#ethnic exterior design
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Container Garden Ottawa Design ideas for a mid-sized asian partial sun backyard concrete paver landscaping in summer.
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haizaaki · 1 year
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Landscape (Ottawa)
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 4 months
on western artistic chauvinism and islam.
As an American non-Muslim, i first learned about Islamic art and architecture in an academic context, when i was studying art history in college. one of the first things we studied was the complex geometric forms in islamic architecture. Some of the most striking, complex, and beautiful patterns in contemporary and historical islamic architecture are present in religious architecture.
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Dome of the Selimiye mosque, Turkey, completed 1574 CE.
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Exterior of the Dome of the Rock, a shrine withing the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, Palestine. Original construction was completed between 688 and 692 CE, and many alterations and repairs have been undertaken subsequently.
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Dome of the Gazi Husri-beg Mosque, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, constructed 1531 CE. (Fun fact: In 1898 this mosque became the first known mosque in the world to have electrical lighting installed!)
The origins of these incredibly complex patterns partly stem from the avoidance of art depicting living beings according to religious principles, also known as aniconism, which is not universal throughout Islamic historical art, but gradually became nearly universal, especially in religious art an architecture. However, there are historical examples of secular figural art made by Muslims. (Link to an article on Islamic figural art by the Met Museum.) The Arab world in general maintained in-depth studies of mathematics and geometry throughout what we may call the "medieval" era in Europe. Arabic translations of Aristotle were studied. Al-Khwarizmi invented Algebra in 830 CE.
So, as any good artist knows, within a "limitation," artistic techniques can become more specialized and refined. Indeed, Muslim artists as far back as the Ummayad caliphate had extemely sophisticated application of geometry within their designs.
In art class I studied some of the fundamentals of how to construct similar geometrically repeating patters. I grasped the fundamentals quickly, and I found it enjoyable to work within these structures. However, as you increase the complexity, the degree to which you need to understand geometry to get your patterns to work out seemingly increases exponentially.
If you want a step-by step study of some of these geometric patterns, please check out the tutorials of the Lebanese artist Joumana Medlej. She also has tutorials on figure drawing and Arabic calligraphy.
(Speaking of calligraphy, I wanted to add more to this piece regarding calligraphy and architecture, but I feel I'm getting really long already.)
Years later, after I was finished with school, I got the opportunity to go to the Balkans. While I was in Bosnia & Herzegovina, I visited several historical mosques and got to see in person the type of art that I had previously only seen in photographs.
But what does it mean to acknowledge that this art exists?
Well, the mere acknowledgement and knowledge of the history of Islamic art, architecture, calligraphy, indeed, all the elements of distinct cultural heritage across the world, are controversial in the West.
One of the darkest examples of European violence against Muslim peoples was the Bosnian Genocide in the 1990s. This genocide did not start or end with the infamous massacre of ~8000 Bosniak Muslim men and boys by the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) at Srebrenica, but also included systematic relocation of civilians, smaller massacres, and destruction of cultural heritage throughout Bosnia by both VRS and the Croatian Defense Council (HVO). Over one thousand mosques were destroyed. The VRS and the HVO both deliberately attempted to create "ethnically pure" Muslim-free statelets, and destroyed all the mosques in the territory that they held. The VRS burned down Sarajevo's National Library. The HVO blew up the Old Bridge of Mostar, a beautiful stone bridge in the middle of the city that had stood since the 16th century. (After the war, the stones were recovered from the river below and the bridge was reconstructed, and is used by Mostar residents every day.)
Israel refuses to acknowledge the historical and contemporary fact of the existence of a Palestinian people. As of February 2024, Israel has destroyed over one thousand mosques in the course of its bombardment of Gaza.
Many state and non-state actors within the U.S. and its allies also harbor these dark ideas of "bombing Muslims into the Stone Age." The invasion of Iraq was referred to as a "crusade" by President George W. Bush, and this attitude was aped by the Christian right wing in the USA.
All "they" see is a mythical horde from the East that must be destroyed.
But there is no horde. The people you share this earth with are your neighbors, regardless of their religion.
We live in a global society, and art anywhere is part of global cultural heritage. The acknowledgement, preservation, and study of Islamic art and architecture does not only culturally enrich Muslims, it enriches the whole world. Conversely, when you destroy Islamic art and architecture to harm Muslims, you also harm the rest of the world.
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December 14th, 2023
studyblr challenge ⋆。°✩ day 4/30 - a photo of your most recent work
A fun little activity, though admittedly a stretch when it comes to the prompt. I decided to take this list of 625 words to know in your target language and find out how many of them I already knew (without studying them of course) and made a couple graphics of the results. I also included my "unknown" list at the end of this post. Words in bold are completely new, and everything else is vocabulary that I'm cringing at having forgotten I once learned, but could not come up with it at that moment. 60% of the unknown words fit in that latter category. Which means 5 years ago I knew almost 95% of the list. Weirdly both proud for my past self and sad for my now self. Ok I'm done quantifying my language attrition now lol
productivity challenge ⋆。°✩ day 4/100
academics: ✩ bio exam ✩ chem final (chem review 1, 2, 3, 4) ✩ food science exam ✩ food production quiz spanish: La Lista !
