#episde 7
13 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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sharksliveontrains · 7 days
me watching shameless adn motivating myself to keep watching by looking at wht athe next episode micky will be in is
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I'm in the middle of the slowest Yuri!! on Ice rewatch in history because due to my current irl situation I'm in the brainspace for enjoying it for like one day/week, but I've just watched episde 7 and fell in love with YOI all over again.
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This is going to carry me through the next few weeks until my life has reached the new normal, I can feel it.
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They're my everything.
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malaismere · 2 years
C3 Ship Statistics for 2022 (weekly)
(for my previous ao3 shipping statistics, check out my ao3-stats tag)
This is episode-by-episode. Month by Month is over here.
These are collected weekly from AO3, counting by page using the "date posted", with each episode being fics from the Friday after to the Thursday the next episode aired.
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Overview of the top ships - these are the ships that have a total over 25. You can see at a glance that the top ship is far and away Laudogen - from episodes 7-15 Dorym beats it out, but nothing comes close to where Laudogen is following episode 25 and especially episode 33 - that is, start of Basuras, and Laudna's death. The peak for that cuts out the top at 73, but the other crosses are closer to 30.
Dorym's biggest spike was at episode 12; it dropped off following Dorian's departure in 14; the peaks later don't always correlate with in game events. Orym/Will goes top in episode 17 following the real Will reveal, and Ashrym gets a peak at the M9 Reunion special break (Ashrym week, unrelated to game events).
Everything else...well, too small to really see, so we're going character by character below the break.
Chetney Pock O'Pea
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Not much to say here....we have 1 Dorian fic and everythinng else is Fearne, which never breaks 2/week.
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I capped Laudna/Imogen at 25 so the smaller fics are visible, but we get a peak of 39 at 33, 73, then down at a steady 28/29 until episde 38 with 38 and 39 with 32. That is....Laudogen starts out strong, then drops off but stays prevelant. It goes to 0 for EXU Calamity then skyrockets up for Basuras and then Very Much So for Laudna's Death.
Dorian/Laudna is the second man ship, never big but definitely stronger from 6 to 9. Dusk/Laudna is highest after Dusk's introdution but tails off after they leave. Ashton/Laudna gets a bit stronger post her death.
You can't really see it, but there are some Laudna/Fearne fics more common at the start, and some Laudna/Fearne/Imogen OT3 throughout. No ships with Chetney, FCG, or Orym.
Fresh Cut Grass
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Slightly bigger than the Chetney graph but still not big. We have single instances of ships with Orym (11), and Imogen (between 38 and 39), and two with Fearne (6 and between 38 and 39). Not shown is the single FCG/Imahara Joe fic. Yep. That's it.
Obviously Ashton is the big ship, with peaks of 3 at episoes 8 and 38 (actually I think Kinktober fics vs anything else). It's mostly random. I think the long gap is interesting.
Fearne Calloway
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Fearne is the messiest and I do apologize for that; she has a lot of ships but none truly dominate. Callowmoore is the closest - strongest during the Heartmoor and leading into the Early Basuras, which is about when Dorian and the Fearne/Orym/Dorian ot3 start to drop off.
Fearne is unique in that she is the only character with more than one fic for every other character.
Imogen Temult
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I capped Laudna/Imogen at 25 so the smaller fics are visible, but we get a peak of 39 at 33, 73, then down at a steady 28/29 until episde 38 with 38 and 39 with 32. That is....Laudogen starts out strong, then drops off but stays prevelant. It goes to 0 for EXU Calamity then skyrockets up for Basuras and then Very Much So for Laudna's Death.
Whereas Laudna is pretty consistent for the lesser ships...Imogen really drops off post Dorian's departure as he's her other biggest ship. Orym is the only other ship to get more than a one/week peak.
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Dorian is Orym's dominant ship, and we can see that go strong then drop off following episode 15. It dances around with Ashton & Will but is usually the highest of the three throughout.
Will is mostly low, with high peaks at 17 and 33, for the Will reveal and Orym's death/dream of the Afterlife. The Ashton peak is for Ashrym Week 2022.
Fearne and the Fearne/Orym/Dorian ot3 are more prominent in the earlier era; Orym/Ashton/Dorian becomes stronger later on.
