#epaulets of military authority
sw5w · 8 months
But Which Was Destroyed?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:08:20
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cliozaur · 1 year
“What was to become of Marius?” He’ll be fine in the Latin quarter! Maybe even better off than under his grandfather’s roof. We are all looking forward to this new chapter in his life! But before that…
M. Gillenromand learned about Marius’ defection, but not from Théodule. It’s curious that Théodule was most astonished by the fact that the grave was that of an officer: “Death appeared to him with large epaulets, and he almost made the military salute to him,” and this, more than anything else, compelled him to keep silent about what he had witnessed. This respectful attitude towards a senior officer draws parallels between Théodule and M. Gillenormand, both displaying a reverence for hierarchy and, in a way, with Javert, who respects authority.
Actually, Marius finds himself caught in a quandary due to his deep respect for the authority of his older family members: “What was he to do? His father had just been trampled under foot and stamped upon in his presence, but by whom? By his grandfather. How was he to avenge the one without outraging the other? It was impossible for him to insult his grandfather and it was equally impossible for him to leave his father unavenged.” And then, In his frustration, he does something utterly silly and senseless, but this helps him to release his anger, “Down with the Bourbons, and that great hog of a Louis XVIII.!”, he shouts.  
Ha! It turns out that M. Gillenormand knew nothing about his son-in-law; his animosity was purely rooted in politics: “I do not know what your father was! I do not wish to know! I know nothing about that, and I do not know him! But what I do know is, that there never was anything but scoundrels among those men! They were all rascals, assassins, red-caps, thieves! I say all! I say all! I know not one! I say all! Do you hear me, Marius!” That’s a full-blown hysterical fit or breakdown. The decision to send Marius away was, in effect, also politically motivated. However, it may have been slightly influenced by envy towards Marius' affection for his deceased father. "I am your father," his grandfather proclaims, sincerely believing in this claim, and as we will come to understand from the chapters in the last book, it holds great significance for him.
Marius lost his father’s note and holds his grandfather responsible, but unfortunately, he has memorized its contents.
I am glad that for now we are done with this peculiar family, so that we can observe how Marius develops in a completely different environment!
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cyberbenb · 1 year
Zelensky: All enlistment office chiefs to be dismissed in Ukraine
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President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Aug. 11 that the heads of all regional military enlistment offices across Ukraine would be dismissed.
The decision comes after a nationwide inspection of Ukraine’s recruitment offices revealed multiple violations, including corruption, power abuse, and fraud.
The fired enlistment chiefs will be replaced with officers who have had battlefield experience after they undergo an inspection by the Security Service.
“This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery in wartime is treason,” Zelensky said in a video address.
The decision was approved at an Aug. 11 meeting of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, will be responsible for its implementation.
Ukrainian authorities began the nationwide inspection of military recruitment offices in late June after journalists discovered that the family of Yevhen Borysov, the former head of the Odesa Oblast military enlistment office, had purchased property worth $4.5 million in Spain during the full-scale war.
Donetsk Oblast enlistment office head charged with corruption, aiding criminals
The State Bureau of Investigation (DBR) announced on Aug. 4 that the head of the Donetsk Oblast military enlistment office had been charged with illegal payments to his subordinates and helping criminals avoid justice.
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The Kyiv IndependentMartin Fornusek
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According to Zelensky, a total of 112 criminal cases have been opened against Ukrainian enlistment officials, and 33 people have been charged.
Zelensky assured that every enlistment officer would be held responsible if proven guilty.
“Dismissed military enlistment offices heads and other officials who have epaulets and for whom no data on crimes or violations have been found (can go) to the front if they want to keep epaulets and prove their dignity," added Zelensky.
“But let me emphasize: the army is not and never will be a substitute for criminal punishment. Officials who confused epaulets and benefits will definitely be brought to trial.”
Zelensky also announced a meeting of the National Security Council regarding the work of military medical commissions in Ukraine, criticized by soldiers and NGOs. The meeting will take place in two weeks.
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kerlondu · 2 years
Us military insignia half wing and wheel
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#Us military insignia half wing and wheel full#
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel series#
īranch insignia for Soldiers not affiliated with an infantry, armor, field artillery, air defense artillery, cavalry, special forces, or aviation regiment, generally wear their assigned basic branch insignia however, as an option, Soldiers who are not affiliated with one of the above regiments, but who are assigned to a color-bearing regiment or separate operational battalion of their branch, may wear their branch insignia with the numerical designation of the battalion or regiment affixed, when approved by the Army command (ACOM) commander, Army service component command commander, or Army direct reporting unit commander. For Armor, the number is placed immediately above the tank. For Infantry, Cavalry, Special Forces and Field Artillery, the number is placed immediately above, but not covering, the intersection of the crossed rifles, sabres, arrows, or cannon, respectively. For Air Defense Artillery and Aviation, the number is mounted on the center of the face. Members of Infantry, Armor (including Cavalry), Special Forces, Aviation, Engineer, Field Artillery and Air Defense Artillery regiments may wear a version of the insignia in which the regimental number is included in the insignia.
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel full#
Enlisted soldiers wore a version enclosed in a brass disk while officers wore a full sized version not enclosed. Branch insignia was also worn by officers on the wool uniform shirt when worn as outerwear. General officers wore dark blue epaulets, whilst doctors wore green.īy the start of the 20th century, Army personnel began wearing various branch insignia on the stand-up collars of the Army dress uniform.
#Us military insignia half wing and wheel series#
Army began developing a series of colored rank epaulets for wear by officers of various Army branches, the scheme included yellow for cavalry officers, red for artillery officers, and light blue or white for infantry officers. A system of branch colors, indicated by piping on uniforms of foot soldiers and lace for mounted troops, was first authorized in the 1851 uniform regulations, with Prussian blue denoting infantry, scarlet for artillery, orange for dragoons, green for mounted rifles, and black for staff. The first use of Army branch insignia was just prior to the American Civil War in 1859 for use on the black felt hat. 4 Aide-de-camp and senior enlisted advisors.
