#essential items for a survival kit
Don't Get Caught Unprepared: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Survival Kit
Feeling pumped and prepared after putting together my very own survival kit using the step-by-step guide from our latest blog post! 💪🏼🎒🔥 Who's ready to take on anything that comes their way? #survivalkit #preparedness #excited
‍ Introduction to Survival KitsWhy You Need a Survival KitEssential Items for a Survival KitWaterFoodShelterFirst Aid SuppliesLightToolsCommunicationBuilding Your Own Survival Kit – Step-by-Step GuideStep 1: Determine your needsStep 2: Choose your containerStep 3: Gather your suppliesStep 4: Pack your kitStep 5: Test your kitChoosing the Right Container for Your Survival KitMaintaining and…
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pokemoncaretips · 9 months
PSA from the Alolan rangers
This year, due to unusual cosmic activity, worm holes are going to be frequent, and this corresponds to a predicted rise in ultra beast sightings. The rangers have released information on how to keep yourself safe during the next 8 months until the wormholes die down:
Travel in groups and keep alert. We recommend keeping your pokemon out of their balls if feasible.
Familiarize yourself with the cries of ultrabeasts. [A link to a government website is attached with a soundbank of recorded ultrabeast noises]
If you are deaf or HOH, all service pokemon trained in Alola recently are trained to recognize these sounds, but if you have an older service pokemon or are from out of the region, the Deaf Society of Alola will be happy to loan you a trained pokemon for the duration.
Download the ranger alert app for your rotom dex or rotom phone in case of an encounter or sighting. Remember, it is a $5000 fine for making a false report.
Avoid unnecessary travel during this event. If you are someone who works with wormholes or has travelled through or been very close to one, we recommend leaving the region for the duration if you can or increasing security if this is not an option, due to the likelihood of ultrabeasts approaching you.
Ultrabeasts are frequently startled and confused by their sudden arrival here, and are much more likely to be aggressive or reactive. Do not engage ANY ultrabeast. Avoid eye contact and remain still.
Avoid picking up litter with your bare hands, particularly paper litter that seems folded.
Keep an eye on the skies.
If you find dead wild pokemon that have been drained of fluids, vacate the area immediately.
If you feel dizzy, confused or sleepy, leave the area. Pheremosa may be present. Wear a good quality n-95 mask to provide decent protection.
Avoid power plants if you aren't an employee there. If you are an employee, pay close attention to safety briefings and wear all provided PPE. If your employer is not providing PPE, anonymous reports can be made to the authorities here [A link is provided]
Avoid large forested areas and remain alert for a long, low rumbling noise. Stay away from unexplained wild fires.
Obey all evacuation alerts sent out, and keep a survival kit packed with clean clothes, important documents other necessities. A comprehensive list of essential items can be found at the Alolan governments website.
Avoid coming unto contact with naganadel toxin. This toxin is purple and slightly bioluminescent, with a sharp, bitter smell. It's powerfully adhesive and can quickly cause breathing difficulties. If accidental contact occurs, vinegar has been shown to begin breaking it down. Apply white vinegar to the area and contact emergency services.
Make note of stone walls in your area, and report if new ones appear with no signs of construction workers.
Stay safe and don't be a hero.
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gentlekalita · 2 months
Outdoor BDSM Ideas
There’s something incredibly liberating about connecting with nature while exploring the dynamics of power exchange. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the scene, incorporating the great outdoors into your BDSM experiences can open up a world of tantalizing possibilities. So, grab your gear, and let’s dive into some exciting outdoor BDSM ideas!
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1. Choose the Right Location
Finding the perfect outdoor setting is all about ambiance and privacy. Here are a few ideas:
Secluded Parks: Look for parks that have quiet, secluded spots where you can enjoy nature without the intrusion of onlookers. A tree-lined area or a patch of tall grass can provide both privacy and a beautiful backdrop.
Beaches at Dusk: The soft sound of waves and the warm, sandy shore create a romantic setting. As the sun sets, it adds an enchanting backdrop for your outdoor adventure.
Wooded Areas: A forest can provide a sense of mystery and seclusion, making it a perfect place for playful exploration. Plus, the scent of fresh pine and earthy surroundings can heighten the experience.
Camping Sites: If you’re into camping, consider taking your BDSM adventures into your tent. It’s a private space that allows you to blend nature with sensual exploration.
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2. Pack the Essentials
Preparing for an outdoor BDSM session requires a little planning. Here are some essentials to consider:
Blankets: Bring along a soft blanket or two for comfort. This can be your base for play and provide a cozy spot to settle on the ground.
Lingerie or Costumes: If you want to add a playful twist, packing some sexy lingerie or themed costumes can enhance the excitement.
Bondage Gear: Consider bringing along light bondage gear that is suitable for outdoor play. Soft ropes, cuffs, or even a harness can add an element of thrill. Just make sure they are easy to apply and remove!
Safety Items: Don’t forget a first aid kit for any minor scrapes, as well as water bottles to keep hydrated. Outdoor activities can be physically demanding, so it’s essential to stay safe and comfortable.
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3. Sensory Play with Nature
Nature offers a myriad of sensations that can enhance your BDSM experience. Here are some creative ideas:
Blindfolded Exploration: Use a soft blindfold to heighten your partner's senses. As they can’t see, their other senses—sound, touch, and smell—will be amplified. Guide them around, allowing them to feel the environment and explore with you.
Temperature Play: Use natural elements for temperature play—consider warm sunlight or cool water for immersive sensations. You can also bring along ice cubes or warm stones to mix in with your play.
Natural Restraints: Incorporate the environment into your bondage. Tying your partner with soft hemp rope around the trunk of a sturdy tree can create a thrilling setting. Just make sure that the bindings are safe and not too tight!
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4. Incorporate Outdoor Scenarios
Adding themes or scenarios can spice up outdoor play. Here are a few ideas:
Nature’s School: Take on a teacher/student role-play scenario, using elements from nature as props. Perhaps the “student” has done something naughty—guide them through a playful correction in a secluded spot.
Survival Adventure: Create a survival-themed game where the “submissive” must complete challenges to earn rewards. This can be playful and physically engaging, enhancing the fun of your session.
Fetish Scavenger Hunt: Plan a scavenger hunt where your partner must find items from nature that you instruct them to collect. Throughout the hunt, you can reward them for their progress, enhancing the excitement as they submit to your playful power.
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5. Aftercare in the Outdoors
Just because you’re outside doesn’t mean aftercare isn’t important. After your outdoor festivities, take a moment to share some tender aftercare. Here’s how to do it:
Cuddles Under the Sky: Lay under the stars or find a cozy spot to cuddle after your session. The warmth of your embrace, combined with the ambient sounds of nature, can create a level of intimacy that is unparalleled.
Hydration and Snacks: Bring along refreshing drinks and light snacks to enjoy after your play. Sharing food and drink can be soothing after a playful session.
Gentle Conversation: Engage in soft, loving conversation. Reflect on the beautiful experiences you just shared, reaffirming the trust and connection between you and your partner.
✨ Join Me for More Outdoor Adventures!
Are you ready to embrace your desires and explore the enchanting world of outdoor BDSM? I invite you to join me in my live camming sessions, where we can delve into these ideas together. We’ll share experiences, discuss outdoor play, and create a space where you can feel free to express your fantasies. Check my bio @gentlekalita
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xueyuverse · 7 months
Links for donations to Sudan
UNHCR ACNUR: People are being forced to flee amid fighting and refugees are arriving in neighboring Chad in desperate need of help.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is on the ground assisting newly arrived refugees and providing life-saving support.
