rebellum · 6 months
Full on saying "sex based oppression isn't real, that's a radfem talking point" seems like way too much to me. Like, it IS real. Every single person who was assigned female at birth, or who is considered to be female bodied in any way (so, including eg trans fems who may be considered female bodied due to surgery, intersex people who were maybe assigned as female later on in life), is oppressed because of that. That's an inarguable fact.
But that doesn't mean every single person who was assigned male at birth oppresses every single person assigned female at birth through the axis of sex. Like, obviously trans people who were amab don't have more social privilege as a group than cis gender conforming women.
Both things can be true at once.
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ryann-44 · 5 days
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giving Ethne a bit of a redesign
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basilpaste · 3 months
Hello Mr. Basil! I just listened to your cover of “A Place you Rest”’ it was lovely! I actually cried while trying to sing it myself lol.
But anyway, may I use your lyrics for my own cover? Credit will be given
oh jeez i forget people can find my youtube stuff. but um!!!! id really rather people not use my fan lyrics, if thats alright ;^^
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clown-fuckers-r-us · 2 years
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Hey so life is hectic so I thought I'd distract myself with some ethne! X3
Same rules as always, you can reblog as many times as you like, though please one oc at a time. (and please specify if they are over 18 or not)
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: 'All nations will be blessed through you.' So those who rely on faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.
Galatians 3:7-9 NIV (2011) 
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stillunusual · 2 years
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Diana Ross
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mercedezedecrem · 9 months
Going to my college academic classes and talking about intersectionality day 1 in almost every single one of them then coming on here to see shit like “all men evil bad” is some crazy ass whiplash
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gradelstuff · 10 months
Its sad/frustrating when u have to unfollow blogs bc of current events
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hvwks · 10 months
pissinger is dead and all my bengali ass can do is laugh.
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ryann-44 · 2 months
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Should I buy like. A 54 pack of duvalin bc I used to get it as a kid from one of the workers at an ex family member’s plant nursery, and the memory of her giving it to me reminded me how, in the midst of my white family, there was still other Mexican people who cared for me. I literally thought she was a family member until I found out she was an immigrant employed by someone in my family.
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whencyclopedia · 21 days
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Amphictyonic League
The Amphictyonic League was an early form of religious council in ancient Greece. It was typically composed of delegates from several tribes or ethnes living in the vicinity of a major, prosperous sanctuary, who then collaborated in supervising the temple's maintenance, managing its finances, organising the sacred rituals and games, and seeing to the protection of its temenos (sacred precinct).
The earliest evidence about the existence of such executive assemblies appears in the 7th century BCE, and the most significant and best-documented examples are the Amphictyonic Leagues of Delos and Delphi, both presiding the sanctuaries of Apollo, his Pythian Oracles, and the Pythian Games.
While the Amphictyonic League was primarily a religious organization, it sometimes played a significant role in the political and military affairs of ancient Greece. The League's most notable involvement in Greek warfare occurred during a series of conflicts known as the Sacred Wars over control of the Delphic sanctuary. These conflicts had a dramatic impact on the course of Greek history and the development of the poleis (city-states), fostering changes that eventually cushioned the ambitious plans of Philip II of Macedon (r. 359-336 BCE), and his son Alexander the Great (r. 336-323 BCE), for conquering the Hellenic world.
Origins & Structure
The exact origins of the Amphictyonic League are wrapped in myths and legends, but it is generally agreed that, by the 7th century BCE, the gathering of a council of tribal representatives to look after their local sanctuary was a practice already recognised in Archaic Greece (c. 800-480 BCE). According to Herodotus (8.104) and Pindar (Pythian Odes, 4.66, 10.8), the Greek word amphictiones (άμφικτίονες) means "those who dwell around," implying the solidarity among neighbouring tribes through their connection with and their care for a pivotal sacred place.
In Greek mythology, Amphictyon, the legendary founder of the league, was a son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, the surviving couple of the Great Flood in the Greek version of the story, and the younger brother of Hellen, whose name became the overall denomination of the Greek people as Hellenes (Graecus, the eponym of the Graecians as the Romans called the Greeks, was the son of Zeus and Pandora). Following the flood, Amphictyon with his family took refuge in Athens, where he became the son-in-law and later the successor of King Cranaus. Amphictyon then became king of Thermopylae near Phthiotis in Thessaly, where his brother Hellen was the ruler. Since Cranaus, Deucalion, and many other legendary Greek founder-rulers were believed to be chthonic, born of Mother Earth, the earliest Amphictyonic council was then formed to protect and provide for the sanctuary of Demeter Amphictyonis in Anthela, Thermopylae, since Demeter was the goddess of the underworld in her older cults.