Ashton Greymoore
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Zoomed in to see closer; the peak as seen with Orym is at 22 fics. Dorian is more dominant up to episode 15, and falls off. Callowmoore picks up after that, and is dominant during the early Hellcatch arc. Ashton's got a wide spread, albeit not as wide as Fearne; FCG does actually get to be top ship some weeks, and you can see Laudna in the background, as well as the Orym/Ashton/Dorian ot3.
Dorian Storm
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Dorian/Orym is dominant, strongest around 13-15 and dropping off after Dorian leaves it still stays the top although it is lower.
The early episodes are Ashton, Laudna, Imogen, but only Ashton really stays strong and even that is relatively weak and more so replaced by the various ot3s.
Dusk/Yu Saffiad
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Here not because it's interesting but because I like the symmetry of having all guests. Just Laudna & Imogen & the OT3, with a focus on Laudna. Mostly contained to the appearances of Dusk/Yu, because, well, everyone was pretty distracted following it.
Majority Ships
94% of Laudna's ships are with Imogen, and vice versa
93% of Chetney's ships are with Fearne
80% of FCG's ships are with Ashton
76% of Dorian's ships are with Orym
67% of Orym's ships are with Dorian
53% of Ashton's ships are wih Orym
and there's no Majority with Fearne, but 45% for Ashton is the plurality
Fearne was the only one to have pairings with Every other character (excluding Yu, who was not included for these stats due to small presence).
Platonic (&) Pairings
These are all significantly smaller than the / pairings (max 210, the only one above 100 fics). Every tag has at least one fic however.
Top Ten Friendships are
Laudna & Imogen (74% of Laudna's, 64% of Imogen's)
Orym & Dorian (63% of Dorian's)
FCG & Ashton (80% of FCG's)
Fearne & Orym
Orym & Ashton
Imogen & Orym
Laudna & Ashton
Imogen & Ashton
Imogen & Dorian
Ashton & Dorian
Most Romantic vs Most Platonic
So this is a little tenuous, mostly because someone tagging a fic with both the / and the & doesn't intend it to be read as platonic (but, sometimes does). But, this is calculated by Romantic ("/") fics divided by Platonic ("&") fics, with greater than 1 being more Romantic and less than 1 being more platonic.
The most Romantic were Laudna/Dorian, Ashton/Dorian, Fearne/Ashton, Dorian/Orym, Imogen/Laudna.
The most Platonic were Imogen & Ashton, FCG & Orym, FCG & Imogen, FCG & Ashton, and Imogen & Orym.
(excluding Chetney/everyone, but Fearne and Dorian, Laudna/FCG, Laudna/Orym, and FCG/Dorian as they had 0 / ships)
The most contentious (closest to 1) were Dorian/Imogen, Fearne/Dorian, FCG/Fearne, Laudna & Ashton, and Fearne & Imogen.
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sublimesublemon · 8 months
i can't believe season 7 of rivderdale is "the gang goes back to the 50s and solves various social injustices." like, they fixed racism in the first few episdes, then they fixed sexism for a bit. they worked on general sex-positivity for a little and now halfway through the season they're fixing fatphobia. this show is magnificent
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born-to-run · 4 years
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Listen to you. You just don’t get it, do you?
- Get what? Pete, if you need work, I’ll give you work. Name your salary. Pete, I need you with me.
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wayward-wren · 4 years
Clone Wars Spoilers
I - I don’t really know how or what to feel right now. 
It’s finished. 
I was so worried for both Ahsoka and Rex even though I know they both make it out alive (imagine watching this before Rebels came out wowie) 
That scene where Ahsoka took off Rex’s helmet and he was crying broke me Rex had given up his brothers had turned against him he didn’t know what to do he - ugh it hurt. 
And then Jesse’s helmet also broke me. I’m.... I knew Jesse’s fate would hurt but seeing his helmet on his grave destroyed me. 
And that final shot - tying all three of the Clone Wars characters/themes together. It’s Anakin’s decent to Vader. It’s Ahsoka’s story. It’s the story of the Clones. And that last shot, with the clone helmet, wearing Ahsoka’s markings, reflecting Vader’s silhouette.  
I’m sure writing and art will come out of this, bit at the moment I’m just wallowing in my emotions. Will probably write a more conclusive analysis once I know how to think again. 
