#esther finch x reader
thegr33nc0met · 4 months
Dead Boy Detectives Masterlist
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♥︎Edwin Payne
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♥︎Charles Rowland
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♥︎Crystal Palace
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♥︎Niko Sasaki
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♥︎Jenny Green
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♥︎Thomas The Cat King
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♥︎Monty The Crow
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♥︎Esther Finch
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♥︎Night Nurse
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♥︎David the Demon
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Feel free to ask about other characters!
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the-heir-of-salazar · 3 months
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__Esther's pet__
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My beautiful crow"
He turned his head and smiled to his owner, Esther Finch. The witch continued to gaze at him with joy. His transformation was a success, and she seemed to like it.
When the beautiful witch left him alone in the kitchen, the crow contemplated his new form with curiosity. He traced a path on his new skin with his new fingers. A naked skin, where he felt soft and small feathers. Then, he turned his head toward the rests of his crow's corpse still scattered on the table. All of these changements seemed so strange for him, so unrealistic. And so cold without all of his feathers. He didn't like it.
But if it could make her owner happy, so he could try.
Before his transformation, he didn't think it would be so difficult to move. As he tried to fly to the witch, he fell to the ground and spilled his old guts on him. His arms, legs, and whole body were heavier. His movements were clumsy and the only thing he could do was wade through his own guts. The helpless boy anxiously looked at his new hands, which moved with terror in his blood and feathers.
At that moment, he thought that if he could, he would gladly take back his old body.
However, if he returned in his old body, could it mean he have deceived his owner?
Was the only sound that came out of his mouth when he tried to call Esther. Fortunately, his scream had worked, because when he looked up he saw her appear.
Unfortunately, she screamed as she approached. Monty's face went from happy astonishment to concern in one second. He remembered all the punishments she gived to him when he made 'bad things'. She looked at him furiously, and he knew it.
"Look at the mess you created...Ah ah ah!"
She pointed with her finger Monty's blood-soaked body of feathers and guts. Monty was confused as he watched her continue to laugh with hilarity.
She nonchalantly took a towel out of a drawer and threw it over Monty.
"Clean yourself. I'll go to the shop to buy some... clothes for you"
"-and please take a shower, ghosts can't smell you, but humans do!"
She added as she opened the door of the house.
He knew what was his role. She told him.
It was simple, become friends with ghosts, then give them to the witch.
Become friend with the detectives,
Attract them into Esther's trap,
And you'll be recompensed.
How could it be a trafic end?
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yinorathedragontamer · 3 months
i’ve been thinking about this for days but omg jenny green x fem reader with jealous jenny
i think she’d deffo be the type to get jealous but not want to admit it but u can always tell bc she becomes the most passive aggressive woman on earth idk im just lowk insane about jenny it’s bad 😭😭 (I don’t have like any scenario ideas so u can feel free to go nuts on that)
a/n: she'd be so offhand, i can just see it happen! this is kinda short, but i hope you like it nontheless <3
pairing: jealous! Jenny Green x fem!reader
Jenny was just cleaning a few tables in the front of the butcher shop, and you were talking her ear off about this and that.
she enjoyed moments like these, where she could still do her job or whatever else she wanted, while you got to talk about everything and anything.
its just this cute thing between you two, the typical yapper x listener trope, which you both enjoyed a lot.
atleast, usually.
however, ofcourse, to Jenny, something has to ruin the moment.
and that something, is Esther Finch.
she waltzes in, puffing smoke everywhere.
"well, hello there darling, its been a while since ive seen you here" she laughs, and it makes Jenny clench her hand tighter around the wet rag in her hand.
"yes, well, ive been sick for a week or two, but luckily im better now, so i get to keep Jenny company again!" you say excitedly, seeing no harm in conversing with the woman.
"the store is closed" Jenny grumbles at Esther, giving her a subtle glare. Jenny doesn't want to ruin your mood, but she also doesn't want Esther to get your attention.
"right, but i just thought i'd-" "no, get out" Jenny cuts her off, with a sarcastic smile, she gestures at the door.
you pretend to be oblivious, smiling kindly at Esther and waving her off as she leaves, but ofcourse, you know your girlfriend better than that.
the moment Esther is gone, Jenny lets out a sigh, and you get off the table you were sitting on, and hug her from behind, making her breath hitch.
"you know you don't have to be so jealous of Esther, she's not exactly my type..." you murmur softly.