625 94 Words to Know
pig - el cerdo truck - el camión tire - la llanta engine - el motor bridge - el puente farm - la granja ground - el suelo outer space - el espaso exterior suit - el traje stain - la mancha light/dark blue - azul celeste/marino crowd - la multitud priest - el sacerdote army - el ejercito soldier - el soldado manager - el gerente reporter - el reportero race (ethnicity) - la raza murder - asesinato attack - ataque magazine - la revista poison - el veneno gun - la pistola race (sports) - la carrera game (sports) - el partido sign - la señal paint - la pintura ceiling/roof - el techo lock - la cerradura needle - la aguja tool - la herramienta network - la red neck - el cuello beard - la barba tear (drop) - la lagrima knee - la rodilla sweat - el sudor root - la raíz wave - la ola island - la isla hill - la colina wood - la madera stone - la piedra diamond - el diamante clay -la arcilla dust - el polvo copper - el cobre silver - la plata kilogram - el kilogramo inch - la pulgada square - el cuadrado edge - el borde dot - el punto sound - el sonido hole - el agujero pattern (order/system) - el patrón  pattern (design on fabric) - el estampado noun - el sustantivo bottom - el fondo back (of chair/paper/rear part)- el respaldo/el dorso/el fondo down - abajo season - la estación to shoot (a gun) - disparar to smell - oler to bend - doblar to feed - alimentar to hang - colgar to shake - agitar to signal - señalar to beat - batir to lift - levantar wide/narrow - acho/estrecho warm/cool - calido/fresco wet - mojado deaf- sordo flat/curved - plano/curvo tight/loose - apretado/suelto shallow - poco profundo weak - débil light (weight) - ligero light/dark - claro/oscuro
🎧 The Wheel - SOHN
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
Happy New Year 🎆🎇🎆
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Thankyou 🤍🤍🤍
2nd house in leo
entertainment, being a star, shining a light, pleasure
2nd house ruler in 3rd house
communication, travel, words, speech, writing, drawing, working with hands
you could def be someone who expresses themselves through the written word. the virgo stellium is showing an ability for detail and writing. also can create multiple ideas out of thin air, virgo is typically good at doing this.
jupiter in 3rd house in conjunction to sun
your happy go lucky expression can pull more people towards you. communication style can be expansive and magnetic. could also use your ideas of the world , beliefs to inspire people.
you could also be a rapper? or just using your voice.
i dont talk about jupiter in the 3rd being a multi talented source enough. but a lot of gifts are present here with jup, and the more you discovery within yourself the more you can produce wealth out of it.
the virgo stellium needs strategy. you need to formulate a blueprint for what you want. the design and exterior of the product that your selling (or maybe yourself) could possibly bring you dozens of dollars in the near future.
pluto aspecting sun/jup in 5th / trine venus
art, entertainment, hobbies are a focal point for how you can make money.
not only can ur presence (venus 1st) can attract money and fame (leo) but the passion and work ethnic you put in (5th house pluto) makes you an attractor for big wealth.
your voice holds a lot of power (pluto to 3rd house stellium) and it can be used to garner attention. if you are a writer, i'd work hard to get my stuff out to the world.
venus in 1st house oppose neptune
venus - art beauty pleasure, sensuality
u wanna be a movie star? lol you def should if you havent. theres a lot of sun/leo/5th house energy you're carrying.
how you make your money is through presentation, style, and giving off a fantasy (neptune)
neptune being in the 7th shows that partnerships will be how you produce more money in the future, but it is through your talent (leo) and the way you walk into the room (venus 1st) that bring in the partnerships.
your jovial, boastful attitude (sun/jupiter) is how you will attract more partnerships, followers, clientele but that first house venus shows you need to bring out the charm especially your personality. its the bread winner.
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brittreggio · 9 months
A Cultural Odyssey Amidst Modernity
In the heart of Malaysia, lies Putrajaya, a city that beautifully marries modernity with culture. When you Visit Putrajaya Malaysia, you're not just stepping into an administrative capital; you're embarking on a cultural odyssey.
Masjid Putra: A Cultural Gem Your cultural journey begins with a visit to Masjid Putra, also known as the Pink Mosque. This architectural masterpiece is a harmonious blend of Islamic and Malay elements. The mosque's pink hue is not just aesthetically pleasing but also symbolizes a deep connection to Malay culture. As you explore its grandeur, you'll be transported into a world where tradition and faith converge. The mosque's surroundings, including the serene Putrajaya Lake, offer a perfect backdrop for both worship and reflection.
Putrajaya Botanical Garden: Nature and Culture Intertwined Putrajaya Botanical Garden, often referred to as the 'mother of all gardens,' is a testament to Malaysia's commitment to preserving biodiversity. Spanning 92 hectares, this garden is divided into three unique sections: the Ornamental Garden, Ethno-Botanical Garden, and Research Garden. Each section tells a different story, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the diverse cultures and natural beauty that Malaysia has to offer.
In the Ornamental Garden, vibrant flowers and meticulously landscaped gardens showcase the artistic side of Malaysian culture. The Ethno-Botanical Garden introduces you to the rich cultural diversity of Malaysia, with plant themes representing different ethnicities. The Research Garden, on the other hand, is a hub of scientific exploration, where you can learn about the conservation efforts to protect Malaysia's unique flora.
Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque: An Architectural Marvel The Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque, also known as the Iron Mosque, is a unique cultural landmark. Its 'wind, simple, and transparent' design philosophy sets it apart from traditional mosques. Notably, the main prayer hall operates without fans or air conditioning, providing an authentic worship experience. The mosque's interior and exterior are adorned with intricate German and Chinese architectural details, showcasing the cultural diversity that has shaped Malaysia.
Seri Wawasan Bridge: Where Modernity Meets Beauty Spanning Putrajaya Lake, the Seri Wawasan Bridge is not just a functional structure but a work of art. Its futuristic design has made it a favorite location for filmmakers and photographers. As the sun sets, the bridge comes alive with a mesmerizing display of colors, offering a visual feast that perfectly complements the city's cultural tapestry.
In Conclusion Putrajaya Malaysia is a city where tradition and culture seamlessly blend with modernity. As you explore its cultural landmarks, architectural wonders, and natural sanctuaries, you'll find yourself on a cultural odyssey that transcends the confines of an administrative capital. Visit Putrajaya Malaysia and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage that makes this city a captivating destination.
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opinated-user · 2 years
LO: "I'm reaching out and connecting to my Cherokee roots. Uh, through family. Somehow, vaguely, off-screen. Anyway I will in no way engage with the fact that my sexiest avatar is designed to look "Native" and how gross that is given the high rate of rape and sexual assault on indigenous women." God help us, she thinks rambling about people criticizing the skin tone (something virtually no one does, it's the sexy Native thing people dislike) is a good distraction tactic.
i could believe that LO's genuine here, if not for anything because i'm sure there's a lot of things about her private life that LO's actually very discreet about even if none of them is her sex life. but some form of privacy must be important for her and i can respect that her family life can be a lot more complicated than what we can see on the exterior.
however, if she were truly still "reconnecting with her heritage" then she'd be the first person to take out the feathere earring out of her avatar because then she'd understand that she can't just give herself something of such cultural importance without any of the cultural context. her being given a feather would have been a cause of celebration and something to be respect, not added as a quirky little accesory for an avatar she hopes and has repeatedly stated wants to be sexualized.
you can't give yourself a feather, you must be given one by the Nation's leaders, just like you can't claim to be Cherokee without that Nation claiming you as one of their own. it's not a process that LO can do completely on her own by burning enough sage and filling her house with enough "native decorations" or by giving herself whatever skin tone she wants or claiming she has a misterious "native gene", it doesn't work like that.
there are Cherokee people who are actually paler than her and people who are way, way darker. neither makes any difference as long they're part of the same community and practice the same culture and LO has talked before about how she thinks you don't have to share any cultural aspect in order to be part of a ethnic group, revealing a complete lack of understanding of what ethnicity even is.
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Full Name: Hoshimi Sorakami-Yonaga (formerly Sorakami-Kumosuku)
Hero Alias: Celestial Hero - Stellara
Age: 31
Gender: Female (Cis, She/Her)
Race: Mixed
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Cameroonian/Japanese
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Design notes:
Her vitiligo patches resemble a starry sky and are dark in color - similar to her sister Tsukimi.
Freckles are star shaped.
Butterfly esque fairy wings.
Little stars appear over her head when she's tired.
Personality: Hoshimi has the maturity of a noblewoman in her old age despite being only 31. This is most likely because of the guidelines she was raised by and her own intolerance for foolery. It doesn't help that she doesn't really tend to outwardly show emotion. She is prim, proper, and holds herself in high regard.
Past her serious exterior, she's charming and witty. She has a very specific, situational type of humor that only those who've been around her for a long time or those with similar senses of humor will get.
Hoshimi prefers affairs outside of heroics to be settled privately; being the child of a hero family and two Professional Heroes has given her enough spotlight. Not to mention she hates when things are sensationalized or taken out of context.
As a hero (and just in general), she'd rather fight crime using restraints and incapacitation than brute force. In her eyes, brutes are empty people who only know how to answer using their fists - and Hoshimi has no time for such people.
Quirk: Fairy of the Stars
Similar to her mother and sisters, Hoshimi has the physiology of a fairy including an enhanced constitution, wings to enable flight, pointed ears, etc. But the real power lies in her stellar based powers. Much like others with star Quirks, Hoshimi can create stars but cannot absorb light and heat to do so - but that's beside the point. Unlike them, Hoshimi's powers tap into the other things stars can do including producing miniature solar flares and winds, controlling gravity, and creating plasma.
