#would have had a big part in raising Mikey
froggy-puddles · 6 months
I have gotten an idea for a Rottmnt Au where Mikey is raised by Draxum, but instead of being trained to be Baron's soldier he recognises the social skills and compassion our turtle has
So Mikey kinda becomes a face man/spokesman for his cause
It probably has been already done and I don't have a strong concept yet but I still want to draw at least a small one-page comic or sth
The problem is that Mikey is the only turtle I have trouble drawing xD
So now I'll be spending most of my time trying to learn to draw our guy
Also I think that Michelangelo wouldn't have mystic powers in this AU (at lest not at the start) as he doesn't have that connection with his brothers
(He believes they died when a human named Lou Jitsu destroyed the lab)
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So I’ve been digging around the Turtlepedia wiki, going through old tweets from the team who worked on Rise & watched videos covering the scrapped Rise episodes so this is basically a post going through some of the scrapped season 2 stuff for Rise that I have found:
Rise was first written under the basis of there being three seasons
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JJ Conway’s twitter posted an episode guide which showed some of the episodes that were expected to be in season two:
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As you can see ‘The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle’ was one of the last episode that was released that fit the original plan for Season 2 before most of the episodes got scrapped or changed & the Rise team had to rush to finish the series.
Some of the episodes we know the synopsis of while others still remain a mystery the scrapped episodes were listed in order as:
Wedding Smashers:
This episode involves Mikey & Raph going undercover as pretend villains ‘Shady Bug & Dr Rude’ to sneak into Ghost Bear’s Wedding after they accidentally gifted Ghost Bear one of Donnie inventions (a black hole generating toaster) as a wedding gift that they then need to retrieve.
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The episode was supposed to introduce the character Ghostpepper, Ghostbear’s fiancé 
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The episode also brings up some continuity in having the characters be aware that Meatsweats has been missing since the episode Pizza Puffs where he got kidnapped by ‘Shadow fiend’ at the end, I wish this episode hadn’t gotten scrapped because it shows that the Turtles are aware that their enemies are going missing when Big Mama starts kidnapping them for her Battle Nexus New York.
This episode most likely would have shown Ghostbear be kidnapped at the end like how Meatsweats was kidnapped at the end of Pizza Puffs & Hypno was kidnapped at the end of The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle.   
Warren Stone 2: 
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Donnie: Stand back total stranger we are fighting our greatest foe
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April kept the arm that she cut off Warren in ‘Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree’ & the arm ended up growing into a second Warren Stone, despite April raising this second worm in secret Warren Stone Two ends up becoming the ‘turtles greatest foe’ after Warren Stone Two captures the Turtles, April & the original Warren Stone team up to save the Turtles & defeat Warren Stone 2
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Parts of the episodes storyboards can be found on youtube, a running gag appears to be Mikey referring to Warren as ‘that other worm guy whose not Warren two’  
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The episode T-Hex covers Mikey desperately wanting a robotic toy but Splinter saying no & Mikey having to sneak the electronic pet into the lair. Though the robot is adorable Mikey learns that it’s not as innocent as it seems & is actually a trap set by Baxter, the episode would have introduced Baxter in an Albearto mech
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Psyched Out
Shred Dead Redemption
After the events of Manny Unhappy Returns the Foot Shack has shut down, Foot Lieutenant & Foot Brute open up a cupcake shop selling flaming cupcakes called  Fire and Icing which Raph wants to investigate 
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The episode would have involved the Turtles doing a stakeout, a chase scene & the Foot clan putting themselves at odds with Big Mama as they investigate if her new champion ‘Shadow fiend’ has a connection to the missing Shredder.
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The Island of Dr. Noe
Dr. Noe, the evil dentist from Todd Scouts ends up kidnapping Raph & Leo ends up having to lead the team in order to rescue Raph & stop the evil dentist.
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Something interesting about this episode is when the Rise team were discussing this scrapped episode it was revealed that Leo wasn’t supposed to become the Leader at the end of Season 2, that’s right the iconic ‘Blue You Are The Leader Now’ wasn’t originally supposed to happen, instead Leo was supposed to be pushed into roles where he had to take charge throughout season 2 & the season would end with Raph & Leo as co-leaders.
Battle Nexus NYC (a full 20 minute episode) which was used in the series as Battle Nexus New York, the main difference between the original plan & the episode we got is that originally instead of Cassandra taking the Shredder from Big Mamma, the Grand Nexus Hotel was supposed to have fallen into the Hidden City with both Big Mamma & Shredder leaving The Foot to have to venture into the hidden city to try & retrieve the Shredder.
Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtles
A Mikey focused episode where a ‘bank robbing immortal jellyfish’ zaps Raph, Leo & Donnie, turning them into Turtle Tots & making Mikey the oldest brother for the episode. The episode is said to be inspired by the 1987 series episode ‘Adventures in Turtle Sitting’
Dog Dale Afternoon
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April’s friend Dale who we first see in ‘Hypno! Part Deux’ gets turned into a werewolf by a witch & Donnie & April team up to try & turn him back to normal
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Bee Story
Goyles Just Want To Have Fun
Huginn & Muninn reunite with Draxum, only to be confused when they find him working as a lunch server. Not wanting Huggin & Muninn to know how soft he’s gotten since his redemption Draxum begs the Turtles to help him look good in front of his former minions.
Rampagin’ Raph
Mikey & Leo have become more skilled in using their mystic powers making Raph feel left behind so Raph tries to practice in secret only to end up stuck in his giant form, Raph goes to to Draxum for help who ends up separating Raph & his mystic projection however the mystic projection ends up rampaging through the city becoming bigger & more powerful with the more things it destroys leaving Raph to have come clean to his brothers about what happened so they can save city. 
Hot Thrash  
Gourd Almighty 
Donnie grows a giant pumpkin for competition & has to have his brothers help him find a way to get the giant pumpkin out of the lair
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Two pages of the episodes script were posted on Ron Corcillo’s twitter
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A Spiders Web Widens 
Hidden City Heroes 
Gone Goat 
Draxum walks out after having a fight with the family but then gets kidnapped by the Foot. While attempting to rescue Draxum, the family has no choice but to resolve their issues relating to him.
The Key (a full 20 minute episode)
Karai was supposed to be introduced in this episode, she was supposed to have a larger role training the Turtles & with the family spanning around 10 episodes but due to the Rise team rushing to finish the series most of Karai’s episodes were scrapped.
The rest of the episode titles were not finalised however Ron Carney’s twitter posted a schedule board where possible episode titles can be seen.
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Though Ron Carney also admitted that some of these titles are fake, the episode April Showers Mayhem Flowers might be real as the team admitted to wanting to do an episode about Mayhem & their status as an agent of the Council of Heads 
The Return of Monty Moose is also probably real as we can see Monty Moose appear in the Rise Movie’s scrapped intro so the team probably had plans for the character in season 2
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Monty Moose is a toy line only character from the 1987 series so Rise introducing him as an actual character is kind of cool
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sad-leon · 1 year
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Part 1 :D
and here i present, Finding Home :D
This is a seperated au that focuses on Leo and how he grows as he learns what "home" is
Not all the parts are gonna be this long, but I wanted a solid start. I don't have an update schedule either, but feel free to ask questions :D
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A bit of background if yall want it:
When Splinter drops Leo in the explosion, all he sees is the turtle disappear into smoke as the lab is actively collapsing. He assumed Leo died and left to make sure none of his other turtles got killed.
Draxum picked up Leo and look care of his wounds. Leo has scrapes on both sides of his shell from being stuck in the ground, along with a scar on his right arm. Draxum tried raising Leo for a few years on his own before realising it would benefit both of them if he had help, so he turned to Big Mama.
Bug Mama and her assisstant, Galileo, help raise Leo for years. Gali teaches Leo how to speak, though he still chirps quite often, especially when sad or startled.
A bit of Gali lore: Big Mama had orignally named her Leo when Draxum gave Gali to BM. Gali didn't like having that as her name, so Big Mama helped her find a new one and they settled on Galileo.
Splinter takes the boys to tour the hidden city so they're not caught off guard by mystic stuff and yokai like he was. That's when Mikey spots Leo on TV and Splinter recognizes the son he thought he lost immediatly :)
About the sword comment: I'll reveal more in the comic itself, but Leo and Draxum made a deal that if Leo could prove his strength by winning the Battle Nexus championship 5 times, he'd train Leo with the mystic sword.
How the Battle Nexus works in this au: there are always battles going on, but once during each season, a championship/tournament is held to name a champion.
This is technically Leo's 7th tournament, but 5th victory
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chiscribbs · 1 year
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[***NOTE: Leo's design here is no longer accurate, link to the updated version.]
I know there are already a lot of "the brothers are separated at a young age and raised by different people" AUs floating around, so this isn't especially original, but- I've yet to see one with this particular parent-child arrangement, so...
Here’s some rough concept art for what I’m calling the “Grown Apart AU”  Which I've also been affectionately referring to as the "Everyone's a Disney Protagonist" AU for quite some time... you'll see why.
Here’s the gist: Basically, Splinter is only able to save Mikey and Leo from the lab explosion - Raph is immediately picked up by Huginn and Muninn and handed back over to Draxum; Donnie is lost mid-escape and later found by Big Mama's goons, who show up for Lou but bring Don back with them instead when Lou is nowhere to be found.
Details of each turtles’ upbringings (as well as how/when they meet April) below the cut:  
Draxum raised Raph to be everything he originally intended the turtles to be: a ruthless, obedient super soldier whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Yokai by eliminating the human threat. Draxum taught him to hate humankind and trained him up to be virtually undefeatable in battle. However...because Draxum isn't the most attentive parent, most of the caretaking for Raph was actually provided by Huginn and Muninn. And the two little well-meaning gargoyles - mostly unintentionally and outside of their master's knowledge - wound up nurturing a much softer and friendlier side to their supposedly bloodthirsty warrior-in-the-making. As a result, Raph has essentially been living a double-life under Draxum’s ownership; playing the part of a perfect soldier for his father/general, who he's determined not to disappoint, and only feeling free to be himself when he's alone (or with H&M.)
Raph has always known that there were supposed to be other mutants like himself but grew up believing that he's the only one who survived the experiment, making him the only one left in existence (until Draxum’s oozesquitos create more, that is). Even though he had H&M to keep him company, being an only child could still be pretty lonely sometimes, so Raph would often imagine what having brothers - other mutants like himself that he could have grown up alongside - would have been like.
Raph is the only one of the turtles that knows his human DNA comes from Lou Jitsu - just like Draxum, though, he has no idea that Splinter is actually Lou Jitsu.
Donnie had a posh and cushy upbringing in Big Mama's hotel - she raised him as her own son(unaware that he’s actually Lou’s)/apprentice and uses his technological talents to aid her multiple businesses: he supplies new weapons and battlegrounds for the Battle Nexus, as well as automated assistants and security for her hotel, and even pitches in with her more off-the-record dealings that last one being without Donnie’s knowledge. Big Mama's kept him pretty much wrapped around her little finger; praising him for his intelligence and usefulness whenever he does a good job or makes her nice things. When he hasn’t, however, she’s a less-than-affectionate mother. Donnie will do absolutely anything it takes to impress and earn approval from her.
Donnie is largely sheltered and knows very little about the world outside of the hotel - especially the human world, about which most of his knowledge comes from what he finds on the internet. He doesn't even know that he's a mutant, believing himself to be just some uncommon type of yokai, since that's all he knows. He’s not allowed to fraternize freely with the hotel guests and has a somewhat contentious relationship with Big Mama’s assistant, whom he’s always viewed as competition for her affection. The closest thing he's had to a friend is S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, whom Donnie built to have someone to talk to (besides Big Mama's boring, no-nonsense henchmen).
Don finally met April when he was about 11 yrs old; he secretly sent one of his spy bots out to explore the human city and she intercepted it. The two have been best friends and stayed in-touch with each other online ever since - April being unaware that Donnie isn't human.
Donnie knows of Lou Jitsu purely because he was Big Mama’s favorite champion in the history of the Battle Nexus - he idolizes him, having watched recordings of many of his fights, and dreams of one day fighting in the Battle Nexus himself (if Big Mama would allow that).
Leo & Mikey
Leo and Mikey were still rescued by Lou/Splinter and brought up in the NY sewers. Splinter felt extremely guilty for not managing to save the other two baby turtles and, for the first few years following the incident, spent much of his time searching for them. Once Leo was old enough, Splinter would start leaving him and Mikey in the Lair while he searched. He eventually gave up his search, presuming them both dead or lost for good, and resigned to keeping the remaining two as safe as possible - teaching them how to defend themselves and warning them never to leave the sewers unless he was with them.
Leo and Mikey were inseparable as kids - they would do everything together, refusing to even sleep in separate rooms until they were too big to fit in one bed anymore. Leo took his job as Mikey's big brother very seriously and always tried his best to protect him, even when they were simply playing games with each other. As they got older, though, the two brothers began to drift apart - Leo started to feel a little smothered; craving more freedom to do what he wanted when he wanted, without the older sibling responsibilities hanging over him 24/7. And Mikey started feeling like he couldn't go/do anything without his brother's judgement or approval, resenting the idea that he needed constant protection.
Finally, when he was about 13, Leo secretly snuck out of the lair one night to check out the city by himself and get a little taste of independence. After that one trip, it quickly became a habit and he soon began making regular “secret” trips into the city.
Somewhere along the way, his innocent quests for freedom and fun grew into opportunities to stir up some trouble - Leo eventually met and became involved with a group of yokai teens with whom he would pull pranks and play jokes on the city's human occupants (harmless ones...usually. They just enjoy causing a little mischief.)
Mikey, having to figure out other ways to keep himself occupied since his brother is usually by himself or busy with his new friends, has picked up a multitude of different skills and hobbies, trying absolutely everything he can get his hands on. His main hobby is spray-painting, which he uses to spruce any wall he can find with his own personal touch. By the time he's 13, much of underground New York has been covered by his handiwork.  Mikey eventually finds out about Leo’s secret outings and follows him when he leaves one night - the two end up meeting April, who's never seen mutants before (having only talked to Donnie online and not seen his face) and promptly freaks out before realizing they're not dangerous. The three soon become friends, too, and April starts making plans to introduce the boys to Donnie - knowing he could use more friends besides S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and herself.
The four brothers' fates finally collide with one another when an escapee from Draxum's lab - Mayhem - shows up out of the blue and catapults Mikey and Leo to the Hidden City, where they have an unexpected reunion with their eldest brother.
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atarathegreat · 7 months
I'm Naked Here. Ken Ryuguji
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Draken had been busy for a while. Day after day after day it was like he always had something that he had to do. Visiting his friends, helping Mitsuya, and then there was that whole month that he was gone while Mikey was racing. Now that he was home he was still busy catching up on things that needed fixed around the house, helping Shinichiro at S.S Motors, looking over literally everything else but you.
You were pissed.
Even now he was out in the garage, looking over his own bike with the intent of going for a ride to make sure it was fully fixed. Kenny had been out there all day, covered in grease and sweat while only coming in for water and a small snack.
"Kenny?" You wandered in with a glass of water for him, "How's it coming along?"
"Not great," He grabbed the glass and took a quick sip, "a few things are still broken and I need to replace the seat. The damn leather has been ruined 'cause I can't get out here to take care of her."
There wasn't much you could do but stand next to him as he tinkered. You didn't know much about the motorcycle, much less on how to fix it. What you did know, however, was that Kenny was dense. Here you were, next to him and talking to him, naked as the day you were born.
"Do you think I could show you how to take care of the leather for when I'm gone?" He asked, reaching for a tool before going back to the bike, "Replacing the seat is going to be expensive and I can't keep doing it every time I get home."
"I'll try." You nodded.
"No problem."
You continued to sit and talk to him, handing him tools and waiting for him to notice you. Usually he was very attentive, so this was a little funny to you. You couldn't help but laugh at the way he wasn't even looking at you.
"What's so- Holy shit..." Ken looked up after gods know how long. His dark eyes trailed all over your body, landing on your chest and hips and-
Kenny stood quickly and nearly slammed you into the work bench behind you, "Fuck...I really have been gone too long if I hadn't noticed this." He rubbed his developing hard on up against your leg, groaning at the feeling of it. "I hope your plan was to get fucked." Draken slipped from the pants he wore and rubbed his tip through your folds, "I'm not-I don't think I can be gentle."
