verstappentime · 4 months
Director’s commentary for Pietro and Erik’s relationship in superposition! (I love love love everything we got to see of them onscreen; the “remember what I always tell you” “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism?” exchange in particular was so delightful, probably my favorite little moment of the fic so far)
ohhhh i love this one.
basically the idea came in the beginning to have pietro be part of the pit crew bc of his powers. then i was debating doing that bc i wanted him to be erik's kid, and we (me and percy who helps me with all my fics) were messing around with the idea of him being a little kid running around the garage or something, then it kind of all came together when i think he suggested we make him old enough to be on the crew *and* erik's son. so that's where erik being a teen dad came from! and once we landed on that idea, even though i knew it was going to be hard to slot into the story, i really super loved it. and we figured out a way around some of the logistical issues with erik not knowing he had a kid till he was 20, when he was probably already in f1, and us making erik a little older so it wasn't super outrageous.
they have an incredible relationship, there's actually a lot of lore that's not in the fic (yet, at least?). he found out about P when he was 20 and magda moved to england and got his number. he went over with his mom & she waited outside when he went in -- P was soo shy & didn't want to come out to meet him at first. he was so tiny and had erik's eyes and it was just surreal for him. he eventually got to say a little hello and go see some of pietro's trains and things and get to see his kid being a real four year old human and when he went back out to the car he just sobbed. he'll always be heartbroken that he never held him as a baby, tbh. he doesn't blame magda but he just wishes he could've gotten every minute with him possible. he takes being a dad more seriously than anything else and just loves his kid so much.
i guess it also hasn't come up that he stopped racing for a few years from when he was 20-22 because he wanted to parent full time, which is what led to him not winning his first championship until he was 25.
also, this bit you mentioned is a favorite of mine too, erik as a socialist who is also knowingly being a hypocrite because he's a multi-millionaire is funny to me lol. but yeah, these two are a great duo, erik does a good job!! there will be some bumps in the road bc he's parenting a 16 year old, but y'know. <3 thank you for loving them!
i'll add a deleted scene under the cut where erik opens up abt P a little more! (not very well written i'm sorry)
“I loved him from the moment I met him,” he says, quiet and honest. “He was small for his age, for a long time. And shy, if you can believe it. Magda had to coax him out just to say hello. I would’ve killed for four more years with him, back then.”
“And now?”
Erik shrugs. “It was hard at first. Toddlers don’t adjust well to change. And I think he… I know he wonders about it, sometimes. If I didn’t try hard enough to be there.” He swallows. He tries to keep that guilt tucked away somewhere safe. It hurts, and it’s hurt for the last twelve years. “But I just try to do everything I can to be a good dad, I guess. I don’t know if I’m getting anywhere with that one.”
He’s read so many fucking parenting books he could recite them. Raising mutant children, raising children with ADHD, explaining sexuality to your children, gentle parenting; everything he could get his hands on. But he still loses his temper sometimes.
He thinks of the first time he had to discipline Pietro, when he was little. He’d taken to Erik immediately, once he’d come out of his shell a bit, but Erik was a visitor, a friend who his mother had gently told him was his dad. They could play dragons together, visit the park, have a snack, and then he went back to his mom, who did heavy lifting.
The first time he’d taken Pietro overnight and needed to put his foot down, be just a bit firm (the first of thousands “no ice cream for dinner” arguments), Pietro had been completely distraught. He sobbed for what felt like hours, like Erik had broken his four-year-old heart.
He’d ended up burrowed into Erik’s neck, whimpering softly, while Erik whispered nonsense to him. It was the first time it dawned on him that if he just really fucking loved the kid, that could be enough.
These days, he isn’t sure.
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foxtsumus · 3 months
put your 4 favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one best suits your vibe, then tag 4 people
hehe thank u ari
peeks over at The Mutuals In Law. hey @esnargot @ziinnias @autisticsakuatsu @relentless-endurance 👁👃👁
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notcatherinemorland · 4 years
okay i have to know bc no one in the notes of your post seems to know and tumblr search didnt turn up anything: what's the deal with 'homestuck shoes'
OK so look up koi footwear on insta but it’s an indie vegan shoemaker in manchester (free the manchester students btw) but they made homestuck shoes and my friend told me about it whilst eating pancakes and wearing egl it was a time. also this brand is intimately connectly to kpop brands so that is a scenario that could happen . H.
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losangelesvalorant · 4 years
metas that have a single player popping off as the win condition are boring when they’re played for any length of time, partially bc of the way the broadcast ignores the rest of the players on the team in those metas
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nennechus · 5 years
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bumper and super hugging for @esnargot
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stancontenders · 6 years
CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar.
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
hello i rly will die for u
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hypnoticwinter · 3 years
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definitely some dumbass tweet by tr*mp (2020?) - d*nald tr*mp
“how come my dumps are so devastating in their power of destruction?”
“my ass hurts”
submitted by @esnargot​
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esnargot · 6 years
blog update
grimdarksgalore --> esnargot
also i’ll be using @mangachus for overwatch league stuff in season 2!
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foxtsumus · 2 years
hello hello i hope i'm not too late for character bingo. how about arcade my friend arcade (gannon)
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MY BLORBO IN LAW!!!! his interactions w the courier are golden and i particularly loved hearing abt ur homiesexual courier and him :]
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losangelesvalorant · 4 years
i just want to let you know that i have EXTREMELY vague memories of a dream from last night in which libero was playing for the guangzhou charge. make of this what you will
hopefully that dream is prophetic bc i would absolutely love libero on charge
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stancontenders · 6 years
:3c (my owl blog is mangachus and i was grimdarksgalore in s1)
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stancontenders · 6 years
happy bday lai!!
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nennechus · 5 years
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gamsu for @esnargot
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nennechus · 5 years
Houston Outlaws & Dallas Fuel for the ask meme?
outlaws: if this were post season one i’d say silkthread but ted is happy to not be in owl anymore lol. otherwise it’s bumper. bumper needs to come back. where is he. we need him.
fuel: rascal !!!!!!! he genuinely brings me so much joy i love watching his streams. 
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stancontenders · 6 years
also i love the new icon but when i first saw it i DID think the headset was troll horns
my typing quirk is uwuspeak
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