#especially in high pitch
robertbelcherjr · 1 year
My favorite part of Bobs Burgers is anytime they make Bob sing in falsetto and he sounds so squeaky; Time of my Life is a perfect example
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54625 · 6 months
I've been holding it in for far too long. Fitmc is hot.
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justladders · 1 year
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potty mouth gremlin hehe
I LOVE doing stylizations/redesigns, and fnaf is sooooo perfect for it. I'm actually planning on eventually doing it for every character.
This one's like 2 months old, but I'm still generally good with it. It just always bothered me how Plushtrap isn't... "plush," so I wanted to at least make it like he's some kind of doll-thing with the limbs and stuff held together by strings and that's as far as my brain went.
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Sam getting shy about how he's growing a garden makes me so-
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gaysexforlosers · 20 days
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moonstandardtime · 20 days
i wonder how streamers would voice me if i was a visual novel character
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allthefoolishdreams · 1 month
people who don't like girl groups are so funny like wdym you don't like girl groups at all??? there's so many out there you can surely find a few that you'd like
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glorious-blackout · 1 year
@rock-n-roll-fantasy Have another video of my new friend, because this one didn't actually turn out as awful as I thought it did 😂
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marshmellowtea · 2 months
mark s continues to not beat the babycoding allegations
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
every day i think about show!mr benedict meeting books!mr benedict.
like. okay show!mr benedict is having the most crisis of his life. like a) that's him?????? that man is him????? because books!mr benedict like. he Has It Together. he's intelligent, brilliant, kind, compassionate, he knows his limits, he knows who he is and he has confidence in himself. he knows what to say, he takes care of people around him but also is taken care of and has his own support network. he's definitely had his fair share of Horrific Shit happen in his childhood, but it's very different Horrific Shit and overall he's like. pretty much emotionally stable and in a good place. his relationship with his brother is--well. it's got its own problems, but it isn't eating him up inside because it's nowhere near as personal. he's pretty much like. fine? and he's like. he's a cool old grandpa. not only has he lived long enough to be like eighty something or whatever, but he's like, cool. he's brilliant and confident and kind and he knows what to say. he isn't just "good at pretending he has his shit together for the sake of children" he actually has his shit together. he can do mildly questionable things for the right reasons and not beat himself up about it, even if he genuinely hates it had to happen and is sad about it (see cave scene) and he can have compassion for his child self and the kinds of assumptions baby books!nicholas made about other people/adults/life. meanwhile show!mr benedict kind of barely has it together at all, because the man's been through like way too many traumas in a row, some of which were deeply deeply personal and left him with just. crippling guilt and low self esteem. he's just trying his best but sometimes he snaps at people then feels horrible about it, he blames himself directly for the emergency and everyone who got hurt because of it, his relationship with curtain is just an entire can of worms, etc., and he's much younger (still not exactly young young, but in comparison to calm old experienced grandpa benedict in the books, he's young) and less experienced and just. really, really trying his best. so he's kind of a disaster and a mess, emotionally speaking, and there's this kind old man who has it TOGETHER and it's ALTERNATE FUTURE HIM, I GUESS.
b) please show!mr benedict is like. the epitome of "gifted kid(TM) who grew up way too fast" and he pretty much tries to step into the role of The Dad / The Calm Leader and even when he's obviously a mess, falling short, like. he does let himself be supported--talking to them, that is--but ultimately, he tries to bottle it up (or rather, scream in the woods and then be like "okay! clearly i am fine now" ldigjfghH) and not burden them all too much with it, and even when he does, like. they're not perfect, either. looking at you, s2!number two. (not that it's her fault, but you know.) so like. anyway, what i'm saying, is like. show!mr benedict having someone else to be the competent adult. the only paternal figures this man has ever had are probably the glenns, and we all know how that went. so like. god. show!mr benedict needs a hug so fucking bad. and like. books!mr benedict could almost be like a dad, like. someone he can talk to and not worry about trying to seem strong, not trying to keep it together, someone it's okay to burden, someone who's experienced and knows what to say... like when your'e always the one people go to, when you always try to be the person who knows what to say.... here's someone doing that for him. and like, this is literally him, albeit a weird alternate future him, so like. what secrets could he even try to keep? want to keep?