The way you giggled shot straight to his cock, making his tip swell a little more. You knew he wouldn't be gentle, not with his physique and strength, but that didn't bother you. Something about the way he sounded when he had complete control over the situation drove not only him crazy, but you. He was an animalistic man, driven by pure need and primal instinct.
"The hell are you thinkin' anyway? Comin' out here in nothing but your skin?" Draken tapped your clit harshly to make you hiss, "We have neighbors. What if I had the door wide open?"
You shook your head at him, "You close the door at nine pm sharp."
"Smart girl thought ahead, hm? Thinks that makes it better?" Kenny whispered in your ear, fixing the way you were sat on the workbench. Comfortability was his main concern when he made you cream. Location was of little consequence when he could feel your muscles tightening around him in pure, pathetic need. Making you cry was his main goal half of the time, the other three percent was seeing how loud he could make you. "Just wanted my attention, didn't you, ya' little minx." Draken pulled your hair to expose your throat to him, "Reminds me of the ladies that raised me, y'know."
Calloused fingers squeezed your jaw, dark eyes bore into yours, "Think you could survive if I left you in the Red Light District, hm? Would this little cunt make it out without bruising?" His deep laugh made you wet, wetter than you had been, at least. "No, not my baby. You'd be destroyed."
Not that he minded. Hell, he'd never even actually leave you in the store, let alone a dangerous part of town. But those big pupils of yours excited him to no end.
"Tongue out." Kenny released your jaw to spit on your tongue and press his finger to it, "Good girl. Swallow." Having you obey him after coming out to the garage bare ass naked was throwing him through a million plans. Gods, the ways he could bend you fucking backwards for his pleasure and you'd take it... It made his cock throb painfully.
"Deep breath." He whispered in your ear. You'd no sooner breathed in when he stretched you, bottoming out with a light growl in your ear. "Fuck... Definitely too long if you're this tight. Fucking choking me, baby."
The workbench creaked its protest as Draken fucked into you. There would be faint bruising from his thighs hitting the tabletop, but that wasn't his concern. You're cries of pleasure and the way you were breaking through the skin on his arms had all his focus. "That's right. Fucking cling to me." His cock was hitting as deep as your body allowed, "Needy girl... All for me, yeah?"
"There ya' go. Scream for me." Draken grabbed your throat, "Let the neighbors hear us. Let 'em know you've got a needy little cunt."
"I said, let 'em know." His fingers tightened around your neck.
You held his wrist as he slammed into you, his tip feeling like it was moving your insides around, "Please, Kenny! Need you!"
Awful, squelching, wet noises drew his attention to where he was bullying you, "Fuck yeah, you do. I can hear her talkin' to me. Pretty little cock sleeve, ain't ya?" Draken moved you from the workbench, bending you over his bike seat. "Goddamn... So fuckin' good for me. Hold tight, baby, I ain't gonna be done with you anytime soon."
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ghostytoad · 10 months
hey so how do you think the rottmnt turtles would deal with the boys being busy and s/o comes up behind them and gives them a hug and then lets go and somehow they had snuck a xmas gift bag on their lap and s/o is gone from the room. Inside the gift bag is three things; Something they’ve been wanting for fun, something domestically useful and homemade cookies?
i'm gonna have to break this up into 4 parts again because it's a bit too long for tumblr's block limit agaiiin
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* Season of Surprises *
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ROTTMNT Boys receive an unexpected gift
Summary: The boys have been working themselves to the shell. Between patrols, kicking villanous butt, and general hero business, it leaves little time for their darling Reader. Fortunately, 'tis the season of gift-giving.
Oneshot for: Raphael
GN! Reader; Romantic; Fluff; Mild angst; Pre-established relationship || Words: 1k
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Donnie | Leo | Mikey
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His fun gift: A giant turtle plush
His useful gift: Phone big enough to fit in his big hands
His cookies: Chocolate chunk cookies
It had been an entire week since Raphael had gotten any sleep and the low, unintelligable mumbling that rumbled in his chest made it obvious that he could really use the rest. His body, mind, and very spirit were aching for a peaceful night's sleep and Raph was determined to will himself into bed despite the aches that riddled his body threatening to topple him over. He had barely reached past his room's doorway before he collapsed forward with a thud and a delayed groan, his face colliding with the cold, hard floor.
'Well, this isn't any better-' he thought to himself and struggled to wriggle and worm his body across with floor, the dragging of his spikes leaving scratches and cracks on the unmoving concrete. He'd worry about the scuff in the morning For now, his bed was far too inviting for his overworked body to ignore and by god was he going to get some sleep tonight. The week prior had been nothing but back to back patrols, the brutal rate of which started taking a major toll on the titan's massive form. The long-neglected bruises, scratches, and scrapes dotting his body made his quest for a good night's sleep all the more pressing. He was only inches away from the foot of his bed when his trek was interrupted by the pattering of soft footsteps beside him.
"Mikey, I'm not carrying you back to your room." he deadpanned, flattening his raised torso back onto the floor hoping to discourage his playful little brother from jumping onto his back and demanding a piggyback ride. As the footsteps stopped right next to his face, Raph turned his head and looked up through squinted eyes. Instead of olive green legs standing beside him, he was met with what he recognized as his significant other's kneeling form next to his face, a wrapped box being held out toward him. Raph blinked slowly up at Y/N and reached a tenative arm up to accept the gift.
"Babe, hey!" his voice was deeper and much slower than he'd wanted it to be, "What's with the-"
As soon as the parcel left their hands, Y/N wordlessly smiled down at the snapping turtle mutant and started back out the door in a haste.
"Uh… Th-Thanks! Love ya too!" he'd called out after them, the last part sounding uncertain considering they'd left in a hurry without so much as a greeting. Did they hate him all of a sudden? Were they mad at him? Did they mean to leave him a present sooner? Did they think he was unattractive lying on the floor like that? Okay, maybe the last one was a bit of a stretch, but nothing was off-limits in Raph's overthinking mind. But they'd left a gift, surely they must still at least LIKE him?
The turtle had glanced at the box that sat in his large palm, sitting himself up to examine his partner's handiwork. Chuckling to himself, he admired how delicately the red foil wrapping paper had been folded, edges neat and free of crinkles. The golden lace bow that sat so beautifully on top could only have come from their careful and precise hand; if there were ever someone with a knack for gift wrapping, it was his beloved Y/N.
In a thoughtless swish and tear, he unwrapped the plain medium sized box that hid underneath. His attention was caught by the little sticky note taped to the side of the box, reading:
Merry Christmas, my Red Angel!
I know you've been working extra hard and I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and everything you do! Let me know how you like your new gifts!
Love, Y/N
PS. I named him Raph Jr.
"Raph Jr, huh?" he'd hummed while a cheeky, lovesick grin stretched across the boy's face and a dark blush colored his green cheeks. What did he ever do to deserve someone so wonderful and thoughful? How could he ever hope to repay them for such a kind gesture? His dreamy eyes read over the love note again and again, drinking in every sweet little word. All he could do was flail his hands and giggle like a little girl, fangirling quietly on the floor of his room not wanting to bring his brothers' attention to his silly little display. If they knew what a lovesick mess their big brother was and how easily Y/N could fluster him, the teasing would be merciless.
Lovingly, he eagerly dug in, tugging and pulling at the stubborn object packed tightly into the little box. After a few gentle and ineffective yanks, he gave a strong pull and forced the soft gift free of its tight enclosure, causing him to stumble onto his back in the process. The plush gift decompressed mid-air with an audible POOF and in a bounce, landed on top of the unsuspecting ninja.
"Wh-What the-?!" it took him a minute to focus his eyes on the large, green turtle plush that continued fluffing itself up to its full huggable capacity.
"Raph Jr…?" he snickered and sat himself up once again with the oversized stuffie letting out a squeak as he rested his elbows on its fleece shell.
"You can't sneak up on people like that!" Raph cooed in his baby voice, "Must've been a rough ride being stuffed into that itty bitty box, poor lil' guy. Don't you worry, wittle one, Papa Raph's gotcha now~"
Giving the plush a tight squeeze in his large arms, Raph let himself fall back onto the floor, nuzzling into the cozy warmth of the stuffed animal and slowly started to drift off. Falling deep asleep in a matter of seconds, he hadn't realized the cookies and even smaller box that still sat in the gift box. By far, the plush was more than enough for him now.
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planefood · 1 year
I’ll probably reformat this once I have access to my laptop but:
Super big character introductory post (that I worked super hard on!!!) id love if you’d take the time to read this and interact :)
Without further or do
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The title protagonist of the story. Almost everything happens through his point of view and is often skewed by his own personal beliefs and perspective. Living most of his life exclusively around humans he’s still getting used to being around other robots.
Tandy works as a freelance computer repairman and helps robots fix up some of their issues on the side as well, like an off market robot doctor. He takes his work incredibly seriously to the point it affects his social life.
Although he is described as generally likeable by others for the most part, he’s quite clever and has a strong “take no bullshit” attitude towards everything. But he’s incredibly insecure about himself as well as being quite egotistical which can often come out and hurt others. He has a very black and white perspective of the world that affects how other characters will be perceived sometimes.
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The first robot Tandy gets to meet when Tandy catches Max in a small robot get together when Tandy moves cities. Max was impressed by Tandy’s knowledge around computers and Tandy was totally absorbed by Max’s infectious personality.
Max comes across as very carefree and charming. He doesn’t talk a whole lot but when he does it comes out in oddly poetic short sentences, sometimes to the humour of the people around him. Max also tends to take the time to look after people around him and in turn he’s very idolised by the people close to him. But the time Max spends on other people and despite so many people adoring him, Max doesn’t take the time to look after his own personal issues leading Max to blow up at people if he gets too stressed. Despite all the people he tries to surround himself in he finds himself feeling incredibly alone.
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Mikey had a pretty rough early life, which has caused him to be very self isolated. He struggles with extreme anxiety which just isolates him further, he can never seem to click with people, even other robots. A lot of people view him as unpleasant to be around. He’s self-deprecating and makes uncomfortable jokes about his own bad mental health, often taking it to extremes that would kill any conversation he was in. Jokes he makes that aren’t putting himself down don’t ever seem to land either. He doesn’t take good care of himself either which leads to him smelling not the best.
In reality he just needs a lot of support and space to heal. He’s working with what he has and is trying his best. Max wants to support Mikey and cares about him a lot but gets ferociously overprotective sometimes which can put more strain on Mikey’s chance to form his own relationships.
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Built and raised in New South Wales, Australia. Looking for more opportunities she found herself moving to New Zealand with her other robot coworker, Newton, working for a tax firm. This is where she eventually met Tandy who was hired to fix an issue with one of her computers.
Sierra was growing ever more resentful of her human adversaries, she was starting to admit she hated all humans (and most animals by proxy) all she had by her side was Newton who she wasn’t particularly fond of by this point either. Tandy felt like a breath of fresh air and an opportunity for Sierra to stop having to interact with humans as much and kinda followed him around ever since.
Sierra comes across as very snobbish. She’s judgemental and easy to irritate. She’s quick to speak out about her hatred of certain things (like humans, children and by extension dogs) which upsets people around her. She speaks with a flat affect that makes her sound even more robotic than she’s meant to, which can make her constantly sound sarcastic and mean even if unintentionally. Unlike a lot of robots, her and Max do not get along at all.
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While looking for more robot friendly apartments, Jay was directed by her close friend, Phillip to Tandy. From then on they became roommates. Unfortunately Tandy and Jay didn’t get along at all. Jay is furiously headstrong and brutally honest to a fault even if they have the best intentions in mind. Tandy being quite egotistical and struggling to take criticism even at the best of times, Jay's brutal honesty can come across to him as personal attacks. Jay and Tandy mix like oil and water and every conversation they try to have usually ends in an argument. Much to Tandy’s dismay, Max and Jay get along great.
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Tandy may have trouble getting along with some people but Lithium is the only person Tandy could wholeheartedly say he truly dislikes. Lithium, not unlike Tandy, is incredibly self absorbed. Lithium has a large sense of grandeur. They love to make others feel as though they’re not as socially conscious and intelligent as they are. Lithium also has a very short temper and will quickly snap and yell at people around him to give him a heightened sense of importance. People would be ‘simply lost without him!’ in his mind. Tandy struggles to understand why Max chose to befriend him. Though he’d never admit it, Lithium and Tandy have a lot more in common than Tandy would like to hope.
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The smallest robot Tandy has ever met, yet she commands so much respect from those around her. Sonnet has a very bubbly personality and seems to break into a little dance as often as she can because she's so full of energy. But Tandy learnt Sonnet can be serious when she needs to be and everyone listens to her when she wants to be heard. To everyone's shock she and Lithium hit it off romantically. One would assume the size similarities would make it easier for something like that to happen, but for someone so likeable to fall for someone like Lithium had everyone scratching their heads. Maybe it might do Lithium some good.
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Max’s long term roommate and the one who keeps everything in order. Phillip is a reserved and well organised robot who Tandy barely ever catches an opportunity to speak to. Almost always working or stuffed up in his room practising his music. Phillip considers himself best friends with Max and Jay. But understands they probably don’t feel the same way about him. Phillip often gets quite upset at the notion that people don’t seem to care about him compared to other people, he always feels like the “friend of a friend”. He feels underappreciated in the work he does mediating others and keeping a roof over their heads by working multiple jobs. He wishes deep down he could build up the courage to tell everyone how he feels.
Phillip is always eager to duet with the other musically talented robot, Jay, when he gets the chance as well.
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Newton and Sierra were both built in Australia for the same company, for the same purpose. But unlike Sierra, Newton loved all the work he did and was incredibly loyal and devoted to anything he sets his heart out to.
But his heart was also devoted to Sierra, he’s head over heels obsessed with her to this day and has been for decades. Sierra was the only other robot Newton knew and when Sierra told him her plans to move to New Zealand he wasted no time in dropping everything to move with her. He felt betrayed when Sierra started paying more and more attention to another robot, Tandy. He grew incredibly jealous of Tandy as well as harbouring a deep hatred for him. Newton has heightened emotions which would typically mean he was very happy go lucky, but Tandy flipped a switch in him for the worse. Newton now vows to do anything in his power to win Sierra back from Tandy. Tandy on the other hand, is barely even aware of Newton's existence outside of what Sierra has said about him and the short conversations they’ve had.
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Vicki was built in Cape Town, South Africa with a strong passion for teaching. She studied to be an English teacher, working extremely hard to be the best teacher she could. But what Vicki had in determination she lacked in backbone. She had a very thin skin and struggled to keep her emotions under check when working with particularly difficult students. Her tendency to get easily upset in high stress situations relegated her to the role of “easy to bully substitute teacher”. Vicki, feeling trapped, decided to move to New Zealand for a fresh start in a country she felt would be more mellow. Unfortunately for her, middle schoolers are terrible to deal with no matter where you are. She knows other robots through local robot support groups and lavishes every chance she gets to talk to fellow robots.
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Scorpion is a bit of a lonewolf, she has a short patience with people whether they’re robot or human and prefers to be left by herself. But she attracts a lot of attention from other robots because she’s perceived as being “really cool”. Two robots, Jay and Vicki, fight for her attention constantly, much to Scorpion’s chagrin. She’d much rather socialise on her own terms and hers alone.
Scorpion is one of the only robots whose talents lie in art and painting. Graffiti tagging is her preferred art form. Sometimes she’ll be commissioned to paint murals around the place but otherwise just picks up odd jobs around the place and keeps to herself. She’s quite the mysterious figure to Tandy. Darwin:
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Darwin was built in Tokyo, Japan, before shortly moving to New Zealand. They were intrigued by the opportunities available to them as a robot in the country compared to Japan. Darwin’s main goal in its life was to help other people. The first and most obvious answer to them was to take up studying medicine. Darwin studied to the best of their ability and eventually got a job as a nurse in Auckland Hospital. Darwin's dream was to become a surgeon, but there was still a lot of doubt from humans on a robot doing their surgery. Darwin, instead, was encouraged to work with people with infectious diseases as a nurse. Going into nursing around the pandemic having a nurse that was immune to human diseases was the perfect fit. Darwin now finds itself overworked and stressed. Darwin barely has time to interact with anyone let alone other robots. But on occasion will have robots coming into ER where Darwin is first to point them where to go.
