#estinien wyrmblood x you
thelaughtercafe · 9 months
All's Fair In Love And War
Tea Type: Half and Half with a lemon (Tickles with jealousy and some suggestive tickling)
Potential Triggers: Nothing except suggestive tickling, and speaking of it!
Pairing: Thancred x F!Mi'qote! Reader x Estinien
Length: 2.2k+
Summary: A sequel of sorts to my tword headcanons for FFXIV. You can gather it fine from reading, but I’d recommend giving them a gander if you want to get the full picture!
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“So , who’s this Estinien fellow Alphinaud told me you bonded with on your travels?”
You flinched, looking behind you to see Thancred with a taunting grin on his face and glittering eyes. You hadn’t even heard him enter House Fortemps. It hadn’t been long since you’d found him and healed the Dragoon in question from Nidhogg’s all encompassing affliction and seeing Alphinaud’s cheerful grin behind his back you growled his way, ignoring Thancred for the moment.
“You little brat- he hasn’t even been back a full week!”
Your upset only amused him further as the Summoner took a casual sip of his tea, meeting your gaze from over the rim of his book, Refia chirping happily from around his ankles.
“And? I thought it would serve to cheer him up to hear of your exploits. Besides, it felt only right to inform him another was in competition for his affections.”
You went bright red and were left sputtering.
“I-how-whatever gave you that idea?”
Alphinaud’s eyes flicked behind you and he snickered with a hum.
“Oh? Am I wrong then? You’re blushing mighty hard for one meant to be apparently unaffected.”
“I-I don’t have to answer that.”
You huffed, crossing your arms and were surprised as Alphinaud merely shrugged and stood, beginning to leave.
“Alright then. I’ll leave you to it; do try not to kill her, yes? She does have duties to attend to in a day or so.”
With that he was gone and the back of your neck prickled which could only mean…
A hesitant turn of your head and you smiled nervously at Estinien, the unmasked Dragoon staring you down with the faintest of smirks playing on his lips. Thancred looked to be on the verge of laughter at your back.
“…Do I want to ask how much you heard?”
“Much and more than you would’ve liked I suspect, as seems to be customary in our relationship by this point.”
Amusement was thick in his deep voice and you hid your face in your hands as Thancred approached and slung an arm over your shoulder.
“Well I for one, should very much like to know more about this relationship you developed in my impromptu absence."
His grin was sharp and from the tightness of his grip you knew he was the slightest bit jealous of Estinien, not that he’d ever dream of letting the Dragoon know of it.
Estinien, for his part, remained stoic as ever save the smallest of smirks, his eyes taking in all and giving away nothing.
"Hmph. I’m surprised she hasn’t already told you as much. Well, I’ve nothing to hide in any case. I believe she should be the one to tell all, however. What say you to taking this somewhere more private?”
You nodded eagerly, desperate to not be caught by Emmanellain or worse Haruchefant . He’d never let you live it down if he caught you like this and you were already drowning in embarrassment. You looked to Thancred to see his smile had strained thanks to Estinien’s prodding. You opened your mouth to suggest your quarters but Estinien was already opening the door for you all to exit.
“We can retreat to my quarters. The Dragoon barracks are all but abandoned in the wake of our victory and they’ve moved back in with their families. The building is essentially mine to do with as I please, according to Aymeric. No-one will overhear us.”
The walk to the barracks was silent until you broke it, trying to distract Thancred from glaring into Estinien’s back and instead speaking of your other Ishgardian friends and the other Scions alike. That relaxed him and his grip around your shoulder loosened. Even Estinien’s shoulders relaxed and you swore you caught him glancing back with a fond expression more than once.
“I can’t believe Alphinaud truly fell for that hair-dye prank. Alisaie near laughed herself hoarse.”
You playfully nudged him as you entered the barracks.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you stifling laughter too in the corner. You’re not as slick as you like to think, sir thief.”
Estinien opened his mouth to quip and you cut him off with a knowing smile.
“…and you’re not any better. You act all broody but I catch you smirking at Alphinaud and I’s antics all the time so don’t even try to deny it.”
He seemed affronted as he led you both up to his room but by the time he was closing and locking the door he was smirking again.
“True enough. That scene where you laughed yourself hoarse and nearly came from my voice alone was particularly smirk worthy, if I may so.”
The smugness was thick in his voice and you coughed, laughing nervously as Thancred froze.
“Y-You shouldn’t joke like that Estin-”
“Oh I assure you I’m not. Your friend wished to be informed of our relationship. Besides, you and I both know there’s better ways to make you laugh.”