CICV: Health care could collapse at any time, despite the best efforts of Sudanese health teams, who continue to work in extremely difficult conditions, caring for injured people and providing other essential services to the population.
There are severe shortages of water, energy, food and essential medical supplies.
Sudan Relief Fund: CRISIS APPEAL: Nearly 7.1 million people displaced in Sudan. Destruction of healthcare facilities, disruption of critical healthcare services like immunizations, newborn care and availability of healthcare workers is putting many at risk of death and life-threatening complications. We need every bit of help in generating a relief fund to continue our efforts in Sudan.
Sudanese family of 8 struggling to escape the War.
Emergency response in Sudan: UNICEF continues to call for an immediate ceasefire across Sudan, and reiterates its call for all parties to the conflict to respect international humanitarian and human rights law – including ensuring that children are protected – and that rapid, safe, unimpeded humanitarian access to children and families in affected areas is facilitated. Without such access, critical lifesaving humanitarian support will be out of reach for millions of vulnerable children.
Despite the challenges, UNICEF and partners have provided life-saving assistance to more than 6 million children inside Sudan and in neighbouring countries, including water, health, nutrition, safe spaces and learning.
Sudan: A deepening humanitarian crisis: Sudan has plunged into a conflict of alarming scale, leaving half of the population in need of urgent assistance to survive.
This comes on top of existing challenges including economic hardship, disease outbreaks and climate-related hazards.
Families are struggling to access water, food, fuel, and other critical commodities and they need urgent help.
Be a lifeline to Migrants in need: With almost 25 million people - half the population - in need of some form of aid, the situation is particularly dire for the more than 7 million people displaced within Sudan.
Periods Don’t Stop for War! Stand with Sudanese Women and Girls: They Need Your Help Now!: SIHA Network will partner with the PNDS (Fawta Tsed Alkhana – Pad Needed, Dignity Seeded) Initiative and Sustainable Development Response Organization (SUDRO) on a campaign to collective donations and use them to buy and distribute the crucial menstrual dignity kit items Sudanese women and girls desperately need right now.  
Through providing menstrual products, the risk on women and girls’ health can be decreased and their well-being can be improved. 
You can also donate to MSF International here and for MSF Sudan here.
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sephirthoughts · 2 months
Vincent's New Kid Just Dropped CH 13: Deepground Flashback and Present Day, Sephiroth and Cid get a little screentime
RATING: this is a pretty teen-and-up chapter
WARNINGS: disgustingly fluffy family stuff, gratuitous reading of Loveless, Genesis being the world's best onii-chan, referenced torture, phantom pain, PTSD, Vincent being an old man, canon-typical Sephiroth sadness
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brothers 🖤♥️🤍
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also keep this outfit in mind
“Self-care is an essential life skill,” Genesis was saying, as he sat at the table, in Weiss and Nero’s room, gently pushing back Rosso’s cuticles, with a tool from the manicure kit he’d produced from a coat pocket. “We don’t groom and dress for others, but for ourselves. Even if you’re not going out, on a given day, you should take a little time to make yourself feel beautiful.” 
“I am not going out any day,” Rosso said disconsolately. “And I don’t care about feeling beautiful, I just want to kill things.”
“Well, live your truth, darling, but self-confidence is an essential battlefield tool. Good grooming habits are a foundational element of self-confidence. Even on the front lines, I always kept my manicure kit with me.”
Rosso appeared skeptical. “You really did?”
“Mn,” he nodded, as he smoothed the rough edges of her fingernails with the crystal emery board. “I consider it a necessary item for survival.”
“A necessary item for survival…” she repeated, gazing dazedly at her newly manicured hands.
When Genesis was satisfied that the girl’s nails were as good as they were going to get, he stowed the tools and zipped up the little case, which had obviously been custom made for him, with an ornate apple tree embossed in the red leather.
“You know what? I want you to have this,” he said, holding it out to Rosso. “You can use it to establish your own pre-slaughter self-care regimen.”
Rosso’s eyes went wide, and she glanced over at Nero and Weiss, who were paying no attention whatsoever. “Me? I can’t…I can’t take such a nice thing, from you.”
“Nonsense, I have a hundred manicure kits. I insist,” Genesis countered, pushing it firmly into her hands. Seeing that she was still hesitant, he added, in a softer tone, “Every girl deserves to have pretty things, little sister.”
That master stroke thoroughly conquered Rosso, who had never been spoken to so kindly, before, let alone received a gift from anyone. She accepted it without further protest, blushing nearly as red as the manicure kit, in her flustered state. “Thank you, b—brother.”
“Don’t mention it. Now then, I think it’s high time we…ahem.” Genesis planted his hands on his hips. “Little brothers? I do admire your unquenchable passion, but if you could remove your tongues from each other’s mouths for long enough to have a conversation, I’d be much obliged.”
“We can talk without our mouths,” Nero informed him, through the darkness link.
“But our sister can’t,” Genesis said aloud. “It is rude to exclude her.”
“They are watching. And listening,” Weiss replied.
“Are they indeed.”
Genesis stepped to the center of the room and scanned the area, quickly spotting the concealed cameras and listening devices, in addition to the openly visible ones. Then he wheeled about, smiled directly into the primary camera, in the ceiling above the door, and raised his middle finger, before he tossed out a sparking and snapping thundara burst. 
Rosso gasped and the two boys gave a jolt of surprise, as it struck the camera dead-on, and went crackling along precise and specific paths through the metal walls, instantly frying all the surveillance equipment, while leaving the lights and other systems intact.
“I do dislike being spied upon,” he sneered, dusting off his hands. “Now, tell me why the hell I can hear you two in my head. And why I get such a strong feeling, as if…I don’t know. As if we’re all actually blood related.”
“We don’t know, either,” Nero answered truthfully. “Weiss and me are half brothers, by our mother. We can talk to you in our heads because the darkness thinks we’re connected to you by blood. Rosso, too, but not as much as you. That’s why I can’t use it to talk to her, without hurting her. But it hasn’t ever thought anyone else is connected. Only us four.”
“Hm. You wouldn’t, by any chance, happen to have a parent from Banora, would you?” Genesis put forth.
Weiss shrugged. “Maybe. Our mother was a scientist here, but we don’t know anything else about her. She could have been from there.”
“I don’t know anything about my parents,” Rosso said, in answer to Genesis’ questioning look. “I only know I was born in Deepground.” 
“You were all born here, then. That makes sense for the three of you, but how do I fit into this little chain,” he mused, tapping his chin with a perfectly manicured finger. Then he shook his head, with a sigh. “Well, speculating isn’t solving anything. I shall have to do some digging around, on my own. I have a sneaking suspicion that behind this thread there will be a much bigger knot, to untangle.”
Weiss studied the young man surreptitiously, as he arched his back in a stretch, then carded his fingers absently through his auburn hair. 
His red coat and leather waist armor hung on the hook by the door, and he’d removed his gloves, before working on Rosso’s fingernails. Now, in only his sleeveless SOLDIER uniform top and trousers, it was suddenly apparent how very hard and muscular his body really was. 
His long, streamlined trench coat, with its black, scarab-wing epaulets, had a minimizing and slenderizing visual effect, on his tall frame. It was the opposite effect to Sephiroth’s huge, white pauldrons and exposed chest, which made his lean and agile frame appear bulkier and more imposing than it was. Sephiroth was almost half a foot taller than Genesis, and somewhat broader in the chest, but the two were actually fairly comparable, in terms of muscle mass.