"yeah, i know, i'll try not to next time" Jenny responds with a sigh.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
HIIYA!! may I request a Monty x reader who used to be an owl? Like how he used to be a crow? Ty!!
ooo yeah okay!! ; I tried my best w this one cause it was a little hard for some reason?? idk I just couldn't think of shit lmfaooo ; but thanks for requesting!! I love seeing ur user in my inbox lol ; hope you enjoy!
MONTY FINCH ; bird buddies
summary ; you were an owl, he was a crow
warnings ; language
word count ; 262
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you bond a lot over the whole bird thing
being human is not easy bro
you often reminisce on being small and being able to fly
being a human is definitely easier than being a bird, like scavenging for food or not being able to be understood by humans
but there is something inside you both that's like "I love being human cause I love having complicated emotions and relationships but being a bird was so much more simple"
"if esther ever tries to feed me bugs again, im gonna hurt someone"
"whyd she even try..."
but he loves how much he can bond with you
like no one else understands how hard it is to change species overnight and just have to fit in like that
but you try a lot of new things together
like trying hobbies, trying new food, etc etc
you both came to realize really quick that life has so so so much more to offer as humans
you guys do that 🤯 type look when you see something new / something that looks cool
"what is that?"
"i dunno but I'm getting it"
you get phones together (thanks to niko)
oh my lord
they're so confusing but SO FUN
he gets addicted to cut the rope and toca boca games
meanwhile you're obsessed with spotify and making playlists / finding new songs to listen too to make him listen
"whats hooters?"
"owl food? maybe?"
"you wanna try it? if it has an owl on the logo it must be good"
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THE duo of all time
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crowpickingss · 1 month
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monty x gn! record store owner reader
summary: the reader is a record store owner and monty happens to find his way into the readers life
warnings: crying, mention of monty’s death
a/n: Monty fic finally, if your wondering what record he picked up it was folklore
When you found out that your father was shipping you off to some random place called Port Townsend to open a new record location you were less than appreciative. However over time you grew to love the town you called home.
You had only ever had a few encounters with Esther Finch. She would always buy classical records. Another supernatural customer you had was The Cat King. His music was interesting to say the least. A lot of jazz. It seemed he was more interested in you than the record.
You knew everyone in town’s music taste. In the break room you kept a list with everyone’s favourite genres. What you didn’t expect was having to extended that list.
One day a black haired boy walked into the store. You greeted him like any other customer trying to spark up a conversation but it eventually fell flat.
You went back to the counter and watched him look around for a bit. Passing by a couple different records. You walked to the back room and when you came out he was walking towards the counter “Hey, ready to check out” He nodded “I would hate to be intrusive and assume things, but if you don’t mind me asking are you new too town?”
He placed the record on the counter “I was in a coma for a while” You rung up the record “I’m so sorry, that must’ve been really hard for you” He shrugged “You don’t really feel it” He handed you a couple of bills “Did you want grab lunch together?”
He seemed a bit taken aback but smiled after a bit of thought “Sure, I’m free Tuesday” You slid his record into a bag and handed it too him “Tuesday it is, see you later” He waved and walked out.
After your date you two started going on more dates until you confessed your love for one another. You did everything together until one night.
You were meant to go on a date with Monty. But he never showed. You were very confused and slightly worried. You asked around town begging and pleading for information.
After the only answer you got was no you gave up. You sat on a bench in the pitch black crying. Until someone approached you.
You looked up and noticed Thomas the cat king looming over you. He sat down next to you “What do you want Thomas” He rubbed his hand up and down your back “I know your probably worrying about Monty and I have some news” You lifted your head to face him “What news?”
He swallowed hard “You’re boyfriend kinda died” Hearing those words your body went in too complete shut down mode. You were a crying mess. Thomas tried his hardest to comfort you. Just then a crow landed on the bench, it clawed its way over to your arm. It pecked at your arm until you picked it up.
The crow jumped in circles and played in your hand. You took the crow back to your apartment after you said goodbye to Thomas. Over the next couple days you took care of the crow and you grew quite attached to it. When the news about Esther’s plan had reached you, you were more than shocked.
That night The cat king showed up at your apartment holding a book “Look y/n, I think I know how to get Monty back” You furrowed your brow “Monty’s dead, remember” Thomas just laughed while flicking through pages “Yeah he’s not actually dead, he’s your pet crow” You turned to your crow then back at Thomas “That crow is my boyfriend, sure” Thomas found the page and went to approach the crow “Woah, calm down I’ll do it”
Thomas stepped back and let you do all the work. After a couple swift movements your boyfriend who you hadn’t seen in a while was sitting right in front of you. You hugged him so hard in that moment that he almost suffocated. He was finally back, you two were finally back. Your life was better with him in it. Just you and Monty against the world
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teafangirl · 3 months
Greetings, I made my first reader X fan fic! This one’s for Dead Boy Detectives, my friend @sis-goleona inspired me to try making one she also inspired the story, I give her credit! This story takes place, between, episodes 6,7 and 8.
