mudassir160 · 1 month
From Michael Jackson to Matthew Perry: The Troubling Issues with Celebrity Healthcare
Celebrity culture is a powerful force in modern society, with stars often idolized for their talent, wealth, and lifestyle. Yet, behind the glitz and glamour, many celebrities face serious health challenges, often exacerbated by the very fame that brought them to prominence. From Michael Jackson's tragic death to Matthew Perry's struggles with addiction, the healthcare experiences of celebrities reveal deep-seated issues within the medical system, particularly when it comes to treating high-profile individuals.
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Michael Jackson: A Tragic Tale of Dependency
Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop," was one of the most iconic figures in the history of music. His influence on pop culture was immense, yet his life was marked by a series of personal struggles, including an intense battle with chronic pain and insomnia. Jackson’s reliance on prescription medications, particularly the powerful anesthetic propofol, ultimately led to his untimely death in 2009.
Jackson’s case highlights a critical issue in celebrity healthcare: the ease with which some stars can access potent and dangerous drugs. His personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering propofol outside of a hospital setting, a clear violation of medical ethics. The case underscored how the pressure to cater to a celebrity’s demands can lead to dangerous medical decisions. Jackson's fame and wealth allowed him to bypass standard medical protocols, resulting in a fatal outcome.
Matthew Perry: The Battle with Addiction
Matthew Perry, best known for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit TV show Friends, has been open about his decades-long struggle with addiction to alcohol and prescription painkillers. His battle with substance abuse is a stark reminder of how fame can exacerbate mental health issues, leading to a vicious cycle of dependency and relapse.
Perry’s journey highlights another key issue in celebrity healthcare: the difficulty of treating addiction in a high-profile individual. Celebrities often face immense pressure to maintain their public image, which can lead to a reluctance to seek help or admit vulnerability. Furthermore, the isolation that often accompanies fame can make recovery even more challenging. While Perry has sought treatment multiple times, his story illustrates the long, difficult road to recovery that many celebrities face, often under the harsh scrutiny of the public eye.
The Unique Challenges of Celebrity Healthcare
The healthcare issues faced by celebrities like Michael Jackson and Matthew Perry are not unique to them as individuals but are symptomatic of broader systemic problems in the way healthcare is provided to high-profile patients.
Access to Excessive Resources: Celebrities often have unparalleled access to medical resources, including top-tier doctors and cutting-edge treatments. However, this access can sometimes be more harmful than helpful. When doctors are influenced by a celebrity's status or financial power, they may feel pressured to prescribe medications or treatments that are not medically necessary, or even safe. This dynamic can lead to overmedication, misuse of powerful drugs, and ultimately, tragic outcomes.
The Influence of Fame: Fame can distort the doctor-patient relationship. Celebrities are often surrounded by people who cater to their every need, including their healthcare providers. This can create an environment where medical professionals feel compelled to prioritize a celebrity’s immediate desires over their long-term health. Additionally, the constant attention and public scrutiny can make it difficult for celebrities to admit when they need help, leading to untreated or poorly managed health conditions.
Privacy Concerns: Maintaining privacy is another significant challenge for celebrities seeking healthcare. The fear of personal health issues becoming public can deter celebrities from seeking timely or appropriate medical care. This concern can also lead to secretive treatment methods, unorthodox medical practices, and, in some cases, a reluctance to seek help until it is too late.
Mental Health and Addiction: Mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and addiction, are prevalent in the entertainment industry. However, the stigma surrounding mental health can be even more pronounced for celebrities, who may fear that seeking treatment could damage their careers. The pressure to maintain a flawless public image can prevent celebrities from addressing their mental health needs openly and effectively.
Lessons for the Healthcare System
The tragic stories of Michael Jackson and Matthew Perry offer valuable lessons for the healthcare system at large. First and foremost, they highlight the importance of maintaining ethical standards in the face of pressure. Medical professionals must prioritize patient well-being over the desires or demands of their high-profile patients.
