okaima · 6 months
Karelian Words - Babies
Yskyniekka, uzlaniekka - baby, newborn, a baby that is still in swaddle
Kekkeröini, vagahaini - child that doesn't walk yet
D'upittaini, tudeloini - child who is starting to practice standing up
Käpähäini - child who is just starting to walk
Hydžy - toddler, child that is under 4-5 years old
Keskoni, ruohka - prematurely born baby
Andalo - baby fuzz, baby hair
Liemenö - baby's or toddler's curly hair
Leibäkirves- baby's first tooth
Hiirenhammas - child's first fallen tooth
Hiirenhambahat - milk teeth
Häbädät, jällečit- baby's feces
Läpetös - baby's pee
Kekkeröittöä - for baby to roll on the floor
Kontata, lalleroittoa - to crawl, to walk on hands and knees
Lelettelö, mässärtelö - baby's babbling
Luglettau - to babble and coo at the baby, to copy baby's babbling
Lössie - to crawl on stomach
Palleroittoa. ryydeä - to crawl around on the floor
Mammerehtoa - toddling, waddling
Ainikko - the only child
Esikko - the first born
Mugahini - cousin or sibling who was born after you
Endžikkö - first grandchild
Rytykki - petname for dirty child. A rascal, tyke
Harakkani - newborn's first shirt, ritual shirt
Augile - soft spot on newborn's skull
Harakkapaida - fetal membrane still on newborn baby
Nännimaido - breast milk, mother's milk
Riisu - baby's baptismal clothing, christening robe
Šittariepu - dirty swaddle, nappy, diaper
Imutti - pacifier traditionally made from cow's udder
Löllö, soska - pacifier
Čolli - baby bottle traditionally made from cow udder and horn
Dudu - baby bottle, traditionally made from cloth or leather
Hilatin, kilissin - baby rattle
Lapsestuskymmen - the first decade of child's life
Kätyt - wooden hanging cradle
Latekätyt - standing cradle
Vidmi - baby hammock, hanging cradle made from cloth
Rodinat - celebration held in honor of newly born child where family and neighbors bring gifts and food for the child and mother
Čuočoi - the unknown, boogieman, character used to scare children
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naumin · 2 years
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esikko & kirma talk it out 🌚 for @halfmoonhowl ❤️
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sparrowrising · 2 years
He takes the name Esikko for the friendly little primrose, because it's been years now and he wants so badly to move on and let go and just be, if not happy, then at least content. Primroses are nice and calm and they can be eaten in a soup to soothe a cold. And he feels so cold all the time, he'd like someone to soothe it for him, and he can do this, he can let her go, live a life, die a death. 
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oravanpesa · 5 years
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Perjantaikukaksi ostettu esikko Primula rosea ’Grandiflora’ ansaitsee tulla esitellyksi. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primularosea #primularoseagrandiflora #esikko #primrose #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup #blossomwatch #mydarlingminimal #poetryofsimplethings https://www.instagram.com/p/B94rkgGA0aF/?igshid=nqxscvxxfcsm
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suomilissu · 7 years
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finnishfun · 3 years
Reading practice
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I recently read this book in Hungarian, then bought the Finnish one to read it again. It was quite easy to read but I found a lot of new words. I didn’t make separate posts this time, so all new words below:
ryöstö - robbery mölytä - to make noise kaamea - terrible olla (-ssa) perää - there is truth (in sth) lyhtypylväs - lamppost hihkaista - to shriek kuriton - unruly kakara - brat orapihlaja - hawthorn haahuilla - to wander aimlessly sadettaja, sadetin - sprinkler trendikäs - trendy nakertaa - to nibble koruliike - jewelry store paasata - to drone (speak) lavuaari - sink äkeä - irritated tukea - hearty (food) kehua - to praise turhamainen - vain kiekua - to crow (rooster) tykkänään - completely kapu - captain hötäkkä - fuss sälli - guy liepeillä - somewhere around pelargoni - geranium olla äimän käkenä - to be astonished haaksirikkoutua - to shipwreck lankku - plank sahajauho - sawdust purnukka - jar hykerrellä - to chuckle härveli - gadget pontevasti - energetically huikea - amazing hioa - to refine patistaa - to urge ärräpää - swearword laskukaava - math formula yhtälö - equation seppele - wreath sopupeli - fixed match haudanhiljaisuus - dead silence lukkoseppä - locksmith läpiveto - draught (wind) tuikitärkeä - very important hänen pinna paloi - she lost her temper levyttää - to record kotkotus - clucking (of chicken) keinulauta - seesaw rustata - to write mennä yöpuulle - to go to sleep suotava - desirable purtilo - boat tollo - fool pösilö - dumb palaute - feedback kapinoida - to rebel perhoshaavi - butterfly net huikea - amazing ylistää - to praise epävireinen - out of tune esikko - primrose lahjoa - to bribe jekku - practical joke ystävätär - female friend pitää kurissa - to control, restrain kaihoisasti - longingly tipotiessään - completely gone kuuliainen - obedient ravaaminen - running around tennarit - tennis shoes, sneakers perin juurin - thoroughly (same as perin pohjin) kivenmurikka - rock kalvosinnappi - cufflink hely - trinket sumuttaminen - spraying (plants) keskinkertainen - mediocre taivaallinen - heavenly
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pialep · 7 years
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Esteban Esikko XDDDDD by jossujb
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blaalokkerogspraak · 7 years
Finnish Flower Species Vocabulary
Suomi - English
Kukka - Flower
Ruusu - Rose
Päivänkakkara - Daisy
Voikukka - Dandelion
Kehäkukka - Marigold
Krysanteemi - Chrysanthemum
Lilja - Lily
Laventeli - Lavender
Orvokki - Violet
Narsissi - Daffodil
Tulppaani - Tulip
Unikukka - Poppy
Kissankello - Bluebell
Leijonakita - Snapdragon
Syreeni - Lilac
Kurjenmiekka - Iris
Lumikello - Snowdrop
Kanerva - Heather
Kärsämöt - Yarrow
Sormustinkukka - Foxglove
Apila - Clover
Leinikki - Buttercup
Esikko - Primrose
Krookus - Crocus
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oravanpesa · 5 years
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Oravanpesä-blogissa uusi kirjoitus. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primulavulgaris #kääpiöesikko #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup https://www.instagram.com/p/B8D26zdAeP8/?igshid=1h9nlq9nupxrz
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oravanpesa · 5 years
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[ad | blogiyhteistyö] Esikot kuuluvat tammikuuhun. Oravanpesä-blogissa uusi postaus aiheesta. ♥️ @huiskulaoy #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primulavulgaris #kääpiöesikko #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup #huiskula https://www.instagram.com/p/B7g5dBTgQcq/?igshid=1hdd3kjd7xx5k
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oravanpesa · 6 years
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Päivän saavutuksiin luettakoon pestyt astiat, leivottu omena-croissantpulla ja Oravankesäpesä-blogiin postaus Amsterdamin tuliaisista. Kuvan kukka ei liity tapaukseen. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primulavulgaris #kääpiöesikko #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup #spring_inbloom #facethespring #bloomingseason #pakahdun https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJfmcTADNM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1l4vyqgs8dkf9
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oravanpesa · 6 years
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Huh, mikä päivä. Vähän kukkaterapiaa. Oravanpesä-blogissa voi hengähtää tokiolaisessa puutarhassa. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primulavulgaris #kääpiöesikko #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup #spring_inbloom #facethespring #bloomingseason #pakahdun https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8l9ucAubb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w5ev70ju5t0t
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oravanpesa · 6 years
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Kevättä Oravanpesä-blogissa. ♥️ #katinoravanpesä #esikko #primula #primulavulgaris #kääpiöesikko #pursuepretty #flowersgivemepower #flowerpower #moodforfloral #springmood #flower_perfection #botanicaldreamers #botanicalpickmeup #huiskula https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs2f3WQgo5f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v1zz8q5d45of
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finnishfun · 6 years
25 words a week challenge - Week 2.
Week 2!