Subaru Sorakami | Constellar (Father)
Marie-Noëlle Ghislaine Sorakami (nee Chazelle) | Titania (Mother)
Taiyomi Sorakami (Younger sister)
Tsukimi Sorakami (Younger sister)
Hokuto Kumosuku (Son)
Hoshiyo Sorakami (Daughter)
Kureko Yonaga (Step son)
Sorako Sorakami (Paternal grandmother)
Sorakami clan (Relatives)
Storm Dynasty (Former in-laws)
Yonaga clan (Current in-laws)
Paired with: Raimori Kumosuku | Skybolt (Formerly), Umeji Yonaga | Nox XI
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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dynamicsofthecity · 2 years
The Commodification of Koreatown and Benefits of Tourism: “Old” and “New” Style Restaurants
Suha Cho
“Old” vs “New”:
Out with the old and in with the new? Or if it isn’t broken, why fix it? These are the questions asked when looking at the restaurants Koreatown, Los Angeles has to offer. From traditional style dishes to Korean-Italian fusion, Koreatown now has restaurants with “new” and “old” style options. The restaurant highlighting Koreatown’s “old style” cooking or better labeled as Korean traditional style cooking is Mapo Kkak Doo Gee. Mapo is a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves Korean comfort food and classic dishes such as Bibimbap (Mixed rice) and Budae Jjigae (Army stew). Although the interior is small in size, with seating for only 30 people, their menu offers a wide variety of traditional dishes with 37 options in total. Each order comes with eight different side dishes or Banchan, which is a staple in Korean dining. The customers consist of mostly elderly Korean people, ages 40 and up, and the workers are all Korean immigrants as well. With all factors included, this restaurant has many aspects within its interior, exterior, plating, and design that categorize under the traditional Korean style. The restaurant that represents a “newer” style of Korean cuisine within Koreatown is called Hanchic. Hanchic is a Korean-Italian fusion restaurant that serves dishes inspired by Korean and Italian recipes combined, with menu options ranging from Bolognese Mandu and Bulgogi Risotto. The restaurant is fairly new, opening in September 2020 and opening indoor seating in early March 2021. Similar to Mapo, Hanchic has seating for around 30 people but has seasonal menus that include their popular dishes year-round. Their demographic consist of the younger generation along with non-Korean individuals, fitting under the category of “new” style Korean cuisine.
Commodification and Tourism:
Despite the differences in style, both restaurants can be seen commodifying their cultural space, marketing within their diversity, and benefiting from the tourist industry. Looking at Aytar and Rath’s writing called “The Transformation of Ethnic Neighbourhoods into places Leisure and Consumption,” the writers focus on tourism and its inclusive benefits, offering job opportunities to a wide range of people within the community. This includes natives, immigrants, skilled, and unskilled, males, and females. However, they emphasize that not every individual involved in the tourism industry is automatically benefiting from this business, considering its high risks. Relating back to Mapo Kkak Doo Gee and Hanchic, the difference in style between the two restaurants and the gap in customer demographic affect the way each of them make business. For example, in an article called “A tale of two Koreatowns: Hip spots thrive while older businesses struggle amid Omicron” by Jeong Park, Mapo Kkak Doo Gee is mentioned for their struggles during COVID; “‘The cost of ingredients is also going up. But raising prices is difficult when customers are already staying away,’ said Beak of Mapo Kkak Doo Gee.” On the other hand, Hanchic took advantage of the COVID situation and signed a lease for their restaurant, later popularizing it all over social media. The owners of Hanchic have been putting the benefits of tourism to use, attracting tourists to Koreatown through social media, using the slogan “not so traditional Korean,” and using fusion-style dishes to attract non-Korean customers. In an article called “Hanchic: Where Bouillabaise meets Bulgogi” by Hadley Tomicki, the owner explains, “I wanted to portray Korean flavors in an aspect where I can meet in the middle with people that don’t know Korean food.”
Fusion and Gentrification of Asian Cuisine:
The topic of fusion restaurants, however, brings in concerns that authors Aytar and Rath mention in their writing about how immigrants are not always on board with the transformation of their space turning into tourist attractions, considering many of the shops could have been established with the intention of catering to the needs of the in-group only. The owners of Mapo Kkak Doo Gee are immigrants from Korea, while the owners of Hanchic were born here in the U.S. While Mapo uses traditional Korean styles and can attract Korean people along with tourists looking for authentic flavor, Hanchic’s fusion may attract more tourists rather than people within the community. This also brings into question the topic of fusion restaurants and the act of gentrification within cultural cuisine. In an article called “The Gentrification of Asian Cuisine,” the authors Katherine Ly and Manisha Wanniappa talk about the rise in popularity of Asian cuisine through social media. They emphasize the white-washing of Asian foods through Westernized Asian dishes, fusion restaurants, and food trends. However, the article fails to mention the question of whether or not Asian fusion restaurants owned by Asian people, are partaking in an act of gentrification of Asian cuisine. Or is this considered a way in which they are using recipes authentic to an Asian style of cooking and adding a twist? If so, who then are they trying to appeal to when serving fusion dishes, and does it positively or negatively affect the cultural space within the community? Despite these aspects, Mapo Kkak Doo Gee and Hanchic are both commodifying their cultural space in different ways with the benefits of tourism within Koreatown, Los Angeles.
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vanaglori-ah · 2 years
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full name: lanfei tsai
preferred name: lan
age: 25
pronouns: she / they
sexual orientation: bisexual
ethnicity: east asian, taiwanese
hometown: london (south london specifically)
current occupation: actress
height: 1.73 m / 5 feet 9 inches
personality: lan is often defined by her friends and family as a workaholic, blunt, and sometimes mean spirited. they carry themselves with intense nihilism, no doubt partially caused by the industry they currently work in. lan is often seen as the realist among her friends, saying things without any sort of sugar coating. their nihilism creates for caution and intense distrust in individuals. things are too good to be true most of the time so they hold onto the reality that things will get worse. lan also works a lot, mostly because she is afraid of not having enough money for her basic necessities. streaming and social media have really prevented her from making acting her only source of income so she must take on multiple jobs, such as being a part time influencer and an ambassador for multiple beauty brands. lan has an avoidant attachment style meaning they keep people at an arm’s length. it is very hard to get to know them and takes a lot of work. this explains their deep distrust in most people. if you manage to go beneath the exterior, then you will find that lan is very kind and understanding. she’s always there when you need her and she’ll throw everything out the window for you. despite her clear annoyance with, well, everything, lan is actually a very patient person. they don’t get angry or irritated. their irritation and annoyance is usually out of fun. though their initial impression of being intimidating and mean tends to trump everything in regards for people’s perception of her. and sometimes, they let that initial impression ruin their interaction with lan.
