#esme shelby x sister in law!reader
call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven in Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Following your encounter with the Shelby family, you try to get accepted but you have no idea how. This is why Ada comes out with a good idea: organizing a tea party in the garden. You accept, hoping things will get better between you and Arthur's family... But it does not go as planned.
featuring John x Platonic!OCReader
Words: 4.3k
TW: Foul language but hey, that's about Peaky Blinders, witchcraft ??
✞ This chapter is longer than what I attended to do, so unfortunately I could not follow the poll's result. Hence, here is a quieter chapter but nonetheless tinted with a bit of angst. Moreover, the three next chapters are going to be quite violent and intense so consider this the calm before the storm.
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here).
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Afficher davantage
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“I don’t like the kids being around her.” 
“Come on Esme, she’s not going to eat ‘em eh.” Arthur brought the cup of tea to his mouth and drank it, its sweet flavor melting on his tongue.    It was a necessary and momentary relief, which kept him from yelling at his sister-in-law for what she had just said about his sweetheart. She had not stopped making snarky remarks from the day he introduced you to the family. Somehow, it was not about hatred or personal resentment, but rather about fear: she was sincerely scared of you.
After meeting the Shelbys for the first time, you were left utterly confused and did not know what to do. That was when Ada’s idea popped up. She had helped you organize a small tea party in the garden of the house Arthur had brought for you, in order to have a cozy family gathering.  Then, John grew fond of the idea. These two surely had adored you as soon as their eyes had fallen on your angelic face. Following the invitations you had sent, Esme and Polly agreed to come to the event even if they did not trust you. More superstitious than the rest of the family, they were genuinely anxious when you were nearby — but family was family, and they did it for Arthur. Concerning Michael and Finn, they were too busy playing tough boys in Small Heath to bother sipping on a cup of tea in a flower garden. And regarding Thomas… Of course, he would not come. His refusal had been quite obvious following your disastrous encounter with little King Shelby, even though he pretended to be far too busy with work to come. His manners were on point, at least when he was not insulting you and grabbing you by the throat. Admittedly, you had been disappointed in the boys’ lack of commitment but you did not let it show. People still came, you thought.
“What if she brings evil spirits upon them?” She insisted, her dark eyes staring at you as if you would kill her children if she dared to shift her eyes from you for one second. Annoyed with her disrespectful claim, Arthur rolled his eyes and exhaled loudly through his nose.
“Listen, girl,” He put back his cup on the table a bit more bluntly than he intended to, “if you keep saying dumb shits in my bloody house I’ll kick ya out. Heaven invited ya and y’all talk shit in her back tsk… Damn ungrateful women.”  
Esme opened her mouth to say something but she closed it straight away for Polly had rested her hand on her arm to keep her from doing so.   The last thing they needed was a quarrel. She finally sighed, admitting her defeat. Then, she went on observing you playing with her four children alongside her husband, John.
“At least she’s not filling your mind with stupid Christian things. “ Polly said, stirring her tea with a little silver spoon. She was observing the liquid with great attention, looking for any sign of poison or suspicious ingredient. Somehow, she feared you had served her some kind of magical potion.  Witnessing this circus of a conversation, Ada closed her book and frowned.
“This is ridiculous. You should stop judging her because of stupid rumors. She’s no witch… 
 Heaven is a delightful woman, clever and polite. Far away from that bitch Linda.” She paused to look at each of the faces around the table, “And if she is, well… She might as well fly on a broom and turn people into frogs I would not mind. I’ve never seen Arthur that happy before, and that’s all that matters.” She argued, her voice filled with determination and her tone highlighted with her natural fury. The Shelby sister sure was a wild and entitled woman.
“Thanks, Ada,” Arthur looked at her with sincere gratitude. He was starting to get tired of the two women’s nonsense and constant judgmental behavior toward his lover. His steel blue eyes abandoned his guests and fell on your graceful body — not interested in anyone but you. Bewitched by the sight, Arthur’s traits relaxed as he observed you running behind Katie in an attempt to catch her, with your dolly face enlightened with a smile so beaming even the sun was green with envy. His heartbeat quickened in his ribcage as seconds passed — the more he stared at you, the more the world around him vanished: you had the gift of making him forget everything. Your wild ivory mane floated at the wind’s discretion, along with the overhanging fabric of the Greek-inspired white dress you were wearing. How he loved to see you covered with the beautiful dresses, fur coats, and jewels he kept buying for you — nothing was too precious nor expensive for his angel. 
“You can’t catch me, Heaven!”
“You think so, Katie? I’m coming for you!”
Esme and John’s children had adored you from the minute you met. They seemed to have adopted you into the family, judging by their blooming smiles and their joyful laughter each time you would catch them in your arms. A sudden comforting wave of warmth overcame Arthur’s heart. Seeing you playing with kids definitely did something to him. He tried not to let it show, for you were younger than him and he did not want to put any pressure on your shoulders, but he had always wanted a family. For years he had seen his siblings being blessed with the joy of love and children, to the point he had wondered if his time would come or if he was deemed to live off prostitutes, drugs, and bland momentarily reliefs. Yet the more he watched you with children, the less he could keep domestic thoughts from flooding his brain. How deeply he wanted to put a ring around your finger to make you officially his, and fill your belly with a child. His child. But the truth was he still doubted you truly wanted him, his insecurities whispering to his ear that you’ll wake up one day and see the monster he was. He already could barely believe you wanted to see him every day. Let alone the surprise of you agreeing to live with him, by his side.
“Shit Arthur, it’s getting serious.” Ada teased, smiling behind her cup of tea at his brother’s blissed out expression, “She did cast a spell on you.”  
“Oh fook off, Ada. Don’t say that, Polly and Esme are going to believe it.”  And he was right, for the two women were now watching Ada with pure terror on their faces, which only made her burst into laughter. 
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John grabbed you by the wrist, gently forcing you to stop running. You turned around and pout, visibly unhappy of your poor performance.
“Gotcha, little Angel,” He said, one brow raised and his beautiful lips stretching in a wide, cunning smile from which a toothpick was hanging, “Following the rules, you’re excluded from the game.“  
“That’s unfair. You cannot hide in a bush and bounce on me, John. This is cheating.” You retorted, pretending to be outraged, but the smirk etched on the corner of your charming lips left no doubt about your amusement. 
“I’m a Shelby. Of course I cheat.” 
“That’s such a lame excuse,” You said, your sentence punctuated by a  thunder of complaints that rose when the kids noticed you had stopped chasing them. All the four Shelby children wished was to keep playing with you, but John wanted to take advantage of this moment to enjoy your company without the protective presence of Arthur towering over him, “And I think the whole team disagrees with your decision.” You added, shrugging, with a false innocent expression on your face, which gave you a bratty look more than anything else. Gosh, John thought, you were a hell of a woman… 
“Oi herd, why don’t you play together for a while so that Dad and Heaven can talk eh?” 
Another wave of protest, but the focus of the little crowd was soon diverted by a small white bird that had just landed on the handmade birdhouse near them. The children decided they did not want to play Tag Your It anymore, but rather chose to observe the bird from the closest spot as possible. So was kids’ ability to focus, as flickering and ephemeral as a moth. John freed your wrist as they moved away and winked at you. Then, he pulled a  silvery cigarette case out of his pants pocket. He gave you one and proceeded to light it up politely. You leaned over his hands until the tip of your cigarette brushed the flame  — John’s sky-blue eyes looked at you during the whole moment, his iris shining with a playful gleam. To be honest, he was probably the nicest Shelby of the family, Arthur not included. At least, he was always absolutely caring for you and would never forget to pull you in a bear hug each time you met. Hugs so tight, so comfy that you could almost feel the shattered piece of your heart brought back together. John Shelby had spent countless hours helping you move to your new house, refusing to let you carry heavy furniture and stuff. More than being helpful, he fancied the moments you both spent together. That was why he would sometimes keep you company and teach you some tricks with his personal deck of cards when Arthur was busy working for their boss-brother. In exchange, you would mend his torn shirts after a fight and offer him shelter whenever he and Esme had a heated argument.
“How’s going with Arthur?” He asked, his tongue playing with his toothpick. You let out a cloud of smoke from your juicy lips.
“This is going so well, I can’t believe it. Your brother is so soft, so caring… He’s an Angel.”
“Soft? Caring? Are we really talking about Arthur?” He chuckled, “I mean he used to throw Michael out of the window when he was just a kid.”
“Well, you were there to catch him though. Pretty sure no one did when Arthur would throw you out of that same window. You must have hit your head against the concrete more than once.”  You raised a brow, your teeth digging into your cigarette as your smirk widened. Blown away by your quick wit, John shook his head.
“What the hell, I don’t know why Arthur calls you angel. You’re a fucking devil,” He said to tease you. Yet the soft traits of his baby face turned into a more serious expression, “So yer really happy with him?  I’m asking because he loves you so much that he would not stand losing you. Hell, he talks about you every fucking minute!” 
“Does he?” You said with a softer note in your voice before glancing at Arthur. Your aquamarine eyes met his, for he had not stopped staring at you. Blood rushed to your cheeks, “I’m truly blessed, John. Arthur is — he is unique you know? I can’t find words powerful enough in any language to describe my feelings for him. But trust me, I am a lucky woman. “  
Domestic life with Arthur Shelby had a surprising taste of blissful paradise. Obviously, it had its ups and downs, for the path to healing was always a long and somehow troubled one, but you knew what you were stepping into the first time you met — his face was splattered with blood after all. You had been aware of the scorching fits of rage and his past troubles with addictions right from the start. He also told you about the nightmares that would wake him up at night, screaming and panting, and that time he cheated on Linda and cried doing so. Yet, he had promised you to do his best to tame his demons — and when he said “best” he did not lie. Whether covered in blood or not, he often came home right after work, wanting to spend his time with you rather than doing anything else. When he did not it was simply because he was drinking with his brothers. And even wasted, at the edge of the abyss he was so familiar with, he never touched another woman — No matter John’s behaviors and Tommy’s pressure. How could he when the fairest creature of this bloody world was waiting for him at home? Moreover, sex with you outperformed everything he had experienced before. Arthur knew that having you by his side was a miracle, and he was determined not to sabotage it. Because you were everything he needed to survive, and what he had craved all his bastard’s life. Sometimes he would wake up at night, afraid you had been just a dream, and when he would realize you really existed he would pull you in his arms and watch you sleep peacefully, his fingers caressing your porcelain skin until he dozed off. Yes, Arthur Shelby was the most loving and loyal man you ever had. 
Maybe that was what made the moments he snapped even more terrifying. But you weren’t scared, for Arthur never laid a finger on you and would never do it. In fact, he was never mad at you, but rather at himself. Or at the rest of the world. But not you — how could he? 
He was simply terrified of hurting you. Sometimes he touched you so lightly, afraid to break you… And when his spirits heated and he squeezed you a bit too fiercely, all you had to do was gently remind him to relax and his embrace would loosen.
“But tell me John. Are you really interested in Arthur’s well-being or is it because you’d miss me if I leave?”  You joked, taking another puff of your cigarette and shifting your gaze to him. You expected a roast in return but all he gave you was a strange silence. Your smile slowly faded away at his pensive face, the oceans in his eyes lost in thought.
“Yeah,” He said, a bit embarrassed. John swallowed, then, after a brief moment of hesitation, he gently pressed one of his big soft hands on your shoulder in a tender sign of affection, “I’d miss you. I really like you Heaven.  You’re good for Arthur. You know when he goes back home after work it’s because he really wants to. Because he misses you so deeply he physically aches. Plus, I really love spending time with you,” He rubbed his nose with the back of his free hand in a nervous reflex, his handsome eyes fleeing yours,  “And I’m deeply sorry for my wife’s behavior.” 
“Ah,” You waved the topic off, “That’s okay,” 
“ Oi! That makes more room for me eh!” He blurted out, an irritating yet adorable playful grin plastered on his face. 
“Oh Gosh, what an idiot you are!” You slapped him behind the head, which made him laugh even more, “you have such a punchable face!” 
“That’s what my brothers always say, little angel. Find a better roast next time.”
“What do we always say, dumbass?” A hoarse voice asked. Two strong and large hands grabbed you by the waist. Arthur had left the women, who had a heated discussion about politics, for he grew already frustrated not to be with you. His familiar perfume made all your muscles relax as if your instinct linked his presence with undeniable safety — which was the case. To be true, Arthur was not only loving, he was clingy. Adorably clingy. From the day you met  — to probably the day death do you part— he constantly felt a deep-rooted need to touch you. On the one hand, he wanted your attention, on the other, he could not get enough of your affection.  You let out a soft and amused snort, and you raised one arm to slip your hand in his hair. You almost hear him purr at your touch, his lips against your ear.
“His face is punchable, don’t you think so?”
“Fook yes, it is! It really is.” 
“Two against me?! Now who’s the one cheat—“   John could not finish his sentence for he was cut off by the children’s screams.  The three of you rushed to the small pack as one to check what had just happened. 
When you reached their level, you saw all the children encircling something, their heads down and their eyes looking at one specific spot somewhere in the grass. 
“The hell’s wrong with ya kiddos? Ain’t no reason to scream like that!” Arthur complained, his gravel voice tainted with fading worries now that he realized all the kids were safe and sound. 
“The bird! It’s the bird, uncle Arthur!” Cried a little boy.
“Dad, dad! What’s wrong with the bird?” Katie asked. 
When you came closer, you realized that the children were circling the same bird that had landed on the birdhouse fifteen minutes ago. The poor creature was laying in a bed of green grass, as petrified as a statue. Its small beady eyes were glassy, utterly lifeless. It did not take more than one second for you to understand that it was probably dead.
“That bird’s bloody dead.” Arthur stated. Maybe tactfulness was not his best quality. 
“What?! Is it?!” The children spoke as one. A  terrified expression veiled their round faces at their uncle’s harsh words. 
“Good job Arthur.” John replied, visibly annoyed by the situation.
A soft breeze made the bird’s pale feathers dance in front of your eyes. How come this creature, which was joyfully whistling not so long ago, had stopped living all of sudden? The futility of life would never cease to amaze you… The fact remains that you had to do something, whether it was for John’s children or for the animal itself. Without the slightest word, you kneeled in the grass. Its comforting caress on your skin sent a shiver down your spine and reminded you how you loved taking naps in the forest when you were a kid, back in France. You forced your mind to focus on your task and finally cupped the bird’s body in your cold hands.
“Don’t touch it, love.” Arthur told you. The gravel in his voice was coated with softness and care: he did not want you to catch a disease or something.
“It’s alright.” You answered, absentminded, before standing up on your feet. Your brows slightly furrowed as you observed the dead creature in your hands. There was something about dead birds — something in the way their small black eyes were always wide open as if they had frozen at the sight of Death’s face right before it struck them with its lethal kiss. 
Arthur, as well as the rest of the Shelby family, looked at you in confusion. They did not comprehend what you wanted to do with the corpse. You took a quick glance at John’s children and offered them a soft smile, then you looked back at the bird, “You know,” you started, your voice sweet and enchanting, “my mom used to tell me that some birds only have one love during their life,” Your words stirred up curiosity among the young ones, whose faces turned from fear to vivid interest, “they can die from a broken heart. Just like some humans.”
“This is sad. I don’t want the bird to have a broken heart.” One little boy with feckless said.
“It’s true. That’s a sad fact. But … If you give it a bit of love and a lot of hope…” Pausing your sentence, you closed your eyes for one short moment and exhaled loudly. Doing so, you raised your arms with closed hands facing the clear blue sky, “Maybe you can repair what has been broken.”  And as you concluded, your sweet words and soft voice hypnotizing your audience, you opened your hands:  against all odds and natural laws, the white bird twitched and, all of sudden, flew away in panic as the witching hour struck. White feathers lazily spin to the ground, carried away by the wind and the melody of flapping wings. A peaceful grin grazed your full lips at such a magnificent sound, “See?” You finally said, reopening your Bambi lashes and turning towards the mesmerized kids that were now cheering. However, that dazzling smile of yours quickly faded away at the sight of Esme, Polly, and Ada’s bewildered faces — they had witnessed everything.
“What the bloody hell was that?” John’s voice was merely a whisper. You had resurrected a damn bird. In front of them. No trick, no ruse. You had brought a fucking bird back to fucking life.
You looked at Arthur with a tint of anxiety in your eyes, not understanding if you did something wrong, but all he did was stare at the bird’s silhouette up in the sky with his cold blue eyes.
“Fookin’ hell…” 
He could not believe it either.
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When Esme had grabbed her children, panic on her face, and left the house slamming the car’s door, you had felt utterly disappointed in yourself.  Here we go, you thought, they are all going to hate me. And Arthur’s going to leave. You thought, still standing in the alley with your eyes fixed upon the horizon where she had disappeared. The horror with which she had looked at you was haunting you — were you that monstrous? You blinked and remembered you were not alone. John, Ada, Polly, and Arthur were still there, probably ready to flee too. Your heart ached at the thought, to the point you did not dare move for fear of facing them.
“Angel.” Arthur’s voice called with such a soft and delicate tone no one would have recognized it. You finally turned around slowly, jaw clenched and eyes looking at your feet.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Arthur.” That was all you could say, apologies falling from your quivering lips each time you would part then to speak. 
“Hey. Stop that.” He said, a bit more strictly,  yet he gently cupped your face with his two rough hands at the same time. The sensation of his warm skin against yours managed to bring back peace in your tormented soul.
“Don’t mind her — Yer fucking perfect. Yes, you are, and I don’t want ya to think you’re not.” 
“I should not have done that. Maybe that wasn’t what you thought, maybe the bird was just playing dead and…”  
“I love ya and I’m not gonna leave if that’s what yer scared of. That’s okay, love.” He said, pressing his forehead against yours in that so specific habit of his, “Just don't cry please, I hate to see you cry.” Lavishing you with sweetness, Arthur left little reassuring pecks on your lips for it was the only thing he could do to keep the tears away from your eyes.