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A tall, neon coloured, full blooded American robot. Florence is the only robot so far who actively dislikes the company of other robots. She much prefers to view herself as a human and interact exclusively with humans. She has a short patience for her robot peers and low sympathy for any struggles they might face. She’s seen hanging around a human named Randy near constantly. Aside from her physical attributes, her thick accent and attitude really makes her stand out against other robots as is. She’s got a lot of charisma one will admit. She’s quite cunning if not sleazy. Tandy isn’t sure why she acts the way she does and wonders what might’ve caused it. Cathy:
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Like Mikey, Cathy had a tough life leading up to where she is now. Growing up in the outskirts of a city in the other regions before moving to Auckland. She has an extreme phobia of humans that causes her severe anxiety and paranoia. She’s jumpy and skittish in the company of any human but very calm and intelligent in the presence of robots. She’s the founder of the local robot group that a lot of the characters met each other in. Tandy doesn’t know much about her as she rarely speaks about her personal life.        
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dancingdonatello · 10 months
🦆 anon @duckanon
<3 <3 luv u duck anon.
villain rise turtles x reader
You have something that Raph needs. He’s been tracking you for months and he knows that you have a piece of the armor he needs for the resurrection of the Shredder.
And he’s never been one for plans, so…
He breaks in through your window.
You scream and then he screams and you’re holding on with an impressive grip on the armor piece and….
And you’re…. you’re so… cute. He suddenly lets go of the glove and you go flying back, knocking your head against the wall. He lets out an eep and rushes over, cradling your head.
You look pretty freaked out at his change of heart and he doesn’t blame you.
How he’s going to explain this to the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Brute, he has no idea.
They take your introduction pretty well. So do you, by how you actually willingly hand over the glove.
But… your reaction when you find out about the Shredder at the baseball game destroys any loyalty he has left for the Foot Clan. He can’t bear to see that terrified expression on your face when you look at him.
Leo may have snuck up to the part of the hotel Big Mama told him to stay away from. But how could she blame him? People watching was his favorite past time! Who better to watch than some stupid humans?
And when his eyes landed on you, he just knew he had to have you. He wouldn’t regret it even when Big Mama punished him. If he hadn’t have snuck up to the floors above ground, he wouldn’t never seen you.
And anyways, his was birthday was coming up… and Big Mama said he could have anything he wanted. He grinned to himself, deciding to sneak into your room that night to ‘introduce’ himself. He’d leave a sticky note and scare you. Just a little.
Big Mama adored you. She gave you all these clothes so that you could look as perfect as her and Leo. She used for entertainment for the other Yokai, even when Leo glared on with jealously.
Soon enough, she was going to get her hands on some mysterious green ooze from three other turtles that looked suspiciously like Leo. As long as Leo didn’t find out about it, you would be the perfect test subject. And wouldn’t it be so sweet to see a lover’s quarrel in the Battle Nexus? She giggles at the thought.
Donatello has been bugged by you for a while.
In one of his rare outings to New York, obviously not letting Draxum know, he had run into you. He had been trying to break into a tech store and then you had appeared behind him.
He broke your nose but he hadn’t been left i scratched.
Then he just kept running into you again and again. He was half inclined just to kill you, but he feels like it would annoy him more with how much effort that would be towards someone like you.
You were annoying and just as mean as he was to you. It irritated him whenever you came back with a comment just as sharp as what he gave you.
One day, in one of his complaining rants to Mikey, Draxum overheard. Even though Donnie denied that it, Draxum was convinced he had a crush on a pathetic human. So, he decided he would kill you. As if you were nothing. Just scum on the Earth. All so Donnie wouldn’t be ‘distracted’ any longer. By that he meant he just wanted Donnie to work insane hours so Draxum wouldn’t have to work as hard.
And Donnie… couldn’t let that happen. He wouldn’t let a single hair on you be injured.
There’s an angry turtle staring you down. Michelangelo and you had run into each other. One looking beat up and the other looking flabbergasted.
“You’re a… turtle?!”
Suddenly, you’re wrapped up in chains. That burnt badly.
“Ow!” you shriek and suddenly, just as quickly as they had come, they vanished. Big brown guilty eyes stare at you.
His face twitches before it turns disgusted. “Ugh. You smell disgusting.”
He was talking about the smell of your brunt skin. You glared at him angrily before seeing how bashed up he was. “What… happened to you?”
He was very reluctant to follow you home. And he kept asking you weird questions about other green turtles. Had you ever seen anyone that looked like him? Where? When? All these questions while you tried to stick a bandaid on him.
He also didn’t hold back on his mean comments about the human race. But as long as he sat still as you tried to rub the ash and debris off of him, you just let him talk.
Quickly, he warms up to you. It’s as if he never hated humans. He enjoys learning about everything you do and seeing all of what New York has to offer. He knows you can never meet Draxum. And even though he’s getting suspicious the more he leaves and the longer he’s out, Mikey continues to see you.
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sealofarchives · 4 months
Could you create a headcanon for ‘Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ about what kind of fathers Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey would be? I find this idea fun. :3
Headcanon: Rise!Turtles being dads and sweetest husband to the reader (Separate) (Requested prompt)
A/N: I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of aging up the guys towards "mature content."
However, this idea was really cute. It only made sense for this prompt where the guys are aged up with some reference to their bad end!future selves. I went with around early 30's when the turtle of your choice and the reader are in a committed relationship and currently raising a kid at the moment.
So please have common sense and think before typing some snarky response with 'oh aged up content is bad lol' (Because I will put those ideas on the 'do not write list' if people get too weird about it...)
You know how he has the habit of that one baby voice with Mayhem. (and a bit of the hey buddy tone towards Mikey or Donnie)
- His kid is never gonna escape from it. (even by the time the kid is a grown up)
He definitely panicked for a bit when his kid (during the energetic toddler phase) enjoyed climbing over a big guy like him.
- So he had to ask Donnie to make a battle shell specifically as a soft cushion. So the spiky shell doesn't accidentally scratch the kid.
Part of him is worried anytime he has to scold his kid. And only when you're around is when he feels okay to do so.
- He definitely does the "Did you ask (Y/N) if you could have another cookie?" sort of question. (Sometimes willing to go along with what his kid wants or following (Y/N) if he got caught spoiling the kid)
You're getting at least one peck on the cheek by the end of the day.
- Or earlier in the day if he accidentally woke you up.
Compared to his younger self who slightly whined about chores, he grew to enjoy it when both of you worked on it together.
- Laundry being one example where you're usually folding clothing fresh from the dryer. And he stacks a pile back into the clean basket/hamper.
His eyesight in the right eye has gotten a bit worse. (not as bad as his bad end counterpart where he needs an eyepatch) But, you often act as his extra set of eyes and call out to any surprise attacks.
- Which earned the title of you two with a tag team couple and he still blushes thinking about it.
Every few hours before a night patrol, he always checks in to see what his kid is up to and often gives a hug before leaving.
Often gives bedtime stories through retellings of Lou Jitsu's movies or Jupiter Jim's comics.
- Even acting out of some of the scenes before a yawn decides its time to sleep.
Gave one of his spare bandana scarves to his kid.
- Had the biggest grin on his face when the kid realized "Oh hey! We're matching!!!"
Almost similar to the night patrol part, but if you can't make it because of work or some other boring life detour.
- Its a portal away for a light hang out sesh. For both of you to take a breather away from the grown up life.
Late night conversations are just a regular thing between the two of you.
- Especially when he couldn't sleep. By the time he almost dozes off to sleep in your arms, he still playfully teases you that your voice is soothing to him.
When light conversations about the bad end future was brought up during a casual match of video games, he was never used to the idea that he had a prosthetic arm.
- You instantly hugged his right arm, jokingly reassuring him.
"As long as you can crack a joke in the most serious moment. I'll still know that its you Leo."
"Even in a timeline where, me and the guys were raised by Draxum?"
You gave the red slider turtle a 'really?' pout before he hugged you into his lap.
"Nah I'm just kidding, but for real though. Draxum's former henchmen are still goofballs that know their way around the city. I'm pretty sure that Leo could get a couple of one liners and maybe from you as well."
Almost went into a frenzy trying to child-proof the lair. (Especially the month before the kid's arrival changed the atmosphere) But eventually settled down.
- Realizing it would have stressed his kid out by any sudden new changes (and a bit of his family and your help explaining the reasoning as well)
Leo's showboating energy transferred to him but, in a way that, the softshell turtle is very grateful. That he has you as a spouse and both of you raising a kid along side his sentient inventions. And will try to bring it up in any conversation.
- The whole wallet photo gag of him showing family pictures. You love this silly turtle but, usually lightly pinch his face if its the wrong time for that.
He lights up whenever his kid goes to him for any sort of question.
- He slightly restrains himself to avoid going overboard with the answer. But, his kid is smart enough to know that and sometimes tells you that he's not being himself again.
Cannot force himself to sleep unless you're beside him. (or if you have to drag him to bed yourself)
- The few times where he woke up while you were still sleeping. He always gives you a light hug and a kiss on the forehead before getting out of bed.
He subtly took interest in one of your hobbies. (Either an ongoing or a new one) Just so he can step away from a tedious project that was going nowhere and not bother you with the boring details about it.
- Sometimes mentioning a fun fact to impress you.
You gave into his idea of letting your kid have a similar weapon like Casey Jr's.
- Only when they reached their 13th birthday and learning the basics of: constructing it and fixing parts along side their dad. How to use it defensively, offensively, and etc.
Considering how his future self had some hair on his head, he kept it long so he can do a few matching embarrassing baby photos to his kid.
- Like giving the kid a tiny ponytail and etc. He definitely cried a bit while having his signature grin when the kid pulled too hard on his hair, laughing at one of his jokes. And you had to step in to help him.
He knows how to work around some of his kid's picky eating habits. Usually making sure his kid is having fun or decorating the plate in an artistic manner.
- However, there are times when the kid can hide the veggie or fruit out of plain sight. Or his kid asks his uncles for help when Mikey's focused on some other thing.
Absolutely does that peek-a-boo trick with hiding his face or whole body into his shell.
- He was nervous at first, if the trick might have scared his kid but, no the kid was giggling. Curiously crawling towards him in awe of it.
Will sometimes make meals ahead of time. (often being, if you returned from work, too exhausted to greet him)
- Either leaving a note on a plastic container in the fridge of: [(Y/N)'s breakfast: DO NOT EAT unless you want an surprise session with Dr Delicate Touch </3] (this also applies to lunch as well)
On very rare occasions, he will temporary wear a cloaking brooch. If you're at an area isn't very friendly towards mutants and/or yokai.
- The one time that happened, is when you forgot to bring your lunch at a job that barely lasted a week. (Stuff that was out of your control but, he was relieved that you got out of that place before your coworkers decided to physically fight back at the manager)
Spends at least one day in the week with you to do some light meditative exercises.
- On the really bad days, he doesn't mind letting you hold his hand as a stress ball or just have a quiet moment to relax while his brothers babysit your kid.
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
                 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒂
Warning : explicit smut, age gap, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamic, pet names, gun play in Yakuza Mikey's part, dom!reader in some parts, the boys doing so well for you...
Summary : there's a new app to find a sugar daddy, how about they find your profile?
Featuring: Ran Haitani, Wakasa Imaushi, Kokonoi Hajime, Sano Manjiro, Kakucho Hitto.
Let's get started, shall we ?
𝑹𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒊 : (Bonten TL)
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Ran was the first one to get the app, surprising, isn't it ?
He'd tried many of their sugar babies before, and he was quite satisfied with them. Well, they might be a little clingy when everything's over, but ladies tend to be that way with him.
And one day, your profile picture just popped. It has just been created, you were new, and young, student loans probably. Somehow, there was just something... endearing, about your innocent smiling face, a shot taken by your iphone camera rather than hiring a photographer to flatter all your angles, like everyone else.
-" Um, Hi ! " He couldn't help but curl a smile, the contrast between your virtuous face, and the devilish dress you were wearing had him already deep into it. " I'm here for the... sex? No- that's not what I mean ! " He raised his eyebrows seeing the heat rising to your face, so that dirty world didn't drained you of your colors yet ?
-"I'm here to offer... You know what ? I'm your sugar baby. "
Yes, there was just you, your doe-like eyes and your clumsiness, and suddenly, he was trapped in a pink haze, drowning in a gaze.
-" This way, just this way. Go 'head, you doing... Damn great, princess. " He praised, grip tightening around your hair whilst you bobbed your head up and down. That knot in his stomach, already tight, exploded when he shifted his eyes toward your flustered face.
-" Fucking look at you, taking daddy's cock like the best slut I've had. " He was a goner as soon as your teary, big eyes fluttered those wet eyelashes to look at him, and suddenly, he came with no warning, too quickly for the first time in ages, in bliss watching his white seeds leaking from your glossy lips.
What a pretty flower, so obedient, always ready to drop whatever plan you had for a call from him.
What a venomous snake hidden in.
Yes Ran liked to hold his pretty little thing in front of everyone, make his prey sit still and pretty on his lap.
-" Show 'em, baby. " His fingers digged deeper in your waist above him, surely talking about Rindou and Haru, sitting, wide-eyed, lusting in the booth across from yours. " Show 'em why I can't get ya outta my head. " His eyes were deep engrossed in the way your small hole sucked him in, head thrown back, Ran drove a cloud, letting go of the wheel for the first time and letting you take the lead.
But you couldn't care less, if he showed you off like a trophy in the night, you let him think he pulls the strings. Because in the morning, you wrap those around his neck, and he'd wake up suffocating in an empty cold bed.
-" no strings attached, your words. Daddy. " you tease from under his bigger body. His eyes fall on your naked chest, golden necklace of his name he bought for you. He knew you only wore it around him, but Ran liked the pain, the denial.
And for once, Ran lost the race. He didn't left the first, so he came second.
-" Such a whore..." His thrusts were relentless, and you think it's the third time you might cum, with him having you in a matting press. " Three different men, how come this pussy's even this fucking tight?"
And he heard you, under your moans, uttering something like " you never said I couldn't have another". And watched his smirk getting scarier, towering above you, his hand wrapped around your neck.
-" Aw, didn't I ? What a shame. " He cooed, lust and jealousy equally running in his blood. His pussy, his baby, how come would you even let some other loser taste that ?
- " Then watch me show you who owns this body. Let's see who'll dare touching Ran Haitani's bitch, 'kay baby ? "
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𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒐 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐 (Yakuza tl) :
C'mon, it's Mikey we're talking about. He's not particularly fond of sex anyway. He is the man without a shadow, no one knows for sure is he an actual person, or just another name behind a smoking gun.
It's his Yakuza era, Mikey pulls the strings of his mafia behind super boarded up doors, only Kisaki knows the keys of.
So when Kisaki stumbles on your profile on a random day, he thinks he got the perfect gift to unwind his terrorizing boss.
You felt like a little knight in front of a thorned kingdom, standing in front of the sitting Yakuza boss, in your white lingerie. His dark hues bored into your body absentmindedly, another pretty face, another empty face.
Then the cute little knight is grazing her fingers over the thorns, and you're kissing him with your hands cupping his cheeks as passionately as if you've known him since years. And he thinks you taste sweet, and now he's really into it, hands around your waist.
And now you're ready to sink his intimidating length inside you, he doesn't even know why, but he lets you take his hands in yours, intertwine your fingers together as he fills you up, and his head's empty.
Just your small hands in his big ones, just the bulge in your tummy from him, your head in his neck and your tears he could feel.
Dizzying, indeed.
He watched you, that night, sleeping with your arms around him. Why were you so touchy? Didn't they warned you, outside that room, to leave as soon as you're done ? But most importantly, why was he allowing this ? Why were you even breathing again, your hair tickling his chest ?
And when the morning came, he watched you getting ready to leave, just like anyone else.
And there he was, frozen by the kitchen, staring as you fought with the pancakes you were trying so desperately to not burn.
-" Sit down, it's almost ready. "
Just who did you think you are, giving orders ? And as if you felt the need to ask something, you flashed a glow dripping smile over your shoulder, and just for a second, he sees mornings,confort, Emma, breakfasts, family, home.
Not bad, he thinks, munching on the pastry. But Mikey's a man of few words, and he gets slightly frustrated by your expectant shiny eyes on him. Intimidating, he doesn't even dare to think it through, but you're the slightest bit overwhelming, intimidating.
-" Overcooked. " He throws the word as a stone at you, expecting you to bleed but not to laugh, moving to sit on his lap. For a second he's at a loss of words, while you lean to lick the cream on the corner of his lips.
-" Well I'm not paid to cook, but to fuck " you shrug, Mikey thinks... He doesn't even think anymore. Ethereal, the noiselessness in his mess of a mind is deafening, so much that he can't overcome it.
