#esti’s poem
And if you don’t want to backtrack through Tumblr…My Leaguetober micro fic collection is also available on my AO3. Still not up to date with all 31 days, but it should be sometime this week.
It’s also a super easy place to leave comments :)
Thanks again, Fruits. You’re all stars.
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shan0blight · 3 months
Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1019576761/
This addiction to dead poets society is getting bad ngl 😭 but idc🤷‍♀️cause hot people watch dead poets society
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12 ianuarie 2023
Acesta este un poem pe care nu am curaj sa îl scriu
Imagini cu conținut sensibil pentru copii sau cardiaci
Femeile din familia Miroiu sunt femei puternice
12 ianuarie 2023
Tocmai m-am întors acasă
Pană de curent
Ca doar am învățat despre ororile comunismului
Tata dormiteaza pe scaun lângă cele 3 sticle goale
Imi vâjâie urechile
Femeile din familia Miroiu sunt puternice
Femeile din familia Miroiu sunt puternice
-Eugenia, trezește-te, fă! Nu te mai preface, nu faci decât să te plângi, spune bunicul
Bunicul care a bătut-o pe bunica până a leșinat
Bunicul care o trezește cu o găleată de apa rece
Valentina, esti puternică, esti adult, esti "cineva" ar spune bunica cu lacrimi în ochi
Valentina pune mâinile la urechi, căci nu are 23
Ci 10
Valentina a plecat de acasă la 10 ani pentru ca nu mai suporta să îl vadă pe tatăl său bătând cu pumnii și capul în pereți
-Tu sa nu faci greșeala mea și a mamei mele, tu să fii independentă, tu să caști ochii cât cepele și să nu suporți nimic.
Dumnezeii Dumnezeilor mă-sii cine m-a pus sa ma însor cu tine, tâmpito, numai de cheltuit bani ești bună, m-am luat după tine, regret, ca m-am însurat cu tine
O sa plec și nu mai vin
Sofia cu mâinile la urechi și cu lacrimi în ochi
Tati, nu pleca, tati nu pleca
E prea mica să înțeleagă
Dar femeile din familia Miroiu sunt puternice
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eter1c · 8 months
Mi-esti poem
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studioninilong · 1 year
The Type of Art You Support
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I am an artist influenced by many things.  Let's just say 'life' in general.  So the Visual Art you are Supporting is a result of those inspirations.  I have other artistic gifts that will be showcased here but for now we will focus on the Visual Art.
My STYLE is somewhere's between comicbook, manhua, & semi real.  It can be suggestive but my pieces here are always SFW.
Each Illustration has a story that goes with it...so hopefully you'll get to know the story as you view, recieve, print, or hang each piece.  I have a minor in creative writing so there's poems, scripts, and such with each uploaded piece.
Don't let AI fool you, Actual Illustration takes a long time to produce, hence why I'm even setting up this Patreon.
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Each MAJOR piece (like the one above) takes about 24-50 hours to complete.  Which I can do in a week if I do not have other obligations.  So the goal of this Patreon is to do art WEEK IN/ WEEK OUT so you get a full plate of art every month.
--------------During Launch--------------------
Round One: FIRST 108 PATRONs get BOTH or your choice of one of these!
Art Card Series.
Primo: I'm designing a board game.  Well it's already designed, I'm just working out the kinks and visuals in order to put it into full production.  Sooo, I'm releasing artcards of the play-pieces that will ONLY be available here.
Segundo: I figured some ARMYs would appreciate my Planetary (134340) Series in artcard form rather than the GIANT %(&! 24x24 pieces going up in Esty.  Sooo, they are now a part of ROUND 1 for free Launch materials.
I ship these out once you become a patron.  Well I sign them and number them first, then pop them in the mail!
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Round Two: The FIRST 224 PATRONS receive a LOTUS ENAMEL PIN
So Studio.Nini's emblem is a cross inside of a lotus.  Ask me what it means later cuz there's a long drawn out story and it involves Martial Arts.  Anywho, getting Lotus Pins made...in Studio.Nini's colour palette and gold...cuz i like gold.
