#especialy the turtle ones from
froggy-puddles · 6 months
I have gotten an idea for a Rottmnt Au where Mikey is raised by Draxum, but instead of being trained to be Baron's soldier he recognises the social skills and compassion our turtle has
So Mikey kinda becomes a face man/spokesman for his cause
It probably has been already done and I don't have a strong concept yet but I still want to draw at least a small one-page comic or sth
The problem is that Mikey is the only turtle I have trouble drawing xD
So now I'll be spending most of my time trying to learn to draw our guy
Also I think that Michelangelo wouldn't have mystic powers in this AU (at lest not at the start) as he doesn't have that connection with his brothers
(He believes they died when a human named Lou Jitsu destroyed the lab)
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 1 year
adding to the anon's puppy ask, Donnie could be repairing part of the automatic food dispensers and accidentally spills dogfood all over himself.
it wouldn't be the puppy's faults if they're hungry and Donnie now smells yummy
A Sweet situation
A/n: I wasnt sure if yall whanted D or Mik get tickled so i decided to do both+ some extra Fluff to this fic I hope thats okay. Hope you enjoy!
Lee Donnie, Mikey
Ler the Doggies , Mikey, Donnie
Love: Plantonic and friendly if you ship brothers or some other pro ship then get outta here.
Summary: Donnie and Mikey promised Todd to repair his food dispenser. But something Lickery happend that made Mikey do something... sweet.
It was around Lunch time and the Pb&J duo was driving too Todds place the turtle tank. He called them and said he needed help with the food dispenser. The turtles didnt whant to go there cuz of a mision but Todd was their friend so they decided to help him anyway.
🧡: Im tired...and ofc that dispenser had to get cowabummed or something...
💜:Angelo, I know were tired well mostly you, but we promised Todd the help we just go check and get back.
🧡:True...He did save us 3 times and gave us that dumb old van...that we overpaied with that puppyland.
💜:You mean 2 times? That one time with shreeder and that one time with the crazy dentists.
🧡:Nope. 3 times. Long short history he saved me from meatsweats. Uhm i explain later im too tired to do this.
Explained Mikey. Donnie looked at him with a " I whant to hear that story" face then looked back at the road.
When they came they got welcomed with some sunshine lemonade and some cookies that Todd baked. Whrn they were done Todd took them to the area of the dispenser.
🤎:I tried Everything to spill the food out but nothing works! It wont let out the food thats in the dispenser can you two please help??
💜:Well that why we are here right Angelo?
🧡:Yep! Dont worry Todd! We will fix it as fast as we came here!
🤎:... So an entire hour?
🧡:Ye- whait wut?! We were driving in the tank an hour ago-
💜: No Mikey forgot we were on a mission?
🧡:Ohhh right sorry bout that Todd we were kinda busy but now we can 100% help!
🤎:Okay! I go make some lemonade for you guys! I bet you guys were really tired after the mission!
🧡:Thanks Todd!
Said Mikey as Todd walked away for the lemonade. The duo walked over to the food dispenser that was souronded by the hungry puppies.
They let out sad hungry noises. Mikey picked one up and started petting it.
🧡:Hello little one!
💜:Mikey we are suposed to work remember? Not playing around with the puppies!
🧡:Right! I nearly forgot!
Said Mikey he took the puppie up, showed it to other puppies and made a speech.
🧡: Our puppy friends! We know that you guys had a problem with the food! So as one of the creator of this place i promise we will give you the food right away!
Said mikey with a dramatic speech. The puppies started jumping around as Donnie rolled his eyes. It was not because he didnt whant to be here... okay it was one of the reassons but the second resson is cuz he is tired of doing things for today he just whanted to lay down and go to sleep or watch his phone.
D kneeld down to the dispenser level meanwhile Mikey put the puppy down and sat next to Donnie. Donnie took som tools out of his battle shell.
🧡: Hmmm it looks fine too me!
💜: But you can not open it Angelo. It isnt always how it looks like.
🧡:But what if I did this...UH-
Mikey punched the dispenser. Yes. Punched. Guess who didnt have the brain shell today?(GET IT??? BRAIN SHELL CUZ THEY ARE TUR-meh nvm)
Mikeys idea did work tho but not as they planed. The food spilled everywhere especialy the 2 turtles. The puppys looked at them like they were a kind of a good treat. The puppies frozed meanwhile the turtles grouned.
