#especially since they both thought May was about to reunite with Coulson
azurecanary · 4 months
I don't think enough people talk about how Daisy lost four parents
She watched her father kill her mother to save her
She met her father after his entire memory was wiped
She watched Coulson leave the Zephyr knowing he was on his deathbed
And the worst of all imo was when she held May in her arms as she died
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agl03 · 5 years
Can you give like a ranking on who you think is going to die in the series finale or like a percent chance
Hi Anon,
Okay this is a super early list that is 100% based on my gut and the “not all endings are happy” tease that one of the crew posted.  
Since we are still a few months out from the season this could change if there are clues leaked over hiatus and once I get a better handle on the story.  
After the trauma of the ending of Season 5 I swore I’d never go all in 100% on anything ever again.  But here is my early thoughts on where we see them all shake out.
Characters that I’m pretty sure are safe:
Fitzsimmons:  They are once again starting the season out separated and I feel this separation is going to go for most of the season, with them not really getting reunited until closer to the end (no angry asks people I’ve said my peace many times here and really do think it will work out).  And because we’re gonna have a lot of separation, angst, the annual Fitznapping, and possibly the secret kid bomb (yes I still live on that hill) all the not so fun will be set up for a Happy Ending.  
Daisy:  I’ve been yammering for Seasons now that I have felt that the trajectory Daisy has been on since day 1 was to eventually take over for Shield.  That is where I felt her arc was always going to go and it’s clear that is where Coulson wanted her to go.  
However, when they didn’t think they were going to make it past Season 5 and it was very clear Daisy wasn’t ready to lead at that point the torched was passed Mack.  Now they have time.  
Season 6 Daisy gained a lot of experience during the search for Fitz but she still had growing pains back home when she and May made the mistake of Trusting Sarge.  Season 7 we’re going to see her really coming into her own as a leader and Robo Coulson there to mentor and guide her in a way he hasn’t been able too before.  I strongly feel that we will end with Director Daisy.
Elena:  I had been worried about her but because I’m far more worried about Mack and I don’t think they’d kill them both I feel she’s got a pretty good chance of making it through.  Like 75% - 80% chance.  I give some leeway because I know Natalia would love to do a major death scene like Iain and Ming have gotten to do and she’d knock it out of the park.  However, she’s come pretty darn close to death in awful ways in Season 3 and 6 and lost her arms in 5.  So she’s had a lot of crap happen to her already.
Elena has also really come into her own as a Shield agent.  From someone in Season 3, 4, and 5 that preferred to do things her way no matter what the orders to in Season 6 she was nearly a model agent, got in, did her job, and did it well while following orders.  I’m more on the fence if she stays with Shield and becomes Daisy’s right hand, gets to lead her own smaller Shield team ala Secret Warriors kind of thing, or goes off on her own more as a lone wolf like Mike after losing Mack..
May:  May is also one I”m feeling is pretty safe...I mean how many times have they killed her?  But I do see her being done with the field.  Either having the proper retirement that she deserves or heading up the Academy that bears Coulson’s name.  Then there is the off chance she pulls a Cap on us and actually gets a happily ever after.
Now we’re getting more dicey.
Deke:  I love Deke so much and I don’t want to die but I am very worried about him.  He’s got himself a hero arc going here, proving himself as a Shield Agent and as a Fitzsimmons.  He’s also going to be filling much of the hole Fitz will have left on the team due to him being in hiding.  Right now I’m 50/50 on him.  Part of me can see him dying in a heroic moment....especially for his grandparents.  But the other part of me can also see him finally finding his place within the team and staying on with Daisy after Fitzsimmons make for Perthshire.  I’d also love for him to tag along to the Castle. 
Enoch:  I worry for Enoch as the evil Chronicoms have already had about enough of him and now he’s become even more of a thorn in their sides.  I am terrified of him getting captured and being used as a Trojan Horse of sorts to get at the team.  Nor do I think for a moment would he hesitate in sacrificing himself for Fitz.   I’d like to see him go off and lead the Chronicoms in their new lives....but have concerns.  
Robo Coulson:  It totally depends on the day with him.  And in the end all I want is for Coulson to get what he wants.  If he wants to be deactivated after the mission let his wishes be honored.  If he wants to go on and teach Shield History at the Academy that’s cool too.  But I don’t see Coulson wanting to outlive those he cares about...which a very big reality for him now.  Then there are about 800 other options of varying degrees of pain that can come into play.  IE Robo Coulson is Tahiti’d one last time and given new programming and goes off to work with Enoch kind of thing.  
Mack:  Mack I will be shocked if he makes it through the finale.  Henry’s comments in interviews at SDCC pretty much sealed this for me.  In the run of the series outside of his possession in Season 2 Mack is the only Main cast member that hasn’t ‘died’.  And even harder if Daisy is going to end up as Director it means Mack as to fall.  We also know that Mackelena are going to be strong and united this Season, and it never ends well for couples that start the season all happy and together.  
We will also have a new host of recurring cast members to get attached too as well that could provide the heartbreak factor when they need it.
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spideys-pack · 7 years
Death(s) in Infinity War??!!
My purely speculative ideas on what might happen to our heroes.. I hope none of it happens but in my mind, it’s possible.. Lets hope no one actually meets these fates.. 
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I don’t hate any of these characters, unless I state so, I don’t mean any beef with anyone because again, these are just ideas that have been bouncing around my head since the trailer was leaked.. I thought I might as well let my thoughts out instead of letting them consume me at 5am or while I'm trying to take a relaxing shower. 
They aren’t in like a countdown order either, I just need to number them because you know... OCD. I DO SWEAR SO BEWARE IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT. Now, without further stalling. Lets get to it. 
1. Vision
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Vision is probably on everyone’s lists because of the same reason which is an Infinity Stone literally being in his face. Thanos needs the Infinity Stones to complete his gauntlet. Considering the Mind Stone has the biggest spot on the gauntlet, perhaps it gives him the most power? Anyways, I think Thanos will want to take the stone from Vision and I’m willing to bet like my left big toe that he wouldn't be gentle about it and Vision wouldn't be able to survive the process. That’s why he’s on my list. 
2. Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
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As much as I hate to put Wanda on my list, it seems likely and makes sense that she could die or get seriously injured during Infinity War. Why? Because she may still be harbouring guilt over what happened in Lagos in Civil War. Yeah she did say to Vision that she couldn't control everyones fear and seemed to have accepted that she had made a mistake but I can’t help feel like because this is Wanda, one of the sweetest little smol beans in the MCU, she still feels bad about it and would die trying to prove to people that she is one of the good guys. That or her other most likely cause of death is trying to protect Vision from Thanos and dying in the process. I would honestly hate to see Wanda get hurt let alone die. 
3. Drax The Destroyer 
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Everyone loves Drax and if you say you don’t you’re lying. But if you genuinely mean it... We can’t be friends. Perhaps everyone thinks Drax is going to die in Infinity war. Due to the fact that since the first Guardians movie he has been out for revenge for the death/killing of his family. That has been majority of his story arc. At first, he thought the killer and target was Ronan, the Accuser but in the first Guardians he declares Thanos the “real mission” after finding out Ronan was acting under his orders. Although Drax did literally punch Thanos’ heart out in one storyline, I feel like Marvel/the MCU won't let him get away with it and survive. I have a feeling they might kill one Avenger and one Guardian so each team has a reason to fight for one another or remain allies after the war. Drax will probably be the one to kill Thanos. That’s very likely. (But between you and I, I kind of hope it’s Nebula. After years of him shitting on her, I hope she seriously gets a few licks in or honestly fucks him up). Though he’ll probably be the one to do the deed, Drax will probably die doing it. This way, Marvel gets their victory and Drax gets his vengeance and doing so, is reunited with his family. But also saving his friends doing so. Making him not just Drax the Destroyer, but Drax the Hero. 
4. Nick Fury
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I know this one seems kind of far fetched, I mean I pitched it to one of my friends and she looked at me like I had sprouted a second head. Just hear me out though... So, basically The Avengers have broken up that’s obvious. 
Side note: (For Friends fans...) It would be funny if like Cap or someone that got arrested because of Tony and his team brought it up and Tony just goes “We were on a break!” I would literally cackle myself into an early grave.. 
With the Avengers at odds, what could possibly bring them all together again emotionally more than physically? The death of Director Fury. I mean it worked for the first Avengers movie when Agent Coulson “died”. Since Fury has roots with pretty much all the Avengers, they may feel a need to unite to avenge Fury as well as protect the Earth but as a team. Marvel sometimes reuses plot ideas, perhaps they would do it for this one? Plus, Nick Fury is a fan favourite and it would no doubt have a very big emotional impact not only in the MCU but with the fans as well. 
5. Thor 
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Now I would honestly rather rip my own intestines out of my ass than see Thor die. He’s one of my favourite characters from the MCU. He had the potential to be such a bruiting, tough guy character but instead we get our version and I couldn't be more in love with him. I mean this guy is literally a Norse God and he’s sitting there in his trailer telling Hulk/Bruce about how he “So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer like, yesterday so that’s still pretty fresh.” Like this guy is literally huge and I love that he’s not serious. “Did I win?” “No. I won. Easily.” I was laughing the whole trailer. Just fyi. Anyways, enough about my crush on Thor...
I hate to think that we could lose Thor. But, his death makes too much sense. The Thor movies don't make as much as the others (Cap, Iron Man). After Ragnarok, The Thor movies are done. Ragnarok ends his individual storyline. The movie also brings Asgard into the war. It’s likely Marvel will kill off Thor because they had even said they wanted to switch up the Avengers team line up, and getting rid of Thor who is one of the strongest could prompt the Avengers to recruit not one but multiple heroes to fill his place. My theory us sadly also backed up by the fact that Thor/Chris Hemsworth is not yet confirmed for the following Avengers or Marvel movies. Perhaps he has signed a contract and they’re keeping it under raps because they know we look into that shit but that could also be my wishful thinking... 
6. Tony Stark / Iron Man 
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*Collective gasps from the crowd* 
No, but seriously Marvel loves to build us up but then (hulk)smash us down. Think about how involved and intertwined Tony is with the whole MCU. He’s such a big character and he does a lot for the heroes. Plus, Marvel has launched a comic reboot storyline where Iron Man is now an Iron WOman. And let’s be honest, everyone is crawling over each other to get media attention over being supportive of women/races/LGBTQ... So, they would most likely kill Tony to bring in Riri Williams. Not only will this get them even more media coverage BUT it also allows them to send a huge shockwave throughout the MCU. With Tony being at odds with Cap and most of the Avengers, and him having a son-like figure in his protege, Peter Parker... He has people to leave behind and mourn in other movies. Tony Stark’s death would change the MCU a lot. But maybe too much? I’m still iffy on this one. 
7. Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
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There’s no denying that Nat is a fan favourite. She’s also just about as much interweaved with the MCU as Tony. Appearing in several films, she is a huge supporting character but as much as we try, she's a supporting character and is in a group with heroes like Vision and Hawkeye where they are the most likely not to get stand alone films. She seems to always play a big role in the victory of the team we’re supposed to root for, An example would be when she helps Steve and Bucky get passed T’Challa in Civil War. 
Side note: I would love to link this to the fact that Bucky and Natasha have a history. In the Comics that is, it isn't canon in the movies but I would also like to link Nat saying “You could at least recognize me” to Bucky in Civil War to that as well. Considering Nat and Bucky were romantically involved briefly, that could be an interesting arc considering whatever she has/had with Bruce. Either way, I would love Red Room flashbacks or even a movie... 
It seems likely that Nat could get killed trying to help everyone with the war. Considering she is one of the team members who doesn't have powers... Thanos could easily, and regrettably rag doll the shit out of everyones favourite red head. 
8. Bruce Banner / The Hulk
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They would take Bruce “I know, I tried” away from us. One of Marvel’s biggest hard-hitters who also needs to be protected at all costs. For as long as he’s been in the MCU, Hulk has been seen as the tank. “We have a Hulk”. Perhaps during the Infinity War, our heroes over estimate Bruce and he goes up against Thanos and ends up dead because of it. 