When the second round begins...you new folk AAAAAANNNNND the First Round folk get Pins shipped out to you, if you're still an active patron.
Round Three: The FIRST 613 PATRONS receive a sticker variety pack (3ea)...because I like stickers, and you better like them too, HA.   (Ok if you haven't figured it out by now...this space is lighthearted.  I'm a pro at what I do...but I enjoy having fun with friends...........and you better enjoy it also or you're going to have an AWFUL time here, HA!)
When the third round begins, OG peeps get the Launch freebies from before AND these sticker packs.
....and as a special incentive....If you pledged IMMORTAL throughout the run of all rounds....you can ask me for a commission...............and it's yours.  No Holds Barred.
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Voting on which Lady Dragon piece I do next is where our online interaction begins.  I'll be posting three (3) to choose from and you can vote on which gets done next.  Hopefully we'll have fun with that process since I will also be streaming the PAINTING PROCESS with you.
The MINOR pieces appearing on this site take anywhere from 4-12 hours.  Those are like the character pieces above or landscapes, cityscapes...conceptual pieces.
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Milestone and monthly giveaways like Stickers, pins, journals, and of course...
Well I only do one type of fan art, really. Bangtan Sonyeondan art.  And boy do I have alot of it done.  So for those who are ARMY you get extra art love.  These artcard freebies are only in physical form...so you'll get artcards (4x6 / 6x9) in the mail if you want those freebies each month. 
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So, I do hope you enjoy the space.  I'm constantly beautifying it to make you all feel welcome!
And thank you again for your support!
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alexiahulea · 2 years
etern in tine
vad doar valuri fumurii,
ce se-ndreapta spre etern.
cand ma pierd in filozofii boeme
sub pielea celui ce-mi recita viata in poeme...
poeme lungi, ce imi descriu cerul ce nu-l vad:
poeme ce se-nchina in iubire,
in suspine si regrete.
ca viata nu are sa se mai repete,
insa noi promitem, ca doi astrii, un etern.
imi esti tu etern, o, pamantene
sau imi esti un luceafar calator...?
imi esti mangaiere sau durere?
am sa stiu cand n-am sa simt un dor chinuitor...
am sa te simt numai pe tine,
in lumina propriei scantei.
am sa sarut focul din tine,
cand doar destinul va mai stii ce e.
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noceiling-m · 2 years
Bent over papers and bottomless books climbing down them on a slender rope night after night I sought whiteness to the utmost intensity of blackness, hope to the point of tears, joy to the outer limit of despair
Odysseus Elytis, Axion Esti: The Genesis, VI
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arsanimarum · 3 years
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THE AXION ESTI - odysseus elytis / ode 6
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zusplace · 6 years
𝒱𝒶 𝓂𝓊𝓁𝓉𝓊𝓂𝑒𝓈𝒸...
Vă mulțumesc tuturor,
Nostalgic, plin de dor
Sunt astăzi aici,
Mult mai bine
Am scăpat ușor,
Sute de fețe, pline
De povești, de dragoste
De știre, mulțumire
Realizat, că există și bine
Dincolo de filme
Am mult de oferit,
Sincer, nu m-am pripit
Uneori am și greșit,
Întâmplări îți e dat
Să treci prin toate
Niciodată să nu te rupi,
De realitate...
Vă mulțumesc acum
Am mult de învățat,
Nu sunt la capăt
De drum...
Urmează ceva și mai bun.
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shut-up-n-listen · 6 years
Légy mint a minden, te semmi...
Kosztolányi Dezső
Esti Kornél éneke
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yiannis-tsaroychis · 3 years
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Study for a wall-hanging with a theme from Elytis’s poem Axion Esti, 1965, Yiannis Tsaroychis
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nurknabo · 3 years
Arkaika Esperanto kaj sia fleksiemo
Do mi finis la legadon de Arkaika Esperanto, far de Manuel Halvelik. Ne tute, ĉar estas rakontoj en ĝi, sed jes rilate al la klarigo de la lingvo.