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thesmokinpossum · 5 years
Feel entirely free to disagree with me but as far as I'm concerned Hereditary is more of a very gory psychological thriller than an horror movie and while it's not inherently bad it did disappointed me quite a bit tbh (also i'm aware that i'm 2 years late here but when am i not when it comes to movies lmao)
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 years
Just Some Proof I'm Writing This Fic:
The Fic has turned into a fucking Monster now, but I have the Tentative Chapter Titles for all of The Power Of Friendship (And This Gun I Found!)!! It's a Long Post, so the whole list is under the cut, but the Seasons are called:
Season One: Channel Island Caper
Season Two: Battle Royale With Cheese
Season Three: Make Lovecraft, Not Warcraft
Season Four: The Height Of Idiocy Is About The Same As This Tower
Season Five: Santorini Dreamin'
Season Six: It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Season One: Channel Island Caper
Episode 1: It's Not Like Any Of Us Were Going To College Anyway
Episode 2: There Was Definitely Room For Both Of Them On That Door
Episode 3: Parks And Desolation
Episode 4: A Very Particular Set Of Skills
Episode 5: How to Mine For Phish
Episode 6: We Can Have A Little Murder. As A Treat.
Episode 7: The Clown Pagliacci
Episode 8: Kink Shaming Is My Kink
Episode 9: Monster Mash (ed peas)
Episode 10: Does Anyone Know Where The Mountain Dew Is?
Episode 11: The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known
Episode 12: Friendship Speech
Episode 13: The Theological Implications Of Bugs Bunny
Episde 14: There's No Business Like Show Business
Episode 15: When Did Mötley Crüe Become Classic Rock?
Episode 16: Noodle Incident
Episode 17: This Episode Contains The Worst Joke You've Ever Heard
Episode 18: Dante's Disco Inferno
Episde 19: Ancient Egyptian Large Hadron Collider
Episode 20: That Belongs In A Museum!
Episode 21: My Husband With An Economics And Finance Degree Helped Me Write This Chapter
Episode 22: The Gods Have No Fury Like A Parent Scorned
Season 2: Battle Royale With Cheese
Episode 23: Maybe Next Time Use LoJack?
Episdoe 24: Ancient Egyptian Large Hadron Collider, Now With Pictures Because I Heard Y'all Were Stupid
Episode 25: Having Fun Ain't Hard, When You Have A Library Card!
Episode 26: Terms And Conditions Apply
Episode 27: Foresight is 50/50
Episode 28: Do You Do Children's Parties?
Episode 29: Ivermectin
Episode 30: Clown College Dropout
Episode 31: In Which You All Get To Learn About My Special Interest
Episode 32: IntricateRituals.meme
Episode 33: Ride Of the Valkyries
Episode 34: Math Problem
Episode 35: Because Things Went So Well With the Hindenberg
Episode 36: It's Like A Seder With Vincent Price
Episode 37: Feature Creep
Episode 38: Man's Best Friend
Episode 39: Above All, To Thine Own Self Be True
Episode 40: So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
Episode 41: Midnight Bender At Bernie's
Season Three: Make Lovecraft, not Warcraft:
Episode 42: Breakfast Club
Episode 43: Monster Factory
Episode 44: Beautiful And Terrible As The Dawn
Episode 45: One Is A Genius, the Other's Insane
Episode 46: Mine Will Be The Shiniest Empire
Episode 47: He'll Kick Himself When He Remembers The Rocket Boots
Episode 48: Deus Vult, Motherfuckers
Episode 49: Frankenstein Has Some Regrets
Episode 50: Scooby Doo Hall Scene
Season Four: The Height Of Idiocy Is About The Same As This Tower
Episode 51: Who's on First, What's on Second-
Episode 52: Chess With A Pigeon
Episode 53: Master Of Ceremonies
Episode 54: The Steaks Are High
Episode 55: Fuck Around-
Episode 56: -And Find Out
Episode 57: Beach Episode
Episode 58: An Old Priest And A Young Priest
Episode 59: Nobody's-Getting-Any-Slumber Party
Season 5: Santorini Dreamin'
Episode 60: Ignoring The Most Important Dungeons And Dragons Rule
Episode 61: Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Thefts Do!
Episode 62: (in)Human After All
Episode 63: Destroy Your Local Golf Course
Episode 64: GIRL'S NIGHT!!
Episode 65: You Can Keep Your El Dorado, And To Hell With Burgundy!
Episode 66: It's Constantinople, Not Istanbul
Episode 67: The Most Dangerous Game
Episode 68: 'What I Did On My Summer Vacation' Essay
Season Six: It's The End Of The World As We Know It :)
Episode 69 (nice): It's Just A Jump To The Left!
