#we can talk about yuuri being amazing every time you want
Ok, here is my breakdown and my thoughts on the ending of Bittersweet Chapter 3.
First off, I wanted to say thanks to Yuuri for blessing us with Bittersweet and this amazing fucking story, as well as the start of Shattered, which I presume, is the start of Auron's story.
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This isn't important, but I enjoy that Al's fancy is take-out pasta (fr same). Also, his happy little face thing about it got me like 😊😊😊
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Then the conversation between SugerBoo and Al and the trust he has for them is just gold, but it's a tad reckless.
Cause if I was in Al's shoes, I would bring up the gun and talk about the choice they were going to make, if it was a good idea, and what consequences might have followed with their actions.
This also leads to the idea that Al may have possibly known about the gun before the listener left to meet up with Jesse. And what we knew from previous episodes, the choice that they made may have left them going to jail, a possible run-in with Auron, or probably dead.
Also, the reassurance that Al made about being 'pure' is a very nice touch to tie it up. It also leaves me thinking, if Al would do the same speech if the listener did kill Derek. Tbh idk.
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Also, the shared dream thing that the trio had. 👀👀👀
I know it's not the same but it's pretty fucking close in my book.
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I literally lost it when I saw this cause he is so tiny and his hair is basically Crypted Hunter Seth's hair.
If you look at past Jesse and current Seth, he really does look like her.
This shot made me happy (even though it's not happy). Cause for me when I get invested in characters, I wanna know every little detail about that character. So seeing Al's baby picture and a flashback to when Seth was younger made me go 'OOOOOH SHIT!'.
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Then this scene is just a chef's kiss honestly.
Cause we get to see Seth finally confront Jesse about all the shit she has done.
And I know he confronted her before in episode 5, but that was with current events. This time it's about his past and all the hurt he felt with her being away.
You can even see on Jesse's face that she is finally realized her mistakes as a mom and is probably feeling so much guilt for putting her son in pain.
Even though this part was short it's what they both needed.
Seth needed to tell his true feelings about his mother and what he felt during the years she was gone. While Jesse needs to face the truth and accept that she had hurt her son, and possibly nothing she can do will ever fully fix her bond with her son.
Then after expressing his emotions he goes from this.
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To this
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I feel like Seth from Chapter One would just beat the shit out of that wall till his hands were fucked up.
But he didn't.
He realized that he was angry and frustrated and just let it all go.
That is growth.
Cause in the very beginning Al mentioned that Seth grew more angry and bitter when his mother cut ties with him.
So his time by himself and the time with the listener and Alphonse, really helped him with his anger and frustration towards his family and the world.
He's learning to let go of anger and just move on with peace.
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Jackie's art = good shit. PERIOD!
Also its urger time.
When Al called Seth a little bitch and was teasing him fr filled me with serotonin.
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I fr am feral for this man rn. I still need to get to know Auron more to fuck with him. BUT! I am a little slutty whore baby for people who dress nice and do crime.
Like he looks like a mob boss in the 50's and I am LIVING FOR IT DARLING!
Also, the bruises on both of his hands fucking mean that he went ham on Derek.
He probably tortured him as well.
I can just imagine him beating the shit out of Derek behind closed doors and having all of the grunts listen to Derek's screams and begs him to stop.
And when he's finally done and comes out of the office, he gives them all a look of 'do not cross me.', before pouring his own or having someone pour him a drink.
Ok, Tumblr won't let me do more than 10 pictures so ima do part 2.
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yuriplisetsk · 7 years
(Hi I'm going to scream here bc u said it's ok to do so) ur fics r a blessing. Btw now i kind of need the Compliment Yuuri Party to be a thing in my life. I have so many feelings about this boy; he's so freaking amazing He moved all alone to another country to achieve his dream. Even before vitya came into his life, he was already japan's top skater and made it to the gpf; and wle dealing with anxiety! I wish he was more aware of how amazing he is. Im so proud and just want to hug him, really
YES this is exactly the right place to come screaming about Katsuki Yuuri’s appreciation i’m open to it 24/7 and also aaahhhhhh you’re so nice im??? thank you;;;;;;
Okay hear me out we can’t have a real party because of dumb multiverse theories where the characters don’t really technically exist in this reality but I’m gonna throw the hot, sweet potato to someone who can and is absolutely in line with our constant “I love Katsuki Yuuri and everything that he stands for” mood.
(I posted this on ao3 too!)
Viktor goes to every length to make it happen. He waits for an occasion where most of them would be in the same place, makes arrangements for the others to fly in. It’s right at the end of the World Championship. (Yuuri takes gold, because of course.)
He makes Yuuri dress up nicely (he’s too powerful in just a thin shirt that once was Viktor’s and sweatpants, and Viktor isn’t ready to give a body count to the press), drags him to the restaurant with no real explanation. He tells him, if anything makes you uncomfortable we’ll come back to the hotel right away. Yuuri gives a pleased smile and a nod, they’re just getting dinner, why would he- except their table is filled with everyone.
Like, literally, everyone. Except for his parents, because traveling is too stressful for them (but Viktor already promised Mama a redo at the onsen, if everything goes well, so that’s no matter). Yuuri gapes at all the eyes looking at them, starts to ask, but Viktor curls a hand around his hip and steers him towards the empty chairs, right in the middle of the other seats. “Consider this a celebration for your gold,” he whispers, a satisfied smile playing at his lips, and Yuuri sits down and decides to go with it.
Phichit is quick to envelope him into a bone crushing hug, suffocating all the other questions he may have, and everyone else shouts their greetings over the table. Viktor is still standing beside him, and he claps twice, making the noise die down instantly. Yuuri is kind of turned on by that kind of power, and he’ll make sure to tell him later. But now Viktor is saying, with his delighted tone “Welcome, everyone! Thank you for coming!”
Phichit keeps an arm around his shoulders and whoops. “Are we doing it now or later?” he asks, and dread starts whispering in Yuuri’s ear. Doing what now?
“Now, of course!” is the reply, and then Viktor sits down, takes Yuuri’s hands in his. “My darling,” Viktor interrupts his bubbling questions again, “I’m so grateful for every moment you spend with me. You showed me what life and love were after so much time I have ignored them.” Yuuri can do nothing except squeeze his hands tightly and flush. “I-” he starts, but Chris, to the left of Viktor, doesn’t let him finish.
“Yuuri, chéri, thank you for all the times you helped me fit into my costumes,” he winks, and Yuuri has flashbacks to every time he’s had to adjust the too tight spandex around the Swiss’ magnificent ass. “And for the pole dancing, of course,” Chris adds, a last blow to Yuuri’s already gaping, boiling face.
It doesn’t stop there. Everyone around the table has something to say, clockwise. Georgi thanks him for helping him with his make-up and consoling his love woes (he tears up at that), Mila thanks him for all the selfies. “He’s not the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” Yuri Plisetsky says, face closed off.“That means you’re the best thing that ever happened to him,” Mila translates helpfully. “After Potya,” Yuri corrects hastily, then splutters and curses and tries to take it back. If Yuuri weren’t already crying, he’d start now. Otabek gives him a curt nod, but he’s kind of smiling.
Guang-hong and Leo sheepishly assure that without him they would’ve never found the courage to ask each other out. That’s mostly Phichit, he wants to say, but it’s not true and he knows. Sara and Michele Crispino thank him for that time he helped sew back a piece of Sara’s costume that had fallen off right before her exhibition. Well, actually, Michele gruffly adds a “thank you for not coming onto my sister,” shooting a guilty glance at Viktor.
“You’re a great hugger,” Emil Nekola says, and Yuuri promises himself that he’ll hug the guy again when all this, whatever this is, has been done.
Yuuko, Takeshi and Mari team up. “For being the best friend and brother one could ask for,” Mari kinda looks out of place without a cigarette between her lips, but her smile is large and genuine. “And student,” Minako quips from the side, waving her hand “You’re making us all so proud, I’m sure if they were here your parents would want you to know that.”
Fat tears keep rolling down Yuuri’s cheeks, even as Seung-gil seriously tells him “Thank you for sending videos of your dog.”
(”You gave him your number?” Phichit whines when Seung-gil just nods. “It took me a month to convince you to give it to me!”
“Katsuki has a dog, and is therefore trustworthy.”
“I have hamsters!”)
JJ grins a little sheepishly, thanking him for “cheering me up when I flubbed my skate last year,” Isabella smiles and parrots the sentiment very sweetly.
Phichit clears his throat, his arm has never left him. “My turn!” he excitedly says, then looks at him very seriously. “Yuuri, for being my first and best friend. When I moved to Detroit, I was alone, and lost, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. There are so many things I could thank you for, and so many embarrassing tales I could tell, but I’m saving them for the wedding,” he chuckles. “You’re an amazing person and a great skater. And we’re not the only ones who think you are,” he whips out his phone at that.
“Oh, no,” Yuuri weeps, and Phichit starts a five minute video under his nose, a compilation of letters and comments by his fans. Hundreds of people have reached out at Phichit’s call to compliment him and his skating, cheering him on so sweetly, thanking him for being an inspiration, even. At the third minute, Viktor makes him pause and drink a glass of water because he’s afraid he’ll get dehydrated.
“I’ll send you the full one, I had to cut it because there were too many,” Phichit tells Viktor, who nods and grins really big, taking the reins again, hugging Yuuri (who has never stopped crying) to his chest.
“My little star, you mean so much to so many people, I can’t help being a little jealous,” he wonders at last, but his smile is playful “I just wanted you to know how lucky we are. How lucky I am to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t know how else to make you see it. Do you get it now?”
Yuuri nods, tells him “You didn’t have to do all this for me,” trying to wipe his face with the back of his hands.
“Nonsense, you deserve this and more!” Viktor assures.
“Are you ready to order?” the waiter tentatively tries.
“This is so embarrassing,” Yuuri sobs into his hands, burrowing into his fiancé’s side with his whole body.
“He loved it,” Phichit says, and Yuuri can feel the pleased smile in his words even without seeing it. He’s right.
(After dinner, he makes a round of hugs, and if he cries again, no one has anything to say about it)
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тоска, 18+ Tanaka x Reader, 2.2
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Written for The Smut Pile Server Collab: Mafia AU | MASTERLIST HERE.
тоска tus-ka: Russian, noun It is a dull ache of the soul, a sick pining, a vague restlessness, mental throes, yearning. In particular cases, it may be the desire for somebody or something specific, nostalgia, lovesickness.
Russian Mafia AU: Tanaka Ryu x A Reader OC Rating: E for explicit Warnings: Violence, Blood, Death, Masturbation, Oral sex, Public Sex, Grinding, Cheating, Denied Orgasm, Manipulation, YEARNING Word count: 9,328 Part 1 | Part 2
Enjoy the final part of this two part hell.
Special thanks to: @joyousandverywarlike for being my ride-or-die,  @pleasantanathema , @present-mel and @linestrider for hosting this collab, and everyone in the server for being amazing friends. I would not have been able to write this without any of you, and I truly mean that. @the-smut-pile​
6. Tanaka
Daichi, Sergei, Ryunoslav and Yuuri sit in the wooden banya, white towels wrapped around their waists as they sweat and speak about the Georgian trip. It smells of cedar, rich and woody, and sweat. Like men.
“Boss Vashadze is unwell,” Daichi muses, knees spread wide as he relaxes against the hot walls, facing the glass door. “It won’t be long until he retires.”
Tanaka sits perpendicular to him, on a lower step with one foot perched up and his leg bent. Yuuri is opposite Tanaka, and Sergei stands, lightly smacking his back with a Venik, the scent of eucalyptus and birch dispersing through the air with each tap against his skin.
“That is good for you, bad for connections,” Sergei says, “how is business there?”
He always talked numbers first, pleasure second. Yuuri laughs, reaching for the besom of herbs from Sergei’s hold to lash his legs.
“Fine. I am gaining more of a footing around the ministers... However it will still take some time before they trust me. There are rumors of a new political party rising. We have to keep an eye open for unrest in Eastern Europe.”
“Ukraine?” Sergei asks, rubbing some of the leaves that stuck to his arms into his skin.
Daichi nods, then his eyes slide sideways to peer at Tanaka. His shaved hair has grown out slightly, which will be trimmed tonight, and he picks at his toenail of the foot bent beneath him.
“We can discuss strategy after we eat. How was your weekend, Ryunoslav?” The Bulldog asks, eyebrows raised.
Tanaka lifts his head casually with a simple smile.
“Just what I needed, spasiba Boss.”
Daichi’s laugh booms in the sauna, and Yuuri joins in, slapping the wood next to his thigh.
“Tell us more, Ryu! When I saw the first prostitute leave after thirty minutes, I thought it was over. But then, when I saw a second one arrive at midnight, I thought you must’ve not enjoyed the first.”
Tanaka frowns, looking at Yuuri in confusion before realising who he meant. He had seen Valentina arrive late at night, although he didn’t recognise her, or so he hopes.
“She was banging on the door very loudly, woke me up. Tell me, was it the same one from before wanting a second round?”
With a glance to Daichi, who is scanning his every expression,Tanaka shrugs.
“It was the same whore. I must be very good in bed.”
All the men burst out in laughter, but Tanaka laughs the loudest in compensation. Daichi closes his eyes as he tilts his head back.
“Well, she stayed for a long time. I only saw her leave past five am.”
“Yuuri, are you stalking Ryunoslav?” Sergei questions, using the water the Venik was soaking in to rinse off his body, the liquid sizzling as it hits the warm floor by his feet.
“No, I just found it interesting that Ryunoslav will fuck someone twice in a single night when there’s only been one woman he’s ever wan-”
“Yuuri.” Tanaka growls, cutting off his closest friend who has had too much vodka before entering the sauna. The heat and alcohol is loosening his tongue too quickly. Daichi sits up at this news, leaning forward so that muscle bulge and inflate.
“Oh? Is this true? Who is this woman?”
Tanaka waves his hand dismissively as he glares at Yuuri, “I met her years ago, when I first started working for you, Boss. No one of importance now.”
“Surely she still means something if you don’t want Yuuri to talk about her.” Sergei chimes in, climbing past their heads to sit on the top bench next to Daichi. Tanaka avoids his gaze, but can feel the Bulldog sniffing at the faint nerves that climb up Tanaka’s spine, his ears blushing red from the heat. He feels closed in, backed into a corner.
“It is an unrequited love, so please, I would prefer not to speak about it anymore.”
The men all murmur in understanding, except for Yuuri, who says, “I will just have to get you drunk to tell us about her then.”
7 - Valentina
Daichi sits across from you in the chartered jet, the beige leather seats muted even further with the deep rumble of the engine and the third glass of champagne in your veins. He’s reading a newspaper, you’re staring out at the cotton-peach clouds as they pass by. To your left, Sergei Sugawarov scribbles in books filled with numbers, the taptaptap of the calculator permeating the heavy air.
“Refill, Mrs. Sawamurova?” the air hostess asks, her smile wide as she holds the Moët & Chandon bottle in her manicured hands. She’s trembling slightly, and you smile reassuringly.
“Leave the bottle, thank you,” your heavy Russian accent drips from your tongue as you answer in English, and the bottle is placed in a silver ice bucket on the birchwood table between you and Daichi.
Two hours have passed during the five hour flight from Ufa Airport to Côte d'Azur Airport, and you pour another glass for yourself as you watch Daichi turn a page. He glances up at you with a small smile, but his eyes are hard. Something happened while he was in Georgia with your father. With a small smile of your own, you turn your gaze back to the window, leaving red lipstick on the rim of the glass.
A phone rings, and you hear Tanaka’s gruff voice answer the call, the memory of last week shooting painfully through your core.
Some silence, before the Khazak turns in his seat behind Daichi and whispers through the space between the leather and the wall of the jet. You can’t help the way you look at him, stormy grey eyes peering out at you as he whispers into the ear of your husband. Your brow furrows when Daichi jerks his head in a slight nod, tense.
Tanaka retreats back around and you’re left staring at the empty spot, snapping your eyes to the calculating gaze of The Bulldog.
“Is everything alright, my love?” you ask, deciding to stand from your seat and sit on his arm rest.
Daichi folds the newspaper away, one arm wrapping around your waist while the other takes a sip of the champagne straight from the bottle.
“It seems this trip will not only be pleasure,” he muses, eyes closing as he swallows. However, when they open, his face melts into the calm reassurance you’ve always known when he smiles up at you and places a kiss to the cream wool crepe of your blouse. “I have something to take care of, but it will only be a moment. Nothing to worry about.”
You nod, delicate hands stroking at Daichi’s hair, but Tanaka’s cologne wafts up, invading your nose.
“I understand.”
The drive to the private Villa La Vigie winds between grey and green rock mountains to your left with glimpses of the dazzling azure ocean of where the French Riviera gets its name to your right. You’re invited to stay in the home of your fathers dear friend, Monsieur Lagerfeld, situated on a private hill just outside Monaco. He will not be there, March being the month he spends in his apartment in Paris, so you and Daichi and the many bodyguards take residence for the week.
You’ve visited this house a number of times in your youth, in your adulthood, and yet it steals the air from your lungs each time you return. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon when you pull up the driveway. In front of you, the two story villa looms in it’s beautiful white-painted glory, the sun a beacon shining upon it. Light brick extends below to where there is a wine cellar, garage and access to the private beach club below.
The car parks, and Daichi kisses your cheek in the backseat before he exits the vehicle and strides up the steps and through the large glass double doors, answering his phone while bodyguards open the way for him. You see Tanaka grip the steering wheel, the leather of his gloves stretch and squeak. It is the first time you are alone with him since that night a week ago, and the heater in the car feels sweltering against your skin.
“Thank you for the drive, Ryunoslav,” you mumble, shifting to the edge of the seat to leave out of the side Daichi had.
“Val,” he starts, then his mouth shuts and his eyes catch yours in the reflection of the rearview mirror, “of course.”
The terracotta tiles of the terrace reflect a salmon pink up the walls of the villa, and you smile at the men as you pass by and find the master bedroom on the first floor. You can already hear Daichi negotiating in the connected office, and you decide to bathe. As the water runs in the porcelain tub, the water mists with the scent of lavende de provence, and you open the windows looking out over the meditterean ocean. The salt and trees wash over you as the sound of the ocean crashing against rocks floats up, and for an instance, you imagine jumping out the window and into that endless blue. The winter air trickles into the warm bathroom.
Notes of a waltz dance in from the direction of the office and you see Daichi’s shadow move around in the bedroom as he unbuttons his cufflinks and loosens his navy blue tie. He walks into the bathroom where you’ve already slipped on the linen bathrobe, your blouse and jeans folded neatly onto the clothes ladder leaning against the wall.
“Care to join?” you ask, clipping your hair up. Daichi peels his shirt off and drops it near your own in a crumpled pile, his thick muscles rippling with each movement as he undresses.
“Prosti, Gadyuka. I have to get to the board meeting before the gala tonight,” he apologises, turning on the glass door shower as he gets into it on the opposite side to the bath. You watch as the water in the faucet of the bath sputters, and your heart imitates.
“Ah yes, I forgot. What-”
“The car arrives at seven, Khazak will escort you.”
Your head whips around to stare at Daichi as he massages white suds over his body, large palms running over his chest where the Sawamurov crest is tattooed in a large circle. He raises his eyebrows. You clear your throat, standing to drop the gown and dip a toe into the water.
“Not you?”
“Unfortunately no, but I will be there waiting for you. I know the dress you are wearing and can’t have any man trying to steal you for himself.”
Daichi’s honeyed words wash over you as you submerge into the water, turning off the faucet and staring out to the sea, a stark sapphire against the lily-white of the bathroom walls and window pane. In the mirror above the sink, you can see The Bulldog get out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his defined waist while he shakes the water from his hair.
You laugh as you turn to observe him while he pats on the cologne displayed on the sink, before brushing his teeth.
“I doubt anyone will try to steal me away.”
He looks at you in the reflection, a curious expression in his eyes, before he spits and rinses.
“Yes, well, you never know. You might run off with a French vineyard heir by the end of the night.”
“Never, Daichi. No one can be my Bulldog but you.”
He snorts, turning to watch as you lather yourself in Chanel shower gel, the scent mixing with the lavender already clinging to the air.
“Da, no one is like me.”
He leans down to place a chaste kiss on your lips before he exits the bathroom and changes into a clean outfit waiting for him in the Master bedroom. The made-to-measure Chanel suit hangs in a black garment bag that he carries out with him as he leaves to join the council meeting of the European Casino Association before the Annual Art Auction tonight.
The interaction runs through your mind as you mull over the look in his eyes, the way he tensed before he kissed you goodbye, the faintest flicker of jealousy in his eyes that flared when he joked about you leaving him. Suddenly, you remember Ryunoslav’s lips against your neck and you squeeze your eyes shut.  With a deep inhale, you sink deep under the water to feel it tickle your nostrils and earlobes, before submerging your head.
Your fingers find the curves of your thighs, dragging up slowly to feel how the water moves around your hands and displaces against your skin. You lift your face slightly, until the edge of the water tickles your skin and you inhale, swirling the skin of your clit. In your mind, Ryunoslav’s kisses fall hot and wet against your body, skin red and heated in the bathtub while you press hard circles against sensitive nerves. You’re not trying to take it slow, coaxing the first wave of clenches quickly as you imagine a thick cock sliding over and over inside you.
