#especially Zach
blackaleycatt · 5 months
It's so funny how the crew will be like "omg guys we have to get ready for our Christmas/Halloween/etc party" and then it just be the 5 of them eating food in the living room of the same place they live in with a few decorations. Like if y'all don't invite the villains or something 💀
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akuasucc · 1 year
i can barely understand the boys they need to enunciate a bit more
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autumnhobbit · 9 months
please pray for my grandad-in-law in the coming months, it’s suspected he has cancer in his lymph nodes and there’s a plan for surgery but he also has pretty severe heart failure so general anesthetic is risky.
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rebouks · 10 months
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Zach: Ohh, hello! Fancy seeing you here. Darien: Don’t you ever go to school? Zach: Sometimes-.. where ya headed for lunch today? Darien: That’s none of your concern. Zach: I’m just curious, geez. Darien: You know.. if you bothered going to school, you’d get a free meal. Zach: My mom never does the right forms n’ stuff. Darien: Do it yourself. Zach: She probably lost ‘em. [Darien sighed irritably, wishing Wyatt hadn’t led this little leech to his workplace] Darien: I’m not buying you any food. Zach: It’s not like you can’t afford it! I saw your car-.. you’re like, super mega loaded. Darien: Go and find someone else to annoy. Zach: Pretty please? Darien: No. Zach: Tch, your friend was way nicer than you are. [Darien scoffed incredulously] Zach: Yeah, you heard me.. asshole.
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offbookkeeping · 2 months
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this came to me in a dream
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holisticdogpark · 3 months
why do whales eat bones into sand
im so glad you asked. here's zach reino to explain:
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the-river-rix · 2 months
I just know some fucked up shit happened to Zach in Iraq
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creativegenius22 · 2 months
Wild Kratts Theory: Ancestors In Adapto The Coyote
So I was watching the Wild Kratts episode “Adapto The Coyote” today and I paid a little extra attention to this scene where Chris and Martin are explaining how European settlers drove off wildlife when they first arrived in North America. Now, let’s take a closer look at these settlers, shall we?
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From the looks of their silhouettes, I think the animators used existing character models for this scene, specifically Aviva, Zach, and Dabio.
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Now, this could simply be to save them from designing new characters for background silhouettes, but of course I like to add some depth to what I see.
What if these settlers are ancestors of Aviva, Zach, and Dabio!
We already know from “Back In Creature Time” that the villains had ancestors who looked quite a bit like them (the Dabio looking silhouette even has a hat like Shabio), so it stands to reason that the ancestors of the other characters would also be look-alikes.
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It would certainly be interesting if this was true because that would mean that one of Aviva’s ancestors was considered a villain in their time.
Anyways, those are just my thoughts on this part of the episode! Let me know what you guys think!
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talknerdytome18 · 3 months
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fixationzine · 2 years
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cue the exact moment i started bawling
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mininightmare2 · 4 months
Wild Kratts binge has been great, I can’t wait till I get to the seasons I haven’t seen yet. Noticed another funny detail which is the fact that Martin, Chris and their rouges gallery (at minimum Donita and Zach based on the seahorse and spotted sunk episodes) just seem to have each other’s numbers. Like why do Martin and Chris just have Zach’s number on speed dial? Seems counterintuitive if they’re actively trying to avoid them, unless it’s for surveillance to keep an eye on them or because they encounter them so frequently that it’s just better for them to have their numbers than to not. And while Chris’ call to Zach could very likely just be a misdial, it didn’t seem like the CP dialed anything at all, meaning it’s possible the number might just be saved on his CP. We also know that Donita does occasionally call them to see what they’re up to so it’s not exclusive to just the brothers either.
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kaythefloppa · 6 months
Zachary Bennett is a known singer, I don't know why they don't have him involved in the character-sung musical numbers in WK.
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mage-witha-glock · 11 months
Zach: Your brother is very stubborn
Daimen: Hm?
Zach: Yeah, we've been playing gay chicken so I proposed because I was sure he wouldn't do it and I'd win. He accepted anyway. We're getting married soon.
Daimen: WHAT?
Zach: Yeah! I was surprised too! Honestly, I thought he'd give in the first time I kissed him but no. We've been doing this for like 3 years now. However, I'm not losing. If he thinks I'm going to let him win just because he's my fiance now he's wrong.
Daimen: THRE-
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Podcast voice acting spectrum where one end is tma having different actors play breekon and hope and the other end is zach valenti playing both eiffel and hilbert in wolf 359
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chrswlls · 1 month
Off-topic question, but I'm very interested. Do you have any headcanons for the NFB characters? :')
Ok i swear I'll get to the requests but for now thank you for asking this anon because I have a ton. But im kinda embarrassed so I'll only share the ones I have for the popular chatacters lol
(some of these are gonna sound shippy so im gonna remind you now most of these are platonic lmao)
Post-heatwave Jeremy hates dealing with hotter temperatures and prefers to keep himself in cold/neutral places. During the summer he can't keep his composure as much as he wants to.
^^ post-game where he's alive and living with Jenny, she usually helps him cool down during the summers. It's one of the ways they support eachother while recovering from everything that has ever happened
Megan does feel a genuine friendship with Julia sometimes. Even sympathizing with her when it comes to some things. This only really applies during the path where Jeremy is dead and Alan is alive but I'll keep it short
Julia admires Megan in a way. Even if she does end up taking her job after a long time
Robyn wins most games of Uno or whatever funny card game the Nightly Show thinks of. A lot of people say it's luck but it's either she's just good at the game or she can cheese/cheat the game well enough.
Patrick is disliked by his coworkers but is most disliked by Alex. I made a separate post about it once xd
Alex sneezing would be quiet and discreet. Sam on the other hand sneezes like a gun going off and you can hear it across the house
^ Alex pinches their nose for them when theyre about to sneeze XDXDXD
Julia makes jewelry in her free time. Sometimes they're themed after the peoplr around her. Peter wears one of her bracelets.
^ Peter wore the bracelet to his grave. Julia sees it during the funeral and Peter's death haunted her even more from then
Chris and Dave met eachother while fleeing the country. They could either be great friends or cant stand the other. But eitherway they keep seeing eachother and it's kinda funny
Alan writes a few books about his experiences post-game Path D. They're not very popular amongst the youth Advance raised but they're pretty loved by everyone else who bothered to listen and read
Geoff likes pineapple on pizza. See this is because I hate pineapple on pizza.
^^ so does Alex. Them and Boseman jokingly argue about it because Boseman doesn't like pineapple on pizza
Boseman loves Snoopy or whatever the in-universe version of Snoopy is. During early mornings when Channel 1 plays cartoons, Snoopy is always being broadcasted unlike other cartoons that only show up during weekends.
Pro-Advance Suzie canonically marries Zach anyway. I like to think they got married way later though which is some time after the Uprising and Disrupt's "downfall". Zach is the one head over heels for Suzie in this scenario
that's all im willing to share :PP if you wanna hear more you can ask for a patt two. Or maybe headcanons for specific characters/relationships too but you'll be able to tell who are my favs and who i dont mind as much LMAOO
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shallowseeker · 12 days
Zach I
Zach II
Zach III
Cas can DIE?! Say it ain't so!
Bobby, demoralized
Dean and Cas's mutual, pissy fatalism
Love blooming, personal space
You're not much fun, so why am I laughing so hard?
Dean's anxiety at being a vessel
Sam: Guess what? I'm a vessel, too! Everyone, please panic.
Recruiting Dean
So I don't lose them later...
Stupid amounts of having fun, though...
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