#eric wardle
An Eye For Evidence
“Check this for fingerprints, and I’m pretty sure you’ll have your serial rapist.” Strike pushes the taser they’ve found in Yellow Tie’s flat across his desk with a pencil. “And our client every reason she needs to divorce that monster.”
Wardle, sitting across from him, shrouded in the stubbly and wrinkled mood of a harrowing case, raises skeptical brows.
“You sure it’s him.”
“Yeah, the pieces of the puzzle fit,” Strike replies. “With this, we’ll have proof.”
Wardle purses his lips. Strike sees the usual battle of jealousy versus gratefulness going down behind the DI’s cool veneer. Jealousy that, once again, the Strike & Ellacott agency has solved a case the Met hasn’t been able to crack; gratefulness that a particularly disgusting piece of scum will be taken off London’s streets soon, and for good.
“Alright, Gooner,” he finally concedes. “I’ll have the lab process it. If an arrest comes out of it, I owe you one.”
“I’ll put it on your tab.” Strike leans back and crosses his arms, demonstratively magnanimous.
“Pfff...” Wardle snorts. “I’ll strike it off yours.”
They both grin at each other.
Behind the policeman, the door to the inner office swings open, and Robin breezes into the room. Her face is attractively flushed and glowing with happiness. 
“Sorry for being late,” she says brightly. “It got a bit late last night, and I had to take the tube from the other side of… Never mind,” she finishes, looking away to conceal a mischievous glint in her eyes.
It doesn’t take more than a second for Strike to realize she’s spent the night with Ryan. She’s wearing yesterday’s clothes, she’s smelling of an unfamiliar shampoo with a musky, herbal note usually reserved for males. And she’s moving in the sated, confident way that good sex will leave a woman with after a night of feeling worshipped.
She might as well have grabbed the taser from Strike’s desk and applied it to his chest.
Wardle, with an eye for evidence like Strike has, tilts his head and casts her a teasing, suggestive look.
“He’s that good, is he?”
While Cormoran’s heart still seizes in his chest, he somehow manages to keep an even expression on his face.
Robin smiles, not quite as modestly as expected, cheeks pink, and opens her mouth to say something, but then she swivels around and, flustered, asks the room in general: “Tea, anybody? I could use one.”
And then she’s out of the inner office again, bustling about in the little kitchen, and Wardle looks at Strike. The DI’s expression changes from smugness to commiseration. 
“Ouch, mate.”
Strike huffs exaggeratedly. “What are you talking about?” he says, chest still aching. “She’s happy. He’s good for her. I’m happy.”
“Yeeaah,” Wardle extends the word into at least three seconds of ironic length. “And if you say ‘happy’ one more time, I’m gonna puke.” 
Strike almost fails at glowering at him.
Slapping his thighs, Wardle springs out of his chair and picks the taser up with his fingertips to slide it into an ‘evidence’ bag.
“I’m off duty once I’ve dropped this at the lab,” he announces. “How about a pint at the Tottenham in an hour?”
Strike wants to turn him down, but when Robin reappears, hips swinging, carrying a tray with steaming mugs and biscuits, looking painfully gorgeous, he reconsiders.
“Yeah,” he grunts morosely. “See you there.”
Also on AO3, if you prefer:
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105nt · 1 year
Recently had a blast in London with some lovely Strikophiles. Took lots of pictures and thought I would share here the ones where I can remember why I took them. 😂 I will add book quotes as time permits. Please correct me if you think I am wrong because it was a full day.
Last few ... and it's "all pubs".
The Ship and Shovell, Craven Passage
Aptly named ... Strike follows Wally Cardew and Thurisaz here and twats the latter in the gents, in The Ink Black Heart.
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The Two Chairman, Dartmouth Street
Robin and Strike meet here after Robin successfully bugs Della Winn's office in Lethal White. After the year of frostiness, their relationship is warming, but Robin leaves suddenly when Strike asks, "You're liking Raff, then?"
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The Feathers, Broadway, Westminster
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Multiple meetings happen at this pub - in The Cuckoo's Calling, Career of Evil and Troubled Blood. There's a neat account of them all here
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hjellacott · 26 days
All your main cast, so that you know who's who.
Cormoran Strike: Tom Burke.
Leda Strike: Kierston Wareing.
Lucy: Sarah Sweeney.
Joan Nancarrow: Linda Bassett.
Ted Nancarrow: Ian Redford
Charlotte Campbell: Natasha O'Keeffe.
Robin Ellacott: Holliday Grainger.
