#episode 209
wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
I think it's kinda selfish, that you've only been flossing your own teeth.
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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forensicated · 11 months
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WARNING: Trigger Warning for rape
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 209
Picking up from 208, Cameron is screaming Kerry's name and a shocked Smithy is trying to retain control of the situation.
Gabriel finds Kerry amongst the blast, she's out cold but in one piece. She soon comes round but is out of it, demanding to know where James is. Gabriel tells her he's dead. Trevor is arrested and Andrea is shunned by Tony for telling the wife it was not a real bomb. She contacts her Editor. In the ambulance, Cameron tells Kerry it's not her fault and also tells her to say he wasn't there when she gives her statement. Gabriel continues to twist the knife claiming Smithy wouldn't endanger her on purpose... would he?
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Finally alone now the situation is contained, Smithy is clearly shellshocked. The Top Brass arrive back at the station to find the press already clambouring for information. Bruce, Andrea's Editor, is asking intrusive questions of things that should not be known. In front of the press, Julie - James' partner and Willet's ex, asks why an officer told her it was a fake device. Gina arranges a hot debrief and tells the officers not to talk to the press as they already know more than they should. "Does she really think we'd talk to the press?" "people do." "Yeah, greedy stupid people."
At the hospital, Kerry is in shock and can barely do her uniform buttons. Gabriel tells her to blame it on the stress, pressure and distractions but not herself. Later in the car he twists things and tells Kerry to take her time and get her story straight. He lies and tells her he saw her running back when she knew she'd screwed up by following Cameron. Kerry's guilt worsenes as she believes him.
Gina tells Adam she's arranged a debrief and that she's left a message for Smithy who she bets feels guilty for how it all played out. Adam says CID will interview everyone seperatley instead due to the complaint by Julie Willet. Noone has seen Smithy since. In the locker room, Yvonne promises Kerry she didn't tell anyone and tells her to go public if it already is. She says she's on her side and she doesn't want to fight. Kerry asks for space. She wants to be left alone and breaks down in tears on Yvonne's shoulder.
Andrea insists she didn't purposely tell Julie that it was a fake bomb and that she was trying to reassure her. Tony agrees that she shouldn't have been at the scene in a position like that as an inexperienced probationer but that needs must. She then drops another clanger by mentioning Kerry. Sam is suspicious, calling for Kerry next. Kerry tells Sam she volunteered to look after James and keep him isolated. She tells her there were no distractions other than Julie shouting and James shouting back to her. She says he couldn't take it anymore and had to remove the bomb. She said she yelled to him not to touch it. "I had no idea he'd do what he did. I couldn't stop him. Then it was too late. I thought he was being reasonable and listening to me. But he wasn't, he had his own ideas and it's not my fault. I didn't make it happen. I couldn't stop it happening!" - Very telling of her mindframe. As she leaves Cameron confronts her and asks if there's anything he should know about from her interview.
Gabriel takes the CCTV tapes for the alley and carpark and steals the third incriminating tape. Smithy is still nowhere to be seen. Gary is worried that the others will mention the rumours, Gabriel tells him not to worry, Kerry's only doing it for attention and noone believes her. Gary tells Tony what has happened when he questions it. Gabriel tells Jim he was stood by the outer cordon when the bomb went off and saw nothing. He tells Jim that Cameron wasn't with Smithy where he should be as Smithy was calling for him.
Cameron is called through before he can follow Kerry - Jim and Sam want to interview him together, in Sam's office. Cameron is suspicious and Sam covers by saying it's because he was recording the log. She points out that Cameron did not add where he was at the time of the explosion. He claims he ran to the carpark after - she asks him again where he was before it. Cameron says he was at the inner cordon. Jim says they know he wasn't. They ask again where he was. He confesses he didn't think it was right that Kerry was dealing with the bomb victim and he went to check on her. He says Kerry didn't need his help and admits - reluctantly - he was there when the explosion happened. Sam asks why he hasn't submitted his clothes for forensics and why he didn't tell them. He loses his temper and shouts that Kerry was raped and should never have been given such a responsible and stressful role. Cameron admits that Kerry hasn't reported it and tells them that it was Smithy who raped her.
Sam goes straight to Gina. "Smithy? No. No, I don't believe it." Gina would never have made him acting duty officer if she knew the rumours. Gina wants to talk to Kerry to see if she will confirm it because until she does or denies it, its just gossip and malicious gossip at that. Kerry is called to Gina's office where she asks her, gently, if she told Cameron that she was raped by Smithy. She refuses to tell her before Gina points out how serious it is and that she has to. Kerry admits that they were in the pub together, they were drinking and they went back to Smithy's flat but she doesn't remember anything after that. She says she knew she didn't want to have sex but it happened anyway. She said they were in the hall and that Smithy was 'like the cat with the cream and I'm thinking 'no way, not in a million years'. She can't say for certain however if she actually told him she didn't consent before she changes her mind again and says she's sure she resisted and said no.
After her talk with Gina, Kerry physically drags Cameron out of custody and asks him why told CID and insists it's because of male pride because Smithy told him she was easy. 'Oh no, am I going out with the station slapper?' She asks why he believes Smithy and he holds her and comforts her before asking if she'll make it official. Kerry pulls away and shouts she won't be shoved around by anyones agenda and told what to do anymore.
Adam and Gina discuss the allegation and Adam is shocked. Gina tells him that Kerry needs to shit or get off the pot - make it official or issue a denial. Smithy is not answering his radio. Gary tells Jim that Smithy was on top of his game and should have no questions to answer as he did his best and did not take his eye off the ball at all. Yvonne tells Sam that Smithy should never have put Kerry in that position because she was fragile. She insists that Smithy is the one who should take the blame.
