#essentially the same as apex tbh
kaiserouo · 4 months
Bloodhound in Destiny 2
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slow-button-off · 2 years
How to read telemetry - intro
I usually end up posting telemetry of at least the fastest quali laps so I figured I might also write a post about how to read those plots. Plus I got an ask asking for some general explanations so I hope this is a good starting point!
The x-axis for telemetry plots is always the distance. You might ask, why not time? Most plots that we come across tend to use time on the x-axis so why not here.
The thing is that telemetry is often used to compare laps between two drivers and it happens very rarely that two driver set the exact same lap time and seeing as we want to find out what those drivers do differently we need to pick an x-axis that stays the same no matter the driver.
And that thing is the race track. Therefore the x-axis is the distance because it's the same regardless of driver and it allows us to compare what drivers do in corners or straights.
Elements that are often shown - Plots from VER vs LEC in Baku
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Speed trace -> the speed trace is pretty much always included and just shows the speed in km/h at any specific point on the track.
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Throttle trace -> also always included and shows how the driver applies the throttle. It's shown in %.
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Brake trace -> also always included and only shows when and not how hard the driver brakes. Drivers do apply varying brake pressure but it's not shown in telemetry data for various reasons. So we only see if the brake is engaged at all or not.
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RPM -> rpms are sometimes included and yeah.. show the rpm of the engine at any point on the track. Can be used to determine if an engine is turned down for example.
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Gears -> sometimes included and again shows which gear the driver is in at any specific point on the track. Tells you things like whether a driver is short shifting and things like that.
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DRS -> also often added. I personally don't add it for quali laps because they all use DRS for those anyway, but it can be useful to see how it impacts performance on those straights. That spike at the start just shows that they engaged DRS.
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Time Delta -> because the x-axis is the distance a time delta is used to show how the drivers are performing timewise vs each other. it starts at zero and then shows the difference in time between the drivers at any specific point on the track. And helps to see where exactly a driver is gaining or losing. The time delta in telemetry plots is not 100% accurate but it gives a nice overview into where a driver is gaining or losing time.
Let's analyse an example
I picked Baku for no particular reason tbh.
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So this is a telemetry plot for Verstappen and Leclerc's fastest laps in qualifying in Baku. I added the turn numbers, and no I didn't forget some turns, those essentially don't show up in telemetry because they are mostly taken flat or are just kinks in the straights.
But essentially all the dips in the speed trace are corners and the lines between them are the straights.
So if we look at the corners and the time delta, then you can see that Charles gains a little at pretty much every corner. However, it looks lie he gains a lot and then loses some of that again on the exit because the time delta dips more at the apex of a corner and then goes back up a bit.
The reason for this is that those two brake very differently and we can see that when we look at the brake trace. The blue line always goes up a bit earlier than the red one. Max always brakes a little bit earlier than Charles which means he can go back on the throttle and off the brake a little bit earlier as well. So he is slower in the entry of the corner and faster than Charles in the exit and that's why the delta makes this dip and then goes back up a bit. Charles in this case is still faster through the corners and gains on Max because the time delta doesn't go back up to there it was pre corner.
You can see why Charles still gains in the corners when you look at the speed trace and their minimum speed in a corner. Max might enter earlier and exit the corner earlier but Charles carries more speed through the corner because his minimum speed is higher. And that gains him the time.
On the last big straight Max is the one that gains. And we can even tell that it's a drag thing because if we zoom in then it looks like this:
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Here you can actually see that Max accelerates out of the corner earlier than Charles. But Charles carries more speed throughout the corner because his minimum speed is higher. But also we see that in the beginning of the straight that both lines have the same shape. It's not like one of them is steeper than the other. So their acceleration and traction seems very similar here. But towards the end of the straight Max has more speed and Charles seems to almost plateau.
That is the part of the straight where drag really comes into play. We know that in this case this is partially caused by the general drag of the different car concepts but also that the RB DRS worked better than the Ferrari one (they have fixed it now). So the RB DRS removed more drag and that allows Max to reach a higher maximum speed.