Based on this inherent connection to the underworld, members of the Amphictyonic council (pylaia) were known as the pylagorai, guardians of the gate to the underworld. A second, and superior, group of the delegates were the hieromnemones, sacred recorders, who had the power to finalise the debated decisions by casting votes (Aristotle, Politics 8.6). The pylaia met twice a year, once in spring at Delphi and once in autumn at Anthela. Their agenda, essentially, covered the matters considering the maintenance and protection of the sanctuary, which typically consisted of a central temple (and often some related side temples, shrines, and altars), the temenos, and the treasury. Organising and supervising the sacred rituals held at the sanctuary, including public games and competitions, was another important task of the Amphictyonic Council.
Amphictionic Law of Delphi
Jastrow (CC BY-NC-SA)
Although presumed more or less ubiquitous, there are only a few Amphictyonies known to us apart from the ones at Delos and Delphi: the Amphictyony of Onchestos near Thebes in Boeotia dedicated to the temple of Poseidon, the Amphictyony of Amarynthos in Euboea tending the sanctuary of Artemis, and the Amphictyony of Kalauria, an island near the coast of Troezen. The latter, also related to the cult of Poseidon, was claimed by Strabo (8.6.14) to be one of the earliest in the Archaic times – functioning at least until the end of the 4th century BCE – and archaeological evidence accordingly places its foundation between c. 680 and 650 BCE. On the other hand, an alternative legend accounts for the unification of the guardian councils of the Demeter Amphictyonis and the Apollonion at Delphi as the Great Amphictyonic League in the aftermath of the Trojan War, c. 1200 BCE. Historically, however, the great Amphictyonic League at Delphi was founded no earlier than c. 590 BCE. It is the best-documented council of its kind and has the longest remaining history, not least because of its pivotal role in the Sacred Wars.
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clown-fuckers-r-us · 1 year
Whos this bitch? - Judge meme
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"Whats up mother fuckers? How are ya'll tonight?" (As always rules are the same, Reblog with one oc at a time and Lovely Ethne here will judge them. Also if you want she can have history with alot of people, so if you want ur troll to know her or of her thats perfectly fine and vice versa. Please include a snippet of your troll or what shed notice about them! (bonus: if you ask for an ask I’ll send one!)
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
The Return of the Tree of Life
In the midst [en meso] of the street of it, and on either side of the river [potamou], was there the tree of life [xlon zoes], which bare twelve [dodeka] manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit [karpon autou] every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing [therapeian] of the nations [ton ethnon]. (Revelation 22:2 KJV) 
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Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit [pneuma] is saying to the churches [ekklesiais]. To everyone who conquers [nikonti], I will give permission to eat from the tree of life [xylon tes zoes] that is in the paradise [paradeiso] of God. (Revelation 2:7 NRSVA, 1995) 
Out of the ground the LORD God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life [ho xylon ho zoe] also in the midst of the garden [en mesos ho paradeisos], and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:9 NRSVA + Septuagint) 
He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a sword flaming and turning to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3:24 NRSVA) 
Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field, and his boughs were multiplied, and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters, when he shot forth. All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations. Thus was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches: for his root was by great waters. (Eze 31:5-7 KJV) 
Which among the trees of Eden was like you in glory and in greatness? Now you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the world below; you shall lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are killed by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his horde, says the Lord GOD. (Eze 31:18 NRSVA)
As I came back, I saw on the bank of the river a great many trees on one side and on the other. . . . ‘But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they are to be left for salt. On the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.’ (Eze 47:7, 11-12 NRSVA) 
Summary - What John is witnessing is based on Eze 47, where a river flows from the sanctuary and brings life to all nature, and the trees never fail. This scene in Revelation returns us to paradise; a restoring of the garden of Eden and the tree of life that we have been cut off from for so long. Isa 65 also describes the world made new with peace and delight. Lady wisdom is called a tree of life in Pro 3:18.  In Eze 31, Egypt and Assyria are compared to a mighty tree that became so proud it had to be broken down and sent to the underworld “with the trees of Eden”.
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jjfitz · 5 months
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What the skibidi Ohio gyat hai guys I drew Benny ethn n puffles:33
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stillunusual · 9 months
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Northern Quarter street art
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