Ryunoslav morphs into Daichi, and you sit up with a gasp, fingers not slowing, your hand gripping the handle of the tub tightly as your abdomen contracts. Uncontrollably, Ryu and Daichi alternate, their bodies shifting fluidly until a faceless man fucks into you.
You orgasm on the verge of tears, confused and aching. The styling team will arrive in an hour.
You stand, feeling the cold winter air touch your heated skin. Wrapped again in the robe, you close the window and bind your hair in a towel.
A Russian Waltz still plays on the radio inside the ensuite office, and you look around to filter the channel to a French songstress crooning over the small speakers. Next to the stereo, is Daichi’s small black book, open to his to-do list, and your eyes scan over it before you can stop yourself, reading the neatly scribbled words.
14 March 2006, 1:00 am, La Serpent Fleur
That was the name of the Superyacht you and Daichi are to go on after the gala for the afterparty to the auction. You frown, thinking of the myriad of reasons what he might do there, who he’ll meet with other than the ECA board today. It must be to do with what happened in Georgia and was whispered to him during the flight.
You turn, leaving the book just as you found it and unpack the suitcase that was brought to the bedroom in preparation for tonight.
8. Tanaka
Ryunoslav waits at the front door, facing the short five-stair foyer that branches into the stairwell leading to the first floor. The golden light of the sunset filters in gentle waves through the chiffon curtains of the entry hall.
The first thing he sees of Valentina is in the reflection of the large silver mirror facing the stairwell on the landing. A single leg slinking out from a thigh-high slit, while a heart shaped pump in patent black is clasped around her ankle. The metal YSL heel clinks with each step. Next is the black, silk crepe de chine perfectly draping to the floor–not clinging to anything but the curve of her hips–and the bodice tailored to her waist in a tight structure that pendulums side-to-side.
However, what steals the very air from his lungs, stops his heart, is the bustier covering her breasts. The dress is strapless, the neckline two rounded cups that trace down the sides of her cleavage and towards her ribs before turning and meeting in a gentle hill at the end of her sternum. The dress is Yves Saint Laurent. Ryunoslav watches as Valentina rounds the stairwell and stands at the top of the foyer, opera length gloves running up her arms and with one hand on her hip while the other clasps a small black Bulgari clutch. Around her neck is a pendant necklace, emeralds glittering amongst diamonds and silver, set in the shape of a viper head. Matching emerald drop earrings hang from her lobes, reflecting the golden sun and glittering green against her neck. Valentina’s hair is pinned up, and that tattoo that curls from her left shoulder down her arm disappears beneath the gloves, reminding him that beauty is a secret poison. He swallows, blinks, then climbs up the steps to hand her the white fur coat he was holding.
“Vot eto da… You look beautiful, Mrs. Sawamurova.” Tanaka whispers, mindful of the bodyguards and staff littering the villa.
“Spasiba, Khazak,” she smiles, slipping her arms into the silk lining and fixing the collar. “Is the car ready?”
“Good, let’s go.”
The exchange between them feels mechanical, and Tanaka rushes ahead to open the car door, waiting until she is comfortable before shutting it and sliding into the driver’s seat. It is nowhere near the low temperatures of Russia in March, however he can’t stop the shivers that travel up his spine, and the ugly twist of jealousy that stabs at his heart.
The Casino de Monte Carlo, where the gala is being held, is a mere five minute drive from the villa, yet the silence is heavy, weighted, and slows down time.
“I missed you last week,” Valentina whispers, looking out the window at the midnight blue sky. A traffic light changes from red to green.
“Me too.”
The conversation ends when Ryunoslav pulls the Aston Martin around the fountain, waiting behind a elder couple stepping out of their black limo. The statues on either side of the Casino name look down at him as he parks and climbs out, a porter beating him to her door.
Camera’s flash, the music of a quartet floats out from the massive wooden doors up the entryway, and Ryunoslav remains closely behind Valentina’s right arm as he escorts her inside, pulling the ticket for both of them from his inner coat pocket and handing it to the doorman.
The grand foyer of the Casino is massive, ceilings high with a stained-glass skylight and the floor a white tile with black triangles in a circular pattern. Posed around the room, mostly in the center of the circles, are the artworks up for auction: a variety of paintings, sculptures, artifacts and some vintage designer jewellery. The golden chandeliers light the air with a sepia filter that softens the chatter and noise within. On the first floor bannister across the long hall, is a banner exclaiming, ‘2006 Annual ECA Art Auction’. Couples mingle, champagne is sipped and the Hors d’oeuvres are ignored in favour of the alcohol.
“I will check our coats,” Tanaka murmurs low in Russian, watching as Val slides the white fur down her arms to hand it to him with a polite smile, the kind he’s seen her wear in the public eye alongside Daichi for many years now.
“I’ll wait here, then we go find Daichi.”
His heart thumps painfully, the curve of her shoulders delicate as they flex in passing the heavy coat, but he nods and heads to the coat check just off the side. In passing, he spots Daichi at the top of the red-carpeted staircase, head bowed to speak secretly with someone Ryunoslav can not see, but knows. Daichi’s eyes find the growing storm in Tanaka’s with a smile, and he straightens to bid the woman a goodbye and descends the stairs.
“Sir,” Tanaka nods, pocketing the number for the coats.
“Ryunoslav,” Daichi returns the greeting, casually clapping the man on his shoulder. “Enjoy the evening, I will see you at the yacht later, yes?”
“She could’ve seen you, sir.” Tanaka whispers, carefully keeping eye contact with his Boss. Daichi smirks cooly, glancing back up the stairs and at a retreating woman’s back wearing a deep green dress.
“She did not see me. Thank you, again, for keeping this secret. Now, go, enjoy the party. Hell, if you see something you like, bid on it. I will pay.”
With that, Daichi walks past his Head of Security, chest puffing up as he walks towards his wife. Ryunoslav watches as she gives Daichi a gentle kiss on the cheek before wrapping a gloved hand around his bicep and following him into the crowd.
9. Valentina
The evening passes by in a blur.
The dinner and speeches take up half the evening before the auction begins, and the gala attendees disperse throughout the Casino, while you and Daichi walk to the gardens. Heaters are spaced periodically, warmth sinking below while gentle lights litter the walkways and grass. The stone steps leading there are cool, and you see your breath misting with each exhale before you’re back under the warmth.
The area of the auction outside has statues, planted with lighting that bring the romantic and violent figures to life.
“This one would look beautiful in our gardens in summer,” you muse, studying a small mermaid brushing her hair, tail flicked up and shells covering her breast.
“Anything for you,” Daichi replies, writing down a number with his auction code and placing it in the poll box besides the statue.
You just laugh politely, aware of Daichi’s two bodyguards following the both of you.
“Let’s go back inside. I want to see how our bid on the Kandinsky is doing.” Daichi offers, but you shake your head.
“I’ll walk around here for a bit longer. It’s such a beautiful night and the noise inside was giving me a headache.”
“As you wish.”
You spend a few minutes admiring the remaining statues, finding a waiter that hands you a glass of champagne. With small sips, you hug an arm around your waist, looking over the stone wall at the beautiful, glittering scenery of Monte-Carlo below. You find yourself tucked away in a dark corner of the ledge, where the lights of the gala are few, the tree branches of the gardens overhang, and the city has come to life beneath you. You can hear jazz music from a bar down the road, and you wish you were sitting on a terrace with a glass of wine instead.
“C’est magnifique, non?” A heavy french accent sinks into you, and you glance at the man that leans with his back to the view, a deep purple suit contrasting against his tanned skin and sharp cheekbones. He smokes a hand-rolled cigarette. You look back out at the city.
“Oui, trop beau,” you reply softly, taking another sip, shifting onto the foot farthest from the stranger. He turns and offers you one of the smokes, tucking it away in his jacket breast pocket with a smile and a tap when you decline. His eyes travel down your breasts, before glancing back up to your arching brows and unamused eyes.
“Je ne parle pas de la vue,” I do not mean the view, “Emmanuelle Beauchant,” he offers an outstretched palm.
“Valentina,” he lifts your gloved hand to his lips, but hovers just above contact when you continue, “Sawamurova.”
“Desolee, I did not realise you were not French, or married,” Emmanuelle apologises in English.
You smile politely, lifting the glass to your mouth to down the last of the fizzing alcohol.
“An honest mistake.”
“Your husband’s Casinos are some of my favourites. Please, accept my apologies. Let me get you a new glass.” He waves down a waiter, plucking the empty flute from your fingers and replacing it before you can reject. “I am the coordinator of this petite soiree. Enjoy your evening, Mrs. Sawamurova.” With that, he leaves in a hurry, scampering off into the light much like he had appeared, leaving you alone again. Almost.
You feel the warmth of another body to your right, and you almost sigh from exhaustion when Ryunoslav’s gruff voice washes over you in comforting Russian. It breaks like the wave against the shore.
“I thought I would have to scare him away.”
Tanaka’s serious eyes beneath the shadow of a deep brow pulls the first real chuckle of the evening from your chest, and you see his shoulders somewhat relax as he leans with a hip on the stone.
“It was innocent, Ryu.”
“He wanted to fuck you.”
“He’s French,” you counter, placing the champagne glass down, sliding it away from your body and towards the party. “And everyone wants to fuck me.”
You spin, losing your balance as Tanaka pulls your hand towards him and twists you so that your back presses against the cool stone in a darkened alcove. His forehead is on yours, eyes shut, and breath fanning over your lips. Your own chest heaves with the sudden rush. His hands dig into your hips, yours into his shoulders. Your bag drops to the floor.
“You have no idea,” each word is punctuated by palms shimmying up the side of your waist, thumbs digging into the fabric, “how badly I want to fuck you too.”
He wraps his thick forearms behind your back hugging you tight and into himself as he folds over you and brings his lips to touch yours. It’s deep, and although passion usually pours from his kiss, this one is born out of jealousy, desperation, and desire.
Compliments drip like honey from Ryunoslav’s mouth as he mumbles them into your skin, words melting so that they become part of you.
“Ryu, Ryu, stop, we can’t. It’s so open.”
He shushes you, a palm snaking under the boning of the open neckline to cup the breast, nipplie erect from the night chill. “No one saw me come here.”
“But the people. They know who I am, mmpf.” A pinch to your nipple has you moaning under your breath, head tilting back against the stone, cold against heated flesh.
“They are all too busy with their own conquests, showing up one another.”
“You light a fire in my heart,” his onslaught of compliments don’t cease, and you realise that tonight is the tipping point. The intensity of his words drag you beneath his waters, much like the way his fingers find the high slit of your dress and sink into your folds. Your knee falls open to let him pull you deeper.
“Not with this dress.”
“Whore.” Teeth nip at your neck.
An animalistic groan rumbles through your veins from his mouth, and you clutch at the lapel of his jacket as his fingers thrust shallow, over and over again. You want him–need him– inside you, and the thought of public sex no longer scares you. In this moment, only Ryunoslav exists, the smell of lilies and the fresh ocean fill you, devouring you with a hint of something darker that you recognise as human.
Sin. And something else.
A zipper comes down, his cock unfolds and stretches you out.
“I love you.”
The words tumble from your lips before you can stop them, and even then, you don’t keep them in as you whisper, him thrustsing into your aching core. You vaguely hear him mumbling it back to you. His voice low and sincere, forehead against yours, lips against yours. Your bodies become one.
“Blyat, where can I?” desperation fills his voice, and you barely utter the words before he spills inside you, keeping you warm and plugged up, panting against his face, chin tucked down.
A hand rifles through his pants pocket, and he pulls out his regular small handkerchief, stained, but comforting. You take it from him, careful to keep your face hidden as he pulls out and you wipe yourself under your skirt.
“Ryunoslav.” His name feels like lava, molten on your tongue as it rolls down your body and ignites a fire over your skin, burning you. “We have to stop seeing each other.”
He tenses against you, arms shielding you from the world so only the two of you exist.
“We’ve changed. We’re not just having fun anymore, Ryu-”
“What do you mean we’ve changed?”
“Us. This.” You curse, gesturing vaguely to him and yourself, feeling the fire spread to your ears and your heart.
“Nothing has changed. I have always loved you.”
Your heart drops into your stomach, turning over and over as you digest it, painfully aware of how much truth rings in his words, and how you’re sure you’ve always loved him back.
“We have to stop. Or we have to tell Daichi.”
His lips connect with your forehead. You hear him swallow.
“Tonight then. Together.”
Ryunoslav stays close to you as he picks up the bag from the floor, handing you the mirror inside to fix your lipstick, your hair, before you dust the stone from your back and ass.
“You look beautiful,” he whispers to you a final time, stepping to the side so you emerge from the shadow, pick up your forgotten champagne glass and head back into where art dances together and people mingle.
10. Tanaka
Tanaka watches as Valentina saunters away, past the bodies to rejoin the party. With a heavy sigh, he leans against the stone, cooling his forehead and calming his thumping heart. His feet bump against something and with one eye, he squints at the ground and spots glittering emeralds in the dark. Her necklace.
Quickly, he picks it up, carefully placing it in his suit jacket pocket, and curses when he sees the time on his watch. He has to find Daichi and head to the yacht to do the final security checks before he arrives. Vines wrap themselves around his intestines, anxiety leaking into each step, the emerald necklace a dead weight in his jacket.
He finds the Boss surrounded by influential board members, holding a glass of vodka casually as they all laugh at his jokes. The Chanel suit drapes down his broad back perfectly, clean cut and sharp, the single seam a crisp line.
“Sorry for interrupt,” Tanaka apologies, English tangling on his tongue. He continues in a low Russian to Daichi, sweat beading on the back of his neck, palms clammy and therefore kept in his pants pocket. It’s better that way, his tattoos are less appreciated around the higher class of society.
Daichi nods, a loose smile along with his loosened tie. He hands Tanaka a paper that shows he won the bid on the Kandinsky painting. “Arrange this on the way out. Leave Valentina’s coat with mine.”
“Ya ponimayu.”
Tanaka turns to leave, but Daichi calls out one more time.
“You have lipstick on your collar.”
Tanaka feels nausea bubbling up his gut, not from the proximity of your scent to The Bulldog’s nose, but from the thought of later tonight. He forces a cocky smirk and shrug, turning on his heel to head to the back office to finalise the paperwork for the painting and add the delivery address, before shrugging his thick coat on and stepping outside by the valet. The air has cooled considerably from the heat of the balcony and between your thighs. Once safely in the car, he rubs the stain furiously in the reflection of the rearview mirror, making it set even further into the white fabric. It blends into the threads like spilt blood. With a grumble, he drives to the harbor.
La Serpent Fleur is a sleek superyacht with three decks above water and one below, housing jet ski’s, a speedboat, storage and crew quarters. The middle and lower decks have outdoor and indoor seating, with main bedrooms for up to 15 couples to sleep in. The flooring and interior is light teakwood, rich brown accents amongst cream and white leather and fabric. It’s unmissable in the late night, lit up in silvery white, the name illuminated against a navy blue sky and pitch black water. It reflects stars in the meditterean sea.
Tanaka greets all staff, deploying his bratva across the yacht to inspect all rooms and inform the captain of the upcoming helicopter landing at 1:00 am. It’s not often that Mafia business mixes with Business business, but as money is always intertwined, this time, it is unavoidable. The pool on the top deck shimmers aquamarine, and Tanaka inspects that the bar is fully stocked for the upcoming meeting. Vodka and Campari. This floor is only for Daichi and a select few.
“It’s like I’m a fucking assistant,” he grumbles under his breath, withdrawing a small hand-gun strapped to his calf and securing it in the hidden shelf under the bar top. You never know, he smiles, tapping the holster against his back for comfort.
All checks are done by the time the first of the guests arrive, high-stakes rollers for the gambling about to happen. Tanaka keeps to the shadows, lighting a cigarette as he surveys the walkway leading up to the yacht, and it’s guests. They are all smiling, huddling together in their pair against the cool ocean breeze. He takes a look at the pack that was confiscated from Ukai with distaste, flicking the cigarette into the ocean water.
Daichi and Valentina are the last to arrive, and although he’s smiling, she is not, lipstick slightly faded and a smudge of mascara under her eyes. Tanaka watches as she disappears as soon as she set foot on the yacht, hurrying off to inside the cabin before anyone can stop her. Tanaka’s eyes follow her retreating figure, the white of her coat bristling, before he steps up to greet Daichi.
“Everything is ready for Kuroo Testuro to arrive, Boss,” he reports, murmuring low.
“Perfect, evening has turned into disaster. Make sure no one will disturb us except for emergency. It will not take long. What is his eta?” Daichi never lowers the corners of his mouth, but those brown eyes are hard mahogany. Tanaka checks his watch, the light above reflecting in the glass, shining in the storm in his eyes.
“Forty-five minutes. We have to set sail now, all guests have arrived and the poker tables inside have been set up.”
“I will wait upstairs.”
“Yes, Boss.”
Tanaka sighs, running a hand over his shorn hair, a shiver rippling down his spine. He hears his name, and he turns to face one of his brothers, following after to inspect a stairwell.
It does not take long for the party to fall into full swing. Continuing with free-flowing champagne is the key to keeping rich socialites and underground dealers happy and oblivious. Daichi stands near the railing, ice cubes in his glass clinking while he surveys the decks below and waits. Tanaka stands to attention off the side, the cool winter air breezing through his suit jacket, the veins on his knuckles and forearms almost frozen; he stuffs them into his pockets. The cool silver of Valentina’s necklace shocks him and he remembers he has to sneak it back to her. He peers over the edge, spotting her in the distance, smiling once more, makeup fixed and socialising.
His heart thumps, emeralds and diamonds cutting a hole in his jacket pocket, beating faster until it syncs up with the incoming helicopter blades. They whir around in a steady beat that consumes the noise below and thrums through his bones. Then, the wind hits him. Air cold as ice as the machine descends, the collar of his jacket whipping up and folding into itself. Kuroo Testuro has arrived.
The blades come to a halt and Tanaka steps forward, two men overtaking him to climb up the stairs of the helicopter pad landing and open the door. Long legs dressed in a black pin-stripe suit step out, a lopsided cocky smirk plastered on the Italian boss’s face.
“Ciao Daichi, it’s been a while!” Kuroo calls over the wind, arms stretching out while he’s patted down. “Khazak, you’re looking sour.”
Tanaka scowls, not entirely sure what The Panther of the Testuro family said to him. Daichi turns to face the man completely, walking until he stands next to Tanaka, waiting for the man to descend the white metal stairs to the upper deck. The Boss’s exchange a stiff handshake, their eyes piercing as one fights for dominance over the other. Daichi wins, his hand slapping against Kuroo’s back in a hearty greeting.
“Let’s get to business, something to drink?” The Bulldog offers, but Kuroo is laughing, already walking to the leather sofas around the pool, flopping down onto it with one leg crossed over the other. He waves to one of his bodyguards, pointing at the bar.
“Always so formal Daichi, tell me, how is Valentina? Still married to you?” Kuroo’s words tumble out quickly, Italian accent thick enough that Tanaka can only pick up on a few words. He registers your name, and the hairs on the back of his neck stand to attention, ready to attack at Daichi’s order. The Boss takes a deep breath, his teeth gritting.
“She is fine. Enjoying party below.”
“Pity, I think she’d be happier up here with us. Won’t you call her?”
“Careful, Kuroo.”  Daichi warns, but the Panther just smiles his wicked Cheshire grin in return.
“Ah, I’m joking. I will just keep the fantasy of her lips around my–”
A hand darts out over Kuroo’s shoulder, interrupting any further explanation of imagination. Tanaka grabs Daichi’s arm, one that had tensed with it’s fist closed around a concealed gun in a holster on his back.
“Campari, sir?”
“Ah! Grazie!” He takes a sip, setting it down on the glass table beside him. “Now, we can talk business.”
Tanaka listens to the low conversation between the two bosses, the discussion of the new trade route of cocaine between Italy and Russia. It takes some time to adjust to the accent, but then he’s following along, standing with his hands in his pockets, a thumb gliding over the necklace. There had been an interruption along the coasts between Lecce and Albania, several different Sicillian Mafia’s holding up some of Daichi’s shipments due to unpaid ‘reparations’, a farce to ignite a turf war between the Families in Italy and their Russian connections.
“You must call off your friends in Italy. We keep up our end of bargain. I will not be so understanding in future.”
“Ah, but you see, they are greedy and believe you are not paying properly for the passage.”
“I assure you, I am.”
Tanaka stiffens, seeing how Daichi begins to inflate, irritation lacing his voice. Kuroo chuckles, taking a slow sip with raised eyebrows.
“Oh, I believe you. I can convince them but I’ll need some extra incentive from your end.”
Tanaka speaks up, eyes narrowing as he sniffs out Kuroo’s angle. “We can not give you that.”
“You are one of the largest groups in the world, surely you have some men for me?”