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musicallisto · 3 years
✒ — 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭; (eloise bridgerton x debutante!reader)
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@noesapphic​​​ requested: Hello, Clara, bonita! Can I have a small drabble of Eloise Bridgerton x a debutante!reader? Thank you ♡
summary: "Our mothers will never know a thing, Y/N. And if you found me on this balcony, then I suspect you needed a breather as much as I did."
word count: 1.1k
author notes: first time writing for bridgerton! I'm not the proudest of this, but I still hope you like this, Noe!
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𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 did not cover the subtle art of breathing.
Which was a pity, really, because you understood very well the dire importance of mastering the flick of the wrist with a fan, the secret meaning behind every crease in the gentlemen’s faces, or the placement of the ladies’ beauty spots... but after hours and hours of dancing, greeting, and parading left and right, your dizzy head and shivering lungs wanted nothing but a break, and a bit of fresh air, London manners long forgotten.
As offhandedly as you could, you dodged every military-clad gentleman on your way, every restless mother swooping in on you with a flash of your most poised smile; light-headed from the farandole of excuses and fake laughs, you stepped back until your hands bumped into the wall; and after one last smile, growing strained by the second, you finally seized your opening and swung the side door open.
The night breeze kissed your flushed cheeks with a chilling vigor. You exhaled lengthily, letting your breathing settle, then adopt a steady rhythm. Shivers ran up your spine already, but you paid the cold no mind, for the night’s deafening silence offered you a welcome respite from the Lordly estate’s damp frenzy.
It wasn’t until you averted your gaze from your shaky feet to the treeline in the horizon that you noticed the silhouette leaning against the railing like a shadow escaped from the backdrop of a painting.
You took a startled step back immediately, but it cost you two long seconds of confused stuttering to collect your spirits and properly speak.
“P-Pardon me, I had not seen you...”
“Oh, it's quite alright. There is more than enough space for the both of us.”
If the chattering of her teeth was any indication, she was grappling with the cold as well, but was too proud — or too jaded — to walk back into the clammy crowd.
As the stranger nervously wiggled in place, arms wrapped around her own shoulders for a semblance of warmth, you began to discern the outline of her figure, the sparkling stones adorning her hair and neck, the teal and yellow of her dress now darkened by the night. You recalled those flowers neatly tangled in brown hair, and a brisk gaze you had met over some general’s epaulets; the name flashed back to you an instant later.
“Eloise Bridgerton, is that right?”
Your cheeks tickled with heat — you were to know all the other ladies like forever friends, especially those who debuted alongside you, and a proper lady never would have committed the villainy of forgetting a name, but your memory had been devoted to remembering the steps to the quadrille and the names of the Lords on your dancing card, and your head had never fared well with too much stuffing at once.
Besides, Eloise seemed not one proper lady herself, given the oh-so gentlemanly handshake she extended out to you, a timid yet impish smile glimmering on her lips.
“That is right, though I wouldn’t have held it against you, had you forgotten it.”
It seemed reasonably unthinkable to ever forget one Bridgerton’s name, with how radiant and splendid the name had in the papers and avid whispers all season... But the night seemed fit for unthinkableness, you thought as you extended your hand and shook Eloise’s like your brothers would have.
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s really nice to make your acquaintance.”
“Oh, I know who you are. My brother has not stopped heaping praise on you.”
"Has he, now?"
The burning tingling beneath your cheeks came alive then. You had shared a few pleasant conversations with Benedict Bridgerton — nothing that would have warranted any accolades from him, though you had been fond of his quick wit and artistic gleam. But what could you have done to elicit such renown in the Bridgerton household?
"I think he's quite enjoyed your company. He's said you were bright and amiable, and frankly, I've all the reason in the world to believe him."
Before you could soothe the ecstatic smile that slithered on your features — there was no reason for you to be this elated about Eloise, a debutante, a competitor, a rival, complimenting you! —, Eloise's white face lit up with the most unexpected excitement as if she had been traversed by an arc of joyous light, and she clasped her hands together.
She looked heavenly, draped in mischief, moonlight embracing the flowers in her hair, and your eyes widened at the sheer audacity of your thoughts.
"Do you want to check out the gardens? Lord Darlington hasn't stopped boasting about the delightful color of his roses and the grandeur of his hedge maze. Though I have the theory that the more a man brags about something, the less impressive it really is."
Your eyes darted between Eloise's giddy hands, turned towards the somber grounds below the balcony, and the inside of the noisy hall, where the music and curtsies were still in full swing.
"It would be unwise to run off in the dark... and without my mama—"
"Our mothers will never know a thing, Y/N. And if you found me on this balcony, then I suspect you needed a breather as much as I did."
Imperceptibly, she had taken a step forward, and it took you a few seconds to realize you had, too; leaving the dancing, the eager mamas, and overbearing lords behind. Even through the harp and violins, you swore you could hear the distant, placid lapping of a fountain, and the stars beckoning you forward with their siren song... or maybe it was Eloise's golden eyes, more diamonds than the ones cascading down her neck.
"I... alright, alright! But—"
"We won't get caught, I promise. But I bet I'll find the center of the maze before you."
"Oh! I wouldn't be so sure of it, miss Bridg—"
Rapid footsteps echoed on the polished stone floor of the balcony, before the moon child vanished down the narrow stairs as quickly as she had appeared, in a flurry of blue drapes and soft giggles.
"Get back here, you cheat! I wasn't ready!"
And the leaves in the trees shimmered in the swift breeze, as though they were laughing too, opening a path for two curious teenagers to get lost down on.
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theblackwarden · 2 years
Side-eyes him harshly. By the looks of him this man too is not a man but rather a tank.
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Indeed, it is as if all the violent arrogance, misused power, and crushing wrath of the world were barely contained in a horrible meatbag that called itself a man, despite heaving malice with every breath. The various medals, epaulets, and other military honors decorating his person were like lovely ribbons on a rotten corpse.
That this description was true for Adal as much as it was for the warden posed a depressing question for the world. Why is it that so much power ends up in the hands of those who should not wield it?
One of these horrible men looks at the other and breathes an approving groan, an unnatural, mechanical sound like gears grinding together.