Anyway this is
(Picture is from google)
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Reader X Edwin Payne
Chapter one — your savior
It was a while after teeth face, the huge mushroom that Ester Finch had planted over a few hours ago, with the intention to kill or fully kill the Ghost boys Edwin and Charles. However, after Cat king had quite literally spoiled Esters plan by telling Edwin all about who Monty really was, that ended with Ester ripping Monty back into a crow. Charles and Crystal meanwhile faced off with David, the demon who had been haunting crystal for a while. At this time Edwin had just told the Cat King to piss off basically. Edwin had spent over 70 years in the worst place ever, that being hell, so he knew a thing or two about getting killed over and over. That however did not mean He couldn't get scared, Edwin did indeed have Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) and he was indeed scared when him and Charles were about to be sucked into the toothy mouth of the big mushroom. While Esther had a fight with crystal. Who ended up saving the both of them with her powers, the last they saw of the witch was when she got pulled right into that mushroom as it went back into the ground.
While everyone took a breath, Edwin felt quite odd to say the least, he looked at the spot where the mushroom disappeared, took a step closer, he wasn't paying attention earlier. Now he could hear some kind of screaming. He stepped back and looked at Charles, who looked back.
“You ok mate, “He said as he, gestured for Edwin to come away from that spot in fear the mushroom might somehow take his best mate. Edwin looked back at the spot, not moving closer or away, as he looked at Charles and crystal. “I am fine, do you hear that?” Charles walks over and lesions both him and Edwin, kneeling down, the screaming doesn't sound like Easter it sounds way too young. It sounded as if, whoever it was, was being devoured and killed over and over. Charles looks at Edwin and rests a hand on his shoulder as he speaks,
“whatever is down there is probably long dead by now mate, come on, me and crystal are going back to jennies.” he proclaimed as he stood up alongside Edwin who went with them, but he still felt odd, but he knew Charles was right. This realization however did not stop him from leaving a mirror behind laying against a tree. However, Edwin was only able to return to the spot the next night, as he had gotten dragged to hell by a demon the previous day when they returned from the forest. While in hell, he had confessed his love for Charles, who didn't seem to reciprocate his feelings. Added to that, in the back of his mind, he couldn't stop thinking about those screams he heard.
The first chance he got the fallowing night, he took Charles's bag of tricks, and jumped back through a mirror. Soon he came out right where he wanted to be, he was content to solve this little mystery he had uncovered. Edwin was shaking, he knew how dangerous this was as he stepped closer to the spot the mushroom once was. “Why am I doing this, Charles will be flustered at me…” he thought as he knelt down, not trying to somehow wake the mushroom. He put his hands in the moist dirt and started digging, pulling one big handful of dirt after another. Ghosts didn't need to eat nor sleep, they also didn't really get tired, even tho Charles often said otherwise. After a few hours, he reached what looked to be a hole, he looked down it careful not to fall in, it was dark, but there was some light mostly coming from the big mushroom who looked to be asleep. Out of the corner of his eye he saw just out of the reach of the mushroom's light was a body laying on the ground it wasn't Esther, it looked way too young like Edwin's age.
The body had blood surrounding it, he could not see its features or anything, but he felt an urge to save the person. Perhaps they reminded him of himself, when he was in hell, when he died over and over. He felt a tear slip pass his in control persona he always had up. Quickly grabbing the bag of tricks, Edwin pulled out a long rope, quickly tied it to a big tree, put on the backpack and nervously jumped into the hole.
Once he landed on the ground, still shaking, he slowly moved to the body, keeping a hold of the long rope as he came closer. He often looked at the mushroom making sure it did not wake, once he made it to the body he saw it was a ghost like him, he thought this ghost was Rather gorgeous and vary injured. He snapped himself out of wandering when the big mushroom opened its mouth, dragging some other body, blood and organs splashed out as its mouth closed.
“Why can't I control myself today, I should get out of here before it goes to eat this ghost or worse… Eats me!” Edwin swiftly gets reader into the bag of tricks and doges one of the mushroom's tentacles as he makes his way out of the hole. Once out the dirt quickly starts felling the hole again, Edwin gets himself and the bag a good ways away from the hole, and he starts breathing and panting, not believing what he's just done. He lets reader slide out of the bag and onto the grass of the forest, and takes a better look at them, they are definitely injured they were wearing dirty clothes stained with blood and something else. He's glad about what he's done. When reader wakes, he hopes they will be to. Edwin sits by a tree close to where reader is laying, he waits, he can't seem to stop looking at them, checking that they are ok. At some point a cat wanders over and lies on Edwin's lap, he doesn't mind seeing as it's not the cat king
☕️would u want a part two to this ?
