#especially martyn
aceofstars121 · 3 months
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I made the guys in the style of the cursed etho skizz built
Cursed skizz (my first attempt)
Etho but if I built him the same way I built the other guys if that makes sense
Me for fun (:
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sprinklesharkie · 6 months
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this is the greatest april fools to ever april fools
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
I want to eat your art. Now. Gimme some nice big dog martyn and jimmy. Now.
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The human anatomy really really sucks in this. I just gave up sorry dont look at it for too long
(Jimmy portrayed as Eurasier, a breed that requires lots of love and affection and gets easily depressed when holed up in one space, and is a relative of a dog bred specifically to give people warmth. Martyn is a Jack Russell Terrier, a breed that is often stubborn, mischievous and difficult to train)
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redliferiot · 1 year
grian pearl and scott: none of us chose or even truly desired to win, rather, victory was thrust upon us like the cloak of destiny that we all don. victory was unwelcome and in some cases unexpected, it could've been anyone but it was us martyn: i murdered cause i wanted to win and i won cause i wanted to murder
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chaotic-solutions · 1 year
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lifetober day 1 - green life
woo yeah woo yippee i still love martyns last life and how cagey he is about how many lives he actually has <3 <3
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jovialknave · 2 months
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treebark art i did for my bff after we got through 3rd life
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solargeist · 3 months
the religious hermit list is growing slowly 👍
Grian - Catholic
Mumbo - Mormon
Skizz - Protestant 🎉
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autumnwhistles · 1 year
Introducing Last Life: The Unofficial Musical! I've been working on this for a while and have finally finished recording the first song, out of something that looks to be 45 at the moment but I'll probably trim that down.
The musical follows @inthelittlewood's version of events (Watchers are canon, etc) because his lore is awesome, but you don't have to understand that to listen to it, since it wasn't even revealed in Martyn's perspective until the last episode. That'll be the same here, with the Watchers just playing the role of the chorus/narrators (who mainly sing this song), and some being the voices that speak to Martyn in his POV.
Because I'm following his lore, c!Martyn is the main character, and there's also a lot of focus on c!Scott because he was the winner of the season (and in my mind there are a lot of contrasts and parallels between the two, with Scott defying the rules of the game while Martyn is following the instructions of those who made the game, and occasionally trying to question it/break out of that cycle but being manipulated back into it – see the start of his episode 8). However, I am trying to give justice to other characters and POVs as well, since Last Life was due to the creation of everyone and I don't want to dismiss anyone's contributions as unimportant. Throughout the musical, the Watchers/chorus informs us about wider events at various intervals (through song), and I'm trying to give a lot of other people solos/duets too – for example, I'm writing a Tango solo song ("You Bet Your Life") at the moment; I'm planning to do a "Die For Me" for Cleo; Joel and Scar have a duet about various perceptions of them after Joel has turned red (they're not interacting with each other but are singing at the same time); etc. It'll definitely take a while to finish, but I do plan to see it through. There are also going to be musical and lyrical analyses on here explaining my thought process behind a lot of aspects of each song.
Full lyrics here!
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Those of you who haven't watched BigB's Secret Life episode I am begging you to do so.
He lied the entire episode, about everything, for absolutely no reason. It was insane, and hilarious
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twomanyfandomshelp · 6 months
I watched Scott’s Real Life video first because he and Joel are the main two I watch, which is ironic because of their ongoing in-game feud and very different personalities, video styles, general vibes, etc., but I digress.
My first thought when I saw the title was “Yay, another life series!” My second thought, upon seeing Joel standing in the circle, was “Oh my gosh, Joel, three SMPs at the same time? Why does he do this to himself?” Then, after watching for a bit, I was like, “Okay, never mind, this an April Fools video, still fun though.” And then I proceeded to enjoy the silliness and binge everybody else’s videos.
Let me tell you, watching Martyn’s video before Scar’s and hearing Scar yell that he’d fallen out of his wheelchair, I was really worried, and I immediately searched for Scar’s video to make sure he was okay. I’m glad he’s alright, I bet that was scary.
On another note, do y’all consider Cleo’s win cannon? Cause I do! Go Cleo, she deserved this.
I’m kinda sad it wasn’t Joel or Jimmy though, I got really excited when I realized how well Jimmy was doing. He got, what, 7th place? The canary curse has officially been broken!
