#ep 7x17
eg515 · 9 months
"I proposed to Caroline because I fell in love with her. And she said yes because it made sense for the kids." ......how very romantic. the history teacher proposing to her ex-student who was magically forced to carry his babies and give birth to them, after they have been co-parenting for three years.
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slayerdaily · 2 years
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2.05 | 7.17
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lilcathsmith · 2 days
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Greg in every episode of CSI (149/328) • Fallen Idols •
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on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
March 25, 2003
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Lies My Parents Told Me aired for BTVS season 7, episode 17. In the Buffyverse timeline, these events should have occurred just before ATS episode Orpheus. However Lies My Parents Told Me aired one week later than planned. (*)
You can tell the intended Buffyverse timeline because in Lies Willow gets a phone call from Fred and heads to L.A. And in Orpheus Willow appears in L.A.
This was the last BTVS appearance of Drusilla, played by Juliet Landau. This was also the last appearance of Nikki Wood, and the second appearance of Nikki played by K.D. Aubert.
(* longer mod note below) According to wikipedia: "It [Lies] was originally intended to air on March 18, 2003, a day before the Orpheus, but was postponed due to the start of the Iraq War." The show was airing Tuesday night so this makes some sense. However, war criminal and President George W Bush made his infamous 13 minute speech on March 19, not March 18.
(mod note: So many US war criminals started this war and have faced zero real consequences, but that's not the point of this sideblog. Fuck US imperialism, in 2003 and today.)
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thismustbefakeminespn · 3 months
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7x17 The Born-Again Identity
EMMANUEL He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend?
DEAN Yeah, well, he's gone.
EMMANUEL Did you kill him? I sense that you kill a lot of people.
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itachi86 · 7 months
oh that alena chick's last name is whitlock?i didn't remember that
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justyncase · 2 years
oh i am uncomfortable. that is a child
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spneveryseason · 2 years
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spnmarchmadness · 2 years
Supernatural March Madness: Round 1, Match 30
4x18 Summary: dean and sam discover their lives have been chronicled in a book! enter chuck: profit of the lord.
7x17: cas isnt dead. hes just married!
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steely-eyedmissileman · 2 months
Supernatural, Ep. 7x17
The Born-Again Identity
i really liked this episode. sam and lucifer is so interesting to me. i think that this is a much more interesting take on lucifer than when he actually existed in season five. i love this impish personality combined with pretty heavy duty torture. i think mark pellegrino has a much better grasp on the character now, as well.
when sam saved the girl in the asylum, it was wonderful. i love to see the brothers help people even at their lowest points. they truly do love and care about people. they want to help. even when it's hard and it makes their lives more difficult.
also, my beloved cas is back! he's back! they brought my sweet baby angel back! and he's so wonderful! i missed him so much! and now he's crazy, which i also love! i love when a man is pathetic and plagued with visions!
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spiridakos · 1 year
May I make a request? In Chicago fire 7x17 Hailey arrests someone toward the end of the ep and she’s reading him his rights and says something like “if not I’ll be happy to smash your face”. Thanks either way.
Requests are always welcome!
I did make this! It’s somewhere on my blog…
I’d usually link it, but I’m on vacation with only my phone so searching for it would be a nightmare right now, but I’ll come back and link it to this message when I’m back home in the States!
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chonidale · 1 year
I don't want the scene in 7x14 to be considered chonis first time either but I fear it probably will be. I would say that I could see it happening in 7x16 given their plot but it doesn't have an s rating so probably not. 7x17 does have an s rating though so I have a little hope because this season has made sex such a big deal (especially for Betty and choni are a part of her plot that ep) and has been pretty good at fixing mistakes from past seasons and one of the shows biggest mistakes was skipping over chonis actual first time so. Also I would really love to be able to shove it in that one annoying bas face for saying it made sense for barchie to have their first time then since the musical made choni and clevins not a big deal.
i'd like to see it but i really don't care that much. i'd hardly call skipping over their first time one of their biggest choni related mistakes. a disappointment sure, but meh. not like the other ships first times were some huge big grand plot/affair. yeah, we knew when they happened, but it's really not a big deal to me if we don't see it/714 was supposed to be it. i'm more disappointed it seems they skipped over the going steady convo/it was probably supposed to be implied that they agreed they're going steady when they met to talk in the dark room. and i think showing us their first ILY and hopefully making it more romantic/a bigger deal than the first time around is far more important.
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pearlcages · 2 years
Um ok I mean I love Callie and I respect your opinion but in s7 when she was pregnant she was clearly ok with that whole situation, what Arizona said, that she was getting everything she ever wanted. Yes she wasn't actively trying to get pregnant but ultimately she was more than happy that Mark was the father and she was with Arizona. I mean I don't like it either but that's canon. Callie wasn't dealing with a shitty situation like Arizona, she was just happy about it.
no super fair i get what you’re saying!
what makes me believe that she wasn’t happy about the pregnancy & how it happened is the fact that she’s shown crying pretty intensely when she finds out in 7x12, she looks incredibly nervous when she tells arizona later that ep ("still want another chance?"), the breakdown she had in the ultrasound room, and the fact that mark says the unplanned pregnancy has been hard on her in 7x17. but there's also so much evidence that she was excited for and wanted this baby! and i do think she wanted sofia from the moment she found out about her, i just personally don't believe she wanted sofia that way
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oliverdant · 5 years
“We thought it was really interesting to introduce something new that was unexpected. Instead of taking everyone we knew from the present and seeing what happens in the future, we thought it’d be really cool to introduce a new kind of character. As a result, in addition to having JJ, [John and Lyla] adopted Connor, and we’re going to see that unfold more in [Episode] 19 (airing April 22), in terms of that relationship.”
Make no mistake, John Jr. also exists in the future, and “we’ll explain where he is” in an upcoming episode, says Schwartz, noting that the brothers share “an interesting dynamic.”
Beth Schwartz | TVLINE.com
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jackexmachina · 3 years
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Stackednatural: March 23rd The Born-Again Identity Now I can’t possibly fix it... so why did I even walk out of that river? Maybe to fix it.
image description: several scenes from episode 7x17
Sam lays in a hospital bed saying, “Cas warned you about all the crap it would–” and Dean interrupts to say, “Screw Cas.” Sam looks down and away from him.
Outside the hospital at night, Dean stands with Meg as he tells Castiel “Because Sam’s dying in there.” and Castiel angrily responds “Because of me.”
Back in Sam’s hospital room, Castiel pauses in a moment of realization and says, “But I may be able to shift it.” Then before taking Sam’s trauma to himself, he tells a delirious Sam, “And if I can’t tell you again: I’m sorry I ever did this to you.”
The next day, Sam and Dean walk outside the hospital to the impala and Sam says, “We can’t just leave him.”
Before getting into the car, Dean says, “We don’t even have friends. All our friends are dead.” Sam looks off, conflicted.
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