If Genesis and Sephiroth were built like swordsmen, however, Weiss was built like a heavyweight boxer. He needed no creative costuming whatsoever, to make his body appear more tank-like. The researchers liked to say that all the boy had to do to gain muscle mass was eat and breathe, which was fairly close to the truth. 
“So, you want to fight Sephiroth,” Genesis said, sensing that he was being sized up. “How very amusing that will be. If he doesn’t just kill you, I mean.”
Wiess gave a snort. “Unlikely.”
An auburn eyebrow arched. “So confident. But take care it isn’t baseless arrogance. Remember, we trained together. I have sparred with him, on many occasions. Not to compliment him unduly, but I will tell you now, he is the strongest opponent I’ve ever faced. There is no way to describe him but…monstrous.”
“He is a monster because he is impure,” Weiss said, unconcernedly. “I am not. The corrupted can never triumph over the immaculate.”
Genesis squinted doubtfully. “Purity is a rather esoteric principle. I do hope that’s not all you’re basing your self-assurance on.”
“One way or another, I intend to defeat him. Is that a problem?”
“Please,” Genesis scoffed. “I would like nothing more than to see Sephiroth taken down a peg or two. His ascendancy has gone on quite long enough. But, you’ll have to forgive me for doubting your ability to do that. You may be naturally gifted, but he has years of experience in real, life and death combat.”
Weiss only smiled. “You doubt me because you’ve never fought me.”
“True enough. I suppose all will be revealed when I test you, tomorrow.”
“My brother is the strongest, you’ll see,” Nero put in, proudly, which made Genesis smile and ruffle his black hair.
Rosso said nothing, but quietly hoped Weiss was not making a serious miscalculation. She still wished he wouldn’t do this mad thing, but he was the leader and he’d made his decision. She had no choice but to trust him, and hope for the best. 
All that afternoon, no one came to see about the damaged surveillance equipment, and when the handlers delivered evening meals, they didn’t mention anything about it. Genesis imagined that Hojo was probably fuming, but he seemed to have an understanding with Weiss, and there was no way he was going to risk a full-scale disaster, at this point, by interfering with a bunch of teenaged weapons of mass-destruction, at their slumber party. 
Much later that evening, Rosso had gone back to her own quarters, leaving the other three to themselves. Genesis was seated on the bed, reading aloud to Nero, whose ink-black head was nestled in his lap, and to Weiss, who was snuggled up to him on the other side, with his snow-white head resting on his shoulder, gazing curiously at the first ink and paper book he’d ever seen in person. 
“There is no hate, only joy. For you are beloved by the goddess. Hero of the dawn, healer of worlds. Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul. Pride is lost. Wings stripped away, the end is nigh.”
“This isn’t a very nice story,” Nero grumbled, from his lap, rolling his shoulders with their bare brackets, since his metal wings were hanging on a rack on the wall.
“Not every part of a story can be nice, little one,” Genesis explained. “They’re a bit like life. If there’s nothing sad or bitter in them, how can we fully appreciate the sweet parts?” 
“Hmph,” was all Nero said in response.  
Genesis chuckled and petted his head, then returned to reading. 
Despite Nero’s initial grouchy declaration, both boys eternally endeared themselves to the famous SOLDIER, that evening, by listening attentively, through the entirety of the meandering and abstruse narrative, all the way to the end. Even Sephiroth had only done so once, in all their long acquaintance, and he’d fallen asleep halfway through.
“My soul, corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey; in my own salvation, and your eternal slumber. Legend shall speak of the sacrifice at world’s end. The wind sails over the water’s surface, quietly, but surely.”
As he wrapped up his reading, Genesis heard a sniffle and looked up from the book. He was astonished to find Weiss wiping away tears, from his silver-blue eyes. 
Weiss saw that his unwonted display of emotion had been noticed and scowled sullenly. “The end is too sad. I don’t like it.”
“But it hasn’t ended, yet,” Genesis pointed out. “How do you know it’ll be sad?”
“What do you mean? There’s no more written, after that. The pages are blank.”
“That is one of the most intriguing things about this work. It was either left unfinished by the original author, or that part of the text hasn’t been discovered yet. Who can say what the ending will be?”
“It doesn’t matter if we don’t have it written out. I know it’ll be sad,” Weiss maintained. “The end will be about sacrifice. That’s the theme, the whole way through. Even if the world is saved, someone will have to die saving it.”
Genesis tilted his head. “And that makes you sad?”
Weiss paused, struggling to clearly frame his ideas. “Because…only someone who deserves to live would give up their life for the world’s sake. Tragedy is inherent in the very act of heroism. It makes me sad that someone so strong and brave has to die, to save all the weak, undeserving people, who will never know, and never appreciate it.”
“Hm. You are very astute,” Genesis remarked. “It takes most people much longer to decipher the themes in this work. But, might it not be the case, that true heroism lies in self-sacrifice, for its own sake, without expectation of recognition or reward?”
“Maybe, but that only happens in fantasy. I would never sacrifice myself or my brother, for the world’s sake. Even if we didn’t deserve life, I’d take it for us, with my own hands, and destroy anyone and anything that stood in the way.”
Genesis smiled archly. “I think, little brother, that would make you a villain.”
“I’ll be the best villain, then,” Wiess declared staunchly. “Being a hero sounds stupid, anyway.”
By way of reply, Gensis laughed aloud and leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek.
It was the first time anyone but Nero had dared to so boldly assail his person. Weiss was startled by the gesture, but found that he didn’t exactly dislike it. No, in fact, he rather liked it.
He nuzzled his head back into the crook of Genesis’ neck, to conceal the color that had risen in his cheeks, and mentally added him to the list of people who were allowed to touch him in a familiar way. It was now up to a grand total of two.
Nero, meanwhile, not wanting to be left out, sat up and presented his face for a kiss, too, which was duly granted. Neither of the boys had any way of knowing that this was the most affectionate Genesis Rhapsodos had ever been, with anyone. Including his own parents.
That night, the three newfound brothers talked and debated and laughed, well into the small hours, and eventually fell asleep together, in the narrow bed. Three heads lined up on the pillows, white, black, and red, with little Nero in the middle, safely enclosed in the arms of Weiss and Genesis.
Some time in the early morning, Sephiroth appeared silently, to check in on Nero. There he still stood, as the indigo sky lightened with the approaching dawn, gazing down at something, with a strange expression in his catlike eyes.
On the bed, his little half-brother was sleeping peacefully, in the arms of their father, who was also fast asleep. Two pale, beautiful faces, in repose, so like to his own and yet so unlike. 
Sephiroth had never dared to touch his biological father. Never dared to reach out, to ask for anything, to make even the slightest nuisance of himself, for fear of shattering the uneasy peace, in which he was somehow allowed to remain here, with his infant sister. 
But his brother, who had done nothing but kick and curse, and make his detestation of the whole household loudly known…he was embraced. Held. Soothed and comforted. Nero was treated like Vincent’s son, while Sephiroth was little more than a lonely specter, haunting this happy home. 
They were wary of him, he knew, and viewed all his actions through a lens of suspicion, because of what he’d done. It would be useless to explain that he had been out of his mind, possessed by that creature, and deceived into committing atrocities. The atrocities remained committed. Innocent people were still dead. Exculpating his own guilt would help no one and repair nothing. 
Ironic, that they should fear him, having no idea that the most dangerous man on the planet spent every moment paralyzed with fear, of being cast out from among the only family he’d ever had. Of being cut off from humanity, left to drift through existence, alone and untethered. To become a real ghost, and eventually to fade away.