"Finally, someone who seems capable. You're a rare soul, someone who is still concerned for order, authority, stability. The end of the world is no excuse to let our standards fall. A pleasure to meet you."
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galloperthompson · 3 years
Regarding Galloper Thompson’s clothes
Including his (slutty, thigh high) boots
It’s been brought to my attention that galloper’s slutty thigh high boots actually look like ankle boots with the thigh high part tucked into the boot. So I’ve decided to go beyond my jokes about him being a slut anyways and make this post going over his clothes. And buckle up folks, it gets long.
I’ll be honest, it’s pretty difficult to find details about 13th century (and 12th century) Scandinavian life specifically, especially since I’m using google. For this post, I have just used general European fashion, but in the future I’ll be mixing viking things with general European things from this time (but I’ll mostly try to keep the general European things to German and English/Irish stuff). I’ll also be referencing things from both the 13th century and the 12th century, since galloper “lived” during the early 13th century (and every website seems to think the 13th century started in 1250).
But anyways, an English knight from the mid 13th century apparently wore something like this on his bottom half (underneath other layers):
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Now as you can see in this terrible quality picture (sorry about that, but I did try to label it), the hose are thigh high just like galloper’s leg coverings, which is what gave me the idea that maybe it’s hose he’s wearing. So let’s begin.
I would explain the whole system they used, but this does it better than I could (you only need to read until it starts talking about chausses since we’re only talking about the hose). The linked text is a bit weird and may (or may not) be unreliable, but it’s compact, explains things well, and has pictures (it’s where I got that *stunning* photo I labeled). However, keep in mind that it depicts a mid 13th century English knight, and galloper is from early 13th century Scandinavia, so while there may be similarities, there’s also definitely differences in how he would’ve dressed. Braies were apparently longer in the first half of the 13th century, for one, and didn’t really become “underwear” for everyone until the second half and later. Hose were also referred to as stockings, and apparently hose and stockings didn’t really refer to different things until later on. Additionally, clothing differed between class, but we’re not going to go over that today.
So how does this relate to galloper? Well his lower half actually sort of resembles the picture above, doesn’t it? His “hose” are thigh high, with ankle high shoes over them, just like the picture. Despite the similarities, though, there are differences. His “hose” aren’t pointed, and so there are no ties for them. Apparently, hose didn’t have to be pointed, and those thigh high hose that weren’t pointed were held up with pins.. but there are no pins to hold them up either. Without one of these mechanisms to hold up the hose, they would not stay in place. And considering we can see where the thigh high part ends, we should also be able to see at least part of what’s holding them up. The thigh high part could also theoretically be “leg bandages” that extend above the knee. However, his “hose” don’t look like wrapped or crisscrossed cloth, they look solid, so leg bandages are unlikely.
Now, I wanted to present hose as an explanation based (somewhat) in history, but I don’t actually think he’s wearing hose. We’ll go over why later in this post, but let’s keep going for now.
On to his tunic and coat. Well I say tunic, really it isn’t a tunic by medieval standards. Back in the 13th century, tunics didn’t have buttons—at least not on the front. And his coat.. well it’s not something you’d find in the 13th century. Longer coverings, down to the knee or lower, were the style then. Shorter coverings with buttons down the front didn’t appear until the 14th century in the form of things like doublets. Those “things” were usually very padded and form-fitting, however, and neither galloper’s shirt or coat seem to be padded or exceedingly form-fitting at all.
The history of gloves (in everyday wear, at least) is surprisingly complex, so I won’t be touching his gloves. I’m also ignoring his belt because I don’t have much to say on it, but they did have leather belts with “single-looped” buckles (whatever that means) in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Moving on to his cape. Ah yes, his tattered little cape (which matches his mare’s tattered little saddle blanket!). Who knows why the fuck he wears it. There doesn’t seem to be a hood (like the medieval chaperon) or a part that comes around to cover the shoulders, and it’s too short to be a cloak. My best guess is that it was a design choice based on the fact that such a short cape doesn’t need a fluttering animation. Why not axe (lol) the whole idea of a cape? Well, all the coolest characters have capes!
His weird ass shoulder pad I can’t come up with an explanation for, though (or at least a medieval one). If he had a neck, the shoulder pad would be digging into it based on the position. Maybe it’s supposed to be like those shoulder pads with tassels on some formal military uniforms (technically “epaulettes” with “fringe”)? Except instead of tassels it’s feather looking things and also there’s only one shoulder pad for some reason?
All of this is to say that none of what he’s wearing can realistically pass for 13th century clothing, except maybe his lower half, and that’s still stretching it.
His entire outfit actually most resembles military uniforms from the 18th and early 19th centuries, as @inkowl13 pointed out in this post. When he floats, you can even clearly see his tattered coattails, which are his trademark green on the underside. In the case of 18th century garb, his shirt would be a waistcoat (he doesn’t seem to be wearing an 18th century shirt underneath his “waistcoat” at all, but maybe we just can’t see it or distinguish it from his “waistcoat”), and his jacket-thing would be a uniformed soldier’s coat. His lower half would be breeches with either a. ankle boots and over-the-knee stockings, b. ankle boots and thigh high gaiters (those things with buttons that go over the top of the shoe), or c. thigh high boots, which appeared as riding boots in the 15th century and remained common until the 19th century—including in military uniforms (in fact, some cavalry units today still use them in their ceremonial dress uniforms). His shoulder pad would, in fact, be a strange attempt at an epaulet/epaulette (which were used in the 18th century (and beyond) to denote rank) with fringe the color of his trademark green. The fact that there’s only one also makes sense within this period; whether the epaulet/epaulette was on the right, left, or both shoulders indicated rank (Galloper’s “epaulet/epaulette” is on his right shoulder, our left). The issue of glove history is also eliminated since it seems military uniforms in the 1700s made use of gloves. Men’s capes/cloaks at this time went to the knee or below it, so my explanation for his cape is unchanged. Through this lens, things start to become clear.
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This is a mannequin (is that what you call the fake models of historical clothing? does mannequin apply in this context?) wearing an 18th century cavalry uniform:
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As you can see, he looks incredibly similar to galloper, despite the many differences.