Mi legis ke eliziado "povas okazi iel ajn". Tamen eliziado estas ellasi la finan vokalon... Rigardu la ekzemplojn donitajn:
Ned eblat > Nedeblat
Ad wos > Adwos
Nosay Oculoy > Nos'Oculoy
Be, la unuaj du eĉ ne havas ellason! La tria, du literoj malaperas, anstataŭ unu, kio estis kion mi komprenis ke okazus per eliziado. Ĉu mi malpravas? Fakte, ni eĉ ne vidis eliziadon tie, sed kunigon! Ekskludante la lastan.
Nu, ĉiuokaze, du aferoj mi lernis el ĝi:
Eblas kunigi vortojn. Kvankam mi pensas ke estas plispecife, aŭ tute, prepozicio kaj substantivo.
Eblas, per ellaso de fina aŭ finaj literoj, unuigi sone la konsonanto ĉe la fino de la unua vorto kun la vokalo ĉe la komenco de la dua. Tio ne estas igi du vortojn unu, sed unuigi sone. Skribe ĝi montriĝas per apostrofo, kiel supre vidite.
Kaj mi, kiel lingvomodifemulo kaj tedanto de senlingvomodifemuloj, jam estis atingita de ĉi tio kaj havis mian menson malfermita al kelkaj ebloj. Nur ekzemplo: imagu se, anstataŭ aligi "ad" komencen, ni aligus ĝin finen de la vorto?
Adwos > Wosad
Nur eblo, nur eblo... La libro ne havas regulon kontraŭ ĉi tio, kvankam tio eble estas subkomprenata. Sed ĝi ankaŭ diras ke ĝi povas okazi iel ajn escepte ĉe konfuzoj, kaj mi kredas ke ne estus konfuzo ĉi tie. Ĉiuokaze mi povas aldoni apostrofon dirantan ke estas kunigo: wos'ad.
La kunigo per unu vorto finiĝanta per vokalo kaj la alia komenciĝanta per konsonanto - kio certe havas nomon sed mi ne scias - estas ankaŭ interesa. Probable estas oftaj la okazoj en kiuj eblas kunigi vortojn, precipe poeme. Cetere, O-ellaso, ĉi tie Om-ellaso, ankaŭ eblas, kompreneble, kaj mi probable ĝin uzos ĉar mi kredas ke ĝi pli beligas la aspekton de la lingvo: la ripetado de finaĵoj igas la tekstoaspekto esti tre "ŝablona", tre kvadrata. Ni tenu ĝin ronda. Kaj tia diferenco en la aspekto eĉ estas farinda, laŭ tio kion mi legis en la libro.
Ĉar ege malmultaj homoj parolas AEon - se oni parolas -, mi kredas ke mi havus ian liberon modifi aferojn tie kaj tie ĉi... Neniu estos malkontenta, kaj fine ĉio pri kio mi zorgus estas ne rompi la bazon de ĝi, skribita ĉe la ĉapitro Gramatiko.
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gemsofgreece · 4 years
Late night post in honour of Mikis Theodorakis’ 95th birthday, my favourite Greek composer. Mikis Theodorakis is one of the two most influential composers in Greek history as well as an emblematic political figure of the 20th century. He’s been repeatedly exiled, tortured and almost killed for his political activity in the Greek Communist Party. (He was forced to dig his own grave in a godforsaken island, as an example.) Mikis Theodorakis was voted the 11th most important Greek of all time, which is of course the highest place taken by a living man. His songs have been sung by many legendary artists worldwide (Beatles, Edith Piaf etc) and he has created songs and music pieces for all or almost all genres. His most remarkable work has been in poetry set to music. Here are 5 songs from my playlist chosen randomly, as I love almost the entirety of his work.
1. From his soundtrack for the Algerian-French movie Z, a political thriller about the assassination of Greek Democratic politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963.
