#especially new flavors
sillylittlevulpine · 1 year
Been drinking hot Chamomile Lavender tea cause I'm sick (thank you friends for the recommendation)
Slept for almost eight hours last night for the first time in over a week. God it felt nice. And I've got some more that I'm making this morning.
Hoping to finally kick this nasty bugs ass. I had so many plans this last week. Trust me, when I'm better I'm rescheduling and hanging out with all the lovely people I had to cancel on.
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canisalbus · 6 months
I just recently started following you so i don't have the full lore of your murderous gay religiously traumatized doggos, BUT, from my understanding, they are Italian and i don't know what part of Italy they are from, yet i can't help headcanoning Vasco as Tuscan, while Machete is probably from some part of Veneto. And as an Italian who has heard Tuscans and Veneto dialet, well it's an hilarious mental image.
Vasco is indeed Tuscan, Florentine to be specific. He comes from a wealthy and influential noble family that has lived in Florence for centuries. He's proud of his roots, and it's usually easy for strangers to tell where he's from. He's a resonably successful politician and has worked as an ambassador and representative of Florence on numerous occasions.
Machete is originally Sicilian (ironically about as far from Veneto as possible), although he was taken to mainland at young age and has lived in several places since then, before ending up in Rome. The way I see it, he exhibits very little local color, his demeanor and (even though Italian hadn't become a standardized language yet) way of speaking are formal, neutral and scarcely give away any hints about his personal history, at least in the 16th century canon.
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prince-liest · 11 months
I’m reading Witch King by Martha Wells, and now that I have read more than one (1) series by this author, I have been suddenly brained with a two-by-four sharpied over with “realizing that I really enjoy novels by Martha Wells because they live in the specific niche created by the intersection of casually and thoroughly queer casts and non-romance storylines”
I am as ever a sucker for non-human main characters struggling with their very human feelings, which is why I jumped on Witch King the moment I saw “the author of Murderbot wrote another book with a main character that’s non-human,” but I live in this dichotomy where I can really enjoy reading queer romances but I don’t really identify with non-ace characters (which is not actually something I figured out how to differentiate until I was Last Week Years Old). so there are lots of books out there that I enjoy reading but it’s comparatively rare for me to read something that feels like it was written For Me and Martha Wells does that very well
anyway, give me more ace it-pronouns human-spliced robot main characters and people-eating demons who consider rank over gender when finding new bodies to inhabit
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bonefall · 1 year
Can you tell us a bit more about your Sharpclaw? Why is he so concerned with loyalty when he likely was on his own before and this whole “being loyal to a clan” thing is probably as new to him as any cat else?
Long ago, Spiderstar realized that her Clan would not be able to survive if they stayed together.
No matter how many times they killed the rats, they would come back. For every warrior lost, it seemed like the hordes gained another. Her cats were admitting taking food from twolegs, always ready to run from the gorge at a moment's notice, looking at her with guilty eyes. She began to wonder if she was wrong for admonishing them, the way a leader is expected to.
The story goes that one day, she observed a web of spiders hatching from their eggs. The mother watched as her children created small plumes, and floated away on the breeze. It hit Spiderstar, in that moment, that this was how they would survive. Connected by a great web, but scattered to the sky, where they could not be found.
BB!SkyClan never fully disbanded. Like a web, they would share news, come to help one another and inform of safe twoleg houses, trade kittens to each other to raise as apprentices.
From Spiderstar, to her successor, and down to Skywatcher, there was always a "keeper" of this information. When Firestar and Brokenstar arrived, Skywatcher simply spread the news on the breeze. His connections told their connections, and soon, a dozen cats had answered the call.
And, of course, Sharpclaw was one of them.
He may be a rogue, lived most of his life on his own, but in his head that just means he knows more about what it's like to not have a Clan. He's happy to work with ex-Kittypets who choose the Clan above their humans... but even them, how can they ever truly understand what it's like to have nowhere else to go?
He's been waiting for this moment his whole life, from the time he was a young kit being told the stories of Old, from the second he was first introduced to old Skywatcher as a child. "And here," He argues, "Are kittypets who see our way of life as a game. The time of SkyClan's Scattering is over, we are upon the days of a new dawn, and these outsiders are clinging to the past. We don't need twolegs, or the kittypets that can't choose between US or THEM. Leafstar, loyalty is the value that this Clan is built on-- we have to be strong without the help of these Daylight Warriors."