How much he hated to see you in pain.  It made him want to bend the skies and raise hell. Made him want to destroy everything that had hurt you. 
Fortunately for him, your hard heart did not let you shred a single tear. You felt wounded and frustrated, simple as that.
“Don’t worry, Mon amour.” You finally say, taking a deep breath.  You were about to give him a little smile, eyes lost in Arthur’s blue iris when Polly literally pushed him away from you with quite a surprising strength. She had snatched your man from your arms with such fierceness that you stood still, eyes wide open, unable to move.
“HELL, POL’! BLOODY FOOKIN’ FAMILY!” Now he was yelling — roaring like a wounded and enraged lion. 
“Shut up Arthur!” She snapped back without looking at him, before grabbing your shoulders with her two frail hands. You were once again astounded by her strength now that she was holding you firmly. 
At such a sight, Arthur’s protective instincts kicked in. He was about to place himself in front of you to face Polly Gray, within an inch of tackling his own Aunt, when John and Ada grasped each one of his arms to hold him back. 
“You have brought it to life, haven’t you?” She questioned, her brows slightly furrowed and her brown eyes trying to probe the meanders of your soul. It was more than enough for you, who came to the edge of your patience. You exhaled slowly and swallowed.
“Why do you want to know? Gonna hang me high? Gonna burn me?!” 
“DON’T TOUCH HER!” Arthur roared in the background.
“You did it!” She blurted out.
You did not reply, rather leaving her to draw her own conclusions.
“You did it.” She repeated with a surprisingly softer voice. 
And everything changed. 
Her face. The spark in her eyes. Her whole attitude. Polly’s hands loosened their grip but remain on your shoulders. The coldness of her face melted in a brief proud smile, whose rarity rendered it even more inestimable. Polly’s mouth opened to say something but it took a little while, for she was still trying to find the right words. And when she did, she said something to you in Romani. Something you could not understand, even though the tone of this unknown language sounded beautifully in your ears. The meaning behind her words remained a mystery — all you knew was that what she said had surprised Arthur and John, who were both now looking at their Aunt with lips slightly opened. Confused, your gaze shifted to Ada — and contrary to her brothers, a magnificent smile was adorning her face.
Polly gave your shoulders a last gentle squeeze before releasing you from her embrace and pointing Arthur out.
“You better keep this one.” She simply stated, then she headed back to the garden. 
You blinked, still utterly confused by Polly’s behavior, “what did she say?” You turned to the three Shelby siblings but especially asked Arthur. However, he struggled to produce a proper answer. He opened his mouth but Ada cut him off right before he could speak.
“Miracle.” She stated.
“She said you’re a miracle.” 
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Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
Each chapter of this series can be read as stand-alones but I advise you to read everything if you want a better understanding of details.
Tagging those who might be interested: @areyenotfondofmelobster @meowtastick @babayaga67 @sired-to-hybrid @shelbyssins (tagging u honey because it’s bby Arthur)
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pandoraslove · 2 years
Rumor Had It
Finn Shelby x Reader (part 4)
Summary: A new job, supportive friends and family, what else could y/n ask for. She’d never thought to look in the shadow until she caught onto his.   
She got the job. Y/n got the job! She was as excited as a child on Christmas morning. She received a letter 2 days after she’d applied. Today. She jumped up and down in the comfort of her small living room, then calmed down, then did it again. Freddie had told her that he, Ada, and Karl would all be having dinner with the Shelby family. All of them since Ada of course would go off on who ever dared not to show up. Freddie and Ada both extended the invitation to her, but she’d said no and then Ada threatened her with telling Freddie the incident of nearly a week ago. So in the end she is having dinner with the Shelby family.
Y/n’s last day at the flower shop was yesterday, She honestly wasn’t too sad to leave. She didn’t get along with the owner... too authoritarian.
It was almost noon so y/n made her way to #6 on Watery Lane. She was incredibly happy, she held a small smile on her face, as she day dreamed about the different dresses she’s make, She’d try to make trousers, and skirts, oh how she loved skirts. She tried to control the smile on her face as she walked into the home, there was already commotion. This time John’s wife, Esme, and their kids were here. She walked into the living room and greeted the guys there, then walked into the kitchen where she found Esme, Polly and Ada and greeted them too. 
“Wise of you to show up, Y/n.” Ada says with a smirk. she narrows her eyes at her sister-in-law jokingly making her laugh. 
“Why don’t you go with Freddie and Finn for a while, we have it handled in here.” Polly says with a smile. She nods and walks back into the living area. Karl was playing with John’s kids in the back yard now, so there was a little less noise in the house. Y/n sat next to Freddie who was currently talking to Tommy about something she wasn’t really paying attention to. She’s was staring off into space thinking about the new job she got. 
“Y/n.” Freddie calls out to her. 
“hm?” She hums looking up at him, she instantly dropped the smile she had, knowing she’d get interrogated. 
“Why are you so giddy?” He asks. 
“What ever do you mean, Prince Frederick?” she says, sniffling a small laugh at the end of her sentence. 
“That smile on your face, Why is it so bright?” He says narrowing his eyes. 
“Am I not allowed to be happy?” 
“You were just smiling while you stared at the floor biting you lip, a little suspicious.” John says. 
“I bite my lip when I’m distracted so what?”  
“So, you weren’t thinking about a boy?” Fred asks. 
She scoffs, “ no. ew. no. why- what the fuck?” She chokes up making everyone look at her surprised. “No offense but I don't have to for men in my life, right now I'm focusing on making myself rich.” She says smuggly. 
“and how will you accomplish that?” Arthur asks. 
“By working hard at the boutique.” She says with a big smile. 
“you got the job?” Finn asks. she nods excitedly, as Fred gives her a side hug. 
“well, no wonder you were so happy, congratulation y/n.” Thomas says. 
“thank you.” She says. Karl walked back into the house and right into her arms. She’s gotten close to her nephew over the past few days. He crawled onto her lap and laid his head on her shoulder. “Are you alright, Karl?” She asks softly. 
“mhm. sleepy.” He says quietly. She could feel him growing heavier. She leaned farther back on the couch and allowed the boy to fall asleep. 
“How has he fallen asleep so fast?” Arthur asks surprised. He said it a little loudly causing Karl to stir a little and making y/n glare at him. he muttered a small apology while everyone else laughed. She ran a hand up and down his back to help him fall asleep as he was still slightly awake. 
“When is your first day, y/n?” Freddie asks. 
“in 2 days.” 
“Do you need anything? We could help you out a little.” 
“I’m fine, Freddie, I have everything I need.”
“Well, tomorrow we are cele-” Freddie begins, only to be cut off by her. 
“No.” She says, not in a harsh manner, but a little sternly. 
“Why not?” He asks. 
“Because, I’m not feeling up to it.” She lied, she always loved her birthday, but having Freddie back and people who look out for her is enough. 
“Fine, Dinner?” He asks and she nods. 
“What’s tomorrow?” Finn asks. 
“Nothing important,” She tells him with a small smile, He eyes her suspiciously. 
“The foods ready,” Esme announces and everyone walks into the dining room. Y/n stays behind to lay Karl down on one of the couches, Finn stayed behind as well. 
“You know you aren’t a very good liar, you look around a room after telling on subconsciously.” He states, she laughs. 
“It’s honestly nothing, just a normal day.” She says. 
“It’s your birthday isn’t it?” He asks. 
“How’d you know?” She asks surprised. 
“context clues.” he grins. 
“Don’t say anything, please? It’s not that big of a deal.” She says sincerely, he nods in understanding and they walk to the room everyone else was in. They sit in the only remaining chairs that were left, right next to each other too. she stayed quite listening to everyone else talk and also getting stuck in her head.  The last nice, fun birthday she’d had was when she was 5. Her father was still alive, her mother loved her, and Freddie was there too. Her father had given her rose and sunflower seeds to plant, her mother gave her a red bow, and Freddie gave her a sewing kit. Her flowers bloomed but died soon after... since she stopped taking care of them. She used the sewing kit to make more bows for herself. Y/n finished her food and listened to the conversation between the Shelby family absentmindedly. Her leg was shaking under the table and when Finn noticed he nudged her arm softly. She looked up at him in question. 
“Everything alright?” he asked softly enough that only she heard. she nodded, but her leg continued to shake. He put his hand on her leg and watched her calm slightly. 
She felt his hand on her leg but didn’t make any attempt to move it away. It calmed her in a way. She tried to keep the change in her mood unnoticeable, not wanting to bother anyone. 
Freddie eyed the two as he sat next to Ada. He noticed the slight change in y/n’s mood after bringing up her birthday. Even though he said they’d only have dinner, he owed it to her to have something bigger, especially since her last birthday with him was nearly more than a decade ago. He’d mention it to the Shelby’s later. 
“So y/n I hear you got the job at the dress boutique?” Polly asks. 
y/n nods but not as excitedly as she had earlier. “Uh, yes. I got the letter this morning. I start in 2 days.” She says a bit quietly. 
“I’d think you would be more excited.” Ada says, a hint of worry in her words. 
“I am, It’s just I'm a little tired is all, the food was delicious, thank you.” 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Arthur asks.
she was beginning to get flushed and a bit overwhelmed. “yeah, yes, I’m fine.” she smiles at him. “just tired and thinking of all the dresses I'll be making.” she tells them. 
“Will you make me one?” Ada asks. 
“Of course, you know now that I think about it I could open my own dress shop and make dresses.” She says. 
“Well, This is just a start to that, that could be your goal in the future.” Freddie says. 
“Such a wise man.” Y/n jokes. 
“Why, Thank you.” Freddie says with a grin.
“Shush, Princess Fredericka, you’re ruining the moment.” Everyone burst out laughing at the nickname. including Finn and Y/n. 
“Wasn’t it Prince Frederick an hour ago?” Freddie asks amused. 
“I like Princess Fredericka better.” She says cutely. 
“Right, well, Rosie, we shall settle it in the Thorne manner just like when you were younger later. you’re still ticklish aren’t you?” He asks with a huge grin, the old nickname didn’t faze her much, it felt nice being called Rosie again. Y/n Rosie Thorne
“You wouldn’t dare.” She says staring him down. 
“We’ll see,” He says, “can you go check on Karl?” He says with a smug grin, changing the topic, But she was more than glad to go check on her darling nephew. He still needed to eat. She got up, forgetting about Finn’s hand, and smiled at him as she walked away. She walked to the couch Karl was on and ran her finger through his hair. He stirred a little before waking up. 
“Well, good morning, minx.” 
“Morning?” He asks. 
“It’s still dinner, you have to eat bud.” she says softly. The four year old reaches his arms up and she picks him up. He rests his head on her shoulder and they walk back to the dining room. She didn’t fail to notice the shadow in the corner of her eye. She was tense, Freddie noticed that as she handed Karl to him. She whispered into his ear, “pass me your gun, don’t ask just don't do it.” she says so softly only he hears. He passes the gun to her discreetly and she excuses herself to the bathroom. His shadow was in the window, so he must’ve been outside. She stepped out and looked around, noticing him about walk away from the house. 
“I thought I told you to stay away.” She says sternly. 
“You actually thought I would listen?” Derrick asks. 
“Did you think I was bluffing? I am Thorne and I keep my word.” She says before shooting him in the leg. She would have shot his dick off but she was feeling a little Merciful today. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screams in pain. 
“I don’t know you tell me.” She says walking back into the house. Of course the gun shot was heard by everyone else other than the shelby’s do to the loud bickering and laughter of the children. She sits back down at the table next to Finn after putting the safety on the gun and tucking it into her boot. Freddie looked towards her and she only smiled. 
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fandom-puff · 3 years
Safe and sound
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested by: anon ‘Please could you do a Tommy Shelby x reader where reader is Charlie’s mother and once Charlie is back at home from being kidnapped Tommy has to comfort her and she can hardly let her baby out of her sight’
Warnings: kidnapping, swearing, injury, mentions of drugging
Gif creds to owner
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“Get away from me with that, Esme Shelby!”
“Please, YN, just to help you calm down,” Esme said soothingly, holding out the glass of whiskey. “It’ll help you sleep,”
“I don’t want to bloody sleep!” You screamed, eyes wild with panic. “My son is missing, I haven’t heard from my husband or any of his brothers in days, and you want me to sleep? What if something happens, something worse! I’ve already failed him by letting him get taken away in the first place!” Tears were streaming down your face, but what were once tears of anguish and pain were now tears of anger. In that moment you hated your sister in law; her children were all safe and sound, tucked up in bed with their nanny to see to their every need, all while your child was alone and cold and frightened and possibly hurt. It was irrational, of course. Esme couldn’t help that her children were safe, and you had no right to hate her because of that, but your fear and anger seemed to pick on the easiest target. “I just want my baby back,” you whispered, falling to the floor as you began sobbing. Esme put the glass down on the sideboard and hurried to your side. “I just want my baby back!” You screamed, slapping the floor with your palms, not even flinching when the shards of shattered glass that you had previously smashed cut your hands.
“We’ll get him back, YN,” Esme murmured, holding you close to her chest, shushing you gently.
The front door to Arrowe House slammed shut and you sprung up, hurrying out into the corridor. When you saw that it was Polly and Ada, you deflated. Your lips moved in a silent question but Polly shook her head. “Tommy’s met with Solomons,” Ada said quickly.
“We should hear something soon. In the meantime, we need to look after you,” Polly said, looking at Esme who shook her head. “I take it we’ve had no joy with the morphine?”
“I’m not taking it Pol. What if I’m asleep when-when…” Polly nodded.
“Alright. Well then, let’s see to those hands, alright?” Almost childlike, you let Polly lead you into the kitchen to pluck the glass from your palms. You kept your eyes cast towards your lap, hardly wincing as Polly tweezered the tiny fragments out, barely letting out a sound as she sterilised and bandaged the wounds. She watched with pity as tears slipped from your glazed-over eyes; she knew what it was like to have a child taken away, and she hoped to God you would get yours back quicker than Michael was returned to her. “All done,” she murmured and you nodded slowly.
“I just want him back, Polly. I want my baby safe with me,” you mumbled, letting her pull you close to her. You sobbed into her shoulder for what felt like an age. When your shoulders stopped shaking, Polly murmured that you needed to sleep, that the boys would have it sorted, that Charlie would want to see him mother all fresh and bright, not with great dark circles under her eyes. You nodded and clumsily made your way to your bedroom. “Please can I... something to help me sleep?” You murmured, though you were already half asleep, face pressed into your husband’s pillow. Polly nodded, but by the time she returned with the sleeping drugs, you were flat out.
You jarred awake as the bed dipped and Tommy’s arms wrapped around you. “Tom- I- Charlie- is he-” you asked, voice slurred.
“He’s tucked up in his bed, YN” tommy said. “Tucked up, nice and safe, flat out,”
“I need to see him,” you whispered, terrified you were just dreaming. Tommy nodded and guided you to the nursery. True to his word, Tommy pointed to the snoring toddler, who, despite looking exhausted, was unscathed. “That bloody priest,” you whispered. “I’ll kill him, Tom,”
Tommy squeezed your waist gently. “No need. Michael’s seen to it already,”
The next morning, Tommy woke to an empty bed. He did not panic, however, knowing exactly where you would be. He went to the nursery, standing in the doorway. You were slumped next to the cot, staring sleepily at your son, eyes half closed with fatigue. Charlie was still fast asleep, although now his little hand was clenched around your thumb; your hand was slotted through the bars of the cot.
“He’s safe, YN,” Tommy said quietly, voice raspy. “Safe and sound in his bed. Come on, Polly says you haven’t slept properly in days. Back to bed, eh?” You looked up at your husband, barely able to keep your eyes open.
“I’m scared, Tom. Scared if I leave him... he’ll be taken,”
The anguish in your voice melted Tommy’s heart, which had been icy over the past few days. “Back to bed, yeah? Charlie can come too,” you nodded, letting Tommy help you up. You didn’t begin moving until Tommy lifted your son out of his cot. Charlie grumbled slightly, not a fan of being woken up, and tommy shushed him gently. “S’alright, son. Come and get cuddles, yeah? Mummy needs to know you’re still with her,” you looked over your shoulder and smiled weakly as you led the pair to your bedroom.
Tommy waited until you were in bed before he laid Charlie next to you. Instantly, he nuzzled his face into your chest, grasping at your nightdress. “Mumma...” he mumbled and your heart swelled with love and relief.
“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m right here. Mummy’s here, and I love you very much, okay?” You whispered, kissing the top of his head, your body curling protectively around him. “I love you,” you mumbled, fresh tears wetting the top of his thick hair.
“Love, mummy,” Charlie said quietly, before his soft little snores filled the air again.
Tommy smiled softly at you both, before curling around you, weaving his arms around you both. “I’m so sorry, YN,” he murmured. “For putting him, for putting the two of you in danger. I’m so sorry,,”
You turned your head slightly and kissed Tommy gently. “He’s safe now. That’s all that matters,”
Tags: @liliputbahn @lilymurphy03 @imareallygrumpyme @acciosiriusblack @shelundeadxxxx @peakyswritings @lazyotakujen
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misstressshelby · 3 years
A little magic
Summary: After failing to get pregnant Tommy Shelby and his wife try alternative methods.
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy issues, smut
Paring: Tommy Shelby X Fem Reader
Word Count:2,438
(A/N: I am not Roma. It is an extremely closed culture that differs from region to region so it is hard to research. Everything related to magic in this is just things I've learned in my own craft. Expect Amari De who is the goddess of motherhood and nature among Romani. Also, this is my first smut so I'm very nervous.)
