moonys-chaos · 3 months
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Life hates us I think
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scarasmood · 2 months
I don't understand any French words but watch me sing along with Rêver j'en ai l'habitude 🤗
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2nd preview of Psycho ex arc
Sick Girl: Guys I think Sick Boyfriend is asleep.
ALL: Huh?
They all looked at Sick Boyfriend sleeping.
Sick Chris: Huh? I guess he must've been so tired from the outburst he did to Purity Senpai.
Nick Files: I guess....
Bubble Soda: Hmmm...Huh? *looks at Sick Boyfriend, tears were coming out from his eyes*
Sick BF: Mmmmmm.....*sniff* mmmmm....
Bubble Soda: Uh guys.....
Sick Chris: What's wrong?
Bubble Soda: I think Sick Boyfriend is having a nightmare!
David Flu: Uh oh, that's not good.
Then, Sick Boyfriend starts breathing heavily in his sleep.
Bubble Soda: And now he's having a panic attack!
ALL: What?!
Sick PonyCentral: Oh god, what do we do?!
Sick Girl: WHAT DO WE DO?!
Freundin: Uhhh *gasp* Wait I remember Drugfriend said something like giving him a hug and comforting him.
Sick Chris: Oh so one of us has to hug him and comfort him?
Freundin: That's what Drugfriend told me!
Sick Chris: Uh okay, Sick Girlfriend, give him a hug!
Sick Chris: Look I know you two don't get along but you have to, what if he dies during a panic attack in his sleep!
David Flu: Yeah, I heard from Sick Nene that she told me one of her cousins has having a panic attack in her sleep and she got epilpesy from it and died in her sleep.
Sick GF: Oh crap! that's bad!
Sick Chris: Yeah, do you really want the same thing happening to Sick Boyfriend?
Sick GF: Mmmmmm!mmmmmmm OKAY FINE! I'll do it.
Sick Chris: Good girl.
Sick Girlfriend went to Sick Boyfriend and hugged him.
Sick BF: *whimpering*
Sick GF: *mind* I can't believe I'm doing this. Shhh There there it's okay, no one's going to hurt you.
Sick BF: *whimpering slows down a bit*
Nick Files: *whispering* It's working....
Sick BF: Mmmmmm~
Sick GF: *mind* It's working, huh, I guess comforting him calms down his panic attacks.
Sick Chris: Phew, I think he's calm down now.
Sick GF: Oh good. *tries to leave but Sick Boyfriend wouldn't let her*
Sick GF: Woah, what the?!
Sick BF: *sleeping* Mmmmm
Sick GF: Uh guys, A little help here....
Naughty PC: Aww that's adorable!
Sick GF: He won't let go of me!
Nick Files: I think he thinks you're his pillow.
Sick GF: Aww man....
Another preview for chapter 9....stay tuned.
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grad502scarlett · 2 years
Audience feedback 2
Feedback: #4 liked overall visual style. He found the last paragraph on the facts page hard to read (visibility-wise). What he learnt: Learnt what epilepsy was. Learnt what happened during a seizure. Learnt there were different types of seizure.
Successful: was educated about the issue now has a basic knowledge. 
changes: play with colour ratio to make a more readable zine. I asked one of my peers for feedback and she suggested lowering pattern opacity. try this
#5 loved illustrations, especially the eyes of the people. He found them cute and cool because they “were a different colour to the person”. Had never heard of epilepsy, vague knowledge of seizure as “when people shake”. What he learnt: informed on the basics of what seizures and epilepsy were. Didn’t know the word discrimination, and found the wording “discrimination people with epilpesy face” confusing. He didn’t know the words empathy/empathetic.Otherwise found it easy and engaging to read. Wanted to know more after reading the brochure (at this point in a real world context, he would ask about Undercurrent at his school). Later his sister told me he asked her “I wonder what it would be like to have a seizure?”. 
successful: provoked thought and interest in the topic. 
Change: Change discrimination section wording. Change discrimination back to bullying. Initial Paul suggested moving away from bullying because it carries a lot of weight, but it is the least complex word to describe the issue. Change empathy for kindness and compassion. The idea of empathy is still central to the campaign, but is too complex to be used in the copywriting. 
Below: the 8-fold I showed to my audience #4 and #5. I added pattern to this version and lightened the colours overall. 