There is also a need for better safeguards to prevent the misuse of prescription medications, particularly in cases where celebrities may be seeking relief from the pressures of fame. This includes ensuring that treatments are medically justified and administered in a safe and controlled environment.
Moreover, the healthcare system must find ways to better support the mental health of celebrities and other high-profile individuals. This could involve more confidential and accessible mental health services, as well as public education campaigns aimed at reducing the stigma associated with seeking help for mental health issues.
The healthcare challenges faced by celebrities like Michael Jackson and Matthew Perry are a reflection of broader systemic issues in the medical treatment of high-profile patients. These cases underscore the need for a more ethical, balanced, and compassionate approach to healthcare that prioritizes patient safety and well-being over fame and fortune. By learning from these tragedies, the healthcare industry can work towards a system that better serves all patients, regardless of their celebrity status.
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topicsfromatoz · 2 months
During World War II, artificial insemination experiments were carried out as part of broader efforts to address concerns about the declining birthrate in several countries and the need to maintain a strong population, including a sufficient number of potential soldiers. These experiments were primarily focused on developing techniques for artificial insemination with the goal of increasing the birthrate of healthy, physically fit individuals.
One key aspect of these experiments was the preservation of sperm. Researchers worked on methods to collect, store, and transport sperm to ensure its viability and effectiveness for artificial insemination. This research contributed to the development of techniques for sperm banking, which became an important tool in fertility treatments and reproductive medicine after the war.
Donor selection was another critical component of these experiments. Scientists and physicians carefully chose donors who were considered physically fit, intelligent, and free from hereditary diseases. The idea was to improve the genetic quality of offspring, and this selection process laid the foundation for later advancements in sperm donor screening and selection in the field of assisted reproduction.
#WW2 #WorldWarII #ArtificialInsemination #ReproductiveMedicine #FertilityResearch #SpermPreservation #DonorSelection #EthicalDilemmas #AssistedReproduction #ScientificExperiments
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sakshatahuja09 · 7 months
Enhance Your Practice with Group Supervision in Counseling
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Explore the benefits of group supervision in counseling at our center. Join a supportive community of peers to gain insights, share experiences, and enhance your counseling skills. Our expert-led sessions provide a safe space for reflection, feedback, and professional development. Collaborate with fellow therapists to navigate challenging cases, ethical dilemmas, and personal growth opportunities. With our group supervision, you'll strengthen your therapeutic practice, expand your knowledge base, and foster meaningful connections within the counseling community. Elevate your counseling journey with our comprehensive group supervision program today.
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sillygalaxyangel · 7 months
Navigating the Ethical Maze: Insights into Investment Banking Dilemmas 💼🔍
Hey Tumblr fam! Today, let's delve into the intriguing world of investment banking and shine a light on the ethical dilemmas that often lurk in its shadows. 💡💰
🤔 The Complexities of Investment Banking: Investment banking, with its high stakes and big rewards, is a realm where ethical considerations often come into play. From advising clients on mergers and acquisitions to underwriting securities, bankers are constantly faced with decisions that have ethical implications.
🔎 Unpacking Ethical Dilemmas: One of the biggest dilemmas in investment banking is the conflict of interest. Bankers must balance their duty to clients with their firm's bottom line. This can lead to tough choices, such as whether to prioritize profit over the client's best interests.
💼 The Pressure Cooker Environment: In the fast-paced world of investment banking, the pressure to meet targets and deadlines can sometimes cloud judgment. This can tempt bankers to cut corners or engage in unethical behavior to get ahead.
🌐 Global Impact: The decisions made in the world of investment banking can have far-reaching consequences. From influencing financial markets to shaping economic policies, bankers hold significant power and must wield it responsibly.
💬 Starting the Conversation: Analyzing the ethical dilemmas of investment banking is not about pointing fingers but about fostering awareness and dialogue. By shining a light on these issues, we can work towards creating a more ethical and transparent financial industry.
💡 Moving Forward: As consumers and investors, we have the power to demand accountability from the institutions we engage with. By supporting ethical practices and holding firms accountable for their actions, we can help drive positive change in the investment banking landscape.