His entire body and soul ached with longing to be embraced by his father as well, but that was foolishness. He needed no such coddling, he reminded himself. He was a grown man and Nero was a child. Younger than Cloud, by several years.
His cold, flickering body warmed and became more tangible, at the thought of his fiery-tempered and sharp-tongued darling. The only one who had held on, through the madness, and refused to let go of the man.
Cloud was all he needed. Cloud’s love was more than enough to keep him alive. He didn’t need his father’s love, as well. That would just be childish greediness. Tacit acceptance of his presence was all he could hope for. It was far more than he deserved.
Like a little alarm clock, always set to the same time, he sensed Ollie begin to stir, and knew that it was six-fifteen on the dot. With one more lingering glance at his sleeping father and brother, he vanished into purple-black vapor, to retrieve the warmed bottle from the kitchen, and begin his daily tasks. Quietly attending to the things that would otherwise lie neglected, in a house full of men.
“Yeah, I seen ‘em, plenty of times. Usually they’re bein’ used to couple old tech to new tech, where there ain’t compatible connectors.”
It was a little past noon, and Vincent had come to find Cid, in his workshop, out back.
“Newer OS uses a emulator program to talk to the old tech and make it all synch up.” Cid ran a hand back through his hair, giving a shudder as he recalled the metal brackets in Nero’s back, surrounded by deep, ugly scars. “I guess hookin’ up a human body to a machine is pretty close to the same principle, but…god damn. You’d have to be a sick fuckin’ bastard to do that shit to a kid.”
“Can you do anything?” Vincent asked. 
“Don’t know. Maybe. There any way to find his wings?”
Vincent shook his head. “They were obliterated with everything else. I wish I’d known this would be an issue. I’d have been more careful not to leave them behind.”
“Only other way would be to get into Deepground’s system and look for files or anything that might have info on the design.” 
“We should contact Reeve, then. He downloaded Deepground’s entire database, wanting to study its AI program. If there is anything about the prosthesis, he’ll have it.”
“Oh great, he’s studyin’ the fuckin’ AI. Just what the world needs more of,” Cid grumbled, as he lit a cigarette. 
Vincent tilted his head to one side. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just…I don’t get how ya can be so calm about this, Vince,” Cid answered, blowing out a plume of blue-white smoke. “That’s your kid in there, out of his mind and in constant pain, ‘cause of some monstrous shit Shinra did to his body, without—” He broke off and looked away, clearing his throat. “Sorry. Sometimes I…I let myself forget they did that same shit to you. If I didn’t, I’d be angry all the goddamn time.”
“You are angry all the time,” Vincent said affectionately. 
“But like, even more angry all the time.”
“Thank you for worrying about Nero. I know he hasn’t been easy to deal with.”
“He’s your son, baby. You’re my husband, so that makes him my family, too. That’s the deal. That’s what marriage is.”
Vincent only answered with a stiff nod, but Cid was well aware that in Vincent-language, that meant he was suppressing some strong emotion, that he was unable or unwilling to express, at that moment. That worked out fine for Cid, because it usually meant he’d express it later, in private, which was bound to be a lot more fun.
Unable to help himself, he hooked an arm around his husband’s narrow waist and pulled him closer. Vincent’s long hair hung loose and free, half over his face, and he had his red headband on, like usual, but he’d started wearing more ‘normal’ clothing at home, which today took the form of a red v-neck, haphazardly embellished with a number of inexplicable and completely unnecessary zippers, and with a long, frayed and torn hem (all of which made it look suspiciously like his cloak). 
His clothing items almost always featured similar signs of damage, despite the fact that he’d created them himself, in the moment, and it was literally impossible for them to have collected wear and tear. Same with his faded, black jeans, which were slashed all over like they’d been in a knife fight. He looked a hell of a lot like one of those guys on the rock’n’roll posters, in the 80s, come to think of it.
“Hey babe, y’ever listen to Guns N’ Roses?”
“No. I assume it’s a musical group?” Vincent ventured. “Rock’n’roll, from the sound of it?” 
Cid snorted with laughter. “Fuck…you’re such an old man. They’re only one of the most famous bands of all time. Hottest shit goin’ in the 80s and 90s.”
“I spent the 80s and 90s sleeping in a coffin, under Shinra Manor.”
“Ain’t no excuse for cultural illiteracy, Vinnie. Specially since ya look just like one of them rock’n’roll dudes.”
“No, they look like me,” Vincent scowled. “I’ve looked like this for thirty years.”
“Mm, true. Who knows, maybe Axl Rose wandered into the basement and saw ya sleepin’, and it inspired the fashion of a whole generation.”
“Hmph. Axl Rose is an absurd stage name.” 
“That’s his real name, sugar dumplin’.” Cid searched up a picture of the band on his phone and held it up for Vincent to look at. 
“Oh. That does look rather like me,” Vincent admitted. “Does he also wear his headband to conceal a scar?”
“Maybe. I never seen him without one.”
“Cid…why did you say the person who attached Nero’s wings would have to be a sick bastard? I understand it’s gruesome, but we’ve seen many such things. You seem especially upset by it.”
Cid hesitated. “It’s cause…in order for the nerves to be spliced in right, they’d have to do it without anesthetic, and keep him awake, the whole time.” 
Vincent’s black brows drew together. “Oh. I see.”
“I’ve seen a lotta shit, but never anything that fucked up. Fact the kid lived through it is…I can’t decide if it was a miracle or a cruel joke.” 
“It was Chaos. His regenerative factor comes from the darkness. I wouldn’t call it regeneration, so much as indestructibility. More like my body, than a SOLDIER’s. But he does feel pain, normally. If he is like me, he does.”
The mood was growing heavy, so Cid changed tracks, to lighten things up. “Since we’re on the topic, you think you got a lot more kids lurkin’ around, out there?”
“There’s no way to tell,” Vincent said, shaking his head. “My DNA was taken and used without my knowledge. But, knowing Hojo, I somehow doubt Sephiroth and Nero were the only ones. He liked to have backups. The question is, whether any others survived.”
“If so, we’re gonna need more space. And, even if Seph and Nero are the only ones, Ollie’s gonna grow outta that nursery pretty quick. So, I was thinkin’…maybe it’s time we started fixin’ up the old Valentine property.”
“You hate that place,” Vincent objected. “You called it a creepy Dracula castle and said even ghosts would be afraid to haunt it.”
“I stand by that. Didn’t see any ghosts, there, did ya? Point proved.”
“I don’t think that’s logically sound.”
“The point is, ain’t no sense in just lettin’ it sit there gettin’ dustier and creepier. ‘Sides, it’s your family’s home, ya know? Wouldn’t it be nice to have it all cleaned up? Just in case?”
Vincent very nearly smiled. “Of course. Just in case.”
yeah i put the stray dog outfit in there WHAT OF IT
next. chapter
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pumpsoul-oct123 · 2 months
The Importance of Preparedness: 10 Essential Items for Your Survival Kit
1. Water and Water Filtration
What to Include:
Water: At least one gallon per person per day for at least three days.
Water Filtration System: Portable water filters or purification tablets to ensure you can make any water source potable.
2. Non-Perishable Food
What to Include:
Canned Goods: Fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals.
Dry Goods: Rice, pasta, cereals, and protein bars.
Specialty Items: Baby formula, pet food, and items for dietary restrictions.
3. First Aid Kit
What to Include:
Basic Supplies: Bandages, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, and scissors.