9. Thanos 
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Marvel has a tendency to kill off their villains before they necessarily should. I admit, I haven't even met MCU’s Thanos and I already want this mother fucker to get dropped but I would also love to see Marvel develop a villain. The only villain(s) they’ve really developed are Loki and The Winter Soldier and majority of us would argue that these two are not villains. They are pretty much the only two however who have been on the opposing side of our heroes and survived to come back and/or develop. Loki jumps back and forth between good and evil and Bucky was never truly evil, he was brainwashed. The other ones like The Red Skull and Obadiah Stane/War Monger die in fiery explosions before we even get to experience their full story. Although we spend most of their movies hoping and wishing for it. I just hope Marvel gives Thanos enough time to develop outside of the post-credit scenes before the Avengers and Guardians eventually bring him down, if they even do that in Infinity War. 
10. Steve Rogers / Captain America
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The thought of losing Cap really hurts, especially since he just got his bestie Bucky back. Although we all know this is going to happen. Chris Evans has been reported saying that he has indeed signed one more contract with Marvel after reading it over and feeling that one more movie was needed to wrap up Cap/Steve’s story. My thoughts are, what exactly is stopping Marvel from offing him in Infinity War and just making him majorly flashback-type scenes in the next one. We all know both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have dawned the Cap suit and Shield but he true question would be exactly who is Marvel’s choice? Perhaps Cap will in fact die in Infinity War and it will be Bucky who takes up the mantle and the only reason we see Steve is through Bucky’s returning memories as he tries to handle being Cap? 
11. Loki
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Loki is another one of my favourites, only due to the fact that I’m weak when it comes to misunderstood villainy... *cough* Jason Todd *cough* It’s not just me who has succumbed to the seduction of the God of Mischief and his constant knack for well... Mischief. Loki has died in the MCU but he always seems to come back. If Marvel is planning on keeping Thor around, having Loki actually die just might break him if they want to pro sue a more serious angle, we’ve seen what Loki’s death does to Thor. Perhaps having Loki die after he presumably gives over the Tesseract may fuel Thor with enough rage to be one of the potential people to take Thanos out.. 
12. Nebula 
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Nebula is a likely casualty of the Infinity War. Simply because of her role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. 
Or, perhaps she plays a much larger role in Infinity War. In one storyline Nebula steals the Infinity Gauntlet and sabotages Thanos betraying him. If Nebula does this, Thanos could easily kill her. After she was humanized in GOTG Vol. 2, this might be an emotional trauma Marvel could want to inflict on Gamora. Gamora has a possibilty of playing a big role in the destruction of Thanos but having her lose her sister who she kinda patched things up with... That could give her the edge she needs. Despite how much I want to see more of Nebula and have more development for her, this seems possible. 
13. Sam Wilson / Falcon
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Sam Wilson would honestly in my opinion, be a tragic loss. His character was amazing from his first 30 seconds on screen. He has heart and humour and it’s hard not to love his character but that’s also a moth to flame with Marvel. They might kill off Sam to not only hurt Steve but also promote Bucky to have something to avenge after Steve dies and he has to become Captain America. We’ve already seen Bucky throw himself in front of Sam to take the brunt of a hit from Spidey so maybe, just maybe there’s some sort of friendship there and killing one of them might trigger Bucky’s need to become an Avenger kicking off a storyline that could support Marvel’s 9 contract deal with Sebastian. 
14. King T’Challa / Black Panther 
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Why T’Challa? You ask... Well, as much as I would like to say it’s because Chadwick is just too precious for this world and be done with it, I must make a point.. Marvel probably won’t want to have two multi-billionaire badasses with equally badass suits in play. This is assuming they don't kill Tony, perhaps they will kill T’Challa? Again, this goes back to my theories surrounding Sebby Stan’s  9 contract deal. I think it’s very likely they have chosen to follow the storyline of Bucky becoming Cap after Steve is gone. From the Infinity War trailer, it looks like Bucky is settled in with T’Challa and the Wakandans. Or is that just me? Perhaps Bucky decides to stay in Wakanda. After all, the world isn't exactly welcoming him with open arms at the moment.. How do they get Bucky out of Africa so he can become Captain America? They kill off T’Challa. His only tie to Wakanda. 
I don’t know a lot about Chadwick Boseman’s contracts and I can’t seem to find anything but this again is one of my more iffy theories. I hope it doesn't come true, I love T’Challa, or what we’ve gotten so far, I hope we get a lot more.
15. Peter Parker / Spider-Man = Tony Stark Version 2?
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I know, I know.. The thought kills me too. We just got our MCU Peter Parker and I think it’s safe to say, everyone loves having him. 
I have Peter on my list not as a death though. I just think he’s going to get seriously injured. Marvel might just be baiting us with that whole trailer “Tony, I’m sorry.” snippet but at the same time, Peter getting injured makes sense to carry a certain plot line. *cough* Tony’s death *cough*. Tony stated in Spider-Man: Homecoming “And if you die, I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience.” Tony’s compassion and love for the people in his life is a special thing. Something I honestly love about Tony. But, it could be his downfall. In Ultron, we saw that Tony’s worst fear is the Avengers dying and the fact that he “Could have saved us. Why didn’t you do more?”. Tony is a protector. So, having Peter around during the battle could be dangerous and potentially fatal for Tony. Peter has sort of become Tony’s surrogate son/protege and I don’t think he would let anything happen to him. If/when Peter gets injured in Infinity War, I think it will throw Tony off his game. He may feel guilty or worried about Peter and being distracted like that while facing someone like Thanos? Let’s just say if anything happens to Peter, we shouldn't just be worried about him, we should also be worried about Tony. 
16. The Stark Era/Legacy
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I swear to you, I don't hate Tony or RDJ. I just can't shake the thought that we’re going to have to say goodbye to him. 
The MCU started with Tony, even if the earliest events take place in the 1940′s with Cap. It was a Stark that made Steve Cap. The Starks are rooted in the MCU and are the basic foundation of it. They’re heavily involved with all of the events of the MCU. This theory isn't entirely the death of Tony Stark but the death of Stark involvement. 
Let me explain/paint a picture... 