Let's keep the conversation going! What are your thoughts on the ethical dilemmas of investment banking? 💬💭
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eazilaif · 8 months
MOVIE: Oppenheimer
>> Watch The Full Movie:
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pilvandrionkopen · 9 months
De Kosten van Euthanasie voor Honden (Wat Kost Euthanasie Hond)
Euthanasie Hond
In de hedendaagse wereld, waar onze harige metgezellen een bijzondere plek in ons hart innemen, kan het onderwerp euthanasie voor honden (Euthanasie Hond) een gevoelig maar essentieel aspect zijn van verantwoord huisdierbezit. Het is belangrijk om in te gaan op de factoren die bijdragen aan de kosten die gepaard gaan met deze humane maar uitdagende beslissing. Euthanasie Hond
Euthanasie voor honden (Euthanasia for dogs) is een dienst die wordt verleend door dierenartsen om het lijden van onze geliefde huisdieren te verlichten wanneer ze worden geconfronteerd met ongeneeslijke ziekte, ernstige pijn of een aanzienlijk verminderde levenskwaliteit. De kosten van dit proces kunnen variëren op basis van verschillende factoren.
Euthanasie Hond
Ten eerste speelt de grootte en het gewicht van de hond een rol bij het bepalen van de benodigde dosis euthanasie medicatie. Grotere honden hebben mogelijk meer medicatie nodig, wat de algehele kosten kan beïnvloeden. Bovendien kan de gekozen methode voor euthanasie, of het nu gaat om een injectie of een intraveneuze oplossing, de prijs beïnvloeden.
Verder kan de geografische locatie van de dierenkliniek van invloed zijn op de algehele kosten. Stedelijke gebieden hebben vaak hogere kosten voor levensonderhoud, wat kan leiden tot verhoogde tarieven voor diergeneeskundige diensten.
Het is cruciaal voor huisdiereigenaren om openlijk te communiceren met hun dierenarts over de kosten van de procedure, zodat ze volledig geïnformeerd en voorbereid zijn. Sommige dierenklinieken bieden pakketten aan die mogelijk extra diensten bevatten, zoals crematie- of begraafopties, die kunnen bijdragen aan de totale kosten.
In Nederland is waardevolle informatie over de kosten van euthanasie voor honden essentieel voor huisdiereigenaren. Het is belangrijk om een open communicatie met de dierenarts te onderhouden om volledig geïnformeerd te zijn over de kosten van de procedure en eventuele bijkomende diensten.
Samengevat is euthanasie voor honden een diep persoonlijke en emotionele beslissing voor huisdiereigenaren. Het begrijpen van de factoren die de kosten beïnvloeden, het bespreken van opties met de dierenarts en goed geïnformeerd zijn over beschikbare diensten zijn cruciale stappen bij het omgaan met dit uitdagende aspect van huisdierbezit.
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usnewsper-politics · 9 months
Sacred Duty: Soldiers' Moral Obligation to Protect Innocent Lives in Conflict Zones #civiliancasualties #conflictzones #decisionmakingprocesses #ethicaldilemmas #humancostofwar #longtermpeacebuildingefforts #moralobligation #politiciansandmilitaryleaders #prioritizesafetyofcivilians #protectinnocentlives #protectionofinnocentlives #responsibilityforonesactions #roleofthemilitary #sacredduty #shiftinmindset #soldiersinIraq #strategicinterests #universalresponsibility
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masslaxer · 10 months
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Jobs with ethical dilemmas (like accounts getting taken away from me to be worked by others, not being involved in the Hershey’s RFP, our SMB sales team being told we’ll have to split all Commerce deals 50%/50%, etc.)—> job dissatisfaction & me acting out
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global-education · 11 months
Nuking the Sun: A Hypothetical Scenario
The idea of "nuking" the Sun may sound like a concept straight out of a science fiction novel, but it's a hypothetical scenario that has captured the imaginations of many. What would happen if we were to launch nuclear weapons at our Sun, the massive celestial body that provides us with life-giving warmth and energy? While the notion itself is purely speculative and not grounded in scientific reality, it offers an intriguing opportunity to explore the Sun's nature, the consequences of such an action, and the fundamental forces that govern our universe.