Well, Kisaki isn't that surprised, few days after when his boss asks to see you again, considering how good your ratings were. What's surprising is that, he actually asks for you, by your own name.
-" Daddy, wanna cum " you're out of breath, sprayed for him on the bed, with the strong body of that Yakuza boss above you.
-" Then fucking do it. " Another roll of his tongue around your clit had your thighs shaking, he honestly doesn't know since when he turned into a giver, probably at the threshold of your holy entrance.
-" Lemme taste how sweet your lil pussy can be f'me ".
Things constantly change, time flies, but if there's a constant, it's your smile whenever you see him, it's the warmth of you above him in your sleep, it's the spark of worry he spots in your gaze everytime he's out for his shady activities. Not fear from him, but for him.
He swears it's not obsession, only tiptoeing on its edges, maybe. The way you digged yourself a small grave in his dead wastelands.
-" Manjiro..." Your eyes are filled with tears, his wicked demons like that. Pinning you to the wall, his tip kissing your cervix since so long, and it's not moving, just like the gun he's pressing right above your heart.
-" Did i ever gave you the permission to do that, love ?" He likes the way he could feel your pulse going insane under his lips grazing your neck. " Hm ? Did I said you could have other customers?"
Your eyes peer at the phone on the nightstand, you swear you just forgot to delete your subscription to that damn app, again and again. And now you're shaking under him, his gun pressed harder against your chest, his kisses even more passionate, the roll of his hips dizzying.
-" I'm gonna delete it... Now, I promise, 'Jiro, promise " you cry, clinging on his neck. " Just move, please, please, make me cum ".
And it's over devilish, the way the corner of his lips raise darkly, he shrugs.
-" If that's what my bitch wants... would never force you anyway".
He lies, dropping the gun as if it never existed.
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𝑲𝒂𝒌𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒐 𝑯𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒐 : (Bonten TL)
Kakucho liked Ran. Ran was like an older brother for him, and he knew how much that one respected him.
Maybe the only thing he could ever blame him for, was how extra he was.
Antics like, offering him a subscription for a " sugar baby " app for his birthday.
Ran was standing next to the pretty girl, younger than both of them, obviously. And Kakucho thought about refusing his friend's offer, although the girl was undeniably beautiful, he was nowhere near into those kinks.
-" Just let go man " Ran suddenly tapped his back, making him startle. " Go 'head, princess " he as well pushed you against Kakucho's torso. " Get ma man's dick wet ".
See ?extra...
But if Kakucho could say anything, he would probably talk about how cute you were, with that heat rising to your cheeks.
After the awkward uncle Sam ( aka Ran) left both of you alone, you've been finally able to find back your words. Kakucho seemed dry on his edges, but he actually just needed some few laughter from you to relax, taking part in the conversation.
At some point, it was always about inches. Just one more, just a little more. Between your two faces, your hands brushing against each other, pair of eyes locking, time stops, blurs, and suddenly you're in his lap, sharing breath.
-" Just lemme do it" you whispered against his cheeks, he found it funny, your smaller hands trying to pin his bigger ones above his head.
And you kissed, oh god you kissed, as if you had loved him a thousand lifetimes ago. Kakucho's breath hitched like a teenager, as you kissed every inch of his face, every scar, and your mouth fell around his pectorals.
-" Shit, keep rubbing on my cock, angel " he grunt from under you, trying desperately just not to pin you down on the bed and fuck you relentlessly.
Sun rises, nights turned into lazy mornings, and those ones left place to movie nights, to breakfasts and cuddles, he liked for your laughter to fill his big for nothing house.
Now, Kakucho knows it's probably just a role you're playing, for the pretty dresses he'd leave for you on his bed, for the dinners in fancy restaurants, and for your loans that left by the window as soon as he stepped in your life.
But he also knew your whispered "pretty boy" while kissing every flaw of him, he knew the erratic heart beats of yours when his head would lay on your chest.
And everytime he promises he's not falling.
Tearing his eyes away from your ravishing sight, twisting in your bedsheets, standing next to you with a hand in your hair. He swears it's the last time. It's all about money, all about sex.
But the sun sets, and in his living room, you'd be glowing incandescent. A heart robbing smile.
-" missed you daddy " you'd greet, standing up, eyes making love to him before your lips even could.
He's not gonna fall, " it would be fucked up to fall", he tells himself.
Then you're grabbing his calloused hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together, and he finds himself staring at both your hands, fire rising in his guts as you drag him toward the bedroom. You fail to hear him mutter.
-"... I'm fucked up... "
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𝑲𝒐𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝑯𝒂𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒆 : ( Bonten TL)
At some point, Kokonoi think he hadn't known anything else than those sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships.
He considered his time too precious to lose on building a strong, healthy relationship. Those things take time, and that he had not.
Now sure he would sometimes think about something... More true, something not hanging on his black card. But years pass by,paperwork piles up on his desk, and finding true love is just... Something for another day.
Kokonoi watches with amusement your eyes widening, he thinks it is somehow cute that your face was so easy to read. The room was bigger than any place you have ever been, the ladies and gentlemen wore dresses and suits you've only seen in the most marvellous fairytales.
And he thinks, by the way, you should not even be amazed by that, considering how the dress he brought you makes you look, considering what you make his body feel.
Somehow, everyone either smiled or bowed at you, some kind of respect you never thought would be directed toward you. Important figures and influencing men and women surrounded you from everywhere, the ballroom giving the impression of a whole royalty around you restricted your breath.
-" I don't think... I don't belong here " your eyes found his in a panicked expression, your new customer tightened his arm around your waist, leaning slightly toward you to brush his lips against your ear.
-" it's part of the deal, princess. You need some money, and i need something pretty on my arm for the night " he flashes a grin that, along with his words, makes your eye color deepen. Something pretty to show off... His words manage to drown your previous anxiety under a raging fire.
Right, if that's what he wants.
And he must admit, you behaved pretty well that night. Politely greeting everyone coming toward you two, throwing stunning smiles and laughing at unfunny jokes. For a first time, he was proud you did it like a boss.
Just as he was thinking you were taking too long in the restroom, his phone rang with the sound of a text he just received. He excused himself toward some business partners and as soon as he opened the said text, his hand froze on the phone.
His eyes silently stared at your right arm, holding your naked tits while the left one held the phone. The way the nude was taken was almost artistic, he almost wouldn't have recognized the backseat of his Aston Martin. Damn, he didn't even felt your hand in his pocket stealing his keys.
As much as he tried to ignore that blaze taking place in his lower abs, he could not ignore the next texts coming again and again. Your thighs, your lips, then your pussy spread on his backseat, as if the glistening was calling for him.
- " Just... Fuck, keep doing this, need this. Need this so fucking much... "
He was a moaning mess on the driver's seat, silver strands falling around his handsome, thrown back face whilst his hand was buried deep in your hair.
Your eyes never left his once, as you were taking his length even deeper. And honestly he wondered how you still didn't choked around him, but everytime your tongue rolls over his tip, purposely hollowing your cheeks, this man loses a new spark of sanity.
With a loud pop, you let go of his shaft and he was about to complain, yet his eyes fell on your pretty face, glossy wet lips and teary doe eyes, he's left speechless for the first time.
-" What a shame, the classy, sassy Kokonoi Hajime, doing such a thing in his car... "
Honey coated voice dripping poisoned proses, he was mesmerized by the fierce look on your eyes, and soon breathed a heavy grunt when you took his dick in your smaller hands.
-" what would these aristocrats say if they saw you... Hm ? " You asked, making him buckle his hips in your hands when your thumb ran over his tip.
-" Stop the tease or I fucking swear-"
-" If they saw your pretty thing sucking you like a damn cock slut ?"
Pathetic, it felt so bad to feel so good.
-" love, for fuck's sake... "
Your dirty sinful words wrapped in a kiss on his tip almost brought him to his peak. Koko knows you're enjoying it, having the big, infamous Hajime Kokonoi panting between your hands, so messy, almost pathetic... A whining man.
-" Go ahead, tell me what you need. Daddy, tell your good girl what you want her to do with your pretty cock "
On your knees for him, you rest your chin on his naked thigh, giving a loving stare that he sincerely hopes won't be engraved in the thin walls of his mind for a whole lifetime.
And as Koko watches you, the beautiful stranger that got a man as important as him playing Russian roulette with his reputation, risking getting caught in such a position anytime-
He thinks he might need to call you back.
His hand tightens around your hair, bringing your mouth closer to his tip.
-" Then show daddy how fucking good you can really take dick".
He thinks the other day might have finally came.
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𝑾𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒂 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊 : (OG timeline)
Why would he even need such an app ? He has ladies, come on-
-" Don't go crying o'mme now, you were begging for my dick, better take it like a bitch".
Or maybe he does ?
His sharp edges might appear mysterious, appealing, yet the girls he "dated " always seemed to somehow end up offended by his rough, careless manners.
And he truly thinks Takeomi's idea is pathetic, why would he need such an app ? And dating younger girls, in addition, he knows he's so gonna wreck them...
-" Hi, are you Wakasa-kun ?"
Leaning on the doorframe, he throws away his cigarette, judgmental stare on you. You do fail to notice the interest sparkling there.
Frail, cheerful, goody-goody look, it's gonna be funny watching that one run away scared, he thinks.
-" am I scaring you, angel ?" His deep voice asks, followed by the sound of the ties he wrapped around your wrists all to the bedframe. Something in his chest lights up at the sight of your little smile while you shake your head from left to right. Wakasa realizes there, he truly wants you, your hesitant moves but constant eyes, your trembling lips and confident smile, your hell of a curves and angelic face, standing on the threshold of hell, ready to dance with the devil.
Swimming in an ocean of lust, drowning almost, though he was the one riding, Wakasa threw his head back, breathless.
-" Fuck, now you clenchin' so damn tight on me... Think i'm obsessed with this pussy. You good baby ? You with me ?"
He could think the rough pace his hips set up would've sent you to overdrive, he could think the ties leaving red marks on your wrists, or the bruising grip of his hands around your waist would've scared you away, but-
-" 'm so close... Don't you stop, daddy, give it to me, I... I need it !"
His pupils in the dark dilated, biting his lip, Waka' grabbed your hair to pull your face up, closer to his, roughly claiming your lips until he needs to inhale.
-" You sure 'bout that, princess ? Want me to go all in ? To dick you dumb on my cock ? " He teases, rolling his hips to give you some friction. He didn't miss how tightly you pull on your ties, desperately chasing more, leaking on him, a low chuckle leaves his pretty lips. " So messy... Such a good slut, where have you been all this fuckin' time ?"
Now that he knows someone down there would take him raw, that someone wants his unhinged side, he truly goes all in.
Wakasa gives you his deepest thrusts, his meanest words, most passionate kisses, and have you squirming and tightening around his length until you're coming undone with him, both collapsing on each other, panting, absent mindedly staring at each other's soul.
You don't know what's next, and he doesn't remember the last time he did it, yet after undoing your ties, his calloused fingers fly to your sweaty forehead, brushing your hair locks away from your eyes.
-" lemme keep looking at this pretty face" he whispers against your lips, pressing his body to yours and sighing.
Yes, Wakasa Imaushi is what you could call a freak. But once the monster finds someone to share his nights with, he also shares his morning glory...
You gasp, feeling yourself being lifted from the bed into his strong toned arms. Wakasa holds you in, princess-like while taking the bathroom's direction, you stare at him, questioning.
-" What's in it for you ?" You tilted your head to the side questioningly after he gently-almost too gently for Wakasa Imaushi- placed your body in the bathtub and started running some warm water for you.
-" Hm ?" He feigns ignorance, eyes focused on something else.
-" I mean, I'm payed for this. You paid me, you don't have to do any of this, customers usually don't-"
And suddenly, you can't talk anymore, your face being cupped in his big hand, you look at him surprised, big eyes into his as he's smirking, leaning toward you.
-" Shhh, I know, i know, princess. " His finger gently rubs your lower lip, lavender gaze trailing on them before coming back to your eyes, a serious expression on his face. " But you did so good to me, lemme make it right, yeah ? Daddy's gonna heal your bruises ".
That night, and another, and a thousand other butterflies in your tummy, you discover, and Wakasa too, that a freak, a mean dom, such an unhinged monster can with the kiss of his princess turn into a king, an aftercare king.
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2dmenforme · 1 year
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(Keisuke Baji x female reader) Mature Content, 18+
Tags: porn with a plot, marijuana use, mentions of alcohol consumption, oral sex (male & female receiving), smut, fluff, Baji has a big dick, breast worship, slightly shy & awkward reader (she can get it though!), Baji w/tongue piercing, pet names (mostly ‘baby’), penis in vagina sex, unprotected sex, Baji is a big simp for the reader, very fluffy ending, Baji and reader are over 18
Synopsis: You recently became friends with Keisuke Baji. You're co-workers at a pet shop and UTokyo students. Now you’re finally alone with Baji for the first time at his place. Your plan is to get high and seduce him. But you're more nervous than you thought. Baji is hot - like so hot.
Word count: 4.5k
A/N: originally posted as a 3 part series on my deactivated tumblr (username Bajiisofine). This is the full version in its entirety, slightly edited.
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It’s the first day of winter break for UTokyo students. To celebrate, Keisuke Baji invited you over to the apartment he shares with his friends and co-workers, Kazutora and Chifuyu. A few weeks ago you began working part-time at Pet Shop Palme, which is how you met the trio.
You had quickly grown accustomed to the four of you going back to their apartment after work to unwind with a few beers or to smoke a bowl. However, today is the first time you've been completely alone with Baji at his place — his roommates are both out of town with their girlfriends.
You and Keisuke are sitting crossed-legged on his bedroom floor, leaning against the wall opposite his unmade bed. A large overflowing ashtray sits between you. His walls are covered in karate tournament flyers and motorcycle posters. A punk playlist plays at a low volume, providing background noise.
"There's like maybe one hit left."
Straightening out his legs, Baji gently taps your bare foot with his pinkie toe to get your attention. You’re trying not to stare at the skin peeking through the rips in his black jeans.
His honey-brown eyes are red and glassy from the weed. After taking his last hit from the pipe he passes it to you. Grasping it, you brush your fingers across his thumb ring. An electric spark jolts through you. You notice the bowl is mostly gray ash at this point but attempt to light it anyway.
“Ugh! That was gross!" You laugh, coughing as you exhale, dumping the remnants into the ashtray between you.
“I warned you,” he chuckles at the face you’re making. “So, whatcha wanna do tonight?" Baji leans his head back against the wall and raises his eyebrows expectantly. Turning to face him, you’re mesmerized by his ink-black hair cascading in soft waves down to his shoulders. Suddenly you feel very shy and break eye contact.
"Um, well… Emma texted me earlier. She said she was able to convince Mikey and Ken to agree to go to karaoke tonight," you giggle, looking down at your chipped nail polish. You met Emma and her best friend Hina at the beginning of the semester and became fast friends. Emma was the one who told you about the job opening at the pet store.
"Pfft," Keisuke laughs, "I would definitely pay good money to see that." He pushes the ashtray away and repositions himself. Before you can raise your head to look at him, he lays his head in your lap, his long hair spilling over your thighs.
Keisuke grins, his sharp canine teeth graze his bottom lip as he reaches up to trace his knuckles along your jawline. His smile widens when your eyes meet. “Hey, pretty,” his deep voice is barely above a whisper.
You freeze, suddenly aware that your heart is beating too loudly. So loud in fact, that he must be able to hear it.
"Baji, I have to pee!" You push yourself up off the floor, trying to hide the fact that you're trembling. His head hits the ground with a hard thud.
"Ow!” Keisuke grimaces, laughing and rubbing his head.
"I'll be right back!" Rushing to his bathroom, you lock the door and look at your reflection. "Shit!"
Your innocent workplace crush on Baji has intensified over the past three weeks you've known him. Normally getting high relaxes you — that was the plan for today: smoke with Keisuke and make your move. But for some reason, his sudden flirting made you feel self-conscious and nervous.
Turning on the faucet, you splash cold water on your face and try to calm down. Glancing in the mirror, you're grateful for your waterproof mascara. After patting your face dry and trying to salvage what you can of your makeup, you text Emma and Hina in group chat to tell them what a fool you just made of yourself. Realizing you've now been in Keisuke's bathroom for over 20 minutes you sigh and flush the toilet.
"Hey! I thought you fell in!" Baji shoots you his toothy smile from a reclined position on his bed. His wavy dark hair pools over the white pillowcases like an oil spill. His sheets are surprisingly clean.
