#erik gundersen
boanerges20 · 9 months
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Erik Gundersen Vs. Alan Grahame
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laurastuffforlower · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: THE HANDY PHYSICS ANSWER BOOK.
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cadwalladery · 6 years
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Films seen in 2019
# 27 - Kongernes fald (Mads Kamp Thulstrup, 2019)
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
Silver Torches - Golden Days - melancholy AOR with a skronk break (?!)
From the album "Bermuda Dunes" out 3/20/20
Produced by Andy D Park Songs by Erik Walters*
Erik Walters - Vocals / Guitars / Bass / Synth / Piano Andy D Park - Mixing / Engineering Sean Lane - Drums / Percussion / Bike Dan Walker - Piano / Wurlitzer Harrison Whitford - Guitar Abby Gundersen - Strings Jacob Neenan - Woodwinds Samuel Rosson - Engineering / Tape Loops Ed Brooks - Mastering
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don-lichterman · 2 years
McCollum Cheered in Return, Helps Pelicans Beat Blazers | Sports News
McCollum Cheered in Return, Helps Pelicans Beat Blazers | Sports News
By ERIK GARCÍA GUNDERSEN, Associated Press PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — CJ McCollum received a 90-second standing ovation in his first visit to Portland since a February trade to New Orleans, then scored 25 points to lead the Pelicans over the Trail Blazers 117-107 Wednesday night. The Pelicans lead the Los Angeles Lakers by 1 1/2 games for the ninth spot in the Western Conference, which would put…
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wiadomosciprasowe · 5 years
Høye kostnader stenger barn ute fra idretten
Høye kostnader stenger barn ute fra idretten
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Nær seks av ti norske foreldre synes norsk barneidrett er dyrt, ifølge SpareBank 1s undersøkelse. I disse dager arrangeres Byttehelgen landet over, der familier kan kjøpe og selge brukt utstyr til en rimelig penge. Dato: 15-11-2019 07:03 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Høye kostnader stenger barn ute fra idretten Kategori: , idrett familie Forbrukerøkonomi
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Nær seks av ti norske foreldre syns norsk barneidrett er dyrt. Konsekvensen av for høye kostnader er at mange barn ikke får ta del i idrettsgleden, viser fersk undersøkelse.
I en fersk undersøkelse blant norske foreldre, gjennomført av Respons Analyse på vegne av SpareBank 1, kommer det frem at barneidretten i dag representerer så høye kostnader at den ekskluderer. I undersøkelsen svarer nesten hver tredje forelder at de enten har valgt å ta barna ut av en idrett fordi det er for dyrt, eller latt være å introdusere barna for visse idretter av samme grunn.
– Barneidrett skal handle om glede, mestring og felleskap, ikke om økonomi og utenforskap, sier forbrukerøkonom, Magne Gundersen i SpareBank 1.
Bruker milliarder på utstyr hvert år Ifølge SpareBank 1s beregninger bruker norske familier årlig over tre milliarder norske kroner på barneidretten. Foreldre kjøper utstyr for 2,7 milliarder kroner og bruker rundt 500 millioner på deltakelsesavgifter, cuper og treningsavgifter. Dette er et nøkternt anslag, forteller Magne Gundersen, forbrukerøkonom i SpareBank 1.
– Norsk barneidrett har blitt en milliardindustri, og mange barnefamilier sliter med å holde tritt. Krav til mye og dyrt utstyr er blant de største kostnadsdriverne, ifølge norske foreldre selv. Sammen med kontingenter, treningsleirer, konkurranser og reiser som skal betales, gjør disse utgiftene etter hvert et stadig større innhugg i familieøkonomien, sier Gundersen.
Hele ski-Norge engasjerer seg Skipresident Erik Røste mener at selv om utstyrspress og høye kostnader ikke er en ny problemstilling, er den dessverre fortsatt aktuell.
– At økonomi står i veien for skiglede, er ikke bare utrolig trist – det burde ikke skje. Vi har ikke råd til å skape et klasseskille i norsk skiidrett hvor barnas deltakelse begrenses av størrelsen på foreldrenes lommebok. Vi er helt avhengige av en mangfoldig idrett, og vi som jobber med skisportens utbredelse har et ansvar for å legge til rette og bidra til initiativ som gjør terskelen for å delta lavere, sier skipresidenten.