Understanding the Sun
Before delving into the hypothetical scenario, it's essential to understand what the Sun is and how it functions. The Sun is a massive, luminous ball of hot gas, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. It exerts a gravitational force that keeps our solar system in orbit around it, including the Earth. The Sun's core is an incredibly dense and hot region where nuclear fusion reactions occur. These reactions convert hydrogen nuclei into helium, releasing an immense amount of energy in the process, which radiates outward as sunlight.
The Hypothetical Scenario
A Fundamental Misunderstanding
The concept of "nuking the Sun" stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the Sun's structure and the nature of nuclear weapons. The Sun's core already undergoes nuclear fusion, but it occurs naturally due to the intense pressure and temperature created by the Sun's gravity. On the other hand, nuclear weapons rely on a different process—fission or fusion explosions. Attempting to detonate nuclear weapons on the Sun would not trigger a chain reaction or result in any meaningful alteration to the Sun's fusion process.
Lack of Impact
If we were to somehow send nuclear weapons hurtling towards the Sun, they would encounter numerous challenges before reaching their target. The Sun is approximately 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) away from Earth. Even our most advanced spacecraft would take years, if not centuries, to reach the Sun. Moreover, the vast distances and gravitational forces involved in interplanetary travel would make it highly improbable for nuclear weapons to remain on a collision course with the Sun.
Destruction of Nuclear Weapons
Assuming, for the sake of argument, that nuclear weapons did somehow make it to the vicinity of the Sun, they would face another significant hurdle. The Sun's outer layers consist of a superheated plasma that would incinerate any objects that ventured too close. The intense heat and radiation near the Sun would destroy the nuclear weapons long before they could reach the core.
Consequences of a Failed Attempt
In the unlikely event that we managed to launch nuclear weapons toward the Sun and they survived long enough to approach it, the consequences would be minuscule in comparison to the Sun's vast size and energy output. The Sun's enormous mass (about 330,000 times that of Earth) and its ongoing nuclear fusion reactions would remain unaffected. The nuclear explosions, even if they occurred, would be like tossing a pebble into the ocean.
In reality, the energy released by a nuclear explosion on the Sun would be insignificant compared to the Sun's natural energy output. The Sun's energy output is estimated to be about 386 billion billion megawatts (3.86 x 10^26 watts). In contrast, the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated on Earth, the Tsar Bomba, released only about 50 megatons of energy (approximately 2.1 x 10^14 joules). It would take an inconceivable number of nuclear explosions to even slightly perturb the Sun.
Natural Processes vs. Human Actions
The Sun operates on the principles of astrophysics and nuclear fusion, governed by the fundamental forces of the universe. Human actions, including the detonation of nuclear weapons, are inconsequential on the cosmic scale when compared to the Sun's immense size and power.
Moreover, our Sun plays a crucial role in supporting life on Earth. It provides the energy necessary for photosynthesis, which sustains plant life and, in turn, the entire food chain. Altering the Sun's behavior in any significant way could have catastrophic consequences for life on our planet.
The idea of nuking the Sun is a purely hypothetical and unscientific concept. The Sun's natural processes, immense size, and the laws of physics make it impervious to any human attempts to modify its behavior. Instead of contemplating such improbable scenarios, scientists and researchers focus on understanding and harnessing the power of the Sun for peaceful purposes, such as solar energy generation. Our Sun remains a celestial marvel that continues to intrigue and inspire, reminding us of the awe-inspiring forces at play in the universe.
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otaviogilbert · 1 year
Legal and Ethical Challenges of Open Generative AI: Harvard Law Bulletin
Delve into the complex world of Open Generative AI as we explore the legal and ethical challenges it presents in this engaging video based on the Harvard Law Bulletin. Join us in a thought-provoking discussion on the legal implications and ethical dilemmas surrounding this groundbreaking technology. Discover the evolving landscape of AI ethics and regulations with insights from experts in the field.