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epilepsy-updates · 4 years
Types of seizures
ABSENT-blinking your eyes a ton rubbing your eyes missing fragments of sentences so they sound choppy
MIOCLONIC- your arms and hands freez or jerk continuously..you are conscious
SIMPLE PARTIAL-you are aware of what’s going on but can’t speak or move
GENERALIZED TONIC CLONIC-the one that people usually die from, the big ones that happen in movies
There are others...these are the ones I have
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theangelicsystem · 3 years
It is officially spooky month so for our system and everyone else's safety, this blog will NOT be posting any jump scares, gore, paranormal content, or anything similar. We may reblog cute little animals decorated for Halloween or holiday decorations. We also will not post anything relating to spiders or their webs. As always, we will never post any flashing gifs/videos or similar photosensitive content. You are always safe to hang out on our page if you'd like.♡
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stalkerkyoko · 3 years
OH fuck  Seiya Ryuuguuin Protag sets town on fire
Bruh just by this I wanna see more iseaki quartet
this is volume one
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-5XmgX3f68 like this but he sets the town on fire.
MAYBE epilpesy?
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anger: Mustang
SEYIA: “Stay deeeeeeeeeeeeeead”
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carriejonesbooks · 4 years
Epilepsy, Writing, and Choices
Epilepsy, Writing, and Choices
One day I was hanging out in the hallway of the middle school with some other mommies, waiting for all the sports practices to be over so we could shuttle our kids home.
These two other moms standing next to me were talking about diets and diabetes. They were both on Weight Watchers. One mom had lost tons of weight. The moms talk about the effect of weight on piercing private places and all…
View On WordPress
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blogcannabis · 7 years
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Cannabis Oil Gave 4-Year-Old Medical Marijuana Refugee A Chance To Live http://herb.co/2017/04/24/maggie-selmeskis/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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divorcedreggie · 5 years
i added more to my about page but its nothing big except for i know i havent put a blacklist here yet until now so if you dont wanna click that im just askingt o please tag incest and epilpesy warning/flashing gif. its okay if you forget too i would just really appreciate it if you remember. wig.
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Epilepsy Drugs Market to Flourish with an Impressive CAGR During 2021
Epilepsy Drugs Market is likely to reach nearly USD 5.5 Billion by the year end of 2021.
 Market growth can be attributed to factors such as rising incidence of neurological disorders, growing disease awareness, introduction of novel antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), strong government support and initiatives. Moreover, increasing R&D investment and launch of extended-release formulations are further expected to fuel the market growth. However, high cost of patented drugs, concerns over decreasing healthcare costs as part of government austerity measures, particularly in Europe and low accessibility to antiepileptic drugs in low and middle income countries, are likely to restrict the market growth.
 Request for a sample of report @
 Vimpat is the undisputed leading drug of Global Epilepsy Drugs Market. It has a market share of nearly 22% in 2016 and is expected that Vimpat will gain its momentum till the forecasting period. Keppra was the second highest market share taker with more than 19% share in 2016 but the prospect of this drug will change due to the patent expiration in 2018 and its share decline to XX% by 2021. It is expected that Lamictal will be second leading drug with nearly XX% share by 2021. Onfi hold the third highest share of the Epilepsy Drugs market, being followed by Depakine by the year end of 2021.
 The research report titled “Epilepsy Drugs Market: Global Demand, Growth Potential & Opportunity Outlook 2021” examines the market, competitive landscape and trends of the Global Epilepsy Drug Market. This report analyzes market data and provides a better understanding of Epilepsy Drugs sales value and demand in the Global Market. Market outlook in value terms for the forecasted period for Epilepsy Drugs Market has been detailed in the report. Key trends in terms of collaborations, partnerships and licensing agreements are analysed with details. The report also explores detailed description of growth drivers and inhibitors of the Global Epilpesy Drugs Market.
