#espada flower series
crazy-dark-rainbow · 24 days
GrimmIchi - rain, jacket
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[ The post belongs to the #theoryfanart series, more information about it can be found -> here ] [ Fanart autor: -> @kawana_spring]
They had many moments together. Ichigo remembers the one when Grimmjow threw his short cloak over his head during the rain. It was so sudden that he couldn't utter a word. He just looked at the Arrancar with wide open eyes. Grimmjow stood next to him, as close as he had ever dared to be before. His hair was completely covered by the rain and his black jumpsuit was soaked to the last thread. They were alone, in an empty street, returning from a fight. Thunder could be heard somewhere in the distance, but Ichigo was sure that it wasn't a storm but his heart. When Grimmjow's fingers touched his cheek, he felt the coldness of his fingers, but his blue eyes were warm. This moment lasted only a moment, and Ichigo remembered it many years later, lying on the sands of Hueco Mundo.
Or maybe it was like this: Ichigo felt his feet slipping on the wet road. Rain was falling from the sky so hard it was like someone had turned on a faucet. "Stupid Grimmjow!" It ran through his mind as he ran through the streets. His chene Shihakushō was sticking to his body. He bit his lip. He shouldn't have shouted at him. It wasn't the Arrancar's fault that Urahara was making fun of him and teasing him. Grimmjow didn't understand what he was doing… He had to find him and beat him up. He found him in the park, following the trail of blue reiatsu. As soon as the Espada saw him, he jumped down from the tree. He said something about stupid idiots and threw his jacket over his head. "You'll get wet and catch a cold." He said quietly, getting soaked himself in a few moments. His hair was soaked in rain that it fell over his forehead and the suit clung to his body just like Ichigo's Shihakushō. Ichigo wanted to say something, to say sorry, but the words died in his throat when the Arrancar's fingers touched his cheek. "I knew exactly what I was doing, Kurosaki."
Or: this was supposed to be Grimmjow's first Hanami and Ichigo would be lying if he couldn't wait. They would be alone, early in the morning, when there were few people and in their spiritual bodies. Grimmjow didn't like crowds or people in general. He wondered if he would like the rain of petals. There were few things that the Arrancar liked in the public eye. He definitely liked cats. And forests, nature. There were only a few people around, it was even a bit gray, the sun hadn't fully risen. Grimmjow walked next to him in silence, looking around. Ichigo couldn't decipher his thoughts, the expression on his face was the same, indifferent. Although their relationship was getting more serious with each passing day, they were touching each other more and more, spending more and more time together. It was nice. Ichigo felt something more for the Blue-haired Arrancar. He felt Grimmjow's hand combing his hair. They were longer, he wanted to cut them, but changed his mind when Grimmjow said it looked nice. The Arrancar pulled a small flower out of his hair. "It got tangled." Ichigo smiled as Grimmjow reached out and threw the small flower into his palm. He sighed as a drop of rain fell next to the pink flower. It started to rain, not a heavy rain. He felt Grimmjow put his jacket on his head. "You'll catch a cold." Ichigo smiled. "I'll be fine, the cold isn't serious. I'll just cough a little and that's it." The Arrancar's fingers touched his cheek. "Only I am allowed to tear the breath out of you."
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clownery-tr · 4 months
Akuaya Translation Masterlist 🔗 bit.ly/AKUAYA_TL
Includes translation by other translator. DM on tumblr, twitter or discord (@clownery_tr) for removal, addition, edit access to the sheets, etc.
crow's translation masterlist
🔗 https://clownery-tr.tumblr.com/Masterlist
Only includes translations by me (crow)
crow's plan to translate (in no particular order):
• [Card] SR Espada (Kickoff Party) • [Furniture] Kai's Bed • [Furniture] Castle Series (Fountain, Carriage) • [Furniture] Central Series (Lamp, Clock, Flower Cart) • [Furniture] Chic Series (Bookshelf) • [Other] Mira's AKUAYA News (05, 10)
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tojolo · 7 years
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Bluebell. Delicacy, humility, loyalty, sorrow, regret
Next up in the flower lineup is Halibel ~ This one kind of needs a closeup since the flowers are so small. As usual inspired by this post
Please do not edit or repost!
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magical-girl-coral · 3 years
Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Inked Flowers - two years after Aizen brought Orihime to his cult infamous business, all the Espadas, Arrancar plus Gin and Kaname collectively said fuck it and leave to open their own business. They opened a salon + piercing + tattoo parlor called the Rebel's Corner, where all of your rebellious needs will be met with a decent price and membership discounts. Across from the corner is the famous Kuchiki flower shop line where many of our known shinigamis go to work part time. Will a one sided rivalry appear from the Kuchiki side, or will friendship (among other things) blossom instead?
It's a florist Ichigo x tattoo artist Orihime au where Ichigo is the hopeless one with a crush and Orihime is the one who's more teasing towards him for some reason. Also, a shitload of rarepairs.
Look at what the cat dragged in - a series of one shots of people bonding with Selina, from batfam members to visitors from other planets. It's currently discontinued but I do hope to continue it one day.
A series of one shots I'll never fully write - what it says on the tin. It's a super complicated au of bleach that I made an entire tag for full of w.i.ps and fight scenes that will haunt me until the day I die. I love this one the most.
What I love about all these projects is letting characters be themselves. So many authors nowadays are so focused on the drama that there is no space left for bonding moments. Meanwhile my writing process is just pushing two characters into a room and saying "bond or else."
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Except for what I wrote in the previous ask? God, so many things:
Self-satisfaction. Every fic I have ever written has been out of pure spite since some people are terrible at their job. Oh, you made them break up for drama again? Fuck you, here's the birth of their adorable daughter.
Giving my friends more fics to read. I love them and I love it when I make something they love. I think I actually started writing for real because my best friend and I complain about how DC doesn't give us what we want so I wrote it myself. There is no better feeling than your besties cursing you in your notes.
Falling in love with the characters all over again. I just love them so much, you guys. I can't talk about them without feeling like I need to slam my head through a window.
And finally, METAS. I love metas in writing so MUCH. I write something smart in my fic and I pointed at it like a child. Like, "holy shit, I wrote that! I actually wrote that!" It always makes me grin like a child.
Also, I just realized this one meant the fic themselves, but I'm too lazy to change my answer.
Fun meta asks for writers
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iristial · 4 years
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You didn’t have to “kill” the son of your late dear friend to get the point across, but okay
I find it ironic that in his efforts to seek the truth, Kamijou denied revealing it to the person who needed it the most. Now it doesn’t mean Kento would’ve taken it well, but it’s possible he could’ve spent fifteen years making peace with his family history and heal, rather than suffer in silence. And maybe Kamijou would’ve found the Sword of Logos traitor faster, which makes Touma’s remarks on comrades all the more significant. Working by yourself results in a limited perspective, and your troubles will take the long road in resolving themselves. This also seems to be a recurring theme with the holder of Kurayami (if Kento’s indeed Calibur III)
To bring in how it’s inevitable to compare the newest installment to the previous series, I couldn’t help but think Saber ends its first arc on episode 15 - not unlike Zero One, which ended mid-episode 16. They even follow a similar structure of rushing through a hero’s journey and getting all those power-ups, though Touma makes comrades while Aruto gained respect. Maybe this means the second arc will build upon the themes the first arc introduced. The question of comrades, promises, the ending of one’s story, the corruption of an organization with history dating back to thousands of years (you could even say they’ve deviated from the source material, aka their original goals, and became something else)
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Sophia disappears in a cloud of smoke, Kurayami is taken by smoke, some Wonder Ride Books vanish thanks to smoke...if anything, Reika’s been planning this for a while. But for what? And how did she enter the Table of Contents without anyone noticing?