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“Mrs. Shelby, did you hear what I just said?” The voice broke you out of your trance. You had been staring at a painting hung on the wall since you’d sat down. No, you didn’t hear what the doctor said but it didn’t matter. He said the same thing the last six doctors told you. It wasn’t impossible for you to have children, just highly unlikely. If you did, the pregnancy would be high risk. But there were always more treatments and tests. More prodding, invading questions and people look at you with pity in their eyes.
“Yes, I heard you. Thank you for your time, Dr. Turner.” You replied with a tight simile.
Tommy squeezed your hand beside you while taking a drag of his third cigarette. You didn’t remember the ride home, only that you drove in silence. As soon as you arrived you went to your shared bedroom. You were exhausted but knew you wouldn’t sleep. Your body hated you that way.
Two weeks later Esme had come to see you with her small army of kids. The girls were trying to make the boys play school with them but the boys wouldn’t cooperate. Instead, they wanted to go outside and play cowboys. Esme and you sat on chairs on the patio overlooking the garden talking about your husbands.
“John hasn’t been home in three bloody days! He only comes in to fuck me then leaves again. I swear I’m gonna cut off his balls the next time I see him.” The woman said exasperated.
“If you cut off his balls what would you do for fun eh? You two go at it like rabbits.” You laughed at your sister-in-law.
“I don’t fucking care anymore. I’m sick of being bloody pregnant. My feet hurt all the fucking time and I can’t remember the last time had a drink. Or any fun for that matter.” Esme gestured to her ever-growing stomach.
You gave a half-hearted chuckle and tried to ignore the pang of jealousy in your chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry love I wasn’t-’Esme rushed out.
“It’s okay Esme. I’m happy for you and John really.” Your smile was genuine this time even though the jealousy remained.
The brunette moved closer and leaned in like she was telling a secret.
“You know me cousin was like you tried for years and just couldn’t get knocked up. Then one day she saw Madam Boswell, now she has five.” Esme had a look in her eye that reminded you of Polly. Sometimes the monarch of the Shelby's would look at you like she saw through you.
“You think she would see me? I’m a gorger after all.” You didn’t want to get your hopes up again.
“You’re a fucking Shelby yeah,” Esme said as if your last name solved decades of tradition. Maybe it did. Being a Shelby opened a lot of doors these days.
Two hours later Esme was leaving the kids with Polly on Water lane. Jonny Doggs was preparing a caravan. You were in Tommy’s office writing him a letter and praying to every God that he wouldn’t be too mad.
Dear Tommy,
I’m sorry for leaving without any notice. I’m going with Esme to Blackpool and should be back before next Sunday. Johnny Doggs is coming with us so you don’t have to worry. I promise I’ll explain more when I get home.
Yours always, (Y/N)
True to your word you arrived next Friday to see lights on in the house. The sun had already gone down which usually meant Tommy wasn’t far behind. You opened the large wooden door to find Mary already waiting.
“Hello Mrs. Shelby, how was your trip?” Mary smiled.
“It was nice, Mary. Thank you. Where is me husband?” You asked. You knew the longer you waited the worst your nerves would get.
“In his study Miss, he’s been sleeping there,” Mary told her warily. The maid took your coat and started to walk back into the house.
You stopped her, “Mary is he….is he mad?”.
“No, not mad, just worried.” Mary smiled softly before going back to work.
You made your way through the house taking in the living room like the first time you’d had seen it. Coming back home always feels different. As if the energy had shifted in your absence. As you considered this as you arrived at Tommy’s office door.
The door felt larger than normal looming over you separating you from the man inside. You didn’t knock as you normally would, opting to pop your head in instead.
He didn’t notice you at first thinking you were a maid coming in to ask about dinner. You stood by the door for a moment taking in the sight of him hunched over his desk looking at papers. Tommy’s hair was falling over his eyes and the ashtray beside him was littered with cigarettes. His clothes look disheveled like Mary said he looked as if he’d slept in them.
“Hello, Tommy.” You said as you walked to his desk letting him know you were home.
“Your home.” He stated.
Your husband finally looked up, while he tried to look stoic you could see his shoulders relax.
“Yeah, I am. Did you get my letter?” You asked, knowing the answer.
“Mhhm I got it. Any reason you decided to run off to Blackpoll with Esme and Jonny Doggs love?” Tommy raised an eyebrow at you.
You moved around to sit on the edge of his desk before leaning down to kiss your husband. Tommy pulled you into him despite himself as you savored each other. As you pulled away your foreheads stayed pressed against one another. You took a breath before telling him.
“I went to visit Madam Boswell.” You finally said. “Esme told me that she helped a cousin of hers.”
After the words left your mouth Tommy leaned back in his chair rubbing his hands down his face. “So you let a witch put a spell on you cause Esme said?’ He laughed.
“Oi she’s not a witch Thomas and she didn’t put a spell on me. She only gave me instructions for a ritual; for us to do if we wish.” You scolded him.
You didn’t know why before you would’ve laughed at the thought as well. You’d never really put much thought into Roma magic. You’d listen to Polly’s stories or let her read your leaves from time to time. The same way an atheist would sit through a sermon. But there was something about Madam Boswell that made her feel ethereal. As if she knew everything that had happened and everything that would. It was silly but you clung to that feeling wanting to believe in it.
“You know Pol says Shelby's have magic in their blood, so what’s a little more?” You tried to reason with your husband.
“And you believe her?” He asked but he didn’t laugh this time.
“I think Pol can see things in people that others can’t and so can you. Call it magic or whatever you want.” You took your husband’s face in your hands rubbing along his jaw.
“She says it could help us have a baby Tommy. So why not try? Will you at least think about it?” You pleaded with your husband.
Tommy’s eyes got soft at the mention of you conceiving. You knew how much he wanted a baby too. Though he tried to act like the never-ending appointments didn’t pain him as much as his wife.
“I’ll think about it yeah,” He told you standing from his chair to kiss your forehead.
“Dinner should be ready soon, let's get something to eat yeah? Johnny Doggs is a shit cook.” You laughed, pulling your husband out of his office.
It was three days later when Tommy finally gave you an answer. You was sitting in front of your vanity getting ready for bed when he came in. You knew what he wanted right away, it was rare for Tom to come to bed before midnight unless he wanted a fuck.
“Alright.” He said with a nod of his head.
“Really?” You got up with a smile.” Okay just let me get the things.”
“Things? You never said there were things love.” Tommy grunted.
You ignored him walking toward the walk-in closet to get the bag Madam Boswell had given you.
“It’s only some candles, a seed, a medallion, and a little spell.” You recited every item as you sat them on the bed.
Tommy came to stand beside you. Looking at each item with a wary look in his eye.
“Thought you said no spells eh?” He asked as he picked up the medallion.
“No, I said she didn’t put one on me. All we have to do is light the candles, say a few words, and then plant the seed afterward” You explained.
Tommy quirked an eyebrow at “plant the seed” with a smirk. You shoved his shoulder a little and rolled your eyes at him but couldn’t hide a smile either.
After Tommy stripped to his boxers the two of you stood in front of a makeshift altar. The Amari De amulet sat in the middle of a green and red candle. Tommy took one of the lighters and lit the red before letting you light the green.
Awkwardly you both recited the spell Madam Boswell had written for you.
"Pink for a girl and blue for a boy
wee one you will bring such joy
fill up this womb with baby's life
Goddess hear my heartfelt cries
I am strong and I am worthy
To lead this baby on its life journey
ant so tonight with child is me
this is my spell, so mote it be"
You shifted beside your husband suddenly feeling like a virgin. The anxiety bubbled in your stomach as you forgot how to move your limbs. Tommy sensing your apprehension took your face in his hands. Softly he brushed his fingers over your lips before his followed. As soon as you felt his lips on yours everything fell into place.
You couldn’t wait any longer, bunching your nightgown up before tugging Tommy’s pants off him. Hanging off the edge of the bed Tommy’s arms wrapped around you was the only thing keeping you up. Your mouths crashed together with urgency. Half kissing half groaning into the other's mouth. Tommy raked his hand through your hair and tugged just hard enough to make you gasp. While he placed open-mouthed kisses on your neck you blindly undid the buttons on his shirt.
He pulled the top of your negligee down as the straps fell down your arms.
When he stopped his assault of your neck to pull your mouth back to him you moaned at the sight. His hair disheveled from your fingers running through it. His were lips already swollen. If you could, you would stay like this forever worshiping the man before you .
Tommy had other plans, reaching in between your bodies he found your cunt wet for him. He let his fingers ghost over you just enough to tease. When you ground down into his hand and let out an embarrassing whine all he did in return is smile.
He stayed like that for a while letting you rub herself on his fingers until you were close. The noises you were making would embarrass you if it wasn’t for the look on Thomas' face. He looked up at you like you were a goddess. It was his turn to worship you . His pupils were blown wide while his lips hung slightly open. Your moans became louder. You were sure everyone in the house could hear you but didn’t care.
It was when your mouth dropped into a silent scream that your husband finally pressed his fingers onto your clit. He didn’t move, just let you continue circling your hips in the rhythm you’d chosen. But it was enough to set you over the edge. You hung on to Tommy’s broad shoulders as you came. It took a moment to let the fuzzy white haze wash over you. Basking in the feeling. You picked your head off Thomas’s shoulder only to press your foreheads together. Your noses bumped each other. Lips brushing as a smile came to your face.
You didn’t know if you stayed like that for a couple of minutes or a couple of hours. Gently Tommy laid you on the ground before standing over you taking in the sight. Your hair spiraled in a halo around you while you caught your breath. Thomas grabbed a pillow from the bed behind him. Then placed it underneath your hips.
You watched as he kneeled before you , running his calloused hands up your legs. Only to hook them around your knees and pull you towards him. Your hips positioned on the pillow left your cunt opened to your husband much to his delight. You were already dripping down your thighs but Tommy still leaned down to spit directly on your pussy. You gasped at the feeling. You arched your back towards him before wrapping your ankles around him.
“Please Tommy please I need you…” You started to babble.
“Shh, I know. You’re always so good for me” Tommy reassured you .
You didn’t have time to respond before you felt Tommy’s cock sink into you slowly. Everything else fell away and all that mattered was the feeling of him. Of both of you together.
You couldn’t think of anything else but him. His fingers digging into your thighs. Hurting in the best way possible. The way his cock filled you in a way only Tommy could. The small grunts coming from his parted lips. It was all too much for you. You felt yourself titering on the edge already. The tingling in your stomach grew with each thrust as you drug your nails down his back.
“Please...please Tommy I’m going to cum..Don’t stop.” You rambled.
“Me too just hold on love.” He groaned against your ear.
You felt Tommy grab your hips before thrusting into you one last time. After filling you, he brought his thumb down to rub lazy circles on your clit. It only took a few caresses for you to cum with a loud moan.
Tommy gave you a moment to catch your breath before pulling away. You wrapped your legs around him again before asking him to stay.
You both stayed like that until your breathing calmed down. Only breaking apart to move to the bed and start again.
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hb-writes · 2 years
"How Are You?" Masterlist
Pieces inspired by the "How Are You?" Dialogue Responses Prompt List.
🥃 Are You Listening?
Finn Shelby x Reader/ Nameless OC
Prompt: “I’m fine.” (Honest)
Set at some point after series 5. Finn is so used to being fed lies that he can’t even hear a bit of truth.
✨ Told You So
Edward, Alice, & Mia
Prompt: “Not that bad actually.”
Edward told his sister not to leave Señora Goff’s midterm assignment to the last minute, but when does Mia ever listen to her brother?
✨ Just This Once
Esme & Mia
Prompt: “I have been better.”
Mia’s sick and while Esme would prefer her child to be feeling well, she’s more than happy for the opportunity to dote.
✨ A Fine Lie
Jasper & Mia
Prompt: "Fine." (A lie)
Set in New Moon after Alice, Bella, and Edward return from Volterra. While the rest of the family has returned to Forks, Mia and Jasper stay behind in Ithaca, NY.
👻 Subject Matter Expert
Dean & Nora
Prompt: “Why would you even care?”
Nora’s been nightmare-free for months, the terror of her encounter with demons seemingly forgotten until she has a string of them while Dean and Sam are on a job and she’s been left with Bobby. When Nora seeks comfort, Dean can’t handle it, brushing her off and prolonging their trip. Now that the hunt is over, it’s time for the Winchesters to make amends.
👻 Bobby's DreamHouse™
Bobby, Sam, Dean, & Nora
Prompt: “I’ve been feeling worse before.”
There's just something about Uncle Bobby's house that brings out the childishness in the Winchester siblings.
❤️ Replaceable
Christian & Emma
Prompt: "I feel like I should ask you that.”
When Emma wrecks her brother’s car and ends up in the hospital, her injuries are the least of her concerns.
❤️ Screw 'Em
Elliot & Emma
Prompt: “Well, it’s so nice of you to ask…”
When Emma’s studying gets in the way of celebrating Carrick’s birthday, it seems like just about everyone is disappointed, but Elliot gets it.
👔 Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Beat It
Harvey & Charlie
Prompt: “I’m doing quite well at the moment.”
Charlie Specter is a lot like her older brother, or at least she tries to be like him. She works hard. She takes extra courses at university. She works part-time at his law firm. She even speaks fluently in the language of obscure movie quotes. Charlie always thought it was a good thing, being like Harvey, but she's starting to think she's not cut out for it. And maybe that's not such a bad thing.
🩸 Tomayto, Tomahto
Eric, Pam, & Elisabeth
Prompt: “Probably a lot better than you look like.”
There was a time when Eric wouldn’t have felt any real pull to check on her, a time when his curiosity would have already been fully satiated by Pam’s words because, despite his promise to Godric, Eric had not been interested in the girl or her well-being, or at least, he hadn’t endeavored to be, but that time was far behind them. Eric had come to know the girl, whether he wanted it or not, the erudition edged on by his blood in her veins and by her unrelenting presence in his life, and a small measure of intrigue and awareness he’d adopted, something Eric would deny being anything more than him taking an appropriate level of interest in an asset.
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byorder-fanfic · 4 years
Red Eyed Anger
Summary: There are two things your brothers hate the most: the cavalry, and the idea of you, their youngest sister, dating. When they decide to piss you off at Tommy’s wedding, you think it’s a good idea to hit two birds with one stone. Or, more likely, give John an aneurysm.
Word count: 2234
Warnings: Swearing, overprotective brothers and mentions of drugs
Authors Note: This is my first Peaky Blinders x reader imagine, so I hope you enjoy. Thanks for all the support and kind comments from my first post, it really gave me the confidence to carry on! xx
When Finn had grabbed your wrist and told you Tommy wanted to see you, this wasn't exactly what you expected. Walking into his needlessly large kitchen, you dodged a few busy waiters hurrying around (and maybe grabbing a snack off one of the plates), as you perched on the side. Looking around, the family was all there. Well, nearly. It was all the men and boys, in their dark suits that made your dark green dress stand out more. It was long sleeved and baggy, just as all your clothes were, lest you wanted to give Arthur a heart attack. Tommy was looking as disgruntled as always as he lit a cigarette, eyebrows furrowed as he watched Arthur and Michael clamber down the stairs, saying something about needing a map. It was true, you thought, as you compared the mansion you were sat in to the little house in Watery Lane.
"Tom, why the hell have you invited me to your boys club?" You snapped, only to be ignored, as usual.
"Alright boys, you're all here," he muttered as he raised his arms to look at you all. You tried to ignore the 'boys' comment, but you still felt yourself glaring at him as he started his speech. "Today it's my fucking wedding day."
"And you said there'd be no uniforms," John pointed out with a snarl. Upstairs, the red uniforms overwhelmed every corridor and floor.
"Nevertheless John, despite the bad blood, I'll have none of it on my carpet." Everyone shared disappointed glances. "Now, for Grace's sake, those bastard's out there are her family, and if any of you fuckers do anything to embarrass her, your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, do anything to-"
He was almost shouting, you didn't hear Isaiah suddenly piping in, until Tommy suddenly turned to him to yell "What?"
"What about snow?" You raised your eyebrows over your brother's shoulder, causing Isaiah to return a little smirk, as John grabbed him in headlock.
"No cocaine," he pointed his finger in front of Isaiah. "No sports," directed at John. "No races, no fucking sucking the petrol out of their cars." He grabbed onto Finn's face, and this time you couldn't hide a laugh. Then Tommy turned to you, his blue eyes unusually angry. "As always Y/N, no drinking, smoking, and no dancing with any man not in this room."
Your mouth dropped in offence, as you looked round to your other brothers, all looking at you with teasing grins.
"Tom, this is a party! I thought I could have fun!" You tried your best to look angry at him too, only to get John snorting out a laugh.
"C'mon, Y/N, you're just a kid, have fun with Katie and my lot," he suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm sure Charlie's got some orange juice you can have," Arthur joined in with a gruff laugh. In a second, your fists were clenched as you moved up to hit them, only to have Tommy's grip on your shoulder, pushing you down.
"I'm the same age as Finn, you promised you'd let me have a bit of freedom!" 
"Well, we lied," Tommy said simply as he turned over to your Uncle Charlie, who was watching this with an interested cock of his eyebrows. "And, you, Charlie, stop spinning fucking yards about me, hey?" He turned around, letting out another huff of smoke.
"I'm just trying to sell you to them, Tom," Charlie protested as he too raised a cigarette in his hand. 
"And for the love of God, no fighting," Tommy was yelling again. You wondered if Grace could hear this. "NO FUCKING FIGHTING!"
You rolled your eyes as you quickly walked out, trying to ignore your Uncle's sympathetic pat on the shoulder as you marched past, a fury in your eyes and fists curled.
"I'm not a child, Esme," you groaned as you slumped next to your sister-in-law. She was giving a grin, evidently being told what Tommy's meeting was all about. "When will they start to treat me like Finn?"