And these are two sets of 18th century soldiers (again, sorry for the less than ideal quality):
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On the left there’s a pair of soldiers with over-the-knee boots and on the right there’s a pair with over-the-knee gaiters (see how they go over their shoes). Thigh high boots would make more sense for a horseman, but thigh high gaiters would explain some things about his lower half, like how his boots and the thigh high part are different colors. However, there are no buttons on the sides (like gaiters have) or garters at the knee (like both stockings and gaiters had), and the thigh high part is tucked into the shoe, more like stockings rather than gaiters. In these pictures you can also see how his upper half looks incredibly similar to all four soldiers, again, even with the differences.
Now, unless galloper was keeping up with fashion until the 18th century when he stopped (he gave up I guess? said “fuck that shit” and hasn’t changed clothes for the past 300 years?), he shouldn’t be wearing an 18th century military uniform. Especially since he was shown wearing the same clothes in his execution scene (which I don’t put too much stake in considering the Jarl was in his ghost form and even the soul riders don’t have 2 sets of clothes in game).
So why does he look like this, then? The reason why he looks like a revolutionary war soldier can be traced back to the inspiration used for his design. According to Jorvikipedia, his “...design takes direct inspiration from author Washington Irving’s Headless Horseman from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow...” which explains why he looks the way he does. Jorvikipedia has been wrong before (they list his place of birth as “Jorvik (presumably)” which doesn’t fit with his backstory), but if Galloper’s design was based on the headless horseman of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (which it very likely was), it would provide justification for the 18th century look of his clothes. Washington Irving’s horseman was, after all, (alleged to be) killed during the revolutionary war in the 18th century.
It’s obvious his upper half is based on 18th century uniform, but the intention behind his lower half remains a mystery. Whether it’s meant to be stockings, gaiters, or boots, I don’t know. Theoretically, his lower half could even have been intended to be hose, braies, and shoes. But considering his entire look and the inspiration behind his design, an 18th century explanation seems more likely (I just don’t know which 18th century explanation, exactly). It would be pretty strange if half of him was medieval and the other half was from the revolutionary war era. Though, I’ll admit, it’s not completely impossible.
My theory for the contradiction between his design and his backstory is that his backstory came after his design. The 18th century look of him, along with his inspiration, and the lack of medieval elements in his design all make a compelling case for this theory. The only thing I can think of that may disprove it is his mare’s y-shaped bridle, but even that could be explained if she was designed after galloper, while his backstory was in its first stages of development (I’ll probably do another post on his horse’s tack, since this post is already long, but that’s for another day). But that’s just a theory; the star stable team could very well have just not done any research on 13th century attire, instead modeling his look on depictions of Irving’s headless horseman and adding the bridle as an indication of the origin they had already established for him.
Ok, but what about the rest? The other parts of his and his mare’s designs (color scheme, hanging pumpkin jack-o-lanterns) can be attributed to the fact that he is the halloween event character. Though his color scheme could be inspired by the headless horseman in World of Warcraft, who was introduced in 2007 (I found out about this horseman while looking into other possible inspirations for galloper’s design), all the colors seen on him and his mare (black, green, red, orange) are general Halloween colors. The hanging jack-o-lanterns are not historically accurate for the Middle Ages (or the revolutionary war era, actually) as pumpkins were not introduced into Europe until Columbus “discovered” the Americas, and did not become commonly carved into jack-o-lanterns until the 19th century in America -which was when and where “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” was published (though the pumpkin “head” was not even carved in the original story). I suppose galloper could have developed an affinity for pumpkins (and for carving them) later on (Jorvik seems to have a lot of them), but it’s more likely that they added them (to the keep and his mare’s design) based on modern halloween practices instead of historical halloweens or consideration of galloper’s feelings on pumpkins.
Ok, so we’ve established he’s not historically accurate for the 13th century, but what would his clothes look like if they were actually historically accurate? The answer is: I don’t know! Maybe I’ll do another google deep dive and make a post on that, but for now we’ve come to the end.
All of my information about historical clothing came from sorting out google results, so take the historical bits with a hefty grain of salt (more like a bowl of salt actually). If you have any actual knowledge about history, please feel free to correct me.
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
What do you think Rule63 Godzilla, Mothra, Ghidorah, etc. would look like in terms of human designs?
Rule 63 Godzilla is basically a feminine version of my gijinka Goji; a massively tall older woman with wild hair, piercing amber-gold eyes, a confident smirk that shows her sharp teeth, the clothes she wears are ripped from getting into near-constant scraps, and most important of all, she's BIG MUSCLE AND B I G T H I C C !
Rule 63 Mothra is by contrast very short and smartly dressed with a regal bearing. I wanna say he wears a Soma Cruz-style long coat with faux-fur collar, something that gives him an air of royalty and authority, and he has a kind fatherly aura. He's the gentlemanly king to Rule 63!Goji's rough-and-tumble queen (and also that coat hides the most impeccably shaped ass this side of TSOW).
Rule 63 Ghidorah I wanna say is like a trio of Lady Dimitrescu's. The Ghidorah triplets prefer form-fitting white with gold trimming to emphasize the sheer amount of curves they have, but each sister has their own style; Ichi is decked out in a sort of feminine military style with epaulets, Ni wears her clothes in an attractively disheveled way, and San likes shiny jewelry and wears lots of rings and bangles (great for makeshift brass knuckles).
Rule 63 Rodan knows she looks good and flaunts it. She's Olympic level fit and plenty curvy, dresses kind of a mix between Nico in DMC5 and Cindy in FFXV (shorts, boots, bomber jacket zipped open just enough to show the goods, goggles) because she likes to show off and knows it's going to be distracting for someone.
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sollannaart · 3 years
Portraits of prince Józef Poniatowski.
Part III - the rest of "big and colorful”
Ok, dear Tumblr friends, while I am here, let me continue the topic of prince Poniatowski’s portraits.
For those who have joined us just - a little “recap”. Previously I showed first  portraits, for which Józef Poniatwoski might have sat, later then - his most known posthumous one (with copies).
Now the time came to show you the rest of oil paintings, depicting “the Polish Bayard”.