Tanaka’s blood begins to boil, nails biting into the skin of his palms enough to draw blood. The gun strapped on his back heavy as it calls to be unholstered. His men are not dispensable. Kuroo sighs, then his eyes glance to the left where the noise of the party floats in the night air, and he smiles.
“Then maybe you have a woman.”
Tanaka turns to follow his gaze, and climbing up the stairs slowly is Valentina, a hand on the metal rail, the white fur coat hanging down her back as it drapes from her elbows, lipstick blood red. She’s drunk, giggling to herself but stops when a vor blocks the final step onto the deck. Then, she sobers, straightening instantly with narrowed eyes.
“Asahi,” she says, voice sharp but breathless.
“The Boss is in a meeting.”
Her makeup had been fixed, the tips of her nose and ears pink from the chill, her hair no longer pinned up but wild down her back from the wind. Tanaka glances at Daichi, his eyes muddy and lips tightly pursed.
“Oh, let her join, huh?” Kuroo grins, setting his glass down and leaning forward to interlock his fingers and rest his elbows on his knees. “Surely, you trust her enough.”
“Of course.”
Daichi and his guest battle in their stares, but ultimately the Panther wins. With a sigh, Daichi calls out to Alexei, “let her through.”
Valentina strides over to the men, coat dragging on the floor behind her. Surprising everyone, she stops in front of the cocky bastard, who stands to greet her, and their cheeks brush twice, left then right.
“Kuroo, how lovely to see you again. I hope my husband is kind.”
Tanaka holds back a wince, the feeling of her warm breath against his neck still teasing him in his memories. He has to admire her acting, even inebriated, she commands attention. Their eyes follow when she walks to the head of the table and flops down onto the chair, slit falling open with crossed legs.
“He’ll be kinder now that you are here.”
Valentina laughs, “yes, but I might not be.”
“Enough.” Daichi cuts through the jovial small talk, fists clenching and resting on his knees, his back straight. “I am tired of games.”
Tanaka thinks he catches a double meaning, heart racing as he readies himself for anything.
“You own Casinos,” Kuroo drawls, but he’s no longer smiling, still standing. Daichi gets to his feet, shorter than his counterpart, but thicker.
“We are getting nowhere. I will not be included in your battle for control, and if my next shipment continues to be held, God is not the only one that can turn water into wine. Capisci?”
Their stares are intense, and seconds tick by in eternity, before Kuroo nods with a sigh, a hand tucking into his pants pocket while the other extrends. They shake, curt and stiff, and Tanaka rolls his shoulders, loosening the knots in his upper back, eyeing Valentina curiously. She has her eyes focused on Daichi, pupils narrow and mouth pressed into a thin line; the same look she had when she boarded the yacht. She snaps out of it, lips curling up as she stands.
“It was a pleasure, although short,” Kuroo tells her, and they exchange polite kisses. Tanaka hears the rumble in Daichi’s chest, and he briefly wonders if she’s purposefully trying to anger the Bulldog. She’s always been unafraid of his bark, a viper teasing with her fangs.
They wait until Kuroo climbs back in the helicopter, until the blades whir to life with that beating drum that pumps adrenaline through his body and until it is quiet once more, the waves sloshing far below against the yacht. The air is crisp, and the silence heavy. Valentina turns to face Daichi, neck tense, mouth open but Daichi cuts her off.
“Don’t embarrass me like that again.”
Tanaka bristles, the hair on the back of his neck standing up. He controls the need to step in front of Val, to shield her from his Boss. The weight of her necklace in his pocket keeps him anchored. His heart pounds in his ears, Daichi glances at him briefly before keeping an unwavering eye on Valentina’s fierce gaze. It’s odd. Tanaka always has a plan, knows what will happen next, and yet, he is at a loss. Unsteady on his feet as the boat rocks. He’s unsure of what she will do, how she will tell her possessive husband–
“I’m seeing someone.”
11. Valentina
Lightning flashes in the distance when the words leave your lips, the thunder rumbling in the silence that follows. You watch Daichi carefully, standing your ground even though parts of you scream to take a few steps back. You resist the temptation to glance at Ryunoslav. During your musings, you decided not to say who it was right away. Daichi glances down at your bare neck, the necklace he’d given you missing, lost somewhere at the gala when you finally lost yourself in emotion. You remember the fight with him when leaving the venue.
You expected Daichi to burst in anger, explode outwards and destroy everything with his fury. Yet he remains silent, eyes mattifying as he draws inward, no longer oiled mahogany but rather sanded wood. When he speaks, it’s so low you almost miss it, but it penetrates you with the next flash of lightning.
White, hot anger burns through you at his command, your hands raising as though to grab his lapel. Quickly, you reroute to pulling your fur coat back onto your shoulders.
“You don’t want to know who?”
“You don’t want to know what I am thinking right now, Gadyuka.”
You open your mouth to respond, but Ryunoslav cuts you off, “take the boat, please.”
You stare incredulously at him, but he is already speaking in a low voice onto a handheld receiver, then back at Daichi, who’s body slowly begins to vibrate. However, Daichi is no longer looking at you. Instead, his eyes have shifted to Ryu, brows furrowed. Thunder claps. You feel the first spray of rain misting onto your eyelashes.
“Fine, we will talk more at breakfast.”
You turn on your heel, the sound grating against the wooden deck, and someone from the Brigade accompanies you down the stairs, walking just slightly ahead of you, silently asking you to follow.
You descend slowly, crossing the second deck with a practised smile, apologising to anyone that approaches you with an easy lie. Most of the crewmen begin to pack up and rearrange the party to continue on indoors. You enter the large cabin, and walk down another flight of stairs, to the first deck and then lower still. Here, the walls change from luxurious wooden, glass and metal to open beams, and white gritty flooring. It’s slightly wet, from the rain that batters against the open exit and the ocean water shimmering inside.
A small speedboat waits for you, not fully submerged, and a captain, yet his face is wary.
“Mrs. Sawamurova,” he holds his hat in his hands, a navy raincoat wrapped around his uniform, “wouldn’t you rather wait for the storm to pass? Please, enjoy the evening and when the water is still, I can take you to shore in an instant.”
“My husband wants me gone.”
“But not dead.”
You laugh, bitterly, feeling your intestines swirl, unsettled by those words. He’s brave.
“How long do you think it will take?”
“A few minutes, maximum. It is the winter rain, harsh but quick.”
“I will wait here.”
12. Tanaka
When the top of Valentina’s head disappears down the stairs, Daichi speaks, not looking at Tanaka. The first of fat raindrops begin to fall onto their shoulders.
“I will have to talk to her father, after I kill her.”
Tanaka’s tongue is heavy in his mouth, every bump dry and scratching against his throat. He can’t be serious. Slowly, Daichi turns to face him, eyes raking over his closest subordinate’s features, down his throat, and settles on the crisp white collar peeking out from his suit jacket, stained the same colour as Valentina’s lipstick.
“Khazak, who is it?”
“Boss–” but he doesn’t know what to say. The memories of the prison hospital bed, bare with just a sheet, an unsterilised IV drip stuck into his arm flashes in front of his mind. Daichi’s calm face that visited him before he woke up somewhere else.
“Tell me right now, or does your loyalty mean nothing?”
Tanaka winces, “nyet, Boss, you know I am loyal to you.”
He takes a deep breath, then reaches inside, fingers looping around diamonds to pull out the necklace, the viper head swaying back and forth. His heart claps with the thunder, the clouds breaking into a heavy downpour. Chill sets in instantly, his bones freezing beneath his suit.
“Supply snakes with a meal, and you will have them all by the fangs,” Daichi whispers under his breath, barely audible above the pattering of the drops against the floor, but Tanaka’s sensitive ears pick it up. “She played me for a fool.” Daichi’s wide-set eyes lift from the necklace to Tanaka’s.
“Mne ochyn zhal,” Tanaka begins to apologise profusely, but the hardened look shuts him up.
“I was wrong, Khazak,” Daichi interrupts, his hands moving to his pockets, Tanaka dropping his arm to his side. He starts to walk towards the sheltered area of the deck, withdrawing a pack of cigarettes. “You are the one that is going to have to kill her.”
Tanaka’s heart drops to his stomach, falling straight into the floor and sinking to the bottom of the unruly ocean. The Boss does not joke around, but he wishes for it to be one.
“I can not, Boss,” his head shakes, body vibrates. This is the first time he has ever refused an order from Daichi. The Bulldog watches with raised eyebrows, the question evident on his face.
“I am in love with her.”
The bark that erupts from Daichi’s throat echoes above the rain, above the thunder, and shatters inside Tanaka’s heart. He holds the cigarette to his lips, and Tanaka feels the rain drip down the rivulets of his shaved hair and under the collar of his suit and shirt. There’s a flicker of orange as the Marlboro tip glows.
“And you think she loves you back? Valentina is a snake, a woman. They know only two things: how to lie and how to fuck. You have fucked her, da? It’s magnificent. Was she the second whore of that weekend? Or was she first as well? How long have you been fucking my wife, Ryunoslav?”
Tanaka wants to answer, but it catches in his throat. His tongue refuses to mould the shapes, his lungs refuse to exhale the sound. Daichi sighs.
“It does not matter. Only one thing matters. Come.”
Tanaka walks towards Daichi, each step kicking water down his shoes, his socks wet. He’s never felt more like the ocean than now, swallowed by the rain, drowning. He stops when he stands under the partition, Daichi’s large hands cupping themselves under Tanaka’s chin to lift his head slightly, wiping the rain from his skin, the gold rings cold against his jaw. There may have been tears but Tanaka can’t tell, numb and expectant of Daichi’s next words,
“Tell me, do you love her more than me?”
Cigarette smoke tickles Tanaka’s nose, and he holds his breath. Without him, Tanaka would be dead. Daichi knows this, Tanaka knows this.
“I owe you my life, Pakhan.”
“Now, you owe me a life. I am not without mercy. You have been the closest brother to me. You have tasted the sweet fruit of sin, I can not blame you. You know I have done it too. But I am expected to sleep with someone else. She has embarrassed me. I can not have that. A Boss that can not keep his woman in line? No one will respect me, her own father will not respect me.”
Tanaka remembers the conversation in the banya, the plans to take over completely, the poor health Valentina’s old man is in.
“Are you loyal, or are you just another predatel, scum like the men you erase from existence?”
The storm in Tanaka’s eyes swirl around, clashing against the hard forest floor of Daichi’s. He is loyal. Strangely, in this moment, he remembers the lilies of his home, and their sweet, comforting fragrance, his mother making dinner, and his sister who ran with him to their new life before separating. The pain of losing her no longer stabs at him, maybe this pain someday will not either.
13. Valentina
The room is white and grey, the smell of oil and rubber and metal and salt clinging to the air, to your skin. All the alcohol consumed over the evening seeps from your pores, creating a pounding in your head. You begin to wonder if it was ever a good idea to tell Daichi. You wonder what happened when you left, and you wonder where your necklace is. Your fingers brush over your sternum, feeling the ghost of the viper head and of Tanaka’s mouth.
You taptaptap your toes against the floor, the rain echoing in time, the water drawing in and out rhythmically as you wait for the storm to pass. Only a few minutes, you were told.
“Few minutes, my ass.”
The walkie-talkie connected to the captain’s hip shocks to life, and broken Russian floats up, but you can’t make out the words. He answers, smiles at you, “please, wait here. I will be back soon.”
Then, he leaves, and you’re left alone with the brat that accompanied you. He sighs heavily, as though the inconvenience to him is all your doing, and you glare.
“Is there a problem, soldier?” you ask, standing straight, arms crossed in front of your chest. They seem to forget, Daichi married into your family, not the other way around.
“Nyet, Gadyuka, prosti,” he apologises quickly.
Silence settles over the hull again, claustrophobia leaching into your veins. If you look out at the open hatch, you can see inky blackness, and far in the distance, the faint yellow lights of Monte Carlo. You are about to ask for some water when footsteps echo against the metal walls, a familiar gait.
“Leave us, pazolvste.”
Ryunoslav says to his subordinate, who swiftly salutes him and walks up the stairs. The door at the top clicks shut. You’re speechless, and he is sopping wet.
“Ryu,” you whisper, walking towards him and draping your arms around his shoulders, uncaring at the feeling of water pressing into the fabric of your dress, dripping between the open gap of your breasts. He’s stiff when you touch him, but soon melts, nose nuzzling into your neck and breathing deeply. He still smells like crisp apple and fresh seawater.
“Why are you here?”
“Daichi knows.”
You’ve never felt colder, warmer, like a fever and frostbite all at once. You feel him rustle against your bodies, and you let go to watch him pull the Bulgari necklace out, lifting your hand to place it in your palm. Your fingers close around the jewels automatically.
“I told him I love you.”
There are no words that come to your mind in that instant. Emotions, many. Relief, nausea, stillness and rage, love for the man in front of you. You ache to feel his warm, corded muscles against your skin. He looks pained, eyes tormented as he looks into your soul.
“How did he react?”
“Not well.”
He gives no space for continuation, pulling you tightly against his body, arms snaking around your waist as his lips fall against your mouth. His skin is cool, wet, pressing to your heated cheeks, but his mouth is inviting. There is passion unlike what you’ve experienced before. It tastes like freedom, like a new day and endless night. It’s the smoke on the fire, and the salt of the sea. He’s crying, you realise, and you open your mouth to lick up a tear on the corner of his mouth.
The necklace slips from your fingers when you grab him, pushing the jacket of his suit from his shoulders to drop to the already wet floor. There’s a faint crunch, but neither one of you pull away to look at the crushed jewel beneath your heel. It’s just so right to kiss him. In this moment, the world falls away and it’s just the two of you. His taste fills you with a feeling that rivals being whole, satiated. Something hard pokes against your hip, and you smile into the kiss, lips moving to his jaw to suck on an earlobe.
But you freeze. Daichi is at the top of the stairs.
“I’m sorry,” Ryunoslav whispers.
You frown, his words not registering and when you pull back to ask what is happening, he ensnares another kiss from you, tears flowing freely, something hard, cold, now presses against your temple and–
Thank you for reading, truly. This fic honestly has so much of my heart and soul in it. I had so much fun writing it. I hope you’re not too mad about the ending lmao.
@dee-madwriter , @pleasantanathema​​​ , @lookslikeleese​​​ , @linestrider​​​ , @hisoknen​​​ , @mindninjax​​​ , @whats-her-quirk​​​ , @messwriting​
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vityuuwrites · 4 years
Know we didnt talk in a while and I hope u okk now... also wondering if u wanna do a vicuuri x never let me down?
Chose a random nr from my playlist and it was kinda lucky :)
ahhh i’m good now yeah, ty for worrying!! hope you are too <333 i’m sorry this is so late ASKSKS i hope you like it!! i might or might not have written most of it during a lecture whoops,,, also ty for the request! 
Victor is used to hiding everything behind a smile.
He never talks about his feelings – there's no space for them in skating. Maybe there was years ago, when he was still bright-eyed and hopeful, when love coloured his every move, his every jump and he was filled with indescribable joy after every performance. When skating was something he did because he loved it and not only because it was the only thing he was good at.
But now, Victor is Victor Nikiforov. He's Victor Nikiforov, the living legend, an untouchable god in skating no one could come close to, who was naturally good at it. Someone who never made mistakes, never faltered – he was the one person everyone wanted to catch up to, to push out of the top.
If they knew how lonely it was there, maybe they wouldn't want it because Victor is alone and he has to be alone. He has to be alone because he can't show any weakness to anyone.
Yuuri Katsuki is not like that.
It is almost like every single one of his emotions is etched onto his face, in the furrow between his eyebrows whenever he's anxious, or the shy turn of his lips whenever he's happy. His eyes sparkle when he's excited, his arms moving with the speed of his words. Victor feels warm whenever he looks at him.
He never thought that the man who swept him off his feet – quite literally – at that banquet so long ago would one day be moving in with him. He never thought that this level of happiness was possible. Not for him.
It made him want to be more open with himself. He wanted to share the parts of himself he kept hidden for so long – the lonely, broken parts of him that he never let anyone see – with the world.
Or just with Yuuri. There wasn't much difference to him, after all.
It was hard, though. His mind was, is and forever will be a dark, dark place that he sometimes sunk into. It was never as bad as Yuuri had it, he didn't think, but his thoughts were still hard to escape.
Victor Nikiforov is 28 years old. He is 28 years old which means his body is a ticking bomb just ready to go off at any seconds.
He knows he only has maybe one or two good seasons left. He can feel it in the hollow ache of his muscles all the way down to his bones, in the way his knees buckle when he lands a jump and his stamina is starting to get worse.
He only has one or two good seasons left in him and he doesn't want them to go to waste.
Maybe deciding to get back to skating was a bad idea. Maybe Victor should have let himself be blown out like a candle while he was still at his peak, suddenly and without a warning before people around him started noticing his weakness.
But he wanted to skate with Yuuri.
Him returning to the ice made Yuuri happy.
Victor lives for making Yuuri happy.
“Victor?” Yuuri says, breaking Victor out of his thoughts. Yuuri turns from the pan he is hunched over. His eyebrows crease with worry. “Are you ok?”
Victor forces a smile as he taps his fingers against the marble island stretching out over the middle of the kitchen. “Of course I am, Yuuri. Why’d you ask?”
Yuuri fully turns to him. “You’ve been awfully quiet since we’ve returned from practice.”
Victor hesitates for a second too long and he knows that Yuuri sees right through him. Still, he glances away as to not face his gaze. “I’m fine.”
Yuuri frowns but he does not pry, just turns back to the omelette he’s making.
Victor is grateful for that.
Victor is laying in the dark with the soft buzz of snowflakes hitting his window a backdrop to his thoughts. His hand is curled around Yuuri’s waist, rubbing the warm skin while Yuuri’s hair tickles at his chest and his breath strokes across his collarbones. He watches the cracks across his ceiling, like cracks under skates that split the smooth surface of the ice.
His eyes glance at his hand that spreads out across the sheet. The golden ring glints in the sliver of moonlight. His lips curl into a smile.
It is the only gold he ever won that does not feel like a shackle around his neck.
“Yuuri?” he whispers into the peaceful room. “Are you awake?”
“Mmm,” Yuuri murmurs and shifts in his hold. Bleary eyes turn to face him. Victor’s hand tightens on his waist. “I am now.”
Victor huffs out a laugh as his eyes turn back towards the ceiling. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers. “I was just checking.”
Yuuri’s hair tickles him through his silk pajama top as he shakes his hand. “It’s ok, I don’t mind. We don’t have practice tomorrow morning, anyway.”
“True.” He keeps his gaze on the ceiling. “I’m still sorry.”
Yuuri’s hand moves from the sheet to hold Victor’s. He gives it a squeeze.
“Yuuri?” he says again after a minute of silence that presses heavy against his chest. “Can I…” He bites his bottom lip as he struggles to say something. Anything. He knows Yuuri will not judge him if he does.
The words still get stuck in the back of his throat.
Yuuri lifts his head from Victor’s chest and shifts higher to tilt his head so their gazes meet. “Victor?” he says softly.
Victor loosens a shaky breath and searches his eyes. He squeezes his hand tighter. “I’m scared,” he finally manages to choke out and sighs as tears gather at the corners of his eyes. He roughly wipes them away with the back of his hand.
Yuuri blinks. His hand grips Victor’s and gently pushes it away in favour of wiping the wetness away himself. “Of what?” he whispers, hand lingering against his cheek.
Victor nuzzles into it like a kitten and gives another shaky sigh. “I don’t know,” he says, gritting his teeth together. He looks back up towards the ceiling so he does not have to face him. “Nothing. Everything.”
“Is this why you’ve been awfully quiet today?” Yuuri asks. His voice is soft and caring and Victor wants to weep. He does not know why; it is just pressing heavily against very being.
“Maybe? I’ve just been too stuck in my mind.” He presses an arm over his eyes to hide the tear that slides down his cheek. It feels freezing cold. “I hate it. I hate it so much.”
Yuuri’s hand squeezes the hand he’s holding. “Victor…” he leans in to wrap his arms around him, pulling his head against his chest. Victor’s shoulders shake and he burrows his face into his chest as he gives a silent sob.
“Is there anything I can do?” Yuuri’s warm hand strokes circles into his scalp. Victor releases another shaky breath.
“I’m scared,” he says again, voice tight as he attempts to gather his thoughts. “I’m scared, Yuuri.”
Yuuri presses a soft kiss against the crown of his hair. “It’s ok, let it all out, it’s ok,” he whispers and Victor feels something inside of him break. His tears flow out freely, and he hiccups as he clutches at him like a lifeline.
“ It’s just,” he starts and scowls, his tears staining Yuuri’s sleeping shirt. “It’s just… I’m scared this is my last good season. I’m scared because I’m 28 and skating is the only thing I’ve done for more than 20 years. I don’t know how to do anything else, I don’t want to retire but I also know I need to because I – I can feel it. I wobble on jumps, I get tired too easily, I’m one knee injury away from retiring anyway. But I also don’t want to retire yet because – because you taught me to love skating again and I’ve just started to enjoy it again and – and ---”
Victor grits his teeth together. Yuuri just silently holds him.