"When you don't have tits," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Fucking sexists," you said under your breath, yet Isaiah still heard. He was by your side, eyes glazing over the woman on the dancefloor, yet commanded by Finn to play bodyguard. His laugh shook the cavalry shoulders standing behind you to jump suddenly, as they surveyed the three of you with curious eyes. You recognised one of them from the ceremony. He was younger than the two men, about your age, but still donned the same robin-red uniform. He was handsome, you thought, and had been giving you less than discreet looks as you stood opposite in the pews. Now, it was your turn to give him a grin. Luckily, neither Isaiah or Esme noticed your sudden change of attention. 
"I'm going to get some air," you said, and they both nodded as they watched you go, green dress standing out in the sea of red. As you'd hoped, there were a pair of footsteps behind you as you made it into one of the many corridors of Arrow House. 
"Miss Shelby," his accent was distinctly Irish and brought another smile on your face as you spun on your heels to turn to the cavalry soldier. 
"It's Y/N," you held out your hand, which he quickly took in his own, bringing himself closer to you. "And you are?"
"Conor Burgess." He let go of your hand, but he was still very close to you, his breath fanning on your skin.
"You're related to Grace?" Despite yourself, you took a step closer, your chest brushing against his.
"She's my dad's cousin."
You brought your hands up to smooth down the edges of the bright uniform he donned. Red, like the bad blood between them and your brothers. Red, like the anger you felt at them. Red, like the lipstick on your smile as an idea came to mind.
"You're a little young to be a soldier," you whispered, fingers brushing the golden button at his throat.
"It's a family thing," Conor had an exhausted sigh. "I kinda have to be."
"I know what that's like," you nodded as you thought of the ways your brothers had bent over backwards to keep you the child you no longer were. Shaking off the sadness, you gave him another mischievous grin. "How about we go disappoint both our families, Conor?"
"Sounds good to me, Y/N." He let you take your hand and drag him up the stairs.
There were a lot of guest bedrooms in Arrow House, so surely it was a good idea to hide in one. If anyone noticed you’d gone, they’d need a map to find you. When you took off Conor's scarlet uniform coat, removing all responsibilities of a soldier, you'd made it explicitly clear that that was the only piece of clothing being removed tonight. He'd agreed to it, eagerly, as he discarded the jacket with very little thought. In his undershirt, he sat next to you on the end of the bed, looking at each other awkwardly.
"Y'know, I've been watching you all day," he whispered as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. The action made your face burn up, as you became all too conscious of the feeling of his knee against yours. 
"I've noticed," you tried to keep your confidence, despite a bashfulness at the thought of what was coming next. 
"You are the prettiest girl in the room, Y/N," he kept a hand against your neck, the other one on your hand. Conor held an intense look as he forced you to keep eye contact. "Can I kiss you?"
You didn't answer, just dove in to press your lips against his. It wasn't a smart idea, you realised a little too late, as you had no clue what to do next. Luckily, Conor did. He held onto your neck, keeping you close as he kissed you softly. It wasn't like the ways you'd seen Esme and John make out, or as disgusting as it looked when you saw Isaiah or Finn snogging girls in the Garrison. It was a nice, warm feeling that exhilarated you, although the sensation of his tongue in your mouth wasn't one you were used to. Suddenly, you grabbed onto his shoulders as you shifted yourself to sit on his lap, knees by his hips. In a second, he readjusted his grip to hold onto your own hips. You pulled away when you ran out of air, uncomfortably aware of the saliva at the corner of your lip. With a chuckle, Conor reached up to brush it away with his thumb, beaming up at you without a hint of disgust. His hands stayed on your hips, your dress was still on and he seemed contented by that. A softness in your heart suddenly formed for this boy you knew next to nothing about.
"That was nice," you whispered. 
"Your first time?" He asked with a smile that assured you he knew the answer.
"My brothers always told me boys only wanted one thing from me." You bit your lip as you looked into the empathetic look in his eyes. "But you're...different."
"Good different?"
"Very good different." You leaned down to place a chaste kiss on his lips. "Maybe we should do this again some time?"
His eyes lit up.
"I'd like that," he ascertained, but the sudden reminder of his accent made you frown.
"When are you going back to Galway?"
"I've got some soldier training in London, which I can probably extend to a year."
This time, it was your eyes that widened. A year? To go from a first kiss to get at your brothers, to a year with the kind, reluctant cavalry boy you were currently straddling. 
"Well then, I guess I'm going to be going up to see my sister a lot more." You smiled into another kiss. This time, he turned you to lie down on the bed as he rested on top, kissing you softly. As you heard the music blaring downstairs, you tried not to think how pissed your brothers will be. 
Right now though, all you could think of was Conor, and the kiss on your lips and his warmth over your body. It made the music and the sound of approaching footsteps all blur into nothing. That was, until you heard Arthur's hoarse scream.
With wide eyes and blushing faces, the two of you jumped up to look at your three eldest brothers, all donning similar wrathful faces, none more angry than John. His face was redder than the scarlet jacket in his hand, which he immediately threw into Conor's chest. Fumbling with the buttons, he immediately shrugged the damned thing back on, looking at each of your brothers with fear evident. The two of you shuffled to sitting down, looking at each other like naughty schoolchildren.
"What the hell, Y/N?" John was disappointed, it was obvious, but you couldn't care less.
"Nice to meet you Mr Shelby, I'm Con-" He didn't get a chance to finish his unusually cheerful introduction as Arthur thrusted a finger forward.
"Shut it, you," he said with his usually gruff tone.
"What happened to no fighting?" You said, far too snarky for the situation.
"What happened to no boys?" Tommy snapped back, looking at you with pursed lips and an anger contained by icy blue eyes.
"Wasn't a rule," you said sweetly, as you began to mock his voice: "No drinking, smoking, and no dancing with any man not in this room, and NO FUCKING FIGHTING!"
Your giggle was met with three deadpan expressions. They weren't so easily amused, apparently.
"No boys is always a rule," Arthur seethed.
"And he's fucking cavalry," John immediately added on with as much venom as he could muster. You rolled your eyes, certain that even if he wasn't cavalry, your brother wouldn't be too happy about you sneaking off with a boy.
"Really?" You feigned innocence. "Couldn't tell- didn't have his coat on."
With a huff, John made a move forward, only for you to jump up to stand in front of him.
"No. Fucking. Fighting." You stressed each syllable, looking him down, confidence fuelled by rage. You weren't a baby, you weren't going to let your brothers rule your life.
"She didn't break any rules," Tommy conceded with a sigh, forcing the other two Shelby brothers to look at him with flabbergasted anger. But Tommy wasn't looking at them, just the red-faced boy you stood in front of, protectively. "Now, who the hell are you?"
"Conor Burgess," he said weakly. That seemed to please Tommy, as he perked up significantly, popping a new cigarette into his lips.
"Good, so I assume you're going back to Ireland with the rest of Grace's family next week, huh?" His eagerness relaxed the other two. Momentarily, of course.
With a smirk, you fell back onto the bed, giving a wink behind you. Conor was watching this all with wide eyes and the barest shadow of a smile.
"Actually, Conor's sticking around for a year." You shone your sunniest smile. "Cavalry training."
Like that, all hope and peace from your brother's eyes drained out of them like a light flickering off. You bit back a laugh, not fully trusting the still-raging look in Tommy's eye, nor Arthur's clenched fist.
"Fuckin' cavalry," John spat out under his breath.
Part 2 here
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Summary: The youngest Shelby makes a rash decision to protect her pregnant sister-in-law, but it gets her into more trouble than she initially thought. As it soon turns out, it’s up to the women to fix this. 
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A/N: I got way too emotionally invested in this one, because I miss Esme and John a lot... Decided not to write it as x reader, just for a change. But then I had to come up with a name for the youngest Shelby sis and realised that the name Teddy just makes the most sense to me. So I stuck with that one, just made her a bit older. Story’s set around season 3. Disclaimer: I don’t speak the Romani language myself, so I asked a friend, but he isn’t fluent either. So most likely, I’ve made many mistakes: please don’t kill me.
This was requested by the lovely @lovemissyhoneybee​ Request for Shelby sis. A rival gang go to John’s house wanting to kidnap Esme who is pregnant. They don’t know what Esme looks like so to protect her and unborn baby, Shelby sis tells them she is Esme and they take her. Boys come home searching for her angst etc. They find her and save her but not before gang has her. Up to you if Shelby sis survives or not. Hope you like it!
Words: 3956
“You’re getting really fucking fat these days, Esme…” Teddy mused out loud. “That’s what happens when you’re fucking pregnant,” Esme snarled back and she looked over at John, “No thanks to you!” “Oh, right, like you had no part in this, Esme,” John replies, “Three times a day if it was up to you…”
Teddy looked at her belly again, which was getting bigger by the week. Both women were sitting at the betting den at Watery Lane. They were given the noble job of calculating the odds and counting the money, but they couldn’t be bothered to be honest. Luckily, they were really close. It was the kind of friendship which involved a lot of swearing at each other, but deep down, they knew they understood each other. “You two are like rabbits, producing more and more feral kids each day,” Teddy continued. Esme smirked slightly, ““All I can do it sit around, work and try not to go mad with the walls closing in on me. He provides some entertainment at least.” Teddy scoffed, “That’s great Esme, thanks for that.” “When are you getting yourself a husband? You’re seventeen already.” John had tried his best to ignore both grumpy women, but now shouted from the back, “Never!” “What he said,” Teddy confirmed. “It’s not all bad. Enjoyable most nights.” Esme smiled cheekily. Teddy lit another cigarette and handed it to Esme, “I don’t need a husband for that, sweetheart. I can get anyone I want and don’t need a ring on my finger to do it.” As Esme grinned broadly at that, John murmured in the background, “For fucks sake…” She turned around to see if her husband was still in hearing range, a mischievous glint came into her eyes and she pointed at Teddy, “Heard that Lee boy was after you.” “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Been there, done that.” That’s when her brother had had enough. He threw down the books on the table that the women were supposed to be working at and bellowed, “Which fucking Lee boy? Teddy, I’ve heard enough of this shit. You tell me which one!” “Can’t remember his name, can you, Esme?” Teddy looked at her sister-in-law innocently. She shrugged a little, “I think it was the one with the twelve kids? The dark-haired one.” “They’re all fucking dark-haired!” John spat in exasperation. Struggling to hide her laughter, Teddy said, “Dark he was…” “All the way down to his cock?” Esme joined in, enjoying nothing more at the moment than winding John up. “Oh, yeah,” Teddy sat back and took another drag form her cigarette, “And you should’ve seen his…” “Alright, shut the fuck up!” John bellowed, “I won’t hear anymore. You tell me that boy’s name or I’ll fucking cut you, don’t care if you’re my sister or not!” “Calm down,” the seventeen year old devil replied, not for a moment scared of him, “There’s no Lee boy. We’re just having a laugh.” “Fuck this,” he mumbled, seeing that his wife was laughing at his expense as well, “These fucking women… I’m going out, I’m at The Garrison if anyone asks for me. You, meet me at home and you!” he pointed at Teddy now, “I’ll let Tommy deal with you!” “John, we were just fucking joking! There’s nothing to do around here except wait for bloody orders.” Teddy yelled at his back just as he was walking out of the door. When he’d left, she let her head fall back and sighed dramatically. “Men…” Esme observed, “Take things so seriously all the time.” “It’s called testosterone, Esme.” They were silent for a little while and then Esme announced, “I’ve had enough. I’m going home.” “Fine with me,” Teddy practically jumped up and started collecting stubs and cash, to put them in the safe. It’d been a slow day anyways. As they were locking up, they talked. Esme had been married off once, because she was becoming ‘too wild’ as they’d said. Now people were saying the same things about Teddy, but she could never hope for such a great match, born out of coincidence only. Everyone was having babies these days and in a few more days, Esme would have another one. Esme knew it would be a boy, but Teddy was convinced it was a girl. The girls liked talking about things like that. But just before they had closed all the doors and just as Teddy was about to bolt the front door, a group of men came barging in. Roughly they threw Teddy back and before she could react, they were all over her. Biting and punching, she tried to fight them off. A few feet away she could her Esme scream and fight just as hard. There was hardly any time to react. Both women were being lifted up, their heads were being dragged up by their hair and the men examined their faces. “This one?” one asked another as he looked at Esme, just before she spit in his face. They spoke the old language, the Romani language that Teddy had never learned to master properly. Then Teddy heard one of them mention the name ‘Esme’. In a split second, Teddy took one look at Esme’s belly with the baby due any moment now and decided. “Where the fuck is John?” she bellowed. Then she addressed one of the men, “Get your hands off her, she’s his sister and she’s fucking pregnant! Do you know what they’ll do to you if you hurt their sister?” Esme fell still for a moment, confused. “That’s the one,” immediately one of them pointed at Teddy, “Take her.” Then Esme understood and started fighting them again. With all her might, she tried to get to Teddy, because now she understood they were after her and Teddy tried to protect her. But it was no use. The pregnancy had weakened her and there were too many of them. Once again, Esme received a blow to the head and was thrown back into a corner. When she got herself up again, Teddy was gone. ***
Teddy couldn’t see. She felt that she was being thrown into the back of a wagon and they’d started moving. Her hands were tied behind her back and a bag was dragged over her head. Breathing was difficult. She tried to listen if there was anyone else in there with her. When she couldn’t hear anyone, she started to try and get those ropes off her wrists. First she wiggled around her thumbs, tried to get her nails behind them, but when it didn’t work she started pulling angrily at the rope out of frustration. A heavy blow against her temple came out of the blue and Teddy fell back. Guess she wasn’t alone after all. It was impossible to tell how long the journey had taken them. When they lifted her out of the wagon, her limbs were stiff and sore. Stumbling more than walking, she was dragged off. Teddy knew what to do, rationally, which was to stay still and take in any sound that could help her, but she was too tired. Eventually, she was planted down on a chair and the bag was pulled from her face. Squinting, she saw that she was in a field in the middle of nowhere. Some fear started mixing with her general annoyance. “What do you want with me?” Teddy demanded, succeeding in keeping her voice calm and firm. A man slapped her face at once and this was when Teddy noticed her hands were tied to the chair. There was nothing she could do.
 “Romani,” he said. 
Digging into her memory, Teddy said, “Ce naiba vrei?” “Tell us about the horse.” Teddy was confused for a moment, “What horse?” He hit her again, but not with an open hand this time. A closed fist struck her right in the jaw and her head flew back.
“Which fucking horse?” she repeated. Channelling her inner Tommy, she tried to keep a straight face, but it was getting harder and harder.
Again, another blow, but his hand connected with a nose this time. Blood was gushing out of it in seconds. She could feel he was wearing rings. “Meesh,” Teddy cursed in Romani, with every intend of them understand it.
One man leaned forward and it was the first time Teddy could actually see one of their faces in the dark. He whispered into her ear, “No games, chi shugra…” Teddy looked up defiantly and told him in no uncertain terms to suck her dick, “Pi mugo car.” At least she could still swear in their mother’s language, that was something, right? A second man stepped forward and he wasn’t amused. Without warning, he landed another blow. And another. And another. All she could do was sit back and try to cough up some of the blood to keep herself from chocking on it.
“Esme Lee, we know you still speak to your family,” he said and he pulled her head back. At this point, everything was hurting, but Teddy could still feel the blade her pressed against her throat.
“If this is Peaky business…”Teddy croaked. “Tell us about the horse,” he said again. Sighing, she repeated, “What fucking horse? I don’t know anything about any horse. They don’t involve women in the whole business.” That was a lie, but it suited her. The first man shook his head, “We are not interested in the Peaky Blinders.” Confusion crept over Teddy and for the first time, she felt like this could end badly. Now she really had no idea what they wanted and there was nothing she could give them. She was scared. “The Lees, they took the horse from the fair,” he drew back his knife a little. “I wasn’t at the fair.” “The whole Lee family was there.” “I’m not a Lee though, am I,” Teddy argued. She didn’t have much time to think, but decided quickly. This was probably the only way she could still get out alive, “My name’s Teddy Shelby. You took the wrong woman.” One reacted at once, “You’re lying. You speak our language.” “We’re kin, on my mothers side? About all I can say I’ve said already.” For a moment, no one knew how to react. If it wasn’t for the pain, Teddy might have thought their shared looks of bewilderment funny. When they started beating on her again, she knew they didn’t believe her. Each hit knocked the wind out of her and they no longer asked her questions either. Her lungs weren’t given the chance to recover, her face didn’t feel like her own anymore and sounds like screams seemed to come from a distance, not her own mouth. There wasn’t a lot of fear anymore. At first she’d been annoyed, then she gradually had gotten more scared and now there was just a feeling of surrender. This is it, Teddy thought, this is how I’m going to die. ***
Back at the family home, all the brothers were being drummed up. They left their large country houses and poured back into Small Heath one by one. Aunt Polly was waiting at the table, smoking manically almost. Tommy came in and immediately got to work, with Arthur in his wake. John was still kneeled next to Esme, who’d only just woken up. He asked her over and over again if she was really alright. Finn had already gone. The idea of his youngest sister being hurt was too much for him to bear, so he decided to go out onto the streets and ask around. He no longer cared if Tommy got mad or not. “Right,” Tommy slammed down a hand on the table to get everyone’s attention and leaned over it, “I talked to Moss. He hasn’t heard anything about some gang entering Small Heath, but they’re still looking.” “Solomons?” Arthur suggested with a growl. “They’re too smart for this,” Polly shook her head, “Wouldn’t take the wrong one.” “What do you mean, the wrong one,” Tommy snapped, his eyes wild. This whole situation got under his skin, but the thought of anyone having more information than he did really irked him. “She just said,” John said looking at Esme, “They were looking for her.” “So why did they take Teddy?” Esme’s voice was weak, but she spoke up, “Because Teddy realised they were after me. She pretended she was me, so they would take her instead. She tried to protect me.” “Why?” Arthur asked again. John’s look shot daggers at his older brother, “Because she’s eight months fucking pregnant, that’s why.” Polly threw her head back and sighed deeply, “This is such a Teddy-move.” “Nevertheless,” Tommy held up his hands to try and calm everyone, “Nevertheless, we need to find whoever has her. Fuck knows what they’ll do to her once they realise she’s lied.” He rubbed his forehead for a moment, like fatigue threatened to take over, “Polly’s right: Alfie’s not behind this.” “What about Sabini?” “What would they want with her?” John wondered, his eyes still on his wife she tried to get up. Esme pushed herself against the wall and John practically held her in his arms to stop her from falling over. “I shouldn’t have let her do it…” Esme mumbled, “Why did she do that?” She couldn’t help but blame herself intensely. “Because it’s Teddy, she’s stubborn and once she sets her mind to something, there’s nothing you can do. She’s always been like that,” her husband replied, taking her face in his hands, “Hey, look at me. This wasn’t your fault. You’re pregnant and you shouldn’t be wearing yourself out like this.” Esme leaned her head forwards in his hands and he continued, “We’ll find her, don’t worry, we’ll find her. You need to sit down, love.” And he steered her towards a chair in the back of the betting den. “John!” Tommy called out. Esme grabbed his hand as he walked away, “John, it wasn’t any rival gang...” But John didn’t really listen to her, but smiled encouragingly and walked over to Tommy. In the front of the room, the family was still going over strategies. It was key to get information as soon as possible and there had to be someone around here who’d seen something. They’d sent people out on the streets to ask around, the police was informed and Tommy planned to get word out to London to see if maybe they’d taken her there. Now they had to wait, and if there was one thing the Shelby family wasn’t great at, it was waiting. 