hobbies: cosplay, fashion design, art
family: father (in contact), younger brother (in contact)
bio: lan was raised by a single father in south london with her younger brother. she was known to be a tomboy and enjoyed experimenting with her gender expression at a young age. when they were about ten, they got scouted by a talent scout for a chinese company. lan was offered an opportunity to become a c-pop idol. they decided to take the chance if they could help their father out with the bills. however, after about three months, lan quit. lan hated the restriction they felt under the company’s thumb and how the company wanted to push a certain image of femininity onto them. during secondary school, lan discovered a love for acting and started in school plays and community theater. eventually, they decided to branch out into commercials before landing a main role in a teen drama called black daisies. at the age of 16, lan received critical acclaim for their performance and started reaching out for more projects including blockbuster movies, indie movies, sitcoms, west end theater productions, and soap operas. she decided to attend college while working as an actress and received her degree. she also completed her post-graduate studies as well and thus received her masters.
education: university of the arts london
ba - film and television
ma - film
lan is a polyglot. she can speak english, mandarin (albeit how taiwanese people speak it which makes her scrutinized among “proper” mandarin speakers), cantonese, french, and italian.
lan took a few courses in fashion design and uses it mostly for their cosplay hobby.
lan enjoys cosplaying male characters and has a different social media account for their cosplays. some of the popular ones have been: baizhu and zhongli from genshin impact, tengen uzui from demon slayer, kurapika from hxh, and kieran valentine from monster high.
you can find lan on instagram at tsailan. their cosplay account is tsaiplay.
lan is also on tik tok at lanlanfei and it’s a mix of regular tik tok videos and their cosplays.
lan prefers to present masculine. they don’t wear swim suits often.
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cupself69 · 2 years
What $325 Buys You In Clothes And Fashion Vocabulary Ppt
Power locks remained standard, but plungers now allowed locking both doors from either side. Initially standard, then optional from mid-year, these windows began a styling fad that soon swept Detroit. A wide-quarter vinyl-covered roof was a Mark III signature, but the IV offered a new touch of old-fashioned formality in small double-pane oval "opera windows" cut into the C-pillars. Instead, the new Mark would be a cost-wise profit-maker using the basic Thunderbird frame and inner body structure. Whatever the style, helmets are constructed with four basic components: an outer shell, an impact-absorbing lining, comfort padding and a strap. Like the 1971 Mark III, driver and front passenger sat on a split "Twin Comfort Lounge" bench with individual six-way power adjustments (via door-mounted controls). As the story goes, Henry Ford II never liked the 1958-1960 Marks III, IV and V deeming them unworthy of the original 1940-1948 Continental created by papa Edsel, or its 1956-57 Mark II reincarnation. To learn about the 1972 Lincoln Continental Mark IV's exterior, continue on to the next page. The 1972 Lincoln Continental Mark IV was ground-up new, styled by Wes Dahlberg under Dearborn design chief Gene Bordinat.
Clothes Fashion 2015 In Pakistan
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The Mark III delivered prestige-car looks, a certain historical mystique, and all the expected amenities at a fair price ($6,741 base in 1969). Once again, laccoca had unearthed a rich new vein of sales. Exactly 7,770 were built as "early 1969" models (introduction was spring 1968), which nearly equaled combined production of the "Mark I" and II. All those anime heroines are becoming little girl role models as well as fashion icons. There are heart rate rings and jackets with built-in controls that communicate with your smartphone or music player. There was no way, and that accounts for the strange look of the Mustang II notchback. Look for materials like silk or cotton for scarves that will last for multiple seasons, and be sure to try a few trendy options like ethnic prints and designs with bold colors. If you don't have these records, you can just look at last month's tally and estimate based on that. That's why you always make sure there aren't any attention-grabbing details that scream "last year's trend," like glitter rinses or rhinestone-studded pockets. For example, red, blue, and yellow make a cheery kid's room or, toned down to wine, navy, and old ivory, an elegant Federal room.
But that only left room for a smaller, more exclusive companion model to pick up where the Mark II had left off, or so lacocca evidently thought. A rousing 71,611 were produced for model years 1969-1971, nearly one-third of Lincoln's total volume. The postwar baby boom had produced 70 million teenagers by the time the 1960s came along. Though the Lincoln Continental Mark IV moniker already had been used on an ocean liner of a Lincoln in the 1950s, its reincarnation on a 1970s personal coupe showed that when it came to luxury car buyers, Ford's prestige marque had their number. The Lincoln Continental was reincarnatedin the 1970s as a luxury personal coupe. Iacocca also decreed all the gizmos and interior trappings associated with late-1960s luxury never doubting that his taste was exactly the same as the rest of the public's. The latter featured Gold Diamond Fire metallic paint, "Gold Flare" vinyl top, and a tan interior in nylon and vinyl or optional leather and vinyl. Dahlberg may be the first designer in Ford history who had charge of both the exterior and interior on a single car.