Captain America: The First Avenger: Howard Stark develops a serum that can turn an ordinary man into the ultimate soldier. Thus, creating Captain America which in turn saved America from destruction. And well, German rule. Howard’s super soldier was the one that took down The Red Skull before he could develop and distribute deadly weapons to Hitler and his Nazis. In doing so, the Americans and their allies were able to stop Hitler. Also, it was Howard who built that iconic shield and thought to build it from Wakandan vibranium. 
Iron Man: Tony is running his father’s business seemingly where he left it. Using intellect no doubt inherited from his father, he develops weapons and other tech to continue to protect the world that Howard had helped protect in the 1940′s. The plot of Iron Man is showing Tony not only becoming Iron Man but Obadiah, becoming greedy with power and wanting to overthrow Tony. It was Stark tech that ended up saving Tony and America from terrorists and Obadiah.
Skipping forward to the Avengers... 
The Avengers: It’s obvious that Tony had been playing with the idea of the Avengers with S.H.I.E.L.D. He doesn't say something like: “What the hell is that?” When Pepper mentions it. It also seems like it was Tony who had been talking to Pepper about it in the first place when she says “Which I know nothing about...” So obviously Tony had been part of coming up with the idea. So, we can thank a Stark brain for the Avengers too??? 
Avengers: Age of Ultron: No one lets us forget that Ultron was Tony’s fault. Especially Tony. “And then Ultron.. My fault.” (Civil War). Tony was scared for the safety of Earth and more importantly it seems, his team mates. After his vision of the Avengers laying dead and Cap accusing him of not doing enough Tony gets the idea to create the synthetic being that is, Ultron. His intentions were good but his execution faltered. 
Captain America: Civil War: I won’t say that Civil War was Tony’s fault because it wasn't, it was equally Cap’s too for not wanting to sign the contract just as Tony did want to. It was a Stark who opposed the title character which carried the plot. And when all of the basic plot lines were complete, the big finale drawing the movie to a close for the final climax battle was because Tony found out Bucky had killed guess who under HYDRA’s control?? 
Howard and Maria Stark.
At the end of that fight, we see Cap give up his mantle to continue protecting Bucky. What was the reason to give up his mantle? 
“That shield doesn't belong to you.You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!”  
(Oh, yeah.. a little side note.. Go back to watch that fight scene and at the end when Steve helps Bucky up, Sebastian’s groan in that scene holy fuck, jesus on a tricycle it’s HOT.)
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Tony was the one who built Spidey’s new suit. He was also the one that gave Peter the idea that he was capable of a lot more than stopping “grand theft bicycles”. I mean he held his own against THE Captain America. In one scene Peter and Tony start to argue and Peter’s reasoning for all of his behaviour throughout the movie was because: “I just wanted to be like you.” So, Peter’s mistakes and actions throughout his movie were rooted from the fact that he just wanted to be like Tony. 
Avengers: Infinity War: This movie hasn't even come out yet so I’m not going to act like I know Tony’s full involvement or whatever, but we do know that Peter is prepared for the war because of his brand new Iron Spider suit curtesy of you guessed it, Mr. Anthony Stark. 
Also, Marvel might lean more towards this option because keep in mind, RDJ is getting hella expensive because even he knows how important he is to Marvel’s cinematic universe. They might lean more towards offing Tony to save themselves some cash..
Therefore, if Marvel really decided to kill off Tony, that would be the end of heavy Stark influence. Of course, the Starks would still be present but only as a memory and a company. There wouldn't be an actual Stark to back everything up or come up with new ideas. Unless Pepper is cooking up a little Stark bun in the oven, Tony’s death would mark the end of the Stark line, thus, lessening his influence in the MCU. 
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theartofbeinganerd · 7 years
Hi :) Are you still taking prompt ? I was hoping if you could make something post 4x19 about Aida finding out Jemma is pregnant while trying to kill them or something and then exchange Fitz against Jemma's and the baby's life without Jemma knowing it but then she find out she's pregnant too and realize why he's gone with Aida and go for him with the team to reunite their family ? Sorry if it's messy, I hope you get the idea haha Anyway I really love your writing
Hi!! Thanks for the prompt! :)
I ended up setting this more toward the end of 4x20, but it goes AU from there (and disregards the Superior and the government being after SHIELD plots of 4x21/4x22); hope that’s okay!
Nearly finished overseeing the completion of Project:Looking Glass, AIDA strode through the base beneath the oil rig, quicklyscanning through a stack of folders containing information she’d missed whileplugged into the Framework. Most of it was irrelevant, but her attention wascaught by a single file.
Pausing, she tossed aside the useless folders, focusing herattention on the one that contained all of the data sent back from the LMDs she’ddispatched to SHIELD’s base. Though only the Daisy LMDs had made it out, she’dstill received updates from the others before they’d been destroyed, and asingle tidbit of information from Fitz’s LMD caught her eye.
AIDA read it over once more (though of course she didn’thave to; she had been programmed not to make mistakes), then arched hereyebrows.
“I think that I’m a bad person,” Fitz admitted, growing moreand more nauseated the longer he thought over the terrible things he’d done inthe Framework. He’d never questioned the morality of any of it; he’d simply tortured and killed people without a singlethought to their lives because to him they weren’t even human.
What kind of sick, twisted person did that? Who was he, really?
“No,” Coulson insisted, shaking his head, “no, you –” But,he cut himself off, his gaze trailing to something over Fitz’s shoulder.
Still struggling to breathe properly with his heart racing amile a minute in his chest, Fitz slowly turned to find whatever it was that hadCoulson looking as though he’d seen a ghost.
“Leopold,” AIDA greeted him through the wide, disbelievingsmile spread across her face.
His thoughts all a jumble, Fitz blinked, then asked, “Ophelia?”Because he’d noticed AIDA’s decapitated body nearby, he remembered finishingProject: Looking Glass, so that had to be…
“I am so happy to see you,” she said, then paused andmurmured to herself, “This is what happiness feels like.”
“She’s not a robot anymore,” Coulson stated, catching up towhat Fitz already knew had to be true. “AIDA bleeds just like us.”
Fitz barely heard the words though, his confusion over the lifehe’d lived in the Framework meshing with his life back in the real world, andthe spark of awe that his machine actually workedand created a human body from nothing moving him forward.
