#eso region
allthingstamriel · 9 months
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Reapers March
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Reaper's March, formerly known as Northern Valenwood, is an embattled zone to the north of Grahtwood where the northern savannahs of Elsweyr meet northern Valenwood's forests. It is home to the cities of Arenthia, Rawl'kha, and Dune. The lattermost city is the home of the Mane, the Khajiiti spiritual leader.
“Our hope lies with these women, the Champions. One of them will be Mane. You must help them walk the Path … for you are the Moon Hallowed." – Rid-Thar-ri’Datta
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th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
dad keeps asking me to animate soundwave dancing jarabe tapatío, i think i will have to learn how to model a sombrero that fits soundwave's helm. he's gonna look extremely silly
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queer-crusader · 8 months
My 20-odd WIPs: 👀👀 you gonna,,, you gonna work on us again soon? Think you'll have time again? Wanna finish some active projects? 👀
My brain: mmm fresh blorbo detected...
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commiewizard · 2 years
im mildly (read: severely) insane about ESO necrom i can't wait to play it
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deberías mudarte a Alcalá de Henares
no es tan caro como la capital pero está bien conectada por atocha y si hay Civis a chamartin, también tiene varias líneas de bus a Avenida de América
uf la cosa es que alcalá está a 2 horas en transporte publico (bus + metro + cercanias) de dónde vivo y me daría cosa vivir tan lejos de mi familia. pero sí, es opción también la verdad. ya te digo, al final mientras tenga buena conexión con transporte público me da un poco de igual.
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spacevoyagerx · 14 days
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NGC 1999
NGC 1999 is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion.
It is notable for its striking appearance, which includes a dark patch that resembles a hole in the surrounding gas and dust.
This dark region is often referred to as the "hole" in NGC 1999, and it is thought to be a result of the absorption of light by the dust in the nebula.
Credits: ESA/Hubble & NASA, ESO, K. Noll
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 7 months
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Seen edge-on, observations of NGC 4945 suggest that this hive of stars is a spiral galaxy much like our own Milky Way, with swirling, luminous arms and a bar-shaped centre. Sites of active star formation, known as HII regions, are seen prominently in the image, appearing bright pink. These resemblances aside, NGC 4945 has a brighter centre that likely harbours a supermassive black hole, which is devouring reams of matter and blasting energy out into space. NGC 4945 is about 13 million light-years away in the constellation of Centaurus.
Credit: ESO
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spacewonder19 · 11 months
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Lupus 3 star forming region © ESO
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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-Reigen me recuerda a mi tío dominicano
-Reigen. Tiene ideas de negocios que seguramente ayudan a la economia de la region.
-reigen es colombiano he would thrive here tiene malicia indigena le pelearia a una viejita por el puesto en el transmi se pararia en el centro al frente de monserrate a venderle chucherias a los gringos sería popular con las señoras y entre ellas mi mamá se identificaria con shakira conocio a serizawa en la primera de mayo he is everything ❤
-reigen es argentino (y cordobes) no tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas
-Reigen tiene al menos una gotita de argentino en la sangre es literal la palabra trolo encarnada solo mirenlo
-Reigen de mob psycho 100 es caracteristico por ser un chanta y hablar moviendo mucho las manos. este hombre es argentino y nadie me puede convencer de lo contrario
-Reigen. Tiene alma d latino
-reigen arataka simplemente es cierto
-Arataka Reigen. ¿Han visto al tipo? Vive en un estado de constante desvergue que tiene un marcado sabor latine.
-Arataka Reigen é literalmente o estereótipo do malandro brasileiro, ele é um dos caras que trancou a faculdade em São Paulo e decidiu virar maloqueiro
-Reigen. Iba a decir que es chilango pero me convencieron que es argentino, me da risa en la tele pero si lo veo en la calle le saco la vuelta
#reigen genuinamente uno de los personajes mas latinos del mundo
#I fully believe Reigen could survive brasil#And I do not believe that for almost anyone
#reigen is Colombian fr
#su doblaje latam me ha convencido que reigen es latino#mob también
#i dont even watch mob mentally ill 100 but if reigen got honorary argentine brasileiro and colombian citizenship it has to be for something
#o cara SIMPLESMENTE vence tudo na lábia se o homi conhecesse Augustinho Carrara eles iam ou abrir um esquema de pirâmide ou iam#se odiar charlatão que rouba charlatão tem mil anos de sabão
Simon Petrikov
-Simon Petrikov por morenito lindo
-Simón petrikov 1)pq me da la gana 2) pq cuando era el rey helado le dijo a gunther reggetonero en el doblaje latino y si el rey helado es parte simon, ¿como un gringo va a saber lo que es un reggetonero a menos que simon petrikov sea latine? 3) esta lleno de trauma y latam esta lleno de trauma, it fits.