When Teddy regained consciousness, it was still dark. Or dark again? She had no idea. Gingerly, she touched her face and found it swollen and broken everywhere. But she wasn’t dead and she silently thanked whoever up there for it. She tried to get up a little and feel around her. One eye refused to open entirely, but she soon realised she was in the back of a wagon once again. This time she wasn’t tied down, probably because they were counting on the fact that she’d be too weak to move. When she did try to move a little, a splitting headache went through her. She turned her head and vomited for the pain. Then she lay back down again, hoping it would pass. There was little time to rest though. Moments later, an unknown man entered the wagon. “Teddy Shelby?” he asked, apparently now believing that was her true identity. She held up a hand, knowing she couldn’t bear any more beatings. So she said, “Please. Whatever it is, I don’t know. If you want the horse, I could help you get it back, but I don’t know what the Lees did with it. I’m good with horses and I can get people to trust me…” He laughed a cold laugh, “We no longer care about the horse, Miss Shelby.” A cold fear seemed to pulse through her veins. “You are far more valuable to us than any horse,” he paused a little, “You could tell us all about Tommy’s next moves.” Now it was Teddy’s turn to laugh a little, “Do you have any idea which family you’re dealing with here?” “I’ll take that as a no,” he said, pragmatically, and stood up. With immense force, he stomped down onto her abdomen and then her face. Teddy didn’t fight; she had no idea how to anymore, she just drifted off. There’d been many times when Teddy had experienced pain, but not like this. As she looked up at the ceiling, she tried to take her mind off it. She thought of her family. She remembered how they’d once, before the war, taken her to ride her first horse. She’d been this tiny thing on the back of this gigantic horse, looking down on her brothers beaming up at her. She remembered John playing hide and seek with her and how he used to tickle and play-fight with her when he found her. She remembered sitting on Arthur’s neck at the fairs. She remembered Tommy, telling her she’d be king one day. Slowly, she drifted off more and more. The sounds had stopped and the colours were fading. Teddy could no longer feel the pain and it was like a warm blanket was covering her. There was no hurt, no body even, and it felt comfortably familiar. And then she thought of Finn. Her baby brother, though older than she, always asking her what they’d do next when they were little. How they’d gotten into all kinds of trouble together. How he’d had his heart broken a few years back and how he’d come crying to her. Tears were leaking out of Teddy’s own eyes now, but she could no longer see. Finn, her baby brother, what was going to happen to him? Who would take care of him? And somehow, that was enough. She withdrew from the white and pleasant and forced herself back to planet earth, with one solid thought in her mind: What would happen to Finn? *** When Esme had left Watery Lane. No one had really paid any attention to her. She’d tried and tried to get their attention, but to no avail. The truth was that Esme had recognised some of the men and so she knew this was gypsy business, not Peaky business. The trouble was, men never seemed to even consider the notion that this didn’t revolve entirely around them. So a heavily pregnant Esme made her way over to familiar ground. Urgently she spoke to her grandmother, who had no problem with helping. Of all the Shelby’s, she liked Teddy best, because she was convinced of the strong gypsy blood in that girl. You only had to look at her, fiery eyes staring back at you: she wouldn’t obey anyone. So the Lees helped, without asking questions, and Esme and her seven cousins went on their way. Finding Teddy was easy, because in all travelling communities, rumours spread fast. Connected the bits and pieces of information together was quickly done and finding the camp was so nearby was a relief. When they showed up, with Esme in tow because she’d refused to wait back at the camp, a small fight broke out, but even that was hardly worth mentioning. Esme decided to let the men do what men do, and went in search of Teddy. She opened vardo’s and found no trace of her. Then she came to a small wagon at the back of the camp and went inside. There she found a shadow of a girl, barely recognisable as her sister-in-law. She knelt down next to hear, whispering calming words in an old language into her ear. When she realised Teddy couldn’t hear her, she called for one of the men to carry her. The ceiling was moving. Teddy vaguely registered the world was changing and she was floating though the sky. But there was no way of distinguishing between reality and dreams. *** For three days and three nights, the family took shifts in keeping watch next to Teddy’s bed. Polly had tried her best to clean her up and bandage her wounds, but whether she’d live was still uncertain. John especially never let Teddy out of his sight. He was torn up by guilt over leaving both his pregnant wife and little sister alone that afternoon. One night, Polly was sitting by the bed, when Tommy came in to join her. “She’s breathing normally again,” she commented when she heard him coming in, “Most of her ribs are broken, but I think they’re healing.” Tommy lit a cigarette and let his head drop slowly between his hands, “Will she make it, Poll?” “Depends on tonight, I think,” Polly put a comforting hand on top of his head, “She’s a Shelby, Tommy, she’s strong.” “I never meant to involve her.” “She was always involved. We all are.” Again Tommy sighed, racked by guilt as well, “Finn went absolutely mad on me, telling me it was all my fault for fighting with the wrong people.” Polly’s silence spoke volumes. “We can’t lose her, Poll,” Tommy thought out loud, speaking plainly for once, “It’s like she’s the only light we have left.” Then a faint whisper sounded, “That horse…” Teddy moved a little and Tommy’s head shot up. “Get John,” Polly ordered Tommy at once and he left the room swiftly. She moved closer to her niece, “Sweetheart, can you hear me?” “The horse…” Teddy repeated, weakly. “What horse?” Polly asked gently. Teddy opened her eyes now, only as far as she could, and said, “That’s what I said…” All of a sudden, John, Esme and Arthur came storming into the room. Arthur bore a big smile on his face at the sight of his sister awake, “See I told you, John, I told you. Our sister’s too stubborn to die.” John rushed to Teddy’s side and took her hand, “Hey, Teddy-girl. How are you feeling?” “Like shit.” They laughed a little and Polly relaxed visibly. Teddy would be okay now. The worst had passed. Then another few bangs sounded downstairs and it was like a tornado ravaged through the house. In seconds, Finn barged through the door, pushing Tommy and Arthur out of the way without a second thought and taking John’s place next to Teddy roughly. “I’m fine,” Teddy said softly, to comfort him. “You’re not fucking fine. Almost every bone in your body is broken,” he stated angrily, “I was so worried.” “Don’t be. Like Arthur said, I’ll die when I’m ready to,” Teddy winked at Finn with her good eye and he smiled back. Though it seemed like she tried to comfort him mostly, it was a weight off Teddy’s shoulders to see her youngest brother was okay. Teddy squeezed his hand a little and looked to her other brothers, “How did you find me?” “They didn’t,” Polly replied at once, sharpish, “Esme did.” “I told them which clan had taken you, but they were too busy running around and panicking,” Esme explained. “We dealt with the gyspies that took you,” Tommy commented, “No need to worry about them anymore.” But Teddy ignored him, “Esme?” she asked, “Will you smack John for me?” Immediately, Esme slapped John around the head. “What was that for?” he yelled out in a high-pitched voice. Tommy and Arthur smirked in the background, but luckily, he couldn’t see that. Teddy glared at him, or she tried as best as she could with her face still uncooperative, “You should listen to your wife more often.” “Amen,” Polly leaned back in her chair. “Men…” Teddy sighed, eyes twinkling in Esme’s direction.
Esme remembered their conversation from a few days ago and said, as they shared a smile,
“Apparently it’s called testosterone.”
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zodiyack · 4 years
The Unforgivable Curses
Requested by @e-b-immortal: How about a witch reader x tommy shelby again But she just save john with magic and kill the enemies
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female!Witch!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, magic, murder, death, spoilers?, angst
Words: 1,320
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @stydia-4-ever, @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @simonsbluee, @peakysputain, @cai-neki, @darling-i-read-it, @fandom-puff, @jenepleurepasbaby, @marquelapage, @thewarriorprincessxo, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @peakyxtommy​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
I believe the witch reader concept started here
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Watching what would have been her brother-in-law’s death was mortifying. Tommy sent her to watch over his cousin and brother, her secret no longer a secret helping him in his decision making, and she soon agreed with his point. His original concern had to do with the black hands, hers now related to the uneasiness her gut held. It was too...weird.
Nothing was “normal” in her life, but this was a different kind of peculiar. This was an evil kind of peculiar.
Like time was moving in slow motion, her head whipped around to spot a gun beginning to rise. It was all the time she needed to simply whip out her wand and apparate in front of John then grab him and Michael and apparate out of the way. Esme was already out of their line of fire, so she was safe and didn’t require saving. The gypsy woman watched her sister-in-law with wide eyes that contained a pleasant mix of horror and awe. Y/n grinned before ducking down to dodge a bullet that flew at her head.
The bullet she dodged had just slightly grazed John’s shoulder. It still caught him off guard enough to cause panic to emit from his mouth. A loud cry rang through Y/n’s ears and summoned a beast inside her, one Newt had yet to discover. Her wizard friend was too far away to make the discovery now though.
“Arresto momentum!” Her spell made the unrealistic rate of speed real. Time really was moving in slow motion. She watched as every bullet moved slower than a sloth. The Shelbys, and Gray, behind her held three equal doses of confusion but their amusement was fleeting
The thing was, she wasn’t done yet. A darkness clouded her eyes.
Of course, Esme had been filled in on the different spells and what they could do, Tommy and the rest of the family as well, but Esme was the most observant involving the craft. She felt her skin pale and her heart drop to her stomach when she realized what was going to happen next. Tempted to reach out for her sister in law, had she not held back by her husband, she screamed.
“Don’t do it! It’s not worth it, there are different ways! Muggle ways!”
“What are you talking about, Esme?” John narrowed his eyes at his wife.
She turned to her husband with an urgent pleading expression. “Remember? The unforgivable curses, dumbass!” Esme swatted at him but quickly gave up. She was wasting time. “Y/n said that witches and wizards usually are corrupted by the fuckin’ dark curses! She swore to never take part in them!”
John gulped. He developed Esme’s fearful exterior within seconds, exchanging glances with Michael and then running at the same time as his cousin to Y/n.
“What the hell are you doing!? Get off!” She tried to nudge Michael away softly, but his grip on her wand wielding wrist never relented. “Don’t make me do this.” A sincere warning that he ignored yet again. Her other hand grabbed the wand and aimed it towards Michael, “Depulso!”
Michael began moving backwards. He looked to John with a stern nod of his head. They would do everything in their power to prevent Y/n from losing her innocence in her magic. However, Y/n was quick to spot him, flipping her aim as she shouted, “Depulso!”
Fortunately, John observed her when she did the same to Michael. He dodged it and continued pacing forward. Every shout of the spell he managed to just barely miss. Unfortunately, Y/n had now observed John.
“Incarcerous!” Ropes flew at the blinder and tied with unimaginable strength. He was left tied up and shouting, no way to stop Y/n. The shouts only quieted for a moment. A moment in which Y/n gave John a soft empathetic look before turning and following through with her plan. The look told him wordlessly that this was the only way. To trust her.
“Expelliarmus!” The guns flew in every which way, the slow motion’s affect drawing out a small snicker from John. Which elicited a glare from Esme.
The slow motion spell lingered away with the guns, and the men previously holding them looked around desperately. Some men jumped off to grab their weapons once they’d spotted their spots on the ground, but were practically thrown- the literal effect of the spell- back by the words murmured by Y/n.
“Everte statum!” Esme held her breath subconsciously. Y/n had yet to speak the one spell she told the group that she so greatly despised. She had yet to corrupt herself. “Expulso!” The guns broke apart, exploding where they lied, thus preventing the enemies from using their weapons.
Time returned to it’s feeling. The spell was no longer there, but they swore time had slowed again. Esme almost whipped her head around to Y/n to ask what she’d done until she noticed it wasn’t the spell.
It was like a film in the theatre; an entire movie that felt like it went on for years when really it was no more than an hour. A film that flashed the mafia’s life before their own eyes, the four across from them just characters they never asked for. A film that would be their last.
“Avada kedavra!” The words left her mouth with only slight hesitation. She convinced herself it was the only way, a repetition of the phrase to herself was the small nudge she needed to give into the curse and kill the men in front of her and her family.
A few moments passed, Y/n unmoving, standing in the same spot for the small bit of time before she turned and walked to John. “Let me see your shoulder.”
“What? No!”
Esme swatted his arm, “Let her see it, you fucking bloody idiot!”
He groaned before extending his arm and moving his night shirt over the wounded shoulder. A wince left his mouth as the cold air nipped at his bloody skin on display. “Vulnera sanentur.” The pain was gone and his wound was slowly mending itself.
Y/n turned and removed herself from their conversation for the second time. She sat upon the stairs, arm resting on her lap and her cheek held up by her palm. Esme watched with a furrow of her brows. She felt bad for Y/n, afraid even. When they’d discussed spells together, the mention of the killing curse had spooked Y/n.
It was a joke, at first. Esme was jabbing at the Blinders’ work, but then a question involving the killing part of the job popped up. Y/n assured her over and over that it wasn’t her fault, but now she couldn’t help but feel a massive wave of guilt. Y/n had just preformed the one spell she said she could never bring herself to do. Had she truly been corrupted? Was her warning true? Was she not an exception of dark magic’s addicting ways?
“It isn’t over, you know? They’re still out there, and from the looks of it, they don’t plan on walking away.” Y/n spoke up, startling the three.
“Well... What are we gonna do about it?”
“Whatever we can. We’ll think of something with the rest when we get back. For now right now though,” she paced around the property, “rather- before we leave, I have to do something. In fact, I’ll do it wherever  we deem necessary.” Her in lawed siblings and cousin waited for more context in her explanation before they heard a familiar spell.
The spell was one she did when they were threatened a different time. The threat was not as big as their current but it was just as, if not a little less, serious. They’d engraved the spell in their minds, thankful to its usefulness, for how grateful they’d been that it exists.
A warm feeling took hold of them; Y/n wasn’t corrupted. Y/n was determined.
“Protego totalum.” (protection spell)
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
Just Good Business V
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
Reader Gender Expression: She/Her pronouns, “wife”
Summary: You and Tommy settle into marriage on your anniversary. 
Length: 1585 words (allegedly)
Warnings: Very light cursing and very light mentions of arranged/forced marriage
A/N: I hope you enjoy! If you made it this far, you’re a real one. 
Part I | Part VI
Your head tilted back, eyes closed as you reached out a hand to balance yourself. You were practically shaking.
"God, Tommy," you panted, placing a hand over your chest as you caught your breath. "I liked that one."
"Thank you, Mrs. Shelby," he chuckled from where he kneeled in front of you. You couldn't help but keep giggling in the aftermath of your husband's story about him and Arthur sending John down the cut in a cardboard box when they were kids. Finn was right. Tommy did do voices, and it was worth the over dramatics he took when spinning yarns. 
"What did you think?" You looked down at Edith in your lap. She was only four, John and Esme's youngest and a spitting image of them both. Edith nodded her head and giggled herself. 
"I liked it!" 
"See, I told you he's not angry. He's just bossy all the time," you told Edith, teasing Tommy, who rolled his eyes playfully. Both of you kissed Edith's cheek before she ran off in search of her cousins. 
"Bossy, eh?" Tommy asked, wrapping his arms around your waist when you stood. 
"Hold it, Mr. Shelby, you're not the boss of me." You stuck out your tongue at him but wrapped your arms around his neck anyway. You brushed your lips against his and said, "Not right now anyway."
"Alright, lovebirds. Are we going to eat dinner or what?" Arthur asked from the doorway of the living area. 
"It's our anniversary party, Artie. Can't we take our time?" You looked over your shoulder at your brother in law. 
"Don't leave us stravin', sister," he grumbled.
It had been a lovely year and some months since your confession in the foyer. You didn't think it would change much, but hearing someone tell you they loved you nearly every day was incredibly affirming. 
In the time since your first anniversary, you'd taken a real honeymoon to Paris after Tommy told you he hadn't been to France since the war. In turn, Tommy took you camping after you said you'd never spent a rustic night under the stars. Not to mention, you believed you'd cracked a code. 
