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berberanews · 3 years
Ethiopia accuses CNN for misleading
Ethiopia accuses CNN for misleading
Ethiopia-(Berberanees)-Ethiopia receives information that CNN intends to misinform people through a supposed report claiming genocide is taking place in Tigray.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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It's disgusting how the msm has chosen to blatantly ignore the atrocities that are taking place in Ethiopia and yet they can't get enough of talking about Ukraine on a daily basis. Crickets regarding what is happening in Ethiopia But complete dissertations on Ukraine. One has to wonder why that is besides the obvious?
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berberanews · 2 years
Ethiopia oo sheegtay inay adagtahay soo afjarida dagaalka sokeeye
Ethiopia oo sheegtay inay adagtahay soo afjarida dagaalka sokeeye
Ethiopia: waanwaanta nabadeed iyo wallaacyada ka taagan nabad waarta Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-Xukuumadda Itoobiya waxa si buuxda uga go’an tahay dadaallada uu hoggaaminayo Midowga Afrika ee lagu doonayo in lagu soo afjaro dagaalka sokeeye – oo hadda socda bishii 19-aad – ee waqooyiga, ayay tidhi afhayeen u hadashay dowladda. Billene Seyoum, oo ah xoghayaha warfaafinta ee ra’iisul wasaare Abiy…
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berberanews · 2 years
USA iyo Ethiopia oo ku kala aragti durugsan dagaalkii Tigray iyo dembiyada xuquuqal-insaanka
Sanadkii 2020 ayaa waxa is-maandhaaf maamulka iyo hawlaha doorashooyinka dalka Ethiopia uu dhex maray dadka ku nool gobolka waqooyiga dalkaasi dhaca ee Tigray , khilaafkani oo salka ku hayey dhawr qodob ; 1- TPLF oo 27 sanadood dalka Ethiopia ka talinaysay iyo hogaanka cusub ee ka soo baxay xisbigii EPRDF oo loo soo gaabiyey ( Ethiopian revolutionary democratic front ) ayaa waxa ku mideysnaa…
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berberanews · 2 years
Land-locked Ethiopia buying warships while people facing starvation
Land-locked Ethiopia buying warships while people facing starvation
Ethiopia is a land-locked country like many African countries. It does not need naval warships for not having sea coast. Somalia, Somaliland and Djabouti will not let their archenemy warships use their seaports for security reasons unless they are civilian commercial cargo ships and will drive back Ethiopian warships if they try to enter Somali waters in the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is under…
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berberanews · 2 years
#Ethiopia issues a cease-fire declaration.
#Ethiopia issues a cease-fire declaration.
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia —Ethiopia’s government proclaimed a “indefinite humanitarian cease-fire effective immediately” on Thursday, saying it intended to assist speed up the delivery of critical aid to the #Tigrayregion, where hundreds of thousands are starving. Thousands have killed and many more have been forced to abandon their homes since war broke out in northern #Ethiopia in November 2020,…
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berberanews · 3 years
Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa ku dhawaaqday xabbad-joojin
Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa ku dhawaaqday xabbad-joojin
Addis Ababa  -(Berberanews)-Dawladda Itoobiya, ayaa ku dhawaaqday xabbad-joojin laga hirgeliyo Gobolka Tigray ee woqooyiga dalkaas oo ay muddo sannad ka badan ka socdeen dagaallo ay ku dhinteen kumannaan qof, tiro kale oo intaas ka badanna ku dhaawacmeen. War ka soo baxay xukuumadda Addis Ababa maanta, ayaa lagu sheegay go’aanka xabbad-joojinta colaadda Tigray.Dagaalka sokeeye ee ka qarxay…
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berberanews · 3 years
MSF wants an explanation for the killings in Tigray.
MSF wants an explanation for the killings in Tigray.