To start I would like with this image, which hangs in Poniatowski’s museum in the Copper-Roofed palace in Warsaw. I’ve seen this portrait with my own eyes and it also is among my favorite effigies of Pepi.
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Franciszek Paderewski, portrait of Prince Joseph Poniatowski, 1814
As the most known Pepi’s portrait this one was as well popular enough to become a source of several copies.
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The copy of unknown author, from the museum of Warsaw
And this one, though it looks a little bit different, is also considered to be a copy of Paderewski’s work:
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Unknown painter (from Franciszek Paderewski;s original), portrait of Prince Joseph Poniatowski, The National Museum in Kraków
The next couple of images, though attributed to different painters, in my opinion also look like an original and a copy:
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Portrait of Prince Józef Poniatowski, in uniform with a ribbon and the star of the Great Cross Virtuti Militari, attributed Józef Kosiński, circa around 1815-1820
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Antoni Brodowski, Portrait of Prince Józef Poniatowski, around 1820
This one is the only one from the whole today’s set, to which prince Józef theoretically might have posed. Because here he has stars on the epaulets, not cannons. But I stumbled this image in a book, not in a museum, that is why I have doubts in the first place.
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Marcello Bacciarelli (?) "Prince Joseph in the uniform of a Major General according regulations from 1810"
And the second thing causing my concerns is... that portrait, hanging in the palace of Jabłonna:
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Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to obtain any detailed data on the topic of it, but imho prince’s face here copies the face from the above placed image in every detail. (Though the model’s pose, especially the hand on the saber, look like they are borrowed from Josef Grassi’s image.)))
And what do you think? I would be grateful if you share your thoughts on this (and the previous one) pair in comments!
But now let’s return to the portraits left. This one, as you may remember, I “discovered” with your help, my dear friends:
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Portrait of Prince Józef Poniatowski by unknown painter painter of Viennese school, 18th / 19th century
And later I was able to see it with my own eyes, hanging in  The Pan Tadeusz Museum  (“Muzeum Pana Tadeusza”) in Wrocław:
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The portrait is dated there as painted in 18-19th century, but seeing cannons on the epaulets, I assume it also must have been created after 1813.
And as the last one from the “big and colorful” images of prince Józef I decided to place the work of a representative of the famous Polish painters dynasty, the Kossaks:
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Juliusz Kossak, Portrait of Prince Józef on horseback, 1879
The images is exposed in the Łańcut castle (and I have not seen it yet...), but even from a photocopy it looks very impressive! That is why I decided to finish this set with it.
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sw5w · 8 months
Yousa All Bombad
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:40:34
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Epaulet may be a style of elaborate shoulder piece or embellishment used as a logo of rank by the military and completely different associations. within the French and completely different militaries, epaulets are in addition worn by all positions of first or formal units once on the procession. it would bear rank or different emblems, and ought to not be mistaken for a shoulder board - likewise referred to as a shoulder mark, rank slide, or clothing - tier material sleeve worn on the shoulder lash of a homogenous (in spite of the actual fact that the 2 terms are frequently used conversely).
Epaulets are secured to the shoulder by a shoulder tie or rider, a bit lash parallel to the shoulder crease, and also the catch on the brink of the neck, or by bands on the bottom of the adornment rummaging openings within the shoulder of the coat. colloquially, any shoulder str''''aps with imprints are likewise referred to as epaulets. the case of the adornment, its shading and also the length and distance across of its bullion bound ar used to connote the wearer's position. At the be a part of the bound and also the shoulder, the piece is usually a metal piece as a bow. Albeit at first worn within the field, epaulets are presently frequently restricted to decorate or artificial military regalia.
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History Bullion Embroidery Epaulets:
Epaulets look to some extent just like the shoulder peerages of archaic Roman military ensembles. Anyway, their immediate origin lies within the scores of strips worn on the shoulders of military coats toward the part of the discount century, which was halfway brightening and largely planned to forestall shoulder belts from slippy. These strips were integrated with a bunch that left the edged finish free. This designed up the basic structure of the adornment because it developed through the eighteenth and nineteenth many years.
From the eighteenth century on, epaulets were used within the French and completely different military to point outrank. The position of a politician may be determined by whether or not AN adornment was worn on the left shoulder, the proper shoulder or on each. Later a "counter-epaulet" (with no periphery) was worn on the contrary shoulder of the people WHO wore simply a solitary adornment. Epaulets were created in silver or gold for officers, and within the material of various hues for the listed men of various arms. sure categories of mounted force wore flexible metal epaulets alluded to as shoulder scales, rarely worn on the sector.
By the mid-eighteenth century, epaulets had become the distinctive part of the appointed position. This drove officers of military units still while not epaulets to charm for the privilege to wear epaulets, to ensure that their standing would be perceived. throughout the Napoleonic Wars and during this manner through the nineteenth century, grenadiers, lightweight foot, voltigeurs and different skilled categories of the foot in various European military wore cloth epaulets with fleece borders in several hues to acknowledge them from traditional line foot. "Flying cannons" wore "wings", like AN adornment nonetheless with simply slightly of bound externally, that coordinated the shoulder crease. Overwhelming artillery wore very little balls chatting with weaponry on their shoulders."
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A moderate structure in sure administrations, as an example, the Russian Army, is that the shoulder mark, that neither encompasses a bound nor reaches out past the shoulder crease. This started throughout the nineteenth century as an efficient variant for administration wear of the overwhelming and outstanding eveningwear adornment with bullion borders.
Shoulder sign of a recent British OG (Olive Green) slipover with the RAF Sergeant image. The shoulder lash is appended with snare and-circle latch.
Epaulets at first showed abreast of British outfits within the second five hundredth of the eighteenth century. The adornment was formally consolidated into Royal Navy uniform tips in 1795, albeit a couple of officers wore them before this date. below this framework, banner officers wore silver stars on their epaulets to acknowledge their positions. A skipper with at any rate 3 years' position had 2 plain epaulets, whereas a lesser chief wore one on the proper shoulder ANd an authority one on the left.