Michael Ellacott: Paul Butterworth.
Linda Ellacott: Suzanne Burden.
Matthew Cunliffe: Kerr Logan.
Eric Wardle: Killian Scott.
Vanessa Ekwensi: Ann akin.
Ilsa Herbert: Caitlin Innes Edwards.
Nick Herbert: Ian Attard.
Shanker: Ben Crompton.
Sam Barclay: Jack Greenless.
Pat Chauncey: Ruth Sheen.
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marrissacooper · 1 year
killian scott as DI eric wardle come back to me
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Wardle phoning up not to help, but to laugh at the fact Robin and Strike’s client has died on them 😂
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robinlestrange · 4 years
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Chapter Five: Scotland Yard
Robin and Strike's visit to the incident room at Scotland Yard is cut short when Robin receives a barrage of texts from an unknown number.
Told predominantly from Strike's point of view, with extracts from Lethal White by Robert Galbraith (paragraph in italics) https://archiveofourown.org/works/25430872/chapters/62313091
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stratospica · 5 years
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Your Robin...
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turkwriter · 6 years
Cormoran Strike characters as John Mulaney quotes
Strike: I'll keep all my emotions right here and then one day I'll die.
Robin: In terms of, like, instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin.
Matthew: I also don't want me to be doing what I'm doing.
Wardle: [imitating an old gay man] You want me to do what?
Shanker: Okay, let's go over there and destroy the place.
Charlotte: Sometimes babies will point at me, and I don't care for that shit at all.
Dave Polworth: And in a brilliant moment of word association I yelled “Fuck da police!”
Lucy: This is an on fire garbage can.... could be a nursery.
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lulalandrys · 7 years
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Strike (The Cuckoo’s Calling) Characters: DI Eric Wardle
Carver grunted. His bad temper was exacerbated by the conviction that Wardle was  excited  by  the  presence  of  the  photographers.  Boyishly  good-looking,  with thick, wavy brown hair now frosted with snow, Wardle had, in Carver’s opinion, dawdled on their few forays outside the tent.
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unkindness313 · 4 years
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A bit of friendly banter between Strike and Wardle
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k-wame · 7 years
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Killian in Jack Porter
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105nt · 1 year
All I have been able to find out about Tempted by Jazz Cartier.
A short scene from the video of Tempted appears the TV adaptation of The Cuckoo's Calling.
Cormoran Strike meets DI Eric Wardle to discuss Lula Landry's death. Wardle mentions Deeby Macc and Strike doesn't recognise the name. Later, while walking outdoors he asks Robin if she knows who Deeby Macc is, and she says yes, and on their return to the office she finds the video to show him, and says, 'So, this is Deeby.'
This is the video on YouTube:
Also available via a range of music services online, list via Jazz's website.
According to Wikipedia, Tempted is from Jazz's second album, Fleurever. It was "premiered on Zane Lowe’s Beats 1 Radio on January 3, 2017 on Apple Music, but was released for digital download as a single on iTunes on January 6, 2017."
"The song peaked at number 91 on the Canadian Hot 100 chart, which became his highest and only charting single to date."
Songwriting credits to Jahmarie Adams (Jazz himself) Tyler Williams (producer T-minus), Micheal Lantz and Sean Fischer.
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Regarding the video, a contemporary fanzine article says, Toronto rapper Jazz Cartier laid out his big career ambitions to The FADER in 2015. With the video for "Tempted," the first single off his upcoming album Fleurever, he displays acting chops for a big budget action movie. The clip is a classic "James Bond gets captured by the bad guys at a fancy party" scene and, like any good hero, Jazz makes an impressive escape.
In an email to The FADER, Jazz Cartier said, ""Tempted" is my first single off Fleurever and it's an intro of what's to come. For the visual, I wanted to play off the energy of the track and bring a cinematic experience that includes suspense and edge."
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The song seems to have been regarded by many fans as underrated, with many comments to this effect under the YouTube video.
Jazz Cartier is still active on Twitter and other social media under that name.
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petersullivanfans · 4 years
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Peter Sullivan as Andrew Fancourt in Strike: The Silkworm - part 1 (2017)
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Killian Scott on Strike Season 1
as DI Eric Wardle on Strike [S01 E01]
Information on beautifulfaces
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welcometoheartland · 5 years
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Happy 200th episode, Heartland!
Part 3: Seasons 8-10
Go to: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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robinlestrange · 4 years
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Chapter 3: Friendships
Robin arrives at Nick and Ilsa's after she and Strike have spoken to Wardle. 
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