“And I don’t want to let you down,” Victor adds in a near whisper as he grasps at him tighter and curls up into himself. “I know you want to skate with me and I want to skate with you and even saying that I want to skate is amazing because I was going to retire this season but I really, really want to but I’m scared that if I return I’ll just let everyone down. Everyone expects me to be so amazing all the time but I can’t be and I know I need to retire before I’m forced to by an injury.”
Victor takes a deep breath and slumps against himself. He squeezes his eyes shut.
Yuuri’s hand moves to rub his back. “How long have you been sitting on that?” he asks, voice feather-light and gentle. Victor gives a little laugh.
“A while,” he admits. “I’m… not used to talking about my feelings. I didn’t think anyone would care as long as I skated alright.”
Yuuri’s lips find the crown of his head again. “Thank you for telling me,” he says and when Victor looks up at his face, bathed in pearly moonlight, he sees he is smiling. Victor closes his eyes when Yuuri brushes his bangs out of them.
“I hope I didn’t pressure you into returning to the ice,” Yuuri continues and cups his cheek. His hand is warm against his freezing cheek. Victor sobs and nuzzles into it again, trying to control his breathing.
“You didn’t, I did it because I wanted to skate alongside you.”
“Good, because I never want to pressure you into anything.” His lips find his forehead. “You’d never let me down, Vitya. Never. You can flub as many jumps you want, you can retire, hell, you can move to Antarctica and stay there to, I don’t know, study the penguins alone, I would always be in awe of you. I would always love you.” He hesitates. “You know that, don’t you?”
Victor sobs louder and presses his hand against his mouth. “I-I’m trying,” he admits. “I’m…Not used to that.”
Love always felt conditional to him. If he skated well, the audience loved him. If he behaved (though he rarely did), Yakov loved him. If he scored well, Russia loved him.
If he stays untouchable, if he overworks himself into exhaustion, if he stays the living legend, the world loves him.
“Oh, Vitya,” Yuuri breathes and squeezes him closer. His hands fist at the back of his shirt. “You don’t have to do anything special for me to love you. I won’t love you less if you fuck up, if you’re not always the best. You can never let me down. You saw me at my worst and you never ran away. Why would I?”
“I—I don’t know,” he says, voice shaking. He bites back another sob and takes a deep breath. “It felt like you would.”
“Never.” Yuuri starts stroking his hair again, hand shaking the tiniest bit. “You’re stuck with me, Vitya. I can’t promise you that you won’t fall and injure yourself tomorrow. I can’t promise you that your body won’t catch up with you.”
Victor glances up at Yuuri’s face when Yuuri’s hand urges him to look him in the eyes. He sniffles, another tear leaking down his warm cheek.
“But what I can promise you,” Yuuri continues and gives him a watery smile as he wipes it away. “Is that if those do happen, I’ll be here. If you decide you want to retire, I’ll be here. I won’t leave you. I could never leave you. I love you too much.”
Victor throws his arms around him and sobs softly into his shoulder, shaking as Yuuri’s hand warms him down to his core when it draws nonsense shapes Victor’s too lost to recognise.
“I love you too,” he answers shakily when a few minutes pass and his breathing starts to slow, his shaking a mere tremor compared to how he began. He pulls away only slightly, so slight their chests still touch, to give Yuuri a watery smile just as the moon peeks out from behind a thick cloud and sheds a sliver of light over Yuuri’s porcelain-smooth face. “I love you so much.”
He buries his head into the crook of his neck again, pressing a soft kiss to the warm skin he finds there. “What have I ever done to deserve someone as amazing as you?” he breathes in deeply to ground himself.
“Existed,” Yuuri says and brushes his hair away from his face before their hands twine again.
Victor starts softly weeping anew.
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kailedger · 4 years
for all the YOI fanfic authors
I’ve been reading a lot of fanfics in this particular fandom and, as a Russian, there’s like... little things that constantly bother me. Don’t get me wrong, the works are amazing, but every time I see this little innacurate details in a really good piece I’m like... slightly dissapointed lol
So here’s a couple things from a native speaker and someone who actually lives in Russia. (Also pardon my grammar, since English is not my first language).
NAMES. I couldn't stress it more, honestly. Here's the thing: most of Russian names have a full version and a short version. For example Victor (or Viktor, whichever you prefer) is the full version and Vitya is the short version. Sometimes I see authors using the short version, but most of the time it's described as something unusual (like Victor gets TOO excited to hear it from Yuuri). But in real life everyone in Russia will call him Vitya. It's not a big deal, the closest equivalent I can think of is this: if you wanna adress someone as Ms. or Mr., you can use the full name, but if two people are on the first name basis, in Russia they most likely will use the short version. So, like, Yakov, Yurio, Mila, Georgi will definitely call him Vitya (as I recall, in anime Yakov actually does? Or have I been reading too much fanfiction?). 
If it's an official kind of thing (for example, press meetings etc.) Victor can be adressed by his full name, sometimes even with his paternal name. (Paternal names in Russia is a whole other thing, pretty close to second names, but a little bit different. We always adress elder people like teachers with both full name and paternal name). I actually think Victor would adress Yakov with his paternal name, but that heavely depends in their relationship (honestly, Victor has like zero chill, so I wouldn't put it past behind him to have no respect in this matter lol). 
Oh, and Yurio's name is a mess in most fanfics. The full name would be Yuri, the short version is Yura. Since Otabek is from Kazakzstan, there's a very high chance he's actually fluent in Russian, so he would definitely use "Yura". The cutesy dimunitive would be Yurochka (not Yuratchka as it's stated in the anime subtitles), but it's only appropriate to use with a big age difference (like Yurio's granpa calling him that) or in a really sweet manner, to a point of being almost nauseating. (BTW, dimunitive from Vitya is Viten'ka). 
Mila's full name doesn't actually have a short version, but if you're looking for a dimunitive it's Milochka (which is also the same word for "darling" in Russian, and this version can be kind of sarcastic, so be careful with it). 
Georgi... Oh my God, where do I start lol. There's like two common short versions: Zhora or Gosha (sometimes even Goga, we have a very popular movie quote with this name, it's like a well-known joke for Russians).
Pet names. That's a whole other different level of hell. I often see people writing Victor using pet names, sometimes it's good, most of the times it makes me go "He would never use that, please, stop". 
"Zolotse" as in "gold" is actually a pretty good one - altough it's a little conservative and not often used, it has a personal meaning for Victor and Yuuri and isn't, you know... cringy. But for the love of God, don't use "krasavchik" (handsome guy) or "detka" (baby), it's just... no. Miliy (darling), lyubov moya or lyubimiy (my love) are pretty good. A little too sweet for my taste, but I actually think it's appropriate for Victor since he's clingy lol.
Accents. So here's the thing. I lived my whole life in Russia, I learned English through some additional courses (not very advanced) and watching a lot of american/english tv-shows and movies and reading literature in english. When I had the chance to talk to native speakers (one was from Boston, I believe, and also a bunch of people in England when I went on a vacation there), most of them said that I barely had any accent at all. 
Victor presumably has been participating in international events from a very young age. My point is - sure, he can have an accent, but in my opinion it's not gonna be very distinctive. Unless he's specifically speaking in a broken English, but, like, why would he do that? On the other hand, Yurio and Mila are both pretty young, so it would actually make sense for them to have an accent or even have trouble speaking English.
Customs and traditions. Pretty sure most people know it already, but in Russia we do wear our wedding rings on the right hand. Has something to do with our main religion being eastern orthodox church. 
We don't usually celebrate Christmas. Our Christmas is on 7th of January and it's a pretty religious holiday, most of us barely acknowledge it. So 25th of December is not a holiday in Russia. But! New Year is the biggest holiday for the whole country. We celebrate it starting from 31st of December, and the celebration itself usually involves the New Year tree, champange, tangerines and a whole bunch of salads. We have official holidays from 31st of December all the way to 7th on January (some years even 8th or 9th). So it's a whole week of celebration where people usually get drunk a lot lol. 
The stereotype about russians drinking a lot is not exactly a sterotype tbh. We DO drink a lot, not all of us, of course, but still. And yeah - vodka is pretty common since you can find it really cheap and it doesn't have a particular taste or smell (if you don't count the smell and taste of alcohol itself). But I, for example, prefer rum in my cocktails, so it's like a preference thing. 
Not exactly a tradition or custom, but still fits here. Yeah, it can get pretty cold in Russia, especially in winter or late fall. But this winter (of 2019-2020) was pretty mild honestly, not a lot of snow and the temperature was rarely below -10 degrees celcium. And our summers can get unbearebly hot. Since the humidity in St. Petersburg is very high, it makes the hot weather even worse. Oh, yeah, and in St. P it rains A LOT. The city itself is pretty gloomy and dark, but that's kind of part of it's charm if you're into this kind of thing (some people are not, I've got a lot of friends from Moscow who hate St. P for being so moody). 
Russia is also pretty big. The travel from St. P to Moscow is from 4 to 12 hours on train (depends on what train you're on) or 1.5 hour on plane. But both of those cities are in the western part of the country. Vladivostok (the city on the eastern coast) is actually closer to Japan than it's to St. P or Moscow (2 hour flight to Japan, 45 hour flight to St. P, crazy, right?)
Homophobia. Kinda heavy topic, beware. Russia is a homophobic country. Not to the point of same-sex relationship being a criminal offence, but propaganda, as our authorities would call it, is an administrative offence. And the court can judge A LOT of your actions as a propaganda, especially if you’re a public person. I mostly prefer to not dwell on this topic in fanfiction, I think even the creators of anime itself stated that there’s no homophobia in YOI world, so best stick to it, I guess? But if you wanna go for something realistic, here’s how it would have been in Russia. If Victor EVER publicly acknolewged being in a relationship with another man (like... kissing one on a national televion, ya know), he would be heavely criticized. There would still be supporters, people who would say that it doesn’t matter, what his personal life is like, but there would be a lot of backlash, especially on official level. Which would make his life in Russia pretty miserable tbh. He would most likely lose a majority of his sponsorships in Russia, there’s even a high chance of administrative penalty (since he’s a public person). That’s really sad and makes me very, very angry, but, unfortunatly, that’s the reality. Oh, and same-sex marriage is illegal in Russia, in case that wasn’t clear. 
Phew, that was a lot, and I think I haven’t covered all that I wanted to lol. But in case you have any question, feel free to ask!
p.s.: part two, if you’re interested: https://kailedger.tumblr.com/post/621623611041759232/for-all-the-yoi-fanfic-author-p2
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heavensturtle · 3 years
Day 21: Summer
A short fic for day twenty-one of the YOI 20+ Club’s Daily Art Challenge!
This one is a continuation of Day 20, so read that one first.
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Note: I’m so sorry! This is more than 600 words over my limit of 1000, these two just got away from me and I didn’t want to torture myself any more dragging this storyline out another day!
Also note: Prepare for sappiness overload. Healthy communication and supportive partners are the themes of today’s fic.
- - -
Victor woke to the sound of his phone ringing, lying flat on his back with a marginally-awake Yuuri draped over top of him. He tried to grab for the phone, but his arm was somehow hooked through Yuuri’s, reducing his reach to just a few inches.
“Yuuri,” he begged.
“Noooo,” Yuuri moaned, twisting so he was now on his back, his head falling to the bed just under Victor’s armpit.
That couldn’t be comfortable. But it did free up Victor’s arm, so he grabbed the phone.
“Oh. It’s Phichit.”
Yuuri took the phone. His only contribution to the conversation was a few wordless ‘mms’ before he hung up. Then he tossed the phone somewhere on the bed and proceeded to crawl over Victor like he was trying to climb inside of him. When Victor couldn’t take it anymore he grabbed Yuuri’s shoulders and pulled him against his chest, forcing him to lie still. Yuuri put up no resistance.
“Why are we like this?” Victor complained, “Yuuri? I used to be a morning person.”
“I don’t knoowww. Oh, Victor, I smell awful, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I think that’s me.”
“No, it’s definitely me, you smell amazing.”
Victor, still not used to sleepy Yuuri’s unfiltered commentary, blushed.
Yuuri leapt up, suddenly awake. “Um, Okay! Well, anyway, I’m going to take a quick shower and go see Phichit. You just - stay there.”
Victor frowned. “You don’t want me there?”
“I don’t want to subject you to an excited Phichit this early in the morning. I don’t want to scare you off.”
“So you’re planning on keeping me around, then?”
The comment was meant to be offhand, but it caused Yuuri to squint at Victor like he was trying to decipher him.
“I’m going to go see Phichit, and then I’ll be right back,” he promised. “Do you want me to bring you anything?”
Victor shook his head.
When Yuuri had showered, changed, and left, Victor changed into a clean shirt and boxers and tucked himself into his own bed. Yuuri’s seemed somehow cold without Yuuri there.
He didn’t think he would fall asleep again but the next thing he knew Yuuri was crawling under the covers next to him.
Victor roused. “Yuuri,” he began.
Yuuri pulled Victor’s arm over himself. “Can we just lay here? For an hour?”
Victor scooted closer so he could bury his face in Yuuri’s hair. “Sure. Why?”
“I want to talk to you, but I’m tired and I don’t know how to say it. I don’t want to say the wrong thing. Like I did the other day.”
“Oh,” Victor muttered, “Okay.”
The third time Victor woke up he was still wrapped around Yuuri, who was turning off his phone alarm. Victor lay quietly, trusting Yuuri to start talking when he was ready.
“Victor?” Yuuri broke the silence.
“Why do you keep talking about me keeping you?”
Victor tensed. “Yuuri, it was a joke.”
“But it sort of wasn’t, right? You mentioned it our second night here, too.”
“That was because you had just said you didn’t need me any more,” Victor retorted, a trace of the hurt from that night resurfacing.
He could feel Yuuri take in a deep breath and then let it out slowly.
“Phichit was right, I didn’t clear anything up, did I?”
“What do you mean?”
“Victor, if I retire tomorrow, will you want to stop taking care of me?”
“Of course not,” he answered automatically. Taking care of Yuuri, and letting Yuuri take care of him, was the only thing in his life aside from skating that made sense.
“Do you think I would want you to stop taking care of me?”
Victor felt his throat constrict. He was glad Yuuri couldn’t see his face. “No?” he guessed.
Yuuri was trembling slightly as he placed his hand over Victor’s and threaded their fingers together. “That’s right. I won’t stop needing you just because I’m not skating. Please don’t stop taking care of me, Victor. Not when I retire. Not ever.”
“I won’t,” Victor assured him, curling even tighter against Yuuri’s back. The smell of the onsen’s shampoo in his hair felt safe, like home.
“Okay,” Yuuri breathed. Then, “But I really do want to keep going. I want to win with you, Victor.”
“You will,” Victor promised, kissing the back of Yuuri’s head.
“I want to keep skating, but I’m willing to quit so that you can compete without being weighed down by me. I would give it up to make you happy.”
“Yuuri,” Victor warned, “I already told you, making a sacrifice like that wouldn’t make me happy.”
“I know. And I feel the same about you. But that’s where I’m confused.” Yuuri paused, like he was gathering his thoughts. “For you, Victor, I don’t know what the sacrifice is. Is it retiring? Or is it to go back to competing when you don’t want to? I thought I knew, but maybe I guessed wrong.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Victor said in a rush, “I’ll do whatever’s the best choice, Yuuri. I- ”
“Is that what you were thinking when you said you were coming back? That it was the best choice?”
“It was the best choice,” Victor pointed out.
“For who?”
Victor paused, unsure of how to answer. It had seemed obvious, before now.
“Victor, you’re…” Yuuri began.
Victor held his breath, dreading whatever came next. Whatever it was that Yuuri had wanted to tell him last night.
What Yuuri said stunned him: “You don’t have to do things just to make other people happy. Victor. You’re allowed to ask for what you want. You’re even allowed to demand it. I won’t always be able to give it to you, but I promise to try.”
“Yuuri,” he started to argue, but then Yuuri began stroking his forearm and Victor fell silent.  
”Can we just try something? Just be Victor. No one knows your name, no one expects anything from you. What do you want?”
Victor, who had been floored more than once during the course of this conversation, felt suddenly cut loose. He started to breathe erratically, like he couldn’t get in enough air, but then Yuuri took one of Victor’s hands and pressed it flat against his chest, and Victor could feel his ribs expanding and contracting, and he tried to match the rhythm.
“I don’t know,” he said when his breathing had finally steadied.
“Try?” Yuuri urged.
“I don’t know if I should say,” he whispered.
“Is it too much?” Yuuri guessed.
Victor nodded, pressed his lips to Yuuri’s hair.
“Victor. Has anything you’ve done so far been too much?” Yuuri asked.
Victor wanted to argue that yes, it had been, every moment beginning with him showing up to coach Yuuri unannounced. But then the evidence to the contrary shifted in his arms, moving somehow even closer, and he reconsidered.
Too much was just fine with Yuuri. Maybe this would be okay.
He started with the most obvious one: “I want to go home with you.”
“You will. In four hours.”
“Every day,” Victor clarified.
“Good. I want you to.”
“I want to get another dog. A rescue. With you.”
“Me too,” Yuuri agreed easily.
He thought about that little triangle pin affixed to his rain jacket back home. “I want to stay in Hasetsu.”
He squeezed Yuuri’s hand, “I want to buy a house with you.”
“Okay,” Yuuri’s voice was trembling. He curled around Victor’s arms, and Victor curled up with him.
“I want to get married in the summer. I know it will be too hot and not as pretty as the spring, when the cherry blossoms are blooming, but I don’t know - I just feel like… the summer is important for us.”
“Yes,” Yuuri whispered, “Yes, Victor, yes.”
They lay quietly for a moment, Victor’s heart pounding so hard he was sure Yuuri could feel it. He felt electrified, like he needed to run yelling through the halls, or leap between tall buildings, or kiss Yuuri until they missed their flight and had to stay in Barcelona another night.
Or do a quad flip.
The thought had barely entered his mind before Yuuri asked, “Do you want to skate?”
He considered it. He obviously wanted to skate with Yuuri. He wanted to skate with him forever. But as for the rest of it?
“I don’t know,” he said truthfully.
Yuuri turned, then, to face him. He looked carefully at Victor, as though scrutinizing a rare treasure. Then, he leaned forward until their noses brushed. Victor took the invitation and kissed him.
It was soft, but Victor’s heart started racing again anyway.
When Yuuri pulled away, he reached up and ran his fingers across Victor’s cheek and into his hair.
“It’s okay to not know,” Yuuri said.
Was it?
Victor’s thoughts must have read clearly on his face, because Yuuri repeated: “It is okay to not know.”
“Yuuri,” Victor murmured, reaching for him, and then they were kissing again.  
When they broke apart this time, Yuuri said, “Will you do me a favor, though?”
“Will you schedule some coaching sessions with Yakov?”
Victor frowned.
Yuuri went on, “You’ll need them if you’re going to prepare two programs for Worlds.”
Victor was startled. “I don’t see- ” he began.
“They don’t need to be new programs, I know you have a bunch you’ve never performed. But you know the ISU will invite you even if you don’t compete at Nationals. And when that happens - yes, it will happen,” Yuuri emphasized at the look on Victor’s face, “When that happens, I want you to be able to turn them down because you want to, not because you have to. I want you to have a real choice.”
“Yuuri,” Victor breathed. His chest ached.
“If I am going to take you from the world,” Yuuri said with a tiny, satisfied smile, “I want to do it properly.”
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Hello !! I haven’t done one of these in a while, but I thought it was high time that I did so !! First and foremost, thank you to everyone !! I know that I’m a scatterbrain and that I jump from blog to blog a lot, but those who have stuck by regardless truly do deserve a spot on this list. So whether you’re following for one of my characters or all of them, thank you !! Anyways, here we go !!
@dadadaemons​ : CHE darling. Baby. Thank you for sticking out with me and my lame characters. I know I can ramble a lot and go on for hours about one topic, but it does mean a lot that you listen to me regardless of how stupid the topic happens to be. I’m really happy that we were able to become friends and its fucking wild that we happen to love the same things and have the same thoughts. It’s like we’re literally the same person but not really ?? Anyways, you’re fucking creative as hell and I always have a blast writing and talking with you !! Thank you for making such amazing OC’s and letting them interact with my garbage ones !! EVERY TIME I GET TO READ YOUR WRITING ITS AN ABSOLUTE BLAST AND I CRY. BUT GOD YEAH Thank you for always being there for me !!
@lpseitys​ : LIZ BABY !! GOD !! I always cry when I think about out beautiful boys honestly they’re so fucking sweet and make me gush all the time ?? But like aside from that, I LOVE TALK TO YOU !! LIKE YOU HONESTLY BRING SUCH A HUGE SMILE TO MY FACE EVERY TIME WE GET TO TALK !! AND AUGH, YOUR WRITING IS FUCKING FANTASTIC !! I LOVE READING EVERYTHING YOU WRITE I JUST,,,, CRY. BUT I’VE HAD SO MUCH FUN TALKING AND HANGING WITH YOU BABY GOD JUST KNOW ILY SO MUCH.
