kaleidodreams · 2 years
2022 Fanfic In Review
Since I did the whole Fanfic Review thing, I'm just going to do one of those year-end questionnaires I usually fill out.
1. List of fics completed this year
Yuri!!! On Ice Welcome To The Family The Language of Music The Morning After In The Closet The Baby Question Everything Changes Hot and Bothered Before The Final Such A Fool Never Too Old Beautiful A Cup Of Good Cheer A New Home
Sailor Moon (Im)perfect Proposal Tell Me A Secret Pinkie Promise Welcome Home Forevermore Adding Some Spice
Plus, Eternal Dream, my still-unposted fic for the Drops of Moonlight anniversary zine.
2. Number of words written: 62,797 which is a bit disappointing since I had like a 100,000 more words last year, but, eh, if you include WIPs and the zine fic that hasn't been posted yet, the number would be bigger.
3. Your most popular fic: I'd say it might as well be a tie between "Welcome To The Family" (100 kudos) and "In The Closet" (99 kudos), but WTTM has six comments to ITC's three, so I guess "Welcome To The Family" is technically the most popular.
4. Your personal fav: "The Baby Question", if I have to choose.
5. Your fav scene: Probably the part in "The Baby Question" when Yuuri and Viktor have just decided to have a baby and are making out on the couch. I just love the little exchange they have where Yuuri reminds Viktor that he can't actually get him pregnant, and Viktor's like, "Don't ruin things with your science and logic!" I'm also rather fond of the dinner scene between Otabek, Yuri, and their toddler son, Lev, in "Never Too Old".
6. A fic or scene that challenged you: Oh, the first version of "Adding Some Spice" was definitely a challenge! I wrote it for the SM Quickies event, and 1,000 words is simply not enough to write an engaging threesome. I did get a chance to expand it later for Sailor Moon Smutember, though, which helped. Also, "A New Home" was the first time I wrote a fic in first person in at least a decade, so I was definitely out of practice!
7. A line of writing you’re proud of: Well, this is more a passage than a line, but this is the part I was talking about in Question #5.
One kiss, of course, inevitably turned into two, then three. By the fourth, Yuuri had fallen on his back against the seat cushions, Viktor's lips journeying down his neck while his warm hands found their way underneath Yuuri's sweatshirt.
"Vitya…what are…you…doing?" Yuuri asked in between increasingly feverish kisses. "I thought…you were…tired?"
"Got a…second wind." Breathing heavily, Viktor propped himself up and grinned mischievously as he looked down at Yuuri beneath him. "Besides, if we're going to have a baby, there's no better time than the present to start trying, right?"
Yuuri laughed. "Didn't we go over this earlier? You can't get me pregnant!"
"Yuuuuuri!" He collapsed on top of Yuuri, burying his face in Yuuri's sweatshirt. "Don't spoil the fun with your science and logic!"
8. A comment that touched you: All of them! (Well, except for the one that called me "manga-toxic" for writing Reinako, and a couple of other troll-y FF.net reviews.)
9. Something that inspired your writing: @soulfulweaver's beautiful Mamotoki fanart was the inspiration behind "Pinkie Promise".
11. Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc): Definitely hosting Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! It was more successful than I dreamed it would be.
12. Do you have any writing goals for next year?: I'd really like to at least start posting the pre-canon JJBek fic I've been working on for the past couple of years. Also, just write more in general, I guess?
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mauxanhduong · 3 years
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what if we were ice skaters 🥺🥺 and we had our first kiss on the ice after i attempted your signature move 😳😳 and then we got engaged 💍💍 haha jk... unless??
[ID: a colored digital drawing of Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice, done in warm colors. Their hands are clasped together and held up, showing a golden ring. Their bodies are slightly angled towards each other, and Victor has an arm around Yuuri’s waist. They’re both smiling and blushing slightly, and they’re dressed in sweaters. Behind their heads is a yellow circle. End ID.]
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solara-bean · 4 years
Finally watching Yuri On Ice and y'all coulda warned me about how hyped you can get at the skating scenes. Every time someone misses jump I have a mini heart attack.
Is this...
Is this sports?? Is this what watching sports feels like????!