Caught by Adam smoking in her office, Gina has to venture outside where she tries ringing Smithy again - and finally hears his phone ringing. She tracks him down on the roof where he was hiding for some peace and quiet to get his head together. He tells Gina that Kerry came back from the pub of her own free will. He says noone initiated it specifically, they kissed outside the pub and they both wanted it. He calls it 'a drunken kneetrembler, nothing more nothing less. It wasn't pretty but it certainley wasn't rape.' He wants to know if Kerry is making it official and wants to make a statement if she has. He almost breaks into tears, claiming he doesn't know why she's making such an malicious allegation and says he won't work with her. Gina says they have to go and talk to CID because it came out in the debrief and that he should avoid contact with Kerry, especially alone.
Smithy finally receives his debrief interview, explaining what happened at the scene and why he made the decisions he did. He swallows back tears as he explains that a lot of it was down to the poor situation they were in. Kerry was the most senior officer there after Tony who was comms officer. CO19 were not able to get to the scene, they had an armed gunman with a bomb. Things were not ideal. Smithy even stands up for Kerry and insists he's sure that their 'private difficulties' didn't even enter into the situation.
As Smithy moves through the corridors, the station falls silent and they stop and stare at him. He's oblivious though, it's Kerry that he's looking at from the other end of the corridor and she's doing the same back. He approaches her and asks her why she's doing it. Kerry is silent and walks off with Yvonne. Gary is one of the few officers who make his allegience to Smithy known. Smithy finds Gina and asks her why Yvonne thinks that she believes Kerry. Gina explains she's both their inspector and can't take sides. "That's just the inspectors answer and you know it!" She takes him into the briefing room and says she has to treat it as they would if they didn't know the victim. She wants to stand him down - using James' death as the reason - to get the immediate heat out of the situation and him away from the station. Smithy tells her that he didn't rape Kerry. Gina answers immediatley that she believes him.
The CCTV proves that James was responsible for the explosion - because they didn't have the third tape. Cameron tells Kerry they're in the clear. She answers that he is - she isn't because of the allegation. Gabriel watches the stolen CCTV video, it clearly showing Kerry turning away to look at Cameron for a few seconds before she turned back to him. Gabriel tells Kerry that he is her guardian angel, he hid the third tape that 'shows you deserting your post. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll look after it. It's safe with me'.
Andrea tells Bruce, her editor, that noone was negligent. She tells him that she was the one with the question mark over her so they couldn't use it anyway. He pressures her for a story and says she better not be holding out on him. She reluctantly tells him about Smithy and Kerry.
Quick summary of Episode 210.
Yep, it makes it into the press...and Gabriel suspects Andrea of being the one who planted it. She in turn tells Gina that it was Gabriel who she suspects.
Gina sends Kerry home, telling her to take a few days off and clear her head and decide once and for all if she's going to make it official or not.]
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guiltknight-gaming · 11 months
Diablo IV Episode 209: Heart of Mold
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dtccompendium · 2 years
Episode 209: Mount Ryujin Falling Case
209: Mount Ryujin Falling Case: Dr. Agasa is taking the detective boys on a camping trip. Conan is really bored. Suddenly a car flips over the side and lands on top of them. A creepy guy with sunglasses watches, looming over the top of the cliff. Conan determines that, since they found a chip of dark blue paint at the crime scene, the excellently skilled Japanese police will be able to find the criminal. Little does he know that Mitsuhiko found a creepy code that directs you to the culprit’s hideout. He, Genta, and Ayumi decide to follow it. They find some expensive stolen cars, and nearly get shot in the head by Shotgun Sunglasses. (Conan hears this shot from 4 miles away). Luckily, Shotgun Sunglasses is interrupted by a phone call. This gives Conan and Agasa time to find them, flying through the gate, and skidding to a halt. Conan then solves the case as police cars also fly onto the scene. They arrived late because the police were….busy? 
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theafictionados · 6 months
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Sam)
The 100 Episode 209: Remember Me by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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vesivoro · 4 months
C'mon why couldn't Nya get adragon form >:{
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ruthiesrambles2 · 4 months
The thing about 2x09 is that I genuinely don't think Wilford realises Ruth is going to say no. Of course he sets it up that he wins some sort of power play either way but there's just a hint of confusion on his face, disbelief. Something he forgot to factor into his calculations when he carefully crafted how it would all go. I think he thinks that, reminded of her desire to be by his side, Ruth will capitulate. A high profile defection and proof that people will fall back into him. And people would have followed her, that's true. But he missed something, something I believe Alex had worked out by this point...
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that90ssmshow · 2 years
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rewatch thoughts - ep 208
Bos is the one thing keeping this company (also, cam and donna) together
the mutiny party!!
joe thinking his replacement is an odd choice for the job when his replacement is a carbon copy of him -> look at him, coming close to self awareness (and he hates it)
gordon's evolution, health wise, is tough to watch. those are scary symptoms. really puts into perspective how good he's doing in season 4
"i'm sorry that i stood in your way"
"you are a part of it"
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god the way donna looks at cam... ok lesbian
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
You gave me the power to destroy your life
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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asydicsydney · 2 years
Friendly reminder that Cecil Gershwin Palmer commits tax evasion
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brainyxbat · 11 months
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"Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. 😅"
Roronoa Venus AU edit! I love how it turned out; so cute! 🥰
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everynarusaku · 2 years
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Also lunchtime
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atwwdoutofcontext · 1 year
I felt the need to defend my vanillaness real quickly
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