In fact, because of your nerves, that's the first thing that comes out of your mouth. "Your sheets are so clean!"
Keisuke rolls his eyes, "Thanks. I do laundry — sometimes." He laughs and extends his left arm out, making a come here motion with his hand. His silver rings catch your eye. Baji’s hands are beautiful: large and veiny with long slender fingers.
He notices you staring at his hand, “What? It's clean, stop judging me!” Keisuke feigns being offended and sticks out his tongue at you. The ball of his silver tongue ring glints in the low lighting from his bedside lamp.
You laugh and climb onto the bed next to him. But not before managing to bump your shin hard on his bed frame.
"Fuck!" You reach down instinctively and rub your shin.
"Hey, c’mere," he chuckles as he sits up to massage your leg.
"Keisuke,” you sigh. "I-I like you." You look sheepishly up into his eyes, noticing that the pupils in his amber irises have widened.
Keisuke bites his lower lip, the tips of his pointy canines peeking out. He swears no one has ever looked at him quite like the way you did just now.
Not breaking eye contact, he lays back down and pulls you towards him. “I like you too.” The sultry tone of his voice sends shivers down your spine.
Hesitating briefly, you kiss him. Tentatively, at first, shy with your affection. Baji pursues the kiss further, massaging your tongue with his. You can just barely feel his piercing, his tongue is gentle, sensual. Feeling bolder, you lick his upper lip with the tip of your tongue. He moans, teasingly biting your lower lip.
“I want you," Keisuke whispers as he moves away from your mouth to nip and kiss your jawline down your neck.
A delicious warmth spreads through your core as your body responds to his. Your skin tingles where he touches you. Reaching down between his legs, you caress the growing bulge straining against his jeans. Baji moans, reflexively thrusting his pelvis against your hand.
"I want you too," you’re practically purring. Lifting his black and gray striped shirt with one hand, you kiss his toned chest and stomach. Your other hand remains pressed against his cock, firmly stroking his erection.
You kiss your way down his happy trail, nibbling and licking it playfully. Glancing up at Keisuke, you see his eyes are closed, his head back against his pillow, clearly enjoying your attention. His blissful expression gives you the confidence to unzip his pants. Baji opens his eyes and quickly helps you pull down his pants and boxer briefs.
You move your head down to his cock, he’s huge and hard and so ready. His dick twitches with yearning, clear drops of precum beading down its engorged head.
"Hey," Keisuke's voice is thick with lust. He clears his throat and looks at you, reaching down to gently stroke your cheek, "you don't have to do anything you don't wanna.”
"I wanna," you murmur, wantonly gazing up into his eyes. You’re nearly drooling, you just want his fat dick in your mouth now.
"Thank god," Keisuke mumbles, throwing his head back, a moan escaping his lips as you grasp his long girthy cock.
Teasingly, you lick away the precum that has begun to drip down his shaft. You drag your tongue down to his balls and up again to just below the tip, coating his shaft with warm saliva.
You repeat this motion, making sure his cock is nice and wet; your mouth's lubrication pooling around the base of his balls. Finally, you reach the head and swirl your tongue over his tip. Baji moans and grabs the back of your head with one hand while bunching up his sheets with the other. He continues to rake his fingers through your hair as you take him as far as you can into your mouth, wrapping your lips around him. He’s too big to take entirely into your mouth so you grip the base of his cock with both hands.
Creating suction with your cheeks, you gently hum as you continue to swirl your tongue over the head of his cock and back down, running your tongue along the thick protruding vein on the underside of his shaft.
You begin bobbing your head up and down while simultaneously pumping the base with both hands dripping with your saliva. Baji thrusts his hips up, groaning as he pushes himself further into your warm wet mouth. A low guttural sound escapes his lips. He opens his eyes, “B-baby... uff... I-I’m gonna cum.”
You look up, your lips still wrapped around his thick shaft as far as they will go, and nod, signaling him to cum in your mouth. Baji moans your name as he ejaculates, you continue sucking and pumping until he’s left shuddering and jerking beneath you. After swallowing his load, you sweetly smile up at him, and gently kiss the tip of his sensitive cock.
"Damn… you’re amazing,” Keisuke gazes at you with starry-eyed affection for several seconds before sitting up and pulling you into his lap. He kisses you deeply, tasting himself on your tongue.
“It’s your turn now, pretty baby,” Keisuke chuckles as he pushes you playfully back onto his bed.
Baji stretches to hand you a bottle of water from his bedside table. His black and gray striped t-shirt raised halfway above his toned abdomen. He smiles down at you — his amber bedroom eyes and sharp canines giving him a distinctly predatory air. Not breaking eye contact, he pulls a hair tie off his wrist and holds it between his teeth, gathering his wavy black hair in a ponytail.
“I like to tie my hair back… before I eat,” Baji winks, sticking his tongue out suggestively, the silver ball of his tongue piercing protruding forward on its bar.
You snort-laugh, nearly choking on your water, even though he’s making your heart pound — no longer from nervousness but desire. Your body tingles, yearning to feel the sensation of that tongue, his hot breath between your legs.
“Ohh — you laugh,” his tone is light, teasing. He leans over to tickle you, burying his face in the curve of your neck. “But, I know you’ll like it,” Keisuke whispers in his smooth baritone, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth.
“Lemme taste you,” Baji licks the sweet spot just beneath your ear, coaxing a moan out of you. “Hmm… pretty baby?”
“Yess, Keisuke…,” your voice hitches in your throat, a surge of heat flooding through you, culminating between your thighs. You grab at his shirt, tugging it over his head.
“You’re the one whose clothes are in the way,” Baji mumbles. Hungrily eyeing your body, he runs his silver-ringed fingers over the swell of your breasts and down your torso. Curling his fingers under the hem of your shirt, he caresses your bare skin with his knuckles as he pulls it over your head. Tossing your shirt aside, Keisuke wraps his large hands around your rib cage, lifting you further back onto his bed so your head rests on his pillows.
You hold your arms out, inviting him in. Smiling up at him, your expression somehow both innocent and full of desire. Swooning at your eagerness he bends to kiss you — deeply, wantonly, moaning into your mouth as you palm his hardening cock.
“Wait — wait, baby… let’s get you naked.” Baji stands, his already huge erection bobbing in your face as he helps you pull off your leggings. He pauses to admire you in your bra and panties.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he purrs. Watching you undo your bra, he groans appreciatively as your breasts bounce free. His dick twitches, a bead of precum leaking from the swollen head.
Quickly leaning back against his pillows, you open your arms and legs for him. Baji lays on top of you, caging you in. His silver pendants dangling from his neck. He grins, his canines cutely scraping against his bottom lip. Keisuke lowers his head to kiss you again, more slowly this time. He massages the ball of his piercing sensually over your tongue. His lips linger on yours, swallowing your little moans. Pulling away from your mouth, he licks and bites down your neck and collarbone before moving to your breasts.
Groaning quietly, he cups your soft flesh in his large palms, sucking and licking your nipples lasciviously. “Mmm— I’ve wanted your titties in my mouth,” Baji’s resonant voice against your sensitive nipple vibrates through your core.
“Keisuke.” You sigh, grasping at the nape of his neck, pressing his head closer to your chest.
He grins against your breasts, swirling his tongue around one of your erect nipples, rolling the tip of the other between the pads of his fingers. He’s satisfied once the peaks of both your breasts are tender and wet with his saliva.
“So fuckin’ gorgeous,” Keisuke murmurs as he kisses and licks his way to your stomach. He teasingly dips a fingertip into your belly button, eliciting goosebumps and a breathy sigh. He chuckles at your reaction, “You’re so cute.”
Baji slowly inches down your body, kissing and nibbling around the outline of your panties. Sharp teeth grazing the soft skin of your belly, hips, and upper thighs. He is a tease, purposefully ignoring the growing wet spot on the fabric centimeters from his lips. He chuckles at your desperation, the way you thrust your pelvis, trying to get relief from friction by rubbing against his face.
Finally, he plants a kiss on your clothed slit. You moan, wriggling your hips, hands tangling a mess in his ponytail. Keisuke chuckles again, “Okay, okay, baby… I’m gettin’ there.”
Hooking his long fingers beneath the waistband of your panties, he slides the sopping garment down your thighs. A low growl forms in his throat as a slippery strand of your arousal clings to the crotch of your panties. “Fuuck,” Baji's breath is heavy as he licks his lips, looking up at you. “Your pussy’s so wet.”
You squirm, self-conscious and horny, “Keisuk-ehh,” you whine, turning your head, burying your face in his pillow.
Completely exposed to him, Baji splays his big hands between your thighs, spreading them wider. His bronze eyes are lustful and dreamy as he admires your glistening wet lips. Mesmerized by your pussy, he traces the outline of your swollen labia with his fingertip before gathering the slick seeping out of your little hole, spreading it around your lips.
You whimper as Keisuke puts his nose practically inside of you. Inhaling the scent of your arousal, he moans about how good you smell. The sensation of his hot breath against your naked pussy makes your toes curl.
Grinning at your soft mewls, he presses an open-mouthed kiss to the hood of your clitoris. You jolt, the sensation sending a rush of heat through your body as you thrust up against his lips.
Keisuke purrs, sliding the tip of his tongue between your lips, tasting you. “Mmmm.”
The vibration from his deep voice sends shivers through you, making your hips buck again.
“So squirmy,” he chuckles. Curling his arms underneath your thighs, he grips you with his biceps, holding you firmly against him so he can continue.
Baji looks up at you with pure want in his eyes. Wetting his lips, he sticks out his tongue, holding it flat against his chin. The ball of his piercing raised from its stem. Slowly, sensuously, he licks you. His wide tongue trails saliva up and down your pussy and over your clitoris. His slow pace is deliciously agonizing, you writhe beneath his strong grip on your thighs. Panting, you rake your fingers through his hair, loosening his ponytail.
Baji moves his attention to your clit, slurping and sucking it noisily. Encouraged by your moans, he slips a single finger inside you. Deftly curling it upwards, exploring your warm wet walls, searching for your special spot.
Trembling, you reach to touch his lips, putting one of your fingers inside his mouth. You start rubbing your fingertip over your swollen nub while his mouth is on you. Groaning at the sensation of your finger in his mouth, Keisuke slides a second finger into your drooling pussy, stretching you out. He’s found your sweet spot and presses it with a firm, deep pressure. An intense wave rushes through your entire body, arching your back in pleasure. Baji greedily licks your fingers, sucking on them.
“Unff…ffuu…,” you whimper, as more meaningless words spilling from your lips. Your face muffled against his pillow. You’re so close to release; your whole body tingles, toes curling. Panting, you gyrate against Keisuke’s mouth, rubbing your wet pussy on his face. He thrusts and curves his fingers inside your walls, rhythmically massaging your G-spot. His lips make sloppy wet sounds as he continues sucking your clit. Your wet walls contract, pulsating. Baji moans as your pussy flutters around his fingers.
“Keisuke!” You cry out, cumming hard against his face. He keeps his mouth over your clit and fingers firmly inside you as you ride out your high.
Still panting, you sigh contentedly, giving Baji’s head a little squeeze between your thighs. He sits up, amber eyes beaming at you, a triumphant grin on his face. His long dark hair has come out of its ponytail, wisps sticking to the sweat on his forehead. His lips, chin, and the tip of his nose glistening with your slick.
“I wanna fuck you now,” Keisuke smiles wolfishly up at you from between your thighs, his bronze eyes heavy-lidded with desire. Sitting up, he wipes away the sweat from his forehead, running his fingers through his long tangled hair. “Fuck… I need some water,” he chuckles. “Your little pussy made me thirsty.” He notices you’re still panting and grins, “I bet you're thirsty too, huh?”
“Oh my god, yes! I just didn’t want to ruin the moment by saying anything,” you laugh.
“Baby, this is a marathon, you gotta stay hydrated,” Baji winks at you as he gets up from his bed, his huge veiny hard-on bobbing in front of him. It leads him from his room to the kitchen. Sighing, you stare at the little bounce his sculpted muscular ass produces as he walks away. Your wet pussy leaks onto his sheets as you stretch your arms above your head.
Hastily, you sprint to his bathroom to pee, making it back just as he returns with a bottle of water from his fridge. He’s about to hand it to you when he has a better idea.
“Open your mouth, gorgeous,” Keisuke opens the bottle and slowly pours it into your mouth, his eyes filled with lust as he watches the stream of water spilling from your lips down your neck to your bare breasts.
Palming his neglected erection, he takes a gulp of water and bends down to kiss you, sensually passing the water from his mouth to yours. Keisuke slowly swirls his tongue, teasing yours with the ball of his piercing. The taste of your pussy is still on his lips and tongue. You moan into his mouth as he takes the tip of your tongue between his lips and gently sucks it.
Baji eagerly lays on top of you as you reach down between his toned quads to stroke his cock from base to tip. Warm precum leaks from the engorged head into your palm. The veins in his thick shaft are completely swollen, his dick feels so heavy and huge — you need both hands to stroke him properly. Groaning, his hips reflexively roll forward, thrusting his needy cock against your hands.
“Keisuk-ehh,” you purr, looking up at him with yearning eyes. Bending down to kiss you, his pendants dangle from his neck above you. Baji slips one of his large hands between your legs. His silver rings scrape against the tender skin of your thighs. He easily penetrates your drooling wet pussy with two long fingers, curling them upwards. A low groan vibrates from his Adam’s apple when he feels just how wet and ready you are for him.
“Ufff… I need to be in you,” Keisuke grunts, his usually velvety deep voice sounds gruff now, making your pussy ache. You whimper, gyrating against his fingers inside you, needing to feel the friction from his hand against your slick lips and swollen clit.
Your horny noises and thrusting pussy are too much for Baji — a hoarse growl emanates from his throat as he grabs you by your thighs, spreading your legs and pulling your hips flush beneath him. Your pelvis instinctively bucks up as he grips his thick cock in one hand, gliding it over your slippery folds. You both moan as he slaps the head against your needy clit.
“Mmm, baby… you’re so wet,” Keisuke gazes down at your glistening cunt, his sharp canines biting into his lower lip. His eyes transfixed on your shiny swollen labia, he slowly eases into your warm wet hole, groaning at the sight of your drooling little pussy taking in his lengthy cock.
Baji bends to kiss you, teasingly licking your lower lip before penetrating your mouth, massaging your tongue with his. Your whole body tingles from the sensations of his fat tongue in your mouth and fat cock in your pussy.
He moans into your mouth as the plush walls of your hot little cunt stretch to accommodate his lengthy hard dick. He sensually circles his hips, thrusting into you, his large hands firmly gripping your ass and thighs.
Keisuke fucks you hard, burying his shaft deep in your pussy, with each thrust his heavy balls bounce against your ass. He stares lustfully at your breasts bouncing as he pounds into you. Both your bodies slick with sweat, incoherent sex noises and lewd squelching sounds from your pussy fill the room, the air thick with pheromones.
Baji reaches between your legs to rub wet circles around your clitoris, then gently pinches it. “Fff…uff,” you moan, toes curling, back arching off the mattress as you writhe beneath him. He groans as you buck your hips up, grinding your swollen clit against his pelvis, your walls gripping his entire length inside you.
Keisuke leans forward to suck on your titties. He wraps his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it, swirling his tongue around the hard tip, drooling — his eyes closed in pure ecstasy. Mewling, you grab his muscular ass with both hands, pushing him deeper into you. Baji moans as your sopping-wet pussy sucks him in.
Your walls begin to contract and flutter around him, and you whimper, burying your face in one of his pillows. Your toes curl as his cock swells even larger inside you, making your pussy throb. Your entire body tingles, waves of pleasurable heat flow through your core. “Ffuu… uhf… KEI!” You call out his name, moaning, trembling, your thighs shaking. Keisuke gazes down at you, his golden brown eyes half-closed and dreamy as he fucks you through your orgasm.
The hot pulsating sensations of your wet walls fluttering and squeezing his cock soon push Baji to his limit. There’s a warm tingling in his balls, the muscles at the base of his dick tighten and contract. Keisuke grunts, clenching his pelvic muscles, trying to hold back, but it’s no use.
It’s the way you look panting beneath him: You’re just too hot, your pussy’s too wet. Your sexy little moans… the fuckin’ needy way you called out his name as you came so hard, creaming around his cock…. FUUCK!
Baji groans, exhaling a deep breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “I’m gonna cum!” He calls out your name, you moan as you squeeze his thick cock, milking it as he thrusts into you, sloppily jerking his hips, shooting his hot cum deep in your pussy. Keisuke moans, his shoulders shuddering, the aftershocks of his orgasm sending shivers down his spine. He collapses on top of you with a little grunt.
