#esther volo
zwy01 · 7 months
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Noble OCs - Volo
More OCs from one of my four original noble clans, the Volo! They are the Clan of the Healers and their current Clan Leader is Zephyrus Volo, whose heir is his daughter Azurine Volo. Their clan’s soul weapon is crystal ball Octavio.
For complete info please check out the link below:
(Just a quick note, everyone is a noble here. There are no hybrids. In my headcanons “pureblood” and “non-pureblood” are just terms that nobles use with each other to broadly describe how affiliated someone is with their own clan. And I say “broadly” because there is much more to it and I think it deserves a post of its own. For now “pureblood” can be seen as a “strong enough and qualified to inherit the clan’s soul weapon and become Clan Leader” and “non-pureblood” as “an ordinary clan member” kind of thing. And being either has little to do with lineage and more of just the individual itself. Again, definitely posting more on that in the future)
Straight to the characters.
Hyacinthus Volo: Non-pureblood. Father/soul fragment donor of Ludis Mergas, husband/lover/friend (?) of Valentina Mergas. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Hyacinthus used to work under Zephyrus’ predecessor, the previous Volo Clan Leader, as one of the many Volo antidote researchers. He got kicked out eventually because he kept messing things up. He did things like throwing out his colleagues’ work-in-progress vials and potions because he thought they were trash, forgetting to do his part thus causing a failed experiment and indirectly forcing everyone back to square one, accidentally knocking over precious ingredients, setting the old records on fire… etc. Hyacinthus got a job as a scribe instead because that was the only thing they could count on him for. Despite his occasional sloppiness and forgetfulness, his fellow researchers couldn’t bring themselves to be annoyed with him for too long because he is a cheerful and amiable man. Outside of work, he is a great friend. His presence alone is enough to lighten gloomy moods and his friends sometimes compare him to a clear blue sky on a beautiful sunny day. Hyacinthus is neither extrovert nor introvert, instead something in between. He doesn’t need to socialize on a regular basis, but he never declines invitations. He’s “that” person nobles with little to no friends would always invite to their parties and events because they can count on him to show up. As a result, Hyacinthus is always busy. Want a hiking buddy? Will be there for ya. Don’t have a dancing partner? Sure can rearrange my plans. Just want someone to vent to? Will give plenty of hugs too. For this reason, Hyacinthus has a powerful network of friends who are more than willing to help him because the effort is mutual. Mostly weirdo friends because he’s one of the only people who would accept them for who they are, but normal friends too. He gets mountains of gifts piled at his doorstep and they still keep coming in. Hyacinthus is humble and tells his friends that they don’t need to give him anything, but they insist on showing their appreciation for him.
Hyacinthus’ hobby is button making. Buttons for clothes, buttons for toys, buttons for collection… just lots of buttons. He carves them from coconut shells, fruit pits, wood, and other common materials. He makes a button whenever there is a special occasion to keep for himself or to give away as a gift. Hyacinthus makes one for his son Ludis’ birthday every year and Ludis has a treasure box full of them. Each one of them has a unique design, and Hyacinthus continues this tradition for his grandchildren.
No one really knows what his exact relationship with Valentina is. They seem to be more than friends but there is no solid answer. Valentina doesn’t answer when questioned and Hyacinthus just says “guess”. Well, that’s going to remain a mystery for now. Hyacinthus misses Valentina very much since the day she entered eternal sleep with the Previous Lord. He too makes a button for her every year on the day they said their final goodbyes to each other, which is the day she died.
Ludis gets the blueish tint in his grey hair from Hyacinthus.
Rurik Volo: Pureblood. Uncle of Zephyrus Volo, father of Malati Volo. Alive in the present day, belongs to Gejutel’s generation.
Rurik was supposed the be the next Volo Clan Leader after his predecessor and mother as her then-only child, but he detested the traditional Volo self-poisoning antidote-researching training regimen so much that his mother had no choice but to have another child because clearly he was not the one. The training regimen is absolutely mandatory and has been the tradition since the Volo Clan came into existence, and rejecting it means forfeiting your right to succeed the clan as the heir. So be it. The position of Clan Leader eventually went to Rurik’s younger sister, who is the mother of Zephyrus. Rurik didn’t want to work alongside ordinary clan members as a researcher either, and in the end his mother couldn’t find a job for him within the clan and he became unemployed. During his youth, Rurik couch surfed a lot and his friends all thought he got disowned or something, but he actually left home on his own accord because he was too ashamed to face his mother and family for failing to fulfill his destiny. He just couldn’t do it. The pain and self-harm is too much for him. He can’t even comprehend how his mother and all of the previous Clan Leaders were able to put themselves through such torture. Rurik’s little sister seems to be willing to do it, and while he is proud of her determination, he also feels sorry for her because he is the reason why she was born. As his replacement, because he chose to escape from his duty. She wouldn’t have needed to do this to herself if he had more courage. For this reason, Rurik can’t seem to look at her in the eye either. He ends up avoiding his mother, sister, and clan members, and became a basement dweller who rotated between the homes of his friends. Fortunately, as an extrovert, he had many friends and they were happy to host their troubled buddy. Rurik eventually finds his passion in music composition. He settles down in a place of his own, far away from the Volo’s main residence because he still can’t bring himself to face his family. In the present day, Rurik writes music for Lukedonia. His work all sound sad, for some reason. Stunning and graceful, but sprinkled with melancholy.
