444namesplus · 4 months
Adware Adyere Alquequai Alyore Arder Ardyrer Arquou Artoquou Arwete Aryere Atdadpyderteu Atdore Atquade Atsepe Atteu Atwerorwe Atwoque Atyeriraget Atyose Dagore Dakque Danweste Dapiquaque Dawas Dekte Demyoi Derwexyexare Direre Dofestorpe Dorquer Dorsetquate Edque Edsupase Edwayau Ekfaryte Elre Elretode Enque Erdewere Erpe Erquaquerute Erque Erques Erquou Errethode Erroyere Erwatquem Erwe Erwedyete Erwite Eryeu Esque Esquyquekquese Esrate Essase Estet Eswese Etquale Etquete Etriparreye Etteque Ettese Etweu Etwoi Etyesquau Fakriqueke Fawe Ferarquererre Fetene Fomrarquekrai Fytasquere Gaquome Gaquore Gawerai Gerwaswe Guras Harrartok Hawarpe Hoquak Kawou Kekteu Okquertarparre Okweke Orde Ordoquerare Orquer Orralware Orteu Orweu Oryequake Osque Otperereswe Otpetwe Otquoke Ottuquatafe Otyewe Otyire Oxtaxwore Pafequate Paquese Pasefequeu Paton Patwitotye Pawete Pehotas Pere Pestote Peye Piquique Piwate Pope Porekete Potquote Potwawe Poxquete Puweweu Pyque Quadquel Quadyel Quagatrai Quampode Quapaquai Quapeu Quapoquatwelei Quaquatdewe Quaque Quaquore Quare Quarepare Quarpe Quarpene Quarquosrasfor Quarraque Quarred Quase Quastexe Quasyat Quatarque Quate Quatei Quatquar Quatquuyawade Quatwuwite Quawitede Quawot Quaye Quayese Quayore Quedase Quekwere Quekweu Quekyurad Quelfou Quelquatet Quentirequawat Quenwe Quepete Quepoi Quequaquar Quequas Queque Quequos Querade Quere Querene Querpai Querque Querquerqueu Querquewose Querrewe Quertasereu Quesquor Quesse Queste Quetaquate Quete Queteque Quetore Quetperuwe Quetripode Quette Quetwore Quewalwekres Quewe Quewefore Quewesquiwertar Quewesyete Queweu Quexel Queyei Quifou Quigese Quipeque Quiquai Quiquatar Quiraquei Quire Quitei Quitere Quiwose Quiye Quokwottiquene Quolentatet Quoquak Quoquewosare Quoquewowose Quoquol Quoquore Quorate Quore Quorete Quorwartipiyeme Quorye Quoryere Quosquore Quoswaquare Quosyeu Quotese Quotrar Quotwexe Quowique Quoyetale Quupaque Quuque Quuquyse Quure Quuriquodweu Quuwe Quuwique Quuwukese Quyqueme Quyter Quytyrer Quyuye Quywufe Ransuwe Rapase Raquare Raque Raquequetras Raran Raroxe Rarqueu Rarwe Rasrau Rataquide Ratque Raware Rawasye Raye Rayquewe Redquasrome Redquou Refe Rekque Requai Reque Requequayerquode Requorware Rerfe Rerquattetwote Rerre Rerreu Rersete Resqueu Resse Restaspate Reswar Reswewe Retawete Retque Retrake Retre Retroi Reweryeu Rewiwer Rique Ritortere Ronquetfet Rope Ropequadute Roque Roquiwe Rorrete Rorwe Rosquete Rotos Rotwite Rowuweque Rozese Ruthate Ryquowe Sasade Satytafe Seder Setqueke Sewau Solse Soquotquedwe Soyomwai Sywele Take Taquare Taquateke Taque Taquekse Tarerogere Tarquiquewet Tarre Tarwoquak Tasquote Tastade Tate Tatquuwe Tawuquake Taye Tedepesed Tekyadizos Terquomdequei Terwe Terwuteu Tesquase Testhowe Tetgare Tetqual Tewat Tewererre Texdaryer Teyutoque Thorquasquetatsate Tipere Tiquate Tise Tite Tolgyrei Tonquoye Tope Torapau Tortudonses Towe Toyau Toyuquet Turol Tuwe Tywar Wadayed Wadere Wadwe Wafe Walquese Waquare Waquarye Waquesyou Waquore Waradre Warotete Warquere Warse Warwe Watdei Watepiquewar Watesei Watoi Watquase Wawemquai Wayarat Wedquequorque Wedquetdite Wegequerre Welpatowote Wepewolwatpoi Wequawau Weque Wequei Wequerserei Wequiquele Werate Were Wergei Werquetraweu Werwequuhe Wesde Wesque Wete Wewase Wewe Wewel Wewore Wewowerorteu Wewuwaquau Wique Wiqueu Wiquirospotque Wiquiwe Wiyestyxe Wodyquuwe Woquawese Woque Woquewak Woreu Wosquode Wosraperode Wosyatwerque Wotware Wotwe Wuquequottareke Wuwaktupate Wyat Xoyadwiwade Yadawe Yadwas Yakede Yaquaquad Yaque Yawaque Yaye Yedquyquaweque Yerau Yeretatware Yerosequirame Yesxatres Yetatquere Yetote Yetquam Yetque Yewapetre Yewei Yewersare Yirere Yiwelquere Yolque Yoquas Yotque Yotwe Yuweme Zawaque