💜:Mikey next time you punch a machine can you atleast tell me? Now were both dirty!
🧡: Opis sorry brother! I will ask you next-... why are the puppys staring at us?
💜:Mikey cuz were coverd in foo- ... we beter run before they-
Donnie tried to say but was cutoff by a army of puppys running their way. The puppies jumped on the 2 turtles and started licking the dog food of.
Mikey tried saying but he forgot dogs cant human languge in other words english unless someone thought them especialy puppys.
Donnie laughed out loud with his youngest brother, cackling, lauging and gigling. They defenetly didnt expect this after that mission- That continued around 4-5min until Todd came in with the boys on the floor, looking wet(I mean duh they were like to death), having tears in their eyes and still gigling from the left out gigles.
🤎:OH NO!! did something happend?
🧡:Yehehes ahaha puhuhuhpy athahahck
💜:Thohohod i thhihihnk ithths thime fhor hus tohoho gho hohome. Whe fixhed you're machinhe so I ththink were done here right?
🤎:Yes ofc! Have a nice rest BFF'S!
Said the capybara when the two gigling turtles walked to the turtle tank still gigling.
When they came back Mikey got an idea for boredom so he went too Donnies room. They were exhausted but also bored so it was the best idea for now to hear a bit more of Donnies laughter.
When Mikey went into Donnies room he sat on his chair watching his phone. He was too exhausted too work. When he saw Mikey sneak in he spoke.
💜:Angelo if ya think I'm blind u are wrong, Need anything brother?
🧡:Just checking on ya! I mean that was kinda exhausting ya know...when the sweet puppies ti-
Mikey got shushed by Donnies finger as Mikey stod next to the chair Donnie is sitting on.
Donnie said with a slight blush from embarrassment looked away with embarrassment in his eyes, he did have fun but it was kinda embarrassing some puppies got them, the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES. He then turned his look to his phone agian.
🧡:But ya gotta admit! It was fun! Even if we got embarrassed at least we weren't bored right D?
Mikey said poking his side. As Mikey poked it Donnie jumped up as his eyes widened and almost dropped his phone, as he catches his phone in time with his hand the other hand was holding Mikeys hand.
💜:AnGELO- DONT. Don't. Even. Think. About. It.
Mikey didnt listen too his brother and poked him agian. He was mischievous, did he got it from Leo? Maybe but that wasn't the time too think about genes, it was time for war.
💜:*Sigh* I warned ya now ya will suffer the consequences mine dear brother!
Donnie said as he tackled the box turtle to the ground as he smirked. Mikey was nervous panicked but at the same time happy and exited finally they arent bored.
🧡:D-D we can talk thrOUG-
Donnie didn't let Mikey finish his sentence as he squeezed his sides with a smirk. Mikey started giggling and squeaking as he tried to kick Donnie of him or make him fall down.
💜:What's wrong Angelo? Not so confident now huh? Ya know if ya are gonna keep moving even more I will dig into you're sides even more, What about that hm? Ya like the deal?
Donnie said with a smirk, but he forgot Mikey was strong he trained really much and he could throw an entire ship away with his mystic weapon so why can't he throw Donnie off? Well he can. And he just did.
As Donnie talked Mikey pushed Donnie of him and tackled him too digging in into his armpits. Donnie tried too block them with his arms but it was hard, as he blocked Mikeys tickle atacks he tried not too laugh, he wasn't planning on giving him the satisfaction. He finally bursted out laughing as he kicked around and laughed, they were having a tickle fight for some more minutes but then they heard Leo's voice.
💙:I'm gonna act like nothing is happening rn anyways we're getting pizza ya guys are coming?
They both said as they pushed off each other and ruined through the exit with Leo and Raph to go get pizza.
