#etoile app
emotionetoile · 2 years
🎵 H²
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jqsalas · 9 months
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Some little etoile doodles since i switched my drawing app from fireaplaca to krita krita is so much better btw, 10/10 recommend if you need a free drawing app on computer
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jahanmp4 · 6 months
Though it wasn't fun to watch the day cc!Etoiles was really overwhelmed and on edge (and the shitstorm he received on bird app), it always warms my heart when he talks about how the other ccs immediately went to cheer him up with vocals and messages and all
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qroier · 5 months
I know the Eslands and awards shows in general suck but, if you want to show Roier your support, the voting is ranked (you can pick your top four choices) and you don't have to vote in every category. Here is the link to voting. Voting closes Sunday, January 14 at 15:00 PM PST.
Once the page opens just click on the button that says "Vota" and it will have you link your Twitch account. After that you can go through and vote in whichever category you want. Folks on the bird app are focusing on the "Roleplayer del Año" (roleplayer of the year) and "Streamer Revelación" (streamer relevation, as in streamer with the most rapid growth within the past year) for Roier, but he's also nominated under the "Mejor Variety Streamer" (best variety streamer) category.
If you want to show support to other QSMP and QSMP adjacent streamers, CrystalMolly has been nominated under "Clip del Año" (clip of the year) for this clip from minecraft extremo 2. Maxo was also nominated under roleplayer of the year. Best variety streamer has Rivers, Aldo, Mariana, and Rubius. Streamer of the Year has Rivers, Mariana, Spreen, and Rubius (but Spreen has been trying to distance himself a bit from the Eslands)
Our vote makes up 25% of the total voting. Any bit helps, but keep in mind that there's always a chance that the judges and other streamers might sway things in a different direction (it's happened before 💀).
Just think of it like this, the more support we show Roier, the likelier he is to go to Andorra (which is where the awards ceremony will be held), which means the likelier it is that we'll get to see him walk the blue carpet in a suit, the likelier he'll invite Cellbit along (which he's already expressed interest in before), and the likelier it will be that he'll get to meet up with a bunch of the European QSMP members. (Think Etoiles, Maxo, and Pol specifically)
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creechurrr · 2 months
I did a thing
Edit: the link makes the quality so crunchy :( It looks better in the actual youtube app than the direct link
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sonnysonder · 11 months
If all the QSMP discourse on Twitter is really getting to you, PLEASE don't be afraid to delete the app for a little while.
We all have our own shit going on, NONE of this is YOUR responsibility. I'm deleting it for at least the afternoon and I urge you to do the same.
None of this has anything to do with you. Just go about your lives and come back later after it all blows over.
Yeah, it sucks, all the stuff coming up about CC's, but it's also a LOT. And hot take, it's sometimes a bit much. Engaging with all that shit too much can be very mentally taxing. Anyways, I'm about to go for a walk. Take care of yourself.
Edit: I'm talking about stuff that came up in the past with some CCs (Etoiles, Aypierre, Forever) involving racism and other stuff like that. I honestly don't know much about it cause I left pretty quickly. It was NOT the time for me. If you want to learn more, by all means do so, but PLEASE take everything with a grain of salt and let those affected SPEAK on matters concerning them. Thank you.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
I am come to you with my hat in my hand to tell you about a Fun New Event *jazz hands* that's running this fall that I am trying to lure people into. Ahem.
So Fic In A Box is one of the major multifandom fanfiction exchanges, so it runs on the People Submit Tags To A Tag Set > Everybody Signs Up With Ships From The Tag Set They Want To Write And Want To Receive > Assignments Go Out > Work For Two Months > Reveals Once Everybody Gets A Gift. However, it has some interesting fun quirks which make it really fun and which is why I'm trying to lure QSMP people into it so I can match on QSMP plz plz plz.
First thing: It's a 10k exchange. You get two months to write it, but everybody makes or receives (unless you have to drop) a 10k gift or equivilent. Don't you want a 10k gift? Come onnnnnnn do ittttt.
Wait, Equivalent?