Rurik is a decent fighter and has an extensive knowledge of buff and debuff spells. Despite leaving home at a young age, he worked very hard and secretly taught himself how to use magic as a Volo because he didn’t want to ask anyone for help as he was too embarrassed to do so. He doesn’t even know how impressive this is and continues to think of himself as a loser.
At some point, Rurik had his daughter Malati with an unnamed noble, presumably one of his friends who hosted him during his couch surfing days.
Aeron Volo: Non-pureblood. Alive in the present day, belongs to Raskreia’s generation. No one really likes Aeron. He’s full of negativity and brings that unpleasantness with him wherever he goes. His shortcomings are always the fault of others, and his life is miserable because the world is against him. Aeron has a normal family and his parents did everything they could for him, but he turned out like this anyway. Aeron ends up offending almost everyone around him and he has no friends. He never fulfills the promises he makes, he invalidates people’s achievements, and even goes as far as to say that his Clan Leader Zephyrus’ daughter and heir Azurine doesn’t deserve to become the next Volo Clan Leader just because she “ingests poison” and “makes cuts on her arms”. Anyone can do that. This would enrage his fellow clan members and if Aeron is lucky, he gets an intense scolding. If he is unlucky, he gets a violent beating. Only after they dare him take the poison Azurine takes on a regular basis does he learn that she is doing something incredibly selfless for the greater good of all nobles. Aeron almost dies, and drops to the floor screaming and writhing in pain until they give him the antidote. You thought that was bad enough? That’s not even a third of Azurine’s daily dose. And the antidote to this poison only exists because she put herself through this pain in order to analyze what it does to the body to come up with countermeasures. Aeron finally realizes how much of a fool he was. He’s still unpleasant at times, but he has been humbled and no longer speaks like that about people, especially his future Clan Leader. Aeron’s issues aren’t completely gone yet, but at least he doesn’t invalidate people’s achievements anymore. He even starts to develop a sense of admiration for Azurine. Eventually, with hard work, Aeron discovers that he has some talent for debuff spells. Turns out his nastiness was rooted in his insecurities all along, and hey, he’s not completely useless either.
Aeron is currently training to become a knight, and hopes to become strong so he can serve his future Clan Leader, the Lord, and Lukedonia well.
Esther Volo: Non-pureblood. Entered eternal sleep, belonged to Lagus’ generation. Esther was an eccentric woman. She had a conspicuous sharp-pitched giggle and an unusual obsession with scissors and cutting things up. Her clothes, the curtains, the books on the shelves, the flowers on the hillside… even herself. More like she found pleasure in ruining things and then returning them to their original state like nothing had ever happened. This just felt so romantic to Esther and she never had any other hobby. She cooed and baby talked to things as she cut them up. The vibrations that traveled from the scissors blades to her hands with each and every snip excited her more than anything else. The more the material resisted, the more ecstatic she became. Eventually Esther moved onto cutting off pieces of her own face, fingers, and even legs. Slicing her own cheeks off was just as fun as feeling her femur split into two. Her delicate, soft fingers were nice as additional decorations to the flowers in her vase. Gives it an extra pop of color. And that’s what being a Volo meant to her. She’d just use healing spells on herself. Rinse and repeat. With inanimate objects, she used basic restoration spells. The nobles were aware of Esther’s obsession and most stayed away from her, as they were scared and suspected that she would cut them up too. Those were just assumptions, of course, because Esther never messed with other people or their belongings. She only experimented on her own possessions and body. Reassuring to hear, but doesn’t make it any less creepy.
If Esther considered someone as her friend, she would invite them to her home and show them her massive scissors collection hanging on the wall, arranged by size from small to big. Those who didn’t run away became her best friends.
Esther wore poofy floor-length dresses throughout her lifetime and hid all sorts of scissors under layers of lace. Sometimes the nobles could hear the scissors clack against one another as she walked. She eventually entered eternal sleep because she had already cut up everything she could find in the world and had nothing exciting to look forward to anymore.
Malati Volo: Pureblood. Daughter of Rurik Volo, and cousin of Zephyrus Volo. Alive in the present day, belongs to the Previous Lord’s generation.
Malati is confident and imaginative. As a child, she always went around asking “why?” to every question she could think of. The adults thought she was just another curious child, but in no time it became apparent that she was dead serious about it. Malati didn’t want to live at home with her less-than-confident father Rurik who somehow always avoided her questions, and sometime during her teenage years, she moved to Titus Paradiso’s library tower Minerva and has lived there ever since. Malati misses her father, but knows better than to hold back her true potential to keep him company… plus, he seems more interested in his music anyway. He wouldn’t miss her, it’s okay. Or so she thought, because she was a bit saddened when he didn’t really have a reaction when she announced that she was going to move out. Well, she’s better off chasing her dreams than staying at home with such a mood killer. In a way, Professor Titus felt more like a father figure to Malati, as he would always be brimming with enthusiasm whenever the two of them talked about newest discoveries. Titus and Malati have a close relationship, and when the former’s twins Anabella and Anastasia are born sometime in the future, Malati becomes family to them. The twins call her “Auntie”.