Here I thought Touma would take Kamijou’s body with him...but I suppose letting him rest in the place he sought for fifteen years is Touma’s way of respecting the end of his story also Ren would try to desecrate it because of Kento’s fate
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And that’s arc one finished! Now for some overall thoughts
The opening is fit for a cute slice-of-life anime and definitely one of the slower paced toku openings I’ve heard (which fits the atmosphere of books), and the ED was unexpectedly very fun to watch! I never skip them
My favourite characters are Kento, Mei, Rintarou and Tetsuo. The latter in particular was a pleasant surprise, because of his awkwardness, practiced grace as a veteran and the sheer insanity that’s his rock-and-roll persona. I suppose Storious’ unsettling politeness makes him stand out from Zoous and Legeiel (who have really similar personalities), but otherwise everyone else doesn’t stir strong feelings in me
The circle on Espada’s head kind of resembles a crescent moon, maybe an eclipse...and considering how important Luna is to Kento...symbolism
I imagine the copious amount of CGI is meant to compensate for limited filming locations, and to give the Wonder World a sense of detachment from reality/otherworldliness without resorting to a Helheim flower. However, it’s a little too much for me. I do appreciate the Sentai flavor it gives to the henshin sequences and attacks, and maybe the element of fantasy is removed when you see the same bridge that’s been used for forty years instead of a colourful paradise, but I prefer henshins that aren’t against a green screen
Taking a moment here to talk about an alternate take with the book theme - not because I hate the Wonder Ride Books and how the system works. I'm just a book nerd who loves my book aesthetics
What if we went with the opposite direction - the stronger your sword aka the pen (the medium with which you write your thoughts), the stronger your book, the story you’re writing, is. Like, maybe each successor of a holy blade starts out with a base Wonder Ride Book. As they progress, they can write more pages for it so it becomes thicker. They can create spin-offs and sequels, the extra books needed for combos. If they go about their mission or motives wrong, they gain an evil upgrade. They then have to evaluate themselves, “edit” their story, until they can see where they went wrong and undo the evil upgrade - or cast it aside by ripping out the pages. Literally. Admittedly this idea is harder to execute, but I find it fun to think about. The saber in your hand....is a pen to write it down...the words to save this world ^^
A lot happens. Like, a lot. I can’t fault the writers for being obligated by Toei to cram in as many toy advertisements as possible, and the cast and staff are doing their best. Beginnings are hard to execute, so a series needs time to get a foothold and know what it wants - especially when Kamen Rider is the kind of series where every episode could change because of cast, popularity, resources, staff meetings, etc. I also approached the series with a mindset I developed from watching Zero One - appreciating what I get. And appreciate I did. Even so, my eyes glazed over a couple of times. 
A shower of power-ups, a new Rider on the doorstep, a snippet of lore in the corner, character drama (mostly) vanishing as soon as it appears. Coupled with some odd scene transitions and awkward episode construction/build-up, even when they have the right pieces in place I found myself discontent rather than satisfied at some of the resolutions. Some brief examples I’d include would be the execution of Ogami distrusting Touma; there’s a theme of comradeship but I’m not feeling it outside the main four; Ren in general; Touma’s sudden fear of Excalibur and the subsequent Knights of the Round Table; and Rintarou’s one episode vengeance quest. The last one is especially jarring when, a couple of episodes later, Rintarou (who almost died to get a three book combo) scolds Kento for letting his emotions get to his head. That, however, is a conversation for another time
From what I gather, the second arc is giving the story a chance to breathe. Maybe it’ll be an opportunity for me to not feel so overwhelmed and underwhelmed
The fellowship has been broken up, which could demonstrate how bonds need time to go beyond shallow reassurance (not that I’m against characters instantly getting along, but *points at not feeling the comradeship*)
I also think there’s virtue in the first arc not dwelling on every character, if that makes sense. Most of them only had one episode to establish themselves before the next Rider came (though in Kento’s case he got a longer arc), and having unresolved threads would be a hassle. Not to mention the pandemic restrictions, which likely played a part in very separate character arcs that mostly didn’t intercross, and it’s better to save up your ideas than let the well run dry before the series ends
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redhoodela · 4 years
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                                           Reseña | Kerri Maniscalco
Tenía muchas ganas de hablaros sobre los libros de Kerri Maniscalco, ¿por qué? porque sus libros son una adicción para mi, mezcla historias sobre acontecimientos y personajes reales que ya daban miedo de por sí con la trama de un libro de terror. Es algo que necesitaba sí o sí leer y bendita la hora que compré el primero. 
El primer título de esta serie es A la caza de Jack el Destripador.
"Audrey Rose Wadsworth, de diecisiete años, nació como la hija de un Lord, con toda una vida de riqueza y privilegios por delante. Pero entre las fiestas de té y los vestidos de seda lleva una vida secreta prohibida. En contra de los deseos de su severo padre y las expectativas de la sociedad, Audrey se escapa frecuentemente al laboratorio de su tío para estudiar la espantosa práctica de la medicina forense. Cuando su trabajo en una serie de cadáveres asesinados salvajemente la arrastra a la investigación de un asesino serial, su búsqueda de respuestas la llevará muy cerca de su propio mundo protegido"
Este ejemplar me lo compré en inglés porque aún no había traducción al español y tenía tantas ganas de leerlo que no me pude aguantar. Aún que me lo leyera y me gustara no fue hasta que lo tuve en Kindle que de verdad me obsesioné con el. La cosa es que con el libro en ingles me concentraba más en saber que significa cada palabra y traducir las que no entendía que en el propio libro por lo que cuando me lo leí en el libro electrónico me encantó. La forma de escribir y de contar la historia de Kerri hace que devores página tras página y además al argumento le acompañan fotos reales de la época. Te hace dudar de quien es el asesino hasta el último momento y el plot twist es alucinante. Siempre suelo tener mis teorías pero esta vez mi mente estaba en blanco. Conocemos a Audrey Rose, su carácter y determinación es muy distinto para una mujer de su época, ella quiere ser médico forense y por ello está compinchada con su tío, médico forense conocido, para que éste le enseñe tanto en sus clases como en su sótano mientras practica autopsias en casos de la policía. De este modo es como empieza toda la trama para descubrir quien es Jack el Destripador. Aparte, conocemos también a Thomas Cresswell, el alumno favorito del tío de Audrey ya que es brillante y sobresale en sus clases, es un personaje muy inteligente y bastante divertido que se conoce más a fondo en el segundo libro.La pareja que hacen Audry Rose y Thomas es muy buena porque se llevan al límite para ser lo mejores y es un constante tira y afloja entre ellos. Están hechos para competir entre ellos desde el más profundo afecto y respeto. Él siempre espera que Audrey de lo mejor y sea la numero uno en todo aun que no lo diga en voz alta.  Comprar aquí
    "Roses have both petals and thorns, my dark flower. You needn't believe something weak because it appears delicate. Show the world your bravery".
  El segundo libro de esta saga es A la caza del príncipe Drácula.
"Se descubren extraños asesinatos en el castillo del Príncipe Vlad el Empalador, también conocido como Drácula. ¿Podría ser un simple farsante quien está cometiendo los crímenes... o el príncipe ha vuelto a la vida? Tras el dolor y el horror que le ha causado descubrir la verdadera identidad de Jack el Destripador, Audrey Rose Wadsworth no tiene otra opción más que huir de Londres y de sus recuerdos junto con el arrogante y encantador Thomas Cresswell. Rose viaja al corazón oscuro de Rumania, hogar de una de las mejores escuelas de medicina forense de Europa... y de otro asesino de renombre: Vlad el Empalador, cuya sed de sangre se convirtió en leyenda. Pero el sueño de la vida de Rose, pronto se ve frustrado por los sangrientos descubrimientos en los pasillos del imponente castillo de la escuela, y se ve obligada a investigar asesinatos que le resultan extrañamente familiares. Quizás, lo que encuentre despierte sus temores más profundos"
Puedo decir, oficialmente, que es mi favorito. Me ha alegrado mucho que tratara el tema del Conde Drácula y le diera la vuelta completamente. Personalmente siempre he querido leer historias sobre el famoso Drácula, que no fuera Bram Stocker aun que él diera vida a la leyenda, y este libro ha dado en el clavo. Si que tengo una queja y es que mientras que en el original las palabras en rumano y definiciones están bien y son correctas, la traducción al español ha hecho que una o dos sea mal entendidas. Seguimos con la historia de Audre Rose y Thomas en la que emprenden su viaje hacia Rumania donde van a expandir sus conocimientos en un internado, ¿dónde está localizado? en el mismísimo castillo de Bran, este internado es la Academia de Medicina y Ciencias Forenses más prestigiosa del país y en el que la única estudiante mujer que hay es Audrey, por lo que tiene que trabajar duro para ser aceptada en el lugar, sobre todo por el director que no se lo pondrá fácil. Tanto ella como Thomas se embarcan en esta aventura gracias a él, llegan a Rumanía con ansias de aprender y alejarse del pasado pero el que vaya bien al principio solo es una ilusión. Cada día que pasa se dan cuenta de que algo no va bien y hay demasiados secretos que envuelve a los alumnos y profesores. Mientras tanto, Audrey sigue luchando psicológicamente contra las secuelas que le dejó descubrir al verdadero asesino y aprenderemos más de la vida de Thomas y nos presentan a su hermana, también nos enseña porque esta tan conectado al castillo. En el libro anterior hablaban vagamente sobre los personajes segundarios y aun que en este aparentemente hace lo mismo, hay un par que sí nos muestran más sobre ellos, por lo menos lo importante. Aquí también tenemos fotos de la época y nos añade las cartas enviadas entre los personajes a lo largo de la trama que hace todo más realista. 