-Rey helado/Simon Petrikov, le gusta que lo dominen las viejas, el vore y se follaría a sí mismo. Demasiado caótico para ser gringo
Simon Petrikov de adventure time. Mira, me vale verga que tenga apellido ruso, yo se que el es mexicano because I feel it
#el Simón es un académico fracasado no hay nada más latinoamericano#o sea he visto treinta como esos en el CEA
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apod · 9 months
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2024 January 3
NGC 1232: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy Image Credit: FORS, 8.2-meter VLT Antu, ESO
Explanation: Galaxies are fascinating not only for what is visible, but for what is invisible. Grand spiral galaxy NGC 1232, captured in detail by one of the Very Large Telescopes, is a good example. The visible is dominated by millions of bright stars and dark dust, caught up in a gravitational swirl of spiral arms revolving about the center. Open clusters containing bright blue stars can be seen sprinkled along these spiral arms, while dark lanes of dense interstellar dust can be seen sprinkled between them. Less visible, but detectable, are billions of dim normal stars and vast tracts of interstellar gas, together wielding such high mass that they dominate the dynamics of the inner galaxy. Leading theories indicate that even greater amounts of matter are invisible, in a form we don't yet know. This pervasive dark matter is postulated, in part, to explain the motions of the visible matter in the outer regions of galaxies.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240101.html
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allthingstamriel · 3 months
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The Rift
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Skyrim's southernmost hold has a relatively temperate climate, thanks to northern mountains that block the frigid gales of the Sea of Ghosts, and warming volcanoes in the Velothi Mountains to the east. Its capital is Riften, on the shores of broad Lake Honrich.
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blasteffect · 6 months
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Tarantula Nebula !
This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of a star-forming region containing massive, young, blue stars in 30 Doradus, the Tarantula Nebula. Located within the Large Magellanic Cloud, this is one of the regions observed by a newly-completed survey named ULLYSES.
Some stars are so massive and so energetic that they’re a million times brighter than the Sun. This type of star dominated the early Universe, playing a key role in its development and evolution. The first of its kind are all gone now, but the modern Universe still forms stars of this type.
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI, Francesco Paresce (INAF-IASF Bologna), Robert O'Connell (UVA), SOC-WFC3, ESO
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 7 months
My opinion on worldbuilding is that worlds must have things excluded from them.
You have a world that you made, let's say. There's some magical species in it, like elves, dwarves, there's humans. There's some of your own making, species that might be quite curious, say, ones that have pink/red skin, can breathe underwater and live in volcanic regions, and who are known for being great sailors.
And let's say this world of yours suddenly gets so much popularity that a gaming company wants to buy the rights for it. You think, "Hurray! That's amazing!" and sign the contract.
And then the world starts losing the face you gave to it. "Too little variety!" the people shout. And you start adding things that are ripped out of mythology, out of popular culture. You add orcs because people know who that is, you add all kinds of anthropomorphic species who are just furry bait, you add minotaurs, dryads, mermaids, centaurs, fauns, demons, angels, Aztecs, Egyptians, Indians, Japanese, Chinese, you add Halloween into your world, you add Christmas.
Until it is just like any other MMORPG setting. Which has everything - and no personality. Which has no face of its' own.
ESO is suffering from that, in my opinion. Many worldbuilding projects do, too. D&D does, to an extent. The Discworld setting does not since it is satire.
To worldbuild is to restrict yourself. To worldbuild is to say what you cannot do in this project and still make the world interesting.
Like "having large ships is impossible in this setting because of krakens". Enormous bridges being built over time, slowly, to reach other continents. Flying to those lands on dragons or some other beasts.
Restrict yourself. In fiction, anything can exist, but it doesn't mean that in your world it must exist.
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueológicos en esta ocasión no os traigo una noticia de arqueología, hoy dia 8 de julio de 2022 no ha llegado la terrible noticia de que el ex primer ministro Abe fue asesinado en un atentado en la ciudad de Nara por un ex soldado de la marina de autodefensa. Antes que nada me gustaría aclarar que esta publicación no es apta para todo los públicos, ya que puede herir la sensibilidad del espectador dicho esto empezamos.
¿Quién es Abe Shinzō?, fue Primer ministro (2006-2007, 2012-2020) Nació en Nagano, prefectura de Yamaguchi, región de Chugoku, 21 septiembre 1954. Perteneció al partido Liberal Democrático (Jiminto) y desempeñó la profesión de politólogo.