2. Ένα το Χελιδόνι (One is the Swallow). A part of the poem Axion Esti by Nobel winner Odysseus Elytis set to music. The poem explores the essence of being, freedom and the love for the country. Here conducted by the man himself.
3. Ο Αντώνης (Anthony). Poem by Iakovos Kabanellis set to music. It is about the unspeakable torments the Jewish went through in the concentration camps during WW2. Sung by contralto singer Maria Farantouri.
4. Είμαστε Δυό ( We Are Two). An anthem against the Greek military junta of 1967 - 1974.
5. Η Μαργαρίτα η Μαργαρώ (Margarita Margaro). On a more lighthearted note, this love song that is one of the most recognizable and famous Greek songs.
I could write a description for all his songs and trust me, there are A LOT. You can’t make a sufficient anthology for him, it’s not possible. Oh he’s also the composer of Syrtaki in Zorba the Greek, you know, that song Anthony Quinn dances which is the first or only tune any foreigner ever learns from Greek music.
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5lazarus · 4 years
#29 "if one of us sinned it must be God", your choice of what to do with it?
I cannot tell you how much I love the prompt list you made. Collected Works got lost in the mail, so I ordered To Axion Esti. Very excited to read! I’m thinking about going through all 40 prompts and writing each of them as a moment from Solas’ revolution, so here is the first. I posted it to AO3 here, there is no ithaca--I was rereading C.P. Cavafy’s poem “The City” and thinking about Solas and Arlathan, as I am wont to do, and decided to use that as my thematic base. because when I am not writing about a city? but without further adore, the story itself: “if one of us sinned it must be God.”Humiliation comes easy to a son of Arlathan. Solas goes limp and lets the vallaslin take control, shuntling self deep behind his eyes where even Mythal cannot see. He knows he is not wrong. She bends his knee and he stares steadily at the ground. His eyes do not burn. His lips do not contort into a snarl. Mythal shapes him into genteel obedience, as a reminder of what they are. She forces him. He resists gently. The punishment will be worse than this. He would punish himself worse, if he let her see his eyes.
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“Even my own Pride kneels humbled before me,” Mythal chuckles. Hesitant laughter murmurs through the galley: he may be humbled today, but back at her side tomorrow. They all know this, especially him. He traces sigils in the mosaics, cold beneath his hands. They dance geometric before his eyes, and he wonders at the shapes into which they contort. He has dissected an elf’s eye before, assisting Ghilan’nain. What collection of minuscule muscular contortions make this? How can he replicate it? He tells himself: this is what I shall remember. Mythal’s grim smile and the uneven marble tesserae cutting into my minds, and I shall permutate the perspective until I can meet my own eyes again. He tests the charm quietly, tensing the muscles in his feet, but he cannot rise. Mythal still has him bound.