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
do you have any video(s) or sources for learning how turtles chirp? I too am of the flavour of autsim that repeats sounds and ouhouaherg I don't have the spoons to find a good audio one
also omgg i can't think of a good prompt but i just wanna say your rottmnt art is soo good. lik uhhggfg. i am froathing. i love them and the redisgns for your au are so shaped omgg. they are the most shaped. i am chewing on them like a squeaky toy. i love ur brain ideas 100/10 epicc
I do NOT have any videos/sources because every time I look it up (like 3 times a day at this point tbh) all the videos I can find have ABYSMAL quality, or take forever to get to the noise, or are of turtles having sex. And almost all of them are different species GUHH.
my chirps are going more off the IDEA of a turtle noise tbh, than actually imitating a real one. Although mine are heavily inspired by what I remember of my sisters pet turtle (we gave her away when I was younger though so it's been a while)(She was a red eared slider named Marina)
anyway i got distracted halfway through answering this because it caused me to go on a hunt for a really good video with CLEAR AUDIO of a turtle making SOME KIND of noise so.
here's a video from the smithsonian which has really good audio, but only really shows you one chirp sound and its from an unborn turtle. STILL its really cute and is basically what I'm going for when I do my chirps.
here's one of the first videos I found that shows a box turtle chirping/croaking, but you have to turn the audio up a lot to hear it. and also the entire time the turtle is just absolutely failing to eat a worm. just doing a dogshit job at eating a worm. embarrassing!
ive found in my (admittedly limited) search that its way easier to find videos of turtles hissing than anything else, cause hissing is loud enough to get picked up and probably more entertaining to upload. i dunno!
as for HOW turtles chirp I've got no idea, all I've learned so far is that they don't have vocal chords apparently.
BUT NOW ONTO THE MORE IMPORTANT PART OF THIS ASK: the part where u compliment me :3
i am SOOO flattered you like my rottmnt art fadsfdsf I've been having a lot of fun with it.
the redesigns for my AU/kind of totally new version of TMNT were fun to make cause I basically wanted to make them super simple so that I could draw/doodle them fast. you can see in some of the developing sketches I made how I simplified the head shapes a ton.
honestly I'm most disappointed that I can't think of anything to do with them/don't have the time to draw them a ton right now cause I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE their little angular faces. Especialy donnie, donnie is soooo shaped and i love how his snoot looks <<33
but yea hearing that you like my stuff really helps me want to POST MORE OF IT fsadfsdf. sometimes I post a lot and what I'm really hoping for is just someone to say they like something I made cause I need a pick me up or I'm bored or something sdfsdfsdf. sso thank you !!
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mister-lady · 3 years
ooh the drawings are great!! I don't know much about rottmnt! or well, any of the tmnt eras actually. are these two your favorite characters too or just f/os? what are they like? what's the show about?? i'm curious!
mgfnhmghm,,,!!! also!! haii!!! ilyilyy!!!! an i hope ur doing well!!!! an also tytytytyvvmm this was super fun answerrinnngggg!!!! also wow im sorry not sorry for the paragraphs i wrote, gushing about things (especially tmnt) is normally uh.. not often-ish so you broke the dam dfsksngkfj. /lh/nm am veri verie happie over this especialy after my dentist appointment so thank u lots, u always cheer me up even when u don mean too<<33 /nm/gen
im glad u think the drawings are goooddd >//,!!! kfgndfhkj i uh.. seem to have a repeated occurrence of getting into tmnt fdnskjdgnkj (i got into 2012 erra several times, almost got into 2003, and this is my second.. maybe third bouncing back to rottmnt? i think second dfkjdngkdfj).
