#also I think Huginn and Muninn
froggy-puddles · 6 months
I have gotten an idea for a Rottmnt Au where Mikey is raised by Draxum, but instead of being trained to be Baron's soldier he recognises the social skills and compassion our turtle has
So Mikey kinda becomes a face man/spokesman for his cause
It probably has been already done and I don't have a strong concept yet but I still want to draw at least a small one-page comic or sth
The problem is that Mikey is the only turtle I have trouble drawing xD
So now I'll be spending most of my time trying to learn to draw our guy
Also I think that Michelangelo wouldn't have mystic powers in this AU (at lest not at the start) as he doesn't have that connection with his brothers
(He believes they died when a human named Lou Jitsu destroyed the lab)
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dianagj-art · 1 year
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Too much text time! if I did my thumbnails right there's just 6 pages left and I can acctually call the first chapter complete!
first / prev / next
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missowo · 2 years
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Exposed myself with my fav 2023 character haha-
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I watching saiki k and reading manga also look at this idiot group. (Very Affection)
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yewstronaut · 1 year
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people who know things about runes, what does this say?
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lactoseintolerentswag · 4 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 8!!!!!!!!
This has literally been sitting in my drafts for so long I forgot it existed. Sorry to all the Baron Draxum fans (and Draxum himself, bbgirl deserves better). If you're new to my line of notes here's the beginning where I started with Raph. Alright part 8, Baron Draxum, here we go.
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Language Habits:
Speaks in long and drawn out sentences, if you're getting nervous about run-on sentences you're on the right track
Due to this, tends to give speeches or monologues
Dramatizes everything fairly eloquently, look for the most exaggerated form of a word. Classic villain speak: "imbeciles", "brethren", "eliminate"
Puts emphasis on those dramatic adjectives and verbs
Occasionally refers to himself in the third person, not as often as Raph
Tends to yell or raise his voice when frustrated or lost in passion
A common gag is trailing off in a casual tone about the severity of his experiments ie his "if it works right" about the ooze causing pain when mutating that poor fish guy
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Incredibly intelligent yet impatient. It isn't known to my knowledge who taught Draxum or if he taught himself, but his mastery of alchemy and fighting makes him a truly impressive opponent. However, he's always cutting corners to get to his goal. He wasn't willing to raise through the ranks of The Foot the traditional way, he created an army of mutants rather than seek yokai, and was unwilling to spend further time interpreting the prophecy of doom towards yokai-kind
Flair for the (over)dramatic. Draxum is almost your classic evil villain kind of guy. He'll pull out all musical stops, including flowing hair and clothes. On the other end he'll completely overreact and commit to things of little matter like his position as a lunch lady.
Unyielding in his stubbornness. Draxum is not easily swayed in his belief, and even as hard as Mikey tries he is not rid of his disdain for humans by the end of the series. Guy was also incredibly persistent in his research despite his lab blowing up twice. This also allows him to hold longer grudges, even resorting to childish pettiness if he feels annoyed enough.
Affinity for muscles and power. He was drawn to Lou Jitsu for many reasons, but a main one was definitely his muscles. All his guards are usually incredibly beefy, and he was immediately drawn to Raph as "beautiful" when he's reintroduced to his specimens. As for power, he's drawn to the dark armor and is lost in the ecstasy of being imbued with so much mystic energy.
Self-absorbed and egotistical. Draxum is kind of obsessed with his title and self-proclaimed responsibility for saving yokai-kind. He's not one to easily admit his mistakes and takes great pride in his work.
Willing to toe the line of morality. Huginn and Muninn have blatantly called him their evil boss, but Draxum does see his actions for the good of yokai-kind. I don't think he really cares if he's working with evil organizations (The Foot) or doing evil things if he saves the day.
Team builder. I think it's interesting how Draxum is drawn to building teams. He's drawn to working together, all he wants to do is unite yokai and his mutants into an efficient force. This does not mean he's very successful.