@conseille​ : I sob every time we talk about Yerin and Winnie because they’re just absolutely perfect !! I really think you’ve helped me build Winnie further from where he first started and let me explore sides of him I would’ve never thought about before. Aside from that, you’re an amazing friend and I’m always happy whenever we get the chance to talk !! Like god I could just gush for hours about how beautiful your writing style is and how you just happen to capture every little detail. It’s like watching a painting unfold right before your eyes and its fucking amazing. ILY. 
@theateared​ : MURR IS GREAT OKAY !!! IDC I LOVE YOUR BLOGS AND I LOVE SEEING YOU WRITE ITS JUST SO FUN AND CONTAGIOUS HOW AMAZING YOU HAPPEN TO BE AT WRITING. please know that I just adore all your characters and augh,,, chef’s kiss @ you baby
@valhallic​ : THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS LISTENING TO ME RANTY ABOUT MY MUSES AND HONESTLY i love your muses so much like dang please leave some talent for the rest of us ;; . REGARDLESS YOU ARE AMAZING !!
@youngesper / @veiliisms / @kaerux / @sherose / @shinkuraun / @retiine / @moonfavored / @crystalburdened / @nenegyo / @maljefe / @litteriae / @thnderblade / @yorukomori / @wieldgun / @1000z / @patereuropae / @kryyptids / @onigirii / @feelnthing / @toiltbwl / @awanderers / @thouarepeople / @shi100 / @noctstate / @stckhlmr / @hackedlaugh / @honourquinx / @undeadbite / @unsunned / @kusaranai / @hehowl / @hariolor / @wisesteyed / @lcnguor / @egobury / @victamortem / @greatinu / @ghstler / @saevus / @wishsought / @kiiruna / @citialiin / @gothsic / @waterfeared / @laslow / @vessuvius / @solivcgant / @conoscenze / @vcndringsjinn / @pragmarage / @rapturefell / @vsheart / @bykaleolani / @stellamris / @barewiings / @howlins / @pcrticlvcid / @extravachance / @sleeploved / @isolaras / @herotting / @jaxyu / @bowitched / @woerended​ / @spellfear​ / @salemsaberhxgen​ / @dvvlry​ / @ethaeria​ / @sonderrow​
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Best of tags #13
A compilation of my favorite reactions to this blog.
A chat about Iida wanting to move to South America (Link):
@displacerlovesmyhero said:
I mean, some people just want to hide the bodies in South America.
@frankly-ludicrous said:
Toss 'em in the fucking Grand Canyon or something! We don't need your corpses stinking up the place, we have our own corpses to take care of!
I feel like I stumbled upon two rival crime bosses arguing about territories and now I’m terrified.
@theproxy066 on Shigaraki recruiting Bakugou and Tokoyami: (Link)
I like this, but wasn't Tokoyami picked out last-minute by Mr. Compress?
You know that shitty friend who only wants to hang out with you at the beginning of the month when your credit card is full? Well that’s how I treat the canon.
@hotonten on the D.E.K.U. method: (Link)
The U should be changed to "unconditional love"
LOVE?!!! Urgh! Are we even reading the same manga? Midoriya is a creeping black widow and he’s here to get the DOUGH. Watch out, Iida, Midoriya’s looking at your inheritance!
@abraxax-heart on Aizawa playing favorites: (Link)
This is a lie because Aizawa also dearly cares for Bakugou, Mirio and Eri (though she’s not her student… Yet). AND is also incapable of restraining himself when faced with problem children. He has to adopt them.
Forget the gender spectrum! The new way to illustrate your personality is: where do you fall on a scale from “Aizawa hates kids” to “Aizawa adopts every single kid he meets”. And now the weather.
Joke aside, I do think Eraserhead likes his students, he’s just terribly demanding of them because of his... troublesome history with the superhero system. Does he train Shinsou on his work hours, though? There might be an issue with that as he’s not part of Class 1-A (yet) so spending that much time on training a kid instead of his own students might get Aizawa in trouble. My personal headcanon is that Nezu doesn’t mind because Mineta is inevitably going to get expelled and they’ll need another student to replace him.
@nemon0416 on Kaminari and the lack of a Nobel maths prize: (Link)
Denki. I hate to break it to you...
I think Kaminari’s still correct. The Nobel prize does not reward mathematicians because that field does not directly and immediately help Humanity in a practical, applicable way (this policy has been criticized over the years and does not reflect my own views on the matter).
Although the Fields medal and the Abel prize are commonly nicknamed “the Nobel prizes of mathematics” by journalists because they’re of equal prestige, these two awards are not affiliated with the Swedish Academy which chooses the Nobel laureates.
@samqui801 on the short-lived Todoroki family sitcom: (Link)
#the fuck is todavia todos todoroki#i mean the real name of the show
The backstory I imagined for this is that Endeavor wanted to build up his image as a “family values” superhero because that was the one thing he could do that All Might couldn’t. So his plan was to coerce his wife and children into playing fictionalized versions of themselves in a family sitcom he produced, wrote and directed himself. An unholy mix of “Full House” and “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. He chose to film it in Bolivia because he heard that country had a special tax loophole which allowed him not to pay child actors (in that case, his own children). However Bolivian law required Endeavor to produce the TV series under a Castillian name rather than a Japanese one. Annoyed, Endeavor simply opened a dictionary and looked for words beginning with “Tod-”. Hence “¡Todavía todos Todoroki!” was born... and cancelled after only one episode. Endeavor considers one of the most shameful failures of his career and turns red at the mere mention of it. However the pilot episode did not fall into obscurity as Endeavor as hoped. Instead it has developed a cult following similar to Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room”. Fans post memes of the ridiculous TV pilot all over the Internet and perform reenactment during live viewings. Natsuo sometimes attends them to recount his miserable experience filming the pilot and to throw some shade at his father. Shouto is however too young to remember the shoot as it was produced during his enfancy (when Enji was still trying to “make the marriage work”).
Wow, that was longer than I expected.
@cjgryffindor714 on Shotuo taking soba baths: (Link)
Don’t forget he only likes soba cold so he’s in a cold soba bath
Oh my gods, you are right. This is even less sexy than I envisioned.
@inbrightshadows on Shouto helping Inko plan her husband’s murder: (Link)
#also Inko: What kind of laser are we talking about?#have any gun recomendations?
Well Endeavor’s still alive so obviously Shouto can only recommand which guns to avoid when purchasing online.
@chr0nosaur on Iida’s birthday gift: (Link)
#imagine getting an alarm clock for ur birthday..
Well some people don’t have to imagine it. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
@theodericc on Sero being an underdog: (Link)
#sero isn't an underdog#he's amazing
I mean he’s an underdog in the sense that he’s really overlooked. Then again not being a protagonist also has its perks... I guess he doesn’t have to worry about having a tragic backstory and stuff. My fear is Horikoshi kills him off for easy drama.
@eduarddragonpaw on Todoroki playing Minecraft: (Link)
Weirdly I feel like this is what todoroki would do or call creepers :bakugoes"
I don’t know, Bakugou doesn’t seem to like giving hugs. Creepers definitely do.
@haisley on Shigaraki’s big speech: (Link)
#hes doing his best
Or his worst, depending on your point of view.
@emkamereon-kaiba on Rei also being a conspiracy theorist: (Link)
*inhales* THEORY-ROKIS
Plot twist: Dabi is not a Todoroki but started believing he was one because he read conspiracy theories on the Internet. Shouto and Rei also subscribe to the theory which involves a complex plot of Enji/Endeavor hyponitizing them to make them forget what Touya actually look like, and hiring an actor to play Touya. Heroes and villains have to make an alliance of circumstances to sit Dabi and the Todorokis down for an intervention and help the real Touya explain he’s not an actor.
@yuuri-katsuki-nikiforov on Midoriya’s step-dad: (Link)
Who is it?? The stepdad
For the sake of the joke, the stepdad is just an original character. In my mind he’s a lover Inko took while Hisashi was abroad and who started taking on a fatherly role out of convenience. He’s now more of a father to Midoriya than Hisashi, hence him refering to him as his “step-dad”.
@ghostintheshale on Toga wanting to skin Spinner for a handbag: (Link)
#if toga so much as points a knife in spinner's general direction i will personally stomp her to death with my hooves
In this house we stan A+ scalies/centaurs solidarity representation in the media, haters don’t interact!
@samqui801 on Iida’s dietary habits: (Link)
#maybe this is the reason why im not tall i didnt wash my bananas before i eat it#and i was blaming the lack of exercises when i was young
I think I remember a paper implying that eating banana skins increased the risks of cancer, so who knows?
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Live reaction/post to the new Drama CD
 I decided to listen to it and live-write in a post with whatever I’m thinking XD 
For the ones who want the general summary of this new CD, here’s marumafan post. You can get a good idea of everything that happens in it from the summary alone and skip this post if you’re not interested, there’s nothing new and I don’t have the japanese level to explain anything, I’m just doing this for entertainment purposes ^^
Aw, I missed the voice actors, they’re great as always <3 I understand like 20% or less of what I hear but it doesn’t matter haha.
That first reference they do is killing me, I strongly believe the “hot limit/revolution” thing Yuuri says about Wolfram’s costume is related to TM Revolution’s song Hot Limit, a video that was very sexy for his time and the costume the singer is wearing resembles the designs for this Halloween CD. Video here in youtube, I feel so old watching it again xD The dictionary Wolf’s using is making things worse but I love it, I hope they keep it as a running gag.
Anissina’s costume is super sexy, and now I see her voice in the CD is pretty sexy too. The whip and all, dominatrix style like Cherie. And I’m dying with Wolf crying and talking about Günter’s fate hahaha, so dramatic. He rolls back pretty quickly to “Sorry Günter, I’ll save myself” haha, same as previous CDs where he wouldn’t even sacrifice for Gwen. Hahaha they drop the CD name so casually, like “ah, here I have to say the title...” xD I love these funny details when they break the wall.
Oh man I couldn’t recognize Conrart’s voice at first, until he calls Gwen aniue I was wondering who was this. I had to go back here and listen to their scene again. Aw so cute when Conrart says daisukidayo to him, loved that. Specially because I always remember from the special The Maidmer Princess and I and the way Conrart thinks about Gwen there, so cold and distant, like they’re not even friends. I would like it so much if they maintain this development where they’re all close.
Ahhh, my Jozak xD I love to hear his voice, and he’s arriving with Mura. The “gaooo” Mura does is so cute, Gwen I feel you hahaha. The changes in Jozak voice are always amazing, the voice actor is so versatile, but Anissina in the first part also impressed me with her voice acting. Mura always breaking the 4th wall, that’s his thing . I’m sad I don’t understand some parts I was interested in detail from the summary haha, my second OTP being Jozak and Mura wants me to understand more moreeee.
Poor Gwen being whipped, but he seems to be enjoying it? XD so M, your Excellency. Jozak calling her Anissina-chan, he’s the only one that dares, hearing him is great.
Hahahhaa, the censored word Anissina is saying makes everyone loose their mind. And she keeps repeating and repeating, this part is hilarious. Excuse me, what did you say girl? XD
So, in this part in the summary she’s basically saying “pussy juice” and I just can’t when Yuuri ends up drinking the morning dew (aka the juice) and faints. Boy so gay he can’t stand anything related XDDDDDDD And he’ll end dreaming sad things, but also being married to a guy with an adopted daughter and enjoying his happy gay family hahaha. There’s so much to analyze about Yuuri here but it’s also very self explanatory.
Anissina goes from sexy queen to a lolicon voice in a split of a second, calling Yuuri-kun and all in a childish singing voice. Hhahaha, when Yuuri drinks the juice, Wolf screams “Yuuuuuuri” (Nooo, don’t go to the dark side of heterosexuality! xDDDDD Can’t help it).
So, now Anissina is just a chibi or something, her voice is 1000% loli. I applaud this woman with that range of voices and that control. We have the best seiyuus and I’m so glad. Everyone has been amazing so far, not just her, but I’m just impressed hearing Ani for so long this time.
Now the dream is happening. Gwen really sounds calm and happy, I’m so glad. I can’t say much about this part because I don’t understand much of what they’re saying, now Jozak is at his bar and all. Same as Apollo but hearing it makes me feel way less depressed than the written version. The Apollo ending made me so sad, so I don’t re-read it as other specials and parts of the novels. I think now Jozak is complaining no one comes to visit him and yeah, that’s sad. Yuuri is not having a good time, every time he steps in and out of some sort of room while seeing these dreams he’s like living a nightmare. Chibi Anissina is there to guide him trough the changes.
It’s Conrart part now. Well, it starts cheerful, then romantic and then they end things very badly. A roller coaster that I’m not a fan of, specially because I don’t like this ending for Conrart, I think he deserves better than “repenting” alone and nothing else. Like, let the man be happy for once. Yuuri’s even punching his clothes or something, and Conrart drops a sayonara there, so cold man so cold.
Now is Wolf time! Yuuri summarizes everyone’s situation to Wolf very quickly and they sound super casual with a romantic jazz music as OST xDDD Then the music turns serious and kind of epic when they speak about Conrart and also Shin Makoku, the decision to come to Earth, it’s quite nice. Wolfram’s always wonderful when he’s prince like. The wife/husband discussion again hahhaa, but so SO casual~ then they just talk about Greta with more slow music. So the topic about hey we’re newlyweds is very cute and super mega casual with no tsundere attitude at all.
They’re so married~ I can die happy now, this is enough for me specially because the dream is a about the actual future Yuuri shouldn’t have seen. It’s something that is actually true, and that’s sad because some characters endings could be better, but at the same time I’m so glad they’re fucking married, finally xDDDDD
And this ending just happens in two years, we can calculate thanks to Greta’s age, and I think Yuuri just said it to Anissina, that she’s 10 now and she was 12 in the dream/future. Now Mura calls by phone to wake him up, and Yuuri is sad about everything except Wolf and Greta. Now Yuuri must forget the spoilers xD Mura special powers/knowledge no one understand but are very convenient.
Yuuri wakes up, Murata says the prohibited word and the biiiip keeps being a great gag for me, with a 5 years old sense of humor. Jozak making Wolf calm down is great, let’s be zeeeeen. I think I understood Jozak said he likes Anissina because x and x reason. And now we go to another pairing, with Yuuri trying to remember the good part of the dream, but Wolf’s too excited and mad for his back and forth, some sort of hilarious discussion and misunderstanding I’m not getting XD
Something about Yuuri and Greta haha, and Wolf saying he’s not forgiving him. Nooo, the OST is the marriage song. Wolf’s voice when Yuuri actually explain they’re both dad and daddy, awn. The dictionary again haha, Wolfram keeps using it and making everything worse. Marriage fanfare again hah, but I don’t understand what’s happening here, there’s Jozak and Conrart commenting too. Then, something about Anissina torturing Gwen a lot aaaand... the end.
The rest of the CD is the freetalk with the seiyuus, and this is a challenge because even if I listened to it fully, I don’t get what they’re talking about. I’ll just leave this at a one time listening and go back to my favorite parts to listen again and again and practice my hearing skills xD
 So, I really enjoyed this CD. My way of listening to it has been messy, a little bit here and there over an enteire week when I had the time and wasn’t dead tired. Slowly trying to understand but replaying and going back and forth. I have to listen to it again just in one go without stops, but I’ll not do the live writing again, it’s just pointless, once is more than enough!
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marialenikiforov · 5 years
Happy birthday, Meemee!
Before getting started with this sappy post full of love for @the-eros-experience , I want to thank everyone that answered the message of this crappy stalker or else I would have been unable to put all of this together.
Thank y'all ( @extra-vitya @yeahyeaice @can-we-start-again @theviktornikiforov-rp​ @vkusno-viktor @georgipopovich-voiceblog @yurioniceaesthetic​ @a-adventurer​ @yurisgodonice​) for participating in this little post of love and good wishes for Meemee.
Happy birthday, dude! I basically organized you a gangbang with most of your Victors! jkjk
ғʀᴏᴍ: @vkusno-viktor
Happiest of Birthdays!!! I always love seeing your posts in my notifications, they never cease to make me smile. It’s always a challenge to my inner writer to make responses worthy of the awesomeness you gift me with, but I love the way our thread sparks my creativity. I’m looking forward to where it takes us, and so happy that we managed to run into each other on this hellsite. 💕
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @theviktornikiforov-rp I wish her the happiest of birthdays!
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @yurisgodonice Meemee you have always been a sweet bean and I love the interactions I have with you! Your art and edits are amazing and I love seeing each and every one that pops up on my dash!! Happy birthday Meemee! and hers to many more interactions between Viktor and Yuuri! <3
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @yurioniceaesthetic happy birthday! i hope you have the best of years!!! i know we don’t talk that much anymore, but i wish the absolute best for you!! :DDDD
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @extra-vitya Blowing out another candle should mean that you have lived another year of joy, and that you’ve made this world a better place. Make every day of your life, and every candle, count. May your birthday and every day be filled with the warmth of sunshine, the happiness of smiles, the sounds of laughter, the feeling of love and the sharing of good cheer.
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @can-we-start-again I’d like to say I adore her art, its really great to see each piece and see how much she’s grown as an artist. As well as her writing is phenomenal, characters have such a solid voice in her writing style. As well as her blog is a pleasure to follow and I enjoy seeing her post on my dash :)
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @a-adventurer Happy Birthday Meemee! I hope you have a great day!
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @georgipopovich-voiceblog Meemee, your name is two letters away from becoming Meme. Which suits, almost. The fact of the matter is, you’re funny as can be, and so utterly sweet, that I can’t help but wish you a big happy birthday! Between your awesome art (AKA, the penis suit you drew for Georgi), and your hilarious stories, and your uplifting snaps that keep me on my toes, I love you so much! P.S. I still can’t stop reading your tags whenever you post, because you’re a fucking comedian.
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ғʀᴏᴍ: @yeahyeaice Dear meemee, First of all, happy birthday. I hope life brings you joy and love, through both calm and harsh times. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Our stories bring me great joy, and being a friend of yours is a gift I will dearly treasure.   Please know I am always here for you. With love, Yuuri. (Yeahyeaice mun)
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ғʀᴏᴍ: me
Meemee, it will be very difficult to top everyone's birthday wishes and kind words to you, but I will try my best anyway.
My dude, it has been a while already since we started talking to each other and I feel so happy for getting off-anon that day. I never imagined that the person I admired was even better behind the screen.
I felt a connection with you since day one that I don't think I ever felt with a lot of people, we can talk about literally everything without judging each other.
We've been through a lot together, I want to thank you for always be there for me and I want to remind you that I will always be there for you as well.
It's been amazing to watching you grow these past couple of years, you've become more confident about yourself and that's so amazing.
Thank you for being my friend, although more than a friend, you've become a sister to me.
Happy birthday my dude, I wish you the best!
Thank you for being my friend, although more than a friend, you've become a sister to me, my nasty sister forever.
I love how we can talk hours and hours about everything without a filter of having to worry about what the other might think.
I love every single bit of your personality, how spiritual you are, funny, crazy, dramatic, kind and amazing you are.
I admire you for your art, your writing style but overall, I admire how you don't give up on anything. A lot of things have changed for you over the last couple of months and you've stayed strong anyway and learned new things in the process.
I love you slut, happy freaking 25 🌟
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liveblog: yuri on ice!!, ep. 11, 12
episode 11:
god fuck i’m still watching the ending of ep11 and
“after the final, let’s end this”
i’m sorry what the fuck
what are we ending?
i mean i know that yuuri wants to retire is this what he means?
when i said i forget these episodes i really wasnt’ lying
episode 12:
okay now actually ep12
no victor is crying!!!!
a literal crime against humanity
it’s in the geneva convention
yuuri’s retiring!!!!
victor cries so prettily!!!!
like i want him o cry more often
“how can i return to the ice when you’re retiring?”
fuck my heart!!
this episode is using every second od time because the opening theme is playing under the rankings
does that french announcer need to say out loud that victturi are low energy??
please we know :(
JEAN JACQUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my poor king
no my poor king :(
he doens’t have his head in the game
me as isabelle, and his parents
i’m so proud of him
i truly am
i want to be like him one day
i love phichit’s self-confidence!!!!!!!
he wants to hae an ice show in thailand
i love my thai son he’s super cute
i want someone to hold my hand :(
“i really want to kiss that gold medal”
ca.... can you fucking imagine
“i wanna skate with you forever”
jesus fuck
FUCK YES HE LANDED TH QUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
319.41 A AS A COMBINED SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“...talk about a happy ending!” bless you chris
chris is pouty that victor isn’t paying him any attention
is it common for skaters to change up their jumps while on the ice?
i get if you’ve not gained speed or over/under rotated, but i mean more like
is it common for skaters to have a jump combo in the first half, but do it in the second half without warning?
from the anime, it doesn’t sound uncommon, ut i don’t follow the sport so i dont know
i love that nina and mari are supportive of all the skaters!