Cuz it's hella stressful😫
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heyimboredtalktome · 4 years
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I love this scene so mUCH
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yuriplisetsk · 7 years
(Hi I'm going to scream here bc u said it's ok to do so) ur fics r a blessing. Btw now i kind of need the Compliment Yuuri Party to be a thing in my life. I have so many feelings about this boy; he's so freaking amazing He moved all alone to another country to achieve his dream. Even before vitya came into his life, he was already japan's top skater and made it to the gpf; and wle dealing with anxiety! I wish he was more aware of how amazing he is. Im so proud and just want to hug him, really
YES this is exactly the right place to come screaming about Katsuki Yuuri’s appreciation i’m open to it 24/7 and also aaahhhhhh you’re so nice im??? thank you;;;;;;
Okay hear me out we can’t have a real party because of dumb multiverse theories where the characters don’t really technically exist in this reality but I’m gonna throw the hot, sweet potato to someone who can and is absolutely in line with our constant “I love Katsuki Yuuri and everything that he stands for” mood.
(I posted this on ao3 too!)
Viktor goes to every length to make it happen. He waits for an occasion where most of them would be in the same place, makes arrangements for the others to fly in. It’s right at the end of the World Championship. (Yuuri takes gold, because of course.)
He makes Yuuri dress up nicely (he’s too powerful in just a thin shirt that once was Viktor’s and sweatpants, and Viktor isn’t ready to give a body count to the press), drags him to the restaurant with no real explanation. He tells him, if anything makes you uncomfortable we’ll come back to the hotel right away. Yuuri gives a pleased smile and a nod, they’re just getting dinner, why would he- except their table is filled with everyone.
Like, literally, everyone. Except for his parents, because traveling is too stressful for them (but Viktor already promised Mama a redo at the onsen, if everything goes well, so that’s no matter). Yuuri gapes at all the eyes looking at them, starts to ask, but Viktor curls a hand around his hip and steers him towards the empty chairs, right in the middle of the other seats. “Consider this a celebration for your gold,” he whispers, a satisfied smile playing at his lips, and Yuuri sits down and decides to go with it.
Phichit is quick to envelope him into a bone crushing hug, suffocating all the other questions he may have, and everyone else shouts their greetings over the table. Viktor is still standing beside him, and he claps twice, making the noise die down instantly. Yuuri is kind of turned on by that kind of power, and he’ll make sure to tell him later. But now Viktor is saying, with his delighted tone “Welcome, everyone! Thank you for coming!”
Phichit keeps an arm around his shoulders and whoops. “Are we doing it now or later?” he asks, and dread starts whispering in Yuuri’s ear. Doing what now?
“Now, of course!” is the reply, and then Viktor sits down, takes Yuuri’s hands in his. “My darling,” Viktor interrupts his bubbling questions again, “I’m so grateful for every moment you spend with me. You showed me what life and love were after so much time I have ignored them.” Yuuri can do nothing except squeeze his hands tightly and flush. “I-” he starts, but Chris, to the left of Viktor, doesn’t let him finish.
“Yuuri, chéri, thank you for all the times you helped me fit into my costumes,” he winks, and Yuuri has flashbacks to every time he’s had to adjust the too tight spandex around the Swiss’ magnificent ass. “And for the pole dancing, of course,” Chris adds, a last blow to Yuuri’s already gaping, boiling face.
It doesn’t stop there. Everyone around the table has something to say, clockwise. Georgi thanks him for helping him with his make-up and consoling his love woes (he tears up at that), Mila thanks him for all the selfies. “He’s not the worst thing that has ever happened to me,” Yuri Plisetsky says, face closed off.“That means you’re the best thing that ever happened to him,” Mila translates helpfully. “After Potya,” Yuri corrects hastily, then splutters and curses and tries to take it back. If Yuuri weren’t already crying, he’d start now. Otabek gives him a curt nod, but he’s kind of smiling.
Guang-hong and Leo sheepishly assure that without him they would’ve never found the courage to ask each other out. That’s mostly Phichit, he wants to say, but it’s not true and he knows. Sara and Michele Crispino thank him for that time he helped sew back a piece of Sara’s costume that had fallen off right before her exhibition. Well, actually, Michele gruffly adds a “thank you for not coming onto my sister,” shooting a guilty glance at Viktor.
“You’re a great hugger,” Emil Nekola says, and Yuuri promises himself that he’ll hug the guy again when all this, whatever this is, has been done.
Yuuko, Takeshi and Mari team up. “For being the best friend and brother one could ask for,” Mari kinda looks out of place without a cigarette between her lips, but her smile is large and genuine. “And student,” Minako quips from the side, waving her hand “You’re making us all so proud, I’m sure if they were here your parents would want you to know that.”
Fat tears keep rolling down Yuuri’s cheeks, even as Seung-gil seriously tells him “Thank you for sending videos of your dog.”
(”You gave him your number?” Phichit whines when Seung-gil just nods. “It took me a month to convince you to give it to me!”
“Katsuki has a dog, and is therefore trustworthy.”