“I’m going to end you. What happened to keeping it secret or regretting it!?”
“I didn’t explicitly say it, now did I? It’s still up to you if you wish to tell him and be punished.”
You sputtered at that in outrage but when you finally looked up at him, the impassive look on his face ensured you stayed silent.
Thancred finally broke his silence, removing his arm only so he could cross them across his chest and stare down at you.
“I see you’ve developed a bratty streak in my absence. Hmph. A pity. We’ll have to see that remedied.”
His eyes glittered in competition and you swallowed, hard.
“Either you tell me plain this little secret you and the Dragoon are dancing around or I’ll deliver a punishment all my own. I suggest you choose wisely which of us you’d prefer.”
His hands moved to his scabbard, and belt deftly removing both and you looked away to see Estinien removing his heavy armor as well, revealing a white t-shirt just underneath along with black sweats.
Great. So you were to choose between a punishment you knew what to expect and one you didn’t.  Unfortunately, you really wished their positions were reversed. Estinien wasn’t the type to change his method over jealousy- Thancred was and if you chose to keep your mouth shut you had no doubt he’d have no problem making you regret it. Thancred would never hurt you but he wasn’t the one who typically interrogated your enemies for nothing.
But say you did the opposite, and told? That’d just rile him up more you were sure of it. The fact that you explicitly told Estinien about your little kink before him?  When he’d teased you with it for so long while oblivious? Gods you couldn’t take the embarrassment. You risked a glance at Estinien, now fully out of his armor who merely raised an expectant eyebrow in response. Asshole. He was calling your bluff. Of course, all that wasn’t even including the public humiliation of being absolutely wrecked to the point of tears, likely until you safeworded if you told. Like it or not, the choice was made.
“Eyes up here gorgeous.”
You blushed as Thancred drew your gaze back to his, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“What’s it gonna be?”
“…I can’t. I’m sorry Thancred.”
You could feel the way Estinien stood up taller in pride, the huff of laughter under his breath and your cheeks burned brighter as Thancred took you in.
“So it’s to be an interrogation, is it?”
“…that’s not as scary as you make it sound. I know you’d never hurt me.”
You tried to play it off in some vain attempt to make him change his mind but he only shrugged, easily seeing through you.
“Of course not. Pain isn’t the most effective method anyway until the psyches been worn down some. Not that I plan on using that either. No, I think you and I both know what I’m planning to do.”
You tried not to let it show on your face but you were nervous and before you could think better of it, you were pleading your case to Estinien.
“I didn’t tell, aren’t you going to help me? This is your fault after all!”
Estinien snickered, shaking his head.
“My fault? Interesting phrasing. It’s not my fault you’re so frightened of a little tickling by my hands you opted not to confide in your long term friend. The only help you’ll receive is if he asks for it. You’ll like it anyway, I’m sure.”
Your mouth fell open in betrayal.
“But you said-”
“That you couldn’t say anything without punishment. Nothing about my end. In any case, I’d worry about your current situation before it’s too late.”
Your eyes widened and you whirled to look at Thancred but he was already staring back at you with wide eyes.
“By the Twelve… you really…? This whole time? Ha. And here I thought I was imagining things. You really do like it.”
Your eyes moved past him to the window but you startled as Estinien’s long fingers squeezed your shoulder.
“I wouldn’t try it. I’d catch you even if you did manage the jump and Thancred is too quick for you to run towards the door, not to mention it’s already locked.”
He mumbled into your ear, causing you to shiver.
Thancred cracked his knuckles and you flushed, ducking your head but he was there to corner you against the wall just behind, Estinien moving back to let him do as he wished.
His fingertips once again guided your eyes to his and this time he held it.
“Oh no. You’ve hid your reactions from me far too long as it is. I want to savor this. You’re going to tell me, truthfully. Do you like being tickled? Have you gotten off to the idea of me teasing you until you come undone as many times as I wish? Hm?”
The self-satisfied smirk was evident on his lips as you squirmed and just about melted in his arms; already giving him his answer. He’d never seen their Warrior of Light so red before.
You nodded and Thancred was content to let you go, but Estinien pushed you back by your shoulder, just behind Thancred’s own, his azure eyes burning into you.
“We both know he wanted a verbal response. Give it to him.”
At the familiar dominance in his tone, you folded, eyes rushing to Thancred’s.
“Y-Yes I have. More than once! To both of you!”
You squeaked it out before looking to Estinien for approval, to which he nodded, hand moving from your shoulder to your head where he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Good girl.”