.oh it’s otabek narrating right now
yes it is
i’m very proud of otabek!! i love his determiantion and conviction
and i like that his last monologue works for everyone
“they don’t give godl medals to pigs!”
yurio god bless you
god i’m so proud of yurio
god he is fucking nailing his jumps (minus the one)
i’m super suder proud of yurio like i really am!!!
my kitty kkat son
yurio got gold and katsudon got silver
“that’s nice, but i’m not going to kiss your medal unless it’s gold, sorry!”
i love victor... so much
had to pause this to say this
but imagine being someone who works along the rink, hadning out water or towels or whateve the background people do
and you see fucking victor and yuuri falling all over each other
now we KNOW that they’re in a relationship already ebcause they’ve made it so public
but like
you’re an assisitant or whatever and hearing them say “what are yo gonan do that’s gonna excite me?” “i wanna stay in competition with you forever” “i won’t kiss your medal because it’s not gold and, ah, what a failure i am at coaching”
like... this is primo shit to cry about with your coworkers hoenstly
victor’s gonna be yuuri’s coahc AND compete?
what superhuman limits does he have
and he wants 5 world championships in exchange
like, honsetly, as an assistant you have to cry about this shit with your cookers
yuuri’s doing victor’s program from last year!
he looks so good in his costume
he’s oigudfbsdfh
so soft
so romantic
wow lifts
in tandem
the synchronoctiy
i’m truly alive right now
the tips of victor’s ears were red how cute
but like
was that a dream or waht!?!?!
my heart if full to bursting
god what a fucking show
i love it so much honestly
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 5 years
Just Love Me
As promised, this is the sequel to “Just Talk to Me”, the other half of the script written me and the wonderful @otabekvoiceblog. If you search for “taking a break” or “audio” or “just talk to me” it should come up, because you do have to listen to that first. Due to Tumblr blocking links, I will reblog with links to it and the ao3 link once I’ve posted it there.
This is definitely a lemon, so not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. 
Contains: Fluff, Sap, smut, and Daddy-kink. 
Otabek smiled, kissing Yuri’s cheek. “Kiss me, touch me, slowly. Talk to me. I love you, so much… you're blushing right now like you were at our nikka when we were under the blanket…” It had only been a few weeks ago, and thus, it was still very fresh in both of their minds, even with Worlds now done and over with and their honeymoon starting the next morning.
Yuri started slowly kissing down his husband’s neck. “I love you, too, so much. I was so emotional. I couldn't believe that it was finally here,” he replied in between kisses. “I was so excited to finally be your husband.” He ran his hands underneath his shirt, running his fingers along the muscles he felt.
Otabek moaned, placing a hand on the bare spot of skin where his shirt is riding up, rubbing affectionately with his thumb. “I was, I wanted to have something to say when we were under there, but I forgot what it was when I saw you looking back at me,” he said. “I got so emotional too, completely ruined my makeup.” He gave the blond a little smile.
Yuri moaned as his hand slipped farther underneath his shirt as he sucked on his neck. “Mmm, I know I couldn't think of anything to see I was just thinking... ‘Fuck, this amazing person wants to marry me, we're getting married right now.’” He was glad to see Otabek smiling again. After the fight that they’d just had, Yuri felt so guilty. It was good to know that his husband was at least trying to make it up to him.
Otabek moaned again, shivering. “Mmm please, mark me up…” He blinked, smiling at him a little broader. “Yura, our nikka was after our first wedding, we were already married.” He gave a slight pout. “Don't tell me you've already forgotten our wedding night… I know it wasn't the most elaborate, but I'm pretty sure we consummated that marriage rather thoroughly…”
Yuri stopped sucking, glancing up at him. “I know, I know, but I was still overwhelmed with how happy I was that we were getting married,” he said, knowing that his husband hadn’t been serious. “It was just as emotional.” He gently bit and nipped at his neck, digging his nails down his chest, his green eyes looking up at him.  “We certainly did consummate it. Very well if I recall. I could never forget, Daddy.”
“Just teasing, it was the same for me…” Otabek hissed in pleasure, rocking his hips again. “Mmm, take my shirt off, please....” He reached up to cup his cheek, pulling him in for a tender kiss “Did...did it almost feel like the first time to you, again? It did and didn't; it was so natural, but… there was something new, a new euphoria.”
Yuri kissed him back before taking off his shirt, throwing it off to the side. “Yeah, it was like... I could feel everything so much more. So much more emotional, more intense.”
Otabek smiled again, a full smile, kissing along his jaw and neck. “Mmm, careful with my tattoo, you can mark up the left side of my chest, but I don't wanna ruin my tiger…” He took one of Yuri's hands in his, kissing his fingers and palm. “Helps you stay with me those awful times we need to be apart.”
Yuri moaned, arching into him. “Mmm okay, I'll be careful. He smiled at him. “Don't say that. I can't stand being separated from you. I don't ever want to be apart.”
“I hate it too, I hate it so much - but now everyone will know, if I ever have to be without you, they'll see my ring and know I'm married.” Otabek beamed, the thought making him giddy. “Yura, we're /married/.” He kissed his neck tenderly and sweetly, his hand sliding down over his hips.
“Mmm, yes, we're married. I'm Yuri Altin. Can you believe it?” Yuri gave a light moan, running his nails down his chest.
Otabek shivered, biting gently and almost sweetly at Yuri's neck. “I can't, yet, it's too good to be true. Say it again…” He slid his hand into Yuri's pajama pants, rubbing over the curve of his ass. “Say your name again.”
Yuri moaned, rocking his hips into him. “Mmm... Yuri. Altin.” He ran his hands up his chest, caressing every inch of the muscled skin like it was precious to him. “I’m Yuri Altin.”
Otabek arched into his touch, sighing as he's touched that way, loving it absolutely. “Yuri and Otabek Altin.” He intertwines the fingers on their right hands, letting the wedding bands touch, muttering as he sucks, bites and kisses a mark into his neck, muttering between kisses. “Yuri Altin, Mr. Yuri Altin…” He slipped the other hand under his pants, squeezing his ass gently, nuzzling him. “My husband...you're my husband…”
Yuri moaned again, arching into him. “Yes, my love. Your husband. Now and forever. My one and only.” He ran his hand up, entwining his fingers in Otabek's hair. “I love you so much. I love you. I love you, my husband.”
Otabek began to sob, hugging him as close as he could, peppering kisses over his face, neck, any skin he could reach. “I love you; you're my whole world. You hold my heart, my beautiful butterfly…” He sniffled and sat up, slipping off his boxers and lying back against the covers, tucking Yuri's hair behind his ear and smiling, his eyes teary. “I married you twice, but I'm starting to think that isn't enough.”
Yuri started crying too now that Otabek was crying. They both been so emotional after the fight; he wasn’t surprised at all. “Mmm, and you're my whole world, too. my everything…” He smiled back at him before stripping off his own clothes, and curling into him, wrapping himself around him. “It's not enough. We can always get married again in a few years.”  He knew that he was starting to sound like Viktor and Yuuri and didn’t care; he understood it now.
“Every year. On our anniversary, every year - well, until we have little ones, it'll be a bit more to manage when they're that young…” He nuzzled and snuggled him, beaming, absolutely giddy now. “Quday, I kept thinking 'we don't need to plan that out until we're married'- we're married!” He laughed, out of pure happiness, kissing Yuri a few times. “We're married, Yura, we're married…” Tears roll down his cheeks as he laughs, reaching up to pet Yuri's hair.
Yuri beamed back at him before kissing him several times, tears coming down his cheeks, too. “Yes, let's do it. Renew our vows every year. Nice way to celebrate my birthday, too.” After all, they had gotten married on his birthday weekend as soon as he turned eighteen - so any anniversary was now his birthday, as well.” He kissed him again. “Yes, Beka, we're married. Husband. I'm never going to get tired of saying that.”
“Husband, husband, husband…” Otabek kissed his tears away, kissing over his cheeks and over his jaw, nuzzling sweetly. “Mmm, can we have two separate celebrations? More cake that way,” he teased, his hand rubbing softly up and down Yuri's back.
“Mmm, that is perfectly okay with me, though that might get expensive after a while and our friends might start getting annoyed with us,” Yuri said before kissing him again.
“We don't have to have a party for everyone every time… sometimes, it can just be us.” Otabek kissed him back, playing with his hair and rubbing a thumb affectionately over his cheek. “We'll play it by ear, year to year. Fair enough?” He teased again, one brow arched as he squeezes Yuri's ass a little more firmly.”
Yuri moaned, rocking his hips forward into him. “Mmm, that is very true... just you and me is more than enough. That is more than fair.” The blond then moved his hand down his chest to his hips, moving his hands around to squeeze his ass.
Otabek bit his lower lip, rocking his hips up into Yuri's, his cock twitching and getting harder. “Mmm, Yura…” He wrapped one leg over Yuri's hip, rolling his hips. “I can't; this isn't close enough…”
Yuri pulled Otabek closer to him. “We can be as close as you want, Daddy,” he said. “I want to be entwined with you forever.”
Otabek nuzzled their noses together, parting his legs and sliding their cocks together, reaching down to hold them both. “Mmm, it's gonna be hard to leave the hotel room on this honeymoon…”
Yuri moaned and rocked his hips into him. “Mmm, I know though we did already buy our tickets to Disney World and Universal, I almost don't even care.” He gave his husband’s ass another squeeze.
“Mmm, but you want the rest of your Slytherin gear, don't you?” he asked. “And I kinda wanna do some roller coasters with you; they really rile you up…”
“Mmm yes, I do! I already have the robes. Should I wear them?” He didn’t want them to get dirty in the park, but… they were awesome robes; better quality than what they sold at the park. “But I didn't get to buy everything last time we were there. We didn't have as much time.” They had been there last year for vacation - a surprise one, at least for Yuri. “And the roller coasters are awesome.”
“If you want to, sure! We have more time to ourselves, so don't worry about it, we'll have tons of time for shopping and everything we want to do - aside from meals, we have no itinerary,” Otabek explained. “Well, I booked some Fast Passes, but those are adjustable. We can go to Disney Springs too, and there are shops around Universal we haven't gotten to…”
Otabek started stroking them both, moaning. “Mmm, sorry m'not that hard yet, just been overwhelmed. I'll get there…” He blushed, kissing Yuri a few more times.
“Mmm, that sounds good to me, and it's okay.” He kissed him back. “We've been through a lot.” He rocked his hips into him as he kisses him again.
Otabek nuzzled his lips against Yuri's kiss, releasing his own cock but continuing to stroke Yuri's, holding him tighter and nudging his thumb at a spot below the head of his cock, opening his mouth and brushing their tongues together. “Mmm…” Yuri moaned, arching into him, reaching down to run a finger along his cock as he slowly kisses Otabek chest. Otabek shivered. “Mmm, baby, will you make love to me, please?” He stroked a little faster, biting gently at Yuri's neck.
“Mmm, of course, do you want us to switch positions?”
“Mmm, I wanna look up at you.”
“Mmm okay, that's more than fine with me.” Yuri rocked his hips before sliding on top of him, straddling his hips. “I need my Daddy hard for his kitten then.”
Otabek blinked in surprise. “You do? No, I meant um, I want you inside, kitten.” He leaned up, nipping Yuri's lower lip and sucking on it gently. “I want you inside of me, Yuri Altin, I want you.” He kissed him again, slipping his tongue into his mouth.
“Mmm I know what you wanted, love, but don't you want to be hard before I make love to you? So we both are? Or do you want me to just do it now?” he asked. “I'm not opposed to that, of course. You did say that I should do what you wanted, didn't you?”
“I did say that- I just didn't, I don't always need to be hard to enjoy it - I've even um, finished without getting hard when you've, before…” Otabek blushed. “But I don't object at all if you want to if you wanna touch me, that's… fine…” Otabek blushed to his ears. “I mean, please. I want you to touch me, husband.”
“I can definitely do that.” Yuri moved down a bit, grabbing the lube and putting some on his hand, before settling one hand on his husband’s considerable length, stroking it. With the other hand, he gently spread his legs and gently puts a finger inside him.
Otabek shivered and moaned loudly, relaxing at Yuri's touch and grinding his hips forward into it. “Mmm, talk to me baby, fuck, I love how you touch me, Yura… such a good boy, my pretty kitty…”
“Mmm, you look so hot, Daddy. I love making you feel good. I love being pretty for you, too.” Yuri slowly thrusted his finger into him in time with stroking his cock. “You're so gorgeous, husband.”
“Husband, my pretty kitty of a husband… mmm, fuck, ohh…” He wiggled his hips a little, taking a deep breath to try and stay still. “I might come like this, baby, feels so good, 'nother finger, please?”
Otabek panted and flushed, his hair in attractive disarray. “I still want you inside of me, if I come…”
Yuri slipped another finger inside him, thrusting before scissoring his fingers inside him. “Mmm, I can always get you hard again.”
Otabek moaned loudly, nodding. “Yes you can, baby, you can, so good at getting me hard… mmm, will you kiss me?” He rocked his hips upwards a couple of times. “I wanna feel those pretty lips on me, please…”
“Mmm, my pleasure.” Yuri moved slightly, giving a deep kiss to his lips.
Otabek chuckled against his lips, kissing him thoroughly before pulling back. “Oh darling, that was lovely, but that's not where I wanted your kisses.” He rocks his hips again.
“Mmm such a naughty Daddy, but your kitten is always willing to oblige…” Yuri moved down, slipping his fingers out before slowly kissing his hole before slipping his tongue inside.
Otabek let out something between a cry and a groan, parting his legs as wide as he can. “Oh fuck, oh Yura, husband, baby, I love you, so good, that feels so good…” He reached down to squeeze Yuri's hand. “Mmmm, you like it, kitty?”
Yuri squeezed his hand in affirmation as he continues to work, looking up at him from his place in between his legs.
Otabek ground his hips down towards Yuri's face, nearly whimpering. “Yura, oh Kotenka, so good... “ His cock was starting to get harder, bobbing with the rock of his hips. “Mmm, does baby wanna suck daddy's cock a little? I know how much you love it…”
Yuri moaned as he moved back a bit. “Mmm, yes I do love sucking your cock. It's such a gorgeous one.” He slowly licked up his cock, keeping eye contact with him before swirling his tongue around the head and taking it into his mouth.
Otabek flushed and panted a little bit, sitting up more as he cradled Yuri's head in his hands. “Mmm, take all the time you want, I love watching you suck my cock, fuck… I mean, watching you with the others is amazing too, but feeling it, holding you, my husband, mmmm…”
Yuri moaned around his cock, bobbing his head up and down as he runs his nails up Otabek's chest.  
Otabek started rocking his hips up into Yuri's mouth, moaning. “Mmm, so good, fuck…”
Yuri sucked harder, taking more into his mouth, using one hand to help stroke his shaft.
Otabek shuddered, gripping his hair tighter, pulling out and pushing back in, moaning at the sight of Yuri's lips wrapping around his cock. “Such a good baby…”
Yuri moaned around his cock, digging his free hand into Otabek's chest, slowly taking more of his cock into his mouth.
Otabek groaned, his head tipping back. “Mmm… baby, do you want me to fuck your mouth? I can come, and you can loosen me up, and then you can love me… I just wanna make you happy, too.”
Yuri moaned and nodded around his cock as he continues to suck.
Otabek smiled, keeping Yuri's head steady and fucking him slowly, inch by inch, moaning as precum leaks over Yuri's lips and onto his tongue. “No one takes my cock like you, baby…”
Yuri moaned, digging his nails into his chest as he relaxes his mouth and allows his mouth to be fucked.  
“Mmm...” Otabek picks up the speed a little, spreading his legs and reaching to tug at Yuri's cock as he fucks into his mouth. “You wanna flip over, for this part? That way Daddy can give you everything, baby.”
Yuri moaned as he took every inch, nodding because yes, he would very much like that.
Otabek nodded, pulling out and stroking himself. “Flip over, please.” Yuri did as instructed, looking up at gazing at him. Otabek smiled, brushing his thumb over his lip affectionately before pushing his cock in slowly, rubbing a hand gently over his throat. “Mmmm, so good, such a good kitten…”
Yuri moaned, arching up into him, relaxing his mouth to allow Otabek to do whatever he wants. He reaches up, running his hands up his chest.
Otabek kept fucking into his mouth until he's close; he doesn't want to come yet, so he pulls out, rubbing Yuri's cheek. “M'almost ready, want you, baby.”
Yuri moaned, moving his hands to his hips and pulling him forward, encouraging him to put his cock back into his mouth and come down his throat. Otabek grunted as he pushed back in, speeding up before exploding down Yuri's throat with a growl, riding out his orgasm and then pulling out, collapsing in their bed bonelessly.
Yuri swallowed, and then curled into him. “Mmm, that was wonderful.”
Otabek nuzzled him, pulling him close and running his hands through his hair. “Mmm, really was… but you still have work to do, don't you?” He nuzzled his neck, nipping and kissing him.
Yuri moaned, arching into him. “Mmm, yes I do. Allow me,” he said, moving on top of him.
40 notes · View notes
There’s no one you can hate on Yuri!!! On Ice.
But I’ll admit, while I do adore him, Yuuri Katsuki isn’t meant to be, imo, the ‘best skater ever’.
(I’ll also admit that he wasn’t always a character I always really adored. I didn’t dislike him or anything, and I admire his love and resolve like anything! I find Victuuri adorable af and cry with them and about them all the time! It’s just a matter of the kind of person I am that makes me not like him as much all the time. He used to be quite dependent sometimes, and lacked some resolve, though he gets so much better by the end, so I’m actually talking about the person he used to be, and this is redundant, anyway...)
I think that while he’s an amazing skater, a lot of it came from his emotions about Victor, which is beautiful but not always enough. The season we see in the show is a special one for Yuuri. He’s proving something to himself and every single person in his life! It’s THE season for him!
And he’s absolutely brilliant! I mean, his free skate for the GPF was the stuff of DREAMS! It was flawless! I cried, I gasped, I was shaking it was so beautiful!
But, unlike a lot of fans, I don’t think he’s the best. Don’t get me wrong, he’s going to do amazingly well in his last season, he’s going to skate at least another year we know, perhaps more, and he’s always going to be a joy to watch! His love will always inspire him! But he isn’t Victor or Yurio, perhaps even JJ. There’s a certain intensity they have about skating, which Yuuri can understand but perhaps not entirely share.
How do I express this better without sounding like I don’t think Yuuri’s talented and that I like him?
It’s just, his intensity was for his growth and love, Victor AND skating, in that order with the second being a huge part of the first and the third coming in last by a significant margin. Yuuri loves skating, but he’s more about the emotion! And while it serves him well, he isn’t a prodigy. He hasn’t devoted his entire life to skating the way Victor did for all this time, the way Yurio will for the next decade and a half (don’t tell me he won’t try to skate as long as possible with how he feels about it and beating Victor), the way perhaps even JJ will for a while (we don’t know as much about him, all I know is that he was the best going into the final and he had a bad day but he was the top contender for a reason). And that’s okay.
Yuri!!! On Ice wasn’t just about how good Yuuri Katsuki is as a skater, it’s about his heart as a skater. And how he influenced Victor, Yurio and the others.
The show tells us multiple times how Victor is a shadow over everyone’s career and skating, especially Yuuri, Yurio and Chris, albeit in very different ways. But the point of the show was also how Victor and Yurio, the prodigies of the show, were affected by this deceivingly lackluster skater, how they both saw something in him during the Sochi GPF, and through different journeys, how he made them both better! And of course, he affects the rest of the skaters too!
It’s a very delicate balance between making Yuuri this epitome of how love and determination can fuel someone to the extent of being the best, while also showing that he isn’t the one meant to be that. He’s surpassed Victor and he never will, that’s the conundrum of Yuuri. He broke the world record, he might make the gold next year (we’ll see how and if that happens) and he inspired Victor Nikiforov.
And Yuri Plisetsky. Who’s actually the one being groomed to take over. While having Victor as his coach makes Yuuri the one who should be taking over, imo, it’s almost a diversion, because skating wasn’t the most important point of Yuuri’s journey. On the other hand, Yuri has a very similar trajectory to Victor, and he’s shown to be different. The only program he choreographs is his exhibition skate but he also breaks Victor’s world record as well as makes history by taking the gold in his debut (this is mentioned during his free skate at the GPF implying that perhaps Victor medalled but didn’t get gold during his debut). Yuri’s the third character for a reason. He’s so young for a reason. He won gold for a reason. And he’s not the main for a reason. Because while he’s better, he’ll probably be the best (during Victor’s time or not is another debate, one I’m less sure about), this story wasn’t just about skating, it was about love and while he learnt a lot, no one knows love like Yuuri, at least not yet, perhaps never (considering it’s mentioned multiple times that Yuuri’s not nearly as talented but he’s just as good, which implies this sheer strength of emotion no one else has reached).
Yuuri Katsuki was never meant to be the best ever skater, that’s not what his journey is about, and though I want him to have spectacular last one or two years, with him perhaps finally winning the gold he wants, maybe breaking his own record or even just retaining it at least for a while without Victor, Yurio or JJ immediately breaking it next year is enough, I don’t see why everyone needs to him to be this perfect skater who beats everyone, sometimes excluding Victor, which is what I’ve seen in a lot of fanfics. Yurio and JJ are magnificent skaters and just because we haven’t seen their journeys and haven’t gotten as attached, mostly in JJ’s case, doesn’t mean they don’t have what it takes to beat Yuuri. And that’s perfectly alright.
