asweetprologue · 4 years
Hey! Ballads, igni and doublet for the witcher-y asks :3
Ballads: What’s your favorite song? 
I don't know that I really have one. I've been listening to I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers a lot recently though.
Igni: Be honest, you would use Igni for simple, daily matters like warming the tub or lighting a candle, wouldn’t you?
This is truly the tip of the iceberg. The better question is in what ways I WOULDNT irresponsibly use igni. If I had any magic at all you'd have to pay me to stop using it every five minutes. Also, I'm a very chronically cold person so I feel like I'd always be using it to warm myself up.
Doublet: Favorite outfit of Jaskier’s
As far as the full fits go the one from the selkimore scene is definitely my favorite. It just looks so soft! Definitely more of a travelling outfit - it looks to me like it's made from cotton or wool instead of silk, proof that Jaskier can be at least somewhat reasonable even if he's still all peackocked up.
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Cutie. I also like the version of it without the doublet aka the Bath Scene Look(tm)
Witcher-y asks
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redlightofdawn · 4 years
Hi!! 6, 11 and 18 for the unusual asks game :B
6.how many pairs of shoes do you have?
Ermmmmmm.... so. I have a bit of a shoe problem. In that shoes hate me and my bitch ass feet, but I love them. Specially heels.
Over the last two years or so I moved around A Lot (like, continents twice, and a couple of cross-country moves) and also came to accept my knee cares not for my love of heels, so I gave away a lot of shoes (like, over 10 pairs) and left some at my parent’s place.
That is all to say, I have 17 pairs in my possession currently, and I’m Ashamed.
11. what unusual talent do you have?
As long as it’s not the same language, I can speak and type different things at the same time, as well as read and listen and absorb both, but that might just be undiagnosed ADHD tbh
18. rant about your favorite musician
“Favourite musician” is such a... difficult concept for me. First, because music has always been such an important thing for me, but I’m very hesitant to idolize famous people, even if only for their skill in their field of expertise, because you Never Know. And secondly, because I have such a hard time deciding between my favourites for different genres, and even ranking favourites at all.
Having that said, I’m very much into weird, progressive, indie and folk-y music, as well as singers with deep voices and strange people who play 300 thousand instruments. So, like, Mike Patton, Robert Fripp, Hozier, Dax Riggs, Richie Kotzen, Greg Lake, Beth Gibbons, Johnny Cash, Peter Fox... all great stuff that each was on my everyday playlist for yeeeears. And, yeah, I definitely had The Amazing Devil playing daily for far longer than I care to admit, my partner had to put a stop to it because he was going crazy lol
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sunflowerspectre · 7 years
Commission - Eu-Nao-Sou-Um-Chapeu
Commission for @eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu
Fandom: Ghost Hunt Characters: Mai, Bou-san Requested Word Count: 100 – 500 Requested: Surprise Me! Prompt: Remember how I said I took care of that? Well I lied and I need help NOW. Genre: Family-bonding/Friendship  Final Word Count: 589 Posted on A03
Ten minutes until midnight is when Mai's phone rings. However, it's not until after the third time it goes off does she finally wake. Groggily, she rubs at her eyes and reaches over to the nightstand. Her hand sweeps over it until she hits a smooth, rectangle surface. She answers with a yawn, blinking until her vision can focus on the time blaring on her clock. Please don't be Naru. It's too late for a case – or is it early since it's so close to midnight?
A loud voice comes through the speaker, causing her to wince as she holds the phone far from her ear.
Wait a minute, that sounds like Bou-san. Her brows furrow as she brings the phone back closer to her face. She sits up in her bed, eyes wide with worry and anticipation. He wouldn't call me at this hour unless it's urgent.
“Monk? What's going on?”
“Uh, sorry Mai. I know it's pretty late. But do you know how I said I took care of that thing?”
“You're going to have to be more specific,” Mai replies dryly. 
