work, or get Dante to grab his corpse for another fucking job.
He wobbled when he got his feet under him. It felt weird, like Monroe had cut off one of his senses; taken his eyes, or deafened him, or plucked every nerve from his body.
Monroe smiled at him as he grabbed the wall for support coming in from the balcony. “There you go, Casper. Taking it like a champ.”
“Oh fuck off, Monroe.”
Gavin laughed at that, eyes darting between the strange pair. Casper settled heavy into one of the chairs at the island, where Monroe was sitting when Casper arrived.
“Was any of this necessary?” Casper asked, not thanking Monroe as he slid a cup of coffee across to Casper. Little bit of milk, two sugars, just the way he liked it. “You still haven’t told me why you did it.”
Monroe inclined his head. “I thought I told you playing coy doesn’t suit you, Fox.”
“You think that I somehow betrayed you and used my power for someone else?”
Monroe just stared at Casper across the marble countertop. It was Gavin who answered. “He doesn’t think, Casper. He knows that—”
“Oh fuck off, Gavin, nobody wants you here,” Casper replied without looking at him. “You know that, right?”
“At least Gavin understands loyalty,” Monroe replied, heavy eyes pinning Casper to his chair. Casper rolled his eyes, bringing the steaming mug to his lips and gulping down two mouthfuls, gathering his thoughts.
“Like a dog,” Casper replied finally, casting his attention back to Monroe. “Well, I won’t be useful to whatever plans you want to discuss for the next few days. You’ve ensured that, dickhead.”
Monroe waved the insult away. “Nonsense. You know me, Casper, I like to plan well in advance. Your abilities should be up and running by the time I have use for them.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is. Just remember how you got to where you are today, Fox. How quickly your life changed after you met me.”
“Not for the better,” Casper grumbled.
Monroe raised his mug of coffee in a sardonic toast. “And yet, you can pay your rent.”
“As can you in your fancy hotel,” Casper shot back, raising his own cup. “Partners, remember?”
Monroe’s eyes glimmered with a dangerous smugness that Casper hated. It was just so irritatingly superior. “Partners,” he replied coolly.
They both took a sip of their coffee. Even with the two sugars, somehow Casper’s coffee tasted bitter, or maybe it was the eerie emptiness in his body. The dreadful absence of something he couldn’t quite describe.
“Now,” Monroe said, setting his cup down and clasping his hands on the table in front of him. “To business. Gavin, be a dear and grab my papers for me.”
Gavin stood and nodded, as if following Monroe’s commands were his life purpose. His reason to breathe. Casper kept his eyes trained on Gavin’s back as he left the room.
Stupid git.
Monroe inclined his head. “He’s useful.”
“Yeah, as a footstool. Or maybe with a gag, he would be.”
Monroe smiled. “Mmm, so tempting, Casper. I could get the pair of you a matching set. I’m sure Dante knows a guy.”
Dante answered with deathly silence as he so usually did. Casper could picture him in his usual spot, sprawled out across the couch in the living room, a book in his hand.
Casper scoffed. “I’m sure he does.”
Gavin returned, sliding a manilla folder across the countertop to Casper. Casper stopped it with his hand and looked down at the stupid file. He didn’t want to do this again, last time was supposed to be his last job. He wanted to wash his hands of this life already, he was tired of it.
“Do you need Gavin to open the file for you, Fox?”
Casper raised his eyes to Monroe’s across the table. He clenched his jaw and pushed the file a little away from him. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Open files?” Monroe asked innocently.
Casper’s expression dropped, exposing his irritation. “This. This fucking whatever we have here. Aren’t you tired? We got everything we want, Harry, let’s quit while we’re ahead.”
Monroe crossed his arms over his chest, cocking a brow at Casper. “You want to stop making money?”
“We have enough,” Casper grumbled. “The two of us, okay. You have your passive income now from your hotels and your real estate and I am secure. I have savings and shit. We don’t have to keep living like it’s all going to disappear tomorrow! We can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop.”
“Easy to say when you’re not the one taking the risks!” Casper snapped. The air seemed to chill with the snap of a book behind Casper and he straightened in his seat as he heard Dante move behind him.
Gavin, the idiot, broke the silence with a sneer. “You’re such a fucking pussy, Casp—”
“Dante, please show Gavin out.”
Gavin’s head whipped to Monroe, but Monroe didn’t even look at him, his hard gaze fixed on Casper instead.
“What? Why, I can help.”
“I know, but it’s getting late, and Casper and I need a chat.”