Malati’s current goal is to figure out exactly how two soul fragments merge together to create a new soul, which is the nobles’ way of having children. The old records don’t offer any clear explanation either. The nobles only know that it happens, not how. The mechanism behind it remains a mystery to this day. Malati wants to get her hands on a physical soul fragment so she can dissect it or something, if that is even possible at all. Maybe she’ll eventually discover a way for nobles to have children through soul fragments without having their lifespans reduced so parents can spend more time with their children. Perhaps it is ambitious, but Malati is hopeful.
Eventually, Malati and her father Rurik reconcile with each other and it is revealed that the latter chose not to respond to his daughter’s questions because she was a brilliant child, and he was afraid that he would drag her down because he didn’t have the confidence to match her excellence. Rurik thought that Malati would be disappointed in him like the rest of his family since he was the failed heir. The two of them talk out their misunderstandings and share a tearful moment. Rurik asks Malati if she wants to move back home, which would become an offer she rejects gently because Minerva is her home now. Understandable for both father and daughter, so they exchange letters to keep in touch. Rurik sends Malati his newest sheet music, and she shares with him her research progress on various topics. While they don’t completely understand what each other is talking about, their exchanges are filled with affection.
Malati is currently working to find an antidote to reverse lifespan loss for nobles who had children.
Malati’s partner is a Paradiso scholar.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
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You caught an Esther!
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shadowheartwhisperer · 4 months
I don't know if anyone else does this, but I wanted to share my particular cope with my bg3 hyoerfixation.
Below the "read more" is the roadmap for my playthrough with my resisted durge Dinah, romancing Shadowheart (for the 40th time, I am not being hyperbolic).
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Dinah Restart Roadmap
Notes -
Don't learn about Halsin, at all
Get Zorru then save Sazza and follow gut lead then kill leaders after gut confrontation
Agree to kill leaders because you need time to find Iron for Karlach upgrade
After leaders don't attend party, go to creche instead
- fail to open Shadowheart's pod (time to save scum)
- talk to Shadowheart, don't join up
- fight brains
- kill mindflayer
- see Gale but leave without interacting
- rest (urge)
Day 2
- enter ruins - beach side
- get Withers
- find bandits - run for it
- grove fight
- don't talk to Zevlor
- recruit Shadowheart
- rest - how do you feel?
Day 3
- back to ruins
- get Lae'zel
- clear ruins
- rest - hand hurt
Day 4
- get Wyll
- save Mirkon
- play with Alfira
- talk to Arabella's parents
- save Arabella
- find lead on Kagha
- meet Mol - agree to steal idol
- zorru
- save Sazza
- rest - playing with artifact + last night in camp
Day 5
- Investigate Kagha - mud mephits
- go backwards through blighted village (we got lost)
- cross bridge, fight hyenas
- meet paladins
- Recruit Karlach
- expose Kagha
- knock out Alfira
- rest - Quill
Day 6
- inquisition
- Gith Convoy (fail, Shadowheart escapes and resurrects everyone)
- kill Paladins
- steal idol
- talk to Dammon
- rest - Mizora
Day 7 (don't find metal)
- get Gale
- get Astarion
- Owlbear cave
- Scratch
- Smuggler's ring
- Wakeens rest
- kill all gnolls
- meet the zhent
- open barn
- save Barcus
- Necromancers Basement
- Spiders (if we have the stamina) through well
- rest - Astarion bite
Day 8
- Andrik and Brynna
- talk to Zevlor
- goblin camp - courtyard stuff
- goblin indoor stuff
- get brand
- get kidnapped by Gut
- kill Gut
- save Volo
- Ask Shadowheart thoughts on parasite
- rest - Dream Visitor
Day 9
- talk about dream (Shadowheart gets ersatz eye while talking)
- chicken chasing
- poison Goblins
- knock out Minthara
- Kill Ragzlin
- pick off straggler goblins
- rest - ?
Day 10
- return to Zevlor - lie and agree to party
- fix Karlach's heart
- fight Gith convoy
- to Crèche, no party
- rest -
Day 11
- buy what we want from Esther then kill her
- Kobolds
- Gremishka
- Open door to monastery
- place 3 weapons
- rest - owl bear cub
Day 12
- place last weapon
- Enter Crèche
- Do Crèche stuff
- get Lae'zel's son
- Zaith'isk
- Captain
- inquisitor
- prism
- rest - owl bear cub 2
Day 13
- blood of Lathander
- fight our way out of Crèche
- Give Gale last treat
- back to first area
- rest - Voss
Day 14
- bah at redcaps
- auntie Ethel
- Gale gets eye
- into Ethel's lair
- take deal and Mayrina CON +1
- resurrect Connor
- meet Gandrel
- get crossbow
- to grove
- meet Halsin
- get Sorrow
- rest - Lae'zel and Shadowheart confrontation
Day 15
- open Selûnite way to Underdark
- spectator
- bulette
- boooal
- arcane tower - except last floor
- rest - ?