Føler på utstyrspresset Ifølge undersøkelsen mener over halvparten norske foreldre at det er utstyrspress i norsk barneidrett. Én av fire opplever det når de tenker på egne barn. På spørsmål om hvor de mener dette presset kommer fra svarer de fleste enten andre barn og ungdommer, eller andre foreldre.
– I vår undersøkelse kommer det frem at det er en liten gruppe foreldre som bruker svært store summer på barnas idrett, og dermed drar opp gjennomsnittskostnadene. I tillegg til at vi som bank, Skiforbundet, trenere og klubber alle tar grep og legger til rette for gode initiativer, er det viktig at foreldre ikke sammenligner seg med de som bruker mest, men jobber for å sette gode eksempler for neste generasjon, sier Gundersen.
Arrangerer bruktskisalg I disse dager arrangerer SpareBank 1 sammen med Norges Skiforbund Langrenn, og klubber over hele landet Byttehelgen, hvor familier kan kjøpe og selge flott, brukt utstyr til en rimelig penge. Byttehelgen er et viktig felles initiativ for å senke kostnadene, og øke aksepten for brukt utstyr i skisporten.
Gundersen og Røste har en klar oppfordring til foreldre:
– Å kjøpe brukt skiutstyr til barna er rett og slett en veldig enkel og smart måte å redusere kostnadsnivået på. Barna vokser dessuten fort fra utstyr, og å kjøpe kostbart nytt utstyr er en veldig kortsiktig og lite bærekraftig investering. Når verdens beste langrennsløpere kan vinne på godt brukte ski, har vi et slående bevis på at gjenbruk er smart.
Om Byttehelgen: Byttehelgen er et samarbeid mellom Norges Skiforbund Langrenn, SpareBank 1 og skiklubber i hele landet. Under Byttehelgen arrangerer skiklubber markeder hvor det kjøpes og selges brukt skiutstyr. Gjenbruk av utstyr er god økonomi siden klubben tjener på det, de som selger tjener på det, og ikke minst er det lønnsomt for de som kjøper nytt brukt.
Les mer og se hvilke klubber som arrangerer Byttehelgen her.
Kilde: Pressekontor SpareBank 1 – PRESSEMELDING –
SpareBank 1 Gruppen AS er et forsikringsdominert finanskonsern og morselskap til flere datterselskaper som alle utvikler og leverer produkter til SpareBank 1-alliansens banker rundt om i landet. Enkelte av datterselskapene leverer også produkter til LOs forbund og forbundsmedlemmer gjennom fordelsprogrammet LOfavør.
SpareBank 1 er en allianse med banker over hele landet. Vi er til sammen ca. 7 500 ansatte, hvorav rundt 1 200 er tilknyttet SpareBank 1 Gruppen, SpareBank 1 Utvikling og datterselskaper. SpareBank 1-alliansen ble etablert i 1996 i Henningsvær. Les mer om SpareBank 1-alliansen på sparebank1.no
Hashtags: # #idrett familie Forbrukerøkonomi idrett familie Forbrukerøkonomi
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grueanno · 3 years
Ingrid Jonsdatter Eek Søndre
Født 1716 Døpt 23. februar 1716 i Brandval Konfirmert Død Begravet
Foreldre: Jon Arnesen Eek Søndre og Ingrid Eriksdatter Gift:  Barn: 
Bosted: Eek Søndre 1716
Faddere: Erik Nilsen Søndre Eek og kvinne Mari Syversdatter, Ragnhild Eriksdatter Søndre Eek, Ragnhild Eriksdatter Søndre Gjølstad Torstein Bergersens kvinne, Anders Gundersen Østre Berger  Forlovere:
Kilder: SAH, Grue prestekontor, Ministerialbok nr. 1, 1712-1748, s. 38-39
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janepwilliams87 · 4 years
Marijuana Regulators From 19 States Form Group To Coordinate Legalization Implementation
Marijuana regulators from 19 states announced on Thursday that they have formed an independent organization aimed at coordinating efforts to implement cannabis policy changes.
The Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA) isn’t taking a position on legalization, but it said the group can help inform regulatory best practices, drawing from their collective experiences managing marijuana programs.
They note that as jurisdictions work to establish cannabis markets, one of the first steps is often to reach out to regulators in places where similar systems are already in effect. Until now, there hasn’t been an organization to formally facilitate those conversations.
“The Cannabis Regulators Association will provide a much needed forum for regulators to engage with each other to identify and develop best practices, create model policies that safeguard public health and safety, and promote regulatory certainty for industry participants,” Norman Birenbaum, CANNRA’s inaugural president, said in a press release.