It was a quiet mumble, but the praise filled you with warmth where the adrenaline once was.
“To both of us, huh?”
Your eyes flew open at the playful lilt in Thancred’s voice.
Oh Gods had you really said that?
You were still too content with Estinien’s soothing ministrations to move but you looked nervously to your favorite thief.
But he wasn’t looking at you.
“Estinien. What say you to a friendly competition?
"There isn’t many in Coerthas. What would it entail?”
“Who can make her come undone the most? Winner gets to stay with her for the night and the loser has to be on guard duty and stay awake.”
“Not very high stakes but I’ll take it. As long as she agrees to it, of course.”
“That goes without saying.”
They both turned to you and as sheepish as you felt, you still agreed.
“…Okay. But we’re obviously including the typical safewords. Lahabrea for you, Thancred and Nidhogg for you, Estinien. Still okay to use?”
You always checked, ensuring the words weren’t triggering for them and both nodded.
“You both have more in common than I realized, actually. Huh. So…how are we doing this then?”
Thancred looked vaguely amused as he shrugged.
“I can always run out and fetch some restraints. You’re awfully calm given your earlier flusteredness, you know.”
“No need, I have my own. It’s the hair. Makes her melt. Ears too, and those triple as an extra erogenous and ticklish area so I target it often. Her back will have the same affect.”
Thancred’s eyes lit up at that.
“No way; I didn’t even know she was ticklish there!”
“Wait don’t-eep!”
You yelped as Thancred moved before you could stop him, nimble fingers slipping underneath your shirt and drawing patterns into your back, occasionally spidering or digging in slightly to make you squeak. Nonetheless, you melted forward into Estinien’s waiting chest and sighed in content, small giggles slipping out now and then.
“So this is why you tensed and would jump away whenever I tried to massage your shoulders. Could you get any cuter?”
You nuzzled Estinien and grumbled weakly, taking solace in his warmth.
“This isn’t playing fair.”
“You’ve got a safe word darling. You need only say it if you need us to stop at any time.”
His deep voice rumbled in your ear before his teeth pulled, making you arch a moment before a purr escaped you, making you gasp, flinch away and cover your mouth.
The two men froze.
“…Tell me you heard that too, Wyrmblood.”
“Loud and clear. Naughty kitten, hiding such sounds from us for so long.”
Both men’s voices had deepened in their lust and it was obvious to see it in the way their eyes darkened as well.
“Now then, why don’t we find out what other sounds you can make for us. Shall we truly get started?”
Breathless you could only whimper as Thancred tongued your throat, while Estinien retrieved the restraints.
“I’m fucked aren’t I?”
“Not yet you aren’t. But you will be. Thoroughly .”
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nidstiniens · 5 months
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"𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓉𝓁𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹" 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉'𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓈 𝓂𝑒
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nuclearanomaly · 7 months
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Post workout cuddle, y/n?
pose ref
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yasuosexual · 8 months
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i think that estinien is a sexual deviant.
18+ below the cut. MDNI.
i mean just look at him. he’s a fucking edge lord. tell me he wouldn’t take any chance he gets to bend you over and fuck you mercilessly. i’m waiting.
especially if you are about to fight. that shit gets his blood pumping (if you know what i mean). if he gets any chance… ANY CHANCE AT ALL, estinien will not hesitate to take you off into the sideline and fuck you raw.
estinien believes that he works and fights better when he’s in his ‘post-nut’ mindset. bro just busted a huge load and now he’s jumping around and slaying shit. you can’t believe your eyes.
and he likes it rough. and by rough, i mean wild. literally gets off on the fact that he nearly crushes you due to the fact that he’s huge (in more ways than one). will crank your neck back by grabbing your hair by the base, and leaves nasty bite marks all over your neck and shoulders.
he won’t always convey it with words but estinien will mark you to show the whole world that you belong to him. he enjoys that he gets to mark his property.
he loves you, dearly, and won’t hesitate to slow down when you ask, but he might make you beg for it :)
LISTEN I CAN EXPLAIN … i just love him so much and i need him to be real :,c
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vasiktomis · 2 months
I Put a Smell on You (Estinien x Gn!Reader, 18+)
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Summary: Estinien discovers desire as experienced by dragonkind, and has trouble defining where Nidhogg’s influence (and the amount of blame he can throw at it) begins, and where his own tastes end.
Rating: Explicit (Minors do NOT interact). Word Count: ~2700. Tags/Warnings: Masturbation, Scent Kink, Spit as Lube, Mating Bites, Pining, Emotional Constipation, Caught, (I say scent kink but it's more like stink kink), General warning for kind of squeamish language?