Andruil says wearily, “Really, Mother, is this necessary? Let him rise, and lick his wounds, and come back all the brighter tomorrow. We have work to do.” She flourishes a hand, so the light catches in her lyrium-gauntlet. He sees the red reflected in her shadow. Reflexively he shudders but he cannot, Mythal has him in place, and the horror comes to his eyes and Solas quashes it fiercely, because though he is bound, he still has his own pride, and he will not let Mythal corrupt his nature. She made him like this. He will not let her break him too. Mythal is amused. “Fine,” she says. She has made her point: the war against the dwarves will continue, and those pressed into the Evanuris’ service will stay their servants. There may be freedom for their grandchildren, down the line: so Solas’ own children, if he has any, will be born free. But the soldiers are bound to Elvhenan, and Mythal will not free them so long as Elvhenan needs them--and that includes binding her own Pride to Elvhenan’s will, however humbling it may be. The vallaslin sinks back into his skin, almost invisible, and slowly he rises. Expressionless he gazes upon Mythal. He thinks, your Pride shall be your downfall. He says the words he has rehearsed so often before, “Hail Mythal, adjudicator and savior! She has struck down the pillars of the earth and rendered their demesne unto the People! Praise her name forever!" Mythal smiles unpleasantly. “Enough of that, Dread Wolf. I have mastered my Pride. I do not need to see you grovel.” “I merely recite fact,” Solas says. “Fact you have had me say many a time before, and that I will repeat for any audience.” There is no point in staying. She will not listen to reason. This lyrium-sickness will drive them mad and wrap their minds right into that bizarre hivemind of the Titans. The Evanuris will not compromise. His people have sealed the road to the Titan, and he has been punished for it. He has taken liberties that were never his, enslaved to the will of Mythal, to guard those she does not consider her children. He holds the anger in the pit of his stomach and keeps his face blank. Mythal says, “See that you do. You may leave, Dread Wolf. You have sinned but you have been forgiven. Return to celebrate the spoils of our next campaign. I will not see you before then.” Solas thinks, I don’t want to see you before then, what makes you think I am so eager for punishment? I am not like Andruil, still slavering for a kind word. I have my own people to attend to--and yours. He cannot help but utter a short laugh as he bows his head. Smiling grimly to himself, he leaves, conscious of the court’s attention, and he cannot help but throw his shoulders back and walk as tall as he would after a battle bloodlessly won. His pride is smarting. He will lick his wounds, and recover. He walks back to his office and takes the eluvian back to his official household, where he removes the golden armor of Fen’Harel that he is really growing too old for, and changes to more comfortable clothes. He debates the utility of doing something dramatic with his hair, where gray is beginning to pepper at the temples. Restlessly he goes into his bedroom and packs a bag, thinking that he can go anywhere, slip away to another quarter of the city, where he can be yet another of the All-Mother’s slaves, and struggle to pay his rent and his tithe as he works a job marginally more satisfying than managing a losing war. He would like to paint. In another world, perhaps, he was never given that promotion, and returned to Arlathan not in Mythal’s own triumph, but as a weary footsoldier, seeking his allotment from the temple guards. He laughs. A slave’s life, regardless: he cannot imagine a reality in which he is not defined by the will that is Mythal. Then Wisdom says, “Look at yourself, Pride. You dressed yourself blindly. A costume can change but you remain the same.” He had not heard them creep behind him. He looks up at them and they smile, mirroring his face without the binding. Grief seizes him and he turns away, tears prickling at his eyes. He sits back on his bed and puts his head in his hands. Wisdom freely given can feel cruel. He thinks, I thought I had grown too old for this. “I envy you,” Solas says. “That you may take my shape without my obligations. That you are free from the will of Mythal. That your nature remains incorrupt.” He touches the vallaslin at his cheeks. He remembers fighting off the priests when they restrained him, as a boy. He remembers refusing to submit to the will that is Mythal. He bit one--his father had been horrified. They still branded him. He remembers the way that it burned. Wisdom is quiet. They sit next to them. He listens to them mimic his breathing. Outside the window the city seethes. Night is falling and there are plenty of places to go, a friend of his has a gallery opening tonight, and then there is the little cafe opened by a man from the Tirashan who sings exquisitely, and of course he has the dispatches to attend to, little favors to dispense, and his friends to consult about this latest humiliation. Wisdom says, “What makes you corrupt?” “The will of Mythal,” Solas says immediately, and then pauses. “The will that is Mythal. Obeying and disobeying. Either way is wrong.” He smiles ruefully. “I have sinned and I have been forgiven and I will be welcomed back to the fold, only to sin and be forgiven and welcomed