Before Gavin could protest further, Dante put a hand on his shoulder. Gavin looked between the two at the counter before letting out a disapproving groan and shrugging Dante’s hand off.
“Fine. Call me when you need me.”
“I will.”
Dread pooled in Casper as he watched Dante and Gavin leave. Somehow, Monroe still made him uneasy when he shouldn’t. Casper had known Monroe way before the other two did, but Monroe had a lethal way about him. In his words and his quiet power. The fact that he could beat the shit out of Casper but paid someone else to do it said everything about the man.
Only when the doors to the penthouse shut did Monroe begin to walk around the counter towards Casper. Casper set his jaw, not letting any of his anxiety show as Monroe undid the button of his waist coat.
“We can talk about that tomorrow, Casper,” said Monroe. The surprise must have been written plainly across Casper’s face because Monroe laughed. Not a cutting, mocking laughter or anything snide. A warm laugh, like how he used to when Casper had met him first. “We should relax. Watch a movie. It’s been an age since we did anything like that.”
Casper’s brain was stuttering and short circuiting, trying to find the angle and fighting the familiar ache inside him at Monroe’s easiness. He swallowed, nodding his head. Monroe smiled his easy smile and nodded.
“Good. I’ll get changed into something more comfortable,” he said, unclipping his pocket watch and laying it on the counter. “You can pick the movie if you want. Do you want a tracksuit? Actually, scratch that, you need one and to clean yourself up. You’ve got blood on your face.”
Casper rolled his eyes at the faux concern. “Gee, I wonder why.”
“Oh, relax. You know that’s just business.”
“Taking my powers isn’t just business, Harry, it’s personal.”
“Casper,” Monroe drawled in his gentle, chiding way. “Let’s not fight anymore, hmm? We’ll talk about all that tomorrow. I didn’t change your room, do you still have clothes here?”
Casper lowered his gaze. It really had been an age since he’s been here. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “I did.”
“Good. I’ll be a few minutes getting changed.”
Casper swallowed. Monroe reached a hand up and ruffled Casper’s hair until Casper let out a cry and batted his hand away. “Oi!”
Monroe laughed, disappearing from sight. Casper didn’t move for a moment, the smile on his face felt off, strange. He really shouldn’t stay. He should disappear while Monroe was distracted and move country or continent. Or planet if he didn’t want Dante to find him and drag him back.
Casper dropped his head, running a hand through his hair and pulling at the strands on the back of his neck, letting out a long, tired sigh.
Pale eyes flicked to the golden pocket watch that Monroe had discarded on the counter. Casper glanced up, making sure Monroe wasn’t lingering as he grabbed it, turning it over in his hand to read the inscription.
Rumours are power. Favours are currency, and only the smart ones survive.
Casper ran a thumb over the indents of the letters in the metal. It was old. It was old when he got it from a backstreet merchant known only as Grouse. Definitely stolen, but Grouse always had a soft spot for Casper, and Monroe. The only real cost was the engraving that crippled Casper financially for a week, but it was worth it. To see Monroe’s face light up when he gave him the gift it was worth it.
Casper sighed, putting the watch down and getting to his feet. After all this time, Monroe was still the only shred of family he had in this world, the same way Casper was Monroe’s only family. Monroe had found him on the streets — the two of them scrawny and skinny — and taught him how to live instead of just survive.
The words were the nugget of wisdom Monroe had told Casper, back when they were kids. It saved Casper’s hide more times than he could count, especially in the beginning when Monroe wasn’t there all the time to have Casper’s back in a fight.
Casper walked into his room and stood in the doorway, taking it all in. Everything was how he left it. His bed took up most of the room, a super king and softer than any bed he had ever slept in. His PC was set up on his desk in the corner of the room, his screensaver lighting up the screen. Casper made a point not to look at it as he took the first door to his right.
His wardrobe, a small box room with shelves panelled into each wall and a hanging space in the back. Casper grabbed black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, getting dressed in the wardrobe. Hanging his signature leather leather jacket up with care and throwing the rest of his clothes wherever they landed.
It felt good, like old times as he stepped out of the wardrobe and walked to his ensuite. He missed him, the old Monroe; the version that was like an older brother. Harry. Not the dictator who had taken over Harry’s body, the hard businessman Monroe, who took whatever he wanted and left nothing for anyone else.
Casper made a point of ignoring the small voice in the back of his head that told him that’s the way Harry had always been. That it was Casper who changed. He didn’t have the energy to deal with that kind of revelation tonight.
He stopped in front of the mirror and sighed. He didn’t look into it, but he could see the gash on his forehead from the corner of his eye.