But, as he heard the sound of a gun cocking behind him andAIDA’s excited observation, “Finally, you can feel the real me,” Fitz snapped out of his momentarydaze, taking a half-step away from her.
As Coulson and May both called for him to move out of hershot, he hurriedly took another step, just out of AIDA’s reach.
She didn’t seem to appreciate his retreat, quickly growing upset,the desperation clear in her eyes, and Fitz held his breath – he knew what shewas capable of, after all. She lowered her voice to a hiss only he could hear,and told him in no uncertain terms, “If you want to save their lives, you’llcome with me, Leopold.”
Fitz’s eyes grew wide, and he shot a quick glance over hisshoulder at May and Coulson. “Please, don’t hurt them,” he pleaded, shaking hishead.
A smirk curled AIDA’s lips, and Fitz felt a trickle of coldfear down his spine. “I wasn’t talking about them; I was talking about yourprecious Jemma,” she spat Jemma’sname as though it was a curse, and Fitz had a flash of memory, of the last timehe’d seen Jemma – he could still feel the weight of the gun in his hand, couldstill picture the broken look on her face with tears rolling down her cheeks asthough it was burned into his brain, “and your unborn child.”
He was so caught off-guard by the addition, Fitz almost didn’tregister the words at first. After a handful of seconds, the time it took torun back over what she’d said, the words ‘unbornchild’ hit him like a punch to the stomach.
She had to belying, had to be trying to sway him into going with her; she must have thought thatJemma might not be enough, so she’d made up a fake pregnancy to insure hiscooperation.
But, her gaze never wavered, she showed no visible sign ofdeceit, and he just knew, somehow, that it mustbe true.
And as the idea that somewhere, Jemma was carrying theirbaby sunk in, Fitz knew that even though he was a terrible person and he’d doneawful things and he didn’t think Jemma would ever even be able to look at himagain, he’d do anything to protecther and their…their baby.
So, Fitz gave a single nod and stepped forward once more. Triumphantly,AIDA grasped his arm as Coulson shouted, “No!” and they disappeared.
Alongside Daisy and Elena, Jemma burst through the door ofthe final room of the base hidden beneath the oil rig that Radcliffe’sinstructions had led them to. Immediately, Coulson and May looked up from wherethey’d been crouched on the concrete floor, Coulson helping May back to herfeet.
Hoping to have somehow just missed him, Jemma took anotherlook around, but all she could see was Mack’s unconscious body (which Elena hadinstantly gone to) and the decapitated body of AIDA (the sight of which leftJemma with a spark of satisfaction). A bit desperately, she asked, “Where’sFitz?”
May and Coulson exchanged a heavy glance, then he told hergently, “Simmons…AIDA just…she disappearedwith him.”
Jemma shook her head, automatically rejecting the very idea,because she couldn’t have just gotten him back only to lose him again beforeshe could return to his side. But, suddenly there was an even more horrifyingthought niggling at the back of her mind, and she inhaled a shaky breath as sheasked, “Did…did he want to go with her?”
There was a beat of silence, then May started lowly, “Simmons–”
But, Jemma cut her off before she could say a word, becauseno matter what either of them said, she wasn’t going to believe it until shesaw it with her own eyes. Fitz was herFitz in this world, and nothing could change that, especially not an obsessiverobot and her brainwashing alternate reality. “There has to be something thatwe don’t know; that has to be it.”
Neither of them looked completely convinced, but they bothstill nodded, clearly understanding that she wasn’t about to give up on Fitzwithout one hell of a fight.
Once they were safely back on the Zephyr with Mack carefullyplugged into the Framework, Jemma excused herself to the small lab on-board theplane. It wasn’t long before she found herself pacing, using the time and quietto try and figure everything out; it just wasn’t making sense.
What could’ve possibly gotten Fitz to willingly go with thekiller android that had taken him captive and forced him to become a twistedmonster against his will?
She may not have known the Doctor as she’d hoped she would,but she knew Fitz – her Fitz, the oneshe’d befriended at the age of sixteen, the one she’d grown up alongside, theone she’d spent the better part of thirteen years beside, the one she’d fallencompletely in love with. She knew hewouldn’t have chosen to go with the person responsible for this whole messunless he’d had to.
Perhaps Coulson had been mistaken; perhaps Fitz hadn’t had a choice.
Jemma paused in her pacing then, suddenly feeling a bitfaint. It wasn’t the first time this had happened since she’d come out of theFramework; she figured that it had to be from the lack of proper nutritionwhile plugged in, and the fading adrenaline that had kept her going sinceescaping the Playground.
Just as she caught herself on the lab table, Coulson stuckhis head into the room. “We’ve just landed, and I want full medical work-upsfor everyone who was in the Framework, no arguments.”
She swallowed back her protests, making a face as shesteadied herself before following him out of the lab and down the stairs toexit the Zephyr with the rest of the team.
They entered the Playground through the destroyed hangar,thankful to find that the rest of the base had been left mostly unscathed. Andafter a brief interlude where they were scanned by the suspicious agents remainingand found to not be LMDs (much to therelief of the other agents, who seemed to have been struggling to operatewithout their highest-ranking agents), they were brought to the lab.
Immediately, Jemma crossed over to her desk and began afacial recognition search for Fitz, even as a lab tech came over to take herblood, temperature, blood pressure, and other necessary medical tests. She hadto hope that, wherever AIDA had taken Fitz to, they were close enough to bespotted by a camera.
The sooner they rescued Fitz from that walking nightmare,the better.
She was still dutifully watching the search run when thetech returned to her side, holding a clipboard with her test results in hishands. “Well Dr. Simmons,” he said brightly, “you’re in perfect health.”However, then he grimaced and added, “Other than the knife wound and mildconcussion, of course.” When Jemma arched an eyebrow at him, he fidgeted withhis clipboard, then managed another smile as he told her, “The important thingis, you and your baby are safe and sound.”
Just as Jemma demanded, “My what?”, the computer beeped behind her to show that the facialrecognition search had finished running.
No matter how many times Jemma ran the blood test, she kept receivingthe same result – she was pregnant.