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Has minor telekinesis
Was a warrior before he was an alchemist
Does not have a good relationship with the Three Heads (apparent leaders of the Hidden City)
Controls seeds that can a) grow into vines, b) expand into robotic vine gauntlets, c) encase his gauntlets into meatier gauntlets that can shoot out waxy cocoons
Is referred to as a sheep-man from the brothers, but I suppose whatever animal you interpret him as is up to you
Has a great singing voice :) ( which is subjective I suppose)
Alright now that is finally posted just gonna let you know that this Isn't the last of my rise analysis posts!! I'm so sorry for the wait!! I got lost in so many schedule things. I'll try and pump a few more analysis posts out within these next few weeks (excluding June 16-22), but I've also been busy working on miscellaneous wips. Thank you for being so sweet to me on all the other notes posts, you guys are so awesome :)
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atlantahammy · 4 months
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Hamato Clan Pallets | So, part 2 of my project I started because I noticed a number of the colors from @pluvionpc's color pallets were Season 1 exclusives, or were tinted by the scene color overlay and thus not the true bases. (No offense to you man, you did what you could and without them, this wouldn't exist) The purple dragons were surprisingly hard to get colors for, because they only appear, in light / neutral lighting, in 1 episode of the 3 they appear in, either dark in the next or on a screen. That and I kept fucking up the pallets with errors, can ask those in @elliwoods Bean Server... There was screaming and crying into 2 AM as I live-blogged spotting the errors, after dropping it there like... 6 fuckin' times and dying each time I saw a new one. /rage.
I maaaay have psyched myself out a bit on Big Mama's spider form pallet because I thought it was going to be painful... It wasn't, It was easy, and the fastest, I got it done in less than an hour.
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Also, fun fact, Big Mama's Spider form is one of the few whose mouth gets colored in black. She also seems to have 2 web colors, that purple, and the silvery purple that is her human form's hair color.
Sunita was also pretty easy, as she's one of the few characters that have had their turn around posted, that I could pull base colors from, even from her Googlyschootz sheet, which has the opacity effect (I think it is around 80% or 90%)
On that note, Sunita still has the default mouth colors, but they're layered on top of her green color + opacity lowered.
Fun fact: Sunita inadvertently confirms that while 'Yokai' is the general term for all the "mythical's" (IE: Like ''Humans") in the world, they all do have individual names, IE: She and her dad are Googlyschootz. (Also the fact I had to go to the transcript to get her race name, instead of it being listed under trivia on her wiki page, greatly irritates me.)
Drax's villain armor was... Easier than I thought, I kept procrastinating on it because I thought it would end me out of frustration and it would end up being bigger than it was... Though it is clear his design had a few color changes before the show aired by all early art being all colored differently.
I also didn't do Huginn and Muninn with Drax's as I gave Mayhem is own, might as well give the two their own pallet too.
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oleander-nin · 6 months
Hi Nin!! Can i request the platonic yan Draxum with a human reader? Ty!!!
Platonic Yandere Draxum Headcanons
A/N, not important: I hope it's okay I did headcanons👍. I think I'm finally off my hiatus, so hi guys. Also, do you like the new format? I didn't change much, but y'know. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me. - Ollie
CW: kidnapping, infantilization, isolation, dark themes, yandere themes(I think that's all?)
Words: 470
Summary: Platonic Yandere Draxum Headcanons
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Pre-redemption arc:
Keeps telling himself he’s going to mutate you. He hates humanity, but here you are, someone he surprisingly tolerates. He wants to mutate you, to use you as a test subject, but he can’t make himself actually do it. He doesn’t know what’s holding him back, but he knows he doesn’t want anything to go wrong when it comes to you.
He’ll probably keep you in his lair until he’s decided what to do with you, not willing to let you go and have you possibly alert the human world to his plans. Especially since he usually ends up monologuing to you a lot.
Is protective with you and will treat you like a servant or a minor assistant. He likes to explain what he’s doing science/mystic wise, even if you don’t understand. While he’s not the most patient, he’ll not fault you for not knowing what he’s talking about. You’re just a human after all.
After his lab explodes and he has to go to the surface, he’s even more determined to not let you leave his sight. He doesn’t want you talking to the foot, or other mutants in case they hurt you, so he just keeps you near him. Especially since you’re now somewhere you’re more familiar with, and have a higher chance at succeeding at escaping him.
Post redemption arc:
Still protective of you, gets grumpy when you complain about being stuck in the apartment. He doesn’t want you to leave, especially since the foot and Big Mama know what you look like because of all his dealings. He’s paranoid that one of them may grab you to use you against him.
Still doesn’t let you return home, even with you now living on the surface with him. He thinks your old family and friends don’t matter, especially since you have him to hang out with. Now that he has his job as well, he has a proper way to provide food and such for you. He sees no reason for you to leave, even more so since he doubts you’d come back.
Treats you like a small child no matter your age. Yokai live for hundreds if not thousands of years, and Draxum is definitely aware of this. You know nothing compared to him, and your life experience is negligible. You’re young and fragile and need him to help you through life. He can teach you everything you could possibly want to know.