Just wash your face, Casper, he told himself. Tiredness pulled at his mind, fraying the edges slightly. He didn’t notice he was tired before, but the weight of everything felt too great. Or maybe it was because he was in comfortable clothes.
Just remember how you got here, Casper, Monroe isn’t there for you. He really wished that voice would shut up for two seconds. Thankfully there was a knock at his door.
“You ready?” Monroe called from the other side. Casper nodded, realising after that Monroe couldn’t see him right now. “Yeah,” he said back, walking to the door and opening it. Monroe grinned at him. He was dressed in red and black chequered pyjama pants and a white t-shirt. His grin exposed his faint dimple that was so much more prominent when they were kids.
Casper followed him to the couch, settling in while Monroe pressed a button on a remote to lower the blinds over the windows. They closed with a soft hum while Casper scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch.
His phone rang beside him. His heart fluttered then shuttered when he saw Monroe’s attention turn to it. “Who’s that?”
Casper shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. “Don’t know.”
“Aren’t you going to answer it?”
Casper bit the inside of his cheek as he kept scrolling. Monroe scoffed, reaching over. “If you don’t answer it, I will.”
Casper pushed his hand away, dropping the remote and quickly grabbing his phone. Hero’s name popped on the screen and Casper wanted to curl up and die. “You pick something to watch,” Casper told Monroe, who cocked his brow at Casper.
Casper stood and walked to his room, shutting the door behind him and then walked to the ensuite, locking that door too. “Hello?”
Casper’s heart swelled at the voice.
“Hey, Hero. How are you?”
“I’m sorry for calling so late, I must have woken you—”
“No, no, not at all. I was — uh —” Shit, think Casper, what were you doing? “—shopping.”
Shopping?! Idiot.
“Shopping?” Hero asked, a smile in his voice. “At 11 pm?”
“Oh, yeah, y’know… less crowds.” Hero laughed and it made Casper’s heart thrum in his chest. “Why, uh, why are you calling if you don’t mind me asking — not that, it’s not that I don’t want you to call, I’m just — uh, y’know— curious?”
“Oh, right. Of course, I just finished a very long shift.”
“Fighting bad guys, do-gooder?” Casper asked, his voice light despite his stomach tying itself into knots. “Crime never sleeps.”
“Exactly,” Hero said with a laugh. “I — well, I was out fighting crime and the moment we caught the villain I was…”
Casper’s heart leapt into his mouth as Hero trailed off. He looked over his shoulder again just to make sure he wasn’t being followed. He didn’t want Monroe to overhear anything he shouldn’t know.
“You were?”
“It’s going to sound stupid.”
“I love stupid,” Casper said immediately, screwing his eyes shut and wanting to kick himself.
“Well, I was — I wanted to see you.” Casper yanked the phone away from his ear and threw his fists in the air, mouth open in a silent scream of joy.
He brought his phone back to his ear, and said “great. I would love to see you. Where are you?”
“I’m… at your apartment building, but you weren’t picking up.”
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck.
He had just lied himself into a corner. Monroe wouldn’t let him leave without a solid excuse, and then he’d get suspicious and have Dante tie him up all over again.
“I’m actually not home right now,” Casper said eventually, running a hand through his hair. Fuck. He really wanted to see Hero’s face.
Though, he could imagine it crestfallen when Hero said: “oh,” pulling at his heartstrings. “It was presumptuous anyways—”
“No, no!” Casper said quickly, bolting upright. “I like presumptuous! I just, I won’t be home tonight. I really am sorry, Hero.”
“I’m sorry,” Hero replied with a sigh. Shit, they probably felt humiliated right now! Say something! Say something Casper!
“I shouldn’t’ve—” Hero began at the same time that Casper said, “What if we—”
Then simultaneously again: “no, you go ahead.”
Then they laughed and Hero said, “you go.”
Casper licked his lips, not expecting the nerves to tingle the back of his neck. “What if we got breakfast tomorrow morning? You can tell me all about your hot crime fighting.”
“None of it,” Hero said with a flush and Casper could imagine the blush igniting Hero’s face. “It’s not hot.”
“Beauty is subjective, dear Hero, and you are the epitome of sex on legs.”
“Casper!” Hero said, mortified, but he could hear the smile in Hero’s voice and Casper knew everything was fine.
“We can meet at the needle in town?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Okay, see you then, 10? 11?”
“Yeah, ten sounds good.”
“Okay. Good night Hero.”
“Night Casper.”
Casper couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he stood and unlocked the door. His smile washed away when he saw Monroe lingering outside the door, arms crossed.
“I think we need to have a little chat.”
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