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-MSF, a medical charity, has requested Ethiopia to reply to a media report that government forces killed three of its staff members in Tigray’s conflict-torn area last year. The bodies of Mara Hernández, Yohannes Halefom, and Tedros Gebremariam, three charity workers, were discovered next to their burned-out van on a roadside in June. The New York Times reported on…
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berberanews · 3 years
Hay'adda MSF oo Ethiopia ka dalbatay jawaabta shaqaale lagaga dilay Gobolka Tigray
Hay’adda MSF oo Ethiopia ka dalbatay jawaabta shaqaale lagaga dilay Gobolka Tigray
Ethiipia-(Berberanews)-Hay’adda samafalka caafimaadka ee Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) ayaa waydiisatay Itoobiya inay ka jawaabto war ay warbaahintu baahisay oo sheegayay in ciidamada dawladdu ay saddex ka mid ah shaqaalahooda ku dileen gobolka Tigray ee ay colaaddu ka dhacday sannadkii hore. Meydadka saddexda samafale ee – María Hernández, Yohannes Halefom iyo Tedros Gebremariam – ayaa laga…
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berberanews · 3 years
#Ethiopian Easter pilgrims are barred from entering Israel.
#Ethiopian Easter pilgrims are barred from entering Israel.
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-Ethiopian pilgrims planning to visit Israel for the Easter holiday have been placed under restrictions. The Israeli authorities expressed concern that many of the travelers would not return home due to the violence in Ethiopia’s north. According to the BBC, Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority sent a letter instructing Ethiopian Christian travelers to apply for…
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berberanews · 3 years
Israel oo xayiraad kusoo rogtay Itoobiyaanka
Israel oo xayiraad kusoo rogtay Itoobiyaanka
Israel-(Berberanews)-Israa’iil ayaa xayiraad kusoo rogtay xujeyda Itoobiya ee u safraya dalkeeda ciida Easter-ka ee soo socda. Maamulka Israa’iil ayaa sheegay in dagaalka ka socda waqooyiga Itoobiya dartiis ay ka walaacsan yihiin in qaar badan oo ka mid ah dadka halkaas cibaadada u tagaya aysan dib ugu laaban dalkooda. Hay’adda dadka iyo socdaalka ayaa u sheegtay wakaaladaha dalxiiska in dadka…
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berberanews · 3 years
Ethiopia promised to take action after a video of a man being burned alive
Ethiopia promised to take action after a video of a man being burned alive
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-The #Ethiopian government has announced that persons shown in a video burning a man alive will face legal prosecution. On social media, a video showing guys dressed in Ethiopian army uniforms insulting the victim and lighting him on fire has gone viral. The event occurred in the northern province of Benishangul-Gumuz, where ethnic conflict is common, according to…
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berberanews · 3 years
Ethiopia: cadho ka dhalatay Askar nolosha ku gubay nin, deegaanka Benishangul-Gumuz
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa sheegtay in ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonto dadka lagu arkay muuqaallada iyagoo qof  nool gubaya. Itoobiya ayaa wacad ku martay in ay baadhitaan ku sameyn doonto oo ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonto askarta ku labisan dareeska iyo dadka kale ee lagu arkay muuqaal naxdin leh oo nin nool ku gubaya waqooyi galbeed ee dalka. Baraha bulshada ayaa si weyn loogu…
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berberanews · 3 years
Ethiopian opposition leaders in prison are on hunger strike
Ethiopian opposition leaders in prison are on hunger strike
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-Senior leaders of a major opposition party in #Ethiopia who are imprisoned are refusing to eat in protest of “deplorable conditions” within the prison. Members of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) executive committee Mikael Boran and Kenasa Ayana, as well as the party’s spokesperson Bate Urgessa, have been on hunger strike for several days, according to the…
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berberanews · 3 years
300,000 people have been displaced by fighting in Ethiopia's Afar region
300,000 people have been displaced by fighting in Ethiopia’s Afar region
Ethiopia-(Berberanews)-Since December, the government of Ethiopia’s Afar region claims that more than 300,000 people have been displaced by fighting, accusing Tigrayan forces of killing civilians and stealing. According to the United Nations, conflict in Afar is preventing food from being delivered to the Tigray region, where hundreds of thousands of people are starving. According to the United…
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