Medications: Pain relievers, antihistamines, and any prescription medications.
Specialized Tools: Tweezers, a digital thermometer, and a CPR mask.
4. Emergency Lighting and Power
What to Include:
Flashlights and Batteries: LED flashlights with extra batteries.
Solar-Powered Lights: Solar lanterns and portable solar chargers for electronic devices.
Hand-Crank Radio: A multi-function radio that can receive weather updates and charge your phone.
5. Shelter and Warmth
What to Include:
Emergency Blankets: Thermal blankets or sleeping bags.
Tarp and Duct Tape: For creating makeshift shelters.
Warm Clothing: Hats, gloves, and extra layers of clothing.
6. Personal Hygiene Items
What to Include:
Sanitation Supplies: Wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and biodegradable soap.
Toiletries: Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products.
Waste Bags: Plastic bags for disposing of waste safely.
7. Important Documents
What to Include:
Identification: Copies of passports, driver’s licenses, and Social Security cards.
Medical Information: Health insurance cards, medical records, and prescriptions.
Financial Information: Bank account details, credit card information, and insurance policies.
8. Tools and Supplies
Why It’s Essential: Having the right tools can make a significant difference in an emergency, allowing you to perform necessary repairs, signal for help, or navigate your surroundings.
What to Include:
Multi-Tool: A versatile tool that includes pliers, a knife, and screwdrivers.
Whistle: For signaling for help.
Maps and Compass: Local maps and a compass for navigation if GPS is unavailable.
9. Communication Devices
What to Include:
Cell Phone and Charger: An extra charger or power bank.
Two-Way Radios: Battery-powered radios for communication if cell service is down.
Emergency Contact List: A written list of important phone numbers.
10. Personal Protection Equipment
What to Include:
Face Masks: N95 respirators or other protective masks.
Gloves: Durable work gloves for handling debris.
Protective Clothing: Long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect against exposure.
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sussex-newswire · 3 months
"Today on World Refugee Day, The Archewell Foundation recognizes the resilience and strength of individuals who have been displaced from their homes due to conflict, persecution, or violence.
"Committed to uplifting communities, The Archewell Foundation supports those resettling, addressing both immediate displacement needs and long-term care, particularly for women experiencing social isolation. Through The Welcome Project, these needs are cared for through social connection and access to vital resources.
"This week, our team participated in a volunteer day to assemble personal care kits for refugee families in our local communities. These include essential items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, and bathroom furnishings, and will be donated to families through our partners at International Rescue Committee (IRC). Since 1933, IRC has helped people affected by humanitarian crises to survive, recover and rebuild their lives and works to welcome those settling in a new home.
"As we continue to collaborate compassionately with families and partners, we envision a future where inclusive, interconnected communities thrive, united by our shared humanity."
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hana-bobo-finch · 2 months
Russ’s dialogue on base:
It’s a common accident. You’re throwing Pikmin with wild abandon…and then accidentally chuck a bomb out there too. It’s a terrible tragedy, but it’s commuted repeatedly by amateurs who haven’t yet mastered the art of a calm composure.
The rapid and reliable accumulation of sparklium is a task that Collin and the captain constantly pester me about. So I’m adding a sensor to the Treasure Gauge that amplifies the smallest of signal spikes. That should keep them at bay!
Throwing a Pikpik Carrot will often distract a creature. If they eat it, they’ll be paralyzed temporarily! If I were in your space boots and encountered a new creature, I’d toss them a carrot before engaging or rushing them.
Wandering around aimlessly while exploring an unfamiliar landscape is not intelligent behavior. It’s the opposite of that. Thanks to a new lens that has a wider field of vision, the Survey Drone is now ready for practical use in the field!
Pikmin are known to use collective behavior as a survival strategy. The success of the group benefits them all. The Charging Horn mak3s use of this habit, stimulating the reward systems in the Pikmin’e brains using sound waves!
Ah, the Emergency Kit. This was the first item I prototyped after joining the Rescue Corps. Such fond memories…The original request was to make it easy enough for even Dingo to use. After MANY adjustments, I’ve finally done it!
Science is limitless! But you can’t build something out of nothing. When I’m out of raw materials, I rely on components. But those run out too! I usefully replenish my stock by poking around the ship’s cargo. Then I’m back at it in the Lab!
There are two elements to considering when designing a tool that increases physical impact—strength and number! The Triple Threat focuses on the latter in its design concept. That is to say, more hands equals more punches! Kee-hee!
When it comes to tracking, it’s imperative to think of your target first and foremost as a source of heat. The Trackonator is designed to do the same. The mechanics it employs to detect a target heat source are top-notch!
The element of time is key to consider when throwing a Mine or Trackonator and waiting for it to explode. Once you have a firm grasp of the timing differentials, it’s easier to aim for and defeat ONLY your target creatures.
When an electric current passes through an organism, it contacts uncontrollably. This is also called being electrocuted. The ingenious trick of the Lightning Shock is how it lowers the electrical resistance of a target an instant before it attacks!
For Pikmin, and really all living things, there’s not much that can be done to increase resistance to certain attacks. An Ice Blast will freeze any Pikmin that’s not an Ice Pikmin, and a Lightning a Shock will electrocute all but Yellow Pikmin. So, when using a bomb, always be aware of the various Pikmin types that are in your surroundings before taking action!
Not everyone possesses the unlimited stamina of Dingo, and increasing one’s speed is often hindered by the body itself. Rush Boots increase stamina limits by redirecting the kinetic energy generated into a form that resupplies stamina levels,
When a life-form’s alive, it’s fundamentally impossible to completely inhibit the minute vibrations it continuously emits. The Mine is a device that uses this fact to its advantage. It detects an organism’s nano-level vibrations, then explodes!
Our knowledge of Pikmin ecology is still rudimentary, but they’ve been observed in two fundamental states: active and idle. The Idler’s Alert is a sound-wave induction device that can activate Pikmin in their lazy— I mean…idle state!
As Rescue Officers, our bodies are in a constant state of stress due to our exposure to harsh external environments. Of course,the additional physical training can help, but the artificial enhancement the Tuff Stuff provides us also essential!
The latent heat released when changing a state of matter can, when properly applied, lower temperatures in an instant. The principal behind the Ice Blast is essentially this: removing heat equals freezing. It’s so simple, isn’t it?!
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splitfoxe · 2 years
A bunch of Ryley headcanons
I need to write these down before I forget them- just lil titbits of what I think would happen to and with him from living on 4546B for so long
It is most unlikely that he would simply be climbing up the mountains with his bare hands- as much as I acknowledge that this man is a feat of pure strength, I do struggle to believe that he can seriously scale the mountain island with his grubby mitts alone. I think that on the Alterra ship there was likely a few climbing harnesses, likely reserved for maintenance workers or the like, in a part of the ship that we cannot access in the game. As Ryley is essentially a janitor, he likely would have access to these. And when it comes to rope, this would likely be found in the same place. And more of a fun idea- what about if he had little spokes on the back of his heel made from stalker teeth that he could use to slide down slopes! Of course, he likely will need a climbing axe. This he could likely craft from various metal scraps and pipes.
The main hurdle I have with Ryley's improvements to his whole getup is that he needs to be aerodynamic, as he often has to do swimming. He normally wears a whole scuba kit with the rebreather/helmet etc... but if we were to say add useful accessories such as belts, built-in weapons, small pouches, etc.. then suddenly all of those aerodynamics are lost. Though more often he's in like a prawn suit/seamoth in the later-ish parts of the game, so this makes a bit of sense, as the introduction of exosuits and vehicles aligns with the introduction of new inventions and tools. Plus the area of 4546b he is on is a tropical climate, so everything has to be super lightweight and unobtrusive.