"Los rumanos nunca hacen algo a medias, Wadsworth. Ya sea ir a la guerra o luchar por amor"
No me puede gustan más esa frase, la tengo escrita por todos lados y es una gran verdad. Somos tan apasionados que nos movemos de un extremo a otro, para nosotros es todo o nada siempre. El duo que siguen formando Audrey y Thomas persiste en el libro y se nota más la relación romántica pero siempre la dejan de segundo lado para centrarse en descubrir quien está detrás de todas las cosas extrañas que pasan en el internado y de las muertes. Vuelve a hacer plot twist y es que cada vez que creo que no puede sorprenderme más, me equivoco. Solo tengo una cosa que decir: Girl power✊  Comprar aquí
El tercero es A la caza de Houdini.
“Audrey Rose y Thomas Cresswell se encuentran a bordo de un lujoso transatlántico que se convierte en una horrorosa prisión flotante cuando un asesino termina con la vida de los pasajeros uno por uno y no hay lugar adonde escapar. Al emprender un viaje de una semana por el océano Atlántico a bordo del opulento RMS Etruria, Audrey Rose Wadsworth y su compañero de investigaciones, Thomas Cresswell, se ven deslumbrados por una compañía itinerante de artistas de circo, videntes y un carismático joven escapista que entretienen por las noches a los pasajeros de la primera clase. Pero algunas jóvenes de alta cuna comienzan a desaparecer sin ninguna explicación y una serie de asesinatos brutales conmociona al barco entero. La inquietante y extraña influencia del Carnaval Luz de Luna invade las cubiertas a medida que los asesinatos se vuelven más y más perturbadores. Audrey Rose y Thomas deberán resolver estos casos espeluznantes para evitar que más pasajeros mueran antes de llegar a destino. Pero cuando las pistas indican que la próxima víctima quizás sea alguien a quien ella ama, ¿podrá Audrey Rose desentrañar el misterio antes de que el asesino lleve a cabo su macabro acto final?”
Actualmente me estoy leyendo este libro por lo que aún no tengo una mini reseña para vosotros, en cuanto lo acabe volveré, es una promesa. Y...cumpliendo mis promesas, ya lo he terminado y la verdad que me ha decepcionado un poco. Siguiendo el trayecto de la historia nos encontramos a Audrey Rose y Thomas en el barco RMS Etruria disfrutando del viaje hacia Estados Unidos y acompañados de su tío y la señora Harvey. Nos presentan a varios personajes del Carnaval Luz de Luna que son fascinantes y en su conjunto todos están bien descritos y cada uno tiene su historia personal. El primer asesinato comienza en las primeras páginas por lo que no nos dan ni un descanso. Vemos a Audrey estar entre la espada y la pared en determinadas ocasiones y yo diría, un poco, lo fascinada que el mundo de Mephistopheles la tiene. Por desgracia, a Thomas lo dejan de segundo plano en esta tercera entrega y es algo que me ha puesto muy nerviosa porque me encanta que entre los dos resuelvan los casos, además que a mi parecer meten a la fuerza situaciones que no veo de gran apoyo a la historia. En general habían páginas que sobraban y otras que daban mucha vuelta para explicar cosas que en unas líneas ya lo tendrías. Tengo que decir que me he saltado alguna de esas páginas porque me estaba aburriendo muchísimo. El plot twist del final no ha sido de mi agrado, me esperaba que fuera otra persona y creo que al que eligieron era la opción más fácil y no me acabó. Creo que este libro se ha quedado por debajo de mis expectativas ya que los dos anteriores han sido tremendamente geniales.  Comprar aquí
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Hi I don't know if you are still doing bleach headcanons but if you are still, I would like to a grimmjow jaggerjack scenario apologizing for something he said that hurt his S / O
I’m still doing for a few characters and Grimmy is one of them :) I made the request as headcanons because I imagine him having two reactions possible
Grimmyjow verbally hurting his S/O and having to apologize
I think Grimmy would have two reactions, two ways of apologizing possible
Grimmy before his near death experience by Nnoitra is terribly arrogant
he would most likely refuse to apologize for such a long time…
not that he doesn’t feel guilty of his S/O getting hurt by his words (they’re the only person he cares about after all)
but he is proud and didn’t want to be seen as weak by the other arrancars and espadas for apologizing to his partner
you know how he wants to be recognized as a strong man… he thinks it would play against his strength to admit he is the guilty one
he would eventually apologize but very late and in privacy
still Grimmjow’s way though
“look, I don’t think what I said. But you were annoying and it made me angry”
shitty brat
 Grimmjow’s post near death experience and saved by Urahara is something else
don’t expect him to apologize right away
he wouldn’t take as much time as before (he doesn’t have the Espada’s pressure on his back anymore) but he still has that big self-esteem within him
the way he would apologize will be different now
I don’t see Grimmy as the kind of person to laze in front of TV screen ; but during his convalescence days he probably did watch series and movies to pass time
whose were romantic ones (he complains obviously)
I can clearly imagine him remembering them and using this new acknowledge in his couple
clumsily and shyly but he doesn’t admit it
Grimmy would 100% shove a bunch of flowers in his lover’s face
“I’m sorry, ok ?”
he is not a bad guy
just awful at expressing his feelings 
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toku-explained · 4 years
The Darkest Swordsman
Z: GAFJ have developed D4 from Barabas' horn, a dimension destroying weapon, and have ordered it's installation in King Joe STORAGE Custom, the installation overseen by Yuki Mai. The Maintenance team make clear from the start they are against this, and the main squad are clearly against it as well, and the Director makes clear he is against using D4 as well, but orders have come down, he's not well, and Celebro encounters him. When Kelbim arrives, drawn by the energy at the initial test site, it quickly heads to where the next D4 weapon is, and the Director brings down the orders from on high to use only King Joe STORAGE Custom and make use of D4, even as more Kelbim descend from the sky and hatch. It's pretty obvious what has happened to the Director, but it's not outright shown. In defiance of orders, Hebikura dispatched Haruki in Windom, but even as they take out one another spawns, and Z is forced to come out. As they continue more appear and Yuka detects the Mother Kelbim in space. Z Delta Rise Claw goes to face it, but even as it wins the numbers become to much and Yoko is forced, out of desperation, to use D4. The attack does take out the Kelbim, but the dimensional collapse keeps spreading, only being stopped by Z. Hebikura makes clear he is angry about all of this, and Yuki Mai seems to have ideas about Ultraman's power. But the big this this time is, as every single member of STORAGE, the entire maintenance team lead by Bako, Yuka, Yoko, Haruki and Hebikura defies GAFJ orders, and the entire unit is being dissolved.