Another interesting thing is that there are a couple of corners where Max shifts an extra gear down that Charles doesn't and so on.
Using telemetry you can for example see if there was one particular corner a driver messed up and you can find out some of their tendencies like Max always braking earlier than Charles. Part of this is down to the car because the Ferrari has great brakes but it's also just a driver thing.
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Here in Bahrain for example you can see that Max messed up the last corner because the time delta dips and doesn't go back up at all. He still breaks earlier and only carries a little bit less speed than Charles through the corner. But Charles accelerates out of the corner and is back on the throttle in the same place as Max. So Max messed up his exit in that corner because they want to spend the least amount of time in the actual turns. But in this case Max braked earlier so entered the corner slower than Charles but then they had the same exit. And depending on when you brake you usually have a different exit.
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You can also find out if a team turned down their engines via telemetry as you can see here in FP1 in France.
We know that the RB engine and the Ferrari engine don't vary that much in performance so the speed trace alone tells us that the Ferrari engine is turned down more. Again towards the end of the straight the Ferrari plateaus, but this time a lot more compare to the RB.
And if we look at the RPMs at the same straights then we can see that the RB is running higher RPMs even though both drivers are in the same gear.
The gear mappings are not the same between different gearboxes! and there will always be some difference.
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On the straight after 2000m you can see that the Ferrari sort of stops at a specific rpm that's a lot lower than the RB rpm.
And that + the significantly lower top speed that plateaus is a major sign that the engine is turned down.
They all turn the engines down for FP1 but Ferrari has started to do it much more because of reliability.
So yeah that should be an alright overview over telemetry and how to read it and what you can do with it. In the end the more you look at it the more things you are going to see. Reading other peoples interpretation of telemetry is also always interesting because there is always something that you missed that someone else picked up on.
But overall it gives a nice overview into what the drivers did in their laps and how they like to drive.
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copy/pasting this from my rp blog since I’m gonna delete it there later but
yknow, as i’ve gotten older and realized some things, it’s tough to be a lesbian in fandom spaces. (this is mostly spurred on by recent lore in apex but it applies to the bio.ware fandoms too).
so like, apex has built up a relationship between bangalore and loba that’s essentially rivals to possible lovers over the course of 4 whole seasons in game. I know it’s a BR but they are adding lore and how all these stories are intertwined. anyway, tl;dr it now seems like they’re throwing in a love triangle arc with valkyrie/loba for some reason and it’s like... yknow i’m glad valk is the first lesbian character, but also like bangalore is distinctly coded as a masculine / stud lesbian and for once i’d like to see good masc/stud/butch representation bc we get called “stereotypical” and thus so many wlw end up being super feminine or just “tomboy-ish” but never fully in the realm of masculine lesbians.
so like, ever notice how in bio.ware, all the wlw romances are... with feminine women? And the one woman who is more masculine in appearance wound up being a het romance because they wanted to ‘subvert stereotypes’? and i mean Sera has a lot of issues in the writing (given that her writer was a straight man lol) and the treatment of her character is kinda garbage too bc you can be so rude to her as inq and for what reason??
anyway this also applies to Sam bc as much as I do LOVE her romance and Alix’s voice acting (espec since Alix literally has two mums herself), the weird obsession with the shower and later the hot tub in the citadel dlc is absolutely catered to the het male gamer playing as fshep who fetishizes women. It’s sad, but this is what happens with a lot of men writing wlw romances. they just don’t get it.
and also, playing a lesbian fshep? Don’t get me wrong, I adore Liara, but it is clear that a) she was intended to be the Main romance with the amount of content she gets and b) that it was definitely made with mshep in mind first as the entire series truly was so there’s nothing distinctly unique about it if you romance her as fshep. (which tbh there are things that are gendered specific to fshep in the game, so it would’ve made sense e.g. eve and fshep bonding over being women; anderson saying she’d make a good mom, that kind of thing). and same goes for Kelly’s “romance” (we love kelly here, don’t insult her pls) was v much made for a male gaze.