Thinks you’re weak because you’re human. In a sense, he’s right of course, but he takes it to the extreme. He’ll act like your glass or refuse to let you do things you want because he thinks you’ll end up hurt. Unless he needs you to help him with something, he or Huginn and Muninn do everything for you.
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i
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allyheart707 · 19 days
1 Year Comic Collab - PART 2
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<- Part One
THANK YOU to everyone who has joined this collab and everyone else who has stuck with me through this year of my comic! I am so so so thankful for all of you guys! This comic has gotten me out of my comfort zone, helped me find friends, and taught me SO much about art and animation. I would NOT have stuck with it so long if it wasn't for all of your support. <3 <3 <3
A special thank you to @bambiraptorx who helped A TON in setting up the ID's for this comic, @kitmay05 who helped with advice and writing the extra IDs that were left unfinished, @cupkatwarrior9 who also helped a ton with advice and IDs, and @nootdhoodle who created and modded my discord server for me!!
Credits in order top to bottom: @kitmay05. @rainyraisin, @averagetmntfan (line art) & @cosmocafe (color), @flour-consumer, @dianagj-art , @3mutantsinatrenchcoat , @chaos-potat , @irequirealobotomy , @koolaidashley , @risebabyx2 , @clown-froggi , @riseleon , @beetleviolet , @karonkar , @brightonstudios , @cupkatwarrior9 , @bambiraptorx , @fxliciq-a , @truths33k3r4 , and last but not least, @nootdhoodle
[ID: Panel 21- Carol sitting in the middle of a bunk bed, Mikey cuddled up close arms and legs wrapped around Carol. Donnie sitting to the side getting head pats from Carol. She is saying, "once upon a time...". Both boys' tails are wagging.
Panel 22- Huginn hovering in the air saying, "there was a great warrior." Leo tucked in looking so excited he's sparkling. Muninn floats nearby also looking exited.
Panel 23- Heishi lying in his bed. He is so excited that his eyes are shining stars and his mouth is agape. Hugin off screen says "He could beat anyone or anything with just his hands!!"
Panel 24- A digital drawing of Huginn with his arms and wings spread, though part of his body isn't in the frame. He has a happy expression on his face and his mouth is widely opened. His text bubble says "And every time he won, he would give the crowd a big smile and shout-". The drawing is watermarked by flour-consumer.
Panel 25- Hugin and Munin fly behind Heishi, the three are throwing their fists to the air cheering "Hot Soup!" image watermarked by dianagj-art.
Panel 26- Transitions to Raph bedroom which is decorated with glow in the dark stars and movie posters. On a red bed sits Raph who is excitedly listening to his father tell him the story off screen "But more importantly, he was very good looking."
Panel 27- Raph, sitting on his bed, looks disappointed. Splinter is off screen but a speach bubble with his face in it shows that he is laughing at his sons reaction.
Panel 28- Splinter’s ears drop and his face falls into a frown, sitting on the rug beside Raphael’s bed. Raphael, laying on the bed, looks confused and concerned. The room is colorful, with childish toys and posters, and the blanket and rug are red, his color. It is watermarked with “irequirealobotomy” in purple text.
Panel 29- Splinter looking away with a sad expression saying "Then one day... they dissapearred without a trace". The background is a gradient from orange to purple.
Panel 30- Mikey, Carol and Donnie sit on Donnie’s bed. Mikey holds his stuffed bunny George and Carol’s arm as his tail wags. Donnie throws his arms in the air. “What? But… where did he go?! You can’t just disappear…” He squints in deep thought his hand now at his face. “Can you? Maybe…” He points his finger as his eyes light up with ideas. “Maybe he is being hidden, like us! Or-” Watermarked risebabyx2 in the bottom corner.
Panel 31- Mikey and Donnie, sitting on Donnie’s bed. Donnie with a worried expression, mumbling until interrupted by Mikey who excitedly asks; “Do you think we will ever meet him!?” The image is watermarked by clown-froggi.
Panel 32- Carol looking away from Mikey and Donnie somberly, fiddling with her hands. Image is marked on the top left with RiseLeon.
Panel 33- Mikey sitting hugging his legs on the bed. His pink rabbit, George, hugged close. Carol sitting next to him, putting his head, saying "one day, I hope you can do anything you put your mind to." Donnie sitting on her other side looking slightly sullen. Water marked with purpleviolet at the top middle.
Panel 34- Carol tucking in Donnie while Mikey sits beside her. All are smiling. Image is watermarked by Karonkar.