Ultra 6 Brothers The Live: I laid actual money to watch this, since it seems to tie into The Absolute Conspiracy. After Nice warms the crowd up, the story introduces us to Baltan Seijin Baruru, a child alone on a world save for his robot friend. Baruru seems to remember his grandfather, but that's it. One day Red King, Hellberus, Astromons and Giestron rampage, and Man, Seven, Zoffy, Hikari and 80 arrive to stop them. Afterwards the brother discuss why the Kaiju are acting out before all but Ultraman leave. He meets Baruru and befriends him before leaving, asking the robot to look out for him, and after it's gone Baruru and the robot plan to plant a flower, when a gang of Valkie Seijin, Magma Seijin and Zarab Seijin arrive, and start beating up Baruru, calling Hellberus back to assist. The Robot, inspired by Ultraman's words, fights back and does a decent job until losing power, but as more Kaiju come the day is saved by the arrival of the Ultra 6 Brothers. Zoffy fights Zarab, Man fights Red King, Seven fights Valkie, Jack takes Giestron, Ace battles Hellberus, Taro deals with Magma. After the brothers win, they save the Robot and leave, Baruru and his companion continue their journey, but in the end Baruru walks away from the robot, which continues the other way with the flower. Absolute Tartarus appears, commenting on a power. After an intermission the plot moves forward, and to an earth in 2020, where Bemstar and Telesdon come down from the sky, and the narrator explains the Devil Splinters, this is followed by Z Alpha Edge's stock footage, the Rise accompanied with a new one for Zero. Zero and Z Alpha Edge face the two Kaiju, then discuss about the Devil Splinters when an effect devices the Kaiju. Zero defeats Bemstar only for Tartarus, who Zero is aware of, to appear and revive Bemstar, and reveal his servant, the adult Baruru, who created the system reviving the Kaiju. Zero and Z are overpowered until Ultraman and Seven arrive and help defeat them. Ultraman recognises Baruru, and Baruru remembers him, Tartarus arrives and explains their plans. Ultraman asks him to stop but he lashes out, and uses the system to revive Zetton and EX Zetton, which overpower the Ultras, before taking them aside and fusing their genes with himself to become a Zetton Baltan Seijin (variants previously appeared in Orb stages, one being a Dark Ring fusion), and join the Zettons in their battle. While the other Zettons take Seven and Zero offstage, Man and Z fight Baruru. Nice comes onstage to guide some audience interaction to power up the heroes here, which brings Seven and Zero back, and the rest of the Ultra 6 Brothers. After a moment where Man and Baruru wordlessly reflect on their past, Nice somehow finds himself faced with Tartarus, who trounces him before the Brothers minus Man pull him away, they then defeat the Zettons. Zero and Z face Tartarus until he decides to leave, but Z pursues. Ultraman and Baruru fight, although really it's just Man trying to remind Baruru of his true self, Baruru wakes up and returns to normal, but Zetton Baltan Seijin still exists on its own, now mindless and Ultraman is injured taking a hit. Zoffy, Ace and Seven take care if it long enough for Baruru to revive Man using his device, and he destroys Zetton Baltan Seijin. Tartarus murders Baruru and calls on Tyrant, which already mostly defeated Jack and Taro, and Man, Zero and Z struggle with, until Nice leads the audience again. Together the Brothers Zero and Z defeat Tyrant. The dying Baruru is shocked by the robots return. Ultraman informs him they're on earth. The robot uses the system to save Baruru, and presents the healthy plant. After sharing some parting words Baruru and his friend leave. The assembled Ultras thank the audience and leave some last words. All in all good, but about as important as those Ultraman Festival Stages or the Final Stages. Also this is pretty clearly pre-Z so I don't know why they didn't just have Z in his initial state.
The Absolute Conspiracy: The highly anticipated event begins. New Generation Heroes was a prequel to Taiga, and featured the first live action appearance of a character previously only seen in a Pachinko machine. Similarly, The Absolute Conspiracy is a prequel to Z and features several characters previously only seen in the Ultraman Festival Stages. There are differences too though. The central villain here is, to my knowledge, wholly original, and while New Generation Heroes was a a single narrative from start to finish, this is a story in 3 "parts", and while New Generation Heroes focused on only the New Generation Heroes, as well as the two most direct mentors to that group, and an Ultra who debuted in the era but is not considered part of the group, here we have quite a diverse group. So we start here in Part 1, starting Ultraman Ribut. In the M78 timeline this would appear to be set sometime in the 1000s of years gap between Mebius and Ultra Galaxy. Cool to see there's a proper OP this time, evidently going to switch up for each part. After our brief appearance by Absolute Tartarus our focus moves to young recruit Ribut, who is working alongside Civilisation Guard Max (original VA), who is one of a number of M78 Ultras who was originally believed to be from his series' universe version of the Land of Light, but since the Zero movies we now know them to be from the main M78 universe, and traveled from there to the timeline of his series. The planet is having it's energy drained by a Maga-Orochi egg, the existence of which is concerning due to the Maga-Orochi being sealed on Orb's earth....by a group of Ultras that included Zero....this might be later in the timeline than I thought. Hellberus might be an indicator Tregear is behind what's going on, he has interfered with several other New Generation Kaiju, but Sran Seijin is the only mastermind we have at the moment. Gudis Cells are infecting Max now, and I presume they want the Maga-Orochi to evolve into something more. We go to Planet Kanon. This is before the event of The Origin Saga, as the Tree of Life is still standing. The present War God, Queen Izana, is also part of the Galaxy Rescue Force, which seems to draw from an old idea from the 70s of a Galactic Federation that Tsuburaya's heroes were all part of, in this instance though the alliance is multiversal. Anyway here we have Sora, making her first appearance outside of stages, she started out as one of the generic Ultras, but now have that armour to stand out. She's accompanying Yullian (new VA) princess of the Land of Light, who is wearing a mantle here for the first time. Leucocyte attacks, which may further point to Tregear, and 80 (original actor) appears to help, until Leucocyte flees. The 80 sequence heavily reminds me of the Ace and Leo Brothers sequences in Ultra Fight Victory, giving the classic Ultra a strong showing before the newer hero takes centre stage. Ribut reports what happened to Zoffy, Taro and Hikari (all have their longstanding VAs) when the other 3 arrive with their own report, giving them a lot to deal with, and establishes the history of Ribut and Sora. They have to create an antibody to Gudis' cells in 3 days or Max is lost, and Ribut is sent to train on K76, where he meets for some intense training Great (New VA) and Powered (Kai's actor Kane Kosugi in English, Kai's dub VA in Japanese).
Saber: Tassel on the phone to somebody, interesting. I've gotten over my issue with Touma's memory from last time, knowing he was friends with Kento and finding Kento was in the memories that seemed to be dreams are different things. It's only natural that Kento is confused, and he decides getting Kamijo to tell him everything is the only option. Apparently the 6 swordsmen being present is reason for Legeiel to step up Megiddo plans using Goblins. Kento and Rintaro argue before the activity starts, Sophia gives Mei a key and heads out, leaving Northern Base to her. Kenzan goes to face one Megiddo, while Buster's mission to face another is interrupted by Desast. Rintaro and Kento argue about duty to Sword of Logos when Kento is called by Reika to where Sophia is confronting Caliber. Saber arrives at another Goblin. Sophia is trying to get explanations from Kamijo when Kento and Rintaro appears. Kento asks if the worst possible scenario is true before confronting Kamijo, Espada and Kamijo clash, Slash joins Saber and lends Bremen no Rock Band, when Zooous arrives to face Slash. Caliber claims he cut down Hayato for being a traitor, while calling himself a seeker of truth, Espada uses Golden Alangina and pushes Blades out the way. Kento gets a good hit in, and Caliber decides to use Jaou Dragon, becoming Caliber Jaou Dragon. While they fight Sophia suddenly vanishes. Mei uses the key an unlocks the screen, and Saber uses Dragon Bremen to defeat his Goblin as Kenzan does the same. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Legeiel, Zooous and Desast wanted, opening gates of Fire and Wind. Caliber overpowers Espada on the end, and tries to make the killing blow, but Blades takes it, and Rintaro is in critical condition. I think Kento's probably going to act less rashly now. Tassel has a guest, and I have an idea who. I might be wrong.
Kenshin Retsuden: This time we have an episode of Kenzan, listed as being "another side" of episode 9. Ogami and Ren are both looking for Caliber when Ogami realises Sophia is about to do something reckless. Desast, who is looking for Caliber to reclaim his book, confronts Ren and mocks him on the nature of ultimate power, Ren showing some serious might makes right thoughts, before leaving, thinking something about him afterwards about Ren's nature. Ogami saves Sophia as in the episode, but afterwards Sophia comments that Kento will be hurt regardless of who Caliber is, opening Ogami's eyes to the possibility of someone else behind the mask.