She felt as though she must be on the verge of a panicattack just then, her breathing and heartbeat picking up speed at an alarmingrate as the truth settled into her brain. She’d spent the last week and a halffighting tooth and nail to get Fitz back, only to lose him to AIDA once more,and on top of all that, now she found out that she was expecting their child?
How in the world was she supposed to deal with all of that?
Just then, Daisy reentered the lab, leafing through a filefolder. Without looking up from it, she explained aloud, “This was taken fromAIDA’s lair under the sea.” She tapped the folder with her free hand. “We’rehoping there might be a clue in here as to where AIDA’s gone and what herendgame is.”
Jemma wanted to say something,to ask if she’d found anything promising, to offer her help; but her lungs wereseized with panic and fear and the overwhelming feeling that she was drowning.
When she noticed the lack of response, Daisy frowned andpeered up at her curiously. Her eyebrows rose in concern when she noticed Jemma’swild-eyed panic, and she quickly set down the folder before hurrying to herside. “Are you alright?”
The only words to make it past Jemma’s lips in response werea flat, “I’m pregnant.”
Daisy blinked, as though the words didn’t quite register.Then, she gasped out, “Are you serious?”
Jemma gave her a dry look, taking a breath and anothermoment to gather her thoughts before attempting to speak once more. “If themultiple blood tests I’ve run are to be believed, then yes, I’m quite serious.”
For a moment, Daisy gazed at her worriedly. Then, she askedsoftly, “Well what are you going to do now?”
She didn’t reply at first, mulling over the question and herreply, before she stepped around Daisy and picked up the folder she’d beengoing through. “The first thing I’m going to do is find Fitz,” she finallyanswered, beginning to flip through the pages and scanning each one carefully.
About halfway through, she happened upon one with her name printed across the top, and sheread through it quickly, pausing when she found the medical records Fitz’s LMDhad managed to work up on her, in preparation for her delivery and introductioninto the Framework.
It had included a blood sample – which, of course, revealedthe truth of her condition before even shehad known.
As the realization that AIDA had had access to this hitJemma, it all clicked, and she suddenly had a very good idea of how AIDA might’veconvinced Fitz to go with her without a fight.
“HYDRA had a way of tracking Gordon’s teleportation ability,”Jemma explained to the others once they were back on the Zephyr and in the air,“and we should be able to as well.” Turning to Coulson, she double-checked, “You’resure AIDA’s powers looked similar to Gordon’s?”
“I am,” Coulson answered confidently.
���And I remember Gordon coming through HYDRA’s doors in theFramework – and never leaving,” May admitted, the tight set of her jawrevealing just how much the memory of the atrocities she’d allowed to happenand aided in affected her.
Jemma nodded gratefully, turning to Daisy. “Alright, then webetter get to work on replicating their tracking system.”
Thankfully, it only took them a short amount of time to finishit, but then they were left to wait until AIDA decided to use her powers –which could be never, Jemma couldn’t help but remind herself. AIDA mightsomehow know they had a way of tracking her, and she might decide to abstainfrom using her powers, secreting Fitz away somewhere that they would never befound.
Another hour passed without a hit, then another, and Jemmacould feel herself growing more anxious by the minute, her hands wringingtogether as she went back to her pacing. AIDA truly could’ve taken Fitz anywhere, and she couldn’t help but fearfor his mental state after everything he’d experienced in the Framework.
But more than that, she just wanted him there, with her and their…baby.She really, truly needed him now – and she wanted to believe that wherever hewas and whatever was going on in his head, he needed her too.
As a swell of overwhelming emotion began to wash over her,fear and sadness and grief and desperation combining to pull her under theirdepths and force tears to her eyes, Jemma heard a distinct beep from the computer.
Hurriedly, she turned to find that their program had pickedup an instance of teleportation.
Jemma released a shaky, relieved breath, her shouldersdrooping a bit as some of the tension left them. Unable to help herself, sheplaced a hand over her still-flat stomach and whispered, “We’re going to saveyour daddy,” before she dashed off to inform May of the new coordinates.
The coordinates of AIDA’s teleport had led them to a housethat was more mansion than anything else, one that May had recognized as MadameHydra’s from the Framework. Given that there hadn’t been any more hits on theirprogram, they knew that at the very least, AIDA had to be inside that house.
As the others prepared a surprise visit, Coulson told Jemmain no uncertain terms, “You’re staying on the Zephyr.” She opened her mouth toprotest, he was quick to remind her, “AIDA knows about the baby, and sheclearly isn’t above using it and you as leverage.”
Jemma certainly agreed with Coulson’s assessment, but shecouldn’t help but feel disappointed – she wanted to get to Fitz as soon as shepossibly could, and couldn’t bear to be so close but have to wait even longerstill.
However, their baby’s safety had to come before her desireto be with Fitz a few moments sooner. “Yes sir, I understand.”
As Coulson turned to exit the Zephyr down the ramp, hepaused and half-turned back to add, “And even if that weren’t the case, I’dstill make the same call.”
She managed a small smile as she watched them all leave,then the ramp retract, until she was left alone (well, not totally alone, giventhat Mack and Elena were still upstairs, plugged into the Framework – she’dused the confusion to her advantage and entered it in an attempt to rescueMack).
Placing a protective hand over her stomach, Jemma began towhisper to the baby in an attempt to soothe her own growing anxiety. “Yourdaddy’s going to be just fine.” She rubbed a little circle over where the babywas growing inside of her, going on, “Our little family will be back togethersoon enough, I promise,” even though she knew she might not be able to keepthat promise, not when she didn’t know whatFitz was going to be like when she saw him next.
Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the ramp loweredonce more, and the first one Jemma saw was Daisy. Her expression was hard forJemma to read, but as she walked past her, she informed her lowly, “AIDA gotaway.”
Jemma’s heart began to race in her chest, and she turnedslightly to call after Daisy, “What about –”
But, she cut herself off when she caught sight of him behindCoulson. Without giving it a single thought, she rushed forward, all-butcollapsing in his arms. He hesitated briefly, then returned the embrace, askinga bit roughly, “Are you okay? Is the…”
She nodded a bit desperately, continuing to cling to him asshe murmured against his shoulder, “I’m alright, and so is the baby.” The wordstill felt foreign on her tongue, but…in a goodway, a way she was willing to get used to. “You?”