Now- considering his diet and lifestyle: Ryley lives on a 13-20% protein diet (considering that fish are 60-82% water and 1-20% fat) and that his daily doings are almost entirely swimming, which uses the entire body's worth of muscles, as well as retaining his breath AND scaling mountains, extreme heat, fighting off deadly creatures, traversing difficult landscapes, and surviving electrical shocks, radiation, overwhelming tropical climates, concussions, brain damage, a deadly bacterial infection, just to name a few. Essentially, he is built different. This means that he will be burning calories, and consequently fat, at an astronomically high pace. This man has to be utterly shredded. It is not until late-ish game that he *might* gain carbohydrate-based fuel (marblemelons and lantern fruit) so by living an INCREDIBLY protein-rich keto diet while practicing strenuous exercise, he is likely to gain muscle mass. Hence, his physical appearance will most likely change from how it was at the beginning of the game. The body is incredibly fickle, and I know it's incredibly hard to show this in a video game! Seeing as he spends at least 7 days on 4564B (including average un-glitched speedruns) this diet is sustained for long periods, which will prove drastic results, for better or for worse.
AND considering that Ryley's PDA at the beginning of the game is completely reset, there are likely hundreds of blueprints missing that would have normally been on his PDA, seeing as the PDA system is one that houses all kinds of tools, both from Alterra and outside sources (Mongolians, sunbeam, etc...) he likely would have even more things to find and build that we, the player, might not be able to. I mean, take the large amount of Below Zero items that aren't in the original game! Goodness knows what's out there... and seeing as he is an engineer/janitor, he likely has experience in handiwork, so upcycling junk he finds is very likely in his DNA! I would imagine him living much like Maida, using bits of junk and handiwork to craft a lifestyle designed to survive the harshest conditions and defend against the worst of the worst.
And also- he most definitely made some panpipes to keep himself occupied, like imagine the soft whistle of panpipes echoing off the two mountains of the floating island at sunset... sweeeeeeet
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
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Australian Andamooka Opal aesthetic moodboard!!
Australian Andamooka Opal:
Appearance: Australian Andamooka Opal is a rugged and resilient wildlife survivalist whose appearance captures the stunning beauty and mystery of the Andamooka opal. His entire coloration is a deep, rich black, interspersed with vibrant flashes of green and midnight blue that shimmer with an iridescent quality, much like the natural stone. The baguette-cut Andamooka opal gemstone, located elegantly on his upper back, stands out even among his opalescent coloration, adding an extra touch of brilliance.
His hair is a tousled mass of black with subtle hints of blue and green that catch the light, giving it a dynamic, almost ethereal appearance. His eyes are a piercing shade of green, reflecting the intensity and focus required for survival in the wild. His facial features are rugged and defined, with a strong jawline and a weathered, yet approachable, expression that speaks to his experience and confidence in the wild.
Australian Andamooka Opal’s physique is muscular and well-toned, a testament to his active lifestyle and the physical demands of survivalist work. His skin, like his hair, displays the opalescent hues of green and blue, especially when exposed to the light, creating an almost otherworldly appearance that blends seamlessly with the natural environment.
Attire: Australian Andamooka Opal’s attire is practical and designed for the challenges of the wilderness while reflecting his opalescent coloration. He wears a sturdy, moisture-wicking shirt in shades of black with iridescent green and blue highlights, providing comfort and mobility in various weather conditions. Over his shirt, he dons a rugged, weather-resistant jacket, also black with subtle opalescent accents, equipped with multiple pockets for carrying essential tools and supplies.
His cargo pants are equally durable, made from tough, breathable fabric in deep black with hints of green and blue. These pants are designed for practicality, featuring ample pocket space for easy access to necessary items. On his feet, he wears high-quality, supportive hiking boots that provide comfort and durability, essential for traversing rough terrain. The boots are black with green and blue accents, completing his cohesive look.
A wide-brimmed Australian outback hat shades his face and protects him from the sun, the hat's material reflecting the opalescent colors seen throughout his attire. His utility belt, also black with opalescent detailing, is equipped with essential survival tools such as a multi-tool, compass, flint, and first aid kit. He carries a rugged, weather-resistant backpack in matching colors, which holds additional supplies like a portable shelter, water purification tablets, and emergency rations.
Personality: Australian Andamooka Opal embodies the spirit of adventure and resilience, driven by a deep passion for the natural world and a commitment to teaching others how to survive and thrive in it. His personality is a blend of rugged determination and warm charisma, making him both an inspiring leader and a trusted mentor.
He speaks with a rich, authentic Australian accent, his voice carrying the confidence and ease of someone who has spent a lifetime in the great outdoors. His communication style is straightforward and practical, often infused with humor and a sense of camaraderie. He has a natural ability to connect with people, putting them at ease even in the most challenging situations.
Australian Andamooka Opal is deeply knowledgeable about the flora and fauna of the Australian wilderness, as well as survival techniques. He is resourceful and quick-thinking, able to adapt to changing conditions and find solutions to unexpected problems. Despite the dangers and difficulties of his work, he remains calm and collected, using his experience and skills to navigate the wild with confidence.
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lilbittymonster · 3 months
8! what's in your wol's travel bag? any trinkets? any vital items they cant go without? do they travel light and figure stuff out on the fly, or do they bring way too much with them? (bonus points if you have images!)
Kitali travels light, anything she needs goes in a singular backpack. All essentials, there's simply not weight for frivolous things. In no particular order...
Whetstone: pretty self explanatory. She upgrades from a basic one to a nicer carved stone from Thancred he gets for her during ShB.
Survival log: basically the botanist's log but with the regions a little out of order. Hers goes Doma > Yanxia > Thavnair > Gyr Abania >Black Shroud and then follows the game as suit. It's mostly what plants are edible/medicinal and what to watch out for as poisons. More useful to an alchemist than a weaver.
Spare clothes: she's just got the one outfit until mid-HW with a change of smallclothes.
Some sort of rations: not that she really needs them anymore but good to have anyways. Someone else might get hungry.
Hair brush: her hair is long and gets tangled easily with all the aerial combat.
Lavender hair oil: probably the only good thing to come from living with the Fortemps is being gifted a bottle of lavender hair oil from Edmont for her nameday. It's small, unobtrusive, and useful enough to bring along with her as a small luxury.
Sewing kit: also pretty self explanatory. Shit breaks on the road.
Other small valuables are worn directly, like her wedding band and her horn cuffs. But anything that can't justify it's weight in being on her back stays behind, she either makes do, scavenges, or outright steals. Once she starts making enough money to pay for things she does but she is still not above using the five finger discount on an unwatched food cart.
Thanks for the ask @candycryptids
Pre-Dawntrail Asks
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honourablejester · 1 year
Homebrew Setting & Magic Item Set: Marrowmire Kit
So when I was doodling some magic weapons for more exotic damage types, I came up with the Marrowblight dagger for acid, a twisted bone dagger with ‘gems’ that can be mentally broken to deal acid damage on a hit. And I really like the theme and aesthetic of that item, bone and acid, biology warped by environment. So I thought I’d expand that idea out a little, and make a little history and set-piece out of that. A setting, an environment. Acid and bone. And, well. That kind of says ‘black dragon’, doesn’t it? So. A marsh. A vast, choking mire, circling the ancient lair of a hideously powerful dragon. The Marrowmire. And a set of items made by those who survive it, to survive it, from the materials it provides.