Day 16
- top floor arcane tower
- Duergar on beach
- myconid colony
- Omeluum
- find Baelin
- Filro
- back to colony
- rest - ?
Day 17
- to Grymforge - use brand
- architect dude
- rothe
- get Shar idol
- conspire with duergar
- return Sargent's boots
- talk to gnomes
- fight merregon
- fight ooze
- find Philomen
- kill dudes by water
- Poison slavers
- talk to spiders
- kill myrmath
- rest - ?
Day 18
- Nere
- get monk necklace
- turn in head
- last minute shopping
- rest - ?
Day 19
- take elevator to Shadowlands
- send Elmister to camp
- talk to crew
- learn about Shar worship
- save Harpers
- meet He who was
- talk to Elminster
- talk to everyone
- start long rest - Mizora
- ask about Shar Worship
- rest - dream visitor
Day 20
- test dark Justiciar Convo
- to last light
- get Karlach upgrade
- talk to Mattis
- talk to Florrick
- talk to Cerys
- talk to Alfira
- talk to Barcus
- talk to His Majesty
- talk to Raphael, no Astarion
- talk to Mol
- shop
- talk to Rolan
- talk to Jaheira
- talk to Isobel
- fight Marcus
- start long rest
- ask to get to know Shadowheart
- rest - Sceleritas
Day 21
- Mother Superior?
- memory?
- shitload of shopping
- Harper ambush
- save Rolan
- back to last light, check on Rolan
- talk to Bex
- talk to Shadowheart about hand hurt?
- rest - dance with Wyll?
Day 22
- Gerringothe Thorm
- finish off patrol
- moonrise
- trial
- Dungeons
- save gnomes, teiflings & Minthara
- tell Isobel you won't hurt her
- recruit Minthara
- talk to everyone
- start long rest
- missed our chance?
- rest - Gale?
Day 23
- blood merchant
- gnoll Control
- talk to Z'rell
- explore Balthazar's room
- explore moonrise
- meet absolute
- rest - blood merchant talk
Day 24
- Back to first area
- get noblestalk
- go past poison geysers area
- get mithril
- fight grym
- forge stuff... Dunno what
- rest - drinks with m'lady
Day 25
- maybe don't talk to her right away
- any other cleanup stuff that could be in first area
- back to Shadowlands
- Thisobald
- get ledger
- town square fight
- find Arabella
- start long rest
- dtr with Shadowheart
- rest - ?
Day 26
- back to he who was
- fight trees
- play hide and seek
- shopping
- rest - ?
Day 27
- find Arabella's parents
- Malus Thorm
- morgue
- Kua toa
- up the hill to Raphael
- tell Arabella bad news
- rest - ?
Day 28
- wake art cullagh
- defend portal for Halsin
- shop!
- clear moonrise docks
- enter mausoleum
- talk to Arabella - cooled off?
- rest - ?
Day 29
- Enter temple of Shar
- first trial
- wall of bone and blade
- learn about trials
- to camp - talk about being in temple
- Meet Balthazar - agree to work with him for now
- kill Yurgir
- lick spider/start rat fight
- finish rat fight
- rest - stupid Raphael
Day 30
- last minute shopping
- town square trials
- Shar Olympics
- pray before Shadowfell
- last, last minute shopping
- questioning faith Convo, pretty please?
- enter Shadowfell
- kill Balthazar
- save Nightsong
- talk to camp
- to last light by way of shadowed battlefield
- talk to Isobel
- assault on moonrise
- Ketheric first defeat
- dtr with Shadowheart part 2
- rest - urge
Day 31
- illithid colony - Shadowheart, Wyll & Jaheira?
- get Us
- save Zevlor
- mizora
- get Wyll's sword
- remember to fucking talk to companions!
- check Durge pod
- Kressa
- big room full of dudes
- Brain machine
- kill Ketheric
- talk to everyone in moonrise
- leave moonrise
- rest - Shadowheart truth (no talk before sleep)
Day 32
- take Halsin to Oliver
- break curse
- Selûnite Resistance quest
- ritual circle
- last minute shopping
- gith patrol
- double, triple, check done with everything
- leave act 2
- chat around camp
- smooch lady many times
- rest - fucking stupid emperor
Day 33
- talk to everyone
- enter Rivington - Shadowheart, Jaheira, and Minthara
- swap Shadowheart for Wyll
- meet Ferg - bound weapon buy all shit
- swap in Astarion
- Talk to strange ox (w/Astarion and Minthara)
- meet gur
- back to main team (Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karlach)
- help refugees in house
- enter circus, don't talk to dryad, maybe dribbles (save scum to learn if it effects love test)
- genie
- get trident
- meet necromancer lady
- steal hat
- go to open hand temple
- agree to solve murder
- help monk
- fight doppelgangers in cave
- exit to beach
- find dying guy/Orin
- fight guild and stone Lord dudes
- rest - Vlaakith
Day 34
- meet Ferg w/Shadowheart
- break into toymaker's basement
- Wyrm's Crossing
- meet gnomes
- take Astarion to meet siblings
- shakedown toymaker
- talk to stupid fucking elephant
- Voss
- tell Raphael to fuck off
- circle back to learn about bear bombs
- Harper ambush
- Wyrm's Rock
- learn Bhaalspawn heritage
- steal flaming fist uniform
- coronation
- rest - mizora (sandcastles?)