Fitz released a shaky breath, pointedly ignoring herquestion about his state. “So…it’s true, then?”
Reluctantly, Jemma pulled back just enough to meet histerrified gaze, nodding. “I just found out,” she admitted. “I didn’t knowbefore…”
His wide, horrified eyes began to glaze with tears as hewhispered shakily, “Jemma…the way I hurt you is unforgivable enough, but for meto have done so while you were carrying our child–”
Jemma refused let him finish that thought. “None of that wasyour fault, Fitz.”
“But –”
“You had nocontrol over what you did in the Framework, and I don’t blame you for a singlething,” she insisted, infusing as much honesty and sincerity into her voice asshe possibly could, hoping it’d somehow get through to him.
He still didn’t seem quite ready to believe it, and she knewfrom personal experience the way guilt could weigh on a person, but he gave aslight nod to show he’d heard her, and it was enough for now.
Jemma found his hand with hers, pressing his open palm toher stomach as she told him softly, “We’ll figure everything out – no matterhow long it takes, I’m with you, Fitz. Right now, the important thing is thatwe’re together, and…our baby is safe.”
Fitz gave the faintest of smiles, nodding in agreement as hegently stroked his thumb over her stomach. It may take some time and tears andreminders that she knew wholeheartedly that he was a good person, but Jemma had a feeling that their little family wasgoing to be just fine.
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
CAPTAIN MARVEL: ED’s Very Important Thoughts on Marvel’s Latest (Possible Minor Spoilers!)
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So I’m going to try a bit of a two-fold experiment here. The first part of the experiment is whether I can set aside a few personal grudges against those involved with making this movie (which I won’t get into right now) to write a fair and balanced review. I think I can do it.
Caveat:  I wasn’t too happy about the seat/theater in which I saw the movie. Normally I’d go for IMAX but that screening didn’t start until after 8pm, and the seat I reserved ended up being further back then I liked and also was too far to the side so part of the screen was blocked. The sound wasn’t too great either, definitely not loud enough, but hey, I’ll do my best.
The other caveat is that I’m only going to write this review for an hour, and once that hour is up, I’m done talking about Captain Marvel, other than in terms of box office or other aspects for my day job at The Beat. To make this easier, I’m gonna break this down into a few categories, borrowing from one of my old colleagues at ComingSoon.net, Mr. Scott Chitwood.
I’m not going to talk too much about the plot, because that’s probably wherein lies the most spoilers for the movie, because even if you think you know the general story and how some of the characters play into it, there are quite a few nice surprises.
The movie starts on Hala, homeworld of the Kree, where Brie Larson’s “Vers” is training with her Commander, played by Jude Law. They go on a mission to stop a Skrull invasion of a small defenseless planet, and in the battle, Vers is captured, her mind is played with and she gets transported to earth circa 1995 where she runs into S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and his new recruit Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg). The Skrulls, led by Ben Mendelsohn’s Talos, are right on her tail, looking for some sort of hyperdrive, but Vers is haunted by implanted memories, and she wants to find answers, taking her and Fury to Pegasus.
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What I Liked:
Brie Larson was a wise pick for Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel. She’s a damn good actor and she brings her all to a character who is highly complicated in terms of emotions and backstory. My personal issues with Larson have nothing to do with the character or her abilities as an actor, but her decision to be a Social Justice Warrior and make a big deal about using her celebrity to constitute change…  without really know what she’s talking about. I’m sure that in a few years from now, when she’s a little older and maybe learns a bit more about the business side of things, she’ll understand why what she’s been doing is actually angering people who would support her, especially if and when she decides to move further into directing. Don’t get me wrong. I think she’s entitled to speak her opinion, as is every woman, but you can’t go after men, especially those who have been the ones whose fandom have helped Marvel get to where it’s at. Anyone who was surprised by the fanboy reaction, just doesn’t have a clue how the internet works.
I loved seeing the Kree and Skrull brought to the screen finally, and for the most part, the movie used them well to set-up future conflicts between the Kree and Skrull in other MCU films.
Similarly, I’ve been a fan of Ben Mendelsohn for a long time and I could say the same for Jude Law, so their casting in the movie was definitely going to be primary reasons for me to want to see this. Mendelsohn is great in a role that allows him to play in creature make-up but also for him to play with a few other roles including playing Fury’s S.H.I.E.L.D. supervisor who looks surprisingly like… Ben Mendelsohn. There’s a lot more to his Skrull Talos than I expected going in, and I owe a lot of that to him reuniting with his Mississippi Grind directors, as he was fantastic in that movie as well.
Directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck do quite an amazing job when you consider that they’ve mainly been working in the realm of independent film and have never had such an enormous CG-heavy movie with such a big budget. Granted, at this point, Marvel Studios has its team of designers and CG people who basically do the job they do, but that also added up to one of my issues, which you can read below.
Many others have raved about the cat Goose, who Nick Fury quickly bonds with while infiltrating Pegasus, and Goose frequently does steal scenes from the human actors. There’s also a lot more to Goose than you may think, and that’s another fun surprise of the film.
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What I Didn’t Like:
I can understand why it was important to include the young girl version of Monica Rambeau in the story to set up possibly having Photon in a future MCU movie, but man, I’m so not into Disney’s decision to keep forcing kids into these movies. I had the same issue with Shane Black’s Iron Man 3 -- still my least favorite MCU movie -- and at least Akira and Azari Akbar, who played the younger Monica, were better than the kid teamed with Downey for that movie.