Though the Mark III may have looked baroque next to Cadillac's crisp new front-drive Eldorado, it sold like no Mark before. If arguably less attractive, the Mark IV panel met federal rules, which also prompted a switch from real wood to splinter-proof burl-grain plastic on dash and door panels. Corn-steeped liquor, molasses and even activated sludge could all supply the sugar the bacteria need to produce the plastic. And Kawaii fashion shop forget to pack a few condiments, like salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard and sugar. White or color-washed walls in soft tones like peach, honey, and dusty rose combined with a terra-cotta-tiled floor are guaranteed to evoke a French mystique. Sales slipped again for 1975, settling at 47,415 despite added standard features like four-wheel disc brakes, cruise control, tilt wheel, and remote electric trunk-lid release. What Iacocca mainly decided on was "neoclassic": an unabashed copy of Rolls-Royce's famous "Parthenon" radiator, Mark II-style "Continental hump" trunk-lid and close-coupled hardtop coupe proportions, and bodysides etched to suggest flowing separate fenders.
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brokenbeldam · 6 days
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Name: Ezra Williams
Nicknames: n/a
Date of Birth: December 13th 1713
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Lozi Zimbabwean/White
Faceclaim: Regé-Jean Page
Place of Birth: London, UK
Gender: CisMale
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Language: English
Family: Alexander Williams (father), Evelyn Williams (mother)
Occupation: Unemployed, socialite
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Height: 1.82m
Weight: 165lbs
Hair: Black, short. Always has neatly trimmed facial hair
Eyes: Dark brown
Physical Description: Slim, toned, average height
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Due to Ezra's status he is always dressed to impress and likes to look his best at all times. He wears only the best quality of clothing that London has to offer, getting his love of fashion from his mother. No matter the situation, Ezra is dressed and ready as if it's the most important event
Personality/Attitude: Due to Ezra's high status, he has lived a rather sheltered life, always getting what he wants and never having to go without. He finds life easy and doesn't realise the struggles that those less fortunate than him deals with. Even when he was younger and sneaking out to play with kids on the streets, he never truly realised how poor they were. He is an extrovert who adores the company of others, always being the first to accept an invitation to parties. He can seem like a happy go lucky kind of guy when in reality he just won’t show when he’s mentally not doing good or struggling. He always puts on a smile and gets on with things. Usually he’s a glass half full person. He can find it hard to trust at first and it takes a while for him to allow people in deeper than his bubbly, goofy exterior. He can be a jealous person but as he’s gotten older he has learnt to control this. He’s not good with sharing since he has always been an only child. Overall he’s a loyal person who will do anything for those he loves. There has always been an adventurous side to Ezra, one that he mainly had as a child, however as he has gotten older it had been drilled out of him, causing him to sometimes feel stuck
Skills/Talents: Drawing, fencing, martial arts, making origami animals
Favourites/Likes: Food, books, poetry, black coffee, art, parties, alcohol, most animals, summer, oceans
Most Hated/Dislikes: Bugs, pirates, anything that has mustard on it, non designer clothing, uncomfortable shoes, boring people, leaving parties early
Goals/Ambitions: To one day take over from his father as Governor of London
Strengths: Loyalty, commitment, humble, energetic, curious, realistic
Weaknesses: Overthinking, stubborn, self doubting, unassertive
Fears: Losing a loved one, disappointing his overbearing father
Hobbies/Interests: Drawing, socialising, throwing parties, reading, writing poetry.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Ezra is straight and currently is dating Lady Jessica Clarke and is set to marry in the Summer. Jessica is his first girlfriend and the only woman he has ever been with. Despite Ezra seeming to be completely besotted with Jessica, it's mainly an act since his parents are adamant of them wedding. Ezra however isn't so sure that Jessica is the woman for him
Education/Special Training: Ezra had the highest and best private schooling that London has to offer
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castanedaring38 · 1 month
3 Romantic Classy Outfits For Guys Vacations
Sporting them you might be positive to turn heads within the events and remain speak of the town for long. For occasions when it is not, then the wearer can merely rotate the skirt till the zipper becomes seen on the front, and switch it again when the job is finished. When you browse more you will get to see strong zippered hoodies for males that matches properly with any contemporary bottom put on accessible for males exterior. Put on gentle-colored outfits as much as attainable when attending a baby's christening. These had been simpler to operate than outfits with full again zippers. If you're smitten by luxurious ethnic attires choose from large collection of Samyakk for latest tendencies.
Online procuring always retains you ahead when it's about trend tendencies and saving your time. Our collection will keep you updated with a altering fashion with latest style labels updated repeatedly as per the dynamic trend, for both men and women in India and throughout the globe. Whether or not you want to attempt a hip hop fashion or a look bossy, these hoodies will fulfill all of your imaginations. These are completely stitched to cowl you without ruining your type. Fashion for Everyone carrying hoodies are extremely browsed winter shirts on the net market. Discover all new trending jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts at zobello for your self and beloved ones at this time.