At times like this, she could see Ayako's frustration with him. She giggles at imagining the earful that the 'shrine maiden' would have given him if he had called her instead.
He lets out a long sigh, “I told everyone about the benefit concert last week. Does no one seriously listen to me?”
She frowns thoughtfully. She could vaguely remember him mentioning a benefit concert, but it had gotten drown out due to them being on a case at the time. I think he said it was at some big charity event? But I can't remember what for. 
“- But you asked if you could help with anything and well…”
She could see where this is going. She lets out a small sigh, a bit disappointed that she won't be able to catch up on all the lost sleep from overnight cases. But at least I don't have school tomorrow so I guess it won't hurt if I go. 
“I need your help. NOW. The benefit is tomorrow afternoon and we can't seem to get anything done after the coordinator up and left.”
She could hear the sound of a lot of people bustling in the background, mixed with yelling and shouting.
“So what? You want me to just order people around or something?”
“-Or something. You're young and pretty. I thought maybe if you came and acted like some fangirl of the band, you could remind them why we're even doing it in the first place, you know? Maybe then they'd get some sense knocked into them.”
“Aren't I too young,” Mai presses, teasingly as she starts to get up from bed.
He lets out a boisterous laugh. 
“Yeah you are! That's why I know none of these guys are going to get the wrong idea about you fangirling. If I called Ayako then...”
“Then every guy there is going to be even more distracted and you'd get overly jealous?”
She can hear his flustered, flabbergasted noises on the other end. She giggles at how embarrassed he is. I don't really see why they can't just admit that they like each other. They already argue like an old married couple. 
“I would not!” He doesn't seem very convinced by his own words. “Just… Please Mai.”
She smiles softly, already out of bed and heading out the door.
“I'm already on my way, but don't make a habit of calling me this late!”
[Commission Me] [Leave a tip]
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kaiforov · 7 years
1, 4, 20 and 21 for the yoi ask meme \o/
1 - how did you find out about the showTumblr! 4 - least favorite character and why(nossa—-!) I guess it’s Michele? I mean…I like him but.. o negócio é o seguinte, aquele lance de “proteger” a irmã e blah blah meio que me irrita, para migo! 20 - headcanon for what yuuri and phichit majored in in universityYuuri: History (EU POSSO EXPLICAR!)Phichit: Biology 21 - headcanon for victor’s level of education He attended the University but dropped out ;3; Thanks for the ask yuri on ice ask meme
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yuriplisetsk · 7 years
(Hi I'm going to scream here bc u said it's ok to do so) ur fics r a blessing. Btw now i kind of need the Compliment Yuuri Party to be a thing in my life. I have so many feelings about this boy; he's so freaking amazing He moved all alone to another country to achieve his dream. Even before vitya came into his life, he was already japan's top skater and made it to the gpf; and wle dealing with anxiety! I wish he was more aware of how amazing he is. Im so proud and just want to hug him, really
YES this is exactly the right place to come screaming about Katsuki Yuuri’s appreciation i’m open to it 24/7 and also aaahhhhhh you’re so nice im??? thank you;;;;;;
Okay hear me out we can’t have a real party because of dumb multiverse theories where the characters don’t really technically exist in this reality but I’m gonna throw the hot, sweet potato to someone who can and is absolutely in line with our constant “I love Katsuki Yuuri and everything that he stands for” mood.
(I posted this on ao3 too!)
Viktor goes to every length to make it happen. He waits for an occasion where most of them would be in the same place, makes arrangements for the others to fly in. It’s right at the end of the World Championship. (Yuuri takes gold, because of course.)
He makes Yuuri dress up nicely (he’s too powerful in just a thin shirt that once was Viktor’s and sweatpants, and Viktor isn’t ready to give a body count to the press), drags him to the restaurant with no real explanation. He tells him, if anything makes you uncomfortable we’ll come back to the hotel right away. Yuuri gives a pleased smile and a nod, they’re just getting dinner, why would he- except their table is filled with everyone.