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peachypink23 · 1 year
https://temu.com/s/Lh8GwZ2 ERqu
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i-have-an-art-blog · 1 year
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Erques Torres is revamping the irreverent graphic design of 90s rave flyers
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khhcfi · 4 years
Check out Admin Kat’s Theory of Kairi’s Grandparents in light of the new Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road characters! What do y’all think? 
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booklindworm · 2 years
Amatakka word list part 4
ek- - regarding the sky or firmament (not gendered) [conjecture re: ekkreth]
elat, el - in addition, apart from, except (not gendered) [BLW]
ema/eme/emi/emu - his/xir/their/her, his/xirs/theirs/hers, for him/xem/them/her [conjecture re: em]
em - my, mine, for me (not gendered) [conjecture re: te masu em lukkema]
ena, ena-ki - parent (n) [fialleril, 15 Apr 2016]
ena-ka - male parent (m) [conjecture re: ena]
ena-ke - third- or fourthgender parent (o) [conjecture re: ena]
ena-ku - female parent (f) [conjecture re: ena]
eopi - eopie, … (n) [TPM //translation by BLW]
eperukuru - dust-corn, a variant of space!corn, grows on Tatooine, originally from the planet Skann (not gendered) [SW Galaxies // translation by BLW]
eperu-lappa - "dustcrepes," flat, round pancakes made from dustwheat flour, commonly filled with nausage, meat, or vegetables (not gendered) [SW Galaxies // translation by BLW]
eperu or epiru - dry earth, dust (not gendered) [BLW]
epiru-kibtu - literally dust-wheat, a different name for kibtatoo (not gendered) [SW Galaxies // translation by BLW]
Er-Amma - Tusken word for Ar-Amu (f) [fialleril, June 08, 2016]
ereibu - - come to an end, finish (travel, life) (not gendered) [BLW]
erqu - grey, also other light, pale (colors), basic neutral colors (not gendered) [fialleril, June 01, 2016 //translation by BLW]
erretu - improvised weir, little dam, barrage (reeds, stones) (not gendered) [BLW]
essa- - as …, through…, by way of (not gendered) [BLW]
eta/ete/eti/etu maas - he/xe/they/she is, has, represents [conjecture re: te masu]
eta - he/him, third person male pronoun (m) [conjecture re: te masu]
ete - xe/xir, third person other pronoun (o) [conjecture re: te masu]
eti - they/them, third person neutral pronoun (n) see also tur [conjecture re: te masu]
etu - she/her, third person female pronoun (f) [conjecture re: te masu]
falolesk - hell (not gendered) [BLW] from Ryl Faho'lalesk, the “plague moon” (adapted from Zach Lee's Project Twilex)
ferfek - fierfek, Huttese meaning hex, curse, or poison; became a common swear word during the height of the clone wars (not gendered) [SW: Republic Commando //translation by BLW]
flensor - flensor, a species of carrion bird capable of flight (n) [MedStar II: Jedi Healer]
gal-ena - grandparent, older, honored parent (n), (o) [fialleril, June 20, 2016]
gal - older, honored person (n), (o) [conjecture re: gal-ena]
galump - large even-toed ungulate herd beasts, mammaloid, herbivorous, named for the sound they made when foraging for food at dawn or dusk (n) [Wildlife of Star Wars //translation by BLW]
gan-amu - grandmother, older, honored mother (f) [fialleril, June 20, 2016]
ganno - small, mound-forming succulent-like plants native to Tatooine, the Jawas cook a bitter liquid from their leaves [The Official Star Wars Fact File 63 (JAW6, Jawas)]
gan - older, honored woman (f) [conjecture re: gan-amu]