The printed hoodies for males present outdoors keep you looking trendy but cozy from inside. Another fascinating vary discovered is branded hoodies for males. Craze for winter trendy hoodies for males remains similar across all seasons. Designed from knit and fur fabrics these make perfect exit dress for men this autumn and winter. As winter months are quick heading, garment trade is developing with great clothing concepts. For vogue lovers, seasons are no hurdle. Equally off-placing are the oldsters who really feel fairly free to ask you ways a lot you paid for your home or your automotive. They have to be an element that offers you simple and straightforward, feel asserted aided by the strategy you may very well be ready.
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spearskruse65 · 2 months
Fencing Form and Function: Balancing Beauty and Security
The history of your house usually starts where bright white picket fence stops. A fencing is not really simply a wood made or steel shield it’s a design assertion, a personal privacy cover, as well as a material for imagination with your outdoor area. Equally as one updates their clothing collection to follow the newest styles, the lawn too can usually benefit from a brand new take on the standard restrictions. For your property owners longing to convey themselves through their lawn and the panorama pros willing to provide clients the most recent in outdoor looks, allow me to share the stylish fences(ploty) trends you need to know.
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Local Preferences and Global Good taste Fencing types have grown to be a lot more flexible. Whilst there’s a growing transfer towards contemporary, nice and clean collections and minimalistic designs influenced by city architecture, there is another eager interest in including worldwide impacts. Homeowners are increasingly checking out the community for style creativity, whether or not it's the timeless elegance of picket fences, the warm and earthy tones of adobe wall space, or intricate Moorish lattice-job. Fences are expected not only to mirror the homeowner’s preference but additionally, somehow, explain to a ethnic scenario. Going Green or Go House The eco-mindful movements has made its way into the solid wood and metal panels of our back garden fences. Environmentally friendly fencing materials like bamboo, reclaimed wood, and also lifestyle fencing created from shrubs and grasses are gaining popularity. Homeowners are gravitating towards these selections for their environmental advantages along with the soft, natural looks they bring to the lawn. Together with components, eco-pleasant films and therapies that protect against the weather are a must-have to the conscientious house owner. The Technology-Experienced Protect The present day house owners live in the wifi age group, as well as their fences are finding up. From solar power-driven lighting effects to 'smart' fences designed with digital cameras and movement sensors, technology is creeping to the outdoors within a fashionable way. A fence with in-built tech functions not simply brings a layer of stability towards the home but can even be an easy method to include lights schemes, interact with residence automation solutions, and, dare we suggest, demand your telephone outside in your garden.
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Mix the Restrictions Using the outlines between outdoor and indoor places blurring, a fence has stopped being simply the endpoint – it’s the launchpad for a smooth cross over with your home’s design. The best fence can extend the living quarters of your property, creating a exclusive oasis for pleasure and entertainment. This tendency marks a change towards making use of the fencing as an architectural attribute inside the general garden layout, adding it with components like pergolas, decks, and exterior spaces. Back yards have grown to be an extension of our own living areas, and only as with the inner, there’s no shortage of development with regards to outside fencing. Whether or not you're a homeowner wanting to reinvigorate your piece of paradise or possibly a landscaping skilled looking to remain ahead of the bend, these fence trends will definitely turn heads and stimulate new tips for those bright white picket ambitions.
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mcfaddenstaal36 · 2 months
Enhancing Your Hawa Mahal Travel Package Knowledge: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction: Exploring the vibrant metropolis of Jaipur with no experiencing the majestic allure of Hawa Mahal is like having a cake with out the frosting. Hawa Mahal, or maybe the "Palace of Winds, inch stands as a possible executive marvel, boasting complicated designs and an abundant historical significance. Throughout this guide, we delve into typically the essence of Hawa Mahal Travel Deals, offering insights, suggestions, and must-visit areas to ensure your current journey is nothing short of incredible. Hawa Mahal Journey Package: Unveiling typically the Essence Start some sort of journey from the heart of Jaipur together with our exclusive Hawa Mahal Travel Package deal. Discover the hidden gems, immerse your self inside the city's ethnical tapestry, and produce memories to cherish for a lifetime. Exploring Jaipur's Famous Landmarks Jaipur, fondly known as the Pink City, provides a plethora of architectural wonders. Get in the city's abundant heritage by discovering iconic landmarks such as: City Development: Marvel with the grandeur of Jaipur's regal residence, adorned using ornate architecture in addition to sprawling courtyards. Emerald Fort: Step back within time as an individual wander through typically the corridors with this majestic fort, offering panoramic views in the surrounding landscape. Jantar Mantar: Delve into the field of astronomy at this kind of UNESCO World Heritage site, featuring some sort of collection of new astronomical instruments. Immersing in Cultural Wonders Experience the radiant culture of Jaipur through immersive routines and cultural displays: Rajasthani Cuisine: Enjoy your taste sprouts in the tastes of Rajasthan having a culinary journey by way of local delicacies for example dal bati churma and laal maas. Traditional Performances: Watch the enchanting folk dances and musical technology performances that record the essence of Rajasthan's cultural historical past.