“Fuck, baby... you wore me out,” Baji chuckles as he rolls over onto his pillow next to you.
“You’re so pretty when you cum…” he touches your mouth, tracing your lips with his index finger, “and your little noises are so sexy.” He smiles at you with soft affection in his eyes.
“You’re pretty hot, yourself — Baji-san.” You both laugh at the name he specifically told you not to call him when you first started working at the pet shop.
“C’mere, gorgeous.” Keisuke pulls you onto his sculpted chest, embracing you in a full-body hug. He lowers his chin and kisses the top of your head, “You smell so good,” he murmurs into your hair.
The silver pendants from his necklaces press against your face. You push them gently aside, laying your hand on his heart. He begins drawing tiny shapes on the back of your hand with his fingertips. Sighing, you nuzzle in closer to his chest. Baji’s skin smells warm and comforting — a faint blend of sandalwood, pot, and sex. Soft strands of his long wavy black hair tickle your face.
“Y’know, it’s kinda funny…,” Baji pauses to clear his throat. You can feel his Adam’s apple bob and vibrate as he speaks, his deep voice low and soothing. “I asked you to come over tonight ‘cos I was gonna ask you out.” He entwines his fingers with yours. “I even made sure Chifuyu and Kazutora would be gone so we could be alone.”
“Really?” You smile as you feel Baji’s heart begin to beat a little bit faster in his chest.
“But I wasn’t sure if you liked me in that way… y’know — romantically,” he mumbles, and you can practically hear the blush in his voice.
How is he so fucking cute?
“Keisuke,” you lift your head to peer up at him. And he is blushing, his chiseled cheekbones dusted pink. He momentarily looks away from you, breaking eye contact. He’s embarrassed because he blushed and you saw it.
“Kei,” you sit up and place a hand on one of his pink cheeks. “I came over because I wanted to have sex with you. Like, that was my plan from the beginning,” you tell him, thinking it will reassure him.
Baji looks into your eyes. His expression is soft and sincere, vulnerable. “I don’t want just that though…,” he pauses and self-consciously rubs the back of his neck, trying very hard not to break eye contact.
“Fuck — what I’m tryin’ to say is… I don’t wanna be,” he makes air quotes here, “‘friends with benefits’, or fuck buddies. Or any of that shit. I want more than that. I really, truly like you… a lot,” he realizes he’s still rubbing at the back of his neck and puts his hand down. He grins at you sheepishly, a wide smile that makes his brown eyes crinkle adorably shut.
“Keisuke!” You’re completely unable to think of anything even remotely coherent to say. He looks down at you expectantly. And you just stare back up at him for several long seconds, with pure adoration in your eyes. If heart eyes were real, you’d definitely have them.
Finally, you’re able to speak — sort of: “I-I like you too… really, so so much… like I can’t even begin to say h—”
“Then just kiss me already,” Keisuke chuckles, pulling you towards him.
©️poorly written by Bajiisofine 2dmenforme, 2023. Please do not copy, translate, upload to other platforms, or claim as your own.
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Daddy Tokyo Revengers: Having an Overly Shy Daughter pt 2 Ft: Mikey, Baji, Wakasa, Takeomi, Chifuyu, and Shinichiro WC 2000+ Part 1 a/n: part two is here! part 3 is in the works of characters on the list for part 3 Mitsuya, Kazutora, Kisaki, Kakucho, Izana, and Smiley!
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Wakasa He began to lace the purple little gloves on her hands. “Remember what daddy taught you?” he asked his baby girl. Her eyes watching her dad tying the strings of her glove. “Just like we practiced.” Wakasa patted her head. 
She saw her large uncle Arashi get into the ring he had his gloves on as well. She saw her daddy get out of the ring leaving her in the ring. “Daddy.” She trembled in her voice. 
“you got this bumble bee, keep your hands up and remember the bigger they are the harder they fall.” Wakasa spoke. For years he saw people come in and out of the gym then after training with him he could see the confidence in them. He wanted to do the same thing for his daughter seeing how sometimes she didn’t have confidence in herself due to her being overly shy about anything she did. 
She heard the bell ring and followed her dad's instructions keeping her hands up. Arashi was willing to help his little niece even if he had to be a little dramatic. Wakasa's little bumble bee swung towards her uncle hitting Arashi’s stomach and in a matter of seconds Arashi began to feel ‘pain’ from the hit. He fell to his knees and pretended to knock out. Her eyes widened in shock that she did that to her uncle. She turned around hearing the bell. “I killed him.” 
“ no no you knocked him out! You did it!” Wakasa said, reassuring his little one, getting into the ring. “And the winner is my little bumble bee” Raising her hand up Some of the members in the gym clapped and cheered for this because her little cheeks radiated with heat. She had a bashful smile. “See bumble bee l, no one your age can knock out a giant like him.” 
“No daddy I don’t want to go…” Her little backpack was on her shoulders. This was her second day of kindergarten. His daughter didn’t have the best day yesterday. She tried her best to meet some friends but when she would try to speak she began to stutter when nothing came from her mouth she took off in the other direction in the classroom. 
Takeomi felt bad for how her first day went. He should have listened to his wife and should have put her into a head start program to help with her social skills but he thought she was too little and being a first-time dad all he wanted to do was protect her and just knowing her parents would always be there for her. Now letting her get her own wings was a challenge. His hands gently were on her shoulders. “I know it’s tough but you can’t give up…. Daddy wants you to try for him. Can you do that for me?” He calmly spoke to her. 
She took a moment to respond with a slight nod. He had a relieved smile. He reached into his coat pocket  “Since you're staying today I have something for you that can help.” Pulling out small bracelets with charms on them.  “I went to the store last night and I asked the lady I needed a special bracelet to help give little princesses confidence. She found this… Look, it has all your favorite things on it too.” He began wrapping the bracelet around her wrist. Going to the jewelry store last night as a gift for her starting kindergarten. Something special for her and if she knows it’s supposed to help with her shyness she could feel a little more relaxed when making new friends. 
“Will it help me? ” She blinked a few times looking at her dad.  
“Mmhmmm,” they heard the bell ring “alright princess I will be here to pick you up after school.” Giving her a big hug. “ I love you.” 
“I love you too.” Kissing her cheek. He watched her enter the school and she disappeared around the corner where he class was.
It was his day off and he told his wife to enjoy herself for a few hours while he kept an eye on his munchkin. He was trying to feed Peke J when he couldn’t find him. Calling for him no response. He was looking everywhere for him and nowhere to be seen. The last place he checked was his daughter's room. Her door was slightly cracked open when he could hear his daughter's voice. “Down by the bay~~~ where the watermelons grow~~~ back to my home~~~`” he could hear the cute melody coming from his 4-year-old who was in her room singing. He could see on her bed Peke J,  he had one eye open as he watched his little owner enjoying herself. “Have you ever seen a fly wearing a tie? Down by the bay~” 
He hasn’t heard his daughter sing like this before. She would copy a few words from the song but it will only be spoken softly by her. Hearing her sing the full song brought a smile to his face. Peke J notices the presence at the door picking his head up meowing. His daughter stopped singing and he was busted.   “papa?”  she called out. When he finally opened the door the familiar pair of green eyes that resembled his looked back at him. “Hey sweetie, I was looking for Peke J. It was time for him to eat.” Chifuyu smiled. “I happen to hear you singing.” he smiled. “It was cute.”
She was bashful as she looked down at the ground, her hands were behind her back  “you liked it?” “Of course! You have the sweetest voice I ever heard. You got that from your mama. I know it's not from me. Do you mind if you will sing for me?”  
Her eyes lit up, nodding. “Mhmm.” 
“Promise?” he crouched down holding his pinky out to her. 
“Promise.” her little pinky wrapped around his. 
During his final year of residency, he was exhausted. Knowing this would be a big step in his career and for his family as well. Stressful years in school were going to pay off. His shift at his vet hospital ended. Making his way to his home knowing it was late his daughter could be asleep. Entering his home that was silent. ‘They are asleep.’ he thought to himself. He got out of his clothes into something more comfortable, he walked into his daughter’s room, the small night light by her bed was on and she had a stuffed white cat she was holding onto. He sat on the edge of the bed. He had been so busy he hadn’t had a lot of time with his favorite girl. Brushing her hair back and kissing her temple. Her daughter shifted her little hand rubbing her eyes as they slowly peaked open “Sorry I woke you.” he whispered. 
She let out a yawn. “I told mommy I wanted to wait for you, but I fell asleep.” She looked up at her dad. She missed her dad and knew when he had some time when he wasn’t doing his residency he needed rest. “Imissedyou.” she mumbled quietly. 
Baji noticed how his daughter held onto the stuffed cat as she buried her face into the top of its head. “I missed you too kiddo.” he looked at the drawing that was on her nightstand and picking it up he could see three figures “Did you do this?” She nodded her head “It’s f-for you Daddy.” snuggling into her stuffed kitty cat.
“ I have to add this to my collection of fine art, thanx kiddo” he looked at the photo then he found himself yawning. His daughter could see a tired look in his eyes. She scooted in her bed and Baji noticed she was making room for him to lie down. He was too exhausted to get to his room and he gladly accepted cuddling with his baby. “You wouldn’t mind if I crashed with you huh.” 
“I-I don’t mind.”
At times Baji forgot how big she was getting he still remembered her being a newborn who was the side of her forarm. Brushing her dark bangs out of her face. It didn’t take long for his daughter's eyes to become heavy; she didn’t fight her sleep. Baji looked down to see the smile on his baby’s face as she was asleep cozy next to him. His eyes finally gave out as he hit a deep slumber. 
The father-daughter dance was today and Mikey was ready to go. He had the corsage to match his daughter's dress. When he first heard about the dance his daughter was excited she would be taking her dad with her, but the closer it got she became a bit more nervous. There were going to be a lot of dads with their daughters there.  “Love, we are going to be late.” he knocked on her door. 
When his 5 year old opened the door she saw him in the pretty red dress she picked out last week from the store. His daughter didn’t get his personality at all. No matter how hard he tried to help her out breaking the shyness she retracted back more. There were people she was able to talk to that she was comfortable with but others she was mute. Mikey smiled, “I sure do make one hell of a cute kid, you are gorgeous my little princess.” 
He could see her face glowing red as it matched her dress color. “I um uh thank you dad,” she was a bit jittery with the compliment from her dad. Opening the container of the red corsage and placing it on her tiny hand. 
“Am I going to get to dance with my gorgeous date?” Mikey asked, taking her hand. 
“Ca-can you teach me ?” She began following her father to the car.  She really didn’t know how to dance. 
“Of course. Anything for you princess.” He buckled her seat belt and he began to drive towards the school. 
Shin could see the frustration in his daughter's face. She was trying to fix her toy that came apart. Trying to clasp them back together when they kept coming apart. She let out a low sigh. “Do you need help, cupcake?” Shin asked, catching his daughter's attention. 
“It’s okay daddy I got it.” Her concentration was still focused on the toy.  Shin could see how to fix the toy he began making his way . “No-No daddy, it's okay.” She looked up at him and he took a seat next to her on the floor. She became a bit more nervous; she wanted to do this for herself instead of going to ask her dad all the time. Shinichiro always loves helping her out. When he is in the shop he would ask her to help him pass him the tools he would need to fix a bike. 
“Daddy is just gonna watch kay?” he patted her shoulder. He continued to watch her tweak it but it wasn’t working. A frown came to her lips she had to admit to defeat this time. “It's okay sweetheart. Take a deep breath.” He guided her through the deep breath and saw her relax after. “Turn this piece around.” He pointed to the left side of the toy. Following her fathers instructions she managed to place the piece properly in. “ you did it!” Shinichiro saw the look on her face she was biting her inner cheeks looking at the toy. “What’s wrong?” 
“I wanted to figure it out myself.” She looked over at her dad then back down. “But i couldn’t.” 
“It’s okay to ask for help, I know you want to do it yourself but sometimes we need help and I will always be there to help you.” Rubbing her back. 
She gave a small smile nodding at her smiling dads face. She reached for one of her other toys “ do you want to play with me?” In her other hand she one of her toys 
“Of course!”
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Shadows Entwined: part 8
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 / Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
A/N: We are adding some friendly drama today, ulalala.
Batman still hasn’t woken up after Arkham. Batgirl is hiding something about Donnie, and you and Leo have a moment.
Warnings: None as far as I can think of other than spelling💙
The reader and the turtles are 19.
Sometimes you wondered where on earth you would be without Alfred. Had he not been a part of your life, you weren’t sure how any of you would be able to get Bruce back home safely. And you had to admit, there was something badass about watching your father’s usually mild mannered butler drive the Batmobile out the gates of Arkham Asylum, with Bruce and Damian in the back, just in time before the police got there.
You stayed back at the asylum with Batgirl and the turtles, standing in the entrance with all the inmates groaning or unconscious on the floor, as commissioner Gordon drove up to the front door. The commissioner was stunned, staring at the inmates, shocked by their mutated state, registering only a few of the words Leonardo told him, as he explained what had transpired.
“Crime fighting mutant turtles, and a mutant snake Joker”, he sighed, rubbing his forehead, looking at the anti ooze Donatello had handed him. “I should really go on a vacation soon”.
You couldn’t blame the poor guy. He rarely had any days off, and you could only imagine how he was stressing him out. This city was never quiet, and with the still expanding addition of mutants, made it all worse for him.
With the police updated and the situation under control, all six of you made your way back to Wayne Manor. Raphael grumbled all along the way, about how he was going to punch Shredder and Ra’s al Ghul’s faces in with his bare fists.
“That’s good and all”, Leo told him over his shoulder as you jumped over the roofs. “But we have to find them first”.
Leo was right. After your visit at Arkham Asylum, you were no closer to finding either Ra’s or Shredder, nor any closer to understanding what they wanted to use Joker’s venom for. Everything was still one big mystery to all of you.
Once at Wayne Manor, you were quick to find both Alfred and Robin in the Batcave, both attending to Batman on the table. It was a scary sight. Damian looked slightly fearful, but Alfred looked as calm as ever, eyes on his pocket watch while feeling Batman’s pulse through two fingers on his neck. You felt your guts tighten, nervousness spreading throughout your body.
“Is he going to be okay?”, you asked the butler, your eyes never leaving your father’s mask covered face.
“There’s nothing to fear, Miss (H/N)”, Alfred said, shooting you a small smile. “Master Donatello was right. The master is going to be alright”.
You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling Leonardo’s comforting hand on your shoulder, his pretty blue eyes as sincere as could be, with a reassuring smile on his lips.
“When do you think he’ll wake up?”, Robin asked, worry still painted in his eyes as he took Batman’s hand in his, hoping to gain some sort of comfort.
“That is hard to say, Master Robin”, Alfred sighed, before turning towards you and the turtles. “It could very easily take some time before Batman wakes up, so in the meantime, it would probably be a good idea to show our guests the rooms they spend the night in”.
Mikey gasped, clapping his hands together with sparkles in his eyes. “Rooms?! As in, rooms with beds?! Real beds, and not just some tables in an old abandoned coffee shop?!”
You looked at Leo in confusion, raising your eyebrow as a way to ask him. “We’ve been spending the past few nights in an old abandoned coffee shop”, he sighed, trying to ignore your shocked expression and Batgirl’s giggles.
“How… accommodating”, Alfred hesitated before walking toward the exit. “Follow me gentleman, and I’ll show you to your rooms”.
The turtles looked at each other, shrugged, before following Alfred, all while Mikey skipped in his step, happy to finally be able to sleep in a soft bed once again.
As the evening went on, each of the turtles were shown to one of the many guest rooms throughout Wayne Manor. Alfred, who did not want the guys to tear up the place while he was asleep, and assigned them rooms as far away from each other as possible, first walking Mikey to his room, so he wouldn’t be able to know what halls his brothers were sleeping in.
As the four turtles made themselves at home in their momentary rooms, you stayed back in the Batcave with Barbara and Damian, watching over Bruce. All three of you, getting tired after a long night of unease, had removed your masks. You sighed as you took it off, rubbing your tired eyes, feeling a little bit of relief from taking the fabric off of your face.
Damian stayed close to your father, positioning himself on a stole, allowing him to watch over the dark knight. You sat yourself on an adjacent table, watching Barbara as she worked on the chemicals on the table in front of her. Anything that could help Bruce was appreciated, and maybe she could make something that could help him wake up.