gapash - slime pods, creatures bloated with gas that floated in the swamps on Nal Hutta, part of the Hutts' diet [TCW Hunt for Ziro //translation by BLW]
gar-ipa - grandfather, older, honored father (m) [fialleril, June 20, 2016]
gar - older, honored man (m) [conjecture re: gar-ipa]
gavin - 1 fair, handsome, good-looking, pretty (not gendered) (from Huttese gaween) [BLW]
gavin - 2 name of a member of the Darklighter family on Tatooine, Gavin Yanome (m), a cousin of Biggs' [ANH novelization]
gilkah - sand bat, a venomous, nocturnal, predatory mammaloid creatures native to Tatooine, adaptable to many environments, and sometimes hunting in massive swarms, possibly semi-sapient (n) [SWtOR //translation by BLW]
gilu-khepa - Amatakka name for Tatoo I, one of the two sister suns of Tatooine, a yellow star (class G); lit: the leading sun; (the Hutts say Gi Dopa Gasha for both) [starwars.com/databank][BLW]
ginsu - ginsu bush (a Tatooine word) (not gendered), a squat, straggly plant; its strongly flavored bark and roots have a bitter, astringent taste; used as painkiller or spice (not gendered) [fialleril, january 02, 2017]
gizka - gizka, small, cute lizard/amphibian animals that breed like rabbits and can be an absolute nuisance (n) [SWtOR]
gugallu - fire-kraken, a marine predator on Nal Hutta with snake-like tendrils, skin-contact with those can cause temporary pain and localized swelling (n) [Cestus Deception //translation by BLW]
hahu - spew, spit out (not gendered) [BLW]
hala - 1 milky, sweet, nourishing, good (not gendered) [BLW]
hala - 2 name of a member of the Green family on Tatooine, Hala Tenek, mother of Amee and Jenna (f) [starwars.com/databank]
halbantu - milk from banthas, distinctively blue, is a stable in Tatooinian diet, plain, raw, cooked, or used in yogurt, ice cream, cheeses, and butter (not gendered) [ANH //translation by BLW]
halbukal - milkbread, a bread baked with milk instead of water, and usually fortified with what herbs and desert seeds could be foraged (not gendered) [Naasade DS 3 Fallout //translation by BLW]
halbu - milk in general [BLW]
halged - milk liquor, the cheapest drink on Tatooine (not gendered) [Naasade DS 20 Mirage //translation by BLW]
hallulta - Duodecipedes, spiky-shelled, twenty-legged non-sentient invertebrates (space!centipedes) native to Tatooine, live in burrows, are very tasty roasted [Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections //translation by BLW]
hallulta - spiky-shelled, twenty-legged non-sapient invertebrates (space!centipedes) native to Tatooine, live in burrows, are very tasty roasted (not gendered) [BLW]
halmaru - sop or milktoast made by Amavikkans for the feeble or injured members of the community by mixing mashed roots with nutrient powder and bantha milk [Naasade DS 3 Fallout //translation by BLW]
hamaru - spit, saliva (not gendered) [BLW]
haro - 1 dusk or dawn, morningstar or eveningstar (n) [BLW]
haro - 2 Amatakka name of the second planet of the Tatoo system, a hydrogen/helium gas giant, usually visible between sunsets/sunrises from Tatooine; the Hutts call it Ohann [BLW]
haro - 2 name of a member of the Whitesun family on Tatooine, Haro Whitesun (m) [Star Wars Galaxies]
harukal - haroun bread, a type of flat-bread sold all over the galaxy (not gendered) [TPM][Episode I The Visual Dictionary]
hinil - 1 pirate, Robin-Hood-type of robber and outlaw, probably inspired by Akar Hinil (n) [BLW]
hinil - 2 last name of Akar Hinil, famous freedom runner (m) [fialleril, August 16, 2016]
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Hello, I really love your art and art style and the KH content.