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Exploring Accountancy Professional Ethics
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Welcome to our guide on Accountancy Professional Ethics! In the world of finance, ethics is like the compass that guides professionals in making the right choices. In this easy-to-understand article, we will take you on a journey to understand the importance of Accountancy Professional Ethics and why it matters.
What Are Accountancy Professional Ethics?
Imagine you're entrusted with sensitive financial information. You're like the guardian of a company's financial secrets. Accountancy Professional Ethics, or simply ethics in accounting, is all about being a trustworthy guardian. It means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Why Do Ethics Matter in Accounting?
Think of ethics as the glue that holds the financial world together. When accountants and financial experts follow ethical principles, they build trust. And trust is the currency of finance. Without trust, the financial world would crumble.
The Core Principles of Accountancy Professional Ethics
Be Honest and Transparent: Always tell the truth and be open about financial matters.
Stay Neutral: Don't let personal feelings get in the way of making fair decisions.
Keep Secrets: Imagine you're holding a treasure chest of financial data. Keep it locked and secure.
Be Good at Your Job: Imagine you're a superhero, but instead of fighting villains, you're fighting financial mysteries. Always be ready.
Behave Like a Pro: Avoid anything that could make you look bad or harm your profession's reputation.
Follow the Rules: Every superhero has a rulebook. In accounting, it's about following the best practices.
Help Everyone: Think of yourself as a financial superhero for the public. Serve the common good.
Ethics in Action
Now, let's put ethics into action with some real-life scenarios:
Scenario 1: Reporting Irregularities
Imagine you find something fishy in the company's finances. Even if it involves your own company, your ethical duty is to report it to the right people.
Scenario 2: Conflict of Interest
Picture this: you're an accountant in a company, and your cousin wants you to give their business special treatment. It's a tough spot, but ethics say you must stay fair.
Scenario 3: Whistleblowing
Sometimes, there's trouble brewing in a company. If you discover wrongdoing, like fraud or cheating, blowing the whistle is the right thing to do. It protects the public and shareholders.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What's the point of ethics in accounting? Ethics ensure that accountants act honestly, responsibly, and transparently, which keeps the financial world trustworthy.
Can ethical decisions be tricky for accountants? Absolutely! Ethical dilemmas can be like puzzles. Accountants must solve them while staying fair and honest.
Why is honesty so important in accounting? Honesty builds trust. In finance, trust is like gold.
How does ethics affect the financial world? Ethics keeps the financial world stable and prevents fraud and scandals.
What happens if accountants don't follow ethics? Ignoring ethics can lead to legal trouble, loss of trust, a damaged reputation, and financial instability.
Should accountants keep client info secret? Definitely. It's like being a superhero with a secret identity.
In a world driven by numbers and money, Accountancy Professional Ethics is the unsung hero. It ensures that the financial world remains a place of trust and integrity. Every financial professional is a guardian of these ethics, and by upholding them, they protect the financial well-being of individuals, companies, and the entire global economy.
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docsteph · 1 year
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bank-america · 1 year
watch oppenheimer movie online free
Title: Watching "Oppenheimer" Movie Online for Free: A Cinematic Journey into History
The realm of cinema has the power to transport us to different times and places, allowing us to relive history's defining moments. "Oppenheimer," a highly anticipated biographical drama film directed by a renowned filmmaker, has captured the attention of movie enthusiasts and history buffs alike. This article explores the excitement surrounding the movie and the possibility of watching "Oppenheimer" online for free.
The Marvelous Tale of "Oppenheimer":
"Oppenheimer" is a cinematic masterpiece that narrates the remarkable life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Known as the father of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer played a pivotal role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II. His story is a complex and captivating one, filled with passion, intrigue, and ethical dilemmas.
The Film's Director and Cast:
The movie "Oppenheimer" boasts an impressive crew, with the acclaimed director bringing his unique vision to the screen. The stellar cast includes some of the most talented actors of our time, who breathe life into the characters, ensuring an unforgettable cinematic experience.