although god also show!mr benedict desperately wanting to like. make books!mr benedict proud of him, wanting to seem like. worthy. like. telling him about his brother and expecting condemnation, because clearly this nicholas benedict--this. this superior nicholas benedict, who's actually kind and selfless, who's actually brilliant and competent and knows what he's doing--this nicholas benedict wouldn't have made that mistake. this nicholas benedict wouldnt have abandoned his brother. maybe he'd failed to save his brother, but only because they'd never met, not until it was too late. nicholas had been given that chance, and he'd wasted it, he'd squandered it, and how could mr benedict not resent him for that? perhaps kindly, sadly, but nonetheless, resent him. but like. books!mr benedict knows what to say. all those things i just so desperately want someone to tell show!nicholas--it wasn't your fault, you aren't crazy or paranoid or jealous--like. here's someone who can tell him that! someone who can give him a hug and say this wasn't your fault. and like. someone maybe nicholas will believe, eventually. someone who could help him heal the way he's helped the kids (just as books!mr b as helped the others all heal, too, so i guess he's adopted his past alternate self now lgkjfgh)
my point being show!nicholas desperately deserves to experience The Mr. Benedict Effect™
....anyway meanwhile books!mr benedict is looking at this really traumatized young version of himself and going "oh boy. this kid is fucked up"
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pastafossa · 1 year
pasta listen,
at least the goddam fucking fire alarm isn't going off at 1:30 in the middle of the night because someone burned cookies.
they BURNED CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES LIKE HOW THAT'S SO HARD TO DO (it's like a golden rule ya know? no longer than 12-15 mins and even then it starts to get brown and then to really really charcoal black burn them you have to cook for twenty minutes) and the entire dorm had to go outside and stand for like twenty minutes until the cops came
every room in the dorm has one so here i am, getting ready for bed bc im tired of studying and the alarm goes off, my ears are ringing and the second i step out into the hallway im quite literally in pain
also try a plug-in fan and aim it at the smoke detector- that helps back home lollll
I'm not sure what would drive me up a wall more - the noise, the why of the noise, having to leave my warm cozy den after studying, or the FOOD CRIME OF BURNING THE CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS WATCH THEM UNTIL GOLDEN BROWN (or VERY lightly crispy in my case, I like the soft squishy ones).
also as someone with sensory issues i feel you on the noise
Fortunately, my detector just needs new batteries! BUT I'm going to remember the fan thing, cause damn I still burn shit occasionally
. 😂
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biteapple · 4 months
i know this is like stupid but its affirming how my voice is deepening even still. however. it ALSO makes me feel like i inherently SOUND like ... meaner or too assertive just by talking .. and that i STILL have to like lilt up my voice even though im literally taking testosterone to help thicken my vocal cords on porpose.
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straydogged · 4 months
hmm! shocking news at 11, my emotional fatigue levels are significantly lower when alters other than myself help with chores/ share the load? who would have thought!
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ma-mariarie243 · 8 months
day 1 (or 2) of drawing by absolute favorite songs
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In case you couldn't tell its "rb" by crystal p
I absolutely love this song, and i showed a playlist to my friend and she said that this one was one of the best songs in there 💪💪
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tumblingthedan · 6 months
Being continually called "they" instead of "she" is so weird and awkward mainly because like, I can't outright correct it like someone calling me sir or something? Also it has to happen multiple times for it to seem clear to me that it's on purpose and at that point it's more awkward to say something.
I guess I'd call this de-gendering rather than misgendering, like they can't bare to see me as a woman in my current state but I'm clearly not a man.
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haresvoid · 7 months
Mind Flayers cannot verbally talk only telepathically, but heres some noises Ome can make: purrs, clicks, hisses, low rumbles, chitters, growls, noises that the crabsquid from subnautica would make or honestly a lot of creatures in that game, and various alien / unnatural noises
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