I was skimming through some of your sketches and found the one where young xehnort was holding Norted erqus (excuse me for my spelling the names wrong but spelling kh characters is an actual struggle I’m finding)
Could I borrow master x. Pose if you don’t mind? I got the same art vibe and I want to draw something similar to it but portraining sora instead.
But norted sora plus some added features and I think the facial features are just the best.
If it’s a no I completely understand and thanks for reading my ask.
hey howdy !
thanks for lovin my stuff, i appreciate the support :) i also ppreciate you askin this first ! i wouldn't mind if you did that, go ahead and have fun my friend !
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mouser26 · 3 years
Is Blue eyes a requirement for weilding a keyblade?
Like I’m not even kidding here I’m playing Kingdom Heats Birth By Sleep and Xenanort aside (and it’s not his natural color anyways cause Darkness possesed = gold) ALMOST EVERY SINGLE KEYBLADE WIELDER HAS NEAR IDENTICAL EYES (I seriously thought even Master Erqus had blue too until I found this image) Image shamelessly borrowed from KH Insider user Signs
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ohhicas · 5 years
I wonder how Xehanort and Erqus would think and feel towards Ansem the Wise after KH3. Do you think they would find him standoffish, boring, exciting, silly? Not many humans that are their age and out and about, very much one that acts and thinks as Ansem does.
I mean
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”It’s a miracle he’s managed to stay alive through this.”      “Yes.”“This is somehow your fault.”      “Yes, I know.”“… Want to see if we can haunt him?”      “Absolutely.”
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morrasydesign · 5 years
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by Erques Torres
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Got it!
Ham in Dunk[erque]
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admelioraii · 2 years
The Canary Islands: The secret of the xaxos, the Guanche mummies in the ravine of the dead
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Gran Canaria, The Canary Islands
The waves of the Atlantic Ocean are persistent, they keep hitting the sharp edged cliffs, time after time.
As a perpetual punishment they insist on coming, violent and wild, as if they want to reshape the entire coastline.
It has been going on for thousands of years and will continue to do so until the ocean, wind and rain shape all the cliffs round, as erosion eats on the volcanic rocks reducing them to black sand.
Breaking the seal of the cave of a thousand mummies 
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How the caves might have looked like
The tireless dance of the waves, their determination and the distinct smell of the salty ocean could even be noticed from up here, on the high cliffs in Barranco de Erques looking down on the Atlantic.
It is here history is about to be written, as three resolute men walk down the narrow path leading down to the Ocean.
They are here to meet up with some locals, who promised to reveal a secret.
One of the men suddenly stops and looks up at the looming face of the enormous rock, it is as if it’s staring back at him, bewitching him with its treasures.
The rock holds hundreds of caves, built over centuries from the lava flows of Mount Teide in Tenerife.
Any of them could be the cave they’re looking for.
A sharp, loud whistle wakes the man up from his daydreaming.
The source of the whistle came from one of the four locals who were going to lead the way to the treasure.
The seven men continue their dangerous route in between the ravines and the sharp volcanic mountain side that frames the trail.
After a long walk seemingly leading to nowhere the locals stopped, without warning and started to break stones away from the opening of the sealed cave.
Suddenly opened before them, a chamber, holding the promise of a journey to the island's past.
At first it was too dark to see anything, even the torch and the thin ray of light coming from the broken seal in the cave’s opening, were not enough to light up the spacious, pitch black cave.
But when their eyes got used to the darkness, marvellous things started to appear.
A thousand xaxos, Guanche mummies, laid in front of them.
These were not the first mummies to be unearthed on the islands, but it was certainly the cave with the greatest number of xaxos ever discovered.
The cave was embedded in complete silence, as it had been for centuries, but if you listened carefully, with your heart, its walls and everything inside the necropolis was telling stories of the past.