back to the fold once more. According to the will that is Mythal. Because her Pride must be mastered.” “What makes you obey?” they say. Solas says bitterly, “Habit and the vallaslin. Blood calls to blood.” Sick shame and anger rush him, and his fingers claw at the quit under them; and then he breathes through the pain, as he has been taught, and the feeling of humiliation subsides into rawness rather than burning. Wisdom says, “What makes you disobey?” Solas looks at them askance. “Because I will not blindly follow orders that will get myself and my people killed. I will not commit workers who expect me to protect them to those mines. I will not let the Evanuris’ greed destroy us all. The vallaslin may bind me, but it does not command me. I will save the elvhen people, even from their own false gods.” Wisdom smiles, and Solas looks into the face that is so like how his own could be, unmarred by the vallaslin. “Then you have it,” they say. “You know your path. Walk it. Mythal gave you manumission, even if she did not give you your will.” “I cannot remove the vallaslin,” he says, amused. Wisdom loses its definition slightly, so Solas knows they disagree, even if they will not vocalize it. “What?” “You say you cannot remove the vallaslin,” they say. “But you also say that it does not command you. Then why do you let it define your face? You are limiting yourself, Solas. Why?” Solas says, only to fill the space, “You have given me much to think about.” It is unthinkable that the vallaslin can be removed, but he wants it gone. He has rarely circumscribed his desires before--it was unthinkable that a slave could become an evanuris, after all, but that did not stop him from steadily rising through the ranks. He rises and catches sight of himself in the mirror in the corner of his room, plainly attired, Mythal’s vallaslin burnt as prominent on his face as ever. He strokes the lines they burnt onto his chin, wondering what he would look like without it. He imagines himself without it, no longer resigned to the easy humiliations of Mythal’s service, and he sees, in a glance, the possibility. A shiver traces down his spine as Wisdom leaves the room and he is left standing before the mirror, thinking rapidly the chain of spells born in the blood and how they can be undermined, chipped away at, worn away like a river against the stone. He has brought down mountains and decapitated the heart of the Stone. What is stopping him now? When there is possibility, there is pride. Solas raises his head and meets his own gaze in the mirror and knows, suddenly, that his only master is his Pride, and that cannot be mastered.
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Tagged by @paraparadigm, why not.
Last song: I think it was "Pericote" by Hevia, thinking back to last night.
Last movie: Yeah, no.
Currently watching: ...lots of music/concert footage on Youtube? Like, I do poorly with shows, so I don't watch them unless there's something specific that I have a reason to want to sit through.
Currently reading: I'm between books right now. I finally got through the last of the fabliaux (goddammit, medieval France), Abbott 1973 is looking interesting so far, and I may jump into the Loynaz next, because I need a break from the whole "lawl, medieval person said penis" thing.
Physical books I'm reading: I've been periodically dipping back into that big doorstopper of Elytis' poetry. He could be kind of gross, but damned if the Axion Esti, specifically the Genesis, and Three Poems Under a Flag of Convenience aren't some of the most quotable texts I've ever seen.
Fanfics I'm reading: Nothing at the moment, no.
Currently craving: Warmth. It's 34°F/1°C out there, and the office is open to the outdoors. Does this sound like bullshit to you? It sounds like bullshit to me. (Yes, ventilation, but still.) Time for some more tea.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
Throwing an idea out there, not sure if it's good but hey no harm to propose it: how about we make a Greek movie/series weekly "club" or sth? Like those organized read-throughs on tumblr where they read a chapter each day until they finish a novel & they discuss after each chapter? same thing could be done with a weekly movie or 4ish episodes per week/end & we can translate if need be. It can be open to anyone interested & promote our media. Idk it seems good in my head
That could be nice! But I think it will be hard to organize such a thing as both Greeks and xenoi might want to participate but perhaps there won’t be subs or some people may not be able to find the books etc.
I would like to suggest some poems of Elytis or works of Kazantzakis, for example, because they are also available in English. But I don't know if our xenoi friends could find them. Some Greeks may not be able to find them as well. Axion Esti exists as a pdf but in Greek not in English, as far as I know. So some people may need to buy it. 
Some poems/books/movies might be Greek only events, but I’d like to often be inclusive to my foreign followers as the purpose of this specific blog is sharing and promoting Greek stuff outwards. In those cases, there are some Greek movies with English subs online - and some blessed Para Pente episodes xD
If more people are interested we might be able to do something, though! Throw ideas and opinions in the comments!
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