#espically a person like jason
mistergreatbones · 11 months
okay i think enough time has passed that i can joke about it
Jason: Your methods are ineffective. If you don't permanently stop criminals they will just continue to hurt people. Bruce: *finds a permanent way to stop people from being violent and uses it on Jason, a dangerous criminal* Jason:
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homochihuahua · 2 years
What if Bruce finally fucks up and hits Dick in front of the family...
A moment of shocked silence passes before Jason lunges on him like an animal and has a go at Bruce's face. A second moment goes where everyone freezes, Dick espically stunted still before he and the others go to them to break them apart.
The thing is, Bruce hitting Dick or any other of the younger bats isn't new to anyone, but the context of it is that; he never does it in front of another family member.
Jason has got his fair share of beatings from Bruce. As an outlaw vigilante who constantly is on opposite sides with what Batman stands for, but never ever as a son or a disciple of Bruce. As a younger boy, Bruce was the first person to show Jason parental love and he kept that until Jason's death, even if he made mistakes, it was all something any struggling parent would be faced with, but he never abused Jason in any sort of way.
So to see him doing that to the others in the family espically Dick of all of them, destroys Jason. Bruce image is completely shattered in his mind. That's the first half of the moment passing the second goes like; Jason lived through abuse with his mother when he was a feeble child and now he is a grown ass man, and now he can damn well protect those whom he love. So he lunges. Jason returns the punch with another dozens of his own so Bruce learns his place.
And now everyone is struggling to get Jason off him....
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miasville · 7 years
Best Friend Tag
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Hey, guys, it's Mia I know I've been gone for like ever but I’ve been dealing with taking classes at my community college, taking care of Reese, and Corey and I are looking for our first place together because I need to get out my moms house its so crowded here sometimes with all these kids. Anyway I’m here with my best friend Owen since its break, and I missed him dearly *Flashes a smile at Owen who rolls his eyes* We are going to do the best friend tag to get me into the swing of being on this blog again
So onto the questions
1. What is one food I couldn’t live without?
Mia: I think we’re the same
Owen: Yeah we both love burgers espically like ones that have a lot of shit on it
2. What is my full name?
Owen: I say your full name when you do something outrageous *chuckles*
Mia: Yeah you’ll be like Mia Shea Jackson and then I yell Owen Jason
Owen: Our names are hideous
3. What is my Netflix binge show?
Both: Stranger things
Owen: Obsessed with that show
Mia: Its honeslty between that and shameless or an anime like fairytail.
4. Do we have any inside jokes?
*Both laugh looking at each other*
5. If I could drive any color car, what would it be?
Mia: You would drive a yellow car I feel
Owen: You and your family stay with black cars because ya’ll have no soul
*Mia gasps offended looking up from her phone then shrugs* Probably true though
6. How many years have we been friends?
Mia: We’ve been friends for what 6 years now?
Owen: It feels longer than 6 but you were the first person I came out to though and didn’t treat me different
Mia: No we just started getting closer becaiuse of that and here we are
Owen: Yeah i’m godfather of your demon spawn
7. Do I have any weird talents or skills?
Owen: Mia has no talent whatsoever unless we both are like trying to stalk a guy then yes
Mia: I got that talent from my sister and her friend though
Owen: Oh yeah those bitches are crazy
Mia: *laughs covering her face* They are the worst influence honestly I got all my like bad talents from Angel
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grantpcblog · 7 years
✆ - Jack, Joylne and Jason. - on Vini |D
Jack: well if you ask me Vini this girl is kinda crazy.... like really really really crazy... I don't understand... but for some reason I find her rather comforting.... she is like one the most nicest people I ever met in my life.... though I have to say we are just friends.... I'm pretty sure she got a thing for Ashe... from what bird brain said... but I won't assume. She cares for me and I'll protect her. I swear I won't steal a thing from her... it just wouldn't feel right too... and I feel like she understands the fact I don't even know anything since of my memory lost and I have to say... it's a nice feeling.... I'm glad that I met her... she gave me something I think it's called.... hope. Joylne: I mean she is rather nice... a little umm... energetic to say the least.... a lot more brave.... well more brave than me...... and a lot more confident. Especially with her artistic profession being around all those sharp objects..... but still she gave me this cute little harmless temporary tatto... so maybe when I see her I'll ask for more... and maybe hopefully repair her for service if she lets me... at least I hope so.Jason: Vini I say she's a pretty alright girl. I wouldn't get tattoos myself but I can see the appeal and I'm glad she is doing what she loves to do. I can always appericate that in a person. Though she's awfully caring Espically when we were in the End on the mission. I can understand the fact that there is some innocent people living in such a harsh world so I understand her trying to find that one girl. She's a caring individual from what I can tell and a friend in my book. Though rather childish but hey aren't we all? Thanks for asking!
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posiey · 7 years
Hello! May I have a ship please? I have curly shoulder length hair and I'm around 5'8 and I have green eyes. I'm an INFP-T and a Gemini. I love vintage things, music, art, literature, and learning new things. I'm introverted but I have random sparks of wanted socialize. I tend to have mood swings and during those times I need to be isolated. I want to be a psychologist when I'm older. I used to play volleyball but now I do track. Also I'm extremely obsessed with dogs. Thank you!
I ship you with Jason Todd!
I feel like you and Jason would be able to understand each other. He understands your mood swings and knows when to be there and when to leave you alone. He goes through mood swings himself and it help to have a s/o who knows and understands how to approach a person with mood swings.
I always headcanoned Jason loving dogs and I always thought it would be amazing if he had one he was really close to. So your love for dogs and his love for them probably leads you guys to getting a dog. You guys are proud parents and love your dog to death!
You guys can easily bond over vintage things. Espically over literature. When ever your running/practicing for track he will gladly be there to support you and even join you. I think you guys would have a very supportive relationship!
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