Though he didn't seem it, Tommy was actually one of the most romantic people you'd met. He just simply didn't have time to execute such things. However, he nearly matched your unparalleled ability to give a good, sporadic gift now and again. A painting from a new artist you liked now hung in a room that Tommy set up after you mentioned your nieces and nephews needing a place to play when they stayed over. Not to be outdone, you bought him top Scottish whiskey in hopes to sway him a bit on the drink and engraved riding gear. You couldn't count the lingerie; however, that was a gift to you both. 
Outside of Arrow House, Shelby Company Ltd. was growing, and with it, so did your responsibilities. No one was as much of a steadfast believer in you as Tommy, particularly where the company was concerned. He gave you more because he thought you could do it, and his belief made you work harder. You could successfully hold meetings on your own now, not just because of the Peaky Blinders, but because of your growing reputation as their gutsy businesswoman. Apparently, telling a boardroom full of old men that being a woman didn't make blind to the difference between good goings-on and bad really put you on the map. Your current scheme? Getting Alfie Solomons to admit that you were funny. This was not easy because you kept beating him at gin rummy. 
"Are you going to tell me what's been on your mind?" Tommy asked, breaking you out of your stupor. Yes, Tommy had come to know you quite well and vice versa. Which made keeping your anniversary gift a surprise very difficult.  
"Don't get nosey, Shelby," you kissed his nose then headed for the door. "Let's eat!" 
If there was one thing that hadn't changed, you could throw a good party. There were friends and family, a few business associates and their partners, and essential people Tommy wanted to impress if he was going to get into politics. After dinner, as everyone gathered in the back of the house to mingle, dance, and play, you did what you were used to. You found a finding a quiet balcony overlooking the party. You were there for a few moments before you heard footsteps.
"Polly, how do you like it?" You asked your in-law who handed you one of two champagne flutes.
"I'm having a lovely time, y/n. You have the most handsome butlers, you know?" Polly mused, not hiding her ogling of the young men in the slightest.
"You're a shameless woman, and I adore that about you," you said with a laugh. 
"I saw you two telling Edith that story."
"The Shelby's had a fun childhood."
"You're telling me. Those little rascals, they've done me proud in many ways since then," Polly said, pulling out a cigarette. "Tommy, notably. He's stubborn and downright stupid some days. But I see him with you. The way he laughs and smiles. He lets go because he knows you've got it in you to pull him back, keep him in line. You bring out parts of him that were good and bright in a way that was better than before the war."
You knew you still had a lot to learn about Tommy and the Shelby's. They had a lot to learn about you too. This was the first anniversary where you even considered inviting your family as guests. Still, the road to trust was going to be a rough one. But you were able to do it together, and that's what you liked most. 
"I'm doing you proud then? I'm meeting your expectations from way back when?" You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
"Oh, I'd say we got an excellent return on investment," Polly teased you just as Tommy approached. 
"Hello, ladies. Solving the world's problems?" He asked, looking at us both expectantly.
"I think the Shelby's problems are just fine for now," Polly said. She tapped her cigarette against the balcony's edge then kissed your cheek before making her leave.
"Anything I should worry about?" Tommy asked, turning to lean against the rail. 
"Not at all. Polly was saying how good of an influence I am on you."
"Is that right? Is that even true?" 
"Do you think it's the other way around? Don't make me laugh?"
You brushed off the accusation. 
"Aren't you the one who told all my men that if any of them made a Birmingham woman feel so much as uncomfortable that you'd drag them to the butcher's and put their hands in the meat slicer?" Tommy recalled what Finn and Isaiah told him with a bit of fear in their eyes.
"That's only if they don't do right by 'em. And same goes for you, Shelby." You didn't take it back in the slightest. 
"Good thing you're the only person I'd like to put my hands on then."
He fully believed you had it in you to do just what you'd said, and for that reason, Scudboat still wouldn't look you in the eye. Finn said you'd struck the fear of God in him, and Scudboat saw the end in your eyes. You told him to stop spreading that rumor, but here you were. You sighed and looked over the railing at the life you'd created. 
"At our next party,"
"Y/n," Tommy stopped you, using his warning voice. You knew what was coming. Let's just say, if you had it your way, there would be a gathering every month at the mansion. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we can't just go throwing another party. The last two were large and expensive."
"Fine," you caved quickly. Whether Tommy knew it or not, this was a successful tactic you used because you knew Tommy couldn't quite say no to you. You promised to only use your powers for good. 
"It's not going to work," Tommy said, more to himself than to you.
"What isn't?" 
"Your sad eyes when I tell you no." Tommy looked at you, pointedly.
"What if the next party is part of my anniversary gift?" You prompted. 
"A good theme isn't the same as a good reason, love," he said. You looked forward again at all of your family. You took a breath to calm the heat rising to your face.
"Well, what if the theme was a baby shower?" You asked softly. You turned to look at your husband. The smile forming on his face already allowed you to breathe a sigh of relief. You turned towards him fully.
"Really? You're pregnant?" He asked for sure. 
"Yes," you gave a watery confirmation. Tommy grasped your face with both hands and kissed you, then placed a hand over your stomach. 
"We should celebrate," Tommy concluded. He took your glass and sipped, only to end up coughing. "What the hell is this?" 
"I’m sure Polly knows. She brought me that apple juice." You motioned to the glass. Tommy cleared his throat and sat it aside. 
"We'll celebrate properly downstairs." He kissed you again, then looked down. Though he could only feel the beading of your dress, he may as well have heard the heartbeat. You placed your hand gently over his. 
"There's a bit of you and a bit of me in there, Mr. Shelby."
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Mrs. Shelby."
Tommy Tag List: @soleil-dor;  @amysteryspot​; @captivatedbycillianmurphy
JGB Series Tag List: @biba3434 ; l0tsofpennies; @sighonahurricane
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songtoyou · 3 years
Tempting Fate - Part Four
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Paring: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 1,285
Story Summary: Tommy is not a believer in fate or destiny. However, a new resident in Small Heath will question his beliefs and push his boundaries outside his comfort zone.
Chapter Summary: Tommy wakes up from his first night with you, alone. This causes tension between the two of you. However, is it all a misunderstanding?
A/N: Tommy Shelby is a stubborn man. That is all I have to say. Remember, there is no Grace or Greta in this fic. They do not exist in the realm of this alternate universe.
Please do not post any of my fics to other sites without my permission.
Tag List:​ @owenniasstars​
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Alone. Tommy Shelby woke up alone after his first night with you. It was the first time he had ever woken up alone after being with a woman. He looked around, and your side of the bed made up. Tommy stilled himself to see if you were walking around in another room but met with only silence. Not even a note left for him. It was a weird predicament for Tommy to be in as he was always the first to leave. He tossed the covers aside and got up to grab his clothes to put on. Tommy didn’t know whether to be dismayed or infuriated. He thought last night was a turning point for you both. It also allowed Tommy one of the best night’s sleep he had in a long time.
With his clothes on, Tommy discreetly left your home and made the journey back to his. ‘Walk of shame, Mr. Tommy Shelby. Un-fucking-believable!” Tommy thought to himself.
The more time Tommy walked to his home, the more upset he got. His sour mood was highly noticeable to the other Shelby’s when he lashed out at poor Arthur, who only asked him about the upcoming races.
“What’s got his tallywhacker in a mood?” Arthur asked, perplexed.
When Esme saw that Tommy was out of earshot, she leaned over to Arthur and said, “He and you know who got it on last night.”
“The barmaid? How do you know?” Arthur questioned.
“Because she woke us up at the crack of dawn, banging on the door demanding to talk with my wife,” interrupted John sitting down next to Esme. “Scared us to death. We thought something happened that was more than the lass banging our brother.”
“Well, that is not surprising. Tommy was bound to stake his claim,” replied Arthur. “Why would he be upset, though? I don’t get it?”
“Are you daft, Arthur?” John uttered and explained why Tommy was upset. “He is feeling slighted because he was left alone. He was the last to leave the bed. Tommy is the last one to leave.”
“Your brother is being ridiculous,” Esme interjected, annoyed at the two foolish men next to her. She shared that after calming you down, you planned to talk to Tommy. “It is all a misunderstanding. They will come around. Everything will be fine.”
Everyone quieted when footsteps made their way down the stairs, and there was Tommy in fresh clothing.
“What!” Tommy yelled when his brothers and sister-in-law forgot to avert their eyes.
Esme merely rolled her eyes. She was not scared of the big bad Tommy Shelby. She could go toe-to-toe with him any day of the week.
“Go talk to her! She did not mean to leave you high and dry!” exclaimed Esme and went to counting money and said you were at work.
Tommy scoffed while lighting his cigarette. “I have other more important things to do today, sister dear.”
“Stubborn man!” yelled Esme when Tommy left the betting house.
True to his word, Tommy avoided you for the rest of the day. However, by nightfall, he was in of a drink and company. Making his way to The Garrison, Tommy figured that since you started early in the morning, your shift would be over. Most likely, you would be home by now. He slowly entered the establishment and looked around, no sight of you anywhere. Tommy breathed a sigh of relief and entered inside.
Tommy saw his family off in the corner, being the rowdy and raucous group they always are. He walked to the bar and asked Harry for a whiskey. Taking a sip, Tommy let the alcohol burn his throat. It was one of his favorite feelings, the warmth coating his throat and chest. Unfortunately, Tommy almost choked on his second sip when he saw you emerge from the backroom, hands full of fresh, clean glasses.
“Hi,” you breathed out, setting the glasses down.
“Ms. Young,” Tommy said with no emotion and turned away from you.
Seeing the tension rise, Harry moved away to the other end of the bar to give you privacy.
“Tommy, can we talk, please?” you asked him. “I think we have some things to discuss.”
“There is nothing to discuss,” Tommy claimed and asked for a refill which you obliged.
You breathed in and out to calm your rising frustration with the man. “Tommy…” you began to say, but he left the bar to go sit with his family. You could not believe Tommy was choosing to be so cold.
As tears were about the spring from your eyes, you retreated to the back room once again. You would not give Tommy Shelby the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
Any ounce of progress you thought you made with Tommy was now gone, it seemed. He went to ignoring you. Whenever you stopped by the betting house to see Polly or Esme, and Tommy showed up, he would immediately leave or not acknowledge your presence.
The whole Tommy giving you the silent treatment lasted for two days when you could no longer tolerate his disrespect.
“That is it! You and me outside, now!” you screamed at him one Saturday afternoon at the betting house.
“Ms. Young, this is a place of business. Do not cause a scene while these men and women work,” Tommy responded apathetically, not even bothering to look at you.
That only made you infuriated. You marched right up towards Tommy and grabbed him by the arm to drag him outside. Thankfully, he did not put up a struggle. You could hear echoing sounds of snickers of the folks in the room after you left.
Now in the backyard, clear of anyone, the two of you merely eyed one another. “What is your problem? Why are you so nasty and cold towards me?” you point-blank asked Tommy.
“Why do you care how I treat you? We are nothing to each other. You made that clear a couple of days ago when we…” Tommy spoke but stopped himself when he started to feel vulnerable.
Soon it dawned on you why Tommy was upset. It all became clear, and it only made you adore him more. “Oh my God. Tommy Shelby, you are so precious. Stupid and a fool, but precious.”
You began to walk closer to him and placed your hands around his waist. He didn’t shrug you off; instead, he leaned into you.
“You’re made because you thought I left you high and dry,” you emphasized with a small smile. “I’m sorry. That was never my intent. I was freaking out. I panicked and needed to talk to Esme at that moment.”
“Do you regret…” Tommy began, but you quickly interrupted with a ‘no.’
You shook your head, “I don’t regret my night with you. It was amazing. I shouldn’t have left you alone. That was wrong of me, and I’m sorry.”
Tommy appreciated your apology but knew he had to the same. “I’m sorry too. I should not have treated you the way I have these last few days. One thing you must know about me is that I’m an asshole. However, I didn’t feel good about myself with the way I mistreated you. I’m sorry. I won’t ever do that again.”
“Thank you,” you accepted. “I won’t ever leave you alone again.”
A small smile appeared on Tommy’s face. He slowly leaned in to capture your lips in a kiss. These past two days of not talking or touching you were torture for him. He had a taste of you and needed more.
It was at that moment that Tommy would never allow some stupid misunderstanding to get between the two of you ever again.
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beautifultypewriter · 4 years
Just a Bit Panicked ~ Arthur Shelby
Requested: Yes / by @fandom-puff
Warnings: Pregnant reader, mentions of childbirth (including a woman’s water breaking), language
Word Count: 1,902 (Wow this got a bit out of hand. Sorry!)
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x fem!reader
Summary: Tired of being at home all alone, a very pregnant reader decides to follow her husband to work. Arthur is less than thrilled and just a bit panicked, especially when Reader’s water breaks.
A/N: I loved writing this. Honestly, I had such a great time with it. Thank you so much for sending this to me. Also it gets ridiculously fluffy at the end, so sorry about that.
You kept your gaze trained on the book in front of you, “You do not need to glance at me every thirty seconds, Arthur.”
 Your husband grumbled from across the room, “I wouldn’t need to glance at you at all if you had stayed in bed today.” You rolled your eyes as you closed the book you had been reading, glaring over at Arthur. He had enough sense not to look directly at you as you crossed your arms over your chest, resting them on your nine-month pregnant belly. You could see his eyes shifting all around the room and you shook your head. Arthur sighed as he leaned back in his chair, still not looking at you, “Just sayin’ love, you should be resting.” He pressed his hand against his cheek as he stared at the floorboards.
 You scoffed, “And I already told you that I am sick of laying in bed all day and I am sick of being alone while you’re off at work or the Garrison or wherever else you go!” You flung your hands up, narrowing your eyes at him.
 He cleared his throat, eyeing you briefly before turning back to his work, “Those are the only two places I go when I’m not home.” Rolling your eyes, you snorted, mumbling about how that wasn’t really the point you were trying to make. Silence fell over the two of you as Arthur went back to work, continuing to glance up at you every so often. The only thing that had changed was that when he glanced up at you, he was met with your glare instead of the peaceful image of you reading. You had completely abandoned your book in favor of trying to get your husband to relax and to leave you alone for five minutes. You winced as a cramp formed in your lower belly. The dull ache in your lower back that had woken you up that morning was gone now, it had been for at least half an hour, but it was apparently just making room for cramps. You sighed in relief as the minor pain subsided and you went back to staring at Arthur.
 He was going over some of the books and anyone else would have walked past, saying he looked the same as he always did, but you could see that he didn’t. You could see the nerves in the way his eyes darted quickly back and forth, and you could see the tension in his jaw. You started to feel a bit bad about causing him so much stress, but that feeling was quickly chased away by another cramp. You winced as you rubbed at your bump, trying to find some relief. Arthur looked up at you just as the cramp passed, “What’s it? What’s wrong?” He jumped up from his chair, successfully knocking it over and drawing the attention of everyone in the betting shop.
 You smiled at everyone before you turned to Arthur, “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it, my love.” With some difficulty, you started to push yourself up from your chair, “I’ll make you a cup of tea, so you can relax.”
 Arthur moved over to you, trying to get you to sit back down, “Oh no, you don’t. I’ll make you a cup o’ tea.” You swatted his hands away, but they only moved to you again as Arthur muttered about how you should be resting. You tried to pull away from him, but he followed your every move.
 As the two of you fought gently, John started laughing, “Oi, Arthur! Just let her make your tea.” He turned back to his own desk, still chuckling quietly, “Panicking for nothin’ mate.” You gave Arthur a smug smile as he glared at his younger brother, his hands still holding onto your arms.
 You winced as another cramp formed, this one a bit more painful than the previous ones had been. Leaning forward slightly, you patted Arthur’s arm, “Everything is completely,” there was a splashing sound and you looked down to see a puddle covering your shoes, “fine, oh.” Arthur tensed as he looked down, his eyes widening as he looked back to your face. You tried to smile at him, but another cramp was coming on and you were doubling over. Arthur swayed slightly, his breathing becoming heavier and his grip on your arm loosening.
 Finn, who had been sat on one of the other desks, crinkled his nose, “Ew, Y/N, why’d ya pee on the floor?” John howled with laughter as he banged a fist on his own desk. Arthur growled and reached for the closest thing, a pen, and threw it across the room at John. The younger Shelby dodged the projectile easily before he jumped up from his seat and came to stand next to you, still chuckling, and supported you as Arthur swayed again. John slapped his older brother’s cheek, successfully pulling him from whatever stupor he had found himself in.
 Arthur slapped his brother’s hand away as he held you up, trying to walk you towards the door, “We’ll get ya home, love and then everything will be okay,” he turned his head, “Pol!” Turning back to you, he nodded, “Yep, everything is gonna be fine, we just need,” he turned towards the back again, “Polly!”
 John, who had been helping Arthur walk you to the door, stopped suddenly, “Arthur, your house is too far. You should just stay here.” He started to pull you back towards the door to Polly’s, but Arthur wouldn’t budge.
 “We have a plan, John boy, and the plan is home.” He pointed to the door with a nod of his head before he tried pulling you back to the front, but John kept a firm grip on your arm. The two started arguing over your head as you braced yourself against another cramp, bending over as best you could in an attempt to alleviate even some of the pain. You whimpered as the two men continued their argument, hands flying over your head and their voices rising. You stood straight up again as Esme stormed over, shoving her husband to the side.
 She took hold of your arm and looked Arthur dead in the eye, “She’s not gonna make it home. Forget the plan, she’s havin’ the baby here.” She didn’t wait for a response before she turned to Finn, “Go and fetch your Aunt Pol. Tell her that Y/N’s havin’ the baby now.”
 The young boy nodded as he jumped down from the desk and rushed towards the front door, “What’s the fuss? Babies just come from the belly button,” he paused and turned back to you all, “don’t they?”