In 1855, military officials' large, gold-bordered epaulets were canceled ANd supplanted by an improved identical formally referred to as bent shoulder-lines. These were usually worn with eveningwear regalia till 1939. Maritime officers command the noteworthy edged epaulets for eveningwear throughout this era.
English mounted force on dynamic administration in Sudan (1898) and through the Boer War (1899–1902) once during a whereas wore epaulets manufactured from chainmail to make sure against arm blows inward on the shoulder. The blue "Number one dress" garbs of some British mounted force regiments and yeomanry units still hold this part within the fancy silvered structure.
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With the presentation of the khaki administration dress in 1902, British people Army quit carrying epaulets within the field, dynamic to rank emblem weaved on the sleeves of the uniform coat. throughout war I, this was found to create officers AN objective for skilled marksmen, therefore the image was as typically as potential touched to the shoulder ties, wherever it had been less outstanding.
The current multi-territory style (MTP) and also the additional seasoned battle uniform (DPM) have the badge antecedently used on shoulder lashes showed on a solitary tie worn vertically within the focus of the chest. previous DPM regalia had shoulder ties on the shoulders, but simply officers wore rank on rank slides that connected to those lashes, completely different positions wore rank on the higher right sleeve as of currently but soon army unit titles were worn on the rank slides. This coaching proceeded into later examples wherever rank was worn on the chest, the rank was likewise enclosed.
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Epaulet is a sort of elaborate shoulder piece or embellishment utilized as symbol of rank by military and different associations. In the French and different militaries, epaulets are additionally worn by all positions of world class or formal units when on procession. It might bear rank or other emblem, and ought not be mistaken for a shoulder mark - likewise called a shoulder board, rank slide, or slip-on - a level material sleeve worn on the shoulder lash of a uniform (in spite of the fact that the two terms are regularly utilized conversely).
 Epaulets are secured to the shoulder by a shoulder tie or passenten, a little lash parallel to the shoulder crease, and the catch close to the neckline, or by bands on the underside of the epaulet going through openings in the shoulder of the coat. Conversationally, any shoulder str''''aps with imprints are likewise called epaulets. The situation of the epaulet, its shading and the length and distance across of its bullion periphery are utilized to connote the wearer's position. At the join of the periphery and the shoulder piece is frequently a metal piece as a bow. Albeit initially worn in the field, epaulets are currently regularly restricted to dress or stylized military regalia.
 History Bullion Embroidery Epaulets:
 Epaulets look to some extent like the shoulder pteruges of antiquated Roman military ensembles. Anyway their immediate inception lies in the lots of strips worn on the shoulders of military coats toward the part of the bargain century, which were halfway brightening and mostly proposed to forestall shoulder belts from slipping. These strips were integrated with a bunch which left the bordered end free. This built up the fundamental structure of the epaulet as it developed through the eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years.
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 From the eighteenth century on, epaulets were utilized in the French and different armed forces to show rank. The position of an official could be dictated by whether an epaulet was worn on the left shoulder, the correct shoulder or on both. Later a "counter-epaulet" (with no periphery) was worn on the contrary shoulder of the individuals who wore just a solitary epaulet. Epaulets were made in silver or gold for officials, and in material of different hues for the enrolled men of different arms. Certain classes of mounted force wore adaptable metal epaulets alluded to as shoulder scales, seldom worn on the field.
 By the mid eighteenth century, epaulets had turned into the distinctive element of appointed position. This drove officials of military units still without epaulets to appeal to for the privilege to wear epaulets, to guarantee that their status would be perceived. During the Napoleonic Wars and in this way through the nineteenth century, grenadiers, light infantry, voltigeurs and other expert classes of infantry in numerous European armed forces wore fabric epaulets with fleece borders in different hues to recognize them from normal line infantry. "Flying cannons" wore "wings", like an epaulet yet with just a touch of periphery outwardly, which coordinated the shoulder crease. Overwhelming artillerywore little balls speaking to ammo on their shoulders."
 A moderate structure in certain administrations, for example, the Russian Army, is the shoulder board, which neither has a periphery nor reaches out past the shoulder crease. This started during the nineteenth century as a streamlined variant for administration wear of the overwhelming and prominent full dress epaulet with bullion borders.
 Shoulder sign of a contemporary British OG (Olive Green) pullover with RAF Sergeant symbol. The shoulder lash is appended with snare and-circle latch.
 Epaulets initially showed up on British outfits in the second 50% of the eighteenth century. The epaulet was formally consolidated into Royal Navy uniform guidelines in 1795, albeit a few officials wore them before this date. Under this framework, banner officials wore silver stars on their epaulets to recognize their positions. A skipper with at any rate three years position had two plain epaulets, while a lesser chief wore one on the correct shoulder, and an authority one on the left.
 In 1855, armed force officials' huge, gold-bordered epaulets were canceled and supplanted by an improved identical formally known as bent shoulder-lines. These were commonly worn with full dress regalia until 1939. Maritime officials held the noteworthy bordered epaulets for full dress during this period.
 English mounted force on dynamic administration in the Sudan (1898) and during the Boer War (1899–1902) once in a while wore epaulets made of chainmail to ensure against sword blows arriving on the shoulder. The blue "Number 1 dress" garbs of some British mounted force regiments and yeomanry units still hold this component in fancy silvered structure.
 With the presentation of khaki administration dress in 1902, the British Army quit wearing epaulets in the field, changing to rank emblem weaved on the sleeves of the uniform coat. During World War I, this was found to make officials an objective for expert marksmen, so the symbol was as often as possible moved to the shoulder ties, where it was less prominent.
 The current multi territory design (MTP) and the more seasoned battle uniform (DPM) have the badge previously utilized on shoulder lashes showed on a solitary tie worn vertically in the focal point of the chest. Prior DPM regalia had shoulder ties on the shoulders, however just officials wore rank on rank slides which connected to these lashes, different positions wore rank on the upper right sleeve as of now however later on regimental titles were worn on the rank slides. This training proceeded into later examples where rank was worn on the chest, rank was likewise included.
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bboiseux · 6 years
The fight against Trent was going well. And then it wasn’t. And then it hadn’t happened at all.