The mummies were mute but the cave was speaking in their stead.
A story of a son's last farewell to his father, a grieving family’s last moments with their loved one, before leaving and wishing he could have a peaceful rest.
But only the xaxos knew if their rest was peaceful, not everyone got to rest in peace, and in contrast with everything else in this cave they could not speak.
They looked asleep, but they were frozen in time, still tied to a faraway past, when they were brought here.
The cave of wonders had spoken and revealed precious moments, and had proven to us that the “primitive” Guanche population were warm hearted, kind, it further showed that they sincerely cared for their dead, preserving the deceased for eternity.
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Replica of a Guanche mummy, Tenerife
After having inspected the precious content of the necropolis and written down the historical accounts and observations, the men took a few mummies with them, for studies, resealed the cave and disappeared.
The location of the cave remained a scrupulously guarded secret. And there was no record of it anywhere, which only served to increase the public's curiosity and elevate the mystery to an apex.
Locals maintain they don’t disclose the location in order to protect the memory of their ancestors, who rested there, the Guanches.
This stunning cave was found in 1764, by Spanish regent and infantry captain Luis Román, the writer José Viera y Clavijo and a contemporary local priest.
The writer described the finding in a book on the island's history: A wonderful pantheon has just been found, so full of mummies that no less than a thousand were discovered.
And thus the legend of a thousand mummies was born, the place where it was found in the ravine of Erques, became known as “the ravine of the dead”.
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Erques; ravine of the dead
Curiously, the writer Clavijo who summarised a report of the finding, omitted the location. If his intentions were to protect the cave from plunder, he regrettably failed.
The rumours and mystery of the cave “of a thousand mummies” got the better of some looters and by 1833 multiple sources confirmed, very few bodies remained.
But the precious few from that cave and other similar caves that remained intact are now held in museum collections helping us unravel the unanswered stories about the archipelago and its first inhabitants, and to fill in the empty spaces in history.
As the Castilian conquest of the islands almost completely erased the Guanches from history, we are left with questions, questions that until now remain unanswered.
One question we do have the answer to is: How did the Guanches preserve or mummify their dead?
Preparing their loved ones for eternity
The method they used for preserving the corpses for their battle against time and nature was surprisingly simple.
It is the same method being used to preserve food.
Their bodies were treated with dry herbs and lard, and were left to dry in the sun then smoked by fire.
It took fifteen days to prepare a xaxo (mummy), compared with 70 days for an Egyptian mummy, besides the two methods are fundamentally different.
Some of the Guanche mummies have withstood the battle of time better than the Egyptian ones.
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Guanche mummy
The definition of its muscles can still be observed, and the hands and feet in particular are outlined in detailed relief, like a wooden sculpture.
But the most significant difference in the finding was hidden: unlike its Egyptian counterpart, the Guanche mummy had not been eviscerated.
Its organs, including the brain, were perfectly intact, thanks to a mixture of minerals, aromatic herbs, bark of pine and heather, and resin from the native dragon tree, that halted the bacteria and thus decay, inside out.
Later the family of the deceased handled the xaxo, placing it in a cured and carefully stitched bag made of animal hide, usually goat.
The number of hide layers corresponded to the person’s social status. The practice was not limited to Tenerife. Mummies have also been found on neighbouring Gran Canaria island, decorated or painted in multiple hues, wrapped in a reed mat, and then deposited in hollow tree trunks.
Corpses also have been found there in funerary caves. More than mummies, the xaxos resemble wooden statues.
A pact with eternity 
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Cave by the ocean
The mummification process started with the washing of the deceased twice a day with cold water or boiled and cooled water infused with herbs or with salty  water from the ocean, the methods varied from different time periods.
Especially the weaker parts of the body were thoroughly washed, as armpits, ears, in between the fingers, nose, neck and pulse.
In the Guanche society the embalmers or “achicasnai” (in Canarian Berber), belonged to the bottom layer and they were not looked upon well because of the nature of their work.
They lived an isolated life, as people perceived them as contaminated by death.
With time they developed into some kind of priesthood, with knowledge of secret rituals and mummification.