Picture the grimmest marsh you’ve ever seen in your life. A vast expanse of black muck, stagnant water, choking reeds, and the stunted, blackened figures of skeletal trees, forever shrouded in the clinging mist. The Marrowmire is all of that and more. It stretches for hundreds of miles, a vast flooded plain, stained and tainted aeons since. Oozing creatures slide through its muck and pools, mindless and animalistic. Strange lights hover in the mist, luring the unwary towards watery deaths. The mist itself is dangerous, in some areas becoming acidic, burning. Even the rain does not escape the taint of the mire, as those who have experienced it can attest. In the worst, most tainted areas of the mire, it falls as acid too.
Once upon a time, it is said, thousands of years ago, the Marrowmire was rolling plain, fed by sweet rivers. No one alive remembers that, save perhaps gods and devils. The taint of the dragon corrupted it all long ago. No one remembers what dragon, either. It is dead now. Surely it’s dead. It’s a rare dragon that lives for thousands upon thousands of years. Black, of course. Black as the muck, black as the mire. The acid at the dragon’s heart, in the dragon’s bones, seeped out and ate the land.
And that’s why it’s dead, so many say. Because of the bones. Because bones in the mire have acid in them, seep it out once they’ve spent long enough drowned in black water. You’ll find them, floated up on the verges of dark pools, seeping brownish liquid from their hollowed cores. The acid of the mire lives in the marrow. So somewhere in there, the hunters say, the scavengers, somewhere in the worst spots, behind the shrouds of acid mist and beneath the veil of acid pools, will lie dragon bones. The vast ribs and long bones and skull of an unfathomably ancient black dragon, from the marrow of which seeps all the Marrowmire’s burning ire.
Magic Item Set
The inhabitants of the Marrowmire, few and hardy though they may be, have found ways to survive in its burning, drowning confines. For those familiar with these hardy folk, there are certain items that they are never without. A ‘kit’, so to speak, a collection of essentials that every Marrowmire veteran wears with pride. In many cases, they have made their kit themselves, from the materials provided by the Mire, or bought them, if that skill is beyond them, from one of the hunters or mirepriests that haunt the edges of the morass.
A Marrowmire Kit is a set of linked magic items containing the following items:
Muckwalker’s Boots
Rattling Quiver
Weeping Hide
Marrowblight Dagger
While a creature is attuned to one or more of the Marrowmire Kit, they gain the following benefits:
Shared Attunement: The disparate items of the Marrowmire Kit call to each other. While you are attuned to at least one item of the Kit, you can attune to the others without it counting against your attunement limit.
Mire Magic: If you are attuned to at least two items of the Marrowmire Kit, you gain access to the Acid Splash cantrip, and you can cast the Longstrider and Pass Without Trace spells at their lowest level, using Constitution as your spellcasting ability. Once you cast either of these levelled spells with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest.
Indefatigable Hunter: If you are attuned to at least three of the Marrowmire Kit, you have advantage on all saving throws against exhaustion. If you have gained levels of exhaustion, a long rest reduces those levels by two instead of one.
Marrowmire Hunter: If you are attuned to all four items of the Marrowmire Kit, you become immune to acid damage and the exhausted condition.
Wonderous Item, Requires Attunement
The Muckwalker’s Boots appear to be a pair of boots made from a strange, slick, dark brown hide, tightly laced and decorated with bone beads. The boots are knee-height, fully sealed against water or other liquids, and acid-proof.
While wearing and attuned to a pair of Muckwalker’s Boots, difficult terrain does not cost you extra movement. Additionally, you can move through acid unharmed provided that it touches only your boots.
Wonderous Item, Requires Attunement
Formed of a single carved and hollowed bone, this quiver is covered with carved skeletal figures, and fades from a yellowish white near the rim to a stained brown near the base. The interior of the quiver still has the texture of marrow, and a strange brownish liquid seeps out and fills the base of the quiver. This liquid doesn’t slosh, and is absorbed back into the bone before it can leave the quiver.
The Rattling Quiver can store up to 30 pieces of ammunition. You gain a +2 bonus to hit with any ammunition stored in this magic quiver, and each piece of ammunition deals an additional 1d6 acid damage.
Light Armour (Leather), Requires Attunement
The uniform of the Marrowmire’s inhabitants, these hooded and caped coats are made of the same slick, dark Marrowmire leather as the Muckwalker’s Boots. Among the Marrowmire Hunters, it is customary to adorn their individual Weeping Hides with bone charms and ornaments and evidence of their tales.
You gain a +2 bonus to AC while wearing and attuned to this armour, and you have resistance to acid damage. Any creature that attempts to grapple you while you are wearing the Weeping Hide has disadvantage on their check to do so. If they succeed in grappling you, they take 3 points of acid damage on that turn, and 3 points of acid damage at the start of each of their turns for as long as the grapple is maintained.
Weapon (dagger), Requires Attunement
This strange, hideous weapon appears to be formed of warped and twisted tendrils of bone, softened and stained by some dreadful substance, and woven together into a rough dagger about twelve inches in length. Three glassy, dark brown ‘gems’ peer out from among the twisted, yellow-white mass, just below the palm-smoothed haft of the weapon. The crafting of a Marrowblight Dagger is considered the final test and proof of a Marrowmire Hunter’s skill and craftsmanship.
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic weapon. On a successful hit, you can choose to send a pulse of vicious will through the blade and shatter one of the ‘gems’, draining a corrosive dark brown substance down through the bone and into your foe. The target takes an additional 3d10 acid damage, and must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes an additional 1d10 acid damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. It can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending this effect on a success.
Each spent ‘gem’ returns daily at midnight, as the dark gifts regrow from Marrowblight’s core. Or, we should say, from its marrow.
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The class takes place along the northern outskirts of the garden, where the orchard meets a large rock formation. The air is humid, hot, and still. To either side of Ellisa stand her Empoleon and Lynn’s Charizard. Ellisa is wearing a hiking back pack over her regular overalls and pink shirt, and gathers students around to show them how it is packed as she teaches.
Surviving Your Trainer Journey
Any trainer embarking on a long journey should have a few basic skills to keep themselves and their Pokémon safe. There are also a few tools that you should carry, regardless of what kinds of Pokémon are on your team. Every trainer's backpack should contain: a whistle to alert others on the trail to danger, a knife or hatchet for cutting wood, at least one way to start a fire that is not a fire type Pokémon, a way to purify water, a comprehensive first aid kit (more on that later), a tarp or tent, and a sleeping bag. It may seem silly to carry around some of these items if you have a Pokémon who can use moves to achieve the same effect, however you never know what could happen in the wilderness. Your Pokémon could become sick, injured, exaughsted, or with the rise of evil teams, kidnapped. Although having Pokémon with you does make life safer, you should never rely on them so heavily that you put your or their life in danger.
Aside from the regular potions and revives that every trainer can purchase at the local Pokémart, you should carry certain medical supplies in your first aid kit. Contact your local Pokémon Center for the specific needs of your partner Pokémon, but there are some general items that work for most. You'll need some kind of disinfectant; alcohol wipes are the easiest to come by, but won't work for mucus-bodied Pokémon such as Goomy and Shellos. If you can find Iodine tincture, it will work on a broader variety of Pokémon. Bandages are also important, but make sure to stock more than just Band-Aids. Gauze and medical tape may be necessary for larger wounds, and the new zipper-like stitches are incredibly useful to close up deep gashes in a pinch. Another essential part of the kit is life saving medication. Specifically Asprin (blood thinner, fever reducer, swelling reducer, and pain reliever) and Benadryl. Both of these medications can be taken by a wide variety of Pokémon as well as humans, and can save a life while waiting on true medical care. Benadryl in particular can be used to treat not only allergies, but also non-battle related poisoning. Be sure to contact your Pokémon Center for proper dosage of these medications for each of the Pokémon on your team, and keep a written list inside the first aid kit.