uhm!!! yes sdkndfndfkjfd .///. why turtles? i dont know. why several times? not a clue. Brain likes turtles ig fsnkfdfg. Not crazy big f/os but 10/10 would do gay stuff fnkdnjkfdg. lowkey crush on raph too fngndjh
at first i jus liked donnie but you know me and only having one f/o from media isn’t legal sdsgdfgfh /lh/j oh gosh where to i begin- Leo is verie punny and cocky and almost smug in a sense an he has the whole “im the greatest guy ever but i won’t admit im actually insecure” thing going on. idk the right words for it but he’s like the clowning kid in class? many jokes and such and isn’t really serious in serious situations so u know when he does get serious it’s well.. verie serious fjndfjh. is also verie smooth gndkngdfjh
uhh Donnie is uhmm.. donnie djsdfnsjnjhg. he’s a hermit and normally is in his lab building or upgrading stuff. Oh!! also he is a soft shell turtle an that’s why he has the shell cover thingy that goes over his shoulders!! to protect his shell!!! He’s super blunt and forward and almost has a flat/robotic voice when he talks? Except there will sometimes be a moment where he gets passionate and gets all emotional fkjsg. verie deeply wants parental acceptance and probably the same from others and is also very “i dont give a crap what you think but lowkey i do” kinda guy ngkdfnj err... turtle-.he would probably shoot someone if he could. also Leo and Donnie are twins-
oh i lov the sshow- verie good character developement i lov the villians and everything, though im super sad that nickelodeon crushed the show for some reason so a lot of the episodes were rushed and it got rushed in general so it didn’t have the proper build up it deserved to the finally episode but they still pulled it off wonderfully and i still love it. it also has a lot of episodes of the characters goofing off and thats honestly the content i came for- tbh i wasn’t too big on Splinters design at first but i got used to it!! THE MUSICALLSS. theres no full-on musicals but the moments they do sing is great an i espeically lov Baren Draxum’s musical tid-bit- (he’s the main villain an he’s a new one to be introduced but all around fantastic)
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csong-blog · 5 years
hello, i’m mina and i’m too excited to roleplay with you all ! i’ve only recently started getting back into groups and this one really caught my eye. the roleplay is just amazing and all of your muses are absolutely wonderful. from what i can see, everyone is a great writer, intimidating, but that makes it more exciting for me. my face claim is my absolute queen soyou -  feel free to add my discord - queen soyou#1226 for plotting purposes.
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( kang jihyun, twenty eight, cisfemale ) by chance have you met CLAUDIA SONG yet? i hear SHE has lived in COLUMBIA CITY for TWO MONTHS and works as a HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR. i’m surprised you haven’t met them yet but for when you do, i hear they can be quite EMOTIONAL but also COMPASSIONATE. for whatever reason they remind me of DENIM OVERSIZED JACKETS, LACED BODY SUITS and DISORGANISED NOTES. ( mina, 20, she/her, gmt )
under the cut will be a little about claudia ; please proceed with caution as there is mention of codependency tw, domestic abuse tw, emotional manipulation tw under the cut.
one would say that claudia had a little too much personality in her early life. she had always been full of energy and passion, a girl wanting to show off her creations and talents to all, especially her parents that had moved from south korea shortly before she came along. they did enjoy her company; a vibrant, polite young lady? there was nothing to dislike. she was the type to help with the washing of the dishes but then accidentally break one - her intentions were there, they just weren’t executed correctly.
ever since she could remember, claudia loved to sing and dance. she was a theatre kid growing up and her parents greatly encouraged her to take part in productions even though it took time away from her school work. she found herself taking a natural lead and even helping some of the other students with learning lines on top of home work. she always liked to lend a helping hand and that was never going to change.
as she grew older, she did take a more nurturing role with her friends. she was always the one that they came to for advice and that became her responsibility. the girl didn’t feel like she could have any negative feelings of her own so tried to make sure that she appeared happy and supportive at all times - she wanted the best for those around her, she didn’t see anything wrong with it.
however, she was sensitive and their struggles quickly became her’s. a natural empath, she found herself struggling to deal with the horrible things they were going through. her home life was stable, she had a family that loved her, teased her for her broken hangul, but they loved her and would always protect her in the way that they knew how - she was mature enough to understand that not everyone had that privilege.
it was only natural that she fell into the realm of pyschology. claudia wanted to help people, she really did, even stuck at college despite hating the whole set up of it. she was somewhat a loner, someone who kept to herself and talked to strangers who she would never see again. she missed her friends from high school but realised that the dynamic had changed and they weren’t together anymore. it hurt her, a lot, more than it probably should have done. no one seemed to need her here... she didn’t realise, but she was incredibly codependent and that’s when the pattern started.
matthew williams wasn’t the first male to give her attention in her second year but he was certainly one to make her feel safe. he was in her psychology class, a mature student that was taking it to enrich his resumé and she was taken by him. he listened to her, asked for help, gave her life advice - it seemed like the perfect match.
while he continued down the path of business after completing his bachelor course, claudia decided to stay on and get her master’s in school counseling. she didn’t want to be at a practice, she wanted to be where it really mattered and also where she had experience. if only there had been a counselor at my school i may not have felt so much pressure. however, the woman didn’t realise that she needed it.