Yes, this is point two. One of the things Fic In A Box is famous for is that you can opt into a whole bunch of rulesets, and they break everything down to 1k-equivilent increments, and so you can get 7k of fic, and 2k's worth of propoganda posters, and 1k worth of podfic, for example. 4k of birth chart analysis of your fave characters, 6k of in-world cost analysis spreadsheets. 2k fic, 8k worldbuilding headcanons. This ruleset is CRAZY in terms of the sort of stuff you can opt into, I encourage you to take a look at the tag set, it's everything from dress-up game to art remixes of your existing fic to in-world reddit articles to interactive fiction to poetry to gifsets to costume design. I'm personally looking at in-world RPF and in-world social media for QSMP and chortling madly as I imagine.
So wait, you might get one 10k gift or you might get several smaller gifts?
Yes, point 3. The other thing Fic In A Box does that they're famous for is swaps, which is where you look at all the sign ups in a handy app, and you go shopping among them, and then you go to the mods and say "I want to do 4k on my original assignement, and 2k of usernamealpha, and 3k of usernamebeta, and 1k of usernamthree" and they say "i'll see what I can do", and then the mods run everybody's requests through the single most complicated spreadsheet in the world to make everybody's requests balance out to 10k, and then you get little micro assignments to work on over the two months.
This means both that if a 10k fic seems daunting, you can write a couple smaller gifts and work up to it that way, and also, though this isn't like something to plan for, if life gets bad you can do partial defaults and just turn in your 4k, you're not *necessarily* on the hook for 10k.
So now you're seeing why I want to recruit more QSMP people, eh? Currently I'm only matchable with one person. Please sign up. I want to do swaps. I want to set myself four impossible assignments. JOIN MEEEEE. Sign ups are open through September 3rd! Message me for more information and I will happily infodump and explain at you!
(more about the tag set and thus the stuff you can request/offer under the cut, cause it gets long)
There are like over a thousand individual fandoms in the tag set to choose from for your sign-up, and in addition to SMPEarth, DSMP, 3rd Life, Hermitcraft, Empires, and Outsiders SMP being in the tag set, this is the list of QSMP tags. It has a good assortment of options! I was nominating and I was trying to hit the high points!
BadBoyHalo/ForeverPlayer (QSMP)
Cellbit & JaidenAnimations & Roier (QSMP)
Cellbit/Roier (QSMP)
Chayanne & MissaSinfonia & Philza (QSMP)
Chayanne & Philza & Tallulah (QSMP)
ElMariana & Juanfillipa & Slimecicle (QSMP)
ElMariana/Slimecicle (QSMP)
Etoiles/Philza (QSMP)
FitMC/Philza (QSMP)
ForeverPlayer/MissaSinfonia/Philza (QSMP)
ForeverPlayer/Philza (QSMP)
Luzugames/Quackity (QSMP)
Luzugames/Quackity/Wilbur Soot (QSMP)
MissaSinfonia & Philza (QSMP)
MissaSinfonia/Philza (QSMP)
Quackity & Tilin & Tallulah & Wilbur Soot (QSMP)
Quackity/Wilbur Soot (QSMP)
WB: Any (QSMP | Quackity SMP)
WB: Egg Revivals (QSMP)
WB: Egg/Code Connection (QSMP)
WB: Federation Kidnappings & Cryosleep (QSMP)
(NOTE: WB tags are all Worldbuilding tags, and they mean that you want a fic or a gift that focuses a concept more than a relationship)
So there is a BOLD assortment of tags to pick among, SURELY on that list you can find at least one. Technically to sign up you only need one relationship! They ask for three fandoms or they won't hold the exchange for you if you need to be pinch-hit (if your original gifter needs to drop), but if you're willing to take that risk, you can fully and legally sign up with an only-spiderbit or only-tntduo signup!
So! Shoot me a message or reply if you have questions! Join me! Fic in a Box!
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sunshinetomioka · 11 months
I'll make it my mission to translate a few things Etoiles says when he stream on qsmp in french 🫡 there's an update acc on twi but not everyone wants to be on this awful app
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specialability · 1 year
2022 listening
I don't usually do this, but I'm going to make a music of 2022 list. It's funny, my spotify top 100 and my actual music app (musicolet for android, highly recommend) are very different so there's no point in posting either of them. There were a lot of individual songs, but I am still the kind of person who listens to albums from back to front. Going roughly from most recent to least...
spotify playlist (I tried to make a bandcamp playlist but it wouldn't work. :( if the album is available on bandcamp there is a link in the text)
Redcar les adorables etoiles by Christine and the Queens
I found Christine through the COLORS music channel on youtube. She is apparently a mega-star in France but I don't know how many people have heard of her over here. She sings in both English and French with a David Bowie / Annie Lennox electropop + funk style that I adore. Her previous album "La vita nuova" was full of quite sad raw lyrics, but the theme of this album is more romance. "My birdman" gets stuck in my head regularly.