I would love to hear any suggestions you have? Have a great day! Lastly if u guys have any ideas for titles feel free to share!
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healerfromhell · 3 months
request guidelines
requests are : closed
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below are the things I'm happy to take requests and prompts on!
a/n: please note that i am not comfortable writing anything parental, so no x readers where you and ( character ) have a child & no x readers where you are the child of ( character ), thank you!
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dead boy detectives
horror movies ( ask for specifics )
doctor who
chilling adventures of sabrina ( lilith & mary wardwell only! )
feel free to request caos but please be mindful that: i will not touch parts 3 or 4 / write post!canon acknowledging parts 3 & 4 / write for characters other than lilith or mary
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the night nurse / jenny the butcher / esther finch
rowena macleod / others on request
missy / thirteen / others on request
do not request: chuck ( spn ) / john ( spn ) / lucifer ( spn OR caos ) / blackwood ( caos )
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under co.
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the-heir-of-salazar · 3 months
Masterlist+ requests open.
Dead boy detectives
__Esther's pet__
••A laugh can change a life••
Harry Potter
-Tom Marvolo Riddle-
**The grey world**
The last kingdom
He should have knew
Send me a message
For these following propositions :
TV shows/movies
-Dead boy detectives
-the Last Kingdom
-the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
-Gravity Falls
-Lab rats
-Harry Potter
-Babel R.F. Kuang
-Evil Book [tome 1 only/ Vicious] V.E. Schwab
Video games
-Detroit Become Human
I accept :
-with only os
-a little of nsfw {if it's a good one}
-yandere, horror
-other fandom if the request is clear
I decline :
sorry. / :' ( /
-with OCS (can't write them)
-pure snfw (but can try to write a little)
-fandoms I don't have enough of information (even with reserches)
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Could you maybe do a platonic Monty x reader please where she’s Esther’s daughter and is SUPER protective of Monty and sees him as a little brother?🫶
yeah sure!! ; also I literally forget to put (they/them / gn readers only) on every announcement begging for requests I cannot anymore I'm sorry ; but dw I kept the gender stuff pretty discrete and obv just used "sibling" and terms like that lmfao ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
MONTY FINCH ; lil bro
summary ; as montys older sibling, you're very protective of him
warnings ; language, mentions of kidnapping
word count ; 506
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when you came downstairs to see a random teenage boy in the kitchen with your mom, you honestly thought she kidnapped him for the snake
"look, baby. its monty" your mother smiles with a snicker
"your bird?"
her face turns to one of disappointment as she sighs. "yes, the bird"
"so... why's he human?"
"hes going to help me trap those dead boys and the psychic prick, since you won't"
you quickly grew on him though
you didn't care for him much as a bird, considering your mom kept him locked up most the time and he was very noisy
but your mom pushed him up the stairs to get him dressed in anything but boxers
so you introduced him to your wide array of clothing in your room
"what do you want me to wear?"
"you can wear whatever you want, I don't care"
he grabs a sweater and some jeans, looking to you for validation that he could wear them
you nod and allow him to change, checking on some stuff on your phone before he turns around
"you look good"
you don't really know how you became so protective over him overnight
but he was like your new little brother
something in you just activated and you had to take care of him
so while he was out developing a crush on edwin and getting closer to the dbd, you were there, making sure he was safe
"i was being nice, right?"
"I apologize- uh, he's a little shy on physical contact. he doesn't like touching people. bit of a germaphobe"
meanwhile he's talking to edwin about astrology
"who are you, again?"
"montys older sibling. sorry"
"please stay close to me. I don't want something happening to you"
"I'm fine"
"You're about to help disintegrate your crush with an elemental and banish him to Hell. what are you talking about?"
there was a lot of pulling him out of traffic when you first took him out...
there was a lot of sticking up for him as well
he blends in well, but there's some things that humans don't do that he doesn't understand at first
he's also not a pro at hiding emotions so a lot of times you have to help him hide them
"I didn't ask to be a human... with all these emotions"
you rush to him but are unable to reach him before she pulls him apart, turning him into a crow again
"mom, what the fuck?!"