When Beau finds herself back home about to marry Caleb, she knows something has gone wrong. Very wrong. She is trapped in the body of a dutiful daughter, one that has never known a day of combat, and her friends are trapped in their own nightmare versions of their lives. Traveling across the Dwendalian Empire, Beau must face down a Caleb still loyal to Trent, a Fjord who became a ruthless bandit, and a Jester who was found by something much more sinister than the Traveler. Can she free them in time to save the life of one of their own and escape this world? Or are they doomed to die as shadows in the mirror?
A story of battles, self-doubt, and the strength of friendship. [Written Pre-Episode 25]
Reading Time: abt 22 mins Status: Updating Every Other Day
A result of Critical Robin.  A big thanks to my co-authors @ginnyvos, @bisexualpiratequeen, and @the-last-noel06!  This is a story I couldn’t have written without all your contributions!
Read a preview below the cut or read the whole thing at AO3.
They had cornered Trent in the caverns, a long dark torturous path that had left them cold and bloody, but worn him down too.  Astrid and Eodwulf had fallen.  He was down to the last of his soldiers.  But he had also staked his claim to the high ground and Beau could feel them losing the advantage.  It was a war of attrition that he could win.  The cave was filled with the tangy electricity of arcane mutterings and a pale light was building in Trent’s hands.  His lips moved to strange incantations.  Beau didn’t know what he was doing.  She didn’t know what Caleb was doing (tucked away in a corner, mirroring Trent’s trance).  Bur whatever was about to happen could not be good.  Trent was moving now and none of them were close enough to do anything. Trent’s toy soldiers were keeping them locked down.  Nott’s crossbow was in pieces on the ground.  Fjord was pinned between a wall and two heavy swords.  Yasha was swarmed by some magical creature summoned from a fiery plane.  Jester was running to Molly, hands glowing, ready to bring him back to consciousness. And the light was beginning to melt and float into searing tendrils.
Beau felt the face of the soldier pinning her down go soft under her fist and she let his body fall.
Trent had stopped muttering and the tendrils of light slithered through the air and out across the cavern.  Trent’s yellowed face was cracked with a twisted grin.  The tendrils recoiled for a moment, coiling and charging, and then struck.  One for each of them.
And then Yasha’s shadow was in front of Beau, the Magician’s Judge held like a shield in front of them—
—It was her family’s vineyard.  The sky was a beautiful blue.  It was the right season for the vines to bloom and the air was filled with their scent of sun kissed melon.  Beau breathed deeply.  It had always been a smelled she loved.  If you breathed deep enough and close enough to the flowers you could taste it on your tongue.  The crowd was gathered under the small grove of mahogany trees that her mother had insisted on keeping when her father had cleared the land.  Her skin was warm from the dapples of sun, but the breeze bore the last cool drops of winter.  Somewhere in the trees, the birds sang delicate melodies and the wind shook out rustling accompaniments from the leaves.
Beau’s hands were held lightly in a pair of strong, masculine hands that had clearly seen many a day’s work, but were also kept clean and well ordered.  Her own hands were manicured to a perfect squared end and painted a pale pink.  Beau looked up and it was Caleb.  He was clean-shaven, hair expertly trimmed and coifed.  A small smile turned up the corners of his lips and his cold blue eyes painted her face adoringly.  He stood high and official and his body was adorned in the red military uniform of the Dwendalian Empire, gold epaulets at his shoulders, several medals pinned across his chest.  A ceremonial sword hung at his side.
To her side, a priest was saying, “. . . may his light shine eternally over this union and bring much abundance and plenty to the family that results.”
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Trench coats Online Sale in UAE, Trench coats Online Sale in Saudi Arabia, Trench coats Online Sale in Dubai, Trench coats Online Sale in Kuwait, Trench coats Online Sale in Oman, Trench coats Online Sale in Malaysia, Trench coats Online Sale in Qatar
A trench coat or trenchcoat is combination of coat made of waterproof considerable surface, at first delivered for British Army authorities before the First World War, and becoming renowned while used in the trenches. The trench coat was intended to shield from wind and downpour. They were not the hottest coats, notwithstanding, they were provided in a huge size so hotter coats and layers could be worn under them. In past wars, officers wore greatcoats. These were long overcoats of serge; a thick texture produced using fleece. Trench coats are waterproof and solid while being lightweight. They are produced using materials like cotton coat and cowhide. Trench coats are generally longer than a standard coat since the vast majority of them stretch out to the knees of the wearer. The different subtleties of its development is an extraordinary element of trench coats. There are different sorts of the trench coat: short ones and long ones, lined and unlined, in fleece or cotton coat or khaki drill, poplin or twill weaves with more costly choices treated for added waterproofing with more or less of those exemplary subtleties. The military began wearing trench coats in light of their agreeable and viable plan. Officers adored the sturdy, water-safe coat cotton texture that had the option to shield them from the brutal climate. It's smarter to adhere to customary, exemplary hued trench coats with regards to formal occasions as this will fit in better with the clothing standard, just as giving you a more refined air.
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Regardless of whether you have a business formal or relaxed clothing standard, a trench coat will fit right in with your work garments. A trench coat is a kind of raincoat that was made by Burberry for authorities of the British Royal Army during World War 1. It's a fairly full cut, twofold breasted, belted coat. It includes a secured burden over the shoulders toward the back, a fastened fold over the right shoulder toward the front and epaulets. Like an overcoat, a trench coat is an outerwear intended to endure nasty climate However, they are planned more for blustery climate when contrasted with the overcoat which is intended for colder climate. Trench coats have truth be told become extravagance raincoats. For a staple trench coat that you can wear in the late spring, search for one in an unbiased shading that will fit all seasons. Decide on beige, camel or light dim trench coats over dark and naval force. This will assist with mirroring the daylight and keep you cool in the hotter months. The customary trench coat is produced using fleece or cotton twill. It's twofold breasted, with a high collar remain to keep downpour off the wearer's neck, epaulets, a firearm fold, a back fold, belt, and wrist tabs that can be fixed to hold downpour back from trickling down the wearer's sleeve. The choice to wear a belt or not is absolutely up to the man. Ectomorphs can wear belted or unbelted forms nonetheless, their issue comes from the length or the need along these lines of the actual coat. Tall and lean men ought to keep away from the more limited and longer forms of the trench. The Burberry Trench Coat utilizes what is known as a Gabardine cotton that is intended to ensure against downpour. This inventive fabric permits the trench to be water safe, yet entirely not waterproof. Trench coats are frequently made from machine-launder able textures like cotton, poplin, or polyester. Make certain to eliminate the covering and wash it independently from the shell. Utilize the sensitive or hand wash cycle, and try not to put either piece in the dryer particularly assuming your coat is fleece.