 The report concludes with the profiles of major players in the Epilepsy Drugs Market such as UCB, EISAI, Pfizer, Sanofi and Lundbeck. The major market players are evaluated on various parameters such as company overview and latest development and trends in the Epilepsy Drugs Market
 Key Topics Covered in the Report
• Worldwide Epilepsy Drugs Market Analysis (2013 – 2021)
• Worldwide Epilepsy Drugs Market Share (2013 – 2021)
• Worldwide Epilepsy Drugs Brand Market Performance (2013 – 2021)
• Epilepsy Drugs Market – Major Deal Types
• Key Companies Analysis
• Key Drivers and Inhibitors of the Epilepsy Drugs Market
 Key Epilepsy Drugs Covered in the Report are as follows:
1. Vimpat(Lacosamide)
2. Keppra(Levetiracetam)
3. Briviact(Brivaracetam)
4. Lamictal(Lamotrigine)
5. Neurontin (Gabapentin)
6. Depakine (Sodium Valproate)
7. Sabril (Vigabatrin)
8. Onfi(Clobazam)
9. Fycompa(Perampanel)
10. Inovelon/Banzel(Rufinamide)
11. Zonegran (Zonisamide)
12. Zebinix (Eslicarbazepine Acetate)
 Ask an Analyst @
 Key Companies Covered in the Report are as follows:
1. UCB
3. Pfizer
4. Sanofi
5. Lundbeck
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epilepsy-updates · 4 years
The experience of a generalized seizure
Take a second to picture this. You don’t have to have epilepsy.
You’re laying down, or you’re sitting, or you’re standing-suddenly you feel this tension in your body, like it freezes (like sleep paralysis) then you have the five seconds or what feels like an hour, when you can’t control your thought and the thought-the thought being that you are not going to be ok, the thought ..”how could this be happening again” then you feel your arms jerk for a second and then the next thing you’re aware of is your mom or dad sitting next to you looking at you. You wonder why they’re staring at you the way they are, why they’re talking to you gently like they’re about to break down crying. You move your head a little, and then angrily but firmly say “I didn’t have a seizure” “yes you did” you say you didn’t. You say “no that’s impossible I was fine, I just had one a week ago” Then you start to realize you did when the nausea starts, when you try moving your head and it feels like your hearts racing in your head. Then the questions come..they ask where you were last night what your plans are for the day you have no idea so you look at them. They tell you your supposed to work in 15 minutes” then you start to remember. Your first thought is “no way did I have another seizure, I just had one a week ago” then the thought “I’m still here?” And then the worst part. You remember waking up feeling your heart race and your mind telling you to take your medicine take it now before a seizure starts..you remember going to grab it having it in your hands and then freezing, and then your arm jerking..and your body being frozen. Then you remember the other ones, the first one you had..waking up with a lady standing behind you in your living room a man sitting next to you your mom crying, then being put on a stretcher and brought into the ambulance. Then you remember the one you had at 12:00am in your blue t shirt in your moms arms while your crying for a good few minutes after taking medicine to try and stop it, your laying in your moms arms your arms start jerking..and jerking and don’t stop and your hysterically crying because you know what’s happening, and you never fully go unconscious this time, instead you’re on your side with your mom and dad and random people standing around you all speaking to you and you understand what they’re saying but you can’t speak...you hear the fear in your moms voice when you can’t respond, she asks you to just look at her just make eye contact, you can’t. You hear her asking, you can’t move.
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cats-tats-recovery · 9 years
So listen to this bullshit for the past year I have been passing out around and during the time of my period. Mind you, I stopped having periods for three years because I have PCOS and my hormones are all out of whack. I lost A LOT of weight and they came back but not every month. Only every 3-4 months. I couldn't understand why I was passing out or why my periods are so painful. But this time, my period was even more incredibly painful, and I not only passed out.. I started having seizures. I was rushed to the ER through an ambulance. I was only a little conscious upon arrival enough to mumble what medication I was on, but felt myself losing consciousness again. I don't remember, but apparently the doctor didn't believe that I was unconscious and my friend told me that he even smacked me in the face before realizing that I was really unconscious. I then started to have another seizure. They had to put ammonia on my nose to get me out of it. After I was awake enough to communicate, I told my nurses and the doctor that I'm on my period. That I think it might have something to do with all of this. They took blood, urine, and did a CT scan. I had to tell him that I have Social Anxiety Disorder and have been in recovery for a year and have been hospitalized for my mental health four times, but my anxiety had nothing to do with this. Anyone that has anxiety would know if they were just having a panic attack or if something else was seriously wrong. My tests came back normal. The doctor came back in and told me that I had to get on a computer and talk to a psychiatrist at another hospital to be evaluated. I was so confused. I started crying. Here I am HAVING SEIZURES and they are trying to