Day 35
- lower city
- talk to Jaheira
- find guild
- talk to nine fingers
- counting house
- get Minsc through back entrance
- back to guild, deal with Zhent
- rest - Minsc and Jaheira watch me sleep?
Day 36
- follow up on murders
- elf song
- rats in basement
- stupid emperor dumb shit
- save lady at wine tasting
- find bodies
- talk to lady at salty mermaid
- save Figaro
- meet Araj
- stop the presses
- rest - ?
Day 37
- hag survivors
- follow up with Vanra's mom
- salty mermaid, Ethel
- fight redcaps
- fight masked people
- fight Ethel, save Vanra
- follow up with Vanra
- follow up with Mayrina
- rest
(Should have had either kidnapping or Astarion family reunion at this point maybe both)
Day 38 (swap to immediately after kidnapping, if needed)
- Get elf song room
- go to coffin makers place, whatever
- unholy assassin
- buy all good stuff
- kill Saravok anyway
- snoop to learn about Orin
- go to sewers
- fight dumbshit sorcerer
- buy sweet druid robes
- open way to Bhaal's temple
- rest - ?
Day 39
- Bhaal trial
- find brain rats
- chat with Sceleritas
- go to Orin's room
- chat with her mother
- confront Orin
- kill Orin
- huzzah!
- rest - ?
Day 40
- find grave, leave night orchid
- find grafitti
- house of grief maybe?
- prepare to cry maybe?
- if we have stamina - fight poltergeists
- rest - cry my eyes out
Day 41
- go to hell
- house of hope
- kill Raphael, the bastard
- steal Voss' Silver Sword for me
- get Lae'zel's silver sword
- find mummy lord
- find zombie
- track down organs
- kill mummy lord
- return to Oskar
- tell Jannath she can do better
- rest - ?
Day 42 -
- Save Volo
- break into foundry
- talk to blind dude
- wavemother, agree to kill monster
- to society of brilliance
- talk to Blurg
- Jaheira's house
- sorcerers sundries
- fucking Aradin
- Laroakan
- Vault
- stupid Gale
- meet Mystra
- shopping, stalk up for iron throne
- Worg warehouse
- rest - ?
Day 43
- Iron Throne
- get Wavemother dress
- how are we feeling? If all good start ansur
- love test first
- do all trials
- rest - ?
Day 44
- fight ansur
- feeling ok? Start Cazador's Manor
- clear upper level
- rest - ?
Day 45
- talk to skull
- kill Cazador
- prepare to cry
- not too beat? Fireworks!
- rest - ?
Day 46
- *sigh Gortash
- lead out to roof? Stand in one place, ranged only? Either way, try not to set off traps
- talk to other 2 first, then karlach
- cry
- talk to companions again
- cry
- talk to Karlach again
- cry
- anything to clean up?
- rest - ?
Day 47
- anything you've forgotten?
- did you steal the tithes?
- did you find dribbles?
- mindflayer in windmill?
- dryad sex worker?
- adventurer's dad?
- double, triple, quadruple check
- rest - ?
Day 48
- brain rats
- fight brain
- win!
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theghostlyartist · 6 months
🌟Pinned Post🌟
guess i should post something. hey, im kai. i used to live in hisui but stuff happened and now im in the modern day. im a half ghost and i like drawing and indie games. my friend esther made me make this account.
Trainer Info
Name: Kai Eranda-Shinno/Paoro
Age: ?? (presumed to be 15)
Gender: Female (MtF, she/her)
D.o.B: 5th December
A strange monotone half ghost trainer who likes to wander. More commonly known as the Hisuian Hero from Ancient Hisui. Kai comes off as rude and arrogant to most, but she isn't apathetic and is a good person at heart. Her ace is her Alpha Sylveon, Aurora. She is a chosen to her Shaymin, Flora.
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Other Pokémon:
Mercury (Meltan)
Typh (Typhlosion♂️)
Bliss (Togepi)
Noteable relations:
Rei (Partner)
Volo (Adopted father, formerly)
Melli (Adopted father)
Ingo (Adopted father)
Emmet (Step Uncle(?))
Note: the Melli, Ingo and Emmet that adopted Kai are different versions of the original characters for a fan region. They belong to @monochromaticpaint (A/N: GO FOLLOW THEM THEY ARE AWESOME :}}})
Muse and Mod are both 16
Pelliper Mail and Magic Anons are on
(i have no idea what they do suprise my dear emo)
Related Blogs:
Shiny Hunting Twins (Esther and Eddie) Blog: @shinyhuntingtwins
Silver Blog: @rainbowwingedrival
Elemental Triplets (Luke, Luca and Lucy) Blog: @theelementaltriplets
Main Blog: @ginhaku125
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menaxhq · 3 months
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Hakalo é um planeta com diversas crenças e lendas, mas para essa noite, uma lenda, apesar de suas diversas divergências, tem suas similaridades. É uma noite onde lobos, sejam eles possuídos por seres do reino sombrio ou almas de civis com coração impuro, surgem diante da densa névoa que se espalha e atacam pessoas de coração puro, querendo limpar sua alma ou levarem elas como alimento para o submundo.