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scoundrelstars · 6 years
The Price of Ink, Part 1
Well, it’s official. Got the rejection letter from Black Library this afternoon, so I can post this story. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Still stings, though. Anyway, this was written before I’d locked in the backstory for Col. Sorn, so he’s got a drawl.
If there was a downside to having a pict-perfect memory, it had to be that Naemi would never forget such a miserable world as Rescalia. She’d arrived on a Munitorum supply ship over the murky ball of a planet and suffered through a jolting descent through acidic rain clouds that streaked her lander’s windows with grime. Despite the sprawling cities that covered much of the hive world’s surface, she’d set down on the flattened top of a mountain that had been strip-mined away, well outside the largest hive on the planet, Scarist. It was from here that the Imperium was going to retake the city.
It was also where she first started to doubt she was cut out for field work. The Master of the Logos himself had asked her personally to make the journey and she’d been so eager to say yes, she hadn’t stopped to think of the enormous headache the whole thing would be. Or the danger she’d be in. She’d jumped at the chance to finally take the step up from scribe to field agent for the Logos Historica Verita and now she was having second thoughts.
Or at least attempting to. It was hard to form a fully coherent train of thought in the face of the collected military might of the subsector. She stood illuminated by the grand holotank at the center of the amphitheater at the heart of the Imperial command bunker. The assembled lords, officers, and warriors of the Imperial forces that were to take back the planet were arrayed around her. She could feel their eyes burning into the back of her head. But it wasn’t the regimental commanders of the Imperial Guard or the stern Sororitas canoness that transfixed her, it was the intense gaze of the Inquisitor that stared down from the command pulpit. He was flanked on either side Astartes warriors clad in black, save for the silver armor of their left arms. The Deathwatch.
“—and it is by holy order of the Lord Regent that I must discharge my duties, my lord. Even now, in this time of war,” Naemi finished, her voice shakier than she had hoped.
Silence reigned in the amphitheater, with only the strange, soft chanting of the Mechanicus priests to fill it. Kaldier Drant, Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos was a spare man in hooded armor. The baleful red glint of his augmetic eye looked down at her from within its shadow.
“I am fighting a war,” his voice was nasal, but filled with the surety of complete authority, “A war against a foe so insidious, so utterly inhuman, as to go beyond your reckoning. And you want me to spare the weapons I must wield to fight this enemy? For what? The words of some bygone philosopher?”
“My lord, Iterator Soldatta is more than just a philosopher! He was a master rhetorician, chronicler, and thinker. It’s the only known copy in the galaxy of his magnum opus Rise of Empire. If the Logos could obtain his work, it would be an invaluable look into the intent of the great men and women during the times right after the Great Here—”
Drant cut Naemi off with a chop of his hand. “Spare me the history lesson, historitor. While you may have the warrant of the Lord Regent, I am charged with the will of the Emperor Himself and the prosecution of his holy war against the alien. Your petition for a contingent of forces for the Logos Historica Verita is denied. Once this war is won and the enemy’s works put to the torch, then you may follow and retrieve any artifacts still intact.”
“My lord, please. If the shelling goes ahead as you’ve laid out, the city’s Archives are sure to be—"
“Enough. I’m ordering the attack to go forward as planned. We will crush these Hallowed Starborn with full might of the Emperor’s wrath. This war council is dismissed.”
The amphitheater was filled with sudden conversation as the gathered military men and women broke up. Drant retreated beyond a pair of blast doors along with his Astartes guard. Naemi stood before the holotank, feeling her neck and cheeks burn. The leather of her dataslate’s cover creaked as she gripped it, white-knuckled. She thought she’d feel tears, but her eyes were dry, replaced with an anger at being dismissed so easily. She grit her teeth and turned, hoping to catch General Laursen of the Imperial Guard before the command staff left. However, she was brought up short by a man that put himself in her path, a crooked smile on his face. He was tall and drawn, like a whippetreed, with dark features that spoke of years under alien suns. He wore a uniform of midnight blue chased with red and brass, plus a crusher cap that he touched the brim of with one finger in the approximation of a salute.
“Historitor?” he spoke in a languid drawl that flowed like sapsyrup. He held out one hand, “Javier Sorn.”
“It’s a pleasure, um...”
He motioned towards the brass eagle embroidered onto his epaulets. “Colonel. Higaran Ninth, ma’am.”
“The Hellbats,” she murmured.
Naemi’s memory flashed back to the pages and pages of force organization she had taken in on her Warp journey. The Higaran Ninth Chiropterans, known as the ‘Hellbats’ in their dossier, were Tempestus Scions of dubious reputation. What reports she’d managed to read had been heavily redacted. Others had been put under seal that she couldn’t break. What she had noticed, however, was a pattern of disciplinary charges attached to their file. An expression flashed across the colonel’s face like heat lightning. She couldn’t tell if it was a grin or a grimace. His blue eyes didn’t give anything away.
“Take a walk with me, professor.”
“I’m not a professor. Well, not anymore. I’m a historitor.”
“I’m aware. I just don’t like bein’ so formal,” he said in that strange unhurried accent. He turned and motioned for her to follow. “I think we might be able to help each other out.”
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militarymetalart · 5 years
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The use of chevrons to denote standing in a military force dates back more than a millennia. Religious and civil authorities used outward symbols to identify rank or standing before the time of the Crusades. In the U.S. military, the use of chevrons included a variety of epaulets, sashes, hat ornaments and stripes. A War Department General Order in 1821 provides the first reference to U.S. Soldiers, including officers, wearing chevrons. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Clz3_JAyT/?igshid=840wg54xna4w
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