Kiramager: Whatever it is the guy wants to say to Sayo, he's clearly nervous. Sayo has gone into the dinner with certain expectations, but isn't sure how she feels quite yet. The team tries to let her keep the evening for her date. While the team is busy, she really wants to hear it at least. Garza's plan is to unleash multiple Jamenju, which Riddle Kamen is making plenty of energy for. As for Sayo, it's not like she doesn't like the dude, but she won't know until he says it, but I like how everyone is just desperate to know more. Sayo solves the riddle but doesn't tell the others what it is. Garza is bending Hakobu to his will. While it appears what Kusaka had in mind was something different, Sayo gets straight in to helping him. I am a little disappointed that we're having a marriage would mean quitting being a ranger plot for a female in fucking 2020, but that doesn't matter because turns out, surprise, Kusaka was working with Yodonna. Garza is off to eliminate Oradin. Sayo still protects him, but any chance of anything more is done for, but she still entrusts him with warning CARAT. To be fair about the marriage plot, Sayo herself had every intention of making it work, and there is the whole surgeon thing giving it more justification here than in other plots. I like how we have this goofy scene of Juru making Riddle Jamen answer a riddle of his own interspersed with the fairly serious drama of the Sayo plot. Garza has arrived in Atamald, the plant is sprouting, and 3 Jamenju arrive.
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 years
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I made a post a ways back just kinda nodding to how cool the Patch Tribe were in Shaman King, but I sorta wanted to elaborate on what made them so cool.  So, here we go!
For starters, it’s just plain rare to see Native American characters in any form of media, least of all Japanese pop media.  And even when there is some presence it’s often dated, lack luster and superficial, and/or outright insulting.  To be clear, the Patch aren’t exactly a full departure from that, but they manage to leverage the better angles of it without dipping into dangerous territory.
To start the Patch are first introduced via the character Silva, very obviously named and themed after Native American silver jewelry, along with turquoise it is iconic of south western arts and crafts.  Silva uniquely possesses 5 different guardian spirits (where as most characters have just 1, or 2 as a unique oddity) that together form his Over Soul form, Silver Arms.  His spirits are all animals native to the North American continent (Bal Eagle, Coral Snake, Gopher Tortoise, American Bison, and Coyote) although not all present in the same regions within the United States.  The Silver Arms also have a special form, the Totem Pole Cannon, which is slightly problematic in that totem poles are more a facet of north western Native American cultures, without much overlap with the South Western tribes being referenced in the rest of Silva’s design.  A common faux pas of trying to conflate disparate cultures under the umbrella of a singular “Native American” label.  Still, what I appreciate is that Silva is an authority figure in the fighting tournament arc that is introduced early on in the  manga, and he is both benevolent and powerful, as a mentor figure to the hero.  It’s not entirely accurate or culturally sensitive per say, but it does have at its core a tone of respect.
I also appreciate the running gag in which the Patch Tribe are shown to be almost nonsensically well funded and technologically advanced, as their tribe facilitates and runs the world wide fighting tournament; they distribute high tech gadgets to help organize fights, measure fighting power, and frequently transport the many participants in confusingly industrial/military grade vehicles all emblazoned with their tribe’s triangular crest.  Although the shamanist/animist nature of Native American religions is the basis of them being such prominent figures, the departure from worn old clichés of a “primitive” or “savage” naturalist life style, even just as a joke, is refreshing.
I’m also just a sucker for uniforms with subtle personal variations, and Japan’s love of the ~10 Bad Guys bundle-pack kind of trope. (Rurouni Kenshin’s Juupongatana, Naruto’s Akatsuki, Bleach’s 12 Captains, Espada, & Sternritter, etc...)  In the case of the Patch, the final stage of the story has the heroes having to march thru 9 “Plants”, elementally attuned rooms where they must fight the 10 Patch Officiants who had been running the tournament as neutral entities previously.  I love the curious selection of environments that the Plant’s embody:
I love the way each officiant wears a uniform cloak with a metal plate representing their animal spirit overtop their otherwise unique outfit.  I absolutely love how Silva’s stupidly straight forward name got used as the basis for naming the rest of the Patch Officiants after different metals: Lead, Boron, Magnesium, Radium, Kalium (Potassium), Rhenium, Chromium, Thallium, Silver & Rutherfordium.
I love that there’s a pun in how Chrom’s little brother is named Nichrom as a play on Nichrome being a Nickle-Chromium alloy, but also the Japanese number 2:二:“ni”, functionally making his name “2nd Chrom” or "Chrom 2″
I love that Kalium(Potassium) is a vital nutrient especially prominent in particularly hearty vegetables and grains like yams, potatoes, nuts, soy, bran, and beans, and Kalim appears in his Plant, The Plateau, plowing the flatlands, and his spirit is Black Sickle, all giving him a distinct farming theme.
I love that Thallium is named from Greek, θαλλός:thallós, meaning "a green shoot or twig" and Thalim’s spirit is Green Seed, the plant spirit.
I love how Rutherfor is named after Rutherfordium, and is the only non-naturally occurring element used in this naming scheme to give her a distinctly alien feel.  I love that her spirit, Grey Saucer is a gray and that it’s a nod to the modern alien abduction sightings common to the south west United States, and the association with Aera 51 and Roswell New Mexico.
And I love that the villain Hao’s backstory included him having been a member of the Patch tribe in a past life before reincarnating as the hero’s twin brother, and how Silva is a descendent of that previous incarnation of Hao, tying together the linage of this powerful Native American tribe with the more familiar Japanese lineages of Shugendo, Shinto, Buddhist, and Daoist/Onmyo faiths that all funnel down into the hero’s character.
I also love how in the sequel series, Shaman King Flowers, Silva’s daughter, Alumi, inherits Silver Arms and assumes the role of the hero, Hana’s love interest reuniting the two families of Hao across time, space and the cycle of reincarnation.  Also her name is from Aluminum, duh.
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asukaskerian · 6 years
teaser thingie
it’s the grimmichi psychic wolves thing, guys >_> here’s the first two scenes because plz love me or something idk.
a heads up: while there is nothing graphic in this teaser, the ‘verse is a “the wolves made ‘em fuck” thing kinda like Pern. if your bonded companion animal is in heat then so are you! while grimmjow sounds really unconcerned and even crude about it, he’s still describing heeeeella dubious consent, and the people around him are not interested in making the effort to alleviate that.
"Jaegerjaquez, where are you?"
Yawning into the phone, Grimmjow looked around himself pointedly, though there would be no way for Tousen to know it. The guy seemed to divine disrespect no matter what shape it came in; it worked for Grimmjow. Offense that still came with plausible deniability. Good enough.
"No idea. Why don't you ask Suzy."
"You know full well you and Pantera are out of Suzumushi's range. Return to base, now."
Grimmjow looked at the side of the road, where a short-furred, long-bodied, entirely black dire wolf was nosing under some flowers for field mice. Here, outside of the military base and away from the Espada pack, Pantera almost managed to forget her coming heat.
Had they stayed at the base she would have savaged Szayel's stupid hump-machine of a dog-wolf already, but nobody seemed to want to hear that. 'You're in control of your wolf, Jaegerjaquez, not the other way around!', yeah fucking right. What nobody seemed to get among the higher-ups was that: one, dire wolves were fucking sentient enough to know who they wanted to fuck and who they wanted to murder without having their paw held like retards who couldn't wipe their asses without the support and guidance of their benevolent human masters and two, Grimmjow sure as hell had no interest in being fucked by Szayel either. Guy was a straight-up freak.
(Like. Seriously. He'd named his wolf Fornicaras. Grimmjow rested his fucking case.)
Also Grimmjow did not like how eager he was to test how much he could get away with while a man and his sister-wolf were starved half out of their shared mind for a good dicking.
But Aizen did not believe in restricting attendance to a breeding. Not when they were trying to stabilize the bloodlines.
Fucking Halibel getting her fucking Tiburon mauled three days before Pantera's heat. Grimmjow could have dealt with getting plowed by Llargo and Cifer if he had her to look forward to... Probably. Okay, maybe not Yammy Llargo either. Eugh.
Anyway he'd been pissing off the higher ups enough that they may not have allowed him to stop at three, either way. For all he knew they'd have gotten the Numeros in on it too. Oh and fucking Pack-master Starrk bonding himself a bitch cub now, while he was at it; Grimmjow had fucked Starrk before, he was fine. The freak had had every single unattached wilding in the pack to work with; why he'd needed to lock himself up in a single partnership --
"Sergeant, I gave you an order."
"Yeah, yeah, sir, but see -- I still don't know where we are."
The road snaked its way along the side of a hill, or a small mountain; there was probably a town somewhere nearby, but in all likelihood the closest would be on the other side. There were woods everywhere. No houses.
Tousen sounded like he was gritting his teeth. Since he was doing it at least two hours out from where Grimmjow was, Grimmjow allowed himself to smirk about it. "Just find a marker you can read."
