#ep 9x17
catnipster69 · 10 months
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Episode 9x17 "Mother's Little Helper"
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e17 inside man (w. andrew dabb)
why are y'all's bedrooms so far apart? say it's downright miraculous what with the time in hell etc, if dean (or sam) aren't regularly having screaming night terrors.
so we're all gonna lie about everything, all right
SAM All right, well . . . It's playing in Wichita, so I might not be back till morning. DEAN Well, I trust you. Make good choices.
what a weird thing to say.
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little freckle appreciation with the blood sigils
small cuteness with dean pranking sam's room. except the toothbrush in the armpit :S gross, dean-o
this entire conversation between cas and hannah, i'd turned off captions so i thought he said "anna" and i was so distracted trying remember if anna was dead or not i missed the whole thing lol
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laughing semi-hysterically at yet another surface product placement (this is the third at least and i know i point them out but i can't fucking find anything with tumblr search. i knew at least one was with charlie so i had to go find posts on her episodes, to find the post with microsoft and surface, both which returned bupkis in the search I HATE YOU. it's like posts aren't indexed, can't site:search them either -- EDIT I FUCKING FOUND IT because i was looking up this ep for 10x18)
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it's silly but it's a little weird pet peeve i have that tv people with short hair never touch it even if it's somewhat reasonable that when you have junk in your hair you don't wanna touch it. i have my hands in my hair constantly (better i mess with my hair than bite off chunks of skin hey hey) so i recall seeing gifs of this moment like hallelujah (but i figured actually it was on a gag reel because when do characters ever do this? NEVER) anyway. all to hustle some pool and look a little disheveled haha
and a wink at the bartender ok
CASTIEL I'll break it down. SAM Dude, dude, dude. Chill. CASTIEL What? I'm helping.
haha that could be his tagline. what? i'm helping 🥺
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so dean is bored and wants to start some shit so he's gonna hustle these dudes in the least subtle way possible and maybe if he's lucky he'll get to beat some people up?
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always here for the bonus competency (i had to search the wiki for scenes dean was playing pool in a later season so i could figure out what fucking episode tag to put in my blog search [9x17] because searching for "competency" "rack" "racking" etc no. *incoherent rage*)
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oh, dean.
BOBBY Hell, I'm already dead. What's the worst that could happen?
shut your mouth, bobby!
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pretty shot. i like how the knife is reflecting a little strip of light on his face. and he's all anger ball up top and very carefully cradling her head lol
ROWENA You're a good influence on him. That's why you need to die.
lol okay. not the grudge against the men of letters and wanting to get whatever shit they have stashed away in the bunker. can't remember really at all what that episode was even about that they were together in
BOBBY Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
no escaping the mob or the winchesters
ANGEL RADIO The Bobbys are fighting back. All hands. We need all hands. They're surly. I repeat, the Bobbys are surly.
this is so ridiculous :p what is dean up to with crowley
CASTIEL Dean doesn't know we're doing this. BOBBY Well, that's a page right out of the Winchester playbook, ain't it?
it's funny because it's true
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CROWLEY She says I've gone soft. DEAN You have. What? Yeah, maybe it's all the human blood that Sammy pumped into you, you know? Maybe it's, uh . . . I don't know. I don't know. But the old Crowley, he would have come in here with hellhounds and demons, and he would have blown the roof off the joint. Now? You didn't want to fight. You wanted to talk. And maybe I've changed, too. Here I am playing Dr. Phil to the King of Hell. Never saw that coming.
waiting for a hug, relive the good old times. so i'm getting more reunited exes vibes than i ever got of boyfriend vibes from their brief fling during demon!dean times
CROWLEY Because . . . We're family. Blood. DEAN That's not the same thing. A wise man once told me, "family don't end in blood," but it doesn't start there, either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family's there through the good, bad . . . all of it. They got your back . . . even when it hurts. That's family. That sound like your mother?
you know, i am enjoying this weirdly sincere interaction but doesn't really mesh with where they left things off with the blade debacle
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stop it, bro.
sticking with the ass-tiel, still got a laugh from me unfortunately
METATRON Oh, I'm afraid I am. I know about the Mark. I have your Grace. I make the rules. It's called leverage, boys. Learn it, live it, love it.
he's not live laugh loving getting his grace yoinked and being shot in the leg
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:p goofy
BOBBY’S VOICE “Sam . . . So, this is weird, huh? Look, I just wanted to say that Cas told me what you're doing for Dean. And I'm not asking you to stop, but maybe going behind his back ain't the best idea. Your brother, he can be stubborn. But I think he'd understand. And I know it's the life, doing a little bad so you can do a lot of good. But sometimes the bad's real bad and the good, it can come at one hell of a price.
that's putting it lightly. anyway, i'm glad we're getting someone to tell him straight and plain to one of their faces, to stop fucking going behind each other's backs. and giving them the benefit of the doubt that they'll understand if you explain.