"Lol," Leafstar says, "Lmao even"
I'm bit a bit hyperbolic, but that's how Sharpclaw FEELS about her responses. She's not LISTENING to him (because his ideas suck) or TAKING HIM SERIOUSLY (she is, she's just telling him no and he doesn't like that). She has him as her deputy exactly because she is seeking opposing viewpoints, but this doesn't matter to him in his perceived entitlement.
And this is the resentment that Darktail eventually targets, realizing that his pride and ego is the perfect wedge to drive between him and Leafstar.
Leafstar wasn't picked by SkyClan, someone else picked her for you.
She doesn't want to listen to you, you're so correct and she doesn't appreciate you.
She's letting weakness into your Clan, and if you wait too long it'll be too late
PROVE it to her by taking YOUR supporters and attacking her at night. Show her how good of an ally her kittypets are when they can't defend their Clan, safe in their human nests.
Take leadership from her, you will lead your Clan to the new dawn you've always envisioned.
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themarsbar · 4 months
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snowtimeisbesttime · 1 year
all classpect interpretations are equally canon- and this is why:
sburb/sgrub/sname is many things, but the first of those things we see is a computer game. said game's source code can be found in carvings in the frog temple, which comes from a Reckoning meteor; so each sthing version's code comes specifically from itself!
and considering every session we've seen has had an unique frog temple (beta kids: 4 land spires; beta trolls: two separate temples with 6 land spires each; alpha kids: 8 land spires, alpha trolls: at least one temple (with 12 land spires??), possibly located on beforus' moon), there's no reason to assume each and every temple's carvings are exactly the same…
therefore, two swhatever instances can have drastically different classpect definitions because they're running different versions of the game! for example, my own mirrorbent's sgame was compiled in a way where i won't have to go into too many specifics from their own, separate, 12 land spires temple (as opposed to being widely distributed like the beta kids' sburb), and classwise features active knights and passive pages, to pick an example that was recentlyish polled about.
of course, this mini theory thingy would be most applicable to fanventures, while most classpecting theory revolves about homestuck proper for obvious reasons. luckily, i've got some Key Insights about the canon classpects, just beyond this readmore:
get mutie'd lmao!!!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
413 zillion kitys attack!!!!
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multi-lefaiye · 3 months
re: that last post i rb'd
i went and dug a little and found the fucking 9/11 cat adopt
reading the comments on the design rn and oh my god this is such a wild ride
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
oh i guess this is also the part where i mentioned i've started using he/they
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Me, opening up a packet of the stuff the vet gave me: “I hope this probiotic powder doesn’t put my cat off his food. Can’t really help with his digestion issues if he doesn’t eat it”
I spill some because my hands can have problems with stability
My cat: *licks the stuff up like a kid who just discovered what powdered sugar was*
Me: “is this flavored?”
My cat: begs me for more powder and momentarily forgets his food
Me: “this has to be flavored”
#emma posts#sometimes him getting excited about new flavors for kitties is good#but other times his love of flavor exploration will lead him to eating a food he’s allergic to#and I can’t figure out what he’s reacting to right away because he just keeps eating the thing that makes his tummy hurt#at least I stop using things I realize cause allergic reactions#you’d think a little guy who doesn’t even know what allergies are would be even more off put by them#he’s so finicky about so many random things! but he loves new foods. especially more expensive ones. and that food was more expensive#this time he is getting a food for upset hairball tummies and has been enjoying it more than his old stuff too#I just hope that him traveling back and forth between his old food at my parents house and new food here causes problems#his old man tummy is getting more sensitive than it used to be and he’s getting a different food now… hopefully. and vitamins while he gets#these probiotics to hopefully make the change easier. I don’t want to jinx it but so far it seems to be really helpful#he hasn’t even gotten one hairball since starting the hairball food! and he loves his new vitamin treats#hopefully he’ll keep doing well with the old kitty vitamin treats#I want him to get his old man vitamins#even if he’s super healthy for his age. it’s good not to get worse!#i would know. as someone who dealt with not eating enough from medication side effects#I’m better now though! I switched meds and take more vitamins just in case#anyway. eating food is important for humans and kitties if you can get it it’s important!#and if your cat doesn’t get or absorb enough food they could get permanent damage to their bodies. never let your cat go more than three#days without food! try to make sure that they eat at least every 12 hours#they might not need as much food as you. but they can get a lot sicker a lot faster than humans usually do#I can ramble on and on about cat health though 😅 I just love my little guy so much#combo of better food formulated for hairballs and not giving him an allergic reaction with the probiotics too seems to be helping a lot#i knew cheap food wasn’t usually quite as good as the slightly more expensive stuff but holy shit. since moving out and now switching food#it’s been going so well for him! maybe I should ask my family to change the other cats food. I just hope that an extra 9$ a bag isn’t#off putting for them. i feel like fewer hairballs should be a great selling point
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deep-sea-anemone · 15 days
It'd be crazy if I got a new backpack...right? Totally crazy. Who cares that it's 3lbs lighter than my Deva, or that I've consolidated my gear down enough that I only need 50L of space instead of 65L...,not me, that's for sure
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mariyekos · 28 days
One day I'm going to finish my FFXVI mega essay, but for now I think my thoughts on the game can be summarized like this:
When making FFXVI, the developers sure knew what they wanted to do, and by god were they going to do it.