Andor Original Soundtrack (Vol.1-3) by Nicholas Britell
I could gush all day about this show, but the soundtrack alone is very very good. Deep orchestral stuff with lots of hidden motifs and themes. Sometimes soundtracks for very good shows, which fit the show perfectly, are meh on their own, but this one really holds up. It's worth saying: none of the usual star wars themes or references appear in this album at all. If you listen to the main title theme in Vol. 1 and like it you will probably like the whole thing.
A Japanese band that I believe had one or two anime songs at least a decade ago and has since became more indie. I was super happy to buy all their albums on bandcamp after having pirated them a decade or more ago. They started out with shoegaze / heavy alt rock instrumental, balls to the wall fast guitar and drums, added more vocals and went a bit more pop with their 2018 album No New World and have come back to a happy balance of both. "No need ft. Keita Ebina" is a great sample of the raw feeling that I love from them that feels like they're just on the edge of going out of control.
Profound Mysteries I-III by Royksopp
Royksopp said they were going to retire and I was sad I'd never see them in concert. Then they came back and released a ton of songs and went on tour but it's covid. Infuriating! But seriously it's kind of scary how some of these tracks are so Royksopp they could have been tracks from an album that came out years ago. There's definitely some more pop-y tracks and less of the hard electronica I really like, but there is a range of styles throughout. If I had to pick one it might be "Impossible" with old collaborator Alison Goldfrapp on lyrics.
Palaces by Flume
I discovered Flume only relatively recently despite him being completely in my taste (dance / house). His 2016 album Skin is almost wall to wall bangers and this 2022 album is similarly packed with tracks that can totally stand on their own. I was listening to "Say Nothing (ft. MAY-A)" on repeat for a while.
Be Here Soon by iamamiwhoami
Another artist I'm kinda shocked I haven't run into before. This is a video concept album so it's worth watching the videos on youtube to get the full experience. Her 2014 album Blue, which was also a video album, got indie-famous and Be Here Soon feels very much like a natural maturing from that. In the genre of "female singer-songwriters with idiosyncratic voices and not scared to get weird" an obvious comparison being Kate Bush or Bjork. "Zeven" is catchy while also (seemingly) being about OCD.
Pang by Caroline Polachek
I think she is pretty famous by now, but I first came across her via her cover of Breathless by the Corrs. She has a strong pop voice with a bit of that "weird girl" edge that keeps it interesting. And, of course since this is me, quite a bit of synth/electronica. This came out in 2019 but I only listened to it this year so it counts. She has a new album coming out in 2023 which a bunch of singles have already come out for. She also did a song with Flume up there in Palaces called "Siren". "Hit me where it hurts" is the one I was listening to on repeat.
The Green Knight Original Soundtrack by Daniel Hart
The movie was kinda eh, but back in January I got a lot of mileage out of this album. I feel like I don't know enough about medieval music to say whether it's truly historically accurate, but choral Christmas hymns sound different when sung in middle English with a slightly ominous tone and sparse strings in the background. There are some tracks that seem Jóhann Jóhannsson inspired like "Rest them Bones".
Man I love LORN. Every single track he puts out is an instant classic for me. This mini-album is only three tracks but I could listen to it over and over. Music for when out walking on a cold dark night. Atmospheric dark electronica. Random snatches of lyrics. Depression music. "YESTERDAY'S PAIN" is so dense it will suck you in.
Dawn FM by The Weeknd
I don't think listing this is going to get me any hipster points, but I just really like his music. It is very clear where his influences lie and since I love electronic music and synth-pop too it's all good. I also appreciate that the album has a theme of decay and death that runs through all the music videos as well. The "Take My Breath" extended remix on Youtube is my favourite track.