evaluate me to be sent into a psychiatric facility at another hospital. I let them evaluate me even though I was outraged. I told the psychiatrist that I'm fine, I just want to know what's causing my seizures that I didn't come to the hospital to be treated like this. She then asked me "It's my understanding that you would like to be admitted at our facility here?" I said "I have no interest in your facility because I'm fine mentally besides the fact that you guys are treating me like I've done something wrong trying to convince me to tell you I'm suicidal when I'm not. I'm physically sick and I just want to get better and figure out why I'm having seizures." After finally convincing them that I don't need to be put in psych the doctor that made me go through all of this bullshit and tried to have me sent off came back in my room and said "Wait, are you on your period?" I was infuriated. I just looked at him and said "Yes." He just walked away. The nurse came back and discharged me to go home. I was terrified that I was going to go home and have another seizure. They didn't do anything. My diagnoses was "Syncope" (passing out) and "Anxiety"- Panic Attack. I NEVER HAD A PANIC ATTACK. Once I get home, knowing something is terribly wrong, and it's too late at night to schedule an appointment with my doctor, plus she just so happens to be on vacation I started messaging her on Facebook telling her how scared I am and what all that happened. The next day my mom drove me to my aunts house two hours away so I could be around more people to watch me and to be closer to a better hospital. I had another seizure that same night. My doctor saw the message shortly afterwards. SHE WAS OUTRAGED. I told her about my period, about the passing out, and about my first seizures. She told me THROUGH FACEBOOK that it sounds like I have a condition called Catamenial Epilepsy which is basically seizures that are triggered by hormones and a woman's menstrual cycle and that she needed to see me in her office first thing Monday morning. The point of me telling this story is: I went into a hospital passing out and having seizures and was treated like a psych patient just because I have a mental illness. I was treated like shit and was sent home instead of being further examined to find out what's causing my seizures. AND THE DOCTOR REALIZED what happened and DISCHARGED me knowing there was another chance of me seizing again. And that is reality for people going through a mental illness. We are treated as if we are crazy, that other illnesses are irrelevant because you have a mental illness. I was treated like an infection, like I wasn't even worth their time.
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staringberry · 9 years
For anyone who cares or remembers my epilepsy post a few days ago I thought I’d update you a little. I keep having auras. Last week I kept feeling very spacey and zoning out a lot and then the auras started around friday. My neurologist back home (I’m away for college) says I don’t have to get an EEG done unless I black out or noticeably lose time which hasn't happened yet. If it does happen I’ll need to get registered at the closed kaiser office (which is an hour and a half away) to get a ned EEG done. Until then I’m “ok” and just get to live with auras.
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parsnipsoup · 9 years
You know what's not funny? Making conversational references to having a fit or seizure or you know, convoluting fits with this idea of 'madness'. It's not the seventeenth fucking century and other people have feelings. Why do all lowkey jokey self deprecations have to relate to thinks like depression (I'm so depressed I split my jeans), ocd (I'm so ocd please I have to eat my skittles in order), epilepsy (jeez I was so mad I like spazzed out, I look like I'm having a fit in that photo) etc. It's not fun for me that you think these things are trivial, can we remove this discourse from our vocabulary now I dunno shut up and have some respect, you genuinely have no clue
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epilepsy-updates · 4 years
Depression and epilepsy
Just close your eyes..you need sleep, close you’re eyes already! You lay there in bed curled up watching the clock.. “maybe if I fall asleep at 12am I’ll sleep through the night and won’t wake up too soon after falling asleep that I have a seizure” finally you close your eyes...you lay there and then start crying..”what if you have a seizure? What if this is the one that you don’t wake up from” then you remember the other ones “I was laying in the exact position when i felt my hands freeze, my hands were holding this pillow” so you change into another position thinking it’ll prevent a seizure..then you start remembering the ones in the hospital..you remember the two really specific ones. You fell asleep at 11 and was woken up at 12 to take medicine. You take the medicine, it’s dark, the nurse looks at you and says “are you aware of how many seizures you’re having” you say yes and get up to walk to the bathroom..no one comes with you..your arms start jerking you cant stop rubbing you’re eyes. You can’t speak because the seizures are happening over and over your hands freeze then unfreez. Your mom asks if your okay and you feel so guilty that you can’t respond because you can’t speak. Then they eventually slow down, you say nothing and go back to sleep. That wasn’t a generalized seizure it was a bunch of small one’s combined.
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