This post has gotten way longer than I intended. Oh well.
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muchmossymess · 10 months
Secret Life Predictions
(And bonus rambling)
Joel - I want this man to win so badly, but I think he'll def get top four (plz don't fuck this up for me joel)
Etho - I also want him to win, but hes def top 3 and will have to fight cleo or bdubs or joel for first place
Cleo - genuine contender for first place, honestly girl deserves it, no further comment
Bdubs - bro either will lay down his life for etho or die by his blade, but I swear I'll go insane if he kills etho
Scott - since its the curse break season, he's not going to be top 3 (somehow) but still doing good
Gem - I love her and it'd be so cool for her to win her first game (esp after causing half the servers deaths), but I think she'll be 6th, probably betrayed
Impulse - I haven't seen much of him this season, but I hear he deserves a win, having been high placed a bunch
Scar - he is public enemy number one, so I just hope he lives longer than grian because that man has been PINING so hard (or mby killed by grian but hey optimism)
Grian - i NEED him dead before cleo and etho for curse break reasons. Mans needs to die before his allies for once
Tango - havent seen much of him, bros just been queering it up at the heart foundation from what I know, solid 10
Skizz - skizz has been bottom 3 too much, this is his redemption he's got this
Pearl - we need scarlet witch red life joel team up they'd be so damaging. She's been going pretty great this season, left the tower and all, so I just don't want her to die alone
Bigb - literally he's been so strange I honestly don't know. He might just throw a curve ball and win it. I would not put it past him. The backrooms will claim anyone who tries to mess with him
Martyn - ohohohoh I want this man FAILED he needs to fail a task and die because whats more poetic than the punishment
Mumbo - (already out, wanted him to do better but honestly didn't expect much hes not great at surviving)
Lizzie - (latest victim of the canary curse)
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life-winners-liveblog · 10 months
Watching Third Life-session 4
Part 2
Martyn: Those defenses are doing nothing people keep sneaking in.
Pearl: Yeah, I really really hate to agree with Martyn but they don't exactly seem...effective.
Grian: I know, you don't need to remind me!
Scott: ...so...anyway...why are other me and Jimmy always together? I know they are allies but still-
Grian: Oh, yeah... my Scott and Jimmy got married at one point, didn't I tell you?
Scott: .... sorry, They WHAT?!?
Pearl: I am very confused I tought Jimmy and Tango.... you know what, it doesn't matter, It's probably a different game thing.
Martyn: That's hilarious.
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vivianquill · 11 months
Tango hadn't had this much physical contact with another mer since he'd gotten separated from his pod.
He was pinned against the cold wall of the pool, Jimmy pressed against him and holding him pinned. Everything was just too much, at the moment. He squeezed his eyes shut, just focused on the water pumping over his gills as his heartrate started to finally slow down.
Okay, back up a bit, how did Tango manage to get himself in this situation?
In all truth, he wasn't entirely sure. He'd been swimming around the pool, trying to get used to the way his ripped fins changed his maneuverability, going as fast as he dared in the enclosed space-- probably faster than was advisable.
It was an anxious tick of his, pacing back and forth when he was attempting to work something out. It helped when the problem was something he could inspect with his hands and where another perspective was incredibly helpful. Not so much when the danger was unseen, unheard, and completely out of his control. At least he could pace, here, rather than being stuck in an empty tidepool not much bigger than two body lengths across.
He'd been talking out loud to himself-- just gibberish, really, thinking out loud as he worked the stiffness out of his muscles. Anything to distract from the eerie quiet. The water being this quiet never meant anything good. He was going to go insane if he had to sit here in silence, just waiting to be ambushed. And him being loud wasn't helping. the sorts of predators that made the sea go quiet were the ones you needed to be quiet to avoid.
He felt like he was going mad anyway. There weren't any predators here, not the type that sound would do anything more to attract. But he simply couldn't bring himself to shut up. It was easier to just keep chattering away to himself, because then maybe he would actually have somewhere to point the pent-up jittery sort of borderline panic that was making his scales itch. Maybe then there would be a physical threat to sink his fangs into, instead of this growing dread and certainty that his pod was dead again.
He'd lost his first pod to a silence like this.
Tango hated silence.
It only took a half a second of distraction for Tango to lose focus on his careful balance of speed and water pressure and the way his fins dragged to slow him down for the turn and-- there was movement, something was above the water.