Like, literally, everyone. Except for his parents, because traveling is too stressful for them (but Viktor already promised Mama a redo at the onsen, if everything goes well, so that’s no matter). Yuuri gapes at all the eyes looking at them, starts to ask, but Viktor curls a hand around his hip and steers him towards the empty chairs, right in the middle of the other seats. “Consider this a celebration for your gold,” he whispers, a satisfied smile playing at his lips, and Yuuri sits down and decides to go with it.
Phichit is quick to envelope him into a bone crushing hug, suffocating all the other questions he may have, and everyone else shouts their greetings over the table. Viktor is still standing beside him, and he claps twice, making the noise die down instantly. Yuuri is kind of turned on by that kind of power, and he’ll make sure to tell him later. But now Viktor is saying, with his delighted tone “Welcome, everyone! Thank you for coming!”
Phichit keeps an arm around his shoulders and whoops. “Are we doing it now or later?” he asks, and dread starts whispering in Yuuri’s ear. Doing what now?
“Now, of course!” is the reply, and then Viktor sits down, takes Yuuri’s hands in his. “My darling,” Viktor interrupts his bubbling questions again, “I’m so grateful for every moment you spend with me. You showed me what life and love were after so much time I have ignored them.” Yuuri can do nothing except squeeze his hands tightly and flush. “I-” he starts, but Chris, to the left of Viktor, doesn’t let him finish.
“Yuuri, chéri, thank you for all the times you helped me fit into my costumes,” he winks, and Yuuri has flashbacks to every time he’s had to adjust the too tight spandex around the Swiss’ magnificent ass. “And for the pole dancing, of course,” Chris adds, a last blow to Yuuri’s already gaping, boiling face.
It doesn’t stop there. Everyone around the table has something to say, clockwise. Georgi thanks him for helping him with his make-up and consoling his love woes (he tears up at that), Mila thanks him for all the selfies. “He’s not the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” Yuri Plisetsky says, face closed off.“That means you’re the best thing that ever happened to him,” Mila translates helpfully. “After Potya,” Yuri corrects hastily, then splutters and curses and tries to take it back. If Yuuri weren’t already crying, he’d start now. Otabek gives him a curt nod, but he’s kind of smiling.
Guang-hong and Leo sheepishly assure that without him they would’ve never found the courage to ask each other out. That’s mostly Phichit, he wants to say, but it’s not true and he knows. Sara and Michele Crispino thank him for that time he helped sew back a piece of Sara’s costume that had fallen off right before her exhibition. Well, actually, Michele gruffly adds a “thank you for not coming onto my sister,” shooting a guilty glance at Viktor.
“You’re a great hugger,” Emil Nekola says, and Yuuri promises himself that he’ll hug the guy again when all this, whatever this is, has been done.
Yuuko, Takeshi and Mari team up. “For being the best friend and brother one could ask for,” Mari kinda looks out of place without a cigarette between her lips, but her smile is large and genuine. “And student,” Minako quips from the side, waving her hand “You’re making us all so proud, I’m sure if they were here your parents would want you to know that.”
Fat tears keep rolling down Yuuri’s cheeks, even as Seung-gil seriously tells him “Thank you for sending videos of your dog.”
(”You gave him your number?” Phichit whines when Seung-gil just nods. “It took me a month to convince you to give it to me!”
“Katsuki has a dog, and is therefore trustworthy.”
“I have hamsters!”)
JJ grins a little sheepishly, thanking him for “cheering me up when I flubbed my skate last year,” Isabella smiles and parrots the sentiment very sweetly.
Phichit clears his throat, his arm has never left him. “My turn!” he excitedly says, then looks at him very seriously. “Yuuri, for being my first and best friend. When I moved to Detroit, I was alone, and lost, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. There are so many things I could thank you for, and so many embarrassing tales I could tell, but I’m saving them for the wedding,” he chuckles. “You’re an amazing person and a great skater. And we’re not the only ones who think you are,” he whips out his phone at that.