It’s a timely announcement, as voters in five more states approved ballot measures to legalize marijuana for medical or recreational purposes on Election Day.
Again, CANNRA goes out of its way to emphasize that it is not advocating for or against cannabis reform. The association will simply provide “unbiased information to help make informed decisions when considering whether or how to legalize or expand regulated cannabis.”
Birenbaum, who currently serves as the director of cannabis programs for New York, said the group “will also work to ensure federal officials benefit from the vast experiences of states across the nation to ensure any changes to federal law adequately address states’ needs and priorities.”
As of now, CANNRA members include regulators from 19 states: Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah and Washington state. More are expected to join soon.
.@MA_Cannabis' @shawnpcollins joined state cannabis regulators across the nation to announce the formation of the Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA), a nonpartisan organization intended to share institutional knowledge and regulatory best practices throughout the U.S.
— Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (@MA_Cannabis) November 12, 2020
“CANNRA provides a forum for Colorado to continue to share our pioneering experience creating an effective and credible regulated framework and market for cannabis. Colorado also benefits from learning about the cannabis policy work in other states across the country,” Jim Burack, director of Colorado’s Marijuana Enforcement Division and a founding member, said.
Erik Gundersen, director of Maine’s Office of Marijuana Policy, said the state “relied heavily on the expertise of the states that came before us” as it established a cannabis market, and now officials there “look forward to sharing our best practices, lessons learned, and high standards with other regulating jurisdictions.”
The Office of Marijuana Policy is pleased to join 18 other cannabis regulators in the United States as a founding member of the Cannabis Regulators Association.
More info: https://t.co/UxXPYb7Kgl pic.twitter.com/at2ZwdMDLU
— Maine Office of Marijuana Policy (@MaineOMP) November 12, 2020
Beyond helping to facilitate conversations between regulators, CANNRA, which was formally incorporated in Oregon last month, will also give members access to resources for staff training and provide the opportunity to “participate in the development of model standards and best practices for cannabis regulation.”
Those model policies will touch on areas such as “packaging, labeling, advertising, testing, licensing, social equity, seed to sale tracking, inspections, enforcement, pesticide use, product approval, tax structures, tax collection, patient qualification and enrollment, product processing and manufacturing, industrial hemp and CBD products, banking [and] payment processing,” the association said.
Additionally, members can join “Regulator Roundtable” conferences and receive “legislative analyses, policy tracking data and bulletins on current issues and events in the cannabis industry and regulatory arena.”
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) said he is “proud to see” regulators in his state “taking the lead, collaborating with other states, and establishing Nevada as the Gold Standard in cannabis regulation.”
I am proud to see @NevadaCCB taking the lead, collaborating with other states, and establishing Nevada as the Gold Standard in cannabis regulation. https://t.co/kXnX90cgMU
— Governor Sisolak (@GovSisolak) November 12, 2020
  Birenbaum said that the intent in forming the new organization is to have it “serve as a resource for policy makers, elected officials, researchers, and other stakeholders to engage with regulators from across the country and receive unbiased information and recommendations regarding the impact and implementation of cannabis policies.”
Illinois is one of 19 states that have teamed up to start he "Cannabis Regulators Association."
See our press release here: https://t.co/9eN0JnPe1S
— IDFPR (@IDFPR) November 12, 2020
Danielle Perry, Illinois’s cannabis regulation and oversight officer, said that “as we continue to prioritize equity in forming Illinois’ legal cannabis industry, we look forward to sharing our learnings and benefitting from the experience of other states in the months and years ahead.”
Reform advocates and industry stakeholders are expressly prohibited from joining the association.
The formation of CANNRA comes weeks after another coalition of marijuana regulators sent a letter to leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, demanding that they prioritize a cannabis legalization bill that’s expected to get a floor vote next month.
Several of those regulators were from California, which does not currently have a membership presence in CANNRA.
Last year, the governors of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania met to discuss how best to regionally coordinate the implementation cannabis legalization to promote public health and safety. The officials agreed to a set of principles for regulated marijuana markets.