Panel 35- Carol tucking in Mikey on the top bunk bed. Mikey is smiling as he snuggles his stuffed bunny. Carol smiles and pulls the cover over him. Image is watermarked by brightonstudios.
Panel 36- Carol stands in the doorway, facing the dark hall outside. Her hand rests against the edge of the frame. She is looking back over her shoulder, smiling fondly. She is saying "Goodnight, boys." Image is marked at the bottom right by CupKatWarrior9
Panel 37- Mikey sleeps on his stomach, George next to his hand. His blanket mostly covers his legs and the bottom of his shell, with one foot sticking out. Watermarked Bambiraptorx.
Panel 38- Donnie sleeping peacefully in his bed, mouth slightly open.
Panel 39- Heishi asleep in his bed, blankets tightly wrapped around him with a smile on his face. Signed MD in the bottom right.
Panel 40- Raph is asleep in his bed with an arm above his head. Light from the open door illuminates a portion of the room while the rest of it is shadowed. End ID.]
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magpie-murder · 10 months
marvel (mostly asgard) dashboard simulator part 2
also i said this in the tags on the first post but i know this is ooc, it's just for shits and giggles
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📦 markets-merchants Follow
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Just saw this... Hey @g𝚘d-of-thunder, are you okay?
🪐 aesir-patriotism Follow
Not every thunderstorm is because Thor is upset.
⛈️ god-of-thunder
Some are because I'm excited.
#i'm doing okay
4,872 notes
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🪐 aesir-patriotism Follow
I can't believe that I have to say this, but the @is-odin-dead-yet blog is so disrespectful. He gave his eye to have the knowledge to protect us, and this is how you treat him? By counting down to his death, for centuries? Get a hobby
🧝🏻‍♀️ amora-enchantricks
This you OP?
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🪐 aesir-patriotism Follow
So? What about it?
👴🏻 is-odin-dead-yet
🪐 aesir-patriotism
🔮 alchemist-aura Follow
🌌 billykaplan666 Follow
🪐 aesir-patriotism
Stop. I'm serious. It's NOT FUNNY
🐍 magic-theatre
# yes it is.
203 notes
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✨️ the-dashingest
What's a DILF?
✨️ the-dashingest
Just read the replies. Thank you for the explanation. I think I love mortals
103 notes
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🌈 all-seeing-eye
It's useless to ask me for the URL of Prince Loki's secret blog. I may see all, but it is a secret held by a prince, and thus would be treason for me to reveal it.
🐍 magic-theatre
heimdall, this is FASCINATING. i love that this counts as a royal secret.
🌈 all-seeing-eye
I do not.
622 notes
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⚔️ aesir-warrior-tournament
⛈️ god-of-thunder
I won't choose.
🔮 alchemist-aura Follow
i can't believe you're pitting two bad bitches against each other
🪓 valiant-festivals
Baldur is part of the royal family, impervious to harm, as well as kind, brave, caring, just, and true. Vote for Sif!
✨️ the-dashingest
She's not even going to care if she wins, but I'm voting for her anyway.
#lady sif propaganda #friendship is magic
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🔮 alchemist-aura Follow
just found out from a friend that a lot of mortals see ravens as a bad omen and a sign of death instead of wisdom lol. maybe the reason odin doesn't want anything to do with midgard is because they don't like his creepy little bird spies
🔮 alchemist-aura Follow
prince loki just silent reblogged this?
#huginn and muninn slander
768 notes
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🐍 magic-theatre
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🐍 magic-theatre
oh come on. it's only been up for half an hour and they already censored the post?
🧝🏻‍♀️ amora-enchantricks
Don't let them silence you. Post it again.
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tizeline · 1 month
I am loving all the Mikey asks lately!!! Keep em coming guys!!
That being said, you mentioned Mikey hates woody slightly less because he gave him pizza. Which, super Mikey style I've got to say, but is this the first time Mikey had human pizza?? I know they eat yokai pizza in huesos but like what the drax trios relationship with pizza I guess like why do they like it so much, did drax just get it for them did they discover it themselves ??
I swear I had an actually good proper question but i forgot it halfway through so idk if this makes sense
I'm sure Mikey and his brothers has had pizza a few times growing up, but I don't think they're initially as obsessed with as in the show. Honestly, I think it's less about the pizza specifically and more about the fact that Woody is giving Mikey free food in general that makes him hate Woody less. Then again, it WOULD be funny if Mikey found out he likes human pizza way more than yōkai pizza haha, that might also play into it.