and so these attitudes, in my experience, are often reflected in fandom spaces (which includes the rpc but this isn’t a vague at anyone, it’s just a general Vibe that I’ve gotten over the years) wherein people who aren’t into the big main straight romances (sorry garrus kaidan and thane) aren’t like,,, acknowledged as much? Like, there’s already enough hate for ash and miranda as is, but being a sapphic person who loves them in the gay way? it’s tough because your content isn’t as widely accepted as others, be it art/writing/rp, yknow?
anyway this is me just rambling as i’m finally feeling a bit better but i’m glad for y’all that stick around and support my Brand™ because sometimes i’m made to feel :/// about my presence as a lesbian in fandom, yknow?
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gayregis · 4 years
Do you like Regis' design in tw3 ? Have any actor headcanons who could play him in twn ?
omg no i hate him 😭😭 im so glad you asked though
here’s a quick rundown of the specific things i hate about regis’s design by cdpr:
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the biggest issues to me are the following: ( and @ everyone reading... don’t try and excuse any of these with “but he was recovering from regeneration / healing / he was tired / stressed / upset” because cdpr could have just written a better plotline then):
he doesn’t smile very much in b&w. like... very much at all. and in the books, every time he is mentioned, he smiles with pursed lips, as is his custom. he kind of has this air of being amused by geralt in bof, smiling with pursed lips and then proceeds to be a true friend to him in tos and lotl, smiling with teeth on occassion. i consider this to be part of his character design because for characters like dandelion and regis, their smile is just an essential part of their visual description as a character.
the hairline..... i hate this count olaf pennywise motherfucker. cdpr tries to make their main characters look insanely different from every npc and that, to me, is not good character design. they should design for how the character is described and how the character feels, what visual elements do they think embodies the character. 
regis should not stand out. the entire point of him is that he looks just like a regular normal human guy. for this reason, the claws and teeth annoy me (not to mention regis is described as having just regular fangs and not all pointed teeth, not to even breach the topic of his having all pointed teeth the same shape/length would be difficult for animals to live with, look at the skulls of mammalian apex predators and you will find variation in their teeth).
where is his apron. it’s almost akin to twn removing jaskier’s plum bonnet with an egret/heron feather. it not only symbolizes his profession as a surgeon, but also his domestic qualities and general approachableness. it makes him look kinder, imo. he may heal you or he may bake you bread... either works
where is his cloak. a nice black cape i think is ESSENTIAL for a powerful vampire to have.
he wears some fancy and expensive-looking items. doctors in medieval times were not treated like they are today, regis is not living on a $150,000K+ annual salary, and nor do i think he wants to... he is a humble and sincere man, he spends 1/3 of his year living in the wildnerness. he wouldn’t care so much about fancy clothes unless the occassion called for it, like in beauclair, and then he would wear a nice fancy black velvet jacket that makes him look like a vampire. i think just giving him a simple black coat would suffice, maybe a linen shirt instead of a highly embroidered and decorated one. one key element about regis is that even though he tends to lecture, he never intends to make others feel inferior to him, i feel his outfit in b&w represents someone who is formal and would use their status to demean others... 
fingerless gloves. i like the fingerless gloves but they are incredibly impractical for a medic to wear... i think just no gloves would suffice (in bof, regis asks geralt to hurriedly pour a solution over his hands so he can perform surgery immediately, i feel that having to take off your gloves would waste valuable time.
regis should look kind, humble, run-of-the-mill skinny guy chilling in a cemetery at midnight, approachable, yet also a little ... off? it’s in the way he smiles maybe, hiding something... 
also (god im so negative, anon i sincerely apologize because you came here just asking questions and im like NO >:( I HAVE HATE IN MY HEART, i want to reiterate that i really appreciate this question because i love talking about the subject of character designs, the books vs the games, and regis as well) but also, i do hate twn, and i hope they skip him entirely or bastardize him so hard that there will be no resemblance and that no one in the fandom will ever care about him, because his character in the books has so much nuance and twn could never. 
