#episode 62
paramasqueradeva · 4 months
Twin Runes Epi 62 [ Deltarune/Undertale Comic Dub ]
Comic By: @akanemnon
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bardic-irritation · 3 months
... uh so what is Mary Keay's son's first name, bc I am realizing I may have mixed up several different creepy young men with j and g names. is it jared? gerald? jason? jerry? are those all different characters? I thought he'd shown up in like 7 episodes and "died" twice already and have just now realized that those were definitely different people. honestly this explains a lot and I'm embarrassed I didn't notice sooner.
I am very sorry Mr. Keay, I assumed you murdered a lot of people and I think you might actually be cool and based af.
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lingthusiasm · 1 year
Lauren: The thing that all of the examples in this episode have in common is that the implicature comes up because we can put these things on a scale, but that’s not the only way that implicature works.
Gretchen: You can also imply things that don’t really seem to be scalar. There was an example of a tweet that went up a little while ago where somebody posted a photo of a house that was for sale. There was a big sign on top of the “For Sale” sign that said, “Not Haunted.”
Lauren: Okay, so, I have a lot of questions that I possibly wouldn’t have had if there was just a normal “For Sale” sign.
Gretchen: Right, exactly. The “Not Haunted” sign is doing this implicature of “Wait, but I am supposed to expect this house might be haunted?” But it’s not doing so on a particular scale. Like, it’s haunted or not haunted, which is not really a scale. It’s just a “Wait. Suddenly this information is relevant?”
Lauren: This feels like an example of that meme of “My ‘House Not Haunted’ sign has people asking a lot of questions that are already answered by my ‘House Not Haunted’ sign.” Excerpt from Lingthusiasm episode 'Cool things about scales and implicature'
Listen to the episode, read the full transcript, or check out more links about semantics and pragmatics
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girlwholovesturtles · 9 months
Hold on, how old is Elias? I'd google it but the first time I trying to look up the spelling for Breekon & Hope I immediately got spoilers, so I don't want to risk that again.
I thought he was an older man but his voice sounded so young and Jon was apparently able to find out he was a pothead in college. He also implied that Elias climbed the ranks rather fast, basically beelining it straight to the top in only about 7 years. He made it sound rather odd, like he was too young to hold the position so soon.
And yet in First Edition , taking place in 2008, Gertrude mentions him as though he's already in charge at that point. More over, she says his name to Mary Keay, as though she ought to know exactly who he is. So he must have been someone important when it was recorded.
I don't know if I'm reading in to the wrong points in the story but the more I think about it, the more I find Elias suspicious. Like, you have to be hiding something if you get that high in the ranks of something like a magical archive.
Something just feels wrong here. Hopefully whatever is on that laptop answers some questions.
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 months
Welp I now have a lot of feelings about Byakuya which can be summed up as I want to give that man a hug.
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wbg-quotes · 1 year
It feels like I’m alive but I’ve woken up and you’re a pirate so I’m not ruling out hell.
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creature-monster · 3 months
Listening to two old dead women talk in the archives.
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agendermetalbender · 5 months
This Episode of The Shallow Seas
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luckthebard · 1 year
I fell asleep less than an hour in last night and tbh might need to restart the episode so my comments are going to be very behind today. Why was this week so exhausting!
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hiphopheadspodcast · 1 year
The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 62 (Planet Asia)
http://www.thecryptonline.com The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 62: Planet Asia We ride again! In this amazing episode we talk haircuts, Danny Masterson being a skinner, then we get into it and show our love for the Cali Agent, King Medallions, Gold Chain Music, Planet Asia! Tune in and tell your family! BUY APOLLO VS PLANET ASIA – SARDINES SHARE – SUBSCRIBE – COMMENT
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ambrose-d · 1 year
BLEASE jay and chip need to question gillion i need that sweet sweet gillion lore PLEASEEEE
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bardic-irritation · 3 months
fucking hell somehow I missed Mary Keay being such a piece of work before. I thought her son was acting really weirdly in that first episode he was in but yeah no I would also be fucked up about Leitners with her as a mother.
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Wynn offering to do Britta's hair. Omg so sweet.