But as you watched Barbara work, you couldn’t help but think of what Damian had asked her and Donnie, back at Arkham. “We didn’t interrupt your snugging, did we?” That comment repeated in your head, along with the way you had seen Leo smirk at Donnie when Barbara had caught Joker off guard. Your little brother was a little piece of shit sometimes, but there were times where he noticed things that you never even had thought of.
“So”, you asked, playing with the end of your left sleeve, thinking of the best way to ask. “Did you and Donnie kiss?”
Barbara almost knocked over all the glass tubes in front of her before shooting you a hard glare. Okay, maybe that had been too straightforward.
“It is questions like those that make me refuse to believe you and Damian ain’t actually related”, she retorted, turning back to the chemical balance she held by a cup.
“That was not the answer I was looking for”, you teased, leaning back onto the table, letting your head roll onto your shoulder. “But for real, did you and Donnie kiss in Arkham?”
“I have a better question for you, (Y/N)”, she said, not taking her eyes off the glass tube she now held in her hand, rotating it in circles. “Did you and Leo kiss?”
That question shocked you. Blinking a few times, you had to connect the wires in your brain.
“No”, you said, wondering how it wasn’t obvious. “My dad was there throughout the whole thing! Obviously we wouldn’t have kissed with him around”.
“So you would have kissed him if Bruce wasn’t around?”, she asked, a smirk on her lips, causing Damian to erupt in laughter. Fuck. You had fallen straight into her trap.
“That’s not what I said!”, you exclaimed, feeling yourself getting cornered.
“Well, that’s what it sounded like”, Barbara smiled. “It makes sense, I mean, didn’t he have pretty eyes?”
You blushed so hard that Damian was practically rolling on the floor, screaming about how busted you were. Your little crush on Leo was no longer so little, nor as hidden as you had thought it was.
You jumped from the table and down onto the floor, your cheeks still burning brightly red, steam practically fuming out of your ears as you started marching for the stairs. Anything to get away from those two, and the chaos that you had brought upon yourself.
“Whatever”, you grumbled. “I’m going to my room. Tell me when there’s food”.
“Say hey to Leo for me!”, Barbara yelled after you, once again making Robin laugh. It was a wonder how Bruce hadn’t woken up from all that noise yet.
Once you got to your room, you slammed the door shut behind you, before letting out a frustrated sound. Of course that was where Barbara had to turn the conversation. You should have known. You loved that girl like a sister, but her smart brains made her a horror to banter with, because she would often win… if not always.
With a sigh, you threw your mask onto your large bed, before turning towards your closet. You had now been wearing that superhero costume for what felt like days, and you were very much looking forward to wearing something else. You pulled some soft comfy closing for the closet, before shutting it and turning back towards your bed. But when you suddenly noticed that you weren’t alone in your room anymore, an unknown presence standing right beside you, your now open door casting their face in a shadow, you moved fast. You dropped the close in your hand, before kicking out the strangers legs, making them fall to the ground with a groan, before you jumped on the, pressing your forearm against their neck, only to notice a pair of pretty blue eyes staring back at you.
“Leo!”, you gasped, hurrying to stand up. “Are you okay?”
“Y- yeah, I think so”, he mumbled, rubbing his head. You took slight pity on him, before extending your hand to him, helping him up from your bedroom floor.
“I know you’re a ninja and all, but please don’t sneak up on me like that”.
“S- sorry, old habit”, he stammered. “I- I just wanted to check and see if you were okay”.
You turned your head to the side, looking questionable ast him, wondering where this sudden stammer came from. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Y- you know, after all that happened at A- Arkham, both with Scarecrow and y- your father…” Leo ceased to talk when you placed a hand on his shoulder, looking up at him.
“Are you okay, Leo?”, you asked, concern in your voice. “I’ve never heard you stammer before. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just”. He swallowed, biting his lip before he allowed himself to continue. “You’re not wearing your mask”. Oh. You turned your head, catching a glimpse of your mask, laying in the foot of your bed. Sudden nervousness washed over you, causing you to quickly remove your hand from his shoulder.
“Oh… yeah… I forgot…”, you mumbled. “Sorry about that”.
“I’m the one that should say sorry”, Leo admitted, letting out a small chuckle. “It was me that came into your room without knocking”.
You didn’t know what to say. The realization that this was the first time that Leo really saw your face, made your hands sweaty and your heart beating relentlessly, as if it tried to jump out of your ribcage. With Leo’s eyes watching your face, the only thing you felt like you could do was looking down at your feet, trying to hide your second blush in the past hour.
Leo didn’t know what came over him, because suddenly his hand was on your chin, tilting your face up towards him, letting his eyes wander across your features once more.
“You’re really pretty, (Y/N)”, Leo murmured, almost absentmindedly.
“Says the guy with the pretty eyes”, you retorted with a smile, causing Leo to chuckle lightly, momentarily avoiding your gaze. He was trying not to blush. How adorable. He licked his lip before giving it a small bit, looking back at you. Maybe you were seeing this, but you swore that he was closer to you now. The hand that still rested on your chin subconsciously tucking you towards him.
“You really think my eyes are that pretty?”, he asked, anticipation showing itself in his blue orbs.
You bit your lower lip before giving him a small nod, never dropping the intense eye contact the two of you had created with your close proximity. “If I didn’t I wouldn’t keep saying it, would I?”
Leo chuckled once more, this time not moving his eyes from yours. Then his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment. You could only wonder what he was thinking of, but you did have a qualified guess. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same thought about his lips.
Your heart skipped a beat as your faces got closer. Leo could feel your breath against his lips, making his own heart flutter. It felt wrong not to hold you in this moment, so Leo reached for your waist with his other hand, his fingertips softly gracing your side, as if he was scared it wasn’t okay. Your own fingers graced his arms, as a way to tell both you and him that it was okay.
You were so close. So close that you could almost feel Leo’s lips against your own, and as you closed your eyes, his striking blue ones were still clear in the eye of your mind. Those damn pretty eyes.
“Guys!”, a happy voice sounded from the hallway. You and Leo jumped from each other, just in time before Mikey stood in the doorway, a bright smile that soon was replaced by confusion, when he saw you and Leo’s flustered stages and your heavy breathing. You could only imagine how it looked from his perspective.
“What?”, Leo asked, fighting the blush that was forming on his face, trying his best not to sound annoyed.
“Well, I just wanted to hear if you two wanted pizza for dinner, or if we should get Alfred to cook, but if you two want to be alone…”
“Do whatever you like, Mikey”, Leo said, sounding more frustrated than he had intended. “Whatever you decide is probably good”.
“In that case!”, Mikey smiled brightly, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Alfred said he could get everything ready in half an hour, so don’t get too busy with each other!”
You sucked in a breath of pure surprise, feeling your body stiffen at his statement. Leo too was beyond flustered by this comment.
“Mikey!”, he yelled at his little brother, as the orange clad turtle ran away with a manic laugh. Still flustered, Leo turned towards you, embarrassment written all over his face. You could only imagine how you looked. Eyes wide and limbs stiffer than wood.
“Is he always that annoying?”, you asked, looking for a way to ease the tension.
“Yes”, Leo sighed. “All day, every day”.
“Sounds like Damian”, you sighed, shaking your head with a small smile. “Come, we should probably go to the dining hall before Mikey and Damian start putting together a narrative”.
“Sounds like a good idea”, Leo said, following you out of your bedroom.
The next morning you woke up earlier than the rest of the household, before making your way to the kitchen. Here you found a sleepy Damian eating breakfast made by Alfred, trying his best to stay awake.
“Damn, what happened to you?”, you asked, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice.
“Michelangelo got the bedroom next to mine”, Damian grumbled, poking at his eggs and bacon.
“And what’s wrong with that?”, you asked. “I thought you liked Mikey after he saved father”.
“I liked him, until he started snoring”, he growled, poking a hole into the egg yoke. He stared at it for a moment, before a mischievous smile appeared on his face. “Talking about like, guess what”.
“What?”, you asked confused as Alfred served you your quick breakfast.
“I saw Donatello in the hallway last night, long after dinner”, the little demon smiled.
“So?”, you asked, taking a sip of your orange juice.
“Donnie’s guest room is on a different wing. Barbara’s guest room is opposite of mine”. You almost choked on your orange juice, coughing in order to clear your airway. Damian placed his hands behind his head with a self satisfied smile. “So maybe your questions weren’t so far off last night”.
“Have you just given me dirt on Barbara, in case she dismisses my questions about her and Donnie again?”, you asked, chest still hurting from the orange juice.
“Yes I did”, he said, poking his fork into the egg.
“You really do love to watch the world burn, don’t you?”
“Thank my grandfather for that”, he said, chewing the egg with a smile.
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Dynamics: Part 2, <Next!>
For Apocalypse F! Mikey: Now see Uncle Tello content is great and I love it. But consider this, it’s alr everywhere AND think bout Master Michelangelo /Uncle Mi supremacy ✨👀 think bout uncle Mi being the warm/comforting/ steadying presence that Cj clung to when Leo and April are stuck being the sole two pillars of leadership for the entirely of sentient life on earth and Donnie is off doing his mad scientist things(No hate to D but we know our boi has low empathy and tends to get hyper fixated to the point he ignores everyone. Not that he wouldn’t absolutely try for Junior cuz he would but ya know what I mean) which leaves the Mikey cuz our poor Raphie and Casey Sr died early.
Like Cmon guys hear me out Mike alr has Dr feelings and his ole mediator shtick. you can’t tell me that as he grew and matured it didn’t not grew stronger. Plus he defo Leaned into the whole mediator thing esp with the apocalypse cuz someone defo needed to be the calm mediator in the chaos that was the kraang. Plus he was ALR the most mentally/emotionally stable out of all the fam and a child in a chaotic environment (cough the apocalypse cough) is gonna unconsciously gravitate towards that. And mikey being mikey is then absolutely gonna white knuckle his “I’m emotionally healthy” even more cuz we got a kid now. We gotta make sure he grows up with SMTH.
Plus I like to think everyone had diff roles in raising Cj. Eg: Cj spends time with tello if he wants to hang out and blow shit up or wants to brainstorm tangible solutions. but if he needs/wants emotional support or emotional safety he goes to Mikey and if he wants all of the above plus advice in general it’s Leo and Comander April lmao (but 7/10 times it’s Leo). Side note: Before Raph died he and mikey used to tag team M’s role and April’s role was formerly Cassandra’s but welp we all know what happened 😭. Also I just wanna make it clear that these roles weren’t always hard and fast rule. It’s just generally the common status quo but was still subject to change depending on the circumstances cuz ppl are ppl and ppl are complex. Like if Cj was feeling particularly scared for Dee or April’s mortality I can guarantee he glomped them. And they let him.
Edit: In any case, their dynamic is basically all round calm, slow and cozy vibes. Cuz like I said, Mikey was acting as Cj’s living sentient equivalent of a warm, weighted blanket. Plus mystic overuse/cursed aging gave Mikey a lot of chronic fatigue and plus Mi leaning hard into the whole mediator thing rlly made him mellow out esp when he had to be responsible for a kid. So most of their hanging out was either sitting around talking about their day, making up stories bout random objects they found like ‘I bet that cup has a chip in cuz an alligator got it’ ,Cj ranting, mystic training, lots and lots of snuggles or (big shocker I know) Mikey reading to Cj (don’t Judge Cj, he finds Uncle’s Mi voice calming. And as tor Mikey, options are limited when you’re old, physically frail and in an apocalypse) or them reading tgt in comfy silence with the occasional comment of ‘man this character is so stupid’ and ‘I know right!’. Also In the earlier days when resources weren’t so scarce and Mikey had more energy they used to draw on the walls tgt using chalk but well.. stuff like that don’t last very long in the apocalypse.
For Past/present time: Once Cj starts to properly distinguish between future and present and feels a little more ready to start properly interacting with P!fam. He starts to build a stable relationship with Mikey. their dynamic is one of more equal standing cuz of the lack of age difference aka the big theme for this dynamic is all abt growing up tgt. This creates a more free and unrestrained dynamic where both feel more encouraged/safe to try new things cuz they don’t have to worry bout any hovering from any older siblings (sorry Leo he tries but even he can’t fully escape the big brother instincts even towards Case. Which is hilarious cuz Cj is the most self sufficient out of everyone XD ) and cuz they don’t have to worry bout looking stupid in front said older siblings if they fail/ being coddled if they fail. Initially it was a very big whiplash for Casey to adjust to the fact that someone he used to look for answers/ be a pillar was just as clueless as he was AND the fact he could freely argue back with said someone due to the lack of age difference.
But once both parties settled in, they have alot of fun just being kids and messing around. Honestly their dynamic is adorable. With Mikey’s more adventurous and more hopeful personality helping Cj start to relax a little more and start acting more like the 15 year old he is. And Cj’s more serious and sensible mindset helps Mikey become a little more thoughtful/cautious as he’s more open to Cj’s criticism cuz it feels alot less condescending than the rest of the fam due to the age similarity.
This dynamic also plays a part in Cj’s adjustment to the past. Due to said adventurous behaviour, Mike always wants to show Cj new things. And his emotionally intuitive nature helps him pick up when Cj is uncomfortable but doesn’t always feel comfortable saying it or can just generally quickly pick up the warning signs of a trigger. So after some trial and error Mikey gets pretty good at knowing when to push and pull Case out of his comfort zone or just out right cancel an outing cuz Dr feelings can sense the ensuing panic attack/ PTSD triggers. Which Casey rlly appreciates. On the flip side, Cj is the biggest advocate (second to Leo) for letting Mikey do his thing cuz he knows what Mikey is capable off and isn’t blinded with older sibling instincts. Which Mikey greatly appreciates. We stan mutually supportive siblings.
And as the youngest, they both bond (mostly Miguel talks, Cj listens oh how the tables turn) over how frustrating it is to see the rest of their family (for Cj it’s him using his experience with F!Fam to relate to P!Mikey cuz the P!Fam don’t rlly baby Casey the same way/the obvious extent they do for Miguel. For Mikey, it’s more they water down info either intentionally/unintentionally or try to stop him from doing stuff cuz they want to protect him. And for Cj, it’s more them trying to be extra subtly careful of his sore spots. Like Legit cuz of Cj, everyone at some point had independently googled ‘how to care for war-torn ptsd riddled relative’ and ‘how to help someone with material insecurity issues’ or ‘how to support someone going thru bereavement’. For once it wasn’t only Mike reading psych stuff lmao) trying to water things down for them like dums dums XD.
They also tag team the rest of their family with the combined powers of their puppy dog eyes and shared status as “baby’s of the family” to get out of trouble/get what they want like the gremlins they are 😂. Generally when hanging out they’re either doing things action driven stuff (a stark contrast to F!Mikey and Cj. Cuz P!Mikey is younger, less traumatised and hasn’t been peepawed) like graffiti (Mikey sprays full on masterpieces and Cj loves spraying colourful doodles cuz he’s delighted to play with all sorts of bright colours and see the pretty art Anglo makes that Cj didn’t have the luxuary of seeing in the apocalypse, so despite the huge skill gap, which is rapidly becoming smaller, they still have fun tgt), skateboarding, playing video games, parkour or Mikey kidnapping Cj to show/get him to try smth he didn’t get to do in the apocalypse, *cough the occasional arson cough* Like I said they’re awesome lmao
On a side note: both Cj and Mikey are very happy to have a cool brother/friend who is the same age as them. For Cj it’s cuz fellow kids were very rare back in his time. Meaning the kids that were round him were either much older or much younger so same age friends is very much a novel experience lmao. As for Mikey, although he does call Cj baby brother( he doesn’t actually enforce that unless in certain situations like Cj in distress or trying to get Cj to do Miguel’s part of chores lmao) most of the time he’s happy to not be alone in his age grp of family/friends cuz it can get a little lonely sometimes. Raph, April and Casey have each other, Donnie and Leo have each other and now Mikey and Cj have each other! Yaayyy
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beetleviolet · 6 months
So uh... anyone remember this post? About rottmnt Raph and Leo post invasion?
@midwesternvibes i did it.
I didn't go super deep into it because like. What do you even do in that situation lmao. And I'm not sure I did the idea justice. Idk. Might do another draft before I post it on ao3. Super proud of all my metaphors and shit tho.
(Tw: PTSD, panic attacks, crying, negative self talk, suicidal thoughts (kind of?? Blink and you'll miss it. Its a hyperbole anyway but better safe then sorry))
meteor shower (quick, take cover)
The worst part about it was that Raph had seen it coming. 