Were they also going to do other things that would make those first thing better? Were they going to do other things that make a good game overall? Ehhhhh...they were going to do what they wanted to do, and invest all their time and effort into that, so surely that would be enough! Surely!
#i saw someone call FFXVI the most disappointing 8/10 game they'd ever played#and i agree 100%#it started off SO STRONG#and then. and then!!!#ffxvi#my overall rating is in fact an 8 out of 10. maybe 8.5. definitely not a 9#i enjoyed many parts of it but by god were the lows low#some of the highs were very high too! i don't regret buying or playing the game! i'm glad i did#but yeah most disappointing 8/10 i ever played is an apt description#my opinion might be slightly impacted by my uh. mental state at the time#2023 was not a good year for me. for several months ffxvi was the only thing i had to look forward to in life#and that's really sad but that was just the place i was in. life was absolutely miserable#i played the demo and was over the moon. good things were coming! it was way better than i anticipated!#then i played the game and while i enjoyed a lot of it a lot was just tedious in a bad way#so many repeated plotlines and so much whacking you over the head with the points they wanted to make#like come on guys i am not an idiot do you really need to tell me this exact thing 18 different times#and have me go out of my way to get. reward which is just a slightly different flavor of that same thing 18 times#that's what i mean by them doing a few things very well. by god were they going to do them. and only them#graphics? beautiful. i had to stop at several points bc i was stunned by the quality.#but after you've seen a few forests and some fallen ruins it gets boring when that's it. the world was just so small and empty#yes i do support the rise up against your oppressor plotlines because that is a good thing to do but that was like. 90% of the story#(including sidequests) and it just kind of got old. why did i just spend 3 hours straight doing sidequests that gave me nothing new#made some of the sidequests feel pointless. especially because the rewards in this game sucked#uh oh i'm getting too negative so i'll end it here#ffxvi was a good game but it is not one of my faves. glad i played it but idk when i'll play it again.#erurandomness
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roraimae · 2 months
i'm so normal about all the things swimming around in my head right now, i'm chewing on the walls
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calmingpi · 1 year
(water is allowed but then you also have to say your second favorite drink after that)
(by drinks i mean any beverage, you can say alcohol but i also mean tea or soda or juice or milk or whatever)
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teddyshoney · 2 years
Here's my contribution for this week's @gleedrabbleblog word prompt, which was "cream." I wasn't sure I was going to make it in time, but I managed to get something written!
“You look exhausted,” Kurt said, watching Blaine come into their apartment and drop his bag on the floor.
“I am totally pooped. Today was… Maybe the longest day of my life?”
“Awww… I’m so sorry, honey. How can I help?”
“All I could think about today was a tall cup of coffee when I got home.”
“I’ll make some for you. Sugar and cream?”
“Two sugars. And use the cinnamon-flavored cream? Please?”
“Of course.” Kurt made a detour to the door, dropping a kiss on Blaine’s forehead. “Anything for you, my sweet-as-cream husband.”
“Mmm… I think you’re sweeter.”
“You cheese.”
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milk-lover · 8 months
Eating a bowl of jello with the wikipedia page for jello open for a fully immersive experience.
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whelpimnauthuman · 1 year
New Autism Safe Food Unlocked!
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