"Yeeeah, that's the issue, I'm fu-- really shit at Japanese. And they don't bother with English signs out in the boonies."
"... Retrace the path you took."
"Tried to. Then got lost."
A moment of silence, heavy with threats and disbelief. "You're a wilderness specialist."
"Back-country Japan ain't much like the Sahel or the Amazonian forest." Grimmjow gave a considering pause. "Sir."
"And I suppose that's why our best trackers can't follow you either."
Nah, that'd be the series of lumber trucks they'd hitched a ride on. Had been fun jumping from one to the next without stepping onto any ground. "Not a clue, sir. Asphalt. How does it work."
What was really good about working cover ops was, they couldn't order him to turn on his personal phone geolocation. The thing had been disabled with prejudice before even being issued to him, and Grimmjow had zero idea how to fix that.
"Sergeant, your sister's current irrationality is a very thin excuse right now."
Pantera lifted her muzzle to him, snorted. Her intensely green eyes scanned his face, then flicked in something that was clearly an eye roll. It was the best piece of human body language he'd ever taught her to emulate, in his opinion. 'Shake hands!' was for crotch lickers.
... Fuck.
"Pantera I swear to God if you start licking yourself I'm gonna kick you down the hill."
It's a good idea though, she replied carelessly. It itches.
"It won't help, you dumb bitch, you know that." Argh. "My bad, Captain, she's getting twitchy. I'm gonna make her run around a bit. Call you back in twenty."
Whoops. Turned off. How'd that happen. Mysteries of modern technology.
"Okay, time to find you a deer." He tapped into her senses; the forest bloomed with damp greenery and strange mushrooms, acrid mammal piss, bird feathers. "Do they even have deer around here?"
They have the boring ones, Pantera shared, flicking him a memory of scentless images on a screen -- small tame deer that throngs of people admired and hand-fed, only feral in the way that city pigeons were.
"Yeah, I got no idea how to find that place." Some kind of temple; so if he remembered Aizen's blathering about his native country well, it would be on ancestral wolf pack lands anyway.
Seemed so weird to him to maintain packs and just... live with them, instead of using them the way they were meant to be used. Seemed almost more normal to have city cops with wolves, or even firefighters, where the animals could do something, even if it wasn't warfare.
Civilian wolves. What the shit. Oxymoron indeed.
Then again boring pedestrian dire wolves were probably less well suited to warfare than Arrancar. Even the American Marines breed was kind of plodding compared to them, and of course they had no defenses against--
"Pantera, what did I fucking tell you about licking yourself."
He planted a foot on her rump and shoved her down the slope; she bounded away into the underbrush with careless ease, disappeared in the bushes. He had three seconds to rush to the other side of the road and throw himself at a tree, haul his legs up by sheer strength of biceps before she pounced across the whole road in a single bound. Her bear trap maw snapped closed on air and not his booted heel, but barely.
He swung a leg down to tempt her to jump for him again, then when she was in the air he dropped right on top of her, shoving a forearm across the bottom of her jaw to keep it from closing. They crash-landed in a bush and rolled downslope back onto the road, bouncing painfully across rocks and other woodsy shit on the way.
"Ow, ow, okay, I ain't got any bracers on right now, stop it." She couldn't crunch down hard enough to take his arm off like this but her back molars were still pointy and his flesh would give up way before his bones did.
I win! she crowed, letting go of his forearm to dance around him, tail wagging. Mmm tasty. Rend/devour when you die/gnaw on your bones!
Grimmjow wiped a trail of blood off his elbow, rolled his eyes as she licked over his fingers to catch the last of it. Now his one civilian outfit was covered in brambles and dirt. Should have gone out in fatigues...
Car! she warned him, ears flicking downslope, and the both of them ghosted back up through the tree line. Grimmjow's black and white outfit was gonna be a pain for stealth purposes but if they got far enough the leaves would be dense enough to block him out. He directed Pantera to keep going uphill and away from the road.
He had a map of the country in his head -- lost, hah, as if -- and there was a middling town on the other side of the mountain, nestled in a deep valley. The closest wolf sanctuary was miles away -- which was good because those suckers got territorial when allowed to stay in one area for too long and in her current state Pantera would want to fuck first and murder second, which would be the opposite of the locals.
Japan was curiously stiff about its wolves working for their dinner; as a major international travel destination Tokyo would have had police wolves to fuck -- smaller packs, less rabid about their borders -- but he doubted Karakura was big enough.
Also, yeah, the thing where psychic contact with any Arrancar wolf may render a basic one insane. Eh.
They could probably hunker down in the woods and have Grimmjow go into town for supplies in strategic strikes until she was over it. Abstinence during a heat was a total bitch, but still better than Szayel and Yammy.
"--And then Karin tripped him, and he landed in the puddle! On his face!"
Ichigo pinched his lips not to respond more openly to Yuzu's story. His little sister visibly thought her twin had dreadfully overreacted. Making someone fall into a puddle in public... Yeah, if he'd been there while some hormonal little jerk tried to feel up the most defenseless of his two baby sisters he may have used his fist.
Not very hard, but his fist.
Overreaching cub must be taught his place, Zangetsu agreed from Yuzu's other side. Rudeness shall be bitten out.
It was always pretty hilarious what kind of words Zangetsu's images and ideas turned into in Ichigo's head. Probably his previous human brother or sister had been the fancy sort. Like Rukia and Shirayuki, they imaged/worded/felt things all distant and proper, too. Maybe it was an Ookami thing.
"Onii-chan!" Yuzu protested at his silence.
"Yeah, yeah, she maybe overreacted a little bit. But the dude was trying to cop a feel, Yuzu. I don't care about his excuse. A guy like that, you gotta teach early to put his hands away, or he'll just get bolder."
Yuzu sighed, then frowned deeply in what he knew was her Ichigo Mimic face, and deepened her voice. "Cool motive, still groper!"
Snorting, Ichigo shifted the plastic bags he was carrying to his other hand and ruffled her hair. "Ayep."
"But still, he's nice when he's not with his friends and they don't give him dumb challenges..."
"Zangetsu says in that case he'll just have to eat his friends."
Yuzu goggled at him for a second and then punched him in the arm. "Liar! He didn't!" She turned to Ichigo's massive male wolf, ribs-high on her with the lion-mane thickness of his black ruff. The white trailing from his chin to his chest and staining the tips of all his toes made a perfect tuxedo, apart from the places where the black had started to grey with age. "You didn't, right?"
Karin could hear Ichigo's wolves, sometimes, when they pushed. Yuzu was so wolf-deaf Shiro could be screeching on top of her for an hour straight and she wouldn't notice. Zangetsu was really good with spoken words, though, and with taking context cues from Ichigo's mind; he shook his head slowly from side to side, regally.
Yuzu punched Ichigo's arm again. "Onii-chan! You --"
Her sudden silence made him frown, look around for a pack of young idiots, or one of the gangsters who sometimes thought it smart to bother him. But there wasn't really... Oh. ... Wow.
"That foreigner is really pretty," Yuzu whispered, cheeks flushing. "Do you think he's a movie star? He looks like a movie star, doesn't he?"
Ichigo cleared his throat, pulled his eyes away. Blue hair. Sky blue, or even lighter, brighter than that. Clothes that said 'yeah, I know I'm hot' and a body that really didn't contradict that. Face--
"Not all foreigners can be movie stars, Yuzu," he muttered, determined not to stare. Though there was something...
The man was looking at them. No -- at Zangetsu. Fair enough. Wolves were rare outside of the ancestral mountains and while the locals had slowly gotten used to Ichigo's beasts and all his occasional visitors in the last three years an out-of-towner would have no reason to expect them.
Zangetsu looking back in grave interest, though, that was more unexpected.
Something weird? he asked, prodding gently at their connection.
Zangetsu was as cryptic as ever, though. You'll find out was all he said before he turned away, and then they passed each other and the chance to look was lost.
Mostly lost. Ichigo threw a quick look over his shoulder -- Yuzu did the same, guiltily...
Eye contact like a gut punch.
The faintest tendril on the breeze of...
Interest. Fight/shred/kill, or --?
The foreigner curled him a long, lopsided smirk, eyelids smug and heavy, and turned to walk away.
Ichigo only figured out he was staring when Yuzu elbowed him under the ribs and whispered, "Are you looking at his pants?"