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Exploring Hawa Mahal: A Glimpse into History Unraveling the particular Mystique As you stand prior to spectacular façade of Hawa Mahal, you're transported to a bygone era of opulence and grandeur. This particular iconic structure, created in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh, served as being a vantage point for your royal women to observe street festivities while remaining veiled by public view. System Marvels Hawa Mahal's unique five-story exterior, adorned with intricately carved windows (jharokhas), is a testament to Rajputana architecture. Each jharokha is designed to permit cool air to circulate through the palace, providing respite coming from the scorching wasteland heat—a design marvel modernized. Insider Guidelines for Hawa Mahal Exploration Optimal Viewing Times: Visit Hawa Mahal during the earlier morning or late afternoon to capture stunning photographs against the soft hues of the rising or setting sunshine. Exploring Surrounding Marketplaces: Venture into the bustling markets adjacent Hawa Mahal for a glimpse into Jaipur's vibrant streets life also to store for exquisite handi crafts and textiles. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) What is the best time to go to Hawa Mahal? The optimum time to visit Hawa Mahal is throughout the early morning or perhaps late afternoon in order to avoid the packed areas and experience optimum lighting conditions regarding photography. Are generally there any entry costs for visiting Hawa Mahal? Yes, it has an entry fee regarding visiting Hawa Mahal. Foreign tourists are usually charged a higher fee compared in order to Indian nationals. Is photography allowed within Hawa Mahal? Hawa Mahal Tour Package ; Hawa Mahal Travel Package ; Hawa Mahal Travel Agent ; Hawa Mahal Travel Services ; Hawa Mahal Holiday Package is permitted inside of Hawa Mahal; even so, visitors should become respectful with the famous structure and avoid from using expensive photography. How very long kind of effort does it take to check out Hawa Mahal? The particular duration of travel to Hawa Mahal may vary depending on your curiosity in exploring their intricacies. On common, visitors spend close to 1-2 hours discovering the palace. May I hire helpful tips at Hawa Mahal? Yes, there usually are authorized guides accessible at Hawa Mahal who can give insightful commentary plus historical anecdotes on your visit. Are there any nearby destinations to visit along with Hawa Mahal? Of course, there are a number of attractions next to Hawa Mahal, including Town Palace, Jantar Mantar, and the attractive markets of Jaipur. Conclusion: Embark on a transformative trip through the enchanting area of Jaipur using our meticulously crafted Hawa Mahal Traveling Package. Immerse yourself in the city's rich heritage, explore architectural marvels, produce timeless memories amidst the vibrant tapestry of Rajasthan's social landscape.
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ejb59195 · 4 months
4th Stop: Süleymaniye Mosque.
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On my fourth day, I went early to the Süleymaniye Mosque with the intention of studying every inch of this mosque! To give you a little more background on this place, a few years after Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent's largest project, the Süleymaniye Mosque, was completed, I had heard amazing things about it and was excited to see it for myself. I went to the mosque with a group of tourists that were going there. While walking with the tourists, I saw that the mosque was situated on the city's Third Hill, and had views of the Bosphorus & the Golden Horn.
I was astounded by the mosque's grandeur and elegance as I got closer to its location. It surrounded a sizable complex of structures, which had a hospital, school, library, bathhouse, and public kitchen. The mosque itself had a rectangular layout with 4 smaller domes and 4 thin minarets flanking a central dome– where it measured 53 meters in height & 26 meters in diameter. The interior was also roomy and light-filled, as the dome was supported by 2 semi-domes & 4 enormous piers. Stained glass, calligraphy, and vibrant tiles adorned the interior, while white marble and limestone made up the exterior walls. The mosque featured two main entrances, each with a sizable courtyard: one on the north and one on the south. and a fountain for ablutions. ¹¹
I entered the mosque through the north portal, which bore an Arabic inscription stating that it was founded in 1550 and inaugurated in 1557. The design's harmony and balance, which blended Islamic and Byzantine architectural elements, astounded me. The mosque's design was straightforward but symmetrical, with a spacious prayer hall separated into three aisles by columns arranged in rows. The mihrab, or niche that pointed toward Mecca, and the minbar, or pulpit where the imam gave the sermon, were located along the central aisle. Exquisite blue, green, and red tiles covered the walls surrounding the mihrab and minbar, which were crafted from finely carved marble. The dome above the mihrab had a circular window that let in natural light, creating a stunning contrast with the dark background. The dome was also adorned with a verse from the Quran that praised God as the creator of the heavens and the earth. ¹²
I observed that the Mosque was crowded with individuals from various ethnic backgrounds during my adventure here. Muslims brought together a diverse group of people: Turks, Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, and Europeans. A few of them were just taking in the mosque while others were praying, reading, and conversing. I heard the sounds of religious hymns, the call to prayer, the adhan, and recitations of the Quran. I also heard a variety of languages and dialects. I smelled the aromas of food and coffee from the cafes and kitchen nearby, along with the scents of incense, rose water, and perfumes. Observing the spiritual and cultural diversity of Ottoman society filled me with wonder and amazement as well as a sense of calm and peace.  The mosque was not only a place of worship, but also a center of learning and charity. The mosque had a library that housed thousands of books and manuscripts on various subjects, such as theology, law, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, and mathematics. The library was open to the public, and anyone who wished to study or borrow a book was welcome. ¹²
At the end of exploration, I came to the conclusion that the mosque represented the might & splendor of the Ottoman Empire, as well as the kindness and insights of Sultan Süleyman and his architect Sinan. The mosque served as a showcase for their goals and aspirations as well as their technical and artistic abilities. It was a symbol of the tolerance and diversity of Ottoman society, which welcomed a variety of cultures and religions while adhering to Islam. The mosque was a monument to civilization and a work of architectural art.
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