i don’t really... have fancasts... because i don’t watch very many movies or tv shows... (also because i don’t think live action is the way to adapt the witcher!! we need a 2D animated series in a very beautiful unique style that becomes a cult classic!!!!) but as a joke one time i proposed jeff goldblum bc of the way he speaks and acts and also since he’s tall, skinny, and salt-n-pepper-y, and i had a good laugh, and then i started to consider and was like hm ok actually yeah sure why not. but i don’t really know him as an individual, and i think he did some shit, or was involved in a scandal, as all actors in hollywood do... 
tbh im not horribly picky when it comes to casting because i feel like acting and writing is more important than casting. but they should you know also fit the description of the character. im still kinda bitter about jaskier and yennefer’s hair in twn, and twn also requiring cavill to beef up for the role of geralt even though geralt in the books literally starves nightly... ok lol... but yeah as long as the actor is some middle aged skinny (tall, thats my headcanon) guy with salt and pepper/greying hair, preferably a long haircut, no beard but maybe stubbly, and has dark eyes and kind of a pretty face, a little bit angular but not sharp features, and sincere kindness in the eyes, then i’m good i don’t really care much about casts... just act good please....
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therebelwrites · 5 years
And so, having posted those 2 things, you should now understand why Kobe left...
The fact that Lebron James had just surpassed Kobe’s scoring record less than 24 hours prior to his death is no coincidence, as there are no such things as coincidences in the game of life. (I’ve used both virtual reality and science to substantiate this in my posts, “Virtual Reality as Proof that Life is a Game” and “Scientific Proof that Life is Not Real!!”, respectively.)
Considering my minimal interaction with social media, especially on a Sunday, the fact that I even found out about this story at all is very telling, especially in real time. Not to mention the fact that the news came from 4 different sources, 4 different methods. That’s the Universe’s way of telling me that I HAVE to write about it, to tell you what I know...This aint gon be the most well-written post ever, lbvs, but it’s the truth as my deep spiritual connection has relayed; something that I MUST write, not necessarily something that I actually feel like writing, tbh...
When I was relayed the news, my first question was, “WHY did he leave??”
As I’ve stated before, young, “happy” people don’t typically exit the game of life temporarily, and Kobe was both young and successful. Some might even call him self-actualized. While I didn’t always agree with this life outside of his sport, his greatness was undeniable and his departure from this plane is devastating, no question. Yet when you consider life from HIS standpoint, his decision to accept death is less surprising...
He’d been in the NBA, which is considered the apex for all basketball players, since he was a teenager. (That means that while everybody else was still trying to figure out who they were and how their bodies worked, Kobe Bryant was living out his--and in essence, every American’s-- dream. Wealth, success, happiness, all before being legally able to drink.)
The teenage years are when humans begin to shape their identity in the world, which means that it’s a prime time for experiences and behaviors to STICK to the ego (and, as we all know, Kobe was definitely WELL in touch with his ego!). If something “bad” happens, it has a heightened impact on their identity, same goes if something “good” happens. This is why child stars are so emotionally vulnerable; without proper guidance, they unknowingly and instinctively attach their very identity to something that is inherently transient and volatile (being a celebrity/famous/rich/popular). That means when these things inevitably run their course and cease to become a part of what mature adults understand to be merely a LIVED EXPERIENCE, child stars--having assumed celebrity status to be a part of their PERMANENT IDENTITY--typically and predictably suffer severe psychological breakdowns. (If you’ve always been rich and famous, then when you’re no longer these things you literally can’t know WHO exactly you are without the money or the fame. Although regular civilians make fun of these “rich people problems”, it is a real thing!)
So what does this have to do with Kobe Bryant, who clearly survived the child star phase? Everything. His having achieved such heights while still solidifying his identity as a person means that he had every reason to believe that, not only did he possess legendary talent, being, at the time, the youngest NBA recruit ever, but that he WAS basketball. He had literally never lived his adult life OUTSIDE of the sport of basketball; outside of being among the greatest to ever play the sport.
Fast forward through life, and his accolades just kept racking up. I personally had many debates about his character--he was well-known as a crybaby, a ball hog, being so accustomed to always getting his way and being the best, not to mention the situation with the white chicks--but what was never up for discussion was his TALENT.