I ain't there on the ground, and whatever you do, I know you'll make the right choice. You're a good man, Sam Winchester . . . one of the best. And I'm damn proud of you, son.
takes a little emotion out of it when all i can think is You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.
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cpd5777 · 2 years
on a scale of 1 - 10 how would you rate season 9? 1 bad 10 very good
So I rate 9A a 10/10 just based on 9x09 alone!! But honestly I do think the Roy/North storyline was well done.
Of course 9B gets a lower rating from me due to the absolute dearth of upstead, BUT also because I really did not love the Anna arc. I think Carmela Zumbado is a great actress but there was something about the way the storyline was written and executed that honestly made me not really care what happened. I also think Jose Zuniga is a great actor (Escano) so it was just interesting to me how for me at least none of it clicked. At one point in the storyline I kind of forgot why we should even care about these people? Because he was a drug lord laundering money through the bakery? Before the finale I had to rewatch the escano episodes to even remember why I should care.
I almost feel like 9B felt “obligated” to check boxes to give each actor a focus episode, (9x13-Hailey, 9x14 Kim, 9x17 adam, 9x18 jay, 9x19 kevin, 9x 20 kim, and the escano thread sprinkled in along the way. It was cool to see some focus eps which were executed BRILLIANTLY but it left me feeling a bit blah and I think it was because something was missing in the escano case. I don’t think it wad the voight factor. I do think it was because something was missing for me in Anna’s execution of the role and that started for me when she started doing more and we were then “supposed” to care more about her.
So for me, 9B was a 6/10!
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trials-era-sam · 2 years
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Sam Winchester Appreciation Week, Day 7:Sam’s glorious hair
Nine gifs for Season Nine, because I said it before and I’ll say it again: S9 HAIR SUPREMACY!!!!! :)
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ambermarshalldaily · 3 years
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every episode of heartland ever [amber marshall as amy fleming] 9.17 - love is just a word (first aired: March 13, 2016)
If you’re going to lock lips with someone, you could do a lot worse than Mitch. He not exactly hard on the eyes. Amy! What?! I’m married, I’m not blind. No, I just mean don’t encourage me. What if I’m having some kind of early mid-life crisis? Or what if you actually like this guy?
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deantransgressions2 · 4 years
9x17 mother's little helper
#1: lied to sam and said he was "working" when he was actually fucking around with crowley. remember when sam did this in s4? at least sam was hanging around ruby <3 who had never killed any of their friends. dean is w crowley, a demon who fucked w bobby's soul, killed sarah blake, conspired with cas, tried to kill jody, kidnapped kevin, kidnapped and TORTURED linda tran....i mean.....
time tag: 11:31
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mcdannowave · 5 years
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Steve in Action mode feat. his bf’s butt.
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alyblacklist · 2 years
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Fun fact: Red's villa in Ep 9x17 is the same mansion in Centre Island, NY where Kirk held Liz prisoner in "Cuba" back in Ep 4x01. Different seasons, some different decor, but definitely the same house.
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kingsjareth · 7 years
Rewatching Mother’s Little Helper just serves as a reminder to how much Misha loves Jensen’s face and hands
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justmypartner · 2 years
I’m praying nobody will get their hands on 9x18. I don’t want any preview or teasers because they only tease too much and not in the right way.
I agree, but I have a feeling there will be screeners for this one. It’s frustrating because the advance reviews for 9x17 were so tame imo. They teased just the right amount. Then the screeners come out for upstead related eps and that formula for a perfect tease is lost along with any and all sense of discretion🤦🏻‍♀️
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theghostofashton · 2 years
top 5 greys anatomy episodes?
....why have i never thought about this before omg that's hard
i think... (in no particular order)
where the wild things are (4x12) - this is just funny af. i love the surgical contest and all of them being frantic about it. i'm not a big fan of izzie's character, but she's hilarious in this ep lol
i saw what i saw (6x06) - i love this format, such a cool way to tell the story and it hits every time imo
disarm (7x11) - i can't explain this one, it's such a...strange one to keep coming back to, but i absolutely adore seeing cristina come back to herself and get back in the OR. it's so triumphant because it isn't made into this huge deal and i just. i love it
transplant wasteland (9x17) - i have the weirdest taste lol but i really enjoy this one. i love grey-sloan coming into its own and jackson figuring things out, idk, it's a go-to ep for me
do you know? (10x17) - honestly i really love s10 as a whole, but this ep....this was fucking brilliant. this was everything i could have asked for for cristina, and such a beautiful way to wrap up her story. her journey with children is so complex and i am so glad the writers never compromised on it.
ask me my 'top 5' anything!!