Apesar de ser uma lenda, todas as vezes que acontece as três luas cheias, a população jura que coisas estranhas acontecem e que esses lobos são grandes devoradores, que suas únicas proteções são se esconder em locais bem fechados e, ainda sim, algumas vezes, eles conseguem invadir. 
Esses lobos têm pêlos da cor preta, tal como a escuridão, sendo difícil de enxergá-los por dentre a névoa e as árvores que recobrem a ilha. Os alunos terão de ficar de guardas, espalhados pela floresta, porto, campos, acampamento e vila, para proteger a população local dos ataques que podem vir a acontecer.
Alguns lobos irão aparecer no acampamento por volta das 20h30. O que significa que alguns dos alunos terão que seguir para a vila com o intuito de proteger os civis, enquanto os outros irão defender outras áreas da pequena ilha.
A divisão de grupos será a seguinte:
Grupo 1, liderado por Asher:
Rajeshri Mew Margot Chiara Ace
Grupo 2, liderado por Zven: Akonit Angus Cassie Navi Dahlia
Grupo 3, liderado por Esther: Pothan Devon Aspen Skylar Alejandra Grupo 4, liderado por Nazar: Warren Volo Calanthe Yumi Ziggy Grupo 5, liderado por Adelaine: Belladona Cynthia Magnolia Nate Løven Os professores deverão discutir entre si para decidir quais grupos irão para cada área. Lembrando que os locais disponíveis para os grupos são: floresta, porto, campos, acampamento e vila.
Além disso, um personagem irá se transformar em lobo, e seus colegas deverão decidir como agir sobre isso.
Os lobos só irão embora após se sentirem ameaçados e se não conseguirem almas até às 00h00.
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gerardbillet · 2 years
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Les Choses : Une histoire de la nature morte : Hubert Duprat : Volos (hache néolithique), Cairn de Gavrinis : Haches (3500 av. J. C.), Italie, Pompei , Squelette avec deux cruches a vin , Italie, Faenza, Chauffe-main en forme de livre, Joachim Beuckelaer : Marche aux poissons, Erro : Foodscape, Henri Matisse : Nature morte d’apres «  la Desserte » de Davidsz de Heem, Marines Van Reymerswalk : le collecteur l’impôts, Esther Ferrer : Europortrait, Juan Sanchez Coton : Fenêtre, fruits et legumes. #louvre #louvremuseum #leschoses #unehistoiredelanaturemorte #herbertduprat #volos #hachenéolithique #cairndegavrinis #haches #italie #pompei #squeletteavecdeuxcruches #faenza #chauffemain #livrefermé #joachimbeuckelaer #marcheauxpoissons #erro #foodscape #henrimatisse #naturemorte #ladesserte #davidszdeheem #reymerswael #lecollecteurdimpots #estherferrer #europortrait #juansanchezcotan #fenetres #fruitsetlegumes (à Louvre Museum Paris France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmMp53ZruVz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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30.03.19, Samstag
Sde Boker, so heißt der Ort, an dem unser Seminar vom 14. bis zum 17. stattfand. Sde Boker befindet sich im südlichen Teil Israels, zwischen Avdat und dem Mitzpe Ramon.
Am ersten Tag des Seminars war erstmal Ankommen angesagt und Susanne und Lukas gaben uns eine kleine Einführung für diesen Ort. Wir waren in einem Kibbutz untergekommen, in dem Ben Gurion noch vor seiner Rolle als Ministerpräsident lebte.
Am selben Abend hörten wir von dem Raketenalarm in Tel Aviv. Später wurde uns erzählt, dass man den Alarm bis nach Petach Tikwah hören konnte, weshalb manche zunächst dachten, der Alarm sei in Petach Tikwah gewesen. Aufgrund dieses Raketenagriffs aus dem Gazastreifen, nutze Susanne die Situation, um uns über die Sicherheitshinweise zu informieren.
Vor wenigen Tagen folgten noch zwei weitere Angriffe. In einen Ort, nahe Netanjah und in Ashkelon.
Wir haben zum Teil Nachrichten aus Deutschland bekommen, ob es uns gut gehe und Gott sei Dank konnten wir es auch immer bejahen. Trotz solcher Angriffe, habe ich keine Angst weiterhin im Land zu bleiben und weiß, dass Gott uns behütet.  