Shin Megami Tensei V Original Soundtrack by Tsukasa Masuko, Shoji Meguro, Ryota Kozuka, Toshiki Konishi
Have I gushed about this game enough? No? Well here's something interesting I didn't notice until after I played Shin Megami Tensei 1, but the first CD in the album is string orchestra remakes of the original game's also amazingly excellent soundtrack. An old school synth sensibility, a mix of electronic and orchestral, atmospheric, dark and the occasional fast rock piece like the Da'at Battle theme, which you listen to a zillion times in the game and yet it still gets me pumped up. If you know me you know I love Etrian Odyssey's soundtracks by Yuzo Koshiro and I think this album is up there with those for me. "Spiral" by Ryota Kozuka is the track for the last area of the game and it is appropriately overwhelming and lofty. When I got into the area I seriously stopped and listened to it for a while because it blew me away.
Some bonus:
Nova/Moth by Burial + Four Tet
Looking at your pager by KH
Cybercism by OGRE
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jaynovz · 2 years
3, 30, 26 for the weird writing meme
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Okay! Here it is--
Spend every second of every day thinking and/or chattering about the document, but only open it up after the cats have been fed at midnight ET.
Bob makes me a mug of magic tea; I drink it slowly while rereading the things I wrote the night before and browsing tumblr a bit, getting my playlist for the evening queued up.
Bob plays a video game or watches Always Sunny until I finish my tea and then he wishes me luck and vamooses upstairs.
Frida and Jack come curl up into fuzzy croissants on the couch.
I beat my head against the laptop until words finally come out, which usually takes til about 4am.
Why is it cursed? Because I simply... CANNOT open the document until it's darktime outside and because there will be NO WRITING until the demons get fed. So like, my brain wants to start around 10pm, but that is the Height of mischievous cat activity. Frida will destroy lamps and paintings while Jack howls in my ear for two hours straight, barely pausing for breath.
It would prob be like... convenient? To be able to write during the day but try as I might it never happens.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
I don't need help getting into Silver's, we have the same head for the most part. Yes, I'm fine, it's fine. No, I never really get out of it, we live in snake land. Yes, I sometimes regret indulging Silver self-loathing and denial spirals, they do tend to leak into IRL. My mantra is "Jay we're trying to get FARTHER away from Silvercore not Closer."
For Flint it's a little more difficult but I have a pretty good handle on him at this point. Maximum intensity, competent and smart as hell, grumpy bastard, but a huge sap when he likes you. Depths of rage and darkness for various reasons depending on the verse.
But when I'm stuck I usually just go ask the Flint experts lol. Etoile and Kay. -waves-
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
They are often the character's worst fears, their torments. I love dreams/nightmares as a horror device. I also like when they don't know if they are awake or asleep, the surreal nature of them. I like making the reader doubt what is happening and if it's "real."
As for me, I do not often have fully formed lucid dreams, nor do I remember them very often when I do. It's more often like... feelings than images so it would be hard to describe what "happened."
I'm really bad at falling asleep so like, when I'm sketching out dialogue or whatever I never have a problem scooting over to grab my phone and jot it down in notes app. So, nah, no dream writing.
Thanks for asking dear <3
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etoileinfosolutions · 3 months
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Looking for the best mobile app designing company in Delhi, India? Look no further than Etoile Info Solutions. With a track record of creating innovative and user-friendly apps, Etoile Info Solutions is the top choice for all your app development needs.
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angelpaperclip · 11 months
I feel very motivated to learn French, probably because I have fun watching Etoiles & Baghera even when I have no idea they're saying so I imagine if I actually DID I'd enjoy it 100% times more, but on the other side, I've been trying to learn Japanese for years so I've bought a bunch of books & apps & yet I've never felt any motivation to learn.