To clarify, it's just Leo that hangs out at Hueso's, he views it as "his place" and doesn't want his brothers to know about it. Then he runs into Donnie there and it eventually becomes "their place", so then he has even less of a reason tell his brothers about it. In general, the Draxum family rarely ever went out to eat at restaurants because Drax is very much a "we have food at home" parent.
That's one of the main reasons they didn't eat a lot of pizza, I don't think Draxum would make it very often....... maybe Huginn and Muninn did lol. Mikey is also into cooking of course, so he probably made it once or twice, but it's probably Woody and Mondo that get him really hooked on it.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
You seem to draw Donnie covered in Spray paint (pink and blue) a lot. Why is that? What got him hooked to it and why doesnt he have to mix the colors himself?
(BIG fan of the angsty separated au!!!!)
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Draxum’s lab is pretty dull color wise, and Three wanted to differentiate his tech from Draxum’s. Huginn and Muninn are the ones who buy Three his spray paints! One of those small, nice things they try to do to make the kid a little bit happy. Purple is Three’s favorite color, but sometimes they’re limited in what they can bring him. (Also the pink and blue colors are a nod to Jinx—It’s kinda funny that her colors, pink and blue, when mixed, make purple)
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It would be maximum shock if they all met right when Leo and Donnie rejoined the family, before they kinda started their healing process, cause they’re probably the most different at that point.
Rise!Donnie would be appalled at AU!Donnie, from silly things like the way he accumulates layers of grime without a care—to the rude way he treats April. AU!Leo and Rise!Leo would keep a wide birth from each other and probably stick to a buddy system with their respective brothers just in the hopes that they don’t ever get left alone with the other (their bros of course conspire to do exactly that, so they can get to know each other)
Rise!Raph would probably be really worried about AU!Raph just cause he thought his brother’s make him stressed and tired? But between dealing with Leo’s anger issues, and Donnie’s…everything, AU!Raph looks ready to drop any second. AU!Mikey would love Rise!Mikey, cause he’s adorable, but he’s a little sad when he looks at him, cause he acts just like he used to, before he was thrown into the arena, so he tries to tone down the bad and make it sound more exciting so that Rise!Mikey doesn’t know how horrible AU!Mikey had it.
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The Kraang would def be the Rise Kraang version. The movie would take place a little while after the defeat the Shredder. I’m still working out the timeline cause when I was first deciding their ages, I forgot about the two years from the end of the series and the start of the movie 🙄. So I’m doing some reworking on that end. I think I’ll either change them to be a few years older at the start of the AU than I made them, OR the AU and the fight with Shredder will go for a longer stretch of time than it did in the series. That way there’s not a huge two year gap of unknown time between Shredder’s defeat to the start of the movie. EDIT Now that we know the series took place over two years and it was only a couple months between the finale and the movie. Their ages are gonna be the ones listed on their character charts!!
I’m still not even sure if I’ll manage to make it that far, but hopefully we will get there eventually! Cause I really wanna get to Casey. In fact, I’d probably make it less about Leo growing into a more serious role (cause obviously he’s already there), and more about him really accepting the love of his family. We might even see a future Leo come back with Casey?? It would be so hard not to go that route cause I love that idea so much 🤣
But I honestly don’t know yet what I’d really like to do. And I’d hate to give an answer that I’d have to redact later. I’ve got a lot of ideas, but I can’t even think about them, until I put out all the other stuff I’ve got planned. So let’s all cross our fingers and hope we get there some day lol!
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2012!Leo would go MOM MODE™️ EXTREME, 2012!Raph and Don would take off like a rocket with the intention of hunting down and murdering Draxum, Shredder and Big Mama, and Mikey would probably be caught between holding back tears and doing his best to tell jokes and ease the tension, or following after his brothers in their murder spree.
Basically as much as the 2012 boys would be thrown off at first over how different the AU boys are from the other versions of themselves they’ve met, they’d go HARD as the protective older bros. But the only one who’d probably actually appreciate it would be AU!Raph cause he never gets to be the little brother lol.
@smoldevelopingcookie @c00k13san2 @luvrbug @organisedchaosstuff @uniqueness351217
Separated AU tag
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missowo · 2 years
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Squish squish:D
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nardos-primetime · 6 months
More info under the cut.
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Things were hard at first. After the (final) lab explosion, it took a while for Lee to even want to leave it. A part of all of them kind of hoped Muninn and Huginn would come back for them.