“I have hamsters!”)
JJ grins a little sheepishly, thanking him for “cheering me up when I flubbed my skate last year,” Isabella smiles and parrots the sentiment very sweetly.
Phichit clears his throat, his arm has never left him. “My turn!” he excitedly says, then looks at him very seriously. “Yuuri, for being my first and best friend. When I moved to Detroit, I was alone, and lost, and meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. There are so many things I could thank you for, and so many embarrassing tales I could tell, but I’m saving them for the wedding,” he chuckles. “You’re an amazing person and a great skater. And we’re not the only ones who think you are,” he whips out his phone at that.
“Oh, no,” Yuuri weeps, and Phichit starts a five minute video under his nose, a compilation of letters and comments by his fans. Hundreds of people have reached out at Phichit’s call to compliment him and his skating, cheering him on so sweetly, thanking him for being an inspiration, even. At the third minute, Viktor makes him pause and drink a glass of water because he’s afraid he’ll get dehydrated.
“I’ll send you the full one, I had to cut it because there were too many,” Phichit tells Viktor, who nods and grins really big, taking the reins again, hugging Yuuri (who has never stopped crying) to his chest.
“My little star, you mean so much to so many people, I can’t help being a little jealous,” he wonders at last, but his smile is playful “I just wanted you to know how lucky we are. How lucky I am to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn’t know how else to make you see it. Do you get it now?”
Yuuri nods, tells him “You didn’t have to do all this for me,” trying to wipe his face with the back of his hands.
“Nonsense, you deserve this and more!” Viktor assures.
“Are you ready to order?” the waiter tentatively tries.
“This is so embarrassing,” Yuuri sobs into his hands, burrowing into his fiancé’s side with his whole body.
“He loved it,” Phichit says, and Yuuri can feel the pleased smile in his words even without seeing it. He’s right.
(After dinner, he makes a round of hugs, and if he cries again, no one has anything to say about it)
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edgcworth · 4 years
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pathetichoney · 7 years
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thing for a yoi actor au that im probably never gonna publish but i enjoyed drawing this anyway
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mypoorfaves · 7 years
To Have and to Cling To
Summary: Yuuri comes home exhausted after a long day, and Victor takes care of him. Sappy domestic caretaking fluff ensues
1400~ words
Victor is working away in the kitchen when Yuuri at last returns from practice. He hears the jingle of keys, the turn and click of the lock, and looks over just in time to see the door swing open as Yuuri walks in.
Or more accurately, stumbles in.
Yuuri looks dead on his feet, his shoulders slumped over and eyes dull. With a long and tired groan, the skating bag he’s carrying is unceremoniously dropped to the floor as if it weighs too much to carry for even another second. Without looking back, Yuuri reaches behind him and swings the door shut. Then he drags his feet across the floor, leaving his shoes and coat on, and promptly flops down face-first onto the livingroom couch. There’s another groan, just as long and just as tired as the first, this time muffled by the pillow Yuuri now has his face buried in.
Victor watches the scene unfold from where he stands in the kitchen, partly amused and also partly concerned. Yuuri had complained he wasn’t feeling great this morning, but when Victor suggested he take a day off to rest, Yuuri insisted it wasn’t that bad and he would likely feel better once he got out on the ice. Looks like that wasn’t the case.
Victor had the day off today, which he’s spent at home. His plans had mostly consisted of cleaning and other tedious tasks he’d been putting off, but after hearing his poor Yuuri was feeling under the weather, he had decided to prepare some food and drinks as well, in case Yuuri needed it.
Judging by the unmoving lump lying face-down on the couch, Victor would say he definitely needs it.
Victor circles the couch, crouching down in front of it near Yuuri’s face. For a moment, Victor thinks Yuuri must have fallen asleep, because he doesn’t even acknowledge Victor’s presence. He decides to tests this theory. A slender finger pokes Yuuri’s cheek and the lump makes a noise, proving that he is, in fact, awake.
“How was practice?” Victor asks conversationally, already having an inkling as to what the answer will be. Sure enough, there’s another muffled and drawn out groan.
“I made tea. You want some tea?”
A nod against the couch cushions.
“Okay. I’ll get some for you then. Be right back,” Victor says before getting up.
He walks into the kitchen and grabs the two mugs that he had prepared in advance, then brings them back and places them on the coffee table near the couch. Yuuri still hasn’t moved.
“Yuuri,” Victor coaxes. “You have to sit up to drink your tea.” There’s a noise of complaint, but then there’s also movement. It’s just a simple lift of the head, but nonetheless it’s an improvement from before.