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blancheharrington · 6 years
I had an Anon ask me what my favorite Jolex scenes were and why. And I kind of went a little bit overboard so I’m gonna post it right here with one of those breaks in it so people don’t get annoyed when they have to scroll past it.
So without further ado, here’s a list of my favorite Jolex scenes and why:
- Jo and Alex hang out in the kitchen while Stephanie/Jackson & Owen/Cristina are getting it on. Then they drink beer and do the monkey screams
I love watching them just hang out and enjoy their own lonely misery, together. They’re really just friends here and I want to see more of them like that again.
- Jo and Alex just did the tumor in a bag surgery and she runs off and is crying in an empty room and tells Alex that she doesn’t never want to see him again and that not seeing him all week really sucked.
Love this scene because you can kind of see something change in Alex where he becomes almost more sensitive to her or protective maybe? I think this is where he really starts to think he likes her more than just a friend.
- Alex crashes Jo and Chest Peckwell’s date and apologizes to her for being mean and offers to buy her a drink.
Love how Alex completely ignores that Chest Peckwell is even in the vicinity. Love how you can see Jo’s feelings for him really change as well. They both just look so shook at what they’re feeling in that moment.
I truthfully don’t like much of season 10, but I like the scene in
after Alex takes the private practice job and tells Jo about it and she’s super happy and calls him baby lol.
- Alex is in the shower, Meredith is talking about Maggie, Jo is listening at the door, Stephanie is with her.
This isn’t really a Jolex scene but it’s funny and I love that Meredith looks at Alex’s “junk,” calls it spectacular and says Jo is a very lucky girl. I also love that Jo calls him “My Alex.”
11x24 - Jo buys the loft and tells Alex that she loves him.
12x03 - Jo and Alex fight about the embryo’s and wants to discuss what their relationship is and where it’s going.
I watch the Jolex scenes from this episode often, not because they’re particularly good but I like Jo’s attempt at asking Alex about their future. I don’t like Alex’s immediate response to just drop his pants and say they can have a baby if she wants. It didn’t seem sincere to me and it didn’t really answer her question about what she is to him, but for some reason I always go back to this episode. Maybe it’s because it’s one of the few times they kinda sorta talked about their future.
12x08 - When Alex says Meredith is the only one he can count on and you could see the disbelief in Jo’s eyes.
This isn’t a good scene for their relationship but I like that Jo finally steps up and doesn’t let Alex’s abrasiveness shut her down. She finally stands up for herself and speaks to how she’s been feeling.
12x23 - The scene at the end of the ep when Jo tries to make dinner and Alex asks Jo to marry him again and she says no. You can really see the pain in both of their expressions that what they both want, can’t happen.
12x24 - I love love love that scene of them fighting in the beginning for some reason. Jo tells Alex, “let’s make a baby.”
I think that when Jo offered to have a baby for Alex, although really unhealthy for a relationship, I love that she was willing to do something she didn’t exactly feel ready for, just to try to give Alex one thing that he wanted. She knew she couldn’t marry him, but if she could give him something else that could make him happy, then she would do it for him. Again, super unhealthy but a testament to how much she loves him and wants to give him everything she has.
13x10 - The scene when Bailey tells Jo that Alex turned himself in to the DA.
Alex isn’t in the scene when Jo finds out that he turned himself in, but I consider it a Jolex scene because you really can tell how upset Jo was for him and for herself. She literally vomited when she heard the news. (And she wasn’t even pregnant!)
the rest of season 13 can die for all i care
14x06 - Jo takes a big step and says that she wants to file for divorce from Paul.
I love how much Jo is willing to do for herself and for Alex. This scene was a huge development for her and I love how Alex made her feel secure and safe in a super vulnerable moment and I absolutely love the way he says I love you and that she responds with “you smell like fish guts.”
14x15 - Obviously the proposal!!!!!!!
Love how Jo knew what Alex needed to reassure him about their future and that it wasn’t this super planned out project but it was something that happened when it happened and it felt right and was perfect. Love me some Jo telling Alex how much she means to him.
Wow I guess I really just like scenes where Jo is expressing her love for Alex. Also, I request more of Alex doing that for Jo.
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lizafton · 4 years
wait season and ep of cm are u on?
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mcdannowave · 5 years
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midget-moose · 10 years
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mcdannowave · 5 years
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