Where Draxum's inconsistent dehumanization and high praise only served to build a connection that has rules such as "No calling me foolish names like Dad, only Father if you truly insist." his two henchmen provided more security for the boys.
Once they did leave, Lee- Or Blue. Because names were forbidden from Draxum. They were Red, Orange, Purple, and Blue. Nonetheless, Lee remembered something about getting above ground, into human society, so that's where they worked to get.
Mic has a bit of a temper if he feels like he's being treated like a baby, he'll often respond angrily. (Such as when Lee and Donno try to hide their arguments from him.) This isn't to say he doesn't try to stay cheery, he often plays more of the role of what he thinks a little brother is. Sometimes he cant even control the act, sometimes it feels like his energy levels aren't under his control. He's ironically cooped up by the situation, making him rather antsy since he doesn't have the safety to be free and do things for fun. He is also the one that often collects food and tries to prep some kind of meals for the group. He looks up to Rage and Lee the most since they work to keep happiness between the four.
Rage is mostly nonverbal, only very occasionally will he talk, often quietly. In most cases, he uses body language or other noises. He struggles with his own anger and urges to lash out, which results in him doing the opposite to not scare the others, trying to become as harmless as possible towards them. He tries to help Mic feel better during Donno and Lee's arguments (normally pisses Mic off more.)
Donno is confident. Not really, he often makes jokes and pushes his own ego to ignore the uncertainty of their situation. He is often sitting down or carried by his brothers since his right ankle tends to hurt, possibly from the growth enhancer they'd all been given. He's also the most hungry, so the lack of consistent meals hit him the hardest. He tries to avoid problems, leading to arguments with Lee about what they should be doing, (he normally caves in, though.)
Lee became the de facto leader, leading the others around to try and find their father, which he does believe loved them. Just in his…. Own way. Lee finds the places for them to sleep and takes up responsibilities when needed. Every day, he insists that they'll find their dad (they still follow the name rule, but since dad isn't here, it's not that bad to call him that, right?) Everything will be okay! Even if he's starting to have his own doubts. He's their hope. He can't give up.
Donno always gets hungrier first.
Donno starts an… ugly habit between his brothers and him. And an uglier hunger for a... certain type of meat.
(This is messier ironically since the first draft I had to delete cooked so hard but here's some lore for the beginning Era of the au.)
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cursecuelebre · 23 days
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All About Woden or Oðin
It’s going to be a bit long so I hope I won’t bore y’all.
Magic (Seidr or Galdr)
The elite which is the high class (historically speaking but he can still be worshipped by any class he doesn’t discriminate)
King of Asgard and Aesir
Father to men and gods
Air and Breath
Runes (which he gifted to mankind and sacrifice himself for)
Ravens, he has two of his own called Huginn (thought) and Muninn (Memory). Crows can be associated as well but accurately are Ravens.
The rune Ansuz
His spear Gungnir which will always hit its mark
A winged helmet
Sleipnir the eight legged horse, child of Loki. Horses can also be a good symbol as well.
Valknut a sigil that is representative of Death, Preparation, and Protection.
The Gungnir sigil which is a diamond with an X over in the center
Horn Triskelion which Odin’s gift of knowledge of poetry and mead
Poetry this can be written poems or songs
Wednesday or Woden’s day
His own set of books called Havamal which is basically Norse proverbs but it’s basically means “Words of The One Eyed”
Herbs/Plants/Trees: Ash trees, Elm Trees, Rowan Trees, Horehound, Parsley, Woad, Mugwort
Mead (Beer can be a good substitute) if you can’t get beer water or tea or coffee is fine
Meat (for his wolves it’s said that Odin doesn’t eat but drinks a lot according to mythology, but I don’t think he would be mad if you put some on the side for him)
Poetry or general music
Handmade items
Weapons (doesn’t have to be real)
Bird feed (for his ravens)
Crystals (it’s more neo pagan, but he likes obsidian a lot)
Devoted acts like writing, exercise, crafting, etc.
Any magical things
Anything associated with Horses, horses were very sacred in Norse culture. Pictures of horses, horse hair(if you can find any), drawings of horses, etc.
Ravens like raven feathers or skulls (please clean them well and ask the spirit for permission) but then again no need anything crow or Raven related same with Wolves.
Runes, bind runes, handcrafted runes, rune artwork, etc. any divination tool as well like a tarot deck.
Staffs or Wands
There is quite few depictions of Oðin in artwork but here is common scenery, he is an older gentleman with a long bread with one eye (the lore never said which eye was sacrificed).