Episode 70: At Least David Bowie Isn't In Here, Fondling His Balls?
Episode 71: All According To Keikaku
Episode 72: A Stranger In Paradise
Episode 73: Oh Mama I'm In Fear For My Life From The Long Arm Of The Law
Episode 74: That Left Turn At Albaquerque
Episode 75: The Power Of Friendship (+4 ATK/+10DMG)
Episode 76: Ammemoarpigi
Episode 77: I Hate Ending Stories, So I'm Not Going To.
I seem to be clocking an average of 5K per chapter so this beast will probably be... 385,000 words (72% of a Le Miserables) when I'm done?
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Details in the photo concept for BE
← Back to BE
Release date: 20 October, 2-8 November 2020
Facebook albums: BTS, V, Jimin, RM, Jung Kook, Jin, SUGA, j-hope
Instagram posts: BTS (#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6)
Twitter: BTS, V, Jimin, RM, Jung Kook, Jin, SUGA, j-hope
Episode of the Jacket shooting sketch
'BE' Concept Photo Sketch
Naver post (lockscreens)
SNS posts: V’s Weverse post, j-hope’s Weverse post, V’s tweets (Vcut #1,  Vcut #2, Vcut #3, tweet), Jimin’s tweet
Outfits and accessories: tweets from Bangtan Style, tweets from BangtanStyling
Group photo
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The painting in the background is the “Blue and Grey Abstract Art Painting Background” by Santa Lisa but flipped 180°. “Blue and Grey” happens to be the title of the third track on the album.
The set for this picture could be inspired by Slug’s Saloon, an installation BTS visited.
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The photograph behind V was taken by him in Malta, while they filmed BTS BON VOYAGE season 3. You can see him taking pictures of the man in episde 5 at 37:38 (src).
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@bungaistyani on Twitter identified the flowers surrounding Jimin.
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RM is surrounded by Bearbrick figures, which he collects (see this live, starting 05:20).
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The white paint dripping reminds the painting SUGA during his Youtube lives:
200506 2
A small version of the painting is available in the album as a postcard.
Street set
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RM holds the issue 35 of Kinfolk, Jung Kook the issue 10: Creative Ageing of Bold journal. and j-hope the volume 17 of Cereal magazine.
You can also see Jin holding issue 7: Heritage of Bold journal. at 1:05.
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luobingmeis · 5 years
so i’m like 3/4ths of the way done with episode two and, being honest, i’m kinda half listening so i feel kinda bad bc obvi i love grad but also like....... i’ve heard the first episode like 5 times and the second one probably 3 or 4 times omg so i think i’m good
but, anyways, here’s what i’m thinking:
episode 1!!!!
“do not trust appearances”
as always, i think something is gonna be done with the eden/fontaine/maplecourt/keene/firbolg family dynamics like........ this is the most “multiple (N)PCs mentioning their family” heavy campaign so far
(and yes ik obvi there was aubrey w/ her mom and duck w/ jane and also taako&lup but, within the first seven episodes, we know that the firbolg was exiled, we know abt the unbroken chain and argo’s mother, we know that fitzroy adamantly does not want to go back home, we know that buck’s father is the iron lord, and we know that rolandus’s father is a former king)
gary’s whole “you know what you got built in here? friends” stands out to me a lot bc.... :’) but also i think that’s gonna become even more prevalent when more shit starts going down
also “so like a prison?” is suddenly very hmm
forgot how much “i think sometimes they forget... how to be quiet” gets me :’)
also discussion question do we think that the things that attacked the pegasus were actually demons yes or no
“battlescarred couples” helping each other through sleepless nights and that’s most likely jimson/crush and :((( 1) i miss them and 2) help them!!!!! let them rest!!!!!!
also let’s all just remember that there is a monster in the forest somewhere that wants to go on some type of a killing rage
episode 2!!!!
i think we should all remember bartholomus’s speech abt accounting
bc i feel like it was meant to come across like a goof but i have a feeling that that will be one of the biggest “themes” of grad
and also it’s always kinda unsettling that heros/villains are a literal business like. it’s done to boost the economy.
(“WHAT IS SYLLABUS?” i scream as i look at all the typos in my syllabi for my english classes)
also can we talk abt how fucked up blame taking is. i’m not faulting travis, actually quite the opposite bc it narratively makes sense and narratively it’s great, but also like
and this is not me criticizing grad, the opposite really bc i think this is so fucking cool what trav is doing with good/evil dynamics and hero/villains/kicks/henches but also like...... The School Itself is wild
but it’s also interesting bc the kicks/henches are turned into servants basically but it’s also implied that heros/villains can’t live without them?