Al Sr. Yamagami es despreciable, no se le puede considerar patriótico, tiene la mentalidad fría hay que tener las agallas para realizar dicho acto de salvajismo en pleno acto público eso sí que es caer bajo además de crear una escopeta casera para asesinarlo. Los motivos que le llevó a realizarlo fue por estar en desacuerdo, el mundo está lleno de imperfecciones y no se debe matar a nadie por estar en desacuerdo, espero que le condenen con la máxima crueldad posible.
Mis más sincero pésame, para japón y los japoneses por esta tragedia que se podía haber evitado yo también estoy conmovido por lo ocurrido. Os deseo una feliz semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de historia, arqueología, geografía y antropología de japón.
Archaeological Japaneseists welcome, on this occasion I do not bring you archeology news, today, July 8, 2022, the terrible news has not arrived that former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated in an attack in the city of Nara by a former soldier of the self-defense navy. First of all, I would like to clarify that this publication is not suitable for all audiences, since it can hurt the sensitivity of the viewer, having said this, we begin.
Who is Abe Shinzō? He was Prime Minister (2006-2007, 2012-2020) He was born in Nagano, Yamaguchi prefecture, Chugoku region, September 21, 1954. He belonged to the Liberal Democratic Party (Jiminto) and worked as a political scientist.
Mr. Yamagami is despicable, he cannot be considered patriotic, he has a cold mentality, you have to have the guts to carry out such an act of savagery in the middle of a public act, that is falling low in addition to creating a homemade shotgun to assassinate him. The reasons that led him to do it was because he disagreed, the world is full of imperfections and no one should be killed for disagreeing, I hope they condemn him with the maximum cruelty possible.
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tastesoftamriel · 7 months
Are there any accommodations for people with disabilities? For example, accessible entrances for those who require mobility aids? I would assume there would be a lot of injuries from the war or at the very least from wandering monsters.
In terms of physical disabilities, there are a wide range of accommodations for helping the disabled! Accessible entrances to most shops, temples, and homes are just the beginning.
Hearing aids for the partially deaf are in the form of ear trumpets, a rather crude device into which one shouts to be heard. Enchanted pocket ear trumpets magnify the sound further, using soul gem magic to power a Dwemer-inspired... actually, I'm not even going to pretend I know how magic works.
For the fully deaf and mute, sign language is fairly commonplace around Tamriel, albeit with certain regional variations. Thieves and assassins in particular are great with sign language as it allows them to communicate silently and effectively, and the trend of learning sign language across Tamriel started with those who seek to mimic the cool demeanour of a criminal. As such, it's very practical for those hard of hearing when at least one or two people in their community know sign language!
Prosthetic limbs, generally fashioned from wood, have been in popular use for hundreds of years in Tamriel and beyond. Ranging from crude stumps to finely carved realistic or ornate limbs, it is not an uncommon sight on war veterans and victims of violence, or sick amputees. Prothestic limb wearers who are skilled in magic are also able to meld their minds with their wooden parts, making them function just as well, if not better than the real thing.
While glass eyes have always been common for the blind, but aside from realistic replicas, some Tamrielic citizens have begun wearing polished gemstones instead, a trend said to have started in the Summerset Isles. For those with poor eyesight, spectacles are the most common way to correct vision without magic. ~Talviel
PS: Here's an ESO NPC (Amalien in Solitude) who uses a wheelchair!! Which I think is very cool.
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black holes aren't black (with caveats)
The name is such a misnomer! In fact black holes in our universe tend to be some of the brightest things there are!
Why? because the immense gravity of a black hole tends to pull matter towards it, in tight orbits, and once close enough, into a whirlpool of sorts that enters into the black hole. Matter including things like stars! so a black hole might not itself produce light but it is surrounded by a bunch of things there are. Saying a black hole is a "light ring with a black inside" would actually be more physically accurate.
In addition, that matter, as it accretes around the black hole, it gets super hot and actually glows. This forms quasars, which are (I'm pretty sure) the most energy-efficient way to turn matter into energy in the universe, and hopefully one day we can control this process artificially with mirrors to extract this energy for human use. Here is what quasars look like:
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By ESO/M. Kornmesser - http://www.eso.org/public/images/eso1122a/, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15700804
So black holes aren't black. Yes, anything within the event horizon (Schwarzschild radius) is black but black holes in general look more like Gargantua in Interstellar than pure black regions of space.
EDIT: Something I forgot to mention but even if black holes don't have gas clouds/matter in their immediate vicinity, you would still definitely "see" them. This is because of gravitational lensing; the gravity of a black hole means that photons travelling from the rest of the universe follow curved paths around them, resulting in a lens-like effect. See here (I didn't make this but it's super cool!) for a very nice visualization. And yes, technically neutron stars also cause gravitational lensing, all things with mass do, but it is the most visible with black holes.
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