Yuuri still has a dull and tired look to his eyes, and his hair is a bit messy from where the longer strands were pressed between his face and the couch. It’s then that Victor notices that something is missing.
“Where are your glasses? You’re not wearing them.”
“Huh? Oh…” Yuuri pauses in what Victor can only assume is thought. “At the rink. I forgot them…”
“Oh, lapochka, you are just not having a good day today, are you?” Victor coos sympathetically, and Yuuri shakes his head, eyes looking sad and pitiful. “C’mon. You’ll feel better after some tea,” Victor says, helping Yuuri sit up.
Yuuri lets himself be moved so he and Victor are sitting side by side on the couch. Yuuri is practically slumping over Victor’s shoulder, looking very, very tired. Victor reaches forward for the mugs, and Yuuri reluctantly raises his head as his cup is handed to him. He lightly blows on the steaming liquid, then brings it to his lips and takes a long slow sip.
“Good?” Victor asks.
��Mmm,” Yuuri hums in affirmation. He drinks some more, then sets the mug back down on the coffee table before returning to his earlier position leaning on Victor’s shoulder. “Tired…”
“Long day?” Yuuri nods. “I can tell. You never forget your glasses. How did you even see where you were going?” Yuuri just shrugs and makes a vague “I don’t know” kind of noise. “Do you want me to go back and get them for you?”
“You don’t have to,” Yuuri mumbles.
“Yes, but I want to. Will you let me? You can stay here. I think you could use a nap.”
“Mmm. Nap sounds good.” Yuuri nods, eyes closed and head still resting on Victor’s shoulder and radiating the start of a fever. “You’re comfy…”
Victor can’t help but chuckle at that. “I’m sure the bed would be more comfy, love.”
“Don’ wanna move…”
An attempt to break free from Yuuri’s arms is stopped by Yuuri nuzzling against Victor as he tightens his hold around his waist and says, “Don’t need my glasses. Just need you.”
Yuuri has his moments where he’s overly affectionate (although in Victor’s mind there is no such thing), so seeing Yuuri like this isn’t all that unusual. In fact, more often than not, Yuuri loves to be touching Victor. Whether it’s standing hip to hip while working together on a sinkload of dishes, or sitting in each other’s lap on the couch, or cuddling in bed, Yuuri finds physical touch comforting and grounding.
But when Yuuri is sick he likes to cling to Victor like an octopus. A very warm and very sleepy octopus. It seems that part of his sick persona is already making an appearance.
As cute as the clinginess is, it’s also very distracting and can easily get in the way of Victor’s caretaking. But luckily, Victor has experience and can use this trait to his advantage.
“Okay. I’ll get your glasses later, but we really should get you to bed.” Without waiting for a response from Yuuri, Victor promptly scoops him up into his arms like a bride. Yuuri makes a surprised noise, but doesn’t try to break free. If anything, he seems to relish in the romantic display.
When they make it to the bedroom, Victor gently sets Yuuri down and helps him out of his shoes and coat and into bed. He tucks Yuuri in, pulling the blanket up to his chin to keep him warm and soothe the fever chills which have started to wrack his body. Then, as per Yuuri’s unspoken request, Victor lies down with him.
Victor has had the pleasure of caring for a sick Yuuri a handful of times since they’ve gotten together. He’s generally a good patient; he doesn’t whine or complain too much, doesn’t push himself when he knows his body can’t handle it (despite his tendency to go a bit stir crazy). And then, as previously mentioned, there’s the clinginess. But Victor can live with that.
Yuuri gives a happy sigh, wrapping himself around Victor. “…love you, Vitya…” he sleepily slurs as Victor’s fingers comb through his hair.
“I love you too, Yuuri.” The response is second nature. Victor doesn’t even have to think about the words; they just flow out of him as if his heart would burst if he tried to hold it back.
“Stay with me?” Yuuri asks, blinking sleepily up at Victor.
Truth be told, Victor had planned to stay with Yuuri only until he fell asleep, then slip out and to the rink to retrieve Yuuri’s forgotten glasses.
But damn sick Yuuri and his clinginess. It’s far too cute and impossible to resist and Victor finds himself agreeing before he can stop himself. Not that he really wants to stop himself anyway. Not when Yuuri looks up at him with such love and devotion sparkling in his tired brown eyes, before they slip shut and Yuuri’s breathing becomes even with sleep.
Maybe Victor can bribe Yurio to drop off Yuuri’s glasses. Or maybe he can grab them himself as part of the errand-running he’ll have to do for Yuuri later. For now, though, Victor is more than happy to lay here in bed with Yuuri, whoーdespite being asleepーis clinging tightly to Victor like he has no intention of ever letting go.