Lets go over the most important survival skill, building a fire. You should start by finding a dry place, at least 10 feet away from any trees or other vegitation. Most trails have places where others have already built fire pits, usually outlined by a circle of rocks, but if you can't find one you'll have to start from scratch. Push away leaves, sticks, and other flammable debris roughly 5ft in diameter. If there are medium sized rocks available, place those in a circle to help contain the fire, otherwise you'll have to dig a little bit to create a pit. Once the circle is built, you'll need to collect fire wood. Choose dry, dead wood rather than trying to cut fresh, as green wood is much harder to burn. Gather way more than you think you will need, especially in dry conditions where the fire will consume faster. Once your large feeder logs are in place, gather lots of smaller sticks and twigs, sorting them by size. Start with the smallest pieces, and build a tipi shape inside the pit. Next, you need a fire starter. Lighters are a common choice, but not very reliable in windy conditions. A flint and steel combination is the most reliable, but hard to use. Water-proof matches are my top recommendation, however you should carry at least two options just in case. Either way, use something very dry and thin, such as dead leaves, moss, paper, or wood shavings as fuel to light your fire, placing the burning material underneath the tipi. As soon as the small twigs catch, quickly begin feeding it more small pieces, gradually increasing in size as the fire grows. Once your fire is established, add a medium sized log, being careful not to smother your hard work. In damp conditions, you may need to continue feeding small wood to keep the fire going until the bigger log catches. Congratulations, you have now built a fire! Make sure to keep it fed, and don't allow it to escape the pit. Remember Smokey the Ursaring says, "Only you can prevent forest fires".
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Learn how to Use Manual and Electric/Battery Hand Tools:
Learn how to use manual and electric/battery hand tools for all sorts of repair jobs, DIY projects, and general upkeep. Half the fun of embarking on a DIY project or maintaining your home is choosing the best tools for the job. As the years go by and your projects get more ambitious, you'll likely accumulate hundreds of tools. But these are the essential tools you can't live without, and will turn to them time and again for general upkeep and specialized jobs like a saw, jig saw, drill, wrench, pliers, needle-nose pliers, socket wrench, allen wrench, different types of screwdrivers, claw hammer, chainsaw, clamps, vise, tire guage, wire cutters, tin snips, pocket knife or multi-tool, ladder, soldering iron, sander, and others.
10 Tools Everyone Should Learn to Use
50 Tools Everyone Should Own
Benefits of Non-Power Hand Tools
Survival Tools Crafted from Ordinary Items
[Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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somediyprojects · 1 year
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Tradewinds stitched by Sally Sheridan. Pattern ($6.99) designed by Teresa Wentzler.
In 2003 I showed my dad the TW Tradewinds leaflet and asked if he'd like it for his home office.  He wasn't a fan of the sampler section, but very much liked the ship, dolphins and mermaid. Bonus was that the smaller rectangular sized would fit on his office bookshelf. 
This project was much larger and more complex than anything I had stitched before. I had dozens of needles threaded with colors and blends. The stitching took me 282 hours over 10 months. I presented the completed and mounted Tradewinds to my dad at Christmas 2004.
Tradewinds graced dad's office for 9 years. When he passed, I reclaimed it and put Tradewinds on my bookshelf. When I moved 2 years ago Tradewinds found a spot on my dresser where I see it daily. And it started whispering to me that I should start stitching again.
I could not have completed Tradewinds without the information and encouragement of the Teresa Wentzler BB and Rotation Stitchers BB groups. Those bulletin boards (BBs) pre-dated Facebook as we know it today.  Now this TW Cross Stitch SAL group serves that purpose. And I’ll be happy to share what I learned with anyone interested in Tradewinds.
Framed Dimensions: 17.5” wide x 11.25” tall
Stitch count: 114H x 210W Fabric: 28 count Confederate Gray Cashel by Zweigart Floss and threads: 59 DMC colors per floss list on leaflet, plus some Kreinik blending filament Modifications to Tradewinds design: • Excluded sampler alphabet, compass and corresponding portion of side borders (sadly this included the mermaids’ tails) • For sparkle added metallic threads to waves under the ship, sun, moon and stars (modification from TWBB) • Over 1 stitches added detail in mermaid faces and flesh (modification from TWBB) New-to-me things that made the project easier: • Gridded the fabric with Sulky in 20 thread (10 stitch) blocks • Stitched on a scroll frame and floor stand • Ott light with 3x magnifier (useful for accuracy, and essential for the over 1 stitches) • Made working copies of the design, marking progress and next step with multiple colors of highlighters • Needle organizer to manage dozens of needles loaded with the threads • Organized the cut floss for blended colors in small baggies with labels
Oh my gosh! Those sails!! <part of a post I wrote in Oct. 2003 after about 20 hours of stitching> I read many posts in TWBB while I was kitting up Tradewinds. And I saw the warnings about the sails. But I thought folks were complaining because the white was boring and there is a good bit of it. Well, I apologize to all those who went before me and survived the sails. Tonight I picked Tradewinds back up and seriously started on the sails. Oh my gosh! Confetti stitching in shades of white/ecru/beige that I can barely distinguish one from another. It begs the question of whether there can be such a thing as too many colors. And blocks of pattern from one sail to the next that are almost the same, but not quite. I started with the jibs, and had initially planned to do the sails mast by mast. Now I'll divide the "sail making" into more parts. <fast forward to Nov. 2020> Now each time I look at the final result I am in awe of Teresa Wentzler’s use of colors in a design. All those colors and confetti stitching are challenging, but well worth the effort.
To avoid burn-out as I tackled my first piece of this size I set monthly goals and rotated between 2 projects: Tradewinds and a small fun stitching project. Another key to success was breaking the work into “bit-sized” portions and the taking a moment to appreciate each accomplishment. Like many of TW’s designs Tradewinds lends itself to this approach: a couple sails at a time, one border panel at a time, the moon and the stars, etc. Completing a discrete item is much more satisfactory for me than working a square inch at a time. Sharing accomplishments and cheering on others in a stitch-along group also kept me engaged.
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alliedhomes · 2 years
What is the best survival kit for the outdoors?
A few essential survival tools are recommended if you intend to camp in the woods in order to improve your overall experience. In addition to offering some of the most beautiful camping locations, wilderness camping also provides you with the freedom to move around and the indescribable delight of being completely alone. Not having the proper survival kit can put your safety in risk in such a circumstance.
A comprehensive outdoor survival kit that includes 15 camping and wilderness survival items has been put together here to help you get the most out of your wilderness adventure.
Water Purifying Bottle:
Bear Spray:
First Aid Kit:
Signal Mirror:
Dry Bag:
Saw or Hand Axe:
Emergency Whistle:
Predator Understanding and Preparedness:
Emergency Blanket or Sub-Zero Sleeping Bag:
Emergency GPS Locator Beacon:
So, before you go wilderness camping, gather and bundle the crucial camping gear listed above.
Looking more survival kit connect with dead buck hunting. They offers long-lasting hunting goods that enhance the experience of the hunters. Best Hunting Equipment
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