The three main characters are who they are and are placed the way they are for a reason and I think they all meant to teach different messages in the end. Funnily, while Yuuri is undisputedly the main character with the most growth, it might (and I say might because the margin is close and some growth is subtle but powerful) be Yuri and not Victor who has the second most growth. Victor was more rediscovery of inspiration and love.
Anyway. That’s my ‘little’ rant. I adore everyone in the show, I just have a lot of feelings about the show and also what others feel.
Note: after the exchange in the notes, I feel like making it clear that it’s not like I think any golds Yuuri wins won’t be deserved or that he doesn’t have what it takes to beat Victor and Yurio and JJ. I’ve never been fond of that one character reigning supreme. Yuuri is one of the best, if not the best skater on the ice, right now, but the way the narrative, imo, talks about Victor and Yurio isn’t the same as it does for Yuuri. It’s just how I feel.
I don’t think I’m undercutting any reading of how good Yuuri is, nor do I completely agree with this very ‘objective’ reading of the show. What’s canon is canon. And the rest is interpretation. And I base my readings on what I see during the actual show, and these are my views and that’s that🤷🏻‍♀️
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geldris · 6 years
Merry Christmas, @velvetcovered-brick! I hope you had an amazing holiday! I was your @yoisecretsanta18 Santa, and I wrote you this fic (trying to pander to your post-canon, coaching, Viktuuri interests. And maybe a bit of Plinami? Who knows!) I hope you enjoy it! 
Fic under the cut or check it out on archive! 
With You or Against You
“Wow! Look at you go!” Yuuri genuinely encouraged, cheering on the small skater as he made his way across the ice: wobbly and imperfect, sure, but definitely more progress. The small seven year old beamed at him brightly, chubby cheeked and beaded with sweat. He’d only been practicing for a few months, but Yuuri fondly was reminded of his times as a child skater.
Now, he leaned against the walls of the rink, propping his leg against a colorful advertisement. The student, who he affectionately nicknamed Aki, was his last of the young, amateur students of the day. Yuuri noted his mother smiling affectionately at her son from the entrance of the ring and decided to make his way over.
“Aki, why don’t you get some water. I think we’re finished for the day!” He gave the young boy a gentle push on the lower back.
His student's mother grinned as they both made their way off the ice. “What an honor it is to get my child trained by such a local celebrity,” she gushed; thankfully, she didn’t dare be flirtatious. She only looked as if she wanted to pinch his cheeks and maybe ask for an autograph. Throughout all these years, Yuuri still wasn’t immune to blushing at any sort of compliments from strangers, and did so now, his cheeks melting into a light pink.
“W-well, I wouldn’t say celebrity. Only people who keep up with the Olympics really--”
“Oh shush! We are all so proud to have you here, Yuuri. And coaching of all things… usually those professional skaters live a life in the spotlight after retiring. How nice it is to have you remaining so local!” she continued her tirade, not letting Yuuri get a word in, “And Viktor, too!” she tacked on, a bit more passion in her voice as she released his name into the air. Though Viktor was happily married, women still couldn't help admiring him from afar.
Yuuri couldn't help but admire Viktor from afar either. Until he remembered that he was the one married to him. Even so, it seemed some things never changed.
They said their goodbyes, Yuuri taking a quick drink before he made his way back onto the ice, now alone.
Viktor had taken to coaching as well, but only one student: Yurio. Japan was crowded between the three of them and their personalities (the two Russians, in particular), but they managed to all live in relative peace. Meanwhile, Yuuri spent his time surrounded by child skaters, only taking on one professional, who was now skating very eagerly onto the ice.
“Yuuri~!” he shouted excitedly, making his way across the ice at rapid speeds, waving both hands all-too-eager. Instantly, the young boy began a ramble that turned to buzzing in Yuuri’s ears, though he tried to smile and nod.
Yuuri had taken on Minami as a student due mostly to the latter’s incessant asking. After retiring, he was content to relax in Japan with his now-husband, not travel the world to coach someone else’s grand prix. And yet.. Minami admired him so much. The concept of rejecting him nearly broke both their hearts.
Reflecting further, Yuuri found himself dazing off more and more, Minami needing little more than his eyes on him to vent loudly to himself. It had been a long day; he was, admittedly, a bit tired. The noise began to blur together more, further drooping him into a bit of a daydream.
“Yuuri,” a voice behind him whispered into his ear, “I know you didn’t forget it was Yurio and I who scheduled for the ice at this time, no?”
Yuuri couldn’t help but loudly gasp, falling backwards. He’d have made a fool of himself if he didn’t fall directly into someone’s chest. He turned, adjusting his now lopsided glasses as he faced Viktor, who had one hand propped on his hip in some type of mock shame.
Minami was quick to skate to his side. “Yurio is practicing with us?!” it came out as part shocked gasp, and part squeal.
Yurio snorted as he stretched one leg naturally onto the barricade, not yet entering the ice. “No way. I don’t share the ice.”
“Come on! We can practice together! It’ll be so fun!” Minami persisted.
Yurio’s eyes nearly made Yuuri feel fear with how cold they shone, even though he knew being nervous around Yurio was a bit of a joke at this point. Minami, however, was completely unaffected.
A few more seconds of glaring later and Yurio refocused on his stretching. “No way, kid.”
“I’m older than you!”
“Not in skating years.”
“Skating years?!”
Yuuri managed to zone out again as their bickering increased, refocusing on his husband who was still looking at him with faux-shame. “Minami and I always practice this time on Thursdays.” Yuuri pouted.
Two fingers poked against his forehead teasingly, and lingered there, brushing his bangs aside. “You practice with all types of students every day. But competitions are right around the corner. It’s time to share,” he raised his voice a bit “Or Yurio may not even qualify for the Grand Prix!”
Minami guffawed loudly, both the younger men breaking out of their bickering as Yurio threw the closest nearby skate (easily-dodgable) at Viktor’s head. “I heard that, idiot!”
Viktor merely smirked as he turned back to Yuuri. “I’m sure he’ll qualify just fine,” Yuuri smiled, “he just won’t win.” Both the Russians went wide-eyed at that, but Yuuri only gave them a wink.
“The future champion and I will be practicing. But you’re free to share the ice, Coach Viktor.” And Yuuri gave him the smuggest smirk of his own, gliding away towards his student who was practically rolling on the ice with laughter.
He didn’t have to look behind him to know Viktor watched him with a smile. But he did hear a stream of loud Russian threats from a very offended blonde.
~ - ~ -
The next Thursday, Yuuri finished once again conversing with Aki’s mother, walking her outside the rink to say goodbye and talk about her son’s progress.
“Yuuri!” Minami interrupted, waving as he hopped to the door. “Ready for more practice today?!” The young boy was always full of energy, and though the upbeatness at times exhausted Yuuri, it was nice having a student who had the same endurance and stamina that he had during his competition days.
“Of course, why don’t you start stretching inside and I’ll be there in a minute?”
Minami nodded, giving his coach a salute as he skipped towards the building.
Minutes later, Yuuri walked Aki and his mother to the car, and was surprised to turn around and see Minami waiting for him by the door.
“Why aren’t you stretching?”
“Uh… I figured you’d like to see.”
Yuuri pursed his lips at that, blinking in genuine curiosity. “See…?” he muttered, walking with a quicker pace as Minami trailed behind him.
He pushed open the doors, looking out onto the ice. His senses were suddenly flooded with the loud echoing of piano and skates against the ice.
He blinked, absorbing the scene before him. Viktor stood on the sides of the ice, a finger against his chin as Yurio did a run through of his free skate.
“Viktor? What are you--”
“Yuuri, my love!” he shouted happily, “Good to see you. Yurio and I began, but as you said last week, feel free to share!”
“Or feel free to leave!” Yurio shouted in the middle of his spin.
“Yuuri,” Minami whispered, “I guess we are sharing the ice from now on?”
Yuuri, however, was all eyes on his husband. His Viktor, who had already turned away from him and was correcting Yurio’s technique. He was flooded with the memories of when Viktor was coaching him, the passion in his eyes as he sculpted those who he deemed to have potential into the perfect skater.
Yes, it was that look in his eyes that had made Yuuri want to coach in the first place.
~ - ~ - ~
Viktor and Yuuri both stood outside the ice, eyes on their respective students as they practiced. Neither had exchanged more than a few statements with the other, meters between them. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, just one filled with a serious, busy focus.
Viktor chose to break that quiet first.
“Your student is rather good, Yuuri. He’s improved such a long way from years ago, when you were up against him.”
“Yes, he has,” Yuuri smiled proudly.
He walked over to his husband and laced their fingers together. Their careers aside, they rarely went a long period of time without some physical contact if they were in the same room. Plus, practice was almost over: soon, they’d be returning to their home, and all the domestic normalcy that came with it.
“It’s a shame, really.” Viktor muttered after a minute, his sigh a bit too theatrical.
“What’s that?” Yuuri asked, warning on his lips.
“That he has to lose to Yurio.” Viktor smirked, turning towards him.
Yuuri’s eyes narrowed, but not for long. He quickly put on his most mysterious smile, turning to his husband and putting both arms around his neck. Any suspicion Viktor had evaporated with the contact, as he distracted himself with reaching a hand to Yuuri’s neck, playing with the ends of his hair.
“I love watching you as a coach. It reminds me of when you were my coach. You were the only coach for me, Viktor,” he muttered against his husband’s ear. “Do you want to know my favorite memory?” he asked, innocent.
Viktor merely hummed in acknowledgement, too focused on brushing strands of Yuuri’s growing hair behind his ear.
Yuuri continued nonetheless. “It was when I had defeated your record at the Grand Prix final. The way you looked at me when you said I had made you so proud as a coach, and yet so excited to compete again.”
Viktors fingers stopped their teasing. “Yuuri…?”
“I’m just so excited, Viktor,” Yuuri leaned closer to his husband, meeting his wide eyes as he whispered against his lips “I just can’t wait to defeat you as a coach, too.”
Viktor blinked, cheeks pink and eyes wide, as Yuuri pecked him and skated away.
Yuuri laughed on the ice as Viktor was still at a loss for words, mouth agape.
He loved his husband dearly, as his best friend, his longtime crush, his lifelong hero. Then as a coach, a rinkmate, a lover.
But more than anything, he loved the spark in Viktor’s eyes as he saw him as an equal. A competitor. Someone that could match his genius, reflect it, and keep him going.
“Come on, Coach Viktor,” Yuuri laughed, “Don’t let me defeat you again!”
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heatherereyna · 5 years
Him…..My Prince?
Artwork done by the Amazing Bectara!!  Do Not Re-Post the Art!  To follow, clink on the link here - https://bectara.tumblr.com
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Staring, eyes wide. Tall, silver hair that looked like it belonged on a Silver Back, gorgeous, with the bluest eyes.  My God, those eyes, how Yuuri could get lost in them.  They were staring right back at him, looking directly at him.  Blushing, turning around, making sure there was no one behind him.  Could this be happening?  Almost forgetting to breath, gulping for air.  This man was just breathtaking.  
 His voice, smooth, sultry.  It was like he was singing to Yuuri and Yuuri alone.  His music, intoxicating.  The way he played the piano, his fingers gracefully playing over each key.  His movements, Yuuri could not take his eyes off him, not for a second.  He just wanted to hear him play again and again, not stopping.  Yuuri could listen to him all day and all night.  He felt like he was the only other person is the room besides this man playing the piano, singing.  How he just wanted to melt into a puddle.
Yuuri didn’t even hear Christophe come up behind him until he felt his breath upon his neck, jumping slightly, caught off guard.  “Is that who you’ve been waiting for Cheri?” Whispered Christophe.   “Um.” Not being able to say anything but just continue to stare.  Chucking, “Cat got your tongue?”  Looking over at Christophe, “Who is he?”  Christophe glancing over at Victor, already reading Victor’s eyes, “I’ll let him tell you.”  With that, the piano went silent, singing stopped.  
 The crowd erupted in applause.  Victor making his way over, greeting the guest, answering any questions one may have, only momentarily taking his eyes off Yuuri.  Getting closer, Yuuri could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks.  He could feel that they were very red indeed. Smiling, “Well Hello my brown eyed beauty.”  Blinking, “Wha…What did you just call me?” Stuttering.  “Oh, I’m sorry, I did not mean to be so upfront.  How rude of me.  Let me introduce myself.  I’m Victor, Victor Nikiforov and I own this winery.” Smiling.
 Oh God, did he just say that?  He owns the Winery.  How, how could he even be interested in someone like me?  Yuuri’s self doubt was creeping back in.  
 “I heard that you did the tour, how did you like it?  Is there anything that I can improve on?”  Victor asking.  
 Talk Yuuri, say something, just don’t stand there with your mouth open starting at this God of a Man.  Because that was exactly what he was.  How Yuuri just wanted to rip his clothes off him.  He wanted to see that banging chest, it looked like he had a banging chest.  Yuuri wanted to rub his fingers through his silver hair.  His hair looked like silk.  Probably felt like silk too.  His lips. He wanted to reach in, for those lips, to press them onto his own, intertwine their tongues, getting lost in each other.  
 “Yuuri? It is Yuuri right?”  How was the tour?  How was Christophe more importantly?”  Looking into Yuuri’s eyes.  Yuuri snapping out of it.  Shaking his head for just a moment, hoping that he was not lost in his own thoughts thinking of Victor for too long.  That would be just beyond embarrassing.  “No, Christophe was fine.  Just fine.” Almost at a loss for words.  “Am I making you nervous Yuuri?”  Winking.  “You don’t have to be nervous Yuuri.”  Looking at Yuuri, seeing him blush the cutest pink.  Cute, Cute, Cute.
  Victor definitely wanted to get to know Yuuri more. Yuuri was his type, messy, dark hair, the brownest eyes, soft pink cheeks, lips that wanted to be kissed.  Yuuri looked very fit.  His thighs, Wow, his thighs.  How Victor wanted to Fuck those thighs.  The impure thoughts Victor was now having, looking over Yuuri.  Victor just wanted to strip those clothes off Yuuri, kissing him so softly on those lips, pulling him in, their bodies close.  How he wanted to blow into his ears, making that blush come back.  How Victor loved it when Yuuri blushed.  He could start to feel the ache in his Dick.  Victor knew, even if Yuuri did not know at this time.  They were meant to be together.  Victor could feel it.
 Victor first saw Yuuri back in that bar close to Yuuri’s flat.  He saw Yuuri come in as Victor and Christophe just got done bringing in an emergency delivery.  Victor saw Yuuri looking around, lost, like a cute puppy.  Victor wanted to go talk to him than, but Christophe and Victor had a prior engagement.  They were to be at an engagement party.  If Victor could have skipped out, he would have, but he was one of the best men and needed to be there.  Victor did the next best thing, he bought Yuuri a glass of wine, from his winery.  Since Victor did visit that bar often and being that the bartender was friends of the family, Victor would often find himself there. Victor would also play the piano every now and then.  How he wanted to just go over and introduce himself.  Another time Victor was hoping.
 As luck would have it, Victor saw Yuuri go into the wine store just down from the bar. That glass he gave him must have made some impression Victor thought, hoping that it would.  He sent Christophe in, setting a plan in motion.  Victor’s plan, he was really hoping that it was going to work, was getting Christophe to go in, help Yuuri find the right bottle, the one with his label on it.  Victor was hoping it would eventually bring Yuuri to the winery where he could introduce himself.  Sweep Yuuri off his feet, get married to Yuuri and live happily ever after.  That was Victor’s plan.  His plan could not have gone any better.  
 You see, Victor recognized Yuuri.  He knew who Yuuri was.  He had seen him Ice Skate.  Both in his short and long programs.  It was, of course on TV.  Victor had to meet Yuuri, whatever it took.  Victor was going to take Christophe to the upcoming Grand Prix that was going to be held in Russia.  Of course, Christophe was not aware of this, not yet, at least.  The way that Yuuri ice skated to the music, as he was feeling the music.  His whole body, not just his mind, graceful.  Yuuri was really good, even though he did not think that most of times. Victor became lost watching Yuuri ice skate, as if in a trance.  All Victor could think about was when he was going to be able to watch Yuuri ice skate in person, it became his obsession.  Victor even took up ice skating, some lessons here and there.  He kept that to himself.  He knew that Christophe would laugh and joke with him.  Victor just thought, if there was ever a chance that I had at meeting Yuuri, he wanted to, at least, be somewhat prepared.  
 Now Victor had been waiting for the next chance that he was going to be able to watch Yuuri, but that chance would not have been that year, as he had heard that Yuuri was taking the year off.  Victor was crushed.  This could not be happing.  No, this cannot happen.  As the media did not say where Yuuri was going or the reason behind it, only speculations.  Speculations did not sit well with Victor.  He hated what some of the media was saying.  “As the pressure is getting to Katsuki, bowing out.  Will we see him ice skate again?” “Anxiety hits Katuski once again.” Katuski retiring? Is this due to all the young ice skaters coming of age to complete in his level? Well, guess we’ll never now know since he is not competing this year?  Begs the question, will we see Katuski again?”  All these statements that Victor was hearing just made his blood boil.  If only he could see Yuuri, hold him and tell him he understood, tell him that everything was going to be alright.
 Explaining to Christophe after the plan was set in motion, Christophe did teach him, just slightly.  He filled his best friend in.  Telling Christoph that he had seen Yuuri a few times before, but it was not when he was drunk.  It was on TV, during one of his ice-skating competitions that was aired on TV.  It all than came to Christophe.  He saw that way that Victor looked at Yuuri on the TV, his lost, puppy dog eyes.  Christophe knew that Victor would stop at nothing to seek out Yuuri.  When Victor had a goal set in mind, he made sure that he completed it. What luck would have it that Yuuri ended up in Paris to take the year off.  Looking over at Victor, “Must be fate Victor.  For you, I hope everything turns out well.  You know I don’t like to see a friend get hurt, again.” Eyes wide, “It’s going to work Christophe, I know it is.”  The Plan has been set in motion.
 Christophe immediately texted Victor when he saw Yuuri at the winery.  Teasing Victor, “You’ll never know who just showed up, taking the tour?”  Waiting for Victor’s response, which followed ever so quickly, as Christophe was eagerly waiting for the reply.  “Really?” So soon?  He is so cute.  Cute, Cute, Cute.  On my way. Make sure he heads upstairs after the tour, and, Christophe, make sure he does not leave.  I’m holding you to it.”  Squealing.
 “Uh, Yeah. The tour was great.  You own this Winery?” Surprised.  Not quite making eye contact with Victor as Yuuri felt that he was completely out of his league.  Yep, completely.  But it did seem like Victor was interested, Yuuri was hoping.  “Yes, it’s been in my family for years.  I am glad that you had a really good time.  If you ever want a private tour, let me know.  I can make that happen.” Winking.  Ok, was that flirting, yes, definitely flirting.  Blushing more, trying to find his words.  Victor was just starring over at Yuuri with the most heart-shaped smile.  Oh, wow. Am I in big trouble, just melting away.
 It was starting to get late and Yuuri would have at least an hour or so drive home. It was a Saturday and he nothing planned for Sunday.  Wondering if there was an Inn or a Bed and Breakfast nearby.  He was really contemplating about taking that private tour tomorrow if Victor did not have any plans.  He was hoping so, at least.  He would love to spend time with Victor.  Kiss him on those heart-shaped lips of his.  Rub his hand through his hair, pull him in close, putting his hand on that firm chest of his.  Oh, how his chest looked firm.  Shaking his head, Yuuri realizing he’s going off on another long thought while Victor was looking into his eyes, smiling.
 “Yuuri, I don’t mean to be forward, but we have guest rooms here if you wanted to stay the night.  I know that it is starting to get late and the drive home on the winding road, not familiar with it, could give a person anxiety.” Stating.  No, Yuuri did not need more anxiety, he had enough.  Was Victor reading his mind.  Not only a gorgeous man, but a mind reader as well.  What other surprises did Victor have up his sleeve wondered Yuuri.  “Uh, Su….Sure.  That would be fine.  Are you sure that it is ok?  I don’t want to be a bother.” Blurting Yuuri.  “Oh no, no bother at all.  I would feel better if you stayed the evening.  I would so be worrying if I let you drive home on these windy roads, believe me.  Besides, I am hoping to get to know you better Yuuri, if that is ok with you?” Smiling. This time Yuuri did not blush but smiled back at Victor.
 A tango came over the speakers that lined the winery lounge, asking Yuuri if he danced, offering.  Laughing, “Do I dance?  I just hope you can keep up.”  Accepting Victor’s hand, Victor took that as a challenge, but already knowing that Yuuri did indeed know how to dance.
 The Tango, a dance of passion, romance, sex.  An emotional dance in nature, primal and stirring of one’s senses.  It is a living and breathing feeling that is danced.  One to witness all when danced correctly.  Eyes all on Yuuri and Victor, who were passionately dancing the Tango.  Yurri not even looking down at his feet, following Victor’s lead.  Captivated by Victor’s smile.  Arms embraced, never wanting to leave.  Bodies intertwined, engaged in a dialogue of limbs, creating a moving seduction.  Both Victor and Yuuri lost in each other, dipping Yuuri ever so slighting, wanting to brush his own lips over across Yuuri’s. Yuuri feeling Victor’s hand ever so lightly in the small of his back.  Moving swiftly across the dance floor, limbs in conversation, the magic that lies in their ability to convey their emotions.  Grips becoming tighter, as sexual tension grow between Victor and Yuuri, both not wanting this dance to end.  Both hearts beating, skipping beats, feeling each other’s heart racing.  Heavy breathing.  A last dip before the music ends and fades, Victor still staring into Yuuri’s deep, brown eyes, Yuuri lost in Victor’s stunning, blue eyes.  The crowd irrupts, Victor and Yuuri coming too.  Christophe, mouth agape, just starring, eyes wide.