"he's a bird. get over it"
you literally went through the five stages of grief over him bro
seeing him again that night as a ghost was nice though
what want nice was being locked in a cage after trying to help his ghost self break free from esthers soul-sucking machine
let's just say having to be tied up next to charles wasn't fun while you were grieving but also trying to apologize for literally everything
there was a lot of asking where monty would've been
probably lost and found
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crowpickingss · 2 months
Can you maybe do a platonic Monty finch x reader? Maybe where reader is Esther’s child and it takes place after edwin rejects Monty and reader comforts him?
Two Birds
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monty and gn! dove reader (platonic)
summary: you comfort your brother monty after he gets rejected by edwin
warnings: crying
a/n: tysm for the request! love this idea. i might make a pt 2 with montys demise
part 2
When Esther had gotten a second familiar you were quite offended. What does a crow have against you a dove. But after spending a lot of time together you grew to like him.
When your mother had been attacked my some meddling ghosts and a physic you both were mad. Her plan involved turning both of you into humans to lure the ghosts closer to Esther.
While you were tasked on befriending the physic Monty, your brother was tasked in getting the ghost Edwin. What you didn’t know was that Monty had fallen for Edwin. That night Monty had come crying into your shared room.
You stood up from your bed and walked over to Monty “Monty is everything alright” He dropped his head onto your shoulder tears soaking your jumper. You wrap your arms around him and hug him tight.
You sit him down on your bed “Monty what happened, I thought you were going out with Edwin?” When he heard you say Edwin his tears continued “Did something happen” He started mumbling but finally spoke up “I’m so stupid” he bring his knees up and drops his head onto them
“You’re not stupid, you’re the smartest crow I know” He sighed “I’ve never told anyone this but I fell for him, y/n I fell for him” You looked at him a bit confused “You fell for who? Wait are you saying you fell for..Edwin” He nodded and put his head back into his knees
“So what happened?” He raised his tear soaken face and looked into your eyes “I confessed and kissed him, I thought he liked me back but turns out that stupid Charles has his heart” You wrapped your arm around his body and bought him closer.
“Don’t think about him, I’m sure whatever plan Esther has will make him regret rejecting you” He rested his head on your shoulder “Thanks, you always know how to make me feel better”
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yinorathedragontamer · 3 months
You get it exactly! They seem like they consistently have a flirty back and forth!
If you had time I’d love to read a little fic about some teasing and flirting between Jenny and Esther that ends in a little make-out on the shop floor of the butcher shop as Jenny is closing up for the night
a/n: on it! it's actually my first time posting a short fic that isn't x reader, so that's pretty cool! i hope you enjoy <3
pairing: Jenny Green x Esther Finch
it was yet another long, tiring, boring day for Jenny.
the morning started slowly, only three people coming in, one of them only ever entering to complain about her not offering any vegetarian stuff, despite it being a butcher shop.
she was annoyed, to say the least.
in the afternoon, it didn't get much better. only a handful of people came in, and most of them tried to make small talk despite not even knowing her name, besides, Jenny never truly understood why people tried talking to someone who they're buying stuff from, like, why would she want to know why a woman's dog threw up on the carpet?
in the late-afternoon, Jenny pretty much gave up on getting any more customers that day, and decided to just close up early.
she was cleaning up the counter a bit, cleaning the surface with a wet rag.
that's when she came in.
Esther Finch.
the one and only bitch who for some reason wouldn't leave her mind.
"Jenny, darling, if you use that rag a little more roughly it'll fall apart" Esther chuckled at her own 'joke', the smoke of her pipe swirling in the air.
"can you read?" Jenny answers, putting on her best bitch-face as she stops what she's doing and looks at Esther.
"well, ofcourse i can read" Esther puffs some more smoke out.
"right, then you'd have seen that i closed up early" Jenny retorts, walking around the counter to put a stool on the table, though as she turns around again after she puts it on the table she nearly bumps into Esther with how close she suddenly stood to Jenny.
"well well well, Jenny, you shouldn't talk like that to a customer" Esther smiles coyly, purposely wafting a bit of smoke in Jenny's direction.
Jenny glances away for a second, trying to pretend not to care about how close Esther was being.
if it were anyone else, they would've gotten the verbal message that not so politely would've told them to go away, but, for some reason, Jenny couldn't bring out a single word.
before she could do anything else, Esther kisses her, leaving her near-breathless as they both pull away.
"well, my darling, i suppose you did say you were closed so... i'll just come by tomorrow" Esther turns and walks out the door, leaving Jenny to stare after her in confusion.
"what the fuck...?" Jenny mumbles, standing up straight again before deciding to finish cleaning up.
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