“Oh, no,” Yuuri weeps, and Phichit starts a five minute video under his nose, a compilation of letters and comments by his fans. Hundreds of people have reached out at Phichit’s call to compliment him and his skating, cheering him on so sweetly, thanking him for being an inspiration, even. At the third minute, Viktor makes him pause and drink a glass of water because he’s afraid he’ll get dehydrated.
“I’ll send you the full one, I had to cut it because there were too many,” Phichit tells Viktor, who nods and grins really big, taking the reins again, hugging Yuuri (who has never stopped crying) to his chest.
“My little star, you mean so much to so many people, I can’t help being a little jealous,” he wonders at last, but his smile is playful “I just wanted you to know how lucky we are. How lucky I am to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t know how else to make you see it. Do you get it now?”
Yuuri nods, tells him “You didn’t have to do all this for me,” trying to wipe his face with the back of his hands.
“Nonsense, you deserve this and more!” Viktor assures.
“Are you ready to order?” the waiter tentatively tries.
“This is so embarrassing,” Yuuri sobs into his hands, burrowing into his fiancé’s side with his whole body.
“He loved it,” Phichit says, and Yuuri can feel the pleased smile in his words even without seeing it. He’s right.
(After dinner, he makes a round of hugs, and if he cries again, no one has anything to say about it)
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rehsunshine · 7 years
Hey! Yes, I was there cosplaying as Victor! But only on saturday, sadly :’( I saw an ask in one of my mutuals’ blog where you said you were cosplaying as young Vitya, so I thought you might be one of the people that were there on sunday :D (but I’m a ball of shyness so I was planning how to actually say hi oksodakd) muito prazer! 😘
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dashconstaff · 4 years
Hey op do you take constructive criticism?
No, but I do take donations HERE 💜
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midnightlie · 7 years
eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu replied to your post: i’m so impressed by people who stay in fandoms...
It’s really sad how some people can ruin someone’s fandom experience! It’s really sad, ‘cause your art was what brought me into de the ml fandom; i watched the show just so i could understand your comics and your fic! I’m really glad for that <3 also, cheering for you as a novelist <3
well it wasn’t the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. i’m glad though! thank you! <3
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leavescrown · 7 years
For the yoi ask meme: 1, 4, 6, 16, 20, 22 and 28 :3
1. how did you find out about the show?
From the Anime chart, a few months beforehand. I thought it might be a potentially nice anime. Perhaps the one anime I usually watch each season. I was not prepared for how amazing it was.
4. least favorite character and why?
Difficult question. I’d have to say Michele, because his possesiveness of his sister is over the top.
6. Favorite costume(s)?
I like Yuri’s agape costume, because it’s so ethereal. Also, both Yuuri’s free program costume is beautiful.
16 who would you want to be your coach?
Victor, because he’d be a lot of fun and knows so much about ice skating. Not to mention that he choreographed the two 2 SP’s for the year.
20. headcanon for what yuuri and phichit majored in in university?
Yuuri: psychology. Phichit: film.
22. favorite katsuki?
I love them all, but Yuuri of course.
28. do you own any merchandise?Yes, a keyring, quite a few badges, a little pillow and posters
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aztarion · 4 years
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tagged by @looking-for-another-nibble/@eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu to make myself in this picrew. im manifesting the elf ears & fangs 🙏
tagging @crydreadwolf @succubi @vixenlesbian @asstarion @shadowhrts @pinacoladamatata @shadowinkandsmoke @sebastianlacroix @thecygnetcommittee @honestlyitsjustsam @the-dragonborn-cums and anyone reading who would like to do it 😍♥️ no pressure!!