I have ko-fi!
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yellowmintea · 7 years
Piano Cover of Arigatou, which is the ending song to season 2 of Kyou Kara Maou! Such a good song and show! ❤
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sparklebitch · 7 years
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i redrew a picture of yuuri that i drew almost 11 months ago
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honeyblair · 2 years
essentially, the yoitwt ice adolescence fic is a death-bed retelling of 17 yo victor's cross universe rescue mission with hatsune miku and the lorax to save yuuri katsuki (who is from ten years in the future) from the onceler. i wrote most of the skating sequence and victor's youth (pt. 1 and 2) and im actually lowkey proud of the shenanigans i accomplished. thank you to the 10 other people who helped write/edit so we could post this without it being a complete dumpster fire.
also here's some art i did for it. because i literally could not contain myself.
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here's the design i did for victor's free skate costume. he loves the lorax. and hatsune miku. i really don't know how to explain it out of context.
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concept of the luka and chris scene. some details not in the fic we discussed (in the discord server for it) were floating victor nikiforov because we realized we never wrote him taking off his skates or putting on skate guards and we didn't want him to damage his blades so. he floats. and also hatsune miku varies in height from scene to scene. she's seven feet tall here. and bonus chris wearing a girl boss crop top. honestly you need the context for this too.
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and finally here's an emotional support kool aid man for one grieving yuuri katsuki post victor's death due to ligma??? this one is uh. you also need the context. honestly you need context for all of this. this entire post. the entire fic. it's just. one big inside joke.
in conclusion, yuri on ice twitter has resorted to fanfiction and i can say with full confidence that if mappa doesn't release new ice ado content soon we're going to resort to doing it ourselves. we are desperate and mentally ill
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kyokunpls · 3 years
so i watched welcome to madness yurio skate again and realized viktor and yuuri could be off to the side looking like concerned but proud parents and im- i cant
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anatheshrimp · 4 years
There are so many from 40 questions I wanna ask you! I narrowed it down to five...
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it (or prose if you prefer)
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across? (the best too if you're feeling up for it)
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
24. Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
HELLO! :DD AAhhHhh thank you for askin!
8)Uh I don't particularly remember a dialouge scene im proud of but theres this one scene:
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I like it because i feel like this is something they would actually do xD
14) The worst writing advice I've ever gotten is probably uhh 'to write more elaborate and pretty sentences' makes a good story. Or to use big fancy words. Its not advice per say but I just think writing doesn't have to be fancy to be enjoyable :))
20) OOO comfy chair, some good music that fits the vibe and a cup of coffee does magic⭐💖
24) I have thought about deleting one but never gone through with it
28) AHhhhh I adore the way Rurus (the author of unspoken rules) writes but they are anonymous on Ao3. Unspoken rules is *sheffs kiss* brilliant and comfy and I adore it. I just love the way I feel like I'm right there witnessing whatevers going on and honestly it makes me go warm and fuzzy💖
Dakota the author of heatwaves is also brilliant. I was so blown away by the way they write I just- woAh. I love their style and the emotion they pour into sentences.
The third one is a author from the yuuri on ice fandom Adjit. They write magic and fantasy aus so well its beautiful. Comfort ficcsss.
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starlightnavis · 5 years
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two boys kissing on the beach no feet apart cos theyre fucking gay
im super proud of these and nOW MY SHOULDER HURTS FOR SPENDING SO LONG SAT DOWN WHILE MAKING THESE BITCHES seriously i spent HOURS on these wtf
credits under read more uwu
silhouette version:
Viktor and Yuuri by garikiui Makkachin by にるばな
Stage by Reseliee Poses by me
Drop Shadow by BeamMan and ChestNutScoop (loaded it twice because it wasn't moving to the front of the model otherwise)
Post4Colour by めめ
PostRimLighting by ??? found here
PixelEdgeBlur by omamon
pink version:
Viktor and Yuuri by garikiui Makkachin by にるばな
Stage by Reseliee Poses by me Effects: M4Toon2 and PostRimLighting by ??? found here
Post4Colour by めめ
PixelEdgeBlur, LikeHDR, and BleachBypass by omamon
Atmosphere Zeal by 黒PostMovie 3 by BeamMan
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ephemeralfuture · 7 years
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Another Time Magazine of a Yuri On Ice!! Character it’s Yuuri Katsuki nd I love it a lot. 
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kay-aryu · 7 years
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@victuuri-week 2018 | Day 6: Home
Nothing goes better with coffee than early morning kisses. ♥
(kofi | dA)
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