The Online Release Buzz:
As the film nears its release, the buzz surrounding "Oppenheimer" has intensified. Fans eagerly await the opportunity to delve into the life of this enigmatic physicist and relive the pivotal moments that shaped the course of history. Additionally, the movie's exceptional storytelling and historical significance have garnered attention from critics and award committees, making it a strong contender for various accolades.
Watching "Oppenheimer" Online for Free:
While many moviegoers prefer the traditional theater experience, the advent of online streaming platforms has revolutionized film distribution. It's essential to note that accessing copyrighted content for free, such as watching "Oppenheimer" online without proper authorization, is illegal and goes against the principles of fair compensation for artists and creators.
Supporting the Filmmakers and Artists:
Creating a cinematic masterpiece like "Oppenheimer" requires immense effort, dedication, and investment. By supporting the film through legal channels, such as purchasing tickets for theatrical screenings or subscribing to authorized streaming platforms, you not only enjoy the film responsibly but also contribute to the growth of the film industry. This, in turn, ensures that filmmakers continue to bring us compelling stories that educate, entertain, and inspire.
"Oppenheimer" promises to be a must-watch film for history enthusiasts and cinema lovers alike, offering a riveting insight into the life of a man whose contributions shaped the course of modern history. As we eagerly anticipate its release, let us remember the importance of respecting artists' work and supporting their efforts by choosing authorized platforms to enjoy this cinematic gem responsibly. So, mark your calendars and be prepared for an enthralling journey into the life and times of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
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thetwistedbeauty · 1 year
“Morally Grey” Characters
Morally grey characters are a staple of literature and storytelling, and they can be some of the most compelling and thought-provoking figures in a narrative. These characters often blur the lines between good and evil, making readers question their motivations and actions. However, the acceptance of morally grey characters hinges on how their complexity is presented within the story. While morally grey characters can be intriguing and even empathetic, it becomes problematic when their moral ambiguity is used to excuse or downplay abusive or harmful behavior.
Complexity vs. Excuse: Morally grey characters should be portrayed with depth and nuance. Their actions and motivations should be explored in a way that allows readers to understand the complexity of their choices. However, this complexity should not serve as an excuse for abusive or harmful behavior.
Accountability: It's essential that morally grey characters are held accountable for their actions. Their choices, even if morally ambiguous, should have consequences within the story. This accountability demonstrates that the narrative acknowledges the impact of their behavior on others.
Character Development: Morally grey characters should ideally experience growth and change over the course of the story. They may grapple with their actions and seek redemption or self-improvement. This development adds depth to their character arcs and provides a path for reconciliation with the audience.
Exploring the Grey Area: Morally grey characters can serve as a vehicle for exploring ethical dilemmas and the grey areas of human nature. However, this exploration should be done with sensitivity and an awareness of the potential real-world implications.
Avoiding Glamorization: It's crucial to avoid glamorizing abusive or harmful behavior, even within the context of morally grey characters. Romanticizing or justifying such behavior can send harmful messages to readers.
Balanced Perspective: Authors should strive to present a balanced perspective on morally grey characters. This means acknowledging both their strengths and flaws, their virtues and vices. Readers should be encouraged to form their own opinions rather than having a character's behavior imposed as unquestionably acceptable.
In literature, morally grey characters can be some of the most captivating and thought-provoking figures, challenging readers to question their own moral compass. However, their complexity should never be used as a means to justify or romanticize abusive or harmful actions.
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amethyst-aster · 10 months
Hey just a moral conflict
(@copper-dragon-in-disguise especially but anyone)
Is it Islamophobia to scowl and openly hate a girl wearing a hijab if that girl asked underlying homophobic and sexist questions the previous year and called your best friend the f slur and said the f slur as a insult on snapchat? Just curious
(she asked me if women’s rights or the pride flag were more important to me and “threatened to expose my YouTube channel” even tho idc bc it’s just a place for me and my irl friends to have fun…)
honestly I hate her
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