(see buckminster in episde 7: obvi him and leon are close in ways that we don’t probably even know fully yet, but i’m thinking there might be some “see? this is why we need sidekicks and henchpeople, the heros can’t thrive without them” comment made)
(also tho i’m speaking on general terms. not every hero/kick duo/couple is imbalanced, it’s just how the school kinda... teaches it)
“the truth usually is” argo :(((
and i’m currenly in the dodgeball scene, which i miss can we go back to when they were all playing dodgeball
basically tho, i think the main thing w/ fitzroy and festo’s scene is that fitzroy has to learn self-love
but what if that self-love is twisted by whatever hieronymous and higglemas have in store for him? bc now they both have a hand on the fitzroy trigger, so to speak, bc hiero is promoting him and higgs is telling him not to trust a single person at wiggenstaff’s
also the gary’s are watching and listening to everything, so!!!
(also this is just me touching on mostly plot important stuff, but god damn grad is funny as fuck)
i think once i get into the episodes i’ve heard less (basically 4-7) i’ll be more “in tune” but like........ i was literally speaking along w/ some of the dialogue in episode 1 bc from halloween to now i’ve heard it so many times, so i think i’m okay to half-listen omfg
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dailyrdj · 4 years
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THR: “Tremendous production values and cast, but why call it 'Perry Mason' at all?” The Verge: “The HBO miniseries is a gorgeous exercise in style over substance” Variety: “Too much of this show, a punishing eight installments, feels like yet another iteration of what we’ve seen already“ Vulture: “Meet the New Perry Mason, Not Much Like the Old Perry Mason” Rolling Stone: “‘Perry Mason’ and the Case of the Muddled Backstory” Collider: “HBO’s Violent, Horny Origin Story Didn’t Need to Be About Perry Mason” The Guardian: “Sleuth reboot is intense, stunning – and gruesome” IndieWire: “HBO’s Swank Noir Is One of the Most Beautiful Series Ever Made” Consequence of Sound: “HBO’s Perry Mason Tweaks the Past to Build a More Exciting Future” NPR: “HBO Releases A 'Perry Mason' Makeover” 78% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes
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Recaps: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3 , Episde 4 , Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8 (Season Finale)
*Disclaimer: We don’t really trust critics.
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criminalmindsmoodrn · 4 years
1 favorite episode? 4x3 amazing episode👍🏻
2 What season did you start watching? The very first episde that i watched was in season 5 but leater i decided to watch the all seasons so... i would say that i watch it since season 1 
3 Favorite guest star?  Elle Fanning , she was so young and super cute 🥰
4.Favorite famele character? Emily Prentiss i love her so much she’s the best 
5 Least favorite famale character? ashley seaver i definatly don’t like her at all, they were trying to copy JJ.
6 favorite place the BAU has visited? JJ’s home town 
7 Favorite garcia/Morgan moment ? When Garcia tells Morgan that she’s relived that is baby is a boy and he said that she will always be her one and only baby girl, it was such a cute scene.
8 Alex or Kate ? Definitely Alex she was sucha a greate character i really enjoyed the seasons with her
9 Favorite unsub? Cat, i really “enjoyed” the sroty whit reid and all the suspense and, yeh she was my favorite 
10 Least favorite unsub? I don’t knowwwwww
11 favorite male character?  Spencer but i love Morgan and Hotch and all the guys 
12 Least favorite male character? I feel bad to say it but Steven 
13 Favorite cuple? It’s not canon but JEMILY is my ship i think they should have put the together, they actually wnated to make the character of Emily prentss a lesbian but they dint for some reasonssssss
14 favorite episode quote ? “Strong men, men who are truly models, don’t need to put down a women to make themselves feel poowerful” Michelle Obama said by Penelope Garcia 
15 Jason gideon or david rossi ? Definitly David Rossi he’s the dad of the group and he’s been with us since season 2 (?) i think 
 16 Elle Greenway or Emily Prentiss ? I loved Elle in the first season but Emily is my favourite so i say Emily 
17 Least favorite episode? I wouldn’t know there are to much😂
18 Most interesting episode? the ‘300′  episode and also ‘200′ it was super interesting to see JJ story in Afganistan (?)