His wanderer aspect: It’s the one I described earlier about him looking like Gandalf, a older man in a top hat or hooded in old robes carrying a staff. This aspect is of him traveling throughout the nine realms.
Warrior aspect or King aspect: He is in his armor, carrying a spear. Sitting in a throne with his winged helmet by his side are his two wolves Geri and Freki and at his shoulders is Huginn and Muninn who are essentially his messengers but very still apart of them so that they can see everything throughout the nine realms.
His hanged aspect: Which shows him hanging upside down from the world tree by stabbing himself while gaining knowledge about the runes. He died then rose back to life fully understanding the runes we know today which he gifted to us.
Sleipnir: Oðin attain Sleipnir by Loki, Sleipnir has eight legs and was Oðin’s battle horse and accompanied him throughout the nine realms most famously known traveling to Helheim to summon a dead seer for a prophecy.
There are so many but I’ll shall put the ones that are commonly used and ones I really like and forgive me for any spelling mistakes Germanic or any Scandinavian languages isn’t my first language and I have terrible handwriting.
Aldafödr- Father of men
Alfaðir or Alföðr - Allfather
Báleygr - Feeble eye, one eyed or flamed eye
Draugadróttin - Lord of Ghosts
Foldardróttin- Lord of The Earth
Gapthrosnir - One in a Gaping Frenzy
Gizur - Riddler
Ginnarr- Decevier
Göndlir - Wand Bearer
Gollnir - Yeller
Godjaðarr - God Protector
Grimnir, Grimr - Masked one, hooded one
Hangaguð - Hanged God
Gudan - Master of Fury
Haptabeiðir - Ruler of the gods
Haptasnytirr- Teacher of The Gods
Hárbarðr- Grey Bread
Hárr - One eye
Havi- High one
Jölföðr - Yule Father
Jölnir - Yule
Oðinn- Frenzy one
Óski - Fulfiller of Desires
Runatyr- God of Runes
Sigföðr - Father of Victory
Wōden- Master of Fury
Ódr - “frenzy”, divine inspiration, breath
Wilde Jaegar - Lord of The Wild Hunt
Karl - Old man
Long hat
Wise and Wisdom Granter
True Father
Spell caster
Shadowed face
Fool and Wise man
General Information
Commonly known as Oðin (frenzy) or Wōden (Fury) to the Anglo Saxons he is probably one of fascinating gods in Germanic/Norse Mythology. From the titles and attributes even the symbols you can tell he isn’t just one set type of God he rules and charges over countless of things.
Oðin was born to Borr along with his two brothers, Vili and Ve, Oðin is the oldest. All three brothers killed the first being in existence Ymir. Which they created the earth, sky, and sea from his corpse literally Ymir’s skull is the sky and his brain the clouds and his blood the rivers and ocean. Then him and his brothers created the first humans Ask and Embla from pieces of trunks of Ash and Oak. I should note that most of what sources we have Norse Mythology is from Christian sources so you might see some influences from Abrahamic faiths. Oðin along with his brothers Vili and Ve gave each of them a trait of life. Oðin gave breath of life, Vili gave understanding and physical movements, and Ve gave their senses.
Oðin is a god of wisdom, he is always eager for the pursue of knowledge. That is why he travels a lot. Once he came upon the Well of Mimir beneath Yggdrasil’s roots a Jotun who guarded the well who was the wisest being of all and his well and grant such wisdom. Oðin asked if he can drink from the waters. Mimir agreed but said he needed to give the well, a sacrifice, so Oðin did that he gave the well his eye that he can drink. From doing so he became very knowledgeable in the ways of magic, curing the sick, calm storms, summoning the dead, etc this lead him on to his pursuit of the Runes. By the way Mimir’s head was beheaded and to preserve his head Oðin put the head in herbs and sang spells so that Mimir can still speak to him.
Then another famous story was how he gain the runes. Oðin hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil tree by piercing himself with his spear as he called for the runes. For nine days and nine nights he had no help but when the runes finally came to him he let out a cry falling dying. It’s said it was describe the light of the world going dark when Oðin dead but suddenly it light up again and Oðin came back alive with the knowledge of the runes. Which he generously shared with Mankind.
He is a god rules over Valhalla one half goes to him (those who die in battle) and the other goes to Freyja’s hall. He’ll lead dead warriors when Ragnorak begins.
He is the god of kings and rulers but he also is the god of tyrants as well
God of order but he does do some trickery like Loki.