 “Wow.” Yuuri catching his breath.  “Wow is right.” Victor stating back.
 “Where did you learn how to dance like that?”  Yuuri asking Victor.  “Oh, from my Mom.  She was a ballroom dancer.  She wanted to make sure I learned how to sweep someone off their feet.  Did it work?” Winking.  “I would say so.”  Yuuri once blushing again.  “Your amazing.  You can take my hand anytime.”  Oh God, Yuuri realizing what he just said and Victor with the biggest heart shaped smile. “Really now?” Making Yuuri blush the deepest red ever.  Victor chuckling.  “You’re not bad yourself Yuuri.  You can have my hand anytime as well.”  Hoping to give a hint of where Victor wanted this thing, they had between them to go. Yuuri was feeling it as well, but still a little unsure and it was extremely too soon for that.  
 “Are you hungry Yuuri?  I can cook you something if you are?  I am also an excellent cook.”  Stating. “Don’t believe him Yuuri.  Run while you still can Cheri!”  Christophe chiming in and Otabek laughing.  Right, Victor forgot that Christophe was still in the winery lounge.  “Christophe, hush!  You know I can cook; you have never complained.  Don’t you have something that you can be doing now?” Smirking over. Christophe took that his queue and went to help Otabek tend the bar.  The guests were starting to linger, as most had a room to go back too that was not far.  Christophe and Otabek looking at each other.  They knew.
 “Come Yuuri, I’ll take up to the kitchen and we’ll eat.  As I said, I want to get to know you better, if that is alright with you?” Looking just a little bit worried. “Yes, Victor, I would like that very much.  To get to know you better too.”  This time is was Yuuri who was smiling back at Victor, for the moment.
 Leading Yuuri out of the lounge, thru a locked side door, up the stairs.  He was in the heart of the Castle.  Yuuri just realized that.  The stairs led out to the inside of the castle, the heart, as Yuuri referred to it.  It was huge, like one big centered room.  To the left and right were different grand halls that led from the heart of the castle. Straight ahead led a grand staircase that led upstairs.  Yuuri only hoped that he did not get lost in it all.  Above Yuuri, hung a Grand Crystal Chandelier.  It was stunning.  Yuuri could not take his eyes off it.  There was a soft glow that came off it.  The center of the room had a beautiful round Persian rug to match the roundness of the castles heart.  The colors in the rug, deep blues with golds and hints of pink.  Matched the outside Castle walls perfectly.  For a moment, Yuuri thought he was in a dream.  He had to pinch himself and Victor only laughed.  “What?”  Stated Yuuri. “Just making sure I am not in my flat dreaming.”  That even made Victor laugh more.
 God, Victor’s laugh was like the feeling you get when you bite into the sweetest, finest chocolates.  Your eyes just want to close and take it all in.  Wanting more of it.  That is how Yuuri felt when he heard Victor’s laugh.  Wanting more.  He wanted more of everything that was Victor.
  Yuuri was still having a hard time believing that this was all happening to him though.  Yuuri had had a few different relationships in the past.  One in particular was not a good one and that left his guard up, not wanting to fully give himself to another person.  Yuuri had done that, gave him self completely and he was only taken advantage of.  Yuuri felt very used and then felt like he was tossed to the curb.  Which Yuuri was.  It was an emotional wreck for him.  His skating had suffered some back then.  He was falling more on his jumps, scores were lower.  Thankfully Yuuri had Phichit to help him get out of that rut.  Yuuri would always be thankful for Phichit. Phichit was his very bestie.  This is the reason Yuuri had a hard time accepting that this was real even though it felt very real.  His guard still up though.
 Victor took one of the grand halls to the left of the grand staircase.  The hall lined with, what Yuuri presumed, family pictures. Victor allowing Yuuri time to look at them all.  He spotted Yurio, Otabek, Christophe, Mila, Makka. How cute was Makka, posing.  He remembered how she ran up to him, bowling him over, licking his face and knocking his glasses off.
 “Makka, nooooo….”  Yelling. Yuuri falling over, glasses being knocked off by all her licks.  Yuuri ruffling her head, laughing.  Victor standing there now, watching Yuuri reacting with Makka.  Victor could not have been happier.  He was wondering how Yuuri would react with Makka.  His heart shaped smile appearing over his lips once again. Yuuri taking notice.  “Oh, I love poodles.”  Petting Makka, roughing her up a bit.  “I met her earlier.  I think she was with Yurio, if I recall.  She is very pretty.”  Allowing Makka to get in another lick before being helped up by Victor.  “Yurio!”  Yelled Victor.  “What? What do you want?  I’m busy eating.  Stop bothering me old man!”  Came an obnoxious voice that only Yuuri could laugh at.  “My little brother.  You’ll have to pardon his loud and voice tress mouth.  I sometimes cannot control what comes out it.”
 Heading down the hall a bit more, taking a right into the kitchen with a small table, sat Yurio.  Yurio looking up, seeing Yurri, not giving two fucks.  Yuuri biting the inside of his lips to keep from laughing, Victor fully aware. “Yurio, at least you can say hello to our guest.  I believe introductions were done earlier.”  Glaring over at Yurio.  “He’s not my guest old man.  He’s yours. You’re the one stalking him. Hello.  Happy?”  Glaring back. This time is was Victor who blushed a hint of pink that Yuuri noticed.  Cute, cute, cute Yuuri thought.  “It’s Ok. I didn’t want to intrude on him eating dinner.”  Not wanting to get poor Yurio into much more trouble.  “Honestly, it’s fine.  We did meet earlier.  What’s for dinner Victor?”  Wanting to take the subject off of Yurio and Yurio actually noticing, giving a gracious nod over at Yuuri.  Victor also noticing, ignoring it.
 “We have salmon.  I hope you like salmon.  How about it with a tossed spring salad?”  Victor hoping Yuuri did like salmon cause nothing else was really defrosted.  “Salmon is good.  I like salmon.”  Sheepishly smiling.  “Uh, you have any wine that will go with that salmon?”  Asking.  Now that perked up Victor and brought out a chuckle with that heart shaped smile again. Yuuri could never get tired of seeing that heart-shaped smile of Victors.  Meanwhile, Yurio just looking at the two of them in disgust.  “I know you all just met but get a room!”  Coming out of Yurio’s uncontrolled mouth.  Now both Yuuri and Victor looking at each other and back over a Yurio, faces red.  Yurio just chucking.  Mission accomplished he thought.  “Time for to exit.  Later.” Yurio leaving.
 “I’m so sorry, so, so, so sorry.”  Repeated Victor.  Yuuri laughing, “That’s all right.”  Victor starting to prepare their dinner.  
 Watching Victor prepare the salmon had Yuuri drooling.  Heating the over to 375 degrees, lining a large rimmed baking sheet with a large piece of aluminum foil.  Lightly coating the foil with baking spray, arranging 2 sprigs of rosemary down the middle. Cutting one of the lemons into thin slices and arranging the slices down the middle with the rosemary.  Victor placing the salmon on top.  Then drizzling the salmon with olive oil sprinkling with salt and pepper.   Rubbing to coat, then scattering garlic cloves over the top.  Layering the remaining rosemary and lemon slices on top of the salmon. The second lemon, sliced in half, squeezing the juices over the top.  Folding the sides of the aluminum foil up and over the tip of the salmon, closing the salmon in, making sure that it was sealed.  Placing the dish into the over to bake for about 15-20 minutes.
 “That looks amazing Victor.  I cannot wait to taste your masterpiece, because that is what it looks like, a masterpiece.” Already drooling.  Victor smiling.  “Just wait for the tossed salad.”  Winking. Oh boy, thoughts flooded into Yuuri’s mind.  Tossed salad, yeah, I would like to eat your tossed salad Victor.  Any day.  Just bend right over this table here and let me put my face right between those firm cheeks of yours.  I’ll make a tossed salad out of you.  I bet you taste delicious, better than that salmon.  Victor looking over at Yuuri, as reading his exact thoughts, slyly smiling. Knowing exactly what Victor is doing. Driving Yuuri batty.  
 Grabbing a salad bowl, tossing in fresh mixed spring greens, garbanzo beans, sliced kalamata olives, halved cherry tomatoes, and a dash of thyme, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper.  Mixing all the ingredients, adding some olive oil and reduced balsamic.
Checking the salmon, done.  Salad done. Grabbing two wine glasses, plates, forks over to the small table.  Bringing over the salad and the salmon, “Ready to eat Yuuri?”
Plating the food onto the plates, poring the complementing wine to bring out the flavors of the salmon, Yurri and Victor began to eat.  
 Victor not wanting to tell Yuuri that he already knew about him and his skating. Not wanting to be what Yurio blurted out in any way true, a stalker.  Now that Victor thinks about it.  He kind of was.  A stalker, but not in a creepy way.  Yuuri never even knew that Victor existed before this.  Victor had kept his stalking pretty much to himself.  He did not want to be made a fool of, which he very well knew that is what he would have been made, teased with no mercy.  Maybe only Christophe would have been the one to really understand.  Even then, he did not want it to be that known.  Maybe more as crush.  Although, once Victor bought Christophe into the plan and had explained everything to him. Christophe did tease him some, again, but not too much.  Christophe only wanted the best for his friend.  Both him and Victor grew up together.  Christophe was pretty much adopted by his family what seemed many years ago.  Yurio was blood, Christophe may not be, but he was still considered.  
 “So Yuuri, what brings you to Paris?”  Asking. “Uh, I needed a break.  I thought I was losing my mind back home.  I thought taking a year, coming here to Paris, to write.  How much do you know of me?”  Wanting to know just how much Victor knew, as he had a feeling that Christophe knew a little but had a hard time remembering it.  Almost putting Victor on the spot.  Victor, being quiet, thinking of how he should answer Yuuri’s question.  He wanted to be honest, all relationships were based on honesty, but they were not in a relationship, yet.  Victor did not dare want a chance to ruin that possibility. He saw that Yuuri was a little fragile. He wanted to say the right things, not saying anything hurtful or that would make Yuuri with drawl more.  Guess the media was a little right in why Yuuri needed to take some time off.  Victor could totally understand though.  He had been there once in his life.
 “Victor, it’s alright if you know who I am and about my anxieties.  I would actually be surprised if you did not know.”  Yuuri looking over, into Victors eyes, knowing that he wanted to speak, say the right thing.  Not assume. He gathered that Victor had a very kind heart, was a caring man.  Took everything to heart.  That he seemed he could get hurt easily, much like himself.  He was giving Victor an out if he needed.  As much as Yuuri was very interested in Victor, he could not ask Victor to take his baggage.  This was Victor’s out.  
 “Yuuri, are you trying to give me a way out?”  Looking over at Yuuri.  Yuuri shocked.  Not knowing what to say.  “Yuuri, yes, I do know who you are and why you are taking a break.  Even I have needed that.  If you’d can believe that.  I am very much interested in you and like I said before, I want to get to know you better. I think, you and I, have more in common than you think.  What do you say?  Don’t you want to get to know me better?”  Looking directly into Yuuri’s brown eyes.  “Yeah, Yeah, I do.  It’s just that I can be a little insecure and not put myself completely out there.” Replying.  “I understand, baby steps, that is what we will take.  Now let’s finish eating before out food gets cold. We can always talk later if you’d like?”
 With that, Yuuri and Victor finished up their meals.  Yuuri helping Victor with what few dishes they used.  
 Victor taking the two glasses, handing Yuuri the bottle of wine.  “Come with me.”  Taking Yuuri in hand.  Leading them out of the kitchen, down the hall to the heart of the castle and up the stairs, to the left down another hall out to a balcony.  Yuuri just completely could not get over how big this castle was.  It was truly amazing.  Setting the glasses down, the wine bottle on a table.  Taking Yuuri’s hand still, bringing him over to the balcony rail.  Yurri looking out, the entire vineyard lite up in a string of lights.  Taking Yurri back.  Yuuri could not believe his eyes.  How beautiful the vineyard looked in the string of lights?  All Yuuri could do was stare.  “This is truly amazing.  I have never seen anything like it.”  Eyes wide. “Sometimes I do find myself taking this view for granted.  Forgetting how beautiful it all is.  How quiet.  I guess I am very lucky to have this Winery, although it can get very lonely at times, well, most times lately.”  Sighing. Yurri squeezing Victor’s had into his. Man did Yuuri want to kiss Victor. How could he not, with this romantic view?  Yuuri was hoping that Victor was feeling the same way.  
 Victor releasing his hand from Yuuri, pointing over, off to the corner, under a soft glow, with the view of the vineyard and lights, was a piano.  Yuuri wanted to immediately melt.  Victor going over to said piano, sat down and started to play for Yuuri, and only Yuuri.  Yuuri getting swept away in the music, no words, just the sounds of the piano keys making the most beautiful music.  No, Victor was making that beautiful music.  Could this day and night get any better Yuuri thought.  Victor was really sweeping Yuuri off his feet.  Hook, line, and sinker.  There was no turning back.  Yuuri knew what he wanted, he wanted Victor.  He wanted to date Victor.  He wanted to be with Victor and only Victor.  Victor made him feel the warmth that he had been missing from his past relationships.  He made Yuuri feel needed, wanted, loved like no other.  Yuuri had so long wanted to feel this way.  This was his Prince and Yuuri knew it.  Yuuri had, at last, found his Prince and he never wanted to let go.
 The music stopped, Yuuri still over at the balcony’s ledge, tears starting to stream down his eyes, Victor rushing over, taking Yuuri into his arms, holding him close, not wanting to let go.  Giving Yuuri all the love that Yuuri deserved.  “Yuuri, don’t cry.  I am here for you and as long as you want me to be here.  I am hoping that is forever though.”  Wiping the tears away from Yurri’s cheeks. “You deserve so much Yuuri, I can only hope that I live up to your expectations.  Yuuri, I know that this may seem a little bit sudden, but will you go on a date with me?”  Smiling. Oh God, why do you have to be so perfect.  “Yes, I would like nothing more Victor.”  Bringing Yuuri back into his embrace, kissing softly down onto his messy brown hair. Yuuri looking up into Victors eyes, the lights of the vineyard, beautifully lite, a glow around them both. “God, your beautiful.”  Whispering Yuuri.
 Victor pulling Yuuri in, his lips pressed up against Yuuri’s, those soft, subtle lips upon his.  
 Kissing Yuuri was like tasting the sweetest wine.  Always wanting more.
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victuurikatsu · 6 years
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I was tagged by @katzuyas to participate in a few tag games, I’m still building my portfolio and hope this motivates me to continue creating for the rest of the year! First game up! 
to post the last sentence from a wip,
“Now it appeared that he had his sights set on one Katsuki Yuuri, and Yakov knew it would be futile to stop whatever it was that was blossoming.”
This is a sentence from my culinary AU WIP On My Love: Katsudon! Chapter 3 is slowly trudging on, I could not meet my schedule the way I wanted to, but the update is coming soon! 
WIP title meme game
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
The Paladin & The Sorcerer (DnD AU)
A Christmas Vitya (A Christmas Prince AU)
In Your Eyes I See Beauty (Beauty Blogger AU)
By Daylight, You’re Gone 
Yuuri!!! On Culinary
The Softest Valentines Collab (Top secret, can’t tell you nothing!)
I’ve been working on In Your Eyes I See Beauty all day today, thanks to a wonderful prompt idea birthed by Tati in the @wewritevictuuri Discord server that I am gifting to her once completed. I’m very soft for what’s to come and here’s a little snippet, it will be on AO3 hopefully soon. 
Each beauty video had the same signature flair, Viktor’s hair would start off in a bun, he’d wave a salutation to his followers and wink. If the video was centralized around makeup he would showcase a new palette from another company who begged for the exposure. When his looks were complete, he would pose in different angles for the camera much to everyone’s delight.
“Ah what mask will they enjoy next?” Viktor wonders as he wipes away the product to expose his bare skin.
Sometimes he adores the product, other times they’re complete trash and he runs to the nearest spa to try to alleviate the damage with a facial.
If the video was centralized around hair, he would gently pull at the hair tie holding his luscious silver locks in, a waterfall of silver falls and dazzles. It’d been amazing that he was able to maintenance it for so long. He couldn’t rant about how annoying it was to ensure there was no knots, that his ends weren’t split or dead, that he used just enough product to make sure it stayed shiny and soft.
And Viktor knew there was a whole world of people who wanted to rush their hands through it.
It’d gone on this way for months and his subscribers kept piling in. Endorsements and partners scrambled in to get a cut of the beauty guru King himself, and while that part afforded him the best quality of product and lifestyle, it was starting to get lonelier the higher and higher he rose.
One day, while doing his morning face mask routine, Viktor had decided to go through his email, stumbling upon a message marked: WE GOTTA TALK ABOUT YOUR NAILS. At first he thought it was spam but being curious by nature he clicked on it and scoured through the message from a fan.
They stated as usual how they loved his content but they noticed as much as all of his other features were taken care of, noticeably his fingernails were left in the dust. They even included a close up screenshot of Viktor holding onto a foundation bottle, signs of ragged and bitten nails displayed.
Truthfully, he enjoyed a good mani/pedi but he was often forgetful and had an awful habit of biting his nails that would destroy the treatment in less than a day.
Then they made a plea for him to check out another bloggers work. They never showed their face on screen but the nail art spoke for itself and it just so happened that they ran a series dedicated to the looks Viktor would create.
“He’s an amazing nail artist but enjoys his privacy. His series Nikiforov Inspired Nails made me think AHH THEY SHOULD ABSOLUTELY COLLABORATE. Please consider it!” The email concluded.
Pasted at the end of the email was the link to the aforementioned beauty bloggers work. A world of color flashed before Viktor’s eyes, different variants of nail art in both style and length displayed. The camera angle this artist Katsuki Yuuri seemed to work with was always filming from the neck down. The most amazing part was he was able to complete both hands flawlessly every time.
He clicked on the Nikiforov Inspired Nails series, seeing posts marked close to the beginning of his debut as a beauty blogger. So he was aware of him! How had Viktor not been aware of him? The series highlighted the different styles Viktor tried out, embellishing colors of gold and fuchsia seemed to be in every other video.
Then he stopped at a particular video where Yuuri created nail art based on a winter prince theme Viktor had done. He was absolutely captivated by his technique, captivated by the way his hands moved and created, and he realized he wanted him to salvage his nail beds, and hopefully unveil his identity.
Viktor scrolled to the contact info for Yuuri, hands flourishing over the keyboard as he wrote, “Loved your Nikiforov series. How about we do a special video where you get to work on me exclusively? Talk soon, xx”
First Sentences Game
Rules: list the first lines of your last ten published stories. note if there are any patterns yourself and see if anyone else notices any! tag ten friends!
I did a splurge of new material for Vitya Week so that is where 85% of this list is going to come from, I’ll also link to the original post xD
Victor never had issues with falling asleep. (Prompt #83 for WWV) 
Traveling far and wide was all a part of being an internationally renown figure skater, it was even more imperative when one was a five-time champion. (Day 7 for Vitya Week: Home)
“Promise to watch me closely okay?” Victor said, his back to Yuuri as he glanced over intently. (Day 6 for Vitya Week: Graceful Performer)
It had taken a few weeks for the rest of Yuuri’s belongings to ship from Japan to Russia, and he was just so tired of looking at stacked cardboard boxes that he enlisted Victor’s help to declutter everything  (Day 4 for Vitya Week: Hair Style)
30 years, what a feat it was to make it this far.  (Day 3 for Vitya Week: Happy Birthday Vitya!)
Yuuri couldn’t get to St. Petersburg fast enough, at least that’s how it felt in Victor’s mind. (New Life & Love: Shenanigans in St. Petersburg)
Traditions were something Victor never followed through with before.  (We Call Everything On Ice, Love)
Yuuri generally never gets up early because of his night owl tendencies, but when he does he soaks up as much as he can. (A soft Victuuri morning drabble)
I was just thinking, what must have happened that evening after Yuuri said he wanted to retire? (Barcelona Wreckage Drabble)
Hands shaking, Yuuri opened up his laptop and immediately scanned for the record button off of his YouTube channel interface. (Chapter 1 of OMLK)
I’m interested to see if you guys spot patterns on how I start my stories. I definitely thrive on prompts, and on a good day I can put out drabbles that can either warm or destroy your heart. 
This was so much fun! I’m tagging the following people to join in or not, either way I’m terribly excited to be creating and watching you all create!: @savedbythenotepad @japansace @sweet-vitya @everymanwillbeaking @iwritebetterthanispeak @postingpebbles @e-de-mimsy @stammiviktor
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