Well, that hurt. Tango shook his head, at least he'd had the awareness to twist, hitting the wall with his back instead of with his head or shoulder or anything that would've snapped with the wrong amount of pressure.
Then there were bodies in the water, humans surrounding him where he lay on the shallow bottom, a mer circling around behind him for the kill--
It was a split-second decision, and a lucky glance of blond hair versus blue that let him tackle the human into the water and take him hostage.
The other two had gills, but this one didn't.
Once he had his back to the wall and the held in front of him like a shield, the other two kept their distance.
It was Jimmy, the mer he'd yelled at before, and the blue-haired half-thing that'd helped steal Tango and maybe-kill Impulse.
The human he was holding hostage was the one who'd maybe-killed Impulse. In that moment, he was incredibly tempted to bleed the human out right here and now. He was a threat.
"Woah-- woah!! just calm down. we can talk about this, right?" Jimmy had his hands out in a placating gesture, "Just-- let Martyn go, alright? He's done nothing to hurt you, mate--"
"Oh? Why don't you ask him about what happened to my human?" Tango snapped, tightening his grip.
"Don't--! You're gonna hurt him--" Jimmy pinned his fins back in a show of submission, backing off.
But the other one was trying to edge around to the side of him. Tango bared his fangs in response, twisting to face him too, "You stay right there-- don't come any closer--"
The half-thing put up his hands, "Let him go, we're not goin-ta hurt you."
"Tell that to the human you killed--" Tango snarled, flaring his fins in threat, "You killed my human, it's only fair that I get to kill yours."
"Killed--" Jimmy twisted to look at the half-thing, "Scott, did you guys kill somebody?"
"No. No, we didn't kill him. We put him to sleep, that's all." The half-thing-- Scott-- shook his head, "Let Martyn go before you hurt him."
They-- hadn't killed Impulse? Oh. That changed a couple things. Maybe. If Impulse was okay.
A moment before Tango was going to let the human go, something sharp bit him in the arm.
Tango recoiled with a shout, shoving Martyn away.
He got tackled a moment later by Scott, everything starting to go out of focus.
They were all liars. All three of them. Liars and cheats and Tango wasn't going to let them get away with this--
He snapped at Scott, managing to get at least one or two solid bites in before the half-thing could really react. A moment later, Jimmy slammed into the two of them, knocking Tango's head spinning and taking the opportunity to pull them apart.
Tango twisted in his grip, shrieking in anger as he attempted to get his fangs into Jimmy too. He wasn't able to get around to anywhere he could do any damage. A moment later, Jimmy shoved him against the wall.
And that's how Tango found himself in this situation.
He gave a half-hearted flick of his tail, flexing against Jimmy's grip. Tango didn't really want him to let go, but he didn't want to just-- give up.
"Alright. Listen here, you." Jimmy hissed into his ear, "You need to hold your seahorses and actually listen for once, instead of just fighting us all the time. Now. Are you done? or are you going to keep trying to bite me?"
Tango shuddered, letting himself go limp as he tipped his head towards the wall. His mouth felt thick and clumsy and stuffed full of pebbles as he answered, "I'm done. . ."
"Moon and stars above, was that really so hard?" Jimmy asked, not letting Tango go, but loosening the death grip on his arms.
Everything was fuzzy, like the way it'd been when he first woken up here. Whatever it was that'd bitten him was nasty. Nastier than the time Etho had accidentally gotten Tango with his spines.
Jimmy did eventually let go of Tango, after Scott had gone back up to the surface to check on the human. Tango still had to lean against the wall, though. He didn't like his chances of staying upright with the way everything seemed tipped ever so slightly to the left.
He had to admit that he was sad about Jimmy swimming off to also check on his human after a little while longer. Even though Martyn hadn't actually killed impulse, Tango couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about almost drowning the man.
Sue him for being homesick, but Tango couldn't help but want the other mer around.