Glaring down at the straining twitch in his breeches, Estinien concedes that he’s in a bit of a predicament. 
Read it on Ao3 here!
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uriangerswife · 10 months
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the cord
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amalthea-felsblood · 4 months
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Marian ◦ "I love you."
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Estinien ◦ " I love you too."
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Simply enjoying each others company.
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gothmiqote · 6 months
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varha/estinien commission drawn by @chimeowrical & gifted by @emotional-support-carbuncle <3
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"...Though you would not think it nowadays, their relationship was quite turbulent back then."
The pains of being a male Viera. My friend sent me this meme and I just had to made something inspired by it. vv
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For the prompts: "I will be waiting for you" (number 35). Agi/Estinien :3c
"I will be waiting for you."
Estinien said those words to Agnes often.
"I will be waiting for you."
Because you've run off to greet yet another random person you apparently know.
"I will be waiting for you."
Because you are mingling and I hate small talk at parties.
"I will be waiting for you."
Because she's going to calm down some sprites or some shit and that means I must stay home with the children.
"I will be waiting for you."
Because sometimes she goes where I cannot follow, like the First.
"I will be waiting for you."
He said it to her as he grasped her hand in both of his before she was taken into surgery. Their ninth child simply would not come after nearly a day of labor. His wife's eyes are full of pain and tears, and he could not bear it. My fault. My fault that I wanted one more. And now...
"Promise?" Her voice was so soft and scared, and he struggled to hold it together.
He brought her hand to his lips. "Always."
And then she was wheeled into operating theater. He sat in a chair and wept, begging any deity that would listen to save her and the child.
A day later, Estinien heard the same soft voice call to him.
"You...you waited for me..." Agnes whispered and smiling at him. "Just like you always do..."
Blinking and rubbing his face as he woke, he then pulled his chair close to her bed and took her hand. "And I always will, my angel. I always will." Don't care that I'm crying again. She's alive, and so is--
Her gaze went from his to the bassinet next to the bed. "She's okay? My littlest love?"
"Aye, she's well. Little Miss Maeva Varlineau, ten ponze even." He let go of her hand and carefully lifted their youngest child. "Here you go, Agi." Estinien gave the barely awake infant to Agnes, who immediately and unsurprisingly cooed.
"Ooooooh, my littlest love! Aren't you beautiful? Aren't you so cute? Look love, she's got your nose." She placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead. "My sweet little baby girl, I love you so much." When she looked up at Estinien, she beamed at him. "I love you."
He swallowed a lump in his throat. "As I ever love you."
Thank you. Whoever saved them...thank you.
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coolcatsodalite · 7 months
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Poor Delphinium barely fits in frame! That's how it is when your boyfriend is an Elezen, though.
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That's better!
Hope you all have a lovely Valentine's Day!
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                                    ℭ𝔞𝔫'𝔱 𝔤𝔢𝔱 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶 𝔫𝔬𝔴
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nidstiniens · 7 months
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well, everything has changed, and now it's only you that matters
i got to work with cocorean on this commission and i'm just so 🥹❤️🥰🥹❤️🥰😭❤️❤️ it turned out so sweet and soft and perfect!!
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nuclearanomaly · 11 months
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🎃 Spooky Scary Outfit Swap 🎃
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yasuosexual · 8 months
warm hugs on a cold night with estinien
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on a particularly cold night in ishgard, you found yourself wrapped in a largest blanket you owned. desperately trying to warm your hands with a mug of hot cocoa, you inched closer to the crackling fireplace burning bright in the living room.
unbeknownst to you, quiet footsteps approached from behind. the mysterious pair of hands snaked their way around your waist, earning a slight gasp from your mouth.
“it’s just me,” estinien whispered from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. a small giggle escaped from your lips as you turned your head to meet his gaze. a rare smirk was plastered on his face as he looked longingly into your eyes. it was peculiar to see estinien out of his comfort zone in such a way, but you weren’t complaining.
“i’m glad you’re here,” you looked back to the fire, tilting your head to lean on his. he was silent, but you knew by the way that he looked at you with such love in his eyes that you meant everything to him. estinien nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck and placed a chaste kiss on your shoulder.
and in that moment you felt the warmest you ever have— the combination of the fire before you, the hot chocolate in your hands, the warm blanky on your shoulders, and most importantly, the love of your life holding you closely from behind.
“are you warm yet, darling?”
i will do anything for estinien
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of-the-eventide · 1 year
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.˚₊‧the end‧₊˚.
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