 John stared at his younger brother, his eyebrows raised, “The fuck?” Esme used her free hand to slap the back of John’s head before she started to lead you to Pol’s. You leaned into her, grateful that she was there to take charge, otherwise you might still be the rope in a game of tug of war with Arthur and John.
 She turned back to Finn, “Just fetch your aunt, Finn.” She turned to glare at her husband, “John will explain it all to you when you get back.” She smirked at him as he groaned.
 “Fuckin’ hell, Esme.”
 After Esme helped you into the bed in Arthur’s old room, she shooed the man from the room. He stood his ground, his shoulders tense, and his bottom lip between his teeth. She waved him away again. Arthur’s eyes shifted between you and his sister-in-law as he backed up to the door, “Y/N…” He was wringing his hands together, his steps slow and a bit uneven.
 You smiled, or at least you tried to, “Go on, I’ll be fine.” Arthur sighed as he rubbed his palms along the legs of his trousers, his shoulders shrugging up as he stared at you.
 Esme pushed his chest, “Go. You Shelbys get into a lot of nonsense, but even you can’t handle this.” She gave him one last shove before she closed the door on him. You laughed quietly at the shocked look on his face before it was just the door you could see. Esme rushed over to you, pressing your belly with her hand, and helping you move into a more comfortable position.
 The door burst open and Polly rushed in, pushing the door closed as she came over to you, a gentle smile on her face, “Ready, Y/N?”
 After hours of pain, pushing, and if you’re being honest, a fair amount of cursing, you were propped up in the bed, a brand-new baby in your arms. Esme was next to you, wiping the sweat from your brow as she looked down at you and your daughter. You had tears rolling down your cheeks as you smiled down at the babe, fixing her blankets, and running your fingers over her skin. Polly smiled at you from her spot across the room, “I’ll get Arthur.” You nodded, not taking your eyes from your daughter for a single second. Polly moved towards the door, turning back to you as she laid her hand on the handle, “You did good, Y/N.” You nodded to her, giving her a quick smile before your attention was once again on the little thing in your arms.
 Polly pulled open the door, ready to step into the hall and make her way down the stairs, but she took a startled step back. Arthur was in the doorway, wringing his hands together again. She smiled at him before she stepped aside, “Ready to meet your daughter?” Arthur took a shaky breath as he stepped into the room, his gaze immediately finding you. Esme smiled at him as she stepped around the bed and moved into the hall behind Polly. The door fell shut with a quiet click and then it was just the three of you.
 Arthur stood about five feet from the bed, tears in his eyes as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Readjusting your grip on the bundle in your arms, you motioned Arthur over. He took shaky steps, stopping at your bedside and smiling down at you. You giggled, “It’s okay. We’re okay.” Arthur let out a watery laugh as he nodded.
 Slowly he reached out and moved the blanket away from her face, “Our daughter, eh?” You nodded, watching him as he gently placed his hand on her head before pulling away, “She’s beautiful, Y/N.” He looked to you, wiping the tears from his eyes, and taking another shaky breath. You slid over in the bed and Arthur wasted no time in sitting down next to you. Moving your upper body, you positioned yourself so that Arthur could see your baby easier. His arm moved around your shoulders as his one leg shifted to rest on the bed, next to yours. You cuddled into his side, both of you staring down at the sleeping baby.
 You heard him sniffle and you laughed, “All that panic for nothing, huh?”
 Arthur shook his head, though he didn’t look at you, “I wasn’t panicking.” You snorted, turning to look at him. He was staring with wide eyes, eyes full of love, down at the little girl that the two of you had created. Then he turned to you, a red tint to his cheeks, “Maybe a bit.”
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Requested by: anon
Prompts: “I‘m never going to be good enough for you, am I?” (49 from list 2)
Summary: you’re not a barmaid. You don’t train horses. You’re nothing compared to the other women in his life
Warnings: swearing, arguments, very brief harassment
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“YN!” John’s voice rang out from the side room. “Come ‘ere, girl, come and sit with us!”
You smiled weakly at him. He always tried to include you. “A-Actually, I was just heading home,” you said softly, walking over to him, ignoring Tommy pouring out a gin for May Carleton.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Is it Finn? D’you want us to tell him to fuck off? We know he’s off putting- oi, Finn, go play with the other kids, yeah, fuck off,”
You giggled slightly. “No... it’s not... it’s not Finn, you can sit down,” you said, and the youngest Shelby grinned at you in thanks.
Esme, johns wife appeared at the door. “You can sit with me if you like. Lord knows I need some female company while him and Arthur are playing cards,” she smirks, jabbing him in the rib with her elbow.
You smile softly and give in. “Fine,” you said. Once the door was shut, you leaned to Esme, murmuring, “you’d think you’d have plenty of female company what with Tommy bouncing between Mrs Carlton and the barmaid,”
John overheard and snorted into his whiskey and esme glared at him. She looked at you sympathetically, and said in a hushed voice once the boys were distracted by cards again, “you still love the fucker, don’t you?”
Signing, you looked down to your lap, fidgeting with your hands. “Mm-Hm,” you confirmed. “He just... he confuses me so much. He cuts it off with me after the war, saying he needs space when really he was chasing that barmaid spy... she fucks off after he has her, and he comes back to me for a quick one. I was a fool to let him, because not two weeks later it’s May Carlton this, May Carlton that,” you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, hating to admit that you were jealous. But underneath that, you felt vulnerable. Inadequate.
“He’s a cock, YN,” esme said, rubbing your shoulder gently.
“Who’s a cock, Es?” John asks. Nosey bastard.
Esme sighed softly. “Thomas. Flaunting the horse woman round YN. Says she was born riding, but I bet she’s only ever ridden Fillies she inherited. Never had to break one in herself,” she rolled her eyes.
John and Arthur looked at you, smiling sympathetically. “If it’s any consolation to you, YN, we prefer you over an Irish spy or some posh woman any day of the week,” Arthur said. “You were with Tom since you were sixteen, and since he er... broke things off... he’s been a right dick,”
You smiled softly. Arthur and John would’ve made such lovely brothers in law. “Thanks, boys,” you sighed. “But it’s not... it’s not that I’m mad at him for seeing other women, he can do what he wants. It’s the seeing me in between and then ignoring me. I-I know I’m no good. I know I’m boring. I know I’m useless. Just... he doesn’t seem to be arsed about how I feel, even though I care so much about him. It’s like rubbing salt into an open wound- I don’t even know why I’m talking about this to you lot of all people,” you let out a high, nervous laugh. Esme patter your back as John and Arthur each reached to squeeze one of your hands reassuringly.
“What’s going on?” Tommy asked, the door now what as he slipped into the room. May was nowhere in sight.
“Where’s your girlfriend, Thomas?” Esme spat. You were glad for her venemous tongue sometimes.
Tommy rolled his eyes and barely regarded his sister in law. “May Carlton has left small Heath to go back to her home,” he said bluntly. “To tend to my horse,”
“Even though you’ve got Curly here. He’s the best at horses,” you blurted, without really thinking.
“Yn,” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “What would you know about horses?”
His words stung. He had taught you how to ride when you were 16. He’d taught you how to tell what a horse was feeling, how to calm a nervous mare, how to get a horse to behave without taking to the crop or the whip. In your letters while he was in France you always made sure to tell him how the horses in the yard were getting on, and he told you about the beautiful chestnut stallion he had seen, the dappled mare which the commander rode. “Only what you taught me,” you whispered, tears pooling in your eyes. “Only what you taught me before you went off to France. Before that fucking war and then that fucking copper ruined everything,” you pulled away from esme’s comforting pats, from John and Arthur’s sympathetic gaze, from Finn’s baffled look. You stared at tommy, taking a deep breath to say something scathing, but could only manage a small sob.
You hated yourself for it. Tommy grabbed your arms but you wriggled from his grasp. “Look, YN, calm down, love, we’ll talk-“
“Love? Love?” You hissed. “You lost your right to call me anything but my name months ago. Don’t you coddle me, Thomas Shelby, because I know exactly what you’re thinking. I‘m never going to be good enough for you, am I? I’m never going to be a pretty Irish barmaid who keeps a pistol in her handbag. I’m never going to be a prostitute you wouldn’t let your brother marry because you wanted her all to yourself. I’m never going to be some rich widow with a big house and a wealth of knowledge about horses. All I gave you, ten years of my life, my innocence, my youth... it was never good enough for you, was it?” tears were streaming down your face.
“Yn,” Tommy said.
“No,” you pushed past him. “Don’t bother,” you slammed the door to the snug. As you walked out of the pub, a man grabbed at your wrist.
“Need some cheering up, darling?” He snarled, Hans tracing your thigh.
“Get your filthy fucking hands off me before I rip your fucking balls off and shove ‘em down your own throat,” you growled, yanking your hand away from him, and storming home.
Men were the worst. All toe rags, you decided.
A week has passed since your argument with tommy. Each of the Shelby’s had tried reaching out to you- you were practically a sister to them for ten years before Tommy decided he’d had enough.
You sighed as the door knocked. “As much as I appreciate it Arthur,” you sighed as you took the chain off. “Im really not in the mood to spend my night drinking away my sorrows with you and John- oh. It’s you,”
You immediately looked down, not wanting to look into those blue eyes, that perfect face. That stupid, perfect face.
“YN... look,” he said slowly, carefully. The same way he would coax a nervous filly to trust him. “I’ve been... ive been a bastard, okay. I’m sorry. I still... I still love you,”
You snorted. “Explain that to everyone within a mile radius of May Carlton’s house, hmm?” You said bitterly. “Or to the horse you named ‘Grace’s Secret’”
Tommy sighed. “I know you hate me, YN... but... I love you. I haven’t stopped loving you since we were 16 in my uncle Charlie’s Yard, hiding from your dad. When we used to sit by the cut eating those pretty little cakes you used to make. I used to give you the strawberry off the top of mine, so long as you gave me some of your buttercream. We wrote to eachother every week while I was in France, sometimes twice, three times, even. I still have those letters, YN. You used to put a spritz of your perfume in each one and do a little kiss in all your different lipsticks so it was like you were hugging and kissing me all those miles away,”
As he spoke, he was slowly backing you into your living room, until you were both sitting down. “I didn’t bring you flowers, because I know you only really like them in the spring and summer, because they wilt too fast and look too sad in the autumn and winter. And if it was spring, I would’ve gotten you roses or violets or pansies, because I know lilies and chrysanthemums make you sneeze,” a fresh round of tears slipped out of your shut eyes. You couldn’t bare to look at him under his intense gaze- you knew you’d break down after just a second.
“Tommy,” you whispered softly. It was the first time you’d called him by his nickname in over a year
“I know that you can’t sleep without snuggling into something- blankets normally- but... it used to be me, and I miss it so much, YN,” he said the last part in a soft, quiet voice.
You let out a soft cry, moving to his side, allowing him to engulf you in his arms and hold you tight, the way he held you the night before he went off to war. You cried into his chest, and we’re sure he was crying into your hair for more than an hour, finding long lost comfort in one another’s arms, the way they slotted so well together despite so long apart.
“I want this to work Tommy,” you eventually whispered. “I want it to be how it was,” you felt him not his head.
“No more secrets, YN. No more women. Only you. The only woman I’ve ever truly loved,”
You sighed softly and nodded, snuggling into him the way he pointed out you did. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed, you look like you haven’t slept in days,” he said guiltily, picking you up and carrying you upstairs. As he was tucking you in, you grabbed his hand, eyes suddenly alert.
“Don’t leave me again,” you whispered, squeezibv his hand. He squeezed back, before kicking off his shoes and taking off his belt, sliding into bed behind you, cuddling you close the way you did all those years ago. It seemed the most natural thing to do, and he almost sighed with relief when you snuggled close. He kissed the top of your head gently.
“Never, YN... never again,”
Tag list: @the-makingsofgreatness @peakyswritings @haphazardhufflepuff @diksy1112 @zodiyack @soleil-dor @hiddensapphic @fckingpeakyblinders @snugleo @alittlebirds @satanxklaus @glamsaturn @thegirlwithoutaname87 @queenofmankind @awkwardretro
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
5AM - Finn Shelby x Reader
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Requested by @violetsdicaprio “Okay so, can I request a Finn Shelby fic where he uses the prompt “you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe.” Maybe Season 4 when Changretta is there and he has ordered an attack on the reader maybe because she found out something, like she overheard something in a bar?” Hope you enjoy it love xx
We run into a dark room, And we spasm to the sounds
You shouldn’t even have been at that bar in the first place, You should have been at a Shelby family meeting (something which you had been introduced to a few months ago, when Finn and yourself had gotten engaged,), but for the first time, you blew it off. That was what bugged you afterwards, and if you could communicate with your past self, you would scream not to agree to a night out with your sister and her husband. But you did. You were excited, not having seen your sister since she found out she was pregnant several weeks ago, due to clashed schedules, and a hell of a lot of work commitments - because working at the Shelby Company wasn’t your typical nine to five job -  you had yet to congratulate her in person. Finn was supposed to be accompanying you, but he had said he couldn’t at the last minute, saying Polly had insisted he was at the meeting (and wasn’t best pleased that you weren’t going to be there, either).
And so, that was how you had found yourself in your current situation, irritated at Finn after yet another argument,  tired from work, with the swollen ankles that came from the precariously high heels you insisted on wearing. You were nursing your second glass of a rather strong whiskey, standing and waiting for your sister, who was never on time, as scatterbrained as she was. You half had zoned out looking around at the people in the bar, laughing and dancing to jazz music. You looked at a young couple, smiling at each other, positively lost in each other’s eyes, and wondered just when Finn and you had lost that childhood sweetheart innocence.
You were half in another world, until you heard the utterance of ‘Shelby’ behind you, in a thick accent that sounded rather suspiciously Italian. 
Of a copy of Morrissey , Or the blues of the Deep South
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You barely even moved whilst you tried to listen to what the men were saying. They probably didn’t expect for anyone associated with the Shelby’s to be here, in this bar several miles away from Watery Lane, a place that was nowhere near where the Peaky boys patrolled, with their guns that gleamed in the light of the streetlamps, that inspired fear in others, but a feeling of safety in you. They were speaking English, surely a way for them to fit in more with the scenery around you, to not arise any suspicion, but you’d know that accent anywhere. It had been drilled into you, practically, and as one of the men said Luca in a low tone, you knew it was the Changretta’s sat behind you. You should have ran then, sprinted away, never looked back. But you stayed, swirling your drink in your glass, watching the intoxicating amber liquid go round and round and round.
And the drugs will only hide it
“You are being stupid, Luca.” A man’s voice spoke harshly.
That fucking name Luca. The name of the man who had so ruthlessly and callously ordered his men to kill your future brother-in-law only weeks ago. He had had no thought about Esme, a woman who you loved like a sister, or John’s seven children, or his youngest brother who was slowly being forced to take John himself’s role, a role that distorted Finn so quickly it was like you had woke up one morning next to a completely different man. No, Luca Changretta hadn’t thought of any of this, and you would be happy to see him put to a stop.
The feeling never really goes “Attacking them in their own home? It is suicide, my boy.” The words he spoke were so filled with meaning that you half froze in your chair. You were sure that their was only one family that they could be talking about.
“I guess we will see tonight, if you are correct. But it was not so difficult to kill the last one, now was it?” A gloating voice, one that must have been Luca spoke, and it was all you could do to not turn around in your seat and punch him for his words. 
Your hand shook slightly, as you placed the glass down on the counter again, picking up your bag from where it had been, and slipping from your seat, a poor attempt to look casual, pushing through the doors into the cold early January air, your breath fogging in front of you, as your heart beat so violently and loudly that you heard it in your ears.
You had to warn them. At any moment Luca’s men could be at their door. You squeezed your eyes closed for a moment, trying not to picture it, not to think of Finn, because if you thought of Finn you would panic, and you couldn’t, not right now. You pulled off your high heels, feet hitting the frosted cobblestones, as you made to begin to run. You barely made it a few meters, before you heard the click behind you, the calm, cool voice.
And we won’t find love, at the bottom of a glassy hole. 
“Y/N Shelby! A pleasure to finally meet you.”
You turned, raising your hands slightly, to see Luca, standing alone, smoking a cigarette, his eyes calculating and humourous, locked with your own. He looked so casual, that to anyone else, it would look as if you two were just having a conversation, albeit one at gunpoint, the gun you could see now, aimed directly at your abdomen. If he shot it, it would guarantee a rather slow, horrifically painful, death for you.
“Y/N L/N, actually.” You snapped, your mind whirring, telling you to keep him talking, until you could figure out some fucking way to get out of this. You could feel the cool metal of your own gun, strapped to your thigh, but there was no way you could grab it without him realising.
And you don't know what you've got until it's gone
“Ah yes, you haven’t quite sealed the deal yet, have you?” He exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, as he walked closer to you, until he was only half a metre away, and you could smell the smoke. “When is the wedding?”
“We’re not going to have one of you keep killing off my guest list.” You spoke sardonically, trying not to seem as deathly afraid as you were. To Tommy, or Arthur, or even Finn, this wouldn’t be a big deal, you thought. They’d have plans for this sort of thing, but this was your first time being held at gun point. You wondered if it was the sort of thing you got a cake for at Shelby Limited, like normal companies did for an achievement.
He laughed, though his eyes didn’t express any emotion.
“You’re a funny girl, Miss L/N. It’s a shame, really, that I have to do this.” He gestured towards the gun. “But, needs must. You overheard my conversation, didn’t you?”
He stepped even closer, and you were almost sure you could hit him with the element of surprise, hit his gun from his hands. But your shaking hands betrayed that thought. What if it didn’t work? What then?
And you don't know who to love until you're lost
“You really do have to be fucking stupid if you don’t think that Tommy won’t have preempted any of the shit you plan to pull.” You spat, lowering your hands a tiny fraction. He didn’t notice.