Kobe Bryant WAS the game of basketball. He knew it. The world knew it. And his ego DEFINITELY knew it.
(Keep in mind that this is the same ego that had been forged from adolescent (i.e. “instant”) SUCCESS, not adult, slow-and-steady-wins-the-race perseverance. In Kobe’s mind, he worked hard to hone his talent and he was rewarded by the Universe with subsequent success (with no lag time!), and he was the greatest and would always be, and that’s just how the world worked-- how the world was supposed to work, because, hey, he was THE Kobe Bryant.)
Only he would later learn that that aint how LIFE works...
(Remember when I said that unless you are doing INTENTIONAL spiritual work, you are the exact same person who you were as a child--flaws and all. That means spoiled/self-centered/entitled children don’t magically transform into selfless adults with the simple turn of a few calendars. I can’t stress this point enough.)
And so time, being notoriously impatient, kept moving and eventually introduced unto the basketball world LeBron James, who, while barely older than Kobe was when he, himself, entered the NBA, came from a less privileged background. Having no professional basketball player father to encourage him, and being raised by a single mother, the young LeBron had to get it out the mud. This taught him HUMILITY and colored his young identity with the refreshing shade of humbleness that he would come to be known for. While Kobe had come to understand life in simple terms: talent + hard work = success, LeBron’s upbringing had shown him that talent merely equated to a SHOT at success. As I stated in my post about martyrdom and Black males, “Shiiid, people die everyday.” (This includes people with talent...)
Which brings us to the more recent past, 2016, when Kobe retired from basketball. Again, keep in mind that he had attained legendary status at this point, which no doubt assuaged his ego in face of the fact that he was leaving a part of his identity--the part that had been with him since he was a teenager--behind. Also bear in mind the negative emotional impact that retiring can have on ANYBODY. (I wrote about this in a post years ago.) In many ways, retirement can be akin to divorcing a company/career, or even empty nest syndrome. You’ve been involved with the particular company/line of work/children for so long that when you leave (or when your children leave), you experience apprehension at the fact that you must now discover who you are WITHOUT it/them. This is why so many retirees end up going back to work or volunteering. Being in the public eye and in possession of extreme talent makes this even more difficult, as you must now sit back and watch as younger people come into your field and steal what used to be YOUR shine and break what used to be YOUR records...
And speaking of records...
(Are you starting to see where this is going now??)
Kobe, who had been known for NOT taking loses well at all; who possessed enough talent to SURPASS the scoring record of Michael Jordan, a man who, though long retired, still remains the literal figure of basketball, selling shoes emblazoned with his iconic jump for exorbitant prices years after Jordan, himself, is even able to physically make that jump; who had reached the pinnacle of his chosen trade at such a tender age (before he could even form an identity OUTSIDE of basketball); who was born on August 23, which puts him on the cusp of being a LEO, which represents the SUN and makes Leos notoriously competitive and infamous for needing to be the center of attention; who entered the world of basketball setting records and taking names, had to watch from the sidelines as a dude from the hood 6 years his junior break his record at the age of 35, with no end to his greatness in sight; while draped in the uniform of the team that Kobe had worn his ENTIRE career; while playing in Kobe’s hometown; while wearing shoes to honor Kobe’s “measly” 33,643 points (keep in mind the symbolism of shoes--they’re used to STEP ON things!); while there was still an entire QUARTER left for him to rack up even MORE points?!?!
IF you believe my premise that death is a choice, then there is no way for you not to understand EXACTLY why Kobe Bryant chose to transition, especially so soon after all of these things happened. Essentially, the message that was conveyed to him during that fateful game on Saturday night was: “You aint the greatest no more; you been REPLACED.”
And, sadly, since Kobe’s ego couldn’t handle what he perceived to be the demise of his legacy (completely false of course, as he was, is and will always BE legendary), his ego was literally killed, and his spirit was crushed and decided to follow suit.
There are NO such things as coincidences!
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