This time I went for the “dictionary” approach and looked at Wiktionary, choosing one word with each letter that I liked the look of. This will be an interesting one as I have no idea yet what they mean :D
If anyone reads through my examples, please let me know any mistakes. :)
meaning: glade (grassy open or cleared space in a forest, especially one that is a result of slash-and-burn cultivation)
English ashes also comes from this word. Probably because of the burning?
ahonmansikka - wild strawberry
Kävelin metsässä ja tulin ahoon. - I was walking in the forest and arrived at a glade.
meaning: road (slang) - from bana in Swedish (that was my guess. But I actually liked the word due to the resemblance to banana - some forms might get me confused :D)
Ajan baanalla. - I’m driving on the road.
meaning: cocktail party
c only appears in foreign words, so not a very easy choice but of course they are used in compounds and such
kutsut means party, invitation (plural form)
Cocktailkutsut oli hauskaa. - The cocktail party was fun.
meaning: date (a person you’re dating)
a nice example of a foreign word adapted to Finnish spelling
tt-t gradation
Deittini oli söpö poika. - My date was a cute boy. (I hope it works like this, and doesn’t give the impression I’m talking about a child. I couldn’t find a good word for “guy”)
meaning: primrose
kk-k gradation
Esikko on kaunis kukka. - Primrose is a beautiful flower.
meaning: pocket (slang)
this one also looks like coming from Swedish (ficka)
kk-k gradation
Minulla ei ole fikkoja housuilla(ni). - I don’t have pockets on my trousers.
meaning: griffin (mythical animal)
pp-p gradation
Griippi on myyttinen olento. - The griffin is a mythical creature.
meaning: overalls, onesie, jumpsuit (usually in plural)
Ostin uusia haalarit vauvalle. - I bought a new onesie for the baby.
meaning: derivation (for words)
finally a language-related word :D
johtaa:  To derive, traceback.
~ sana latinasta = to derive a word from Latin, trace a word back to its Latin origins.
So it’s the study of derivation!
meaning: moderateness, reasonableness, as an adjective: reasonable, as an adverb: reasonably
Kohtuu on tärkeää, kun opiskelut kieliä. - Moderateness is important when you study languages. (Or not, haha!)
meaning: mud
Sateen jälkeen on paljon liejua puutarhassa. - After the rain there is lots of mud in the yard.
meaning: horseshoe crab
Onko molukkirapuja vaarallisia? - Are horseshoe crabs dangerous?
meaning: Aries (in horoscopes, and an old name for a ram)
Olen syntynyt huhtikuussa, olen oinas. - I was born in April, I’m an Aries.
meaning: torch
Viesin soihtun minun kanssani luolalle. - I took a torch with me to the cave.
meaning: flash mob (nice that Finnish has a word for this!)
äkki - sudden, ryhmä - group, team
Osallistuin äkkiryhmään. - I participated in a flash mob.
meaning: orc
cool spelling!
Suosikkejani “Lord of the Rings”-elokuviassa on örkkejä. - My favourites in the LOTR movies are the orcs.
meaning: to pay for someone else’s food (slang)
I like finding colloquial and slang expressions during this challenge :D
Piffaan pitsastasi. - I’m paying for your pizza.
meaning: to get tired, exhausted; to be missing
Uuvuin juhlassa. - I got tired at the party.
meaning: to whistle (colloquial)
Kävelen ja vislatan. - I’m walking and whistling.
meaning: to zoom, focus
not a wide range of words with z either so we have to do with loanwords converted to Finnish use :)
Zoomaan kameran. - I focus the camera.
meaning: pretty (colloquial)
from Swedish nätt / German nett
Hän on nätti tyttö. - She is a pretty girl.
meaning: fair, just, honest
reilu kauppa - fair trade
Jääkiekkopelaaja oli reilua. - The hockey player was fair.
meaning: beady (eyes), drizzly (weather), dim, gloomy (light)
Saa on tihruinen tänään. - The weather is drizzly today.
meaning: loose, free, untethered 
Naapurin koira on taas irrallaan. - The neighbor’s dog is loose again.
meaning: plus, and
yksi ynnä kaksi - one plus two
ynnä muuta - etc.
ynnälasku - addition (maths)
ynnätä - to sum
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