19 Grossest/Most disturbing episode? The Tall man story wasn’t really enjoyable 
20 Favorite morgan episode? ‘Derek’ episode 
21 An episode that made you cry ? The last one ofc and the all JJ stroy and when Hayley died whil on the phone with the all team 
22 Favorite Emily episode? I think it was season 4, when we found out that she was pregnant at 15 and all the ‘Lauren’ episode..amazing apisodes
23 Favorite personal interaction between character?  When Emily was on the jet with hotch and he said “i’m having a bad day ‘ omg... and when JJ told Emily ‘ i cann seee you’ ‘what?’ ‘You..kids’ and it was sooo cute 
24 Favorite frindship? garcia and morgan ofc and also that “frindship” between JJ and emily 
25 Favorite Reid episode? when he was stuck in that room(?) and he calls his mom because he didn’y know if he was fgoinmg to be alright (crazy epi)
26 favorite Hotch episode ? When he do the FBI run and at the end he make jack meet beth and it was super cute 
27 have you considered an FBI career because of the show ? yes but i have other dreams 😂
28 Something that you learned from watching the show ? -no metter how fucked up your life is there is always someone who life is more fucked up           -If you work hard your dreams will came true 
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gaygyrogearloose · 5 years
i rewatched camp duckburg and made this masterpost! this will be updated as new episodes come out so check the notes so you can see the reblog of new evidence i’ve compiled
a lot of the people on the list i don’t really think are the murderer, but anything could happen, so i put any suspicious behaviors/ideas/theories i had on the list
spoilers ahead!!!
EPISODE 1: hated that graves was british, possibly murdered him for it?maybe he knew where graves’ tea was but he just claimed he couldn’t find it so he could die
EPISODE 4: could’ve murdered selene because she insulted fenton
EPISODE 7: was scared that gandra was going to kill/steal fenton, so he murdered her
EPISODE 1: was insulted by graves, so he could’ve murdered him for that. he did seem very enthusiastic when graves died, taking a selfie and everything, but honestly that’s just mark
EPISODE 2: could have murdered fethry because gladstone insulted fethry. mark thought he could please gladstone and make sure he would win (even though he didn't LOL). mark brushed his death off and said that he was just dumb
EPISODE 6: could have killed lunaris because he was upset that everyone was mad at him
EPISODE 7: could’ve killed gandra because she switched camps and insulted him
EPISODE 1: didn’t want to be there at all, could’ve started murdering people to make his summer better
EPISODE 1: he brushed off della wondering if somebody killed graves in the cabin
EPISODE 2: he had to sit out on the competition, so he could’ve murdered fethry in secret, possibly teaming up with della? this probably doesn’t make sense thought because i’m not sure how he could’ve gone there and back to the cabin in time
EPISODE 2: again, tries to brush off the murders and said that it was probably just bad luck
EPISODE 3: tries to brush off launchpad’s murder and said that gandra was being ridiculous
EPISDE 7: was the first person to know/announce that gandra was dead
EPISODE 2: she had to sit out on the competition, so she could’ve murdered fethry in secret, possibly teaming up with donald? this seems less likely than donald because at the end of episode 1 she seemed like she didn’t know what was going on, and i don’t know how she could’ve gone there and back to the cabin in time
EPISODE 3: tries to brush off launchpad’s murder and said it was just an accident
EPISODE 4: could’ve murdered selene because she insulted fenton, but it seems more likely that gyro murdered her because of this reason
EPISODE 3: was messing with a golf cart; he could’ve cut the brakes on launchpad’s cart with his magic
EPISODE 8: he didn’t let the gang use his magic to talk with ghosts, maybe he’s hiding something...? like maybe the ghosts would say that he was the murderer...?
EPISODE 8: could’ve murdered duckworth by banishing him to the underworld
always makes the campers go back to their cabins when somebody dies, maybe this could be to hide all of the evidence that could lead towards someone figuring out it was him. i think this is less likely than other suspects though
EPISODE 2: could’ve made donald and della sit out so he could murder fethry easier
could be trying to sabotage camp scrooge and accidentally murders his campers in the process, or just murders them to make a distraction for camp scrooge; this one seems a lot less likely than other suspects but hey, anything could happen. he wants scrooge’s money and he would do anything to get it
could be trying to sabotage camp scrooge; this one doesn’t make much sense since i feel like gladstone would be smart enough to not murder people on his own camp, but he could just be murdering anyone that gets in his way or could distract others
EPISODE 3: could’ve cut the brakes on launchpad’s cart so that he could win?