Am nächsten Tag führte uns Chaim (ein religiöser Jude, der lange Zeit mit seinen Eltern in Deutschland gelebt hatte, die ihm seine ursprünglichen Wuzeln aber vorenthalten hatten), durch das Kibbutz. Er wanderte dann nach Israel aus, fand zum jüdischen Glauben und lernte die Sprache. Außerdem erzählte er uns, dass er lange keine gute Beziehung zu Deutschland und den Deutschen gehabt hat, nachdem er erfuhr, dass er Jude ist. Er wollte auch kein Deutsch mehr sprechen, um Abstand von diesem Teil zu nehmen. Bei dem Besuch in einer Synagoge in dem Kibbutz, erzählte er, wie es wieder dazu kam, dass er anfing Deutsch zu sprechen. Er lehrte an der Universität, wo Leute gebraucht wurden, die Deutsch sprechen. Somit kam er wieder damit in Kontakt und lernte deutsche Studenten und Studentinnen kennen. Eine dieser Studentinnen erfuhr, dass die Synagoge im Kibbutz eine neue Thorarolle brauchte, die von jemandem verbrannt wurde. Sie erzählte das ihren Eltern und somit spendeten sie einen Teil des Geldes für die neue Thorarolle. Das ist einer der Gründe, weshalb sich seine Beziehung zu den Deutschen verbessert hat.
Was ich auch sehr interessant finde ist, dass eine Thorarolle nicht komplett von „außerhalb“ finanziert werden darf, sondern dass immer auch ein gläubiger Jude einen Geldbetrag dazu steuern muss.
Nachdem wir uns von Chaim (was übersetzt übrigens „Leben“ bedeutet) verabschiedet hatten, gab es am Mittag verschiedene Workshops, die Susanne und Lukas organisiert hatten.
Abends bekamen wir Besuch von einem Ehepaar, die beide in unterschiedlichen Kibbutzen aufgewachsen sind. Sie erzählten uns über das Leben im Kibbutz und wie es sich im Laufe der Jahre verändert hat.
Den Tag darauf stand eine 6-stündige Wüstenwanderung auf dem Plan.
Wie ich bereits im letzten Eintrag erwähnt habe, befand sich unsere Unterkunft direkt in der Wüste, weshalb die Wanderung auch direkt los gehen konnte…wenn nur nicht der Regen gewesen wäre.
Also, Jacke an, feste Schuhe an, Kaputze auf, Rucksack auf und los ging’s. 
Wir hatten eine Guide, die also Ahnung hatte, wo wir lang gehen konnten und wo es  nicht zu gefährlich wegen des Regens und den Sturzfluten war. Nach etwa ein bis zwei Stunden waren wir alle durchnässt und der Regen hörte nicht auf. Einige gingen zurück und andere setzten die Wanderung fort. Wir beteten, dass es aufhören solle zu Regnen und die Sonne etwas rauskommen solle. Zehn Minuten trat genau das ein, wofür wir gebetet hatten. Es war unglaublich. Vor allem kam es genau zur rechten Zeit, als wir am schönsten Teil der Wanderung waren.
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Auf dem Rückweg wurde es dann nochmal richtig nass und matschig. Und der Wind blies so stark, wie ich es in meinem Leben noch nie erlebt hatte. Abgesehen davon, dass ich meine Cappy gerade noch so einfangen konnte, musste ich auch aufpassen, dass ich selber nicht wegwehe – wirklich kein Spaß.
Als wir wieder auf unseren Zimmern waren, gingen wir erstmal unter die Dusche und zogen uns was Kuscheliges an.
Trotz des wechselhaften Wetters, war es die Wanderung auf jeden Fall Wert und ich bin sehr froh, sie nicht abgebrochen zu haben.
Am Abend gab es dann einen bunten Abend, bei dem wir WG-weise Sachen vorbereiteten. Rollenspiele, Videos, Reime, etc. Auch wenn wir alle etwas kaputt und müde waren, war es dennoch ein lustiger Abend.
Am letzten Seminartag fand ein Abschlussgottesdienst mit Lobpreis und Verabschiedung der bald gehenden Volos statt. Es fühlte sich wirklich komisch an, schon verabschiedet zu werden, obwohl man noch etwa zwei Monate blieb. Allerdings war es das letzte Mal, wo wir alle zusammen waren. Auch wenn ich es zuerst nicht gedacht habe, ging es mir doch schon sehr nah und ich spürte, wie schwer es mir fiel, mit dem Kapitel „Volontariat in Israel“ bald abzuschließen.
Jeder sollte den anderen noch etwas mit auf den Weg geben und ich hatte mich vorher nicht darauf vorbereitet, weshalb ich es spontan machte. Ich sagte, dass alles seine Zeit hat und wer nun hier ist, dessen Zeit ist hier und wenn es wieder zurück nach Deutschland geht, dann wird Gott den Weg dort weiterführen. Später kam Esther, die in Jerusalem im French hospital arbeitet auf mich zu und bedankte sich für diese Worte. Sie meinte, dass Gott oft durch meine Worte zu ihr spricht, was mich so sehr gefreut hat – Hallelujah!
Vom 20. bis zum 21.03. war Purim. Das Fest erinnert an die Rettung der Juden im Buch Esther.
Es wird allerdings auch von nicht-Juden gefeiert und ist ein gehyptes Fest. Man kann es sich eigentlich so wie Karneval vorstellen. Jeder verkleidet sich und es gibt viel Musik und Partys auf den Straßen.
Fast alle Volos aus Petach Tikwah fuhren am Donnerstag Abend nach Jerusalem, um mit den anderen Volos auf den Straßen mitzufeiern.