Once the xaxos were embalmed and ready, they were taken to caves, in ravines, cliffs and mountain sides, places with difficult access, to make sure they were left to rest in peace.
Sometimes even ropes or ladders were needed to get to the unreachable caves.
The caves were generally spacious, to be able to accommodate large numbers of collective burials, individual burials were rare.
The deceased were placed horizontally in the centre of the cave. Each body had its own private space and was separated from the floor of the cave by a wooden bed, made of pine wood or savin.
There are also cases where the xaxos were put in a simple coffin of wood, possibly reserved for socially higher ranked personalities, like Menceys (kings) or tribe chiefs.
Foetus mummies 
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Mocan, used for mummification
Hidden in a volcanic tube in Guía de Isora, Tenerife, the remains of two foetus mummies were found, at a height of 1.400 metres above sea level.
The reason for such burial was probably that the location was “safe” and isolated.
The cause of death is unknown, but usually prenatal deaths in prehistory were due to prenatal problems or complications during birth.
The xaxos, mummies, were discovered by coincidence as two hunters were searching for an unusual kind of spider that lives in caves and volcanic tubes.
The hunters entered in pursuit of the spider and by chance found the two mummified foetuses.
This is a perfect example that  not all mummies were buried closed by the sea or in similar locations.
As everything else on these mythical “fortunate islands” the mummification process and burials vary from island to island and from one time period to another.
Just like when the Guanches first arrived on the islands, they didn’t come from the same place(in North Africa or Maghreb) nor at the same time.
The population in each island have their own peculiarities, so the archipelago is not homogeneous.
The island's history is distant and faint, we are as usual left with more questions than answers.
The lack of historical documentation and records makes the scientists and archaeologists work very challenging, for to be able to get anywhere they will have to look deeper.
The answer may lie within an unexplored cave, a necropolis or an etching. The island's topography, its gullies and ravines, hardened lava flows, caves and wind blown sands, all helps to preserve those secrets.
Back in the fable cave “of thousand mummies”, whose location was lost in history and from which its occupants had been plucked, a feeling of desolation rules.
After revealing its secrets, the cave is now silent, it is empty and submerged in darkness.
It was here history was once written, but where history ends legend begins, to fill in the empty pieces of forgotten history.
The mystery of the Guanches remains, they took their secrets with them as they disappeared, these souls that for centuries populated the islands.
Some of whom came in silence to this dark, inaccessible, funeral cave, with the intention to rest, beside the reassuring sound of the Ocean waves, perpetually, in a pact with eternity.
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Fuerteventura, The Canary Islands
Further reading;
Álvarez Sosa, Tierras de las momias (Lands of the Mummies)
Emma Lira: Búscame donde nacen los dragos.
(A historical novel set in Tenerife)
Cátedra de Tecnologías Médicas de la ULPGC, Gran Canaria.
Historia Guanche, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife.
A long personal connection to the islands.
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knario47 · 2 years
Linaje sagrado
Conformados en una casta de guerreros sagrados, los Asantemir, que combatían tanto en el mundo físico como en el espiritual, eran seleccionados de entre aquellos niños concebidos durante una celebración muy especial: la Noche del error. Como parte de los rituales propiciatorios que, dedicados a la fecundidad, se desarrollaban durante las fiestas caniculares o beñesmer, hombres y mujeres en edad fértil mantenían relaciones sexuales en campos plantados de cereales. Cegados por la oscuridad nocturna, el contacto se practicaba sin conocer la identidad de la otra persona.
Nueve meses más tarde, las criaturas nacidas de este ritual eran entregadas a los samarines para su educación como miembros de las distintas castas sacerdotales o, en determinadas circunstancias, para su preparación como guerreros Axaentemir. De esta manera, quizá un tanto cruel para los hábitos actuales, se conseguía el desarraigo social de un sujeto que, ajeno a la personalidad de sus progenitores, vivía hasta el final de sus días el signo sagrado de su nacimiento y, por tanto, su condición de hijos de una divinidad a la que rendían obediencia.