"...Oh my god. Oh my god, no. Yuzu, no! Why would you think -- aagh!"
He had not noticed the pants. The weird moment of creepy psychic contact had been a lot more important. Had it really come from the guy? Was he a wolf-brother too, or descended from oni like Chad or some other kind of weirdness like Inoue? Was he like Ishida? Why would he even think about fighting Ichigo and his wolf?! Was this another Court of Pure Beasts complication, and would those ever end??
(He had totally noticed the pants. And the filling thereof.)
But seriously, what the fuck. Brooding, he kept walking, a handful of plastic bags to each hand.
"... Hey, how would you know the pants were worth looking at unless you were looking too," he finally thought to ask his innocent fifteen-year-old baby sister.
Yuzu giggled nervously and took off at a gallop. Yelling, Ichigo gave chase, his wolf trotting leisurely after him.
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askerian · 6 years
"Jaegerjaquez, where are you?"
Yawning into the phone, Grimmjow looked around himself pointedly, though there would be no way for Tousen to know it. The guy seemed to divine disrespect no matter what shape it came in; it worked for Grimmjow. Offense that still came with plausible deniability. Good enough.
"No idea. Why don't you ask Suzy?"
"You know full well you and Pantera are out of Suzumushi's range. Return to base, now."
Grimmjow looked at the side of the road, where a short-furred, long-bodied, entirely black dire wolf was nosing under some flowers for field mice. Here, outside of the military base and away from the Espada pack, Pantera almost managed to forget her coming heat.
Had they stayed at the base she would have savaged Szayel's stupid hump-machine of a dog-wolf already, but nobody seemed to want to hear that.
Chapter 1. Fusion with the Iskryne/A Companion to Wolves series by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette. Everyone is human apart from the zanpakuto who are wolves. \o/ Dubious consent of the “whoops our psychically bonded animals animals are in heat” variety.
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ao3feed-bingqiu · 3 years
by BlackOperator
Shang Qinghua desapareció, dejando una espada rota atrás. Se lo consideró muerto durante muchos años, hasta que durante la ceremonia de ascensión de Mobei-jun ocurre un intento de derrocamiento aprovechando el estado débil del rey. Es entonces cuando alguien más interrumpe en las cámaras funerarias.
El hermano pepino se muerde la lengua en este copypaste tan obvio.
Avión solo está feliz de volver al lado de SU rey y no volverá a dejar que nadie lo aparte de su lado.
Mobei-jun está bien con eso.
Words: 2018, Chapters: 1/4, Language: Español
Series: Part 1 of Monster Airplane
Fandoms: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mòběi-jūn, Luò Bīnghé, Lǐnguāng-jūn, Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Shā Huálíng, original demons, Shàng Qīnghuá
Relationships: Mòběi-jūn/Shàng Qīnghuá, Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū
Additional Tags: yandere Shàng Qīnghuá, monster Airplane, Mutant demon lilium flower, Airplane Bro Shàng Qīnghuá, Shàng Qīnghuá die, no beta be like Shen Jiu, Anal Sex, Possessive Sex, demonic traditions, Blood and Gore, Canon-Typical Violence, Murder Kink, Angst with a Happy Ending, Elfen Lied References
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tojolo · 7 years
Tumblr media
Red Spider Lily. Death, the coming of winter, the afterlife
Ooooh boy...I’m finally halfway into this endeavor, also I didnt notice until now that I was making this one as the fifth in line haha, quite fitting for the fifth espada don’t you think? As usual inspired by this post
Please do not edit or repost!
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arrancxr · 7 years
Soooooo what do we talk about? The weather? We've got 1 meter snow the last days, not fun. Btw I'm halfway done with the espada flower series inspired by that ask of yours, posted Nnoitra today :D I'm doing all 10 so I gotta find flowers for the last guys too
Oh wow that’s a lot of snow! Where I live, it pretty much never snows (and 20 inches of rain a year is considered impressive. . . . ), so you’re pretty lucky to get the fun weather!! And yes!!! I checked and they looked amazing!!! And I found flowers for the last three for you :D
Barragan-Black Mulberry: Patience, wisdom, old age, the union of death. 
Zommari-Narcissus: Narcissism and egoism, future misfortune, clarity. 
Yammy-Snapdragon: Power, inner strength, truth telling. 
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
Random 32 things tag!
I was tagged by: @theeternallyfangirlingauthor, thank you love <3
1) Name: Sonora 2) Nickname: Nel, comes from my middle name Penelope  3) Zodiac: Aries 4) Height: 5′4 5) Ethnicity: American (white) 6) Birthplace: United States, in the state of Nevada 7) Sexual orientation: Straight 8) Favorite fruit: Blackberries, cherries 9) Favorite season: Winter 10) Favorite song: “Everybody wants to Rule the World” Lorde’s version of it, and “Living Dead Girl” by Rob Zombie I’ve been listening to, I don’t have a favorite really. 11) Favorite flower: Snapdragons and dianthus 12) Favorite book: Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, Ranger’s Apprentice series, The Hobbit, Les Miserables, Escape From Furnace series, Matilda, too many to list! 13) Favorite animals: Bunnies, bears, and raccoons! 14) Favorite beverages: Herbal tea, apple cider, PB&J smoothie 15) Favorite fictional characters: Coyote Starrk, Lilynette Gingerback, Luna Lovegood, Margaery Tyrell, Jason Todd, Seras Victoria, Durnehviir (Skyrim), I need to stop now XD 16) Dream Trip: Loch Ness Lake in Scotland (My grandma was born and raised in Scotland too, so I’m passionate about it) 17) Killed People: No, even though it’s tempting to hit certain people in my life with a shovel. 18) Siblings: One older brother 19) Horror films?: Friday the 13th series, American Werewolf in London, When A Stranger Calls, plenty more! 20) Reason to smile: My loved ones, well written stories, seeing acts of kindness, seeing people enjoy the things I bake 21) Questions you are always asked: “Why is your hair so curly?” “Why are you so quiet?”  22) Favorite foods: sushi, chicken katsu, blackberry cobbler 23) A gift you currently want to receive: A anime poster (preferably of the Espada or Hellsing Ultimate) 24) OTP: Ulquihime  25) One thing that changed about you: I used to be alone and depressed, now I have a lot of hope and I made good friends. 26) Your first ship: Bulma x Vegeta 27) NOTP: Jon Snow x Daenerys Targaryen 28) Fear that you want to conquer: Fear of public speaking, I have bad social anxiety. 29) Favorite fanfictions: Absolutes by Phantomphaeton (Game of Thrones), Pulling My Weight by Invincible Shadow (Naruto), Oz by Princess Kitty1 (Bleach Wizard of Oz AU with a Ulquihime pairing, sounds weird but it’s good!) 30) Favorite sport: Archery 31) Birth of your blog: April 12, 2017 32) Followers: Currently 121, which I’m very happy about it!
I now tag: @xenethis-chimera, @kittywolfy, @danyela-wolf, and anyone else who wants to participate! 
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Bleach Version of CAH
Black Cards
v  What would I create if I had Aizen’s hogyoku?
v  Maybe Ikkaku isn’t bald. Maybe he’s (               ).
v  The other Visored were shocked to learn that Lisa’s magazines are actually filled with pictures of (                ).
v  What is the Quincy’s ultimate goal?
v  Kurosaki Ichigo has every power. Except the power of (              ).
v  I should be in Squad 0 because I invented (               ).
v  What’s the next thing that Szayel is going to make edible?
v  Yhwach is hiring a new Stern Ritter, the Quincy of (             ).
v  Soi Fon refused to fight alongside Hachigen, at least until he offered her               (            ).
v  Why is Soul Society in trouble?
v  Grimmjow hasn’t joined the battle because he is distracted by (            ).
v  What will the Reiou (Soul King) use to woo Ichigo?
v  Orihime’s powers can heal anything, except of course (                 ).
v  Rukia’s next comic will be about (                ), dealing with (               ), for the first time.
v  For their new fundraiser, the Women’s Soul Reaper Association (WRSA) will be selling (             ).
v  Gin might have beaten Aizen if only he had used (           ).
v  Urahara has a secret weapon to defeat the Quincy. What is it?
v  As a teenager Byakuya was obsessed with (           ).
v  What was the name of Ichigo’s fullbring?
v  When not in use, the Zanpakuto bond by (               ).