Mexican Senators Will Vote On Revised Marijuana Legalization Bill This Week
The post Marijuana Regulators From 19 States Form Group To Coordinate Legalization Implementation appeared first on Marijuana Moment.
from Updates By Jane https://www.marijuanamoment.net/marijuana-regulators-from-19-states-form-group-to-coordinate-legalization-implementation/
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hemplife420 · 4 years
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SOUTH PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maine residents spent more than $250,000 on marijuana over the course of the first weekend of legal retail sales of the drug in the state. Voters in the state chose to legalize adult use marijuana in 2016, but retail sales didn’t become legal until this month. The Maine Office of Marijuana Policy said the long weekend that ended on Monday generated more than 6,400 transactions and $25,000 in sales tax. Marijuana office director Erik Gundersen said the first weekend of legal sales “went smoothly.” He said businesses in the state showed good compliance with social distancing laws, as well. “Our retail store licensees went the extra mile to implement public health measures and control vehicle and pedestrian traffic visiting their establishments,” Gundersen said. “Additionally, the respect and patience shown by consumers for these protocols and their willingness to wear face coverings and maintain social distancing was very encouraging.” #mainecannabiscommunity #mainecannabis #dispensary #cannabis #marijuana #cannabiscommunity #hemplife420magazine #thc #hemplife420 #hemplife420news #mmjlife #cannabisculture #medicalcannabis #marijuanamovement #cbd #legalcannabis #terps #legalizeit #marijuananews #medicalmarijuana #mmj #cannabiscures #hemplifeisthebestlife #weedstagram #cannabisgram #explorepage (at South Portland, Maine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWGcNzpVOj/?igshid=jsl2dbgsuef9
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songwriternews · 4 years
New Post has been published on SONGWRITER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://songwriternews.co.uk/2020/06/alan-walker-ruben-heading-home-official-music-video/
Alan Walker & Ruben – Heading Home (Official Music Video)
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Walkers! I’m extremely excited to finally release Heading Home! It’s a very special song for me, because I first started working on it right after releasing Faded. I’ve performed it live a couple times, but never released it anywhere – until now! The extremely talented Norwegian artist @Ruben has joined me on this one, he’s amazing!
This music video is the final chapter in the World of Walker trilogy. Let me know what you think of it in the comment section below!
– Alan _____________________
Check out the song here: https://lnk.to/AWHeadingHome & the LIVE performance here: https://youtu.be/cYxAr_NZF9E
Also, here’s chapter 1 and 2 of the World of Walker trilogy so you can follow from the beginning: // On My Way ft. @Sabrina Carpenter & @Farruko : https://youtu.be/dhYOPzcsbGM //
// Alone pt. II ft. @Ava Max: https://youtu.be/HhjHYkPQ8F0 //
#HeadingHome #AlanWalker #DJWalkzz #House _____________________
// LYRICS // Alan Walker & Ruben – Heading Home // LYRICS //
I was so insatiable Till the lights came on and the stories got old Now there’s no one here I know And the city outside`s not the same anymore
And I I remember when we were young We`d write our names in the sand So carelessly Then the rain came and yours was gone And now mine it stands alone
Nobody sees me now I’m a one man show I`ll do this on my own We knew it all then now this is all I know Guess I’m heading home now
When the music always played With the sound of our lives and the sweetest escape And the neighbours would complain We would turn it up louder who cares anyway Coz we
We remembered that we were young Our lives were grains in the sand That we Made our castles and kingdoms of Now the waves have torn them down
Nobody sees me now I’m a one man show I`ll do this on my own We knew it all then now this is all I know Guess I’m heading home now
You’ll find me I’ll be here I can see I can breathe, anymore
how could we have stayed you were high on love I was drunk on the pain
Guess I am heading Home I am heading Home Yeah yeah .. Guess I am heading home now
Check out all of the World of Walker videos here, from Faded to Heading Home: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYT4vq6pQVSvfGdP3MdKZegD8Ub_0pqPS
Also, check out my BTS videos on the Unmasked Vlog here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYT4vq6pQVSv_jFjvsMuxr6poP4yBU0VE
CREDITS: *Walker #28300* – Susanne Karin Moe
*Main Crew* – Director: Kristian Berg – Executive Producer: Mikkel Gulliksen (Bleck Film) – Concept: Kristian Berg & MER Content – DOP: Morten Forsberg – DOP (Château de Fontainebleau): Jakob Ingason – Focus Puller: Vi Duc Truong – Editor: Mads Neset – Production Coordinator: Stine Gundersen – Production Designer: Kristian Vestby – Costume Designer: Elise Nohr Nystad – Behind the Scenes: Annicken Aasheim – VFX Producer: Eirik Heldal (Apparat) – VFX Lead Artist: Wirat Johannessen (Apparat) – VFX Artist: Lasse Michelsen (Apparat) – VFX Artist: Erik Ferguson – Color Grading: Thomas Mangham (The Mill) – Sound Design: James Njie
*Local Crew – Cambodia* – Local Fixer: Ouk Chan Bophay – Prod-Department: Thank Rathany – Prod-Assistant: Heng Art – Make-up: Much – Hair Dresser: Poy – PA – Catering: Tathanak – PA: Chan Tha – Equipment – PP: Benny
A special thanks to all the extras! source
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Recreational marijuana sales in Maine to begin, finally, on Oct. 9
Recreational marijuana sales in Maine to begin, finally, on Oct. 9
Almost four years after legalization, Maine will open its recreational marijuana market to public sales on Oct. 9.