Auf dem Weg nach Jerusalem erzählt mir Tabea, dass sie ihr verlorenes Handy wieder bekommen hat. Am Tag davor erzählte sie beim Hauskreis davon und wir beteten gemeinsam dafür.
Da sie ihre personalisierte Bahnkarte in der Handyhülle hatte, konnte sie vom Finder über Facebook kontaktiert werden. Zum einen ist es überhaupt erstmal krass, dass sich jemand die Mühe gemacht hat,  den Handybesitzer ausfindig zu machen und zum anderen, dass Tabea ihre Bahnkarte in der Handyhülle aufbewahrt hatte. Denn eigentlich hat sie nur eine personalisierte Bahnkarte, weil die andere nicht mehr funktionierte. Als sie sich eine neue holen wollte, wurde ihr direkt vorgeschlagen, sie personalisieren zu lassen.
Kurz nach dem Hauskreis bekam sie eine Nachricht auf Facebook mit einem Foto von ihrem Handy. „Praise the Lord.“, schrieb sie mir, als sie ihr Handy wieder hatte.
In Jerusalem war super viel los und einige gaben sich auch richtig Mühe mit ihren Kostümen. Sogar am nächsten Morgen wurde noch ordentlich gefeiert.
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So langsam gewöhne ich mich an das neue Altenheimgebäude. Zwar haben sich die Probleme, die ich letztes Mal beschrieben hatte noch immer nicht gelöst, aber ich habe mich dennoch daran gewöhnt.
Trotzdem finde ich es schade und fast schon unzumutbar, die Bewohner an den Fenstern sitzen zu lassen, wo die Sonne morgens direkt in deren Gesichter knallt. Meinem Headnurse habe ich einmal Bescheid gegeben, da hat er auch vorübergehend etwas vor die Fenster gehangen und meinte, dass noch richtige Rollos angebracht werden sollen. Wie es hier in Israel aber so ist…alles dauert.
Auch an der Arbeit haben wir ein bisschen Purim gefeiert und uns und die Bewohner mit Accessoires geschmückt.
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Sonntag und Montag habe ich mir frei genommen, weil gestern meine Eltern zu Besuch gekommen sind und wir seit heute für drei Tage in den Norden gefahren sind. Wir haben uns ein halbes Jahr nicht mehr gesehen, was ich selber gar nicht glauben kann, wenn ich das so schreibe.
Ich freue mich auf die Zeit mit ihnen und versuche sie bewusst zu genießen.
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
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“I wonder if they can see me somehow. What would they think? Probably think I’m pathetic…” "...well...I think you're pretty great."
Have a quick doodle I did of the ending scene from the latest chapter of Pokémon Legends: Esther!
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
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(Throws WishingStarShipping at you and runs away)
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
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"Did I scare you? I bet I did!"
Did a little scene redraw with Esther in the place of Akari/Rei.
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
Aaaaand we're back to the feels! The next chapter of Legends: Esther is up and we're not done yet!
Summary: Esther wakes up after partially recovering from her fight with Giratina. But upon hearing that Kamado plans on punishing Volo for his actions, she rushes to intervene (with a little help from a certain seer~!).
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
Y'all ain't ready for this one... Prepare for a plot twist!
Summary: In an attempt to defend the unconscious and heavily wounded Esther, Adaman, Irida and Marcy give their all to defeating Giratina. Meanwhile, Esther finds herself in a familiar place where a question is asked and truths are revealed…
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
It's time for more trauma and feels! The next chapter of Legends: Esther is up!
Summary: As Giratina - the Lord of Distortion and Anti-Matter - makes her grand appearance, her seemingly easy victory over Esther is thwarted by Dialga and Palkia making an appearance of their own. As this mighty clash of Legendary Pokémon unfolds, Esther finally begins to realise what she must do…
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
Who's ready for ✨Trauma!!!✨ The next chapter of Legends: Esther is up!
Summary: Atop Mt Coronet, truths are revealed. The true culprit behind the rift wasn't Dialga, Palkia, or even Arceus; but Volo using Giratina in an attempt to drag Arceus from the heavens. With his initial one failing, he turns to his backup plan: combine the 18 plates in hopes of using them to summon Arceus and use its power to create a new world... ...the plates currently in Esther's possession.
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
We're getting to that part! Get ready for feels and not the good kind!
Summary: It's the morning after the great clash at the Temple of Sinnoh, and Esther has woken up to a very excited Volo. After learning the plates Esther had been gathering had ties to the mysterious Pokémon known as Arceus, the duo set out in hopes of finding the remaining plates as well as the truth as to why Esther had been sent to Hisui, and quite possibly meet Arceus itself!
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soulslayer2020 · 5 months
Who wants to get hit with MORE FEELS?! The next chapter of Legends: Esther is up!
Also here's a little fun fact: the shipping name I came up with for Esther and Volo is 'WishingStarShipping', since Volo's name means 'I Want/Wish' and Esther's name means 'Star'.
Summary: It's finally over. Dialga and Palkia have been calmed and sunlight has returned to Hisui. As Hisui comes together to celebrate this victory, Esther and Volo find themselves alone together where Esther decides to come clean about her feelings. ...but things are far from over as a dark presence lurks in the shadows.
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