v  Aside from killing, what do Soul Reapers use their Zanpakuto for?
v  The Visored survived in the World of the Living by (              ).
v  Why does the king ride the horse?
v  Aizen has requested to see a live performance of Hamlet in the World of the Living. Why?
v  Ryuuken has decided to become a better father by (             ).
v  Isshin has decided to become a better father by (              ).
v  The best sword in Bleach belongs to (               ).
v  Who has the spikiest hair?
v  What was Luffi’s secret power?
v  What things are found in Ichigo’s repression box?
v  Why are there so many characters with a creepy grin?
v  The person that has a crush on Ichigo is (               ).
v  What does Senbonzakura do in his spare time?
v  What brings all the Hollows to the yard?
v  The best way to describe Bleach is (               ).
v  Why does Ichigo’s inner hollow wax poetry about kings and horses?
v  When the Visoreds materialise their masks their sclera’s turn black. Because of (               ).
v  What is the heart?
v (                 ) & (               ), the hottest new ship in Bleach.
v  What were the makers of Bleach S Abridged on when making their abridged series?
v  A new name has been created for Bleach and is (              ).
v  I will defeat you using my (              )!
v  Aizen’s Bankai gives the ability to (            ).
v  When Ichigo and Nel spend time together it always leads to (            ).
v  Uryuu loves (             ), but he will never admit it.
v  The dullest part of Bleach is (               ).
v (                 ) will defeat all the hollows.
v  The real cause of Ukitake’s illness is (              ).
v  Nanao has discovered something in her captain’s bedroom. What is it?
v  (             ) doesn’t happen in the manga.
White Cards
v  The Quincy watching you from the shadows.
v  A Menos Grande named Steve.
v  Aizen’s bondage chair.
v  Ishida wearing Ichigo’s sword like a hat.
v  Tite Kubo’s fetish for cutting off arms.
v  The heart.
v  A sword that releases into an EVEN BIGGER SWORD!
v  My pride.
v  A noble scarf.
v  Boobs.
v  Very nice sideburns.
v  Ichigo’s closet.
v  Getting a tattoo on your face because you once saw a dude with the same tattoo on his chest.
v  An obscene tattoo.
v  Complimenting another dudes’ eyebrows because eyebrows are cool, dude.
v  Shunpo (flash step).
v  Eyebrows that are just, freakishly long.
v  Zombie slaves.
v  A bunny named Chappy.
v  Screaming Kurosaki Ichigo’s name.
v  The empty chair in the sky.
v  Perfect hypnosis.
v  A nickname from Yachiru.
v  Talking to your guitar like it is sentient.
v  The despair squad.
v  Justice.
v  A bucket worn on the head like a helmet.
v  Talking cats.
v  Putting Urahara into a box for an entire month.
v  A pink flowered kimono.
v  A stray dog, down to my bones.
v  Squad 4 being too late to actually heal you.
v  Aizen getting high on Ulquiorra’s eye sparkles.
v  Stabbing Momo Hinamori.
v  Ulquiorra holding out his hand as he turns to dust.
v  Healing mucus.
v  Endless Pursuit.
v  Admiral Seaweed.
v  A hand that doubles as a drill.
v  A caterpillar baby with poisonous chest spikes.
v  Ignoring serious head wounds.
v  Unohana with her hair down.
v  Instinct.
v  Plushies that are alive.
v  Tea.
v  My inner hollow.
v  A city on its side.
v  The rain.
v  A dead mother.
v  Urahara’s hat.
v  A hell butterfly.
v  Because it is all according to my plan. - Aizen
v  Byakuya’s hair piece.
v  The Ouken (The Kings Key).
v  Piles of paperwork.
v  Mysterious transfer students.
v  Resurreccion Segunda Etapa (Second-Stage Resurreccion).
v  Ichigo’s blinding hair that every other anime protagonist has.
v  Nerd Aizen.
v  Getsuga Tensho (Basically, Fuck everything in that direction).
v  Mugetsu.
v  Yoruichi’s fuzzy paws.
v  Quincy brainwashing.
v  A powerless Ichigo.
v  Harribel’s under-boob.
v  Tatsuki punching Chizuru off of Orihime every morning.
v  Las Noche’s being so huge.
v  Crystal tree’s in Hueco Mundo.
v  Mugetsu’s majestic, waist-length, black hair.
v  The holy Substitute Shinigami arc.
v  Everyone randomly giving Toshiro candy all the time.
v  Aizen's butterfly form that made all fans stare in horror.
v  Orihime’s usefulness and character development other that her breasts.
v  The beach episode that came from an omake and a 2-page art piece.
v  Ulquiorra’s habit of creating a hole in his victim’s chest.
v  Rangiku in a cat suit.
v  Hyorinmaru’s stoic face.
v  The tragic ending of Bleach.
v  Gin creepily staring at everyone with a knowing grin from afar.
v  Grimmjow’s Resurreccions blue kitty ears.
v  The fact that Ikkaku shares an uncanny resemblance to Saitama from One Punch Man.
v  The bromance of the entire 11th division.
v  Ichigo’s cero destroying the chains of Hell.
v  The Diamond Dust Rebellion movie.
v  Mayuri without his makeup and headgear.
v  Urahara smirking behind his fan.
v  Just a simple candy shop owner.
v  The rejoicing of every Ichihime and Renruki shipper at the ending.
v  Kenpachi’s hair style of death.
v  The fact that Isshin is Kaien, Ganju and Kuukakku’s uncle. Also, that he was the head of the Noble Shiba clan.
v  Yumichika’s soul sucking, colour sensitive, flowery, peacock zanpakuto.
v  Grimmjow’s abs.
v  Ulquiorra cosplaying as batman.
v  The Espada at Aizen’s tea parties.
v  Noitora’s 6 arms.
v  All of the Ichigo shippers going to war.
v  The despair of every Ichiruki and Ishihme shipper at the ending.
v  Fights that take 10 episodes to finish.
v  Fighting a captain.
v  Sacrificing yourself in a horrific and violent manner.
v  The canon ships.
v  Bleach S Abridged in general.
v  Ichigo’s hollow and Old Man Zangetsu drinking in Ichigo’s inner world.
v  Dark Rukia.
v  Just kiss him already.
v  Cero.
v  Whatever animal Kon is.
v  Insulting your former captain.
v  A secret sake stash.
v  A Mashiro Super Kick.
v  Stabbing people in the chest with your hand.
v  The Onmitsukido.
v  Flinging your friend from the top of Soukyouku Hill.
v  Using forbidden Kido.
v  Ukitake’s chronic illness.
v  Getting lost in every single division barracks.
v  Having Kido backfire on you.
v  Explaining your abilities to your opponent.
v  Mayuri’s questionable fashion sense.
v  A ridiculous amount of spiritual pressure.
v  Hell.
v  High level Kido spells cast without incantations.
v  Betrayal.
v  Kuchiki Byakuya’s perfect hair.
v  Noble families.
v  Orihime’s attempts at seducing Ichigo.
v  Sosuke Aizen. Enough said.
v  Yoruichi turning into a cat.
v  Accepting Ichigo’s offer to see his ‘Ultimate Zanpakuto’.
v  Untreated PTSD.
v  Shiro’s horns right up the ass.
v  Killing Masaki.
v  Dying heroically for no reason.
v  The MRSA (Men’s Soul Reapers Association)
v  Getting stabbed in the chest.
v  Karakura Town.
v  Rangiku’s necklace that falls between her boobs.
v  Pure chaos.
v  Central 46 being murdered by Aizen.
v  Getting stabbed by your captain.
v  Saving the world before turning 16.
v  Muramasa’s Zanpakuto filler arc that is underrated.
v  Ikkaku Madarame’s shiny bald head.
v  Strawberry-chan.
v  Isshin’s suspicious white van.
v  Pretending not to have Bankai.
v  The Maggot’s nest with Urahara in charge.
v  Tekking101’s weekly Bleach chapter review.
v  Kenpachi Zaraki killing everyone in the nearby vicinity
AN: Just to be clear I don’t own Bleach, but me and my friends created our own version of Cards Against Humanity and I wanted to share them. They take a while to make and coming up with the ideas was a process. I encourage you to enjoy and if you wish to make your own, you are totally allowed to use these or simply take ideas. It is a long post as it has 50 Black and 150 White cards.
Have a good one!
-Claire Bear & Friends
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