Consumers won’t know where they will be able to buy legal adult-use cannabis until Sept. 8, when the Maine Office of Marijuana Policy announces its first round of fully licensed testing labs, cultivation facilities, manufacturing plants and retail stores. License holders will have a…
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jessiejack · 5 years
Sacrum Libellum means Holy Certificates and is a reflection or a reaction towards, the so called "green certificates" imposed by the EU. It is a collaboration between Ullevålseter, Church of norway, Arctic Shamancircle and many other groups of people. The installation is made of 80 reindeer antlers from the south sami reindeer district Jillen-Njaarke and 45 sticks made mby the participants.  The spesific nature in focus was Aahkansjurtjie, holy south sami mountain that is endangered by green certificate. participants: noaidi Eirik Myrhaug priest Knut Rygh kapelan Anne Marie Sverdrup shaman Erena Rangnimarie Rhose noadi Nadia Fenina storyteller Georgiana Keable  musikk ved: RANJA vokal stein skøyeneie - orgel Lina Teir- violin Nadia Fenina- vokal og 33+ personer fra: Miljøambassadørene (Bjølsen barn) Extinction Rebellion Norway Klimafestivalen § 112 Arktisk Sjamansirkel Karnevalet Lostæter Sjamanistisk forbund Jai Jagat 2020 KunstKlubb Pride Art / Skeive Kunstnere Kosmologisk Livstro Guerilla Plastic Movement Sufi Order Ināyati Roseanna Naeshagen Arnhild Haagensen Molly Sun Nadine Tinna Björk Ólafsdóttir Peder Kittelsen Kaaber Vivi Røreng Stig Arne Langfjell Nina Alida Nordbø Annett Furuseth Mona Bentzen Jane Folsted Ingunn Lund-Vang Camilla Roset Cassandra Duchenaud Heidi Gabrielsen Mona Danielsen Christine Istad Julianne Grovehagen Merete Steiro Mortensen Jostein Chr. Andersen Jan-Erik Fjelltrommeren Gravdahl Morten Wolf Storeide Beathe Meyer Johansen Anna-Katariina Hollmérus Anne Gundersen Maria Bartlechner Fearnley Kristin Su Freya Thalund-Fossen Kari Gjæver Pedersen Frederick Lucius Nathanael Mira Roset Pettersen og Hege Dalen- koordinator Arktisk Sjamansirkel
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textbooks-solutions · 5 years
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Applied Physics - Dale Ewen, Neill Schurter, Erik Gundersen - 10th Edition
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grandteatret · 5 years
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Stor tak til Ole Olsen, Erik Gundersen og (udenfor billedet) Hans Nielsen, som sendte KONGERNES VALG så flot afsted til aften. Regulær premiere på torsdag den 6. juni. ❤️🏁🏆🏍🇩🇰 (her: Grand Teatret) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQlgllBi9g/?igshid=ngj4l6ygnuhg
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grueanno · 3 years
Erik Povelsen Haarstad
Født 1716 Døpt 6. februar 1716 i Grue Konfirmert Død Begravet
Foreldre: Povel Povelsen Haarstad og Kari Eriksdatter Gift:  Barn:
Bosted: Haarstad 1716
Faddere: Ole Reiersen Lundeby og kvinne Eli Evensdatter, Tord Bergersen Nordre Bergers kvinne Kari Olsdatter, Arne Gundersen Haarstad, Lars Olsen Haarstad Forlovere:
Kilder: SAH, Grue prestekontor, Ministerialbok nr. 1, 1712-1748, s. 36-37
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koolwebsites · 5 years
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Paul George's shoulder injury casts dark cloud over Thunder’s hopes vs. Blazers Erik García Gundersen, Thunder Wire Published 9:06 p.m. ET April 14, 2019 | Updated 9:15 p.m. ET April 14, 2019…
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