He is a war god there is so many titles that have him in war context that is overwhelming lol. About frenzy, fury, spears, victory, etc. it’s also describe Oðin will bring war upon peaceful communities as well.
God of Death, he is considered to be a psychopomp
He is equivalent to Mercury or Hermes (Psychopomp, knowledge, share the same day Wednesday.) similarities between them are mostly documented by Roman historian Tacitus.
He is a God among the goths, Anglo-Saxons, Germanic Tribes, Norse, Danes, Swedish, Finnish, and Icelandic peoples
He is the God of the Wild hunt which along side him is Holda a Germanic goddess of winter and death, it’s said Santa Claus is partly inspired from him because after he is finished with his hunt will come around people’s homes dropping gifts in shoes. He is also known as the Yule-Father.
Oðin is also the god of magic of Seidr and Galdr, Seidr is like a shamanic form of magic that the Norse used. It involved divination, spirit work, chanting, spinning, meditation. Seidr historically was only socially acceptable for women to practice not men but Oðin is the one that taught men Seidr. Galdr is magic of chanting or singing, created the song to cast spells. He can send a person dreams and messages. He can also make witches go mad apparently.
He is able to summon the dead, make them alive again. 
Oðin is married to Frigga of marriage and justice and they had together Baldr, Hodr, and Hermod. But Oðin had many lovers and many children including Thor, Vali, Vidarr, Heimdallr, and many more. It’s also said that he had a relationship with Freyja even married her at one point before he disappeared however it’s not quite clear nor proven to be Oðin just speculation.
My personal experience
I will say Odin is a different type of God I encounter with. The best way I can describe it and it may sound weird but he’s like a fun grandfather. He has his wisdom and knowledge but also his sense of humor. He has helped me through a lot especially with anxiety and depression and burnout. Out of all the gods I have worked with he is the one that gives me the most dreams, the dreams are so beautiful and powerful I can’t describe them in full detail but involves magic.
Typically he loves any type of votive offering (creating the offering) like he enjoys regular offerings of course. But just using your free time to do craft something for him or do something for him he really appreciates. Writing your own poetry, studying, crafting, using your inspiration for workings, etc. divination or spellwork. He does play some playful tricks time to time.
Tarot cards I resonate with Oðin from my personal practice
Hanged Man
Ace of Wands
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techn0tony · 1 year
✨ Transatello ✨
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Finally I will rant a bit about my Separated AU! The premise is that Donnie and Mikey were raised by Draxum, while Leo and Raph were raised by Splinter. Here are Donnie's and Mikey's designs so far. Their uniforms are the same instead of their favourite colours because while my Draxum isn't going to be unredeemable, he is still a controlling and cold parent, especially in the beginning of the AU. He is raising them to be warriors and making them help in his quest to eradicate humans.
I haven't written down many headcanons yet but fun fact! Donnie is FTM trans (he/they), and so is Leo (he/him)! I just haven't designed Leo or Raph yet because I wanted to focus on Donnie and Mikey for now. I don't yet have established headcanons for Mikey or Raph's genders.
I like to think that one day Donnie just walked past Draxum like "Oh! The tragedy!! He said without a hint of sarcasm-- [deadname] has CEASED TO EXIST hehehe. Slain by DONATELLO" and Draxum is just like: "Will you ever learn to use an inside voice..??" and proceeds to update anything related to Donnie's name/gender/pronouns. I think he'd be cool with it.
Huginn and Muninn are going to be in this AU as well, I just haven't drawn them yet. They hang out with Mikey and Donnie and have funny interactions with them.
Bonus drawing:
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Um...also...I still don't know what to name this AU...I'll continue working on coming up with a name. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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dryad-druid · 1 year
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Loosely based on this clip from DBS.
@thedawningofthehour has mentioned a couple of times before that if Draxum really had the opportunity to name the turtles, this one would have come out with the most grandiloquent names he could have imagined, which is like, dude, so true. I just couldn't stop thinking about it (I especially remembered that clip from DBS).
She also describes Draxum as Nordic (which I also love and now I can't stop thinking about Ninja-Vikings). So Nordic names it is! These are my ideas.
Raphael Thor Hamato.
Michelangelo Baldr Hamato.
Leonardo Víðarr Hamato.
Donatello Vali Hamato.
It's pretty obvious that Draxum is to some extent inspired by Odin, (his assistants are named Huginn and Muninn, for god's sake) so why not give the boys names of Odin's sons?
Also, to clarify, that's not how the name thing happens in my AU, but I still wanted to place it in this one.
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