she moved in with matthew as she believed it was the best thing for her in that moment. it was true; he was kind, loving, supportive, everything she could have hoped for and she was hardly going to throw that away. she married him when she was twenty four and he had just turned thirty one. she was convinced it was love but it turned out he was manipulating her the entire time. claudia doesn’t like to think that her entire marriage was a lie, that hurts her too much and she would rather hold on to the fond memories she has of that time in her life, even if they were few and far between...
the manipulation wasn’t noticeable to her at first, it was more about controlling where she was and what she was doing. claudia had a few friends at the school she got a job at and she enjoyed spending time with them. they had made her feel so welcome when she had first started and their personalities seemed to mesh together. after school they would go to a bar, occasionally catch a student with a fake id and have a fun time with it and would also go for meals out. it all made matthew feel invisible. he made it his mission to know where she was, what she was doing and her next plans so that he could clash with them. claudia was loyal, she would choose him over them any time.
at first, she didn’t feel like anything was wrong. they had both made sacrifices and a marriage was supposed to be work - she wasn’t about to have a disagreement with him over things so petty. however, as time went on, he became more and more angered, aggressive with her. the woman was small but she also had too much respect for him to try and fight back. at times, she felt like she had said the wrong thing and deserved it.
as it got really bad, claudia became more and more tearful at work - they even put her on a warning for walking out on a student because she was in tears. she would get up at 4 every morning to make sure the house was spotless, so he would have nothing to hate her for and she would spend the rest of her day worrying about the most mundane of things. he could always find fault with her and it would always end badly for her...
she used the school production as a great way to get away for a while, to help the drama department put on a show and that’s what kept her going. the kids did need some encouragement but she was there to give it every time and even help them with their technique. it reminded her how much she loved it to begin with and realised that she should have kept doing it. 
claudia felt it difficult to ask for help as she had always being the one giving it. how could she help the students if she couldn’t even help herself? broken ribs and a collapsed lung, he was actually the one to call 911 for her. the doctors and police knew what was happening, especialy when she claimed that she slipped... the ‘split’ wasn’t easy for her. the woman felt useless wihtout him, moreso than she had done with him.
one of her friends at the school took her in to recover and she actually ended up moving with her to seattle before she got her own place. the other woman was kind and let her take as much time as she needed off. claudia used this time to get involved with community stage productions and it definitely lifted her spirits. being cared for while slowly becoming used to freedom did wonders for her.
she has recently got a job at a local high school and plans to move out of her friend’s house after she has had a few paycheques. she does love living with her friend and her family but now she feels ready to get her own space to truly start building herself up once again. 
claudia is a very nurturing individual but also quite sensitive. if she’s uncomfortable about something, she is one to cry. 
she sings in public while she has her earphones because it brings her joy.
although she finds her job challenging at times, she’s glad to be in an environment where she doesn’t feel threatened. 
she wears glasses but hates wearing them.
she’s very big on oversized jackets and lace body suits. if she’s feeling adventurous, she’ll add a heel into the mix. steve jobs is also her style icon as she has so many bodysuits and sweaters that have a turtle neck - she jokes about this daily.
she’s actually taking part in the community production and she’s loving every minute of it.
claudia drops her phone at least once a week but it still doesn’t have a crack in it... she’s well and truly mastered the art.
she tends to use humour as a way to cope with her emotions. she can be the joker but when it comes to someone else, she will make sure to listen and advise.
claudia still puts others before herself so catch her trying to sort out other people’s problems and not even touching her own...
her friend knows her for taking in people in need and she has got told off for this as there are children living there and she doesn’t even know them that well - she just wants to help but doesn’t think about repercussions of her actions.
she’s really enjoying living in seattle with so many things to see and do - she’s just fallen in love with it and she’s so glad shegot away from her old life and was able to start some place new!
generally, her room is an absolute tip. she has little passion for organisation but can find things with ease if people don’t tamper with her system.
she’s a fan of a regular latte, nothing more adventurous than a salted caramel latte at christmas for her !
she calls her parents three times every week to check in with them to make sure that they’re not worrying about her. she loves them dearly and is so grateful that they’re more present in her life now !
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