Yes!! Finally some time to talk all this shit out.
Also I am glad to know that all this weird time shit was an intentional thing from the podcast and not just me being dumb as a sack of bricks.
In all this talking I wish Wynn was my mom. She's so good at this.
Fuck me, Wynn and Britta talking of what happened with Pendragon and all that is pfff can you even call it a paralel with speaking to survivors about abuse when it is literally that? Like every single survivor should have someone like Wynn in their corner to reassure and comfort in whatever way they need. It's so important.
Omg not me thinking this entire time that warrick and Shrike were the same person. How?? Now that I've heard them described again they are nothing alike!
God's poor Britta, this is heavy! What's the vampire equivalent of hot chocolate?
What the fuck Johnny???? After making Britta tell all of this you're choosing now to call her a liar basically??? Youre such a fucking Man, Johnny Saxon.
Johnny, JOHNNY goddamnit I wish I knew your middle name so I could properly scold you and shake you. Poor Britta is going through all of this and reliving it in telling you and what you take from this is that she has been targeting you from the beginning because you've got fucking father daughter issues?!?! This is not all about you!!! I know that's hard to get through that thick skull of yours, but you're not that much of a big deal that Britta has been plotting against you all this time.
Wynn using her psychology major to kick Johnny in the mental nuts. *chefs kiss*
Britta saying she won't be a problem anymore, she'll leave, that they don't have to fight. Fuck😭
Wynn!!!! Yikes, that seems like a bad bad idea. I do apreaciate your honesty in this though in talking about yourself.
Johnny, you can't call what you just did a conversation though. You were just accusing her.
And Britta just sitting there, wallowing in guilt watching these people she loves fighting over her, convinced it's her fault.
I know Johnny means well, I know I know I know. But the thought of him towering over Britta, forcing her to look him in the eye and intimidating her as he forces her to answer his question does not sit well with me.
I don't blame Britta for not believing Johnny immediately.
Johnny you can't just hug her and say all that. Whiplash.
Britta saying it looks pretty and then Wynn saying its on you so of course it does. 😭
It's kathartic to laugh about Britta hitting Pendragon with a coffee maker.
I love how they are forced lightheartedly, and I love that for them.
A congaline of dick sucking: title of your sex tape.
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supreme-burrito · 2 years
Cecil Palmer talking about how corporations mining our data in a semi-jokingly manner in 2015 where ‘bot wars’ will happen and we should just have no data.
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evaludate · 2 years
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[Image Description: An edit of a Facebook screenshot of a post in the group Dogspotting. An image posted by Kotone, with the caption "This dog's name is Ignis and he walked into a cafe all by himself". The picture shows a light-skinned young man with short, wavy red hair and a green bandana tied over his forehead, wearing a purple graphic t-shirt and a collection of bracelets on his left wrist. He leans his face into his right hand, with his elbow on the table, and gestures with his left hand, which is also holding a fast-food hamburger. He does not make eye contact, and appears bashful. Under the image is a comment from Misyr that reads "woof woof wats for lunch lol". END ID]
[Originally posted to Twitter on 03/28/2021]
Evaludate Episode 62: “Were-Wife (Ignis Carbunculus of Cafe Enchante)”
Today on Evaludate: Air and Madelyn jump into a character they both really like! Whose route they both really hate.  They also try and fail to not talk about fairy gender again, discuss the Girl Boss Move of dodging child labor laws, and fail to disguise their contempt for the route villain before he is revealed as such.
Content Warnings:
Emetophobia, unsanitary: (27:20 - 27:39)
Ableism, Eugenicism: (36:50 - 37:24)
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[Image Description: An edit of the achievement trophy "Problem Solved, Series Over" from Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater. The title has been changed to "Problem Solved, Route Over", and the achievement condition has been changed to "Kill Dromi." The character Dromi from Cafe Enchante has been edited into the image. Dromi is a pale skinned teenage boy with shaggy blonde hair and dark roots, thick brown eyebrows, green eyes, and tiger ears. He wears a a red and gold bandana over his forehead, and a high-collared black vest with bright orange and green details over a tight, short sleeved orange top. He is grinning and clenching one fist in front of him. END ID]
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