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wewetkes · 4 years
tagged by @astriferaas thanks!! uwu
rules: tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with!
last song: kill the director - the wombats
last movie: over the hedge hfmngkgdfhs
currently watching: I'm starting a rewatch of the dragon prince
currently reading: ahh, my geography textbook? :(
currently craving: sweet tea and a bag of lays 🥺
tagging: @justletmestalkpeople @thisqueernerd @professorpotato @eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu @reefs0 @oxygenforthewicked @maric-theirin @ecstatic2fight @xprimarina
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gharashambles · 4 years
I was tagged by @asstarion​ and @eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu​, thank you! First time ever sitting down and actually completing a picrew! 
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Getting chilly here in Mapleland! Imagine that ear with 4 more piercings and I’m usually wearing a hat.
Tagging: Anybody reading this because I am lazy AND wanna know what your style is! Mine is comfy and I keep my hair super short. 
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whateverisurlife · 4 years
put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by @radiowrites thank you! love being tagged.
BLACKPINK - 'How You Like That' M/V
Camila Cabello - My Oh My (Official Music Video) ft. DaBaby
CHUNG HA 청하 ‘PLAY (feat. 창모)’ Official MV
Devils Don't Fly
BTS (방탄소년단) 'Dynamite' Official MV
Doja Cat - Say So (Lyrics) "Why dont you say so?"
Will Jay - Gangsta (Official Video)
Nina Nesbitt - Loyal To Me (Official Video)
Avicii - Waiting For Love
Bomba Estéreo - To My Love (Tainy Remix)
I have to say i have way to much romance songs 😂
@eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu @dreams-of-kalopsia @tiffotcf @botherkupo @thatdamnbarwench (finally i found ur user name) @eyeliner-vampire @snavej @radio-chatter @dreams-of-kalopsia @santabarbaraeveryday
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kaiforov · 7 years
Cá entre nós…melhor tag para NSFW Viktuuri. 
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metawohoo · 4 years
About my abandoned fic “The truth of you”
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@eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu​ I’m so sorry for dropping the ball. Thanks for the compliments ♥
Since I am a terrible, terrible person who failed her readers:
Oh my. It’s been a while. But here we go, from what I remember:
Over weeks
Marinette exchanges more emails with crimson.8, trying to set up a meeting with them
Adrien spends more time with Marinette, since she is in a bit of a crisis with the soulmate situation. He realizes he likes her very much.
Chloé and Sabrina's friendship seems to collapse
Adrien notices that Chloé is acting weird, and wears enough bling on her wrist to hide half her palm, AND makeup underneath. So he suspects she got her mark at roughly the same time as Marinette
Marinette investigates Nathanaël, who is acting weird around her.
Adrien catches his father and Nathalie acting like VERY GOOD FRIENDS, standing close to each other to talk, with Nathalie's hand brushing Gabriel's cheek and things like that. I am gabenath filth.
Eventually, the plot thickens.
Marinette sets up a meeting with Crimson 8 at the park, which Chat decides to spy on just to make sure she is safe. Crimson 8 does not show up, but Nathalie does, telling Marinette she is looking for Adrien. Gabriel arrives a bit later to fetch Nathalie. Crimson 8 sends an email to Marinette saying he had an emergency and could not come.
Nathanaël admits to Marinette that he saw her mark and figured out who she was, and that he won't tell anyone. But he is not Crimson 8.
Chloé admits to Adrien that her soul mark is a diamond, and that her soulmate is Sabrina (because diamonds are a girl's best friend). Sabrina noped out because she realized that living the rest of her life with Chloé and her behaviour was not acceptable.
Newspapers imply that Nathalie and Gabriel are soulmates after a paparazzi with a drone takes a picture of them kissing, and it ends up in tabloids.
Then we get to the end:
Marinette sets up another appointment with Crimson 8, who promises he will be there. She tells her friends, and Alya and the girls wait nearby the place to see if it all goes well, while Chat spies from a rooftop.
It turns out they were very right to watch, because it's Volpina who shows up, and kidnaps Marinette, using an illusion to make the others believe Marinette is talking to some teenage boy.