EPISODE 4: could’ve poisoned selene so he could win?
EPISODE 6: could’ve killed lunaris because he was mad that he didn’t win?
EPISODE 7: could’ve killed gandra because she switched camps? maybe she knew something that she shouldn’t have known
EPISODE 4: could’ve poisoned selene because he was upset that she insulted him? it seems more likely that gyro did this for that reason though
EPISODE 6: was the first person to know/announce that lunaris was dead
EPISODE 7: could’ve murdered gandra because he thought she was a threat
one of the people killed could have faked their own death and is actually the murderer, but this is a stretch
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thelavenderladies · 5 years
Hello! I subscribed to Lavender Ladies a couple of days ago, but it only shows me episde 8 onwards. I tested using the wifi at work and at home, but I still don't get eps 1-7. Do you know what might be happening? I'm using Podcast Addict on Android. Thank you!
Hello! Yes, about that! We are currently moving our RSS feeds, so unfortunately it won’t show on iTunes, Podcast Addict, etc. 
But in the meantime, you can still listen to the raw MP3 on our website: https://www.thelavenderladiespodcast.com/episodes
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lol-jackles · 6 years
Who was the main star(s) of Friends? It's hard to tell, the cast is listed in alphabetical order with Aniston first, Schwimmer last. Eventually they all allegedly agreed to be paid the same salary which made them a tight-knit team and a force to be reckoned with during salary negotiations, according to what we read in the press. Who was selected to be on the show without having to audition? Who was placed due to successful auditions? Who was highest paid at first? Pls tell everything you know!
Courtney Cox was the original main star as she was the best known actor at the time and had the most successful audition that David Crane rewrote Monica to fit Courtney’s persona more.   Ross Geller was written for David Schwimmer, the smartest actor of the cast.   Monica and her brother were the focus of the show as all characters are there because of them.  Monica and Ross knew Rachel in high school,  Ross and Chandler were college roomates.  Monica and Phoebe were former roommates.  Chandler and Joey are current roommates.  It was supposed to center around the siblings, it’s was called Friends after all, not F$cking.
Then somewhere along the way you may have noticed the story arc started to revolve around Rachel.  Jennifer’s ambition outsized everybody else’s.  She latched onto Courtney and they were the Jared and Jensen of the Friends fandom.  Jennifer’s father has been working in Hollywood for 30 years and knows enough of the network to give his daughter the advantage.  Boom the media made a huge fuss over Jennifer’s stupid hair style. The show’s premise switched from Monica and Ross as the show’s sibling leads to the insufferable Rachel-Ross story arc, leading to Jennifer and David’s higher salary than their castmates.  The show’s other  characters mentioned how hot and beautiful Rachel is, except she’s not noticeably more attractive looking than Monica and Phoebe.  Jennifer ontinue to get more press in mainstream media, her manager and pr team working overtime and successfully manuevered her as America’s sweetheart  *roll eyes* she was born into Hollywood, the other actors came from more humble beginnings.  Rachel Green got to be the most developed character while Monica Geller was flanderized into a screeching harpy.
So anyways, Jennifer and David were originally the highest paid actors and David was getting movie offers after Friend’s first season.  But David knew how fickle fame and producers are and he’s not guaranteed to remain on a popular show.  David convinced everyone to negociate together after the third season (series lowest ratings) and they have been paid the same since then.  They were their own union.  David wasn’t being a commie or looking out for his castmates, he was looking out for job security.  David was looking out for himself.  The writers and the show can handle the loss of one actor, but not all six.
Side note: by season 6 the Friend casts each were paid $125,000 per episode.  Jared Padalecki was paid $125,000 per episde in season 6 of Supernatural for a show with fraction of Friends demo and viewership number.
Remember when I said if a show is still making money after 7 years the actor’s salary goes through the roof during renegotiation?  The Friends cast were paid $750,000 for season 7 and 8, a 600% pay raise.  Two months after Jared’s season 6 salary was disclosed to the public, CW and Netflix sealed their $1 billion deal and Jared looked like the cat that ate cream all through season 7 thanks to a hefty pay raise.  My speculation that he’s paid $200,000 per episode is conservative, I think he’s paid much higher but even the $200K was enough for certain SPN fans (you know who you are) to stroke out into frothing rage.
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