Soo. I'm just stuck in a standstill of "....I very badly want to learn French but shouldn't I prioritize Japanese since I already own all the materials to do so, so investing money into getting materials to learn French is kinda BM---"
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sitemac683 · 2 years
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explorationetoile · 6 years
👁️ Choose your eXploration 11 - 20 :
🌠 11 - Paris (🇫🇷France)  (0:03) : https://youtu.be/ZdLjt4PqIH8 🌠 12 - The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris (🇫🇷France)  (3:16) : https://youtu.be/On1wizcnIhA 🌠 13 - Dinard & Saint Malo (🇫🇷France)  (7:55) : https://youtu.be/8yr9ZIWKn0k 🌠 14 - Dinard Beach (🇫🇷France) (13:00) : https://youtu.be/aD3Eb_IU9TU 🌠 15 - Dinard & Saint Malo (🇫🇷France) (19:50) : https://youtu.be/Zz14VSWwXT4 🌠 16 - Paroisse Notre Dame d’Émeraude (Dinard) (🇫🇷France)(31:16) : https://youtu.be/JPrN__q0sPU 🌠 17 - Lake Berchères [Snow] (Pontault Combault) (🇫🇷France) (34:06) : https://youtu.be/9fOQ0wkGVQY 🌠 18 - Somewhere in Thailand (🇹🇭Thailand) (38:50) : https://youtu.be/-xd1cZDxOSI 🌠 19 - Somewhere in Thailand 2 (🇹🇭Thailand)  (41:13) : https://youtu.be/La-mKJw14-k 🌠 20 - Somewhere in Thailand 3 (🇹🇭Thailand)  (43:13) : https://youtu.be/0ydt5zX8Ppo
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👑 Senses : 👀 Vision 👆 To Touch 💃 Proprioception 👂 Hearing 🕺Equilibrioception 👃 Smell ♨️ Thermoception ⚡ Intelligences : 🛰️ Spatial Intelligence                                 ⛹️ Kinesthetic Body Intelligence                                                           👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Interpersonal Intelligence                                🌲 Ecologicalist Naturalist Intelligence                                🔭 Existential Intelligence
ℹ️ This is meant to visit places. Cities, Monuments or Natures. Only for the beauty of the places. There is no patriotism or contempt, no preference or detestation. explore the world.
📋 WHAT : 👁️ Choose your eXploration 11 - 20 🌟 Choose your eXploration 11 - 20 💫 France - Thailand 🌌 Compilation (Monument - City - Nature - City) Galaxy ✨ eXploration Universe (👁️) 📝 Type : Ground eXploration 🎨 Style : Choose your eXploration with a compilation 🔊 Language : 🗺 International (🇬🇧 description in English, but comprehensible by the whole world)
🏷️ You can use your playlists as filters, to find what you're looking for exactly : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpvj7oecmX3AsJT6R0JP2pQ/playlists?
⚠️ The items are sorted by the most appropriate categories. But can not be completely exhaustive on social networks. You can use our site or our application. If you want total exhaustiveness and much more.
📏 HOW MUCH : 👑 7 Senses ⚡ 5 Intelligences
🕵 WHO : 🎥 Filmed by LG & BG 📡 Posted by LG 📼 Video made by LG (Windows Movie Maker 2017) © Etoile (Video) © Ikson (Music)  
🎵Music by eMotion : 📼 L.Guidali - Theme 1 : https://youtu.be/_xcfYNqqHQo 📼 Ikson - Together : https://youtu.be/m8ugJ-qH1I8 📼 Ikson - Deep Dive : https://youtu.be/pTr1zNATLNU 📼 Ikson - Eclipse : https://youtu.be/xXN498SyvBQ 📼 Ikson - Breeze : https://youtu.be/Ttp9DKA3C0k 📼 Ikson - New Day : https://youtu.be/aSWFk2Amv6o 📼 Ikson - Blue Sky : https://youtu.be/O2Ma7MTkoTE 📼 Ikson - Reflect : https://youtu.be/vO0dExuqfsk 📼 Ikson - City : https://youtu.be/ZLdr4yd4iqc 📼 Ikson - Reverie : https://youtu.be/t-CtZrbY9Qo 📼  Ikson - Walk : https://youtu.be/nBX1U6yTr4Y
⚠️ The description may no longer be up to date. Due to human discoveries and improvements. Pay attention to the date of publication and creation. Even works of art suffer the outrages of time
❓ WHY : Choose your eXploration with a compilation
📍 WHERE : 🇫🇷 France - 🇹🇭Thailand
🕓 WHEN : 2017 - 2018
👉 Follow us : 💥 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EXploration-160662074522859/ 💥 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/explorationetoile/ 💥 Flickr : https://www.flickr.com/people/explorationetoile/ 💥 Dailymotion : http://www.dailymotion.com/explorationetoile 💥 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpvj7oecmX3AsJT6R0JP2pQ? 💥 Tumblr : https://explorationetoile.tumblr.com/ 💥 Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.fr/eXplorationEtoile/ 💥 Google + : https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/103663921505133236472/103663921505133236472 💥 Twitter : https://twitter.com/eXplorationETL
🔖 React with official Hashtags : #Etoile #ETL #eXploration
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moonlit-lillies · 3 years
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so precious 🌸🌷✨💞
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crossing-mafia · 5 years
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Cozy fall camping 🍁⛺
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