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hermitcraftx · 3 months
unpopular opinion i do not consider real life part of the actual series and i never will and when the new series comes and people draw cleo as part of the winners i will be gritting my teeth the entire time. cleo deserves to win in a better series than a one off virtual reality one RAHHHH
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youronlybean · 10 months
The funny thing about people who didn’t (or still don’t) have allies in secret life complaining about not having friends is just. Literally Anyone could have joined The Heart Foundation if they had a little bit of commitment
Skizz and Tango would have taken them in in a heartbeat (no pun intended), but even with BigB they had to actively seek out an alliance with him. They dismissed allying with Lizzie because they said (paraphrasing) “she doesn’t do allies”. Grian and Cleo both rejected them because they were cringe (which, in their defence, is hilarious). They actively sought out an alliance with Scar and he kinda rejected them for no discernible reason???? Like I bet Scar was anticipating allying with a stronger team in the future but he pissed too many people off so when he was all sly and mischievous about allying with THF they didn’t trust him and now he doesn’t have anyone to fall back on (THF doesn’t trust him, he fully did Bdubs so dirty, the Big Dogs have always hated him, and he missed his opportunity to ally with Grian, mostly due to his task mind you, but he definitely regrets it. sad day for desert duo but hey. Angst amirite????)
Could also be a matter of not wanting to give up the gift heart? Or wanting to be in the running for the giveaway. But the gifted heart thing is not really??? That big of a deal??? Since you gain nothing from it unless you trade for stuff, which can be useful. But the giveaway wasn’t even a thing at the start of SL and enemies of THF get removed from the draw anyway.
Point is: Tango and Skizz didn’t even want to ally again, but literally no one else wanted to join them (except B) and then some of them complained about being lonely. So.
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littlefoxwithbighat · 10 months
Dynamics/ Team-ups I want to see in the life series!
Etho & Gem
You've seen their dynamic on Hermitcraft together. Do I need to elaborate. It'd be so funny. Gem is entirely unimpressed by his shanigans (shes an Ethogirl at heart). They would do really well.
Mumbo & Lizzie
I honestly feel like they would mesh so well together. Mumbo and Lizzie both have quite similar, awkward "I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing and-I'm-afraid-but-I-enjoy-the-chaos" energies. I think they would be so much fun. Would they be an effective team? Probably not. But would they have the most shenanigans? Yes.
Gem, Cleo, Pearl & Lizzie
TEAM GIRL TEAM GIRL i honestly think this would be the most amazing friendship it'd be so fun. Guys please.
BigB & Grian
They're friends irl and it shows in their dyanmic chemistry on screen. BigB likes to hang back and Grian likes to be the centre of things, and I think in this regard they'll help balance each other out. Also Grian has wanted to team qith BigB since 3rd life, they'd both enjoy it!
BigB & Martyn
Also friends irl. Martyn likes being witty and starting bits and BigB is genuinely really talented in yes and-ing and continuing bits. They both match each other in terms of being very forthright and very myterious all at once.
Scott & Tango
I just feel like Tango and Scott would match each other's energies and playstyles quite well. They're both interested in the technical aspects of the game and playing to win, but neither are afraid to take a break for bits. Scott's building and Tango's redstone would be a terrifying force together.
Skizz & Grian
I refer you to GIGS phasmophobia streams.
Martyn, Etho & Joel
This team would be a huge disaster. I can see the in-fighting from here. They would come up with the stupidest schemes known to man. They would all be besties. They would have at least 3 divorces. I have got to see this happen it would be brilliant.
Martyn & Gem
Both really like being witty and come-backs. They would be so smart together. Both of them are super competitive but also love the shenanigans and improv. I think they would also yes-and each other till the end.
Martyn & BDubs
BDubs doesnt get enough credit for his wit and improv, hes so talented! Martyn is the witty improv guy. They would be an absolute force together. They wouldn't get anything done, and would probably spend too much time spying together. But the shenanigans and rp would be fantastic.
Pearl & Grian
They would be the absolute worst. Theyd probably die horribly and fight all the time. Itd be really funny though.
Mumbo, Tango & Skizz
They just seem like they all get along really well. A good mixture of chilling and silliness. :DD
Mumbo & BigB
I want to see them hang out more they seem like they would be best friends itd be really wholesome. I don't think they'd win. I think it would be an excellent vibe.
Scar & Lizzie
They both have very similar senses of humour. They both love running with particular characters (see Fairy Queen Lizzie and Wizard Scar). They are both goofy and silly and loveable and threatening to blow your house up. Peak dynamic. It'd be amazing.
Scar & Bdubs
I refer you to HC s7. Trust me itd be good.
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