I just didn’t get the point of Annette Bening’s character at all, and I didn’t think she brought much to the story at all. Sure, I can understand her place in the story  but she was given the name of a character that I thought was played by Jude Law, and it just made things confusing
That brings us to the overuse of nostalgia to keep showing how the movie takes place in the ‘90s. Boden and Fleck absolutely go overboard with it, not just showing locations like a Blockbuster Video or making references but every song is from the ‘90s and not all of them work for the film. I had the same issue with last year’s Bumblebee, because while I loved the music in the ‘80s and ‘90s, I felt that both movies were deliberately trying to win points by using popular songs. For instance, having a scene with Bening dancing to Nirvana’s “Come As You Are” served little purpose, and the use of No Doubt’s “Just A Girl” during one of Captain Marvel’s fights was so obvious that it hurt the scene more than helped. I feel like things like this will have to be blamed on what James Gunn did in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, but in those cases, he found really interesting and often 
The opening scenes in Hala and the other planet basically looked like so many other Marvel movies as well. Those scenes could have just as easily been in one of the Thor or Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and it makes me feel like Marvel’s design and art team is starting to get burnt out. Marvel really needs to make a few movies that look vastly different from what we’ve seen before, because at this point, the criticism that all of Marvel’s movies look the same is starting to be very true.
Most of the visual FX were decent, but seeing a younger Samuel Jackson/Nick Fury was a bit disconcerting at first since CG is used to make him look younger for the entire film. Also, the Skrulls, whether they’re created using make-up or CG or a combination of both, look a little cheesy compared to, say, Josh Brolin’s Thanos. Stuff like that really takes away from things like Mendelsohn’s performance when he’s in Skrull form.
I was pretty excited that Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser and Djimon Hounsou’s Korath from Guardians of the Galaxy were included in the story, but they had so little to do and added so little to the story, same with Gemma Chan’s Minerva.
I also didn’t need to be hit over the head with the movie’s Social Justice Warrior agenda about how women can do anything and that they shouldn’t be underestimated. DUH. See, kids, us grown-ups have known that for many, many decades, and we certainly don’t need a Marvel movie to teach us important life lessons, thank you very much. This just adds to my feelings like these MCU movies are trying to drive home messages rather than just be escapist entertainment.
What I Was Ambivalent About But Feel It’s Worth Mentioning Anyway:
It was really hard to tell if the humor in the movie worked, because there was a guy near me, who was just laughing so hard and loud at every single line regardless of how funny or not it was. Oddly, I had this exact same problem when I saw Bumblebee, too, and it’s why I often refer to fanboys as “rubes” because they will laugh at just about everything.
I also didn’t feel the sound was decent enough in my screening to have an opinion on the score, which is usually a big deal for me.
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Something I Loved (That Might Be Considered a Minor Spoiler) But That Kept Me from Hating the Movie:
One of the initial issues I had with the idea of making a Captain Marvel movie was that I didn’t think even Marvel Studios could create an origin story out of the mangled mess that is the character in the comics. I mean, there was another Captain Marvel aka Mar-Vell who had Nega-Bands that let him change into this perennial Marvel sidekick named Rick Jones, and Ms. Marvel’s origins came out of air force pilot Carol Danvers getting a blood transfusion from Mar-Vell. She then went on to a number of different guises and monikers over the years, and I knew that there was no way to cover everything.
That said, I was really impressed with how the filmmakers broke away from the comics in a big way and to the point where there lots of twists and surprises in terms of which characters were good and which were bad. In other words, more than any other MCU movie, Captain Marvel plays with the grey area between good and evil which exists in the real world. That’s something that just isn’t done very much in this day and age, especially in movies, so delivering so many surprises was my favorite thing about the movie.
Basically, Captain Marvel ends up somewhere in the range of the first Ant-Man movie in my book, although I’ve already been liking the movie more as I’ve thought about it, so it might get another viewing very soon. I definitely liked the characters in the movie more than I did the ones in Black Panther, and I think Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel is going to be more than a worthy addition to the Avengers. I wish her introduction to the MCU was handled a bit better, but in my mind, Captain Marvel does the job it was meant to do, and I can understand how some people might like it more than others.
Rating: 7/10
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agl03 · 6 years
Since it’s a rescuing theme this season (whole series tbh) with Daisy loosing her choices do you think it’s leading to something? Especially since every time it’s happened it’s been brushed off (Deke, Coulson and now Fitz)
Hi @asdfsweets
They aren’t doing it for the heck of it and I do think it setting something up.  I also disagree that how it went down with Fitz will be brushed off.  The fall out is going to last quite some time, especially between Daisy and Fitz.  Lil especially talked in Wondercon interviews about the fracture within the team that was coming.   How Fitz gave Daisy her powers back was the catalyst for a lot of the fracture.
Because some on the team will agree that she needed her powers back,not only to close the rift that was hours away from hitting the town, but in the future fight to come.   Others see Daisy having her powers as another step closer to repeating the loop.  No one, not even Fitz, agrees with how.  
The writers could have come up with another way for her to get her powers back, one that was less traumatizing all around.   Had The Doctor drive Fitz to create a piece of tech for example.  But they want it to be messy and complicated so the team would be divided.  
Daisy is also actively working on doing something that another team member doesn’t want to do.   She and May have vowed to save Coulson whether he likes it or not.  Her whole focus right now is on saving him both his life and from Hale.   He has explicitly said he doesn’t want his life extended unnaturally again.  Compounding this even further Elena knows Loop Elena said that they have to let Coulson die, something Daisy and May are not going to let happen.  That will add more to the fracture within the team but also put Daisy in that position that Coulson was in, letting go of someone he loved and cared about.   
This is meant to have lots of twists and turns and kind of mess with the team and their morals.   Over and over the team is being forced to choose between one life/someone’s wishes and lives of many.  Do what they think is the right thing.  Daisy has done this before too, doing what she thought was right even if it meant going against the team or the advice of others.  I know its not apples to apples, the how she got her powers back was awful.
Looking at Daisy’s betrayals this season, all three who did it felt they were saving many lives/doing something for the greater good by doing it.
Deke:  To stop Daisy from charging in, getting killed herself, and angering the Kree into another Renewal.   
Coulson:  Needed her to lead in his stead when he was gone.  Needed someone to carry on Shield’s work, protecting humanity.  Nor was he willing to leave the person he saw as his daughter in the future. 
Fitz:  Needed to close the Fear Rift before it started bleeding outside of the Lighthouse.  Fitz also believed the tear was could have destroyed the world on its own.  
I think the fracture is really going to hit full force from 16-18 and won’t start to get better until Coulson is reunited with the team.  I think that there will be more of these tough decisions ahead and no everyone is going to agree on how to proceed but they all have the same goal of saving the world.
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