Alya spots Volpina dashing away with the true Marinette, and raises the alarm. Chat gives chases.
Meawhile, Volpina has taken Marinette to a secluded location and tied her up, and is taunting her about how Ladybug will HAVE to come rescue her "soulmate" and surrender her Miraculous. Chat comes to beat her up.
While Chat is busy fighting Volpina outside and much to Marinette's horror, Hawk Moth joins her in the hideout. And instead of talking about "Ladybug, your soulmate", his first words are "Checkmate, Ladybug," as he goes straight for her earrings.
Marinette is not an idiot, so she is NOT wearing the Miraculous, but plain plastic earrings. So Hawk Moth is about to have a fit of rage and great villain soliloquy, but Chat is done with Volpina and kicks him in the face. He frees Marinette, who runs away and gets her Miraculous out of her shoe so she can transform and go kick some supervillain ass.
Once Volpina is deakumatized and Hawk Moth forced to retreat, Ladybug hurries to go detransform and cower behind shrubbery as Marinette. Then she waits for Chat to retrieve her.
As she exits the bushes, she bumps into Nathalie, who was, for some totally non suspicious reason, cowering behind a tree, in the middle of a workday, streets away from her workplace. Nathalie leaves in a hurry.
Marinette thanks Chat for the rescue. And he answers "Thanks for lending me a paw" so she can figure out he knows her secret by now.
When she checks her phone, she discovers messages from Crimson 8 asking her, in order:
where she is
if she knows that Chat Noir is in a fight with an Akuma
If she is okay
She doesn't answer, pretty suspicious about Crimson8 by that point.
She ask a little chat with Tikki about the soul marks and how they work.
I must remind you that the Kwami (especially Nooroo) are NOT fans of the 'soul marks' and think it's the work of an idiotic god with too much pride.
Nobody is entirely sure how it works. Nobody knows which god started the damn thing.
So Tikki admits that there is no way to be certain that it is triggered by "love", because *of course* if someone believes someone else is their soulmate, they will make every effort possible to have a good relationship.
Which leaves Marinette wondering if she is bound to Hawk Moth. Marinette is a smart cookie.
Meawhile, Adrien goes home and hears Nathalie and Gabriel argue loudly in Gabriel's office, something like "You took things too far" from Nathalie and Gabriel arguing back louder. So he runs off to his bedroom and waits for the storm to pass.
When he comes back downstairs after things have calmed down, he finds Nathalie with her arms wrapped around Gabriel. Both of the idiotics grownup jump away, make lame excuses and run away in separate directions. Adrien is like "I SHIP IT".
Two days go by.
Crimson8 emails Marinette again, telling her that "Obviously, this whole soul mark business is not going to work out," and that he is getting a dark tatoo sleeve to hide the mark so it cannot cause problems anymore. He wishes her "a lot of happiness with much more suited partner Chat Noir". She goes scarlet at that comment, but is quickly distrated by the feeling of tattoo needles stabbing her hand.
Chloe and Sabrina somewhat make up.
Gabriel admits to Adrien that he is considering dating Nathalie.
Chat Noir visits Marinette's balcony and asks her on a date be cause he really, really likes her in all shapes and forms by that point.
Adrien never gets a soulmark. He doesn't care. He found his soulmate just fine on his own.
The end.
The fic is a subversion of the soulmates trope, based on the fact that everyone assumes that the mark means people are bound by “true love”, and conform to that because of societal pressure. 
What it actually does is mark people who are bound by fate. So, of course, Ladybug ended up bound to her supervillain nemesis, who is kind of an important character in her personal story.
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prismatic-starstuff · 4 years
So I was tagged by @eu-nao-sou-um-chapeu to make myself in this picrew; thank you dear, it was very fun! 🙏🏻
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(perks of being a cosplayer in training; I do actually own a cape 😂)
Y'all know me by now; I never know who to tag, so whoever sees this and wants to do it too, consider yourself tagged~ 💜
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