De elevada estatura, por lo general rubios y de ojos azules, los Axaentemir eran los primeros en acudir al combate. Especie de cuerpo de elite, su sola presencia imponía respeto en cualquier lugar de la Isla. Variaba su número en cada menceyato, pero nunca superaban los 12 integrantes. Vivian en zonas apartadas de la comunidad, pero justo en puntos estratégicos que dominaban las comarcas a las que pertenecían. Imbuidos de un pleno compromiso espiritual con Achaman, deidad a la que veneraban entregando su vida, en el plano terrenal se sujetaban a los dictados del mencey, pero siempre y cuando esas órdenes no entraran en contradicción con los preceptos de su divinidad, el Centelleante, la única autoridad real que colocaban por encima de ellos.
Vestían una piel de cabrito a modo de capa, de color rojo y negro, terminada en punta por la parte delantera y corta por encima de la cintura. Cubrían sus partes con una tira de piel triangular que les caía delante y detrás, aunque se despojaban de estas prendas para entrar en combate, algo recurrente también en otras culturas. La desnudez en la lucha era símbolo de valentía, de ausencia absoluta de temor a la guerra y la muerte, puesto que se sabían protegidos por la divinidad. Un mensaje directo para un adversario que lo sabía interpretar perfectamente: en esa lucha, sólo saldría un ganador vivo. Era, pues, una acción intimidante.
Llevaban el pelo recogido en un moño que ajustaban a la base del cráneo y alrededor de la cabeza usaban una tira de cuero trenzado, cuyos extremos dejaban deslizar delante de los hombros. Dichas puntas se adornaban con conchas marinas, rematadas por una pequeña piedra negra de basalto. Para dirigirse al combate, se pintaban dos líneas gruesas en la parte frontal de los hombros, una de color negro y la otra de color rojo.
En particular, la tradición cuenta que el asentamiento de los Axaentemir en la región sureña de Agache fue decretado por Benchomo, mencey de Taoro, tras la irrupción de los castellanos y la alianza de colaboración que pactaron con el cercano menceyato de Güímar. Benchomo ordenó su establecimiento en el lomo donde hoy se ubican el Museo Arqueológico y la Iglesia, zona que ha recuperado ese nombre, con la misión de custodiar la comarca desde la ladera donde se halla el hotel Don
Martín hasta el margen del barranco de Erques.
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lagomeraoficial · 3 years
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El Mirador de Igualero es el punto de partida y regreso de muchas rutas y senderos en Garajonay. En él se encuentra el monumento al Silbo, con vistas a la Fortaleza de Chipude y del barranco de Erque. Unas vistas que se extienden desde la cumbre hasta el mar y abarcan una amplia zona incluida en el paisaje Protegido de Orone. También podrás contemplar la ermita de San Francisco de Asís y si el día está despejado podras ver las siluetas de las islas de La Palma y El Hierro sobre el horizonte. 📸: @ormesulmondo #lagomera #gomera #lagomeraisland #gomeraisla #lagomeraoficial #laislacolombina #лагомера #ラゴメラ島 #ilescanaries #isolecanarie #kanarischeinseln #canaryislands #canarias #islascanarias #wyspykanaryjskie #канарскиеострова #miradordeigualero #silbogomero #fortalezadechipude #santacruzdetenerife #macaronesia #kanaren #canaries #canaryisland #latituddevida #quesuerteviviraqui #canarianislands #oceanoatlantico #canariasislands #iglesiadesanfrancisco — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32khZLZ
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tenerifeweekly · 3 years
A paraglider dies after suffering a fall in Tenerife
A paraglider dies after suffering a fall in Tenerife
SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE, December 5 (EUROPA PRESS) – A paraglider died this Sunday after suffering a fall in the Tenerife municipality of Guía de Isora, in the area of ​​Vera de Erques in Tejina de Guía, as reported by the Coordinating Center for Emergencies and Security (CECOES) 1-1-2. At 3:31 p.m. the emergency services received an alert in which it was reported that a paraglider had fallen in…
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ask-the-wildcats · 3 years
How does the theatre department get this much money? :')
our parents fund it. they've funded it ever since we got to alberquerque, even when we weren't at east high. i am legitimately sorry i can't give you an funny answer. i would love to give you something like "uhhh haha wdym??/? don't all high school drama departments have ginormous sets & broadway-level costumes & choreo????????" but i know that isn't true. and i'm not a liar. except when necessary.
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