“He seems rather distracted lately, doesn’t he? And anyone in Birmingham can tell you about the... ah, what should we call them? Cracks that are beginning to show in the Shelby family.”
“Perhaps he is distracted because your family murdered his fucking wife, Changretta.” Your hands were now barely raised, but he was distracted, each of your staring into the others eyes - fear and anger versus power and arrogance.
“As he killed my father.”
“This is nothing to do with me. Just let me go, okay?”
“You have already ruined my plans. Someone will have already found your boyfriend, I assume, and he and the rest of the Shelby’s will be on their way here.”
“So go. You know you can’t win against them. Not tonight.” Your heart was thrumming in your ears so loudly everything felt almost quiet in comparison.
And you don't know how to feel until the moment's passed
“But I can take something from them. Your time is up, Miss Shelby.”
“Y/N?” You heard a yell, an almost terrified one, but it was at least a street away. Finn would never get here in time.
Changretta turned his head towards the noise, and you took that moment, grabbing the gun in his hands, trying to wrestle it out of them, desperately. There was a bang and then there was silence, and the gun slipped from between your fingers, clattered to the floor. Your eyes regarded Changretta with shock, as your knees began to buckle, and you landed onto the cold hard cobbles, hands trying to find what was wrong.
“I’m sorry I had to do this.” For a second, you almost thought he sounded genuinely sad. “But your family took something from me. Now, I must take everything from them.”
“Y/N!” The voice was louder now, and you turned, to see a group of men at the top of the street - Finn amongst them. They came too late.
I wish you'd live like you're made of glass
You turned back to Changretta , but he had already gone, disappeared into the shadows.
It only felt like seconds before Finn was in front of you, and you had raised a shaky hand to point the direction where Luca Changretta had gone, directing the rest of the Blinders with him. Soon, the way it had always been, it was just the two of you. Finn and Y/N.
His eyes scanned you for injuries, before they landed on your abdomen, the dim streetlights enough to see the scarlet liquid on your dress, spreading across the cobblestones. It was too much, for such a small person, you thought. You weren’t shocked, as you saw it, you knew as soon as the gun went off you were hit, and now you could feel the metal bullet, lodged somewhere inside you, feel the pain that extended to your fingers and toes.
“No.” He said quietly, his eyes locking with yours. “No.”
“Finn-“ Your hands reaches out to cup his face, the blood on them leaving marks on his cheeks, but you didn’t care. You wanted to feel his warmth. You were so cold. So fucking cold.
“I need an ambulance.” He roared, looking towards the pub where you had been only ten minutes before, where several people were looking out at the scene. “Right fucking now!”
They weren’t ones to ignore a Shelby, and so they dissapearwd from the window. You knew it would do no good. You knew you-
And we've got work in the morning, But it's nearly 5 a.m.
“I’m going to die Finn.” Your eyes were filled with tears, as were his, as he tried to press your wound, ripping off his jacket, holding it against your abdomen.
“No you’re not. You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.” He repeated like a mantra, his voice shaky and cracking at every word.
Finn knew death. He had seen what felt like a hundred people die, had been the cause of several, and he knew from the look in your eyes, the paleness of your skin, that this was the end. Somewhere, deep down, he knew you were going to die, right there, on this rainy street, cold, and scared. He knew he could do nothing about it.
“It’s okay, Finny.” You said gently, hands still caressing his face. “You’re here. That’s all I need.”
“Don’t die on me now, yeah? Please.” That word, filled with so much emotion, as he almost begged you.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry we argued ... tonight. I just ...” You trailed off, your mind not really working, not letting you find the words. God, it hurt so fucking much. In the distance, you thought you heard the ambulance.
“It’s fine. It’s fine.”
You nodded, leaning up against the wall behind you, feeling the cold start to set into your bones. The world felt almost fuzzy. You looked up, into the night sky. The pollution in Birmingham never allowed for stars in the sky, but you wished you could see them, right now.
You felt your eyes become heavier, like someone was weighing them down with pennies.
Is this really what we envisioned?
“Love you.” You mumbled, looking back to Finn. He was crying freely now, and you wanted to wipe away the tears, but it felt like you had forgotten how to move.
“Come on, the ambulance is almost here. Just a few more minutes.”
You shook your head, a tiny movement. You smiled at the boy, the boy who had made the last five years of your life bearable, who was your first, and last, love. You thought about the house you were planning on buying together, and the crib that you one day were going to have, and the honey suckle in the garden.
And you closed your eyes.
We won't be 21 again
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lostartcambar · 6 years
I am sorry Michael Gray x Reader Peaky Blinders Imagine
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A/N: so this one is a bit special. It was an idea that I got while watching peaky blinders, and I am really proud that I was able to finish it in one day (yes that is actually a short amount of time to write an imagine for me.) however i put a lot of myself in this imagine and I know that a lot of you guys struggle with similar issues. Just know that you are not alone and there will be light. Feel free to contact me. Hope you are doing well. Love Camren.
Description: Y/N, Michaels wife suffers from massive self-doubt and anxiety. As a result of her fear she isolates herself from the family and her husband and leaves them in uncertainty and worry.
Warning: this imagine may be triggering
If you find any mistakes, please comment.
How is Y/N?
The same question over and over again.
And each time it hurt.
It was not like this with Pol not with Ada not with Linda or Esme.
They did not ask how her work was going, not how the pregnancy developed or how the kids were doing.
They always asked hopefully if she would join them in a meeting or at least for dinner, but each time they were to receive the same answer.
The hope in their voice and the smiles on their faces were the most hurting.
To see the joy slowly leaving their eyes and the optimism vanishing from their questions.
For Michael, it was a painful reminder of reality. Every time.
Nobody knew what was going on. Not even Michael.
Doctors came and went, but none of them was able to give them an answer to why Michael's wife was acting this way.
All day long she laid in bed and stared at the wall, Michael's words hitting deaf ears.
Every day she waited for Michael to throw her out. To cheat on her and tell her that he never loved her. Every day since they met, every day since he told her he loved her, every day since they got married.
How could he even love her?
How could somebody in the world possibly ever love her?
Everything became worse when she saw Esme with John and the children. When she saw Polly fighting for the Shelby company. When she saw Arthur and Linda. And the look on Tommy's face when he studied a portrait of Grace.
When she saw the fierce Shelby woman.
Her eyes welled and she thought about the fact that she could never be like them. That could never be this fierce, this strong, this beautiful, this loving, this intelligent or this loved.
She was just weak.
She was a fool for even thinking she could ever be a Shelby. For thinking, Michael could love her.
Why pretending when everything was meant to fail either way?
She made a mistake even trying to make it work, she made a mistake wasting Michael's time by marrying her.
He deserved better.
Things escalated when Esme, John and the kids came to see how she was doing.
She couldn't stop the tears filling her eyes when she saw John and Esme standing there thinking about how she could never have that.
Seconds after hearing his wife's whimpers, Michael appeared in their shared room and cradled her in his arms, hushing her and telling her it was going to be okay.
Seeing his girl shaking in grief left Michael feeling helpless and lost.
Feelings that brought Michael back to his childhood.
To weak to fight him all Y/N was left to do was tell Esme and John through tears how sorry she was over and over again.
The cries of pure pain made Esme whip her eyes face and even John himself felt sorry seeing his once so happy sister in law in such sorrow.
Even Tommy came to see her but again she panicked, shocking to see how he wasted his precious time with her.
The Shelby may be gangsters but they took care of their family.
And Y/N condition hang over them each time the family came together.
"I am sorry." Y/N whispered when Michael joined her in bed and switched off the lights.
"I won't let you go" Michael replied and for the first time in months, she allowed him to love her.
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
John Shelby
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The Black Hand - After I lost my twin brother, John, a part of me died as well and I could never go back to how we Shelby’s were before John x Shelby sister reader / one-shot / requested / angst Lost - When Teddy goes missing, it’s John who eventually raises the alarm, which is a good thing, because Teddy might be in even more trouble than she realises John x Teddy Shelby / one-shot / requested / angst, hurt and comfort, fluff
Black Smoke - Nothing is perfect in Small Heath, not even the snow, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be magical John x Teddy Shelby / one-shot / requested / fluff
Learner - Teddy and Finn want to learn how to drive and John turns out to be the easiest victim John x Teddy Shelby / one-shot / fluff
Testosterone - The youngest Shelby makes a rash decision to protect her pregnant sister-in-law, but it gets her into more trouble than she initially thought. As it soon turns out, it’s up to the women to fix this.  John and Esme x Teddy sister / requested / one-shot / angst and sisters-in-law fluff
Smoke - The youngest Shelby sister is grieving the loss of her brother John and she’s spiralling out of control in the process, but can’t talk about any of it Shelby sis grieving over John / requested / one-shot / angst
Books & Brains
John x sister reader / two-part series / angst, hurt and comfort, fluff
Books - As much as you love your family, you don’t quite fit in. And when things get more difficult at home and at school, it’s getting harder and harder to hide what has been going on  
Brains - After finally being accepted into the family for who she is, bookworm Shelby sister faces new challenges after finishing school and they invite her again to be a part of Shelby Company Limited
War John x twin sister reader / requested / two-part story / angst, hurt and comfort, fluff
Defiance - When your brothers went off to war, you couldn’t just sit and wait for them: you had to work, so as nurse Shelby, you started nursing in London 
Acceptance - After the war, you decide to go back to nursing, but the war still haunts you as much as it haunts your brothers        
Back to the Masterlist
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mxpseudonym · 4 years
Just Good Business VI
Pairing: Tommy x Reader
Reader Gender Expression: She/Her pronouns, “wife”
Summary: You’re ready to have a baby, and Tommy is nowhere to be found
Length: 1641 words (allegedly)
Warnings: A baby is delivered
A/N: Thank you to the eager beavers who wanted to see what happens next in this series. I honestly didn’t realize it had been so long since part V! One more part left!
Part I | Part VII
You could honestly say you'd never felt like this before. 
As you entered nine months of pregnancy, you wondered what was going to drive you crazy first. It was either your inability to do much more than waddle a few centimeters at a time or the Shelby's coddling. 
"Arthur, it's fine," you moaned. And yet your brother-and-law was up and opening a window after you sneezed. 
"It's stuffy in here," he declared. 
"I've got a cake!" Finn walked in with a cake in hand while Ada followed with the tea tray. You sighed and shifted up on the couch you were reclined on. Your appetite had been non-existent for the past couple of weeks, and nothing had changed. 
"I brought tea and some toast just in case," Ada said with all the wisdom of a mother. 
"Thank you all, I appreciate it. I really feel fine, though," you promised. 
"Oh, you're saying that now, but that's only because it's your first. When my water broke with Karl, Polly took me to walk around for a while before I really started feeling anything," she said. 
It was true. You'd woken up mid-morning to the feeling of your waters pooling on your sheets. Tommy spent the night in London, so it was just you and the maids who changed the sheets and said encouraging words to you for a while. Eventually, you woke Ada, who'd been staying down the hall since Polly had cryptically said: "any day now."
Since then, the family was showing up bit by bit. You took slow turns around the first floor while Arthur had taken over your job as a one-person party planning committee. Though, you weren't sure if calling for several cases of champagne was actually considered a party. Then again, you'd done more with less. 
"I'm going to walk around the gardens," you announced after a heftier contraction. 
"Are you sure," Arthur started, but Ada rolled her eyes and cut him off. 
"Let her go, Arthur. We know you're nervous, but let her have some air," Ada chided him. 
"Should she go on her own?" Finn asked, looking you over.
"She can tell you herself," you said. You raised a pointed eyebrow that made Finn turn pink from light scolding. You sighed and placed your hands on your rounded belly. "I'm not alone." 
"Can I come, Aunt y/n?" Karl ran up to you with Katie and Edith on his tail. The girls begged Finn to not make them wait to see you. 
"Yes, yes, let's go." 
The sun reached its peak but still competed with the fluffy clouds to warm the Arrow House gardens. You sat in the grass, not worrying about needing a blanket and tilted your head back. Where was he? 
You tried not to let the only thing that was bringing a bit of worry out of you take over completely. He had to be on his way still. Arthur said he was coming with Polly. You looked down again when you felt small hands on your stomach. 
"Is it a girl?" Edith asked softly, her eyes wide with wonder. 
"That's what Aunt Polly said, so I think she is."
"What's her name?" 
"I don't know yet. What do you think?" 
You thought back to all the times you and Tommy tried to make a list of names. Naming the child after any of your parents was off the table. But no amount of thinking had brought up something you could agree on.
"We'll know when we see 'em," Tommy concluded then sealed it with a kiss to the forehead. 
"I think it should be something pretty,” Edith hummed then looked at you. "Can she have your name, Aunt y/n? Like how Uncle Arthur and grandpa have the same name?"
While it was certainly bold, you laughed and ultimately told her that you wouldn't want that kind of confusion. Edith's brainstorming attracted Katie and Karl. They were out of breath from having back to back foot races. You had a full team on the job. And in the end, you found it. 
"I like that one," you told Edith and kissed her forehead. 
"And Elizabeth for the middle name like Aunt Polly," Karl reminded you. You gave him a kiss on the forehead as well. 
"Of course."
Katie earned her kiss by placing a flower crown on your stomach, the perfect punctuation. 
The peace you felt was somewhat short-lived. Hours of mild discomfort turned into sharp pains that tested your resolve. You moved to your birthing room and allowed the midwife who showed up at just the right time to look you over while you were bent over the bed.
"Just breathe through it, y/n." The midwife's voice was light and comforting. You took deep breaths, but couldn't help that they were coming out shakey. 
"Where is he?" You finally asked. Ada patted your hand in comfort while Esme brought in extra towels. 
"He said he was on his way, dear. I'm sure they're not far off."
Your hands grasped the sheet as one severe pain blended into another. They were faster and longer now. Even you knew that meant you weren't too far off. 
"If you start feeling like you need to push, just let me know, Mrs. Shelby." The midwife rubbed your back. You were soon on the bed on all fours, dampening your nightgown with sweat as you groaned through waves of pain. Not seeing Tommy all day was getting to you. 
Having children wasn't a top priority for you, and in many ways, it scared you. The idea of being locked into a marriage, or even having unconditional love for a being, was terrifying. You weren't planning on it. But Tommy changed things and made you want everything with him. No one had been able to encourage you as he did or give you an amount of strength you didn't know you had. You were almost three years into your marriage, and you finally felt like you had a partner to be by your side. Except now, when he literally was nowhere to be found. 
"Push, y/n, that's it!" 
The midwife praised you, but you knew you were holding back. Tears leaked down your face. Why were scared all of a sudden? Your emotions were all over the place throughout your pregnancy, and it was hitting its peak. 
"Y/n? Don't panic, sweetheart," Esme called to you and moved to sit next to you.
"B-but, Tom," you sobbed and buried your face into a pillow as you pushed again. 
"That's perfect, y/n! You're so strong."
You panted as it settled down and let Ada pat your neck with a cool cloth. You couldn't hear anything over your own groans and sobs as you pushed again, but Esme started moving away from you.
"Y/n, Thomas is here," She told you, and your head lifted to see him. 
"Love, I'm right here," Tommy said, kneeling next to you.  
"Where the hell have you been?" you sobbed. Your eyes were red and clenched close with another contraction. 
"You're dilated, y/n, you'll just need to push when you have the contractions," the midwife reminded you, and informed Tommy. But you shook your head. 
"I can't do it."
Tommy took off his jacket and sat in a chair beside you, grabbing your face in his hands.
"We ran into a little car trouble. I'm so sorry I'm late, love. And you can do this. You're the strongest person I know."  
"I'm not," 
"Stop it, you are. You're just getting mixed up in your head. Breathe with me," He began taking deep breaths, and you reluctantly followed him to a place of calm. "I can be the strong one, yeah?" 
"Yeah," you nodded. Tommy ran a damp cloth over your face as he asked you what you needed. It wasn't traditional for the husband to be in the room. Still, Ada and Esme knew there was only one person who could calm their sister-in-law enough to have a healthy delivery. Sure enough, you clung to your husband and gave it your all under the spell of his encouraging words.
"Almost done. Almost done, love." Tommy rubbed your back. 
"Love, you're right there," Esme told you.  
"This one's really gonna hurt, y/n," Polly told her. "Yell as much as you'd like, but push." Polly had taken to giving the midwife a hand as soon as she came into the room. If you had your way, Polly would have been in charge anyway. God only knew how much knowledge she really had.
"You're doing so well, love," Tommy kissed your cheek. 
"Last one, y/n," the midwife announced.  
"There we are! A girl for you, just as we thought!" 
It was a bit of a blur. You laid on your back, waiting for the placenta to pass after the cord had been cut. Tommy praised you while Polly tended to the baby. It was almost a surprise when Polly unlaced the top of your gown and placed a tiny, crying baby against your chest. 
"Hello," you greeted your daughter through sniffles and watery eyes. "Happy birthday, little one."
You sat comfortably on clean sheets and in a new gown, watching your daughter being fussed over by Tommy while your family gathered around. Arthur was holding back tears as he asked what to call his new niece. Tommy looked at you with a smile. 
"Alma Elizabeth Shelby." 
There was a resounding cheer in the room as Tommy came to sit next to you. 
"I love you doesn't seem enough," he said quietly. He looked at you then down at your baby. "But I am eternally grateful for you bringing a bit of you and a bit of me into this world." You kissed him softly then kissed the top of Alma's head. 
"I more than just love both of you, too. Whatever that may mean." 
Tommy Tag List: @soleil-dor;  @amysteryspot​; @captivatedbycillianmurphy
JGB Series Tag List: @biba3434 ; l0tsofpennies; @sighonahurricane
(If I missed you, or you want to be on a taglist, message me)
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