They were all jumpy. Trigger-sad and still pulling themselves back together. The crashing of pots as they spilled out of the cupboard, and everyone in the kitchen jumped out of their skin. Leo flinched a second time as Raph landed from his (admittedly embarrassing) hop. His little brother's breath hitched and hitched and he ducked his head to the floor, staring staring staring. His cane clattered to the floor. 
“Oh buddy…” Raph dropped his voice soft. Leo's eyes locked onto him. He stumbled, arm reaching blindly behind to find its grip on the counter. He fell, frame shaking. His eyes didn't leave Raph's, Raph's right eye, droning up and down his arm. Hitch, hitch, hitch hitch hitch. 
Raph took a step forward. And Leo-
Leo raised his arms, taking himself to the floor without the support. He ducked his head, limbs already starting to retreat into his shell. And Leo looked up at him, eyes big and shaking and welled up tears and and and
Beside him, Mikey unfroze, bounding forward before Raph could stop him. 
“Mike, I don't think-” He trailed off as Leo peaked up, reaching for Mikey with unrestrained sobs. He held his little brother close, only looking up to watch Raph. Again, their eyes locked. 
Terror. Panic. Horror. Fear. The hitch hitch hitch when Raph raised a hand. So he stepped back instead. Back and back and back until he was running out of their kitchen, glancing over his shoulder in time to see Leo relax, just a little. Just enough. 
Raph punched his wall. His wall, this time. Not Leo's or Leo or anything else. He breathed, hard eyes roaming and landing on a pile of stuffies by his pillow. 
He'd like to say he did anything else, but Raph fell into bed, held a stuffed cat tight to his chest, and cried. 
The plushie's name was Kitty-Kitty. Once, when they were really little, Leo tore her arm off in a fit of rage and safety scissors. Raph cried and then Leo cried and then Mikey cried, overwhelmed with it all. Leo sewed the arm back on and even added a little heart on her sleeve. The clumsy stitches had long since fallen out, but Raph had sewn them back year after year and kept it and held it close, tight to his chest as he cried like a child. He cried and he cried. It seemed the world was constantly finding new and creative ways to break his heart. (Or maybe not so creative because)
(He'd seen it all coming)
Raph let himself drown, let himself toss and turn and wallow in the salty leftovers on his cheeks. Like a beached whale, he let himself wallow, just a bit.
Donnie once said that dead whales could explode. Maybe Raph would explode. He wished he would, just a little, if only so he wouldn't have to get back up and see that look in Leo's eyes ever again. Ever, ever again. 
But he would, wouldn't he? The next panic attack, the next mission gone awry, the next the next the next… It kept going and going. The next… what if Raph got weird again? Leo had always been the best at calming him down, bringing him back. What if Leo couldn't do it? Got too scared, was hurt too bad? Decided that it just. Wasn't worth it. 
Raoh let another wave of tears wash over him. Usually after a good cry he felt cleaned out, hollowed chest and burning nostrils, insides sanded and painted with white wash, fresh and new. Maybe it was just a bad cry, because he still felt all stuffed and overwhelmed and big and heavy and gross, insides all slime and goo and and and
Raph picked up that train of thought, dragged it through his mind palace, and threw it in the moat. 
He took stock. 
Raph was tired. His nostrils burned and any emotion was still a messy, unnamable blarehorn, though his eyes had nothing left to produce but the liquid ache that flowed like a lava lamp behind them. 
That was Leo's knock. Raph tensed. Leo's knock was usually accompanied by a greeting or a yell or the sound of something breaking. It was odd to just…hear the knocks, all hesitant and lonely. 
“You there, big guy?” There it was. Leo's voice was still gravelly from earlier, still a little quiet. Raph's heart clenched. He stacked his courage and spoke,
“Hi.” Wow. Nice one, Raphie. 
“Hey.” Leo was close to the door. Raph could imagine him, shell against the wall, his arms crossed and head tilted back so he could speak without having to face the quiet subway car, a new dent on its side. 
Maybe he had his forehead up against the cold metal of the sliding door, condensation decorating its surface, staring at the floor. Staring, staring, just a little. 
Or maybe he was just standing there like normal. Raph doubted it, somehow. 
“Listen, Raph, I..” His voice broke, a lightning strike down the middle. Lightning actually does hit the same place twice, Raph remembered Donnie explaining, more likely to, even. “I'm so sorry.” 
“‘s not your fault.” His voice was a twin wobble. Leo chuckled, 
“Heh, snot…” Raph felt his mouth twitch up. 
“...do you wanna come in?” He asked, trying to keep his voice from being all nervous and weird. Like Raph was anything but nervous and weird. Super weird. 
Leo didn't answer, but Raph heard the jerk of the handle and the door slid open. And…
Post-panic attack Leo always made Raph want to scoop his brother up in his arms and never let him go. With red eyes, shaky and distant, quiet breaths before a quick deep one, like he suddenly remembered how. Everything about him was… dialed down. Like he was too tired to keep his brightness up all the way. 
It's not that he wanted Leo to pretend he was okay, but reminders that he wasn't hurt too. And Raph couldn't scoop his brother up and never let him go. Besides the obvious impracticality, he would just make everything worse. 
But his palms turned up without him meaning too, and Leo stumbled forward and wrapped his arms around Raph's neck. Not too tight, just there. Secure. Raph's hand hovered over his brother's shell, not daring to brush the cracks, almost trembling at the thought of falling anywhere near Leo's throat. So small. Leo was larger than life, but Raph's little brother was so, so small. 
“This is lame,” Leo whined, “Hug me!” 
“You sure?” He asked. Whispered. Leo grumbled, tucking further into Raph's chest. 
“It was the Krang, not you.” Raph took a breath, a little shudder, 
“Then it was your brain juice, and not you.” Leo didn't answer for one beat, two, three,
“Then hug me, stupid.” 
“Aye, watch it!” But Leo didn't so much as flinch as Raph's arms wrapped around him, held him close. They breathed for a bit. It was the Krang, not you. Not you. Not Raph. 
Raph pressed his head down, tension whirlpooling down the drain. It was a little odd, wasn't it? Because, well,
 He hadn't seen this coming. 
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 6 months
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Part 23
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Series Masterlist
Part 22 🟣 Part 24
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Fluff, ongoing vampire shenanigans, a little ace-angst...
Word count: 2k
A/N: More vampire feels for everyone!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld @proud-aroace-beastie @plaidcat4815 @wa-ni (Fucking dumblr won't let me tag y'all)
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“Darling, can you come to the kitchen for a moment?” Sherlock asked calmly. You rounded the corner and looked at them suspiciously — the way they were all sitting around the kitchen table with serious looks on their faces made the whole thing… just kind of sus.
“Did someone die?” you asked as you joined them at the table. This was not a nice way to spend your time after the lovely shower you’d just taken.
“Oh, no! Nothing of the sort,” Sherlock reassured you. That was comforting, at least.
“We just wanted to ask you…” August started, only to be interrupted by a very excited Mike.
“We want to take a little trip!”
“In fact,” Sherlock clarified, “we would love for you to spend the summer with us… with our family.”
“You mean,” you replied slowly, “I’d get to meet the others?”
“Yes,” August answered. “There’s only two of them, no worries.” You had been wondering how big their coven was, and it was nice to hear there weren’t too many introductions to be made.
“And one of them would be Charles, correct?” It was more or less a guess, but an educated one.
“Yes. There’s a chance my brother will show up — it is quite a nice house we have…”
“Then why live here?” If they had a nice house somewhere, then why did they share this apartment?
“Sherlock moved here to teach, Mike moved here to go to college,” Marshall answered.
Mike interrupted again: “Marshall missed me too much.” You raised your eyebrows and rolled your eyes, but Marshall chuckled and shook his head.
“He’s not lying,” he said. “It took me nearly a century to be able to live apart from Sherlock. What Mike neglects to mention is that he missed me, too.”
“Did not!” Mike faux-protested. “I only called him up on the verge of crying three or four times a week!”
“At the risk of sounding completely insensitive… What? Why?” you wondered.
“We suspect it’s a way to protect new vampires, and people,” Sherlock explained. “The very young ones can be unpredictable. It’s not as much of a problem these days; there are special feeding programs for juveniles — they feed more often for the first year or so… Anyway, before feeding became legal the way it is now, it was important that youngsters learned to… well, to be quite frank about it, they had to learn to not kill everyone they bit.”
“A hungry young vampire left unattended can — and will — kill a grown man in about three minutes,” August helpfully added. “Supervision was very necessary.”
“Especially during those times when secrecy was of utmost importance,” Sherlock continued. “One wrong move… It can be tricky to gain full control over the new levels of strength and speed.”
“Not to mention those damn fangs,” Mike noted. “Just getting the bite right is tricky in the beginning.”
“You don’t just… bite?” you asked.
“When we’re close to you, princess,” August said with a strange smirk, “we can feel every vein in your body.” Did that have to sound so… ominous? “That’s the easy part. The hard part is aiming. It makes sense to have someone teach you.”
“Most of us feed exclusively on their… let’s say ‘mentor’, for the first six months,” Marshall added. “Then, by the time they move on to human blood, they’ll have something resembling restraint. Usually.” He glared at Mike.
“Okay, my first human was not a success, but…”
“It was a disaster, Mike,” Marshall said, rolling his eyes.
“He didn’t… you didn’t… right?” You could only hope they understood what you were trying to ask.
“No, she was fine. But it was a bloodbath,” Marshall grumbled. “A waste of perfectly good food.”
“Says the one with the knife kink…” you blurted out.
“I wouldn’t have dreamed of wasting a drop of blood back then. Remember that feeding was mostly illegal during that time,” Marshall reminded you. “I almost lost a very willing volunteer that night.”
“How did that conversation even go? ‘Hello, would you mind if my intern performed the procedure today?’” Everyone laughed.
“Something like that,” Marshall said eventually. “I told Manu — her name was Manuela — I had a friend, someone like me… She jumped at the chance to be his first human.”
“She was great,” Mike remembered. “Very solid about the pain…”
“She got off on the pain, genius,” Marshall laughed.
“I know that,” Mike sighed. “But even then. Stop making me look like an idiot, I know you know what I mean!”
“The difference between enjoying the bite and enjoying the aftermath of the bite,” August guessed — and judging from the looks on Mike and Marshall’s faces, he was correct.
“Sherlock?” He was gone. Suddenly. Not that that was so strange for him — you knew what he could do — but to leave like that, without warning?
“He’s in his room,” the guys said at the same time.
Of course, you were the last one to reach the door — but the first one to knock.
“Come in,” Sherlock said reluctantly, and you opened his bedroom door. “I’m sorry I disappeared.”
“What’s going on?” you asked, sitting down on his bed, and reaching for him in a silent plea for him to join you. He did, wrapping an arm around your shoulders almost painfully tightly.
“I remember this time so very differently,” he whispered. “Many… volunteers, back in the day, were exactly as they describe. But many weren’t simply in it for the pain…”
“I mean, of course there was a sexual edge to it for many of them, but…” Mike’s eyes went wide. “Oh. Right. Shit…”
“It was particularly difficult to find volunteers willing to forego the…”
“Boinking,” Mike suggested.
Sherlock looked up at him. “You can’t possibly think that would have been my choice of words, Mike.”
“Fine, amorous congress, better?”
“Marginally,” Sherlock chuckled. “Even the ones who seemed content with such an arrangement at first often became bored with the lack of…”
“Boinking,” Mike said again. “Ow! Joke, people. Joke!” He rubbed the back of his head, where August had hit him.
“What did you do?” you asked, both concerned and curious.
“I had to eat,” he answered plainly. “There weren’t too many options. Telling people what I was, was dangerous enough in and of itself. I simply viewed the” — his eyes shot up to look at Mike for a second — “intercourse as payment for the service rendered. I should add that, during this phase of my life, I was far more repulsed by the concept of sexual activity than I am now.”
“That… changes?” you asked carefully.
“There is some fluidity to it, yes,” he replied quietly. “Completely involuntary and ungovernable, of course.” He sighed. “So far, the height of my interest in physical relations has been the willingness to please a trusted romantic partner. Which is not a state in which I find myself at this current time — regrettably, I might add. I’m sorry.”
Was he apologizing? “You are not apologizing to me for being who you are, Sherlock,” you said sternly. “I swear I’ll have one of them kick you!” You gestured at the others.
“I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not enough for you,” he whispered.
“Look at me,” you said, placing your hand on the side if his face. “You are more than enough for me. Our relationship is… whole. It’s not lacking, it’s not incomplete, it’s everything it’s supposed to be.”
“If that were true,” he said, “you wouldn’t have wondered why we weren’t sleeping together.”
“Oh, good God,” you sighed. “That was because of some misaligned expectations on my part, and you know it, Holmes! If you desperately want to apologize for something, apologize for not managing those expectations sooner.”
He gave you a kind smile that was unable to hide the pain in his eyes, and took your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of it. “I still wish it were different.”
“Well, I don’t ,” you snapped. “Because I love you. Now, tell me more about this trip we’re taking, please.” You threw an arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. “Who is this mysterious coven member I’ve never heard any of you talk about? And are my, ehm… services expected to be extended to them? I mean, I—”
“No,” August snarled unexpectedly aggressively. He calmed down slightly when Marshall put a hand on his chest. “No,” he said again, this time whispering so softly you could barely hear him. Now, August having a strained relationship with Charles wasn’t exactly news to you, but even then, this reaction seemed a bit extreme…
“August, I know you don’t like him much, but we both know the most likely scenario,” Marshall replied to August’s outburst.
“And what is the most likely scenario?” Mike fidgeted with his own fingers, clearly nervous.
“That I will want to,” you said without thinking. “That’s it, right? What everyone is thinking? That I’ll want to feed them?”
Sherlock nodded slowly. “Though the agreed upon parameters of out contract do not extend to them, and you will not be responsible for keeping them alive.”
“So, by all means,” August hissed, “refuse him service.”
“August,” Sherlock warned, and to your surprise, August relaxed immediately. “Play nice.” There was an edge to his voice, almost a kind of buzz. The words felt fuzzy in a way you couldn’t quite explain.
“Remember the hierarchy, love?” Marshall reminded you.
“Right…” You’d almost forgotten about that — probably because Sherlock never really pulled rank — just like you’d forgotten about the fact that…
“You can boss us around too, princess,” August said with a smile. “Although I’m quite glad you… don’t.” At least not to him…
“Mystery coven member, guys!” you reminded them of your other question.
“Ah, right,” Sherlock said with a smile. “He is the man who turned me and Charles, nearly a millennium ago. His name is Melot.”
“He’s close to, what? 1400 years old now?” Mike asked, more than said.
“Give or take,” August shrugged. “It doesn’t come down to the century once you start talking about those kinds of numbers.”
“His history is interesting, but you’ll have to ask him about it,” Marshall said before you could voice any of the questions that popped into your mind. “Pack your bags, love.”
“Don’t you have to, like… call them? Let them know we’re coming? Or did you guys plan this whole trip without ever letting me know?” It wouldn’t have surprised you, but you would have had a thing or two to say about it, for sure.
“He knows we’re coming,” August said plainly. Why was he suddenly holding your suitcase? “Anything already in here stays in here.”
You glared at him, getting up off the bed and closing the distance between you with a single step. “August Walker, you… you…”
“Use your words, princess.” He grinned, and you caught a hint of his fangs. It was infuriating.
And then you felt it.
Heat. Strength. Power.
“You insolent jackass,” you growled. “If you know everything so well, then why don’t you pack up the rest of my stuff. And you had better get it right the first time.”
A low growl escaped him before he disappeared from the room, and the strange feeling disappeared.
“Wow,” you said. “Never thought I could actually make August my bitch…”
“You may have won the battle, darling,” Sherlock said. An amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “But I doubt you’ll win the war.”
“I, for one, doubt you’ll be able to sit when he’s through with you,” Mike chuckled. “He wanted to spank the shit out of you as soon as he sensed the shift, but he couldn’t. Because hierarchy…”
“You did nothing wrong, love,” Marshall, as always, managed flawlessly to put your unspoken panic at ease. “If anything, I’d say he had it coming.”
“I’ll talk you through the etiquette during the flight,” Sherlock chuckled, no longer trying to hide his smile. “You’ll learn to control it, eventually.”
“Okay hold on for one teeny tiny little moment there,” you said. “What do you mean by